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Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】

在我们平凡的日常里,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是经过人的思想考虑和语言组织,通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?这次漂亮的小编为您带来了Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】,希望能够帮助到大家。

Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】

Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】 篇一

It’s quite dangerous for us to smoke. Smokers only wanted to try it at first. But they smoke more and more, and when they want to give it up, they can’t. The habit is so strong that it is very hard to get rid of. Some people have got cancers. Some of them die of it. No one likes to stay together with smokers for a long time.Their family suffer from smoking.

Please give up smoking for your and your family’s health.



Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】 篇二

Smoking should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowhere in the world has the issue of tobacco been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, tobacco is more harmful than drug to people’s health, therefore many people think that smoking isn’t banned that is a direct and primary reason to induce this kind of problem. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that tobacco is a silent killer to smokers. Tobacco is known to be the probable cause of some 25 different diseases, and for some, such as lung cancer, bronchitis and emphysema, it is the main cause. According to a WHO report four million people die yearly from tobacco-related diseases, that is one death every eight seconds. Tobacco is significantly becoming a greater cause of death and disability than any other single cause.

Another reason is that more and more young people are under 18 years old who smoke cigarette have been blinded by the deceit of tobacconists. Tobacco among adolescents remains stubbornly persistent. Smoking among adolescents rose in the 1990s in several developed countries,such as China, Vietnam and Thailand . While new markets are being opened by the tobacco industry actions, old markets have not been closed. Tobacco is a global threat.

Last but not the least reason is the increase in cigarette smuggling. Because of tobacco smuggling, the legal retailing and distribution systems are badly affected, and faced with increased lawlessness and heavy tax losses. This behavior severely affects the economy.

In conclusion, smoking should be banned, because of the hazard it poses to people’s health.

Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】 篇三

According to the WHO,million people died from smoking and 600 thousand from secondhand smoke every year. So smoking is banned in China in all public places both inside and outside from May 1 on.

As is known to all, smoking is bad for people's health. It may cause many diseases such as cough, lung cancer and so on. Smoking is especially harmful to us teenagers because our bodies are still growing. Secondhand smoke does harm to us as well. So we must do something to keep away from smoking.

If someone offers a cigarette, we should refuse it. And if anyone smokes nearby, we should try to stop it. From now on, everyone of us should follow the law and say no to smoking.

Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】 篇四

If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil.

You don't have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread.

This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.

For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit. A horrific warning--say, a picture of a death's head--should be included in every packet of cigarettes that is sold. As individuals we are certainly weak, but if governments acted honestly and courageously, they could protect us from ourselves.

内容:世界各国政府应进行认真反对吸烟运动,如果你吸烟,你还是不相信有一个吸烟与支气管麻烦,心脏病和肺癌一定的关系,那么你肯定自欺欺人。没有人会指责你虚伪。且让我们说你是从一厢情愿似的痛苦。这使你不必太不舒服,因为你在好公司的。每当吸烟与健康的议题是提高,大多数国家的政府不听恶,看不出有什么恶臭味无恶不作。你没有看得很远,看看为什么官方的反应,医学研究已如此冷淡。答案很简单的钱。烟草是一个美妙的商品税。这几乎就像我们每天的面包税。这肯定是最短视的政策,你可以想象。虽然钱是踊跃巨资收集了一方面,它是在日益一片更浩瀚的支付款项与其他内。巨大的金额用于癌症研究和治疗工作的人患有这种疾病的。无数宝贵的生命都将丢失。从长远来看,毫无疑问,大家会更好过,如果被完全禁止吸烟。首先,政府可以首先禁止所有香烟和烟草广告,便应该对他们自己的反吸烟宣传活动。应当禁止吸烟如剧院,电影院和餐馆,所有公共场所。大应作出努力,通知特别是采取了习惯的严重后果的年轻人。一个可怕的警告 - 比如说,一个死亡的头像 - 应该是每售出一包香烟内。作为个人,我们当然是软弱的,但如果政府的行为是诚实,勇敢,他们可以保护我们自己。


Smoking is harmful英语作文【优秀4篇】




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