莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [əˈses]play美 [əˈses]play

  • v. 评价,评定;估价,估计;征税,处以罚金

第三人称单数 assesses 现在分词 assessing 过去式 assessed 过去分词 assessed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


assess /əˈsɛs/ CET4 TEM4 [ assessing assessed assesses ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them. 评估

    The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement.



    It would be a matter of assessing whether she was well enough to travel.


  • 2.
    及物动词 When you assess the amount of money that something is worth or should be paid, you calculate or estimate it. 计算; 估算

    Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings.




  • adj.

    assessable 可估价的;可评价的;可征收的;可征税的

  • n.

    assessment 评定;估价

    assessor 评审员;确定税款的人;顾问

    assessee 财产价值已被估定之人



value assess estimate 【导航词义:估价】

value v. 给…估价

〔辨析〕 指通过与相似之物进行比较而决定某物值多少钱,通常用被动语态。

例1: They decided to get the painting valued.


例2: Two vases valued at over 100,000 were stolen from the exhibition.


assess v. 估价,估计,核定

〔辨析〕 指计算出某事物的价值、数额、质量、重要性等。

例1: The value of their apartment was assessed at $300,000.


例2: It took them one week to assess the amount of compensation to be paid.


estimate v. 估计,估算

〔辨析〕 指估算出某事物的价值、规模、速度等。

例1: This chair is estimated to have cost him 300 yuan.


例2: Organizers estimated the participants at 10,000.



1. cost assess 成本考核

2. Assess Risks 资产风险 ; 评估风险 ; 风险评估

3. Assess performance 评估表现 ; 评估学习者的表现

4. Prevent Assess 限制电话本存取

5. assess verb 评估 ; 评定

6. Assess Yourself 评估自身水平 ; 自我评估

7. assess effectiveness 评价效率

8. Teaching assess 教学评估 ; 教学评价

9. performance assess 绩效考核 ; 绩效评估 ; 考核


1. How to assess patents and trade marks?


2. Assess whether the bid price is higher than what?


3. Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield


4. There has been no yardstick by which potential students can assess individual schools before signing up for a course.


5. What criteria are used for assessing a student's ability?


6. Such standardized tests may not assess all the important elements necessary to succeed in school and in life, argues Robert J.Sternberg.

这种标准化测试可能无法评估在学校和生活中取得成功所必需的所有重要因素,Robert J.Sternberg 争论道。

7. We shall have to explicate its basic assumptions before we can assess its implications.


8. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement...


9. How do we assess the value of a commodity, according to the passage?


10. The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers.


11. We know some sex offenders dupe the psychologists who assess them.


12. Method: 54 suicide patients received measurement by anxiety self assess sheet ( SAS ) and concise coping questionaire.

方法: 采用抑郁、焦虑症状自评量表和简易应对方式问卷,评定54例服毒自杀患者护理前后的心理状况.《期刊摘选》

13. Insurance agents, insurance brokers, insurance agencies assess public can join the insurance industry association.

保险代理人 、 保险经纪人 、 保险公估机构可以加入保险行业协会.《期刊摘选》

14. It took them one week to assess the amount of compensation to be paid.


15. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence.


16. The value of their apartment was assessed at$ 300,000.


17. Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city.


18. To assess a property for the purpose of insurance.


19. Shanghai Terry Development and leadership place great significance upon and assess performance around its Values.


20. In order to assess how the treatment will fit your lifestyle, please take a moment to answer a few questions about yourself.


