莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are using imaging information from paintings and photographs to create new images in the same style. DALL-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion are among the AI tools ___1___ can create images that copy the styles of real artists.
A user can ask the system to produce ___2___ image, such as "a cat in the style of Van Gogh," and the AI tool will ___3___(quick) do so.
That makes ___4___(live) artists worry that their works will be copied without their ___5___(permit). Two new legal ___6___(action), or lawsuits, have been brought against the AI companies creating the images.
Getty Images has brought one of the lawsuits. The American company is based in Seattle, Washington. It ___7___(own) the rights to millions of pictures and other images.
Getty is accusing London-based company Stability AI ___8___ violating Getty's copyright. Copyright protects works of authorship, including images and artworks. The owner can sell the work or permit others___9___(use) it.
Three working artists also took legal action this year against Stability AI, and the companies Midjourney and DeviantArt. The artists say the companies' AI images unfairly "compete in the marketplace with the ___10___(origin) images."
Chinese authorities on Wednesday renewed 1 orange weather alert — the highest level in a three-tier system — for some southern regions, with already freezing temperatures set to fall even 2 (far) . Many parts of China 3 (hit) by a cold spell this week so far, with temperatures in some areas in the south predicted to drop by as much as 20 degrees Celsius (36 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the National Meteorological Center (NMC).The NMC has forecast subzero temperatures for the days ahead around the 4 (country) central region, in the east, north and northwest as well as in parts of the south.State news agency Xinhua said the NMC had “called on local governments to take precautions 5 the cold weather, advised the public to keep warm, and called for necessary measures 6 (protect) crops and aquatic products.”According to state television CCTV, authorities in the capital, Beijing, shut eight highways, with up to 4.1 centimeters (1.6 inches) of snow 7 (fall) in some suburban areas.“ 8 is recommended that residents ... stagger their travel, use public buses and subways, drive their own cars 9 (slow) and pay attention to 10 (safe),” the city administration said in an online statement on Tuesday evening. Almost 200 road sections were closed across the country due to the severe weather, CCTV said.China’s bout of icy weather is expected to last until Monday.
Esther Howland isn’t a household name for most 1. (American). But those who 2. (study) the history behind the intricate, hand-crafted cards she started making some 175 years ago argue that she should be. “She was the Martha Stewart of her day. She would have killed it on Etsy,” says Vanessa Bumpus, exhibit coordinator at the Worcester Historical Museum in Massachusetts.
Howland lived in Worcester and built 3. business in the central Massachusetts city that brought fame and fortune in her lifetime, 4. a nickname that lasted long after her 1904 5. (die): “The mother of the American valentine.”
Howland didn’t invent valentines or bring them 6. the United States. But she’s credited with sparking the spread of the ornate cards that became a staple of Valentine’s Day celebrations here and 7. (eventual) blossomed into a multi-billion-dollar industry.
“She was a visionary. A lot of 8. we think about as valentines were things that she made,” says Nancy Rosin, president of the National Valentine Collectors Association.
Tiny pieces of paper were folded like accordions 9. (make) the layers of the card pop up. Brightly-colored paper wafers 10. (place) beneath lace accentuated the intricate designs. Higher-end cards included “ribbon trimmings, pages of artistic illustrations, hidden doors and gilded lace,” according to a post describing Howland’s work on the Library of Congress website.
Artificial intelligence (AI) systems are using imaging information from paintings and photographs to create new images in the same style. DALL-E, Midjourney and Stable Diffusion are among the AI tools ___1___ can create images that copy the styles of real artists.
A user can ask the system to produce ___2___ image, such as "a cat in the style of Van Gogh," and the AI tool will ___3___(quick) do so.
That makes ___4___(live) artists worry that their works will be copied without their ___5___(permit). Two new legal ___6___(action), or lawsuits, have been brought against the AI companies creating the images.
Getty Images has brought one of the lawsuits. The American company is based in Seattle, Washington. It ___7___(own) the rights to millions of pictures and other images.
Getty is accusing London-based company Stability AI ___8___ violating Getty's copyright. Copyright protects works of authorship, including images and artworks. The owner can sell the work or permit others___9___(use) it.
Three working artists also took legal action this year against Stability AI, and the companies Midjourney and DeviantArt. The artists say the companies' AI images unfairly "compete in the marketplace with the ___10___(origin) images."
that/which 2.an 3.quickly 4.living 5.permission 6.actions 7.owns 8.of 9. to use 10.original
Chinese authorities on Wednesday renewed 1 orange weather alert — the highest level in a three-tier system — for some southern regions, with already freezing temperatures set to fall even 2 (far) . Many parts of China 3 (hit) by a cold spell this week so far, with temperatures in some areas in the south predicted to drop by as much as 20 degrees Celsius (36 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the National Meteorological Center (NMC).The NMC has forecast subzero temperatures for the days ahead around the 4 (country) central region, in the east, north and northwest as well as in parts of the south.State news agency Xinhua said the NMC had “called on local governments to take precautions 5 the cold weather, advised the public to keep warm, and called for necessary measures 6 (protect) crops and aquatic products.”According to state television CCTV, authorities in the capital, Beijing, shut eight highways, with up to 4.1 centimeters (1.6 inches) of snow 7 (fall) in some suburban areas.“ 8 is recommended that residents ... stagger their travel, use public buses and subways, drive their own cars 9 (slow) and pay attention to 10 (safe),” the city administration said in an online statement on Tuesday evening. Almost 200 road sections were closed across the country due to the severe weather, CCTV said.China’s bout of icy weather is expected to last until Monday.
1. an2. further 3. have been hit 4. country’s 5. against 6. to protect
7. falling 8. It 9. slowly 10. safety
Esther Howland isn’t a household name for most 1. (American). But those who 2. (study) the history behind the intricate, hand-crafted cards she started making some 175 years ago argue that she should be. “She was the Martha Stewart of her day. She would have killed it on Etsy,” says Vanessa Bumpus, exhibit coordinator at the Worcester Historical Museum in Massachusetts.
Howland lived in Worcester and built 3. business in the central Massachusetts city that brought fame and fortune in her lifetime, 4. a nickname that lasted long after her 1904 5. (die): “The mother of the American valentine.”
Howland didn’t invent valentines or bring them 6. the United States. But she’s credited with sparking the spread of the ornate cards that became a staple of Valentine’s Day celebrations here and 7. (eventual) blossomed into a multi-billion-dollar industry.
“She was a visionary. A lot of 8. we think about as valentines were things that she made,” says Nancy Rosin, president of the National Valentine Collectors Association.
Tiny pieces of paper were folded like accordions 9. (make) the layers of the card pop up. Brightly-colored paper wafers 10. (place) beneath lace accentuated the intricate designs. Higher-end cards included “ribbon trimmings, pages of artistic illustrations, hidden doors and gilded lace,” according to a post describing Howland’s work on the Library of Congress website.
1.Americans2.have studied3.a4.and5.death
6.to7.eventually8.what9.to make10.placed







