莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





我的学校英语作文 第一篇

Step into the school gate, look, a sea of people on the playground students are free to play, play.

When the teacher in class we can strictly, talented) students in our class performance is very good. The teacher in class is also very humorous, often made my classmates laugh, really fun!

When the class students went to play in the playground. Once, a classmate accidentally fell down, nose bleeding also touch, the crying crying with pain. I run over and pick him up and said: "you are iron man, the pain won't cry, come on, I use my super anti-inflammatory saliva help you diminish inflammation, package your problem." With he immediately smile through tears.

In physical education, we go down long jump, I jump scored 108, the students shouted world record!

I love my beautiful school! I love the teachers and students in the school more, I will good good study, add luster for the school.

我的学校英语作文 第二篇

I study in the No.1 Primary School. It's one of the best primary schools in my city. There are four buildings in campus.Two of them are teaching buildings. The other two are library and gym. The teaching buildings are huge and the classroom is large and bright. There are plenty of books in the library. I like reading books in the library. After class, students like playing in the gym. It’s a popular place after class. Besides, our teachers are great. They care much about students. I am happy to study in my school.


我的学校英语作文 第三篇

My school is very beautiful, and wide and big.

In the spring, flowers bloom, to outshine each other. The grass drill out of the ground, she opened her eyes, like a dream, is really beautiful.

Summer, the tall trees like handfuls of giant umbrella, give us a good cool under the tree, do you like the game.

In autumn, the leaves become yellow and fall down. The autumn wind blows, the withered and yellow leaves of wearing a yellow dress like a little girl in the dance, that beautiful action person to taste a dance dinner, beautiful!

Winter, the trees in the school, only the bare branches, swaying in the wind, not to live, a rustling sound, that beautiful voice as if to say: "don't look at me is bare, I'm in the saving power, waiting for the arrival of spring!"

I love my school, love more picturesque scenery.

我的学校英语作文 第四篇

Hi!I'm( ).I am a student in a school.My school is very big and clean.There is a computer room on the (几楼).There is a music room on the ( ).The teachers' office is on the ( ).My classroom is on the ( ).My classroom is big too. There ia a playground and a gym on the first floor.We have PE. class on the playground. My school is nice.I love my school.


我的学校英语作文 第五篇

Hong Da School is beautiful and big. There’re many students and teachers in it. Our school has a big playground. We usually have P.E. class on it. Our classroom is on the fourth floor. It’s bright and clean. I sleep at school, eat at school and study at school. School is a big family. Teachers are my parents. I love my school!


我的学校英语作文 第六篇

Remember, the first day when I walk into our campus, I found the campus everywhere "care for the environment, everyone duty" signs, see the signs, I feel very happy, because I know, I live in the campus must be a beautiful environment, suitable for the place where we grow. However, the reality is very cruel and in our campus, always can see some disharmonious white trash, always can see the ground of debris-brick, I sad for it.

Today, who is destroying our campus environment, who has taken away the beauty of the campus? Everyone should know that it is us who destroy the campus environment. There are a lot of students who learn to "paint" on a clean wall. These bad behaviour, has attracted many students, however, we are always at the bottom of the moan, hardly anyone can bent down and picked up the ground of debris-brick; Few people can voluntarily erase the footprints on the wall. Is because of this, after the morning cleaning the health, in the afternoon, the campus is no longer beautiful, so today, here I take this opportunity to call for everyone: civilized and harmonious environment depends on everybody, let each of us to maintain the environment consciously, don't scribble on the wall, don't litter and pick up the waste paper.

I believe that as long as we everyone involved in protecting the environment, our campus will be bright blue sky, the wall of our campus more white, our campus will be beautiful and clean.

我的学校英语作文 第七篇

My school is one of the key schools in Shandong Province.It lies at the foot of Mount Liang and on the bank of Dongping Lake.It has a long history and it is famous for its high-quality teaching.

There are about 3200 students and 200 teachers and workers in our school.The teachers and workers in our school work very hard and they are strict with us students.All the students in our school study very hard.Every year our school sends many students to colleges and universities.