21. She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.


22. It was for the police to assess the validity or otherwise of the evidence


23. They have to assess your level and steer you to the right class, beginner, intermediate.


24. The report assesses the impact of AIDS on the gay community.


25. Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings


26. The procedure was given to assess the uncertainty in gravimetric analysis of Ba ion.


27. Purdue now has a pilot test to assess students' critical thinking skills.


28. They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.


29. We are trying to assess how well the system works.


30. Add try achievement general with outstanding, good, pass mark, fail 4 class assess, as admit reference.

加试成绩一般以优秀 、 良好 、 及格 、 不及格四级评定, 作为录取参考.《期刊摘选》

31. Insurance companies, meanwhile, can base their premiums on AI models that more accurately assess risk.


32. What's the property's assessed value?


33. Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions


34. Objective To develop a tool to objectively assess diminished criminal responsibility.


35. Objective To assess the diagnostic value of computed tomography ( CT ) for recurrent carcinoma of larynx after operation.

目的探讨 CT 对喉癌术后复发的诊断价值.《期刊摘选》

36. Its consequences are usually difficult to assess.


37. Because of the public health significance, much work is indicated to assess these results.

鉴于公共健康的重要性, 需要做出更多的工作以估价这些结果.《辞典例句》

38. Officials arrived to assess whether it is safe to bring emergency food supplies into the city


39. You are right. It is too difficult to assess what a cure is!

(对有关于网络上存在的争论)你是对的, 我们很难去评定什么才是“口吃的根治”.《期刊摘选》

40. The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving.


41. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement


42. I then made some groundless remarks, assessing the situation over-optimistically.


43. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement.


44. One advocate believes that many other benefits should be taken into consideration when we assess the cost-effectiveness of grass-fed farming.


45. Assessing insurance risk can never be an exact science.


46. Unfortunately, the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great.


47. It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.


48. It is important to assess our suitability for a certain career in job search.


49. Through the company specific targets to assess the cost, market share and company staff relations.

通过提高公司的效率来评估公司成本, 市场份额,公司销售量与公司员工关系.《期刊摘选》

50. Lastly, I attempt to assess the significance of the SEZ's in the development of the wider Chinese economy.


51. It is hard, the state argues, for judges to assess the implications of new and rapidly changing technologies.


52. The risks can be so complex that banks hire mathematicians to assess them.


53. You need to assess all project risks to determine if the projects are within acceptable levels of risk.


54. It would be a matter of assessing whether she was well enough to travel.


55. It is difficult to assess the full extent of the damage.


56. Snyder, a psychologist, has devised a scale to assess how much hope a person has.


57. We need more time to assess other factors.

但是,我们需要更多时间来评定其他因素。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

58. Service Report, included explain the repair, assess engineer's service, advice, etc.

服务报告单,有对当次维修内容的说明, 工程师服务态度的评定, 改善意见等.《期刊摘选》

59. The team plans to return to around a dozen of the buildings to assess progress and consider further action.


60. The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars.


61. Service Report, included explain the service , assess engineer's service, advice, etc.

服务报告单, 有对当次服务内容的说明, 工程师服务态度的评定, 改善意见等.《期刊摘选》

62. Validation server controls are also provided to assess user input.


63. The HSMP application form allows you to self assess your score.


64. Assess their consequences.


65. A topic-based approach can be hard to assess in schools with a typical spread of ability.


66. Editors save their assess, and writers do nothing but bitch about it.


67. Damage to the building was assessed at £ 40 000.


68. We tried to assess his suitability for the job.


69. It is impossible to assess the importance of a machine of this sort, for many international misunderstandings are caused simply through our failure to understand each other.

要估计出这种机器的重要性是不可能的, 因为许多国际间的误解纯粹是由于相互不能了解而导致的.《用法词典》

70. Standard measurements of blood pressure are an important but crude way of assessing the risk of heart disease or strokes


71. It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.


72. To assess the value valtrac ring used for intestinal anastomoses.


73. Zack and his colleagues combined survey results from the two periods to assess geographic patterns in perceived mental distress.

Zack 和同事们结合了两个时间段的研究结果,以评估所观察的精神苦恼发病在地理上的模式。

74. Being humble means you have the ability to accurately assess your deficiencies without denying your skills and strengths.