1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

教学课题 《感受我们的呼吸》课型 新授 授课时间教学目标 学生能够准确描述呼吸的过程是气体交换的过程,理解氧气对生命的重要意义。 认识参与呼吸的主要器官,包括鼻腔、口腔、气管、肺等,并了解它们在呼吸过程中的作用。 学会通过体验活动和模拟实验,感受呼吸时身体各部分的变化,掌握正确的呼吸方法。 能够
1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

专题01 数据与信息-2024-2025学年高中信息技术一轮复习(浙教版)

专题01 数据与信息【学习目标】理解数据与信息的概念及其发展历史:学生应能够描述数据和信息的区别,并了解从远古时代到现代,人类如何使用不同的工具和方法来记录、存储和处理数据。这包括对石器刻画图案、结绳记事法、文字与数字的出现、造纸术与印刷术的发明等关键历史节点的了解。掌握数据采集和数字化的基本
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2023一2024学年度上学期期末学业水平调研试题六年级英语(分值:100颗☆书写:A/B/C/D时间:40分钟)题号三四五六七九十书写等级折得☆听力部分(30☆)P一、听录音,选择恰当的答语。(10☆)()1.A.He likes going hiking.

人教版数学七年级上册 2.2 有理数的乘法与除法 同步练习(无答案)

人教版数学七年级上册 2.2 有理数的乘法与除法一、单选题1.计算,正确的结果是( )A.6 B. C.5 D.2.有理数的倒数是( )A. B. C.或 D.3.下列运算正确的是( )A. B. C. D.4.下面乘积结果符号为正的是(  )A. B.C. D
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2023-2024学年甘肃省武威市凉州区和平镇教研联片六年级(上)期末数学模拟试卷(二)一、填空题(每空1分,共23分)1.(4分)   ÷40=40:   ==   %=0.625。2.(1分)一个三角形的一个内角的度数是60°,另两个内角的度数的比是1:2,这个

统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 含答案

统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 (二)含答案我会选,我会连。(22分)给加点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(3分)休息的时候他总是吃葡萄干【gān gàn】,干【gān gàn】活时他总是很卖力。那个门前新开的店铺【pū pù】门前铺【pū pù】着大红地毯。爱好【hǎo hào】读
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冀人版五年级上册科学期末综合测试卷(热传递)时间:45分钟 满分100分题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分一、填空题。(每空1分共23分1.空气是由 气体混合而成的,其中氧气大约占空气体积的 。2.燃烧是生活中一种常见的 。物

4.观察洋葱表皮细胞 教学设计-(表格式)2024-2025学年科学六年级上册教科版

教学内容 《观察洋葱表皮细胞》教学设计 课时教学目标 学生能够准确描述洋葱表皮细胞的结构特点,包括细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核、液泡等部分。 掌握制作洋葱表皮玻片标本的方法和步骤,能够独立制作出合格的玻片标本。 学会正确使用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞,能够用图画和文字准确记录观察到的细胞结构。 了
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