My school is beautiful.We have two teaching buildings,a library building and a lab building.We also have a large playground.There are trees and flowers everywhere.A new teaching building is being built.

I'm lucky to study in such a good school.And I'm proud of it.

我的学校是山东省的一所重点学校。 它坐落于梁山脚下,东平湖畔。 它历史悠久,且以教学质量高而著名。

我校有3200名学生、200名教职工。 我校的教职工工作都非常认真,对我们学生要求也非常严格。 我们学校的学生学习都很刻苦。我校每年都向高等学校输送大批人才。

我的`学校非常漂亮。 我们有两幢教学楼,一幢图书馆和一幢实验楼。 学校还有很大的操场,校园内到处是树木和鲜花。一幢新的教学楼正在建设中。


我的学校英语作文 第八篇

On My Friend

When I first went to university,I was very nervous because I didn't know any one there.Sam,my classmate, soon changed all that.He was the first one to talk to me on my first day in school and I was grateful for his friendliness.

We soon became good friends after we discovered that we had a lot in common.For example,we both like literature.He soon became the editor of the school magazine while I am a regular contributor to the articles there.

Moreover,Sam is extremely helpful.Whenever I need something or just someone to talk to,Sam is always there.He lends me money without so much as mentioning when I am supposed to return it(but of course I always return the money).Besides,he is a great listener.I feel as if I could pour out my whole heart to him.While offering a sympathetic ear,he also makes constructive suggestions.

I am grateful for our friendship.Without Sam,my university would have been a lot more chaotic and confusing.

我的学校英语作文 第九篇

Time flies. In the past six years, primary like by the breeze. May the joy of my school to make my unforgettable. It is recorded in the process of growing I recorded my dribs and drabs, after the success of joy, also with my hard sweat...

Remember the sports meeting, our class in the class, and sports scores and back to the moral FengShangJiang two awards. This news, as a member of the class is glad I. "Because," the relay a key for my class won the honour.

Until now, I even never chu remember classmates in the preparation of the determination and the spirit of striving, when there is a classmate off, they quickly grabbed the baton toward the opposite end, every student rushed the look in the eyes are filled with firmness: it is certain to win. In the game of "red-hot", in the first player to finish in the "go" by NaHanSheng neutralization of cheering, we won!

When the footprints on the school playground strings, when the sunset dyed red in the face, we when we heartily cheers and flip the moment, are deeply in my memory album frames. The red in the face and smile and smile and even the waist. I know, that is the joy of success to my school.

我的学校英语作文 第十篇

My school

I am Alice. I am a student of No.1 Middle School. I study in Class Two Grade Seven.

There is a map of our school on the wall. The playground is in the middle of the school. On the left of the playground, there is a library. I like reading very much, so I often read books in the library. There is a teaching building behind the library. We study in that building. My classroom is on the second floor in that building. The teachers' offices are in that building, too. Where is the sport hall? Oh, it's on the right of the teaching building. I have P.E class in the sport hall. Thecanteenis in front of the sport hall. We have lunch and dinner in the canteen. In the school, I feel very happy!

This is my school. It's a big and nice place. I like my school very much. What about your school?










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在平时的学习、工作或生活中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文是一种言语活动,具有高度的综合性和创造性。为了让您在写作文时更加简单方便,下面是小编为大家整理的我的学校生活英语作文,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。  我的学校生活英语作文 1  I am very happy to come to this beautiful school. I love my school very much. I hope my school can


在学习、工作、生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。作文的注意事项有许多,你确定会写吗?下面是小编为大家整理的做交换生的英文作文,欢迎阅读,希望大家能够喜欢。  做交换生的英文作文 1  Dear Mr. Brown,Im going home safely now. Thank you very much for your kindness during your stay in America.  I


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在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家都经常接触到作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。那要怎么写好作文呢?下面是小编精心整理的住大城市面临的挑战英语作文,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。  住大城市面临的挑战英语作文 1  Some people think that living in big cities is harmful to peoples health. To what extent do you agree or disa


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