75. Object : To assess the antidepressant effect of the water decoction of Rhizoma acori tatarinowii.

摘要:目的: 对石菖蒲水煎剂的抗抑郁作用进行筛选研究.《期刊摘选》

76. The act also places new duties on local authorities to assess air quality.


77. They assess his house at 15,000 yuan.


78. They assess his house at 15000 yuan.


79. We'll be able to assess the competition at the conference.


80. The number of patients on a doctor's list was seen as a good proxy for assessing how hard they work.


81. The third part mainly elaborated pertaining to crime judgment direct a proof within procedure to assess.


82. But we need more time to assess other factors.


83. Damage to the building was assessed at £40 000.


84. Work with HR manager to interview and assess the applicant.


85. Assess mobile devices to determine scope and complexity of application porting effort.


86. Unfortunately the long-term costs of using simple quantitative metrics to assess researcher merit are likely to be quite great.


87. The project team should assess the architectural soundness of applications that turned out to be troublesome in a production environment.


88. Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions...


89. Those things that can be assessed by external tests are being given unduly high status


90. Objective To assess effect of early local intraarterial thrombolysis ( ELIT ) for treatment of acute stroke.

目的 评价局部动脉内溶栓在急性缺血性脑中风治疗中的作用.《期刊摘选》

91. To assess the two groups, clinical therapeutic effects and the time alleviating pain.


92. Cohan Mansfield agitated behavior checklist and Clinical Global Impression ( CGI ) were used to assess the curative effect.

疗效评定采用 CohanMansfield 激越行为量表,临床总体疗效评定量表.《期刊摘选》

93. Methods CMI test were administered to 341 signalmen to assess their psychosomatic health status.


94. Participants will assess the progress of the United Nations Global Compact and announce new initiatives.


95. Supervisors have many opportunities to assess the ability of candidates to use analytical methods.


96. I'd assess your chances as low.


97. Ask them to send you information on how to assess the value of your belongings...


98. We should equitably assess historical figures.


99. Assess and identify relevant macro - economic, fiscal and market factors and key external influences on organizational performance.


100. to assess a patient's needs


101. Our assess ( assessment ) is on the basis of the data acquired.



1. Numerous scales have been developed to assess individuals' religious orientation.


2. and that really challenged me to find other ways to assess their pain or what they needed.

我不得不用其它的办法,来评定他们的伤痛或他们需要的治疗。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在医院工作

3. We did not have very clear guidelines on how to assess environmental impacts.


4. The two measurements were always intended to assess different things and have different strengths.

BBC: Fall in crime in England and Wales 'may be exaggerated'

5. U.N.refugee spokesman, Andrej Mahecic,says the UNHCR was part of a joint UN team that has just concluded a joint mission to assess the situation.

VOA : standard.2009.08.21

6. Jarvis said teams of scientists have been deployed to assess conditions in the national parks in the Gulf.

VOA : standard.2010.05.26

7. To accurately assess the level of second-hand smoke exposure, researchers tested for cotinine, which is produced when nicotine is metabolized.

VOA : standard.2010.06.15

8. Well that counts on your ability to accurately assess what people are eating, or what the whole population is eating, and so measuring population intake is incredibly important to dietary recommendations.

要想准确评估人们在吃什么,或者整个,人类在吃什么,这只能依靠你的能力,所以统计总体摄入量,对饮食方面的建议非常重要关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. The current U.S.and NATO commander, General David McKiernan, had said he would need But Secretary Gates deferred a decision until the new commanders can assess the impact of the current deployment.

VOA : standard.2009.06.08

10. CIOs will need to judiciously assess private cloud vendors, just as they would a public provider.

FORBES: Top 5 Questions CIOs Should Ask Private Cloud Vendors

11. Louisiana asked the National Research Council in Washington, a scientific think thank, to assess it.

NPR: Restoration of Gulf Coast Wetlands Poses Challenge

12. These war games will allow Indian military officialsto assess some of the American defense equipment being offered for sale to India.

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

13. read their physical signs to you and assess how they're doing.

