莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




兼职工作的好处英语作文 第一篇

  Different people have different conditions, so today people have different ideas. Many people think its good for students to do part-time jobs. Others think its better not to work in my own opinion.

  I believe its good for students to have part-time jobs and grow up with us. If we have a part-time job, we should be independent We can be independent, we can learn new skills, maybe we will be afraid of failure, but everyone may make mistakes. Think about your own pocket money, you will feel proud.

  If you have a part-time job, you will have pocket money. In other words, you dont need to use your parents money, so you can lighten your parents burden. If you are an international student, you can pass the My thinking to improve the language, I think doing part-time does not mean that your purpose is to make money, the most important thing is to gain experience, which is good for future work.

  In addition, we can make some experienced friends. If one day we need help, we will be able to ask for help to form all of them. I believe it is good for students to have part-time jobs.


兼职工作的好处英语作文 第二篇

  Whether students studying on campus can find part-time jobs is a topic under discussion. Some students agree because they think it can help them understand their parents difficulties, while others disagree, saying that it is a waste of time to study. In my opinion, a student can find a part-time job on the condition that This has no side effect on his normal study during the day.

  The benefits of part-time job should be greater than that of sideline work, because part-time job can bring more opportunities for students to contact with the society, but also let them realize the hardship of money. Besides rational use of their spare time, students should also pay attention to controlling the income of their spare time.


兼职工作的好处英语作文 第三篇

  Some people say that college students should take part-time jobs because they have much more free time than they did in high school, while others worry that part-time jobs will have a negative impact on learning. In my opinion, part-time work has both advantages and disadvantages. Part time work can broaden students horizons and make their spare time more colorful.

  They not only have campus life, but also have a lot of social activities. This can make students life more colorful and their personal development can be improved to a better level. Some part-time jobs can be beneficial to the society Great contributions, such as volunteering in orphanages or doing some cleaning work for the community through these works, students will realize their value and know that they are capable people.

  Part time jobs can also help students realize that its not easy to make money. They should be grateful to their parents for their hard work with the money they earn. They can buy what they want.

  On the other hand, they can reduce the financial burden of their families. Part time jobs may have negative effects. Part time jobs may take up too much free time.

  Students have no time to relax and study. Whats worse, they cant afford to relax and study, Some students play truant in order to make more money. Some students even go to prison because they are influenced by bad people through part-time jobs.

  There are advantages and disadvantages in doing part-time jobs. Students must find a balance between study and work. After all, students main job is to study.






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