莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第一篇

  In the hearts of each of us, will feel our own mother, is the best mother in the world. I am naturally no exception. In my heart, my mother and all the mother, are very great.

  My mother is medium, 38 years old, short hair, there is a laughing face. But for me, my mother lost many tears.

  Once, I had a fever. Mom immediately sent me into the hospital. The doctor said, "Nothing, just a fever." The next day, I was all right. But mother did not sleep all day and night. She is still crying, crying red eyes.

  And once again, my mother was sick, my brother was going to school, and that day was Saturday, and I took care of my mother at home. Mother rice do not eat, water do not drink, I cook soup to drink her But I did not drink well at all, but my mother was still drinking. Mother said: "Because it is the first time you cook things." Mother finished, put a large pot of soup are finished, while drinking side tears. I am very grateful to my mother, because it is so hard to drink the soup, she was finished. At that time, watching my mother finished the soup, I cried.

  My mother is very good to me, but I often bring a lot of trouble to my mother, every time to do something wrong, my mother's eye on the red. Sometimes she will hit me call me, now I know, my mother is for me. Think of sometimes my mother's rude crash, my heart felt deep guilt, here, I want to say to my mother: "I'm sorry!

  This is my mother. I think my mom is the best mother in the world. No one can match my mom. After me, grow up must be a useful person, for the motherland out of a force, in order to live up to my mother's expectations.

【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第二篇

  My mother is 35 years old. But I still can see how beautiful she is when she is young. She is not too tall but very thin. Her eyes are black. Her hair is blackand there is several white hair.

  She takes me to school every day. In the evening she help me with my homework. If I’m hungry she will cook my favourite meals. She’s always trying to encourage me to try something new. I think my mother is the best person in this world. She is always be there for me when I need her. I love her so much. She is my hero.

【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第三篇

  My mother’s name is nancy. She has long hair, two big eyes My mother likes sports and shopping. Her favourite sports are football and yoga. And her favourite food is ice cream. She also likes dogs and cats.

  My mother is a high school techer, she works very hard and does very well in the school.

  My mother also concerns my study.

  She always helps me study and play the piano. She is very glad when I make progress.

  My mother loves me very much. And I love my mother too!

【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第四篇

  Mother, how a loving word, how a warm word. My mother, such as the sun in winter, the breeze in the spring of the sea in the summer, the farmer in the fall uncle, always in someone else needs the place, came.

  Although the mother has been thirty-four years old, but the years still in the mother's face can not stay traces. My mother often tied a golden ponytail child, but also thin and long willow under the eyebrow, a pair of bright and piercing water and spirit of the big eyes, always can see the sweet smile, thin cherry The lips, always can not help those who want to come out of the wind teeth. Mother is tall but slim, what clothes are very beautiful to wear, this is my mother.

  In a winter vacation in my elementary school, I was at home, lying in bed muddyly squinting to think about things, and brother on the computer to fight, my father went to work early in the morning. Mother ready to go out, but see my grandmother did not get up, because my grandmother has always been up early, my mother can not help but confused. To turn the door lock, but the door was locked, and my mother was very anxious, loudly cried: "Mom, mother, you wake up? Mom, mother ... ..."

  My mother's voice half awake I completely wake up, I was puzzled when the mother like the foot of the oil, flew in the bedroom drawer turned up, and saw her mother picked up a bunch of keys and went out. I followed the past, my mother picked up one of the keys to open the door of grandmother, while the father called: "Hey, her husband? You quickly go home, we mother out of things, hurry!"

  Mom looked anxious to open the door, and saw the grandmother pale in bed tummy, my mother was busy to call the aunt, but also while pushing the grandmother: "Mom, mother, you wake up ... ..." Dad came, my father back to the car, my mother was in the back to take care of my grandmother, a few weeks passed, my grandmother finally discharged. Neighbors said: "If not your mother, your grandmother would be dead." Yes ah, if not my mother always care about my grandmother, maybe my grandmother would be dead, my mother really very pro, very cute.

  This is my mother, a moment of care for someone else's mother, I love my mother.

【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第五篇

  A few days ago, the teacher told us that five months a year in the two weeks day is "mother's Day", also told us that in this day, all the people must thanks to the love of our mother, thank my mother for everything we pay. I secretly determined, to this day must give my mother a surprise! On Saturday afternoon, two sisters, we go to the stationery store to buy cards made of cardboard, in the evening, and she fell asleep, dad and we, together with the production of give my dear mother Thanksgiving cards. I on the card read: "dear mother, when I still a little tree you always protect me until I grew up the towering big tree, you always take care of me, you work too hard, I love you!" I also put my favorite picture on the card, I put the card next to my mother's pillow, so that when I wake up in the morning, my mother can see a piece of my mind. I think, my mother must like it very much.

  At noon, I decided to help my mother wash the dishes, for my mother to share the housework, so that my mother can be a little easier. I learned the mother's appearance, the first basin into the pool, and then put the pot in Sheung Shui, and then put a little detergent. I wash it very carefully, and then wash the washing bowl. I feel very tired after I wash the bowl, my waist sour. Although tired, but I feel very happy.

  I hope my mother is happy every day, I love my mother!




【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第六篇

  My family has my father and mother grandma, where I want to write my mother well. My mother big eyes double eyelid round face with low nose. My mother has a golden hair.

  Because my mother said: "I love life love all the beauty around things." My mother is particularly cheerful and cheerful, she has a good heart, there is a need to help friends around her will be Desperate to help them.

  My mother loves sports, listen to music, watch the information online. My mother has one of the biggest dreams is to become an entrepreneur later, she wants to be able to create more wealth to achieve their own wake up.

  Mother said that I learn to grow up in the future can become a scientist, my mother said that if there is no dream will lose the direction of learning, so I want to learn to grow up in the future can dream come true.

【推荐】我的妈妈英语作文锦集7篇 第七篇

  My mother is an English teacher and she likes listening to English radio and reading English newspaper. She always gets up early in the morning. She washes her face and has breakfast, then she hurriedly goes to school. She does morning exercises with her students. Next, she has one or two English lessons. In the afternoon, she helps some students with their English. Finally, she goes home at five o’clock. She marks the student’s homework at home and she always. tired everyday. I love my mother and I hope she can just relax at the weekend.





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