研究他们的体征,估计应该怎么为他们治疗。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在医院工作

14. Canadian authorities were to assess the three fishermen's health once they boarded the coast guard ship.


15. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said officials were beginning to assess the disaster and deploy emergency aid to Haiti.

VOA : standard.2010.01.13

16. Pupils' progress and behaviour are to be used to assess teachers' suitability for performance pay.

BBC: Teachers' performance pay on pupil progress

17. It said managers pressured staff to assess risks to children quickly, without considering all their needs.

BBC: Vulnerable children in Norfolk 'put at risk', says report

18. This was actually a really smart guy because he was selfless and could objectively assess what he was really capable of doing at that moment in time.

他真得很聪明,因为,他很无私,并且能够客观地评价自己的能力,自己在那个时候能做什么。戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

19. What he assess before signing on for a film is the worst case scenario.

FORBES: Relativity's Ryan Kavanaugh On Netflix, Profits And His $2B-Plus In Revenue

20. We need to assess him on Thursday but we hope he will recover quickly.

BBC: Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti defends cup team selection

21. A panel of 27 experts with the UN Environment Program looked through previous UN reports to assess what economic activities generate the most pollution and use the most resources.

VOA : standard.2010.06.04

22. and they get to know you and maybe assess how good you will be in the lab, so I think,

了解你,评估你在实验室里怎么样,所以我觉得,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 要考入大学

23. Remais and his colleagues searched government documents and science reports published over the past 20 years to quantify and assess China's environmental health.

VOA : standard.2010.04.07

24. "This is one of the clearest calls repeatedly rendered to the government of Sri Lanka - that the U.N.be allowed to access the area so we can assess independently the situation of civilians,"

VOA : standard.2009.05.11

25. So, we explored the following questions to assess whether that approach is truly very efficient.

FORBES: Hiring Contractors vs DIY Marketing: What is Your Time Worth?

26. In that spirit, take a moment to assess your messaging, both personally and professionally.

FORBES: Same-Sex Couples and Your Statements

27. She suggests you first assess your income and outgoings.


28. They use their experience as entrepreneurs to assess the value of the team, said Jacob.

FORBES: Seedfund's Founders on Early Stage Success in India

29. They're made to the State Department, which is where the appropriate security personnel assess these requests.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

30. Our primal programming urges us to assess any being that enters our visual neighborhood.

FORBES: The dos and donts of giving performance feedback via email

31. Now Susan Mayne, who is a Professor here in the School of Public Health, has done some very interesting work with an electronic device that can be passed over the palm of your hand and measures pigmentation in the hand as a way to assess vegetable intake in people.

苏珊·梅恩,我们公共卫生学院的教授,做了些值得关注的工作,通过电子设备,扫描你的手掌,测算其上色素沉淀,可以得出人们蔬菜的摄入量关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Mr.Ban says he will visit some of the hardest hit areas, including the conflict zone, to assess conditions on the ground .

VOA : standard.2009.05.19

33. It also identified weaknesses in program review processes that broadcast managers use to assess compliance with journalistic standards, including accuracy,balance, and objectivity, and a lack of training for OCB staff.

VOA : standard.2009.06.18

34. For decades, insurers have invested heavily in their abilities to assess individual risk and price accordingly.

FORBES: Will Auto Insurers Survive Their Collision with Driverless Cars? (Part 6)

35. He has also brought in outside experts to assess whether government projects are really worth doing.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Japan: Japan's Governors Take Aim at Mighty Tokyo

36. He asked his daughters to assess their friends academically on a scale of zero to five.


37. Ireland coach Declan Kidney said it was difficult to assess O'Driscoll's contribution to Irish rugby.

BBC: Brian O'Driscoll relaxed ahead of 100th Ireland cap

38. It's just so much," Workers from the territorial government are surveying coastal households to assess the damage, and people are grateful for the help that is starting to flow in.

VOA : standard.2009.10.07

39. But in fact, when the person watching this has to assess their intelligence they give the quiz asker a higher intelligence rating than the other person.

