They will not return for many days to come.的翻译与分析
2024-12-01 09:40:01 学考宝 作者:佚名
They will not return for many days to come.怎么翻译?
在这句话中 for 起什么作用?for 在表示时间的时候怎样具体使用?有什么需要注意的?
for many years to come:这个词组应该不难理解。to come 表示“将来,未来,以后”之意,作many years 的定语。我们把to come 去掉,只剩下for many years,这个词组应该没有问题。for + 一段时间,表示某个动作持续的时间。然后再把to come 的意思加上,就好理解了。
They will not return for many days to come.
This moment will live in our memory for many years to come. 这一时刻将在我们的记忆中留存许多年。
He was to be my teacher and friend for many years to come. 在后来的许多年里,他是我的老师和朋友。
"Stop dreaming! You won't be as free as a bird for many years to come!" Officer Mutt reminded him. “别做梦了。还有许多的未来时日,你不会自由自在啦!”麦特提醒他说。
We are looking forward to working with all of you in the community for many years to come. 我们期待日后多年与各位能够携手合作建设未来。
I sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for many years to come.衷心希望我们之间愉快的业务关系在未来的岁月中将继续下去。