-翻译一则小短文 You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song Try to understand that we needed space But everywhere I turn I see your face.——请翻译一下,谢谢!
翻译一则小短文 You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song Try to understand that we needed space But everywhere I turn I see your face.——请翻译一下,谢谢!
2024-07-24 16:20:23 学考宝 作者:佚名
2.下列语句中,没有语病的一项是( )A.“轻轻的我走了,正如我轻轻的来”,这是极具概括力的隽永的语言...岁暮偶题二十二韵原文、翻译和赏析tell后接双宾语的疑问(tell sb sth/tell sb about sth)2024上交2加3留学项目介绍 含金量如何归去来兮辞原文 归去来兮辞翻译及赏析Mr. America的背景与用法哪所舞蹈院校实力强 适合舞蹈生的综合类大学2024高考百日誓师口号押韵十六字 简短霸气宣誓词2024湘中幼儿师范高等专科学校各专业录取分数线及位次 各省录取最低分是多少谪居粮绝请学于农将田南山咏言寄怀原文、翻译和赏析principal office是什么意思_principal office短语搭配_principal office权威例句2024怎么查一分一段表怎么看位次 如何查询女生上军校后的出路有哪些 毕业后能做什么工作题把酒问天图原文、翻译和赏析作文未来600字高一(通用3篇)医工叹重赠柳山人原文、翻译和赏析浙江大学三位一体条件有哪些 报考的注意事项是什么杨敬德简介 杨敬德生平江苏省2024年综合评价招生通知发布,5月10日前完成报名!2024上外出国读研难吗 好就业吗有关收获的高二作文素材(精选47篇)咏老马诗原文、翻译和赏析2024去马来西亚留学需要什么条件 办哪些手续marry young中的young是什么成分住在大城市面临的挑战英语作文(精选16篇)高考400分左右的公办二本大学推荐 选哪所院校好2024拿到高考录取通知书后该干什么 夏季高考录取通知书多久下来2024中央财经大学3+2本硕连读真实吗 学费一年多少钱咏怀 其一原文、翻译和赏析九日小园独谣赠门下武相公原文、翻译和赏析广西2024本科普通批院校专业组第四次征集投档最低分数线公布江苏2025艺术统考时间及考点安排 几月几号开考春园家宴原文、翻译和赏析 对某生物小分子进行样品分析时,发现其含有C、H、O、N、P等元素,该物质可能是A.氨基酸 B...【优秀】我的朋友英语作文300字4篇2024张雪峰推荐十大好专业 哪些专业有前途postulator翻译_postulator短语搭配_postulator权威例句贵州2025高考报名时间是几月几号 哪天截止报名纸上谈兵是什么战役 有什么典故10.2《归去来兮辞(并序)》教案 统编版高中语文选择性必修下册
You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song Try to understand that we needed space But everywhere I turn I see your face.——请翻译一下,谢谢!
You're still captivating even though it's been so long You used to love me tell me baby what went wrong 'Cause now you march to the beat of a different song Try to understand that we needed space But everywhere I turn I see your face
There is no punctuation in these sentences. No one, I guess, is willing to do the translation.