但事实上,看这个问答的人,要评估他们的智力,他们认为,提问者的智力比被问者的要高。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. "Professionals assess the concerns to decide what action needs to be taken, " the spokesman said.

BBC: Abuse and neglect complaints increase in Essex care homes

41. So we will look at those two different modes of moral reasoning, assess them, and also consider others.

我们将着眼于这两种迥异的道德推理模式,评价它们,还会考虑其他模式。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. The report was intended to assess the environmental,economic, and social impact of GE crops on farm sustainability in the United States.

VOA : standard.2010.04.15

43. "We assess their medical problems and we come up with a treatment plan.

VOA : standard.2010.05.14

44. How do we assess what makes a life-- a good life versus a bad life?

我们如何评估是什么,让一种人生是好的或坏的人生?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Even though Holt-Lunstad and her colleagues looked at almost most of them didn't assess the quality of the relationships.

VOA : standard.2010.07.29

46. The measure was necessary to allow workers to remove the bodies and to assess any damage.

BBC: IAEA calls for improvements at Japan's Fukushima plant

47. It is difficult to assess the heaviness of the load simply by eye.


48. The WHO guidelines will help national authorities assess the quality of malaria medicines before they buy them.

VOA : standard.2010.03.09

49. What if I had been asked to assess him just before he was released?

WSJ: Neurocriminology: Inside the Criminal Mind

50. Many Americans have lost confidence in the way our criminal courts assess guilt and innocence.

WSJ: James Q. Wilson: Excerpts from His Writings in The Wall Street Journal

51. WMO scientists assess and monitor air pollutants such as ground-level ozone,smog, particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide.

VOA : standard.2009.03.23

52. Ways must be found, they argue, to teach and assess a wider range of outcomes.

UNESCO: II Part Analytic Section

53. Utilities have different strategic objectives and the criteria used to assess performance will therefore vary.

FORBES: Are Utility CEO Pay Packages Fair Compared to Average Workers?

54. Sarah Olson at the University of Wisconsin used satellite data to assess loss of forests and combined that with government surveys of malaria cases.

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

55. White House officials say the president has a clear obligation to assess the effectiveness of U.S.strategy before placing more American troops in harm's way.

VOA : standard.2009.10.25

56. As a leader you should challenge, probe, assess, validate, and even confront on a regular basis.

FORBES: One Word That Will Transform You As A Leader

57. They're not adequate ways to assess whether a person is an enemy combatant or not.

NPR: High Court Changes Mind on Detainee Appeals

58. Only when the exchanges are established, she says, can she assess the coverage offered.

WSJ: Will Health-Care Law Beget Entrepreneurs?

59. Instead, they should calmly and logically assess investment goals and then put the plan into practice.

FORBES: Emotions Are Not The Enemy Of Investors: Why Hotheads Prevail

60. You also have to assess the fiscal strength of the government entity behind the bond.

FORBES: Rewards May Exist In Muni Bonds

61. Two weeks later they were allowed back into the house to assess the damage.

BBC: Buckley Street: The residents' stories after Shaw blast

62. He needed at least three days to assess the genuineness of their intentions.


63. Groupon already leverages third-party rating engines like Yelp and Google to help consumers assess merchants.

FORBES: Those are Groupon's Customers, Not Yours

64. As in many developing countries, poor transportation and geographical isolation hamper efforts in Papua New Guinea to assess the extent of the various infections.

VOA : standard.2009.09.14

65. But I imagine that after a period, there'd be this-- Well, humans have this ability to look down on their experiences, or step back from their experiences, and assess them.

但我想经过一段时间后-,人类有能力审视自己的体验,或从体验中抽身而出加以评估。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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fathoming的意思是:v. 彻底弄清(难题或神秘的人);测量(水)的深度;(用手或仪器)检查;探查(fathom 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供fathoming是什么意思,fathoming的翻译,fathoming的用法,fathoming的短语搭配,fathoming的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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