莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




1. Which film does the woman like
A. Spider-Man.
B. Harry Potter.
C. Titanic.
2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Mother and son.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Teacher and student.
3.How does the woman feel now
A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Tired.
4. Where were the boy's parents when the earthquake happened
A. At home. B. On the road. C. In the office.
5. What does the woman mean
A. It's too far to go to Paris.
B. It's a waste of time traveling to Paris.
C. She supports the man in traveling to Paris.
6. What's the woman's telephone number
7.Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a library.
B. In a museum.
C. In a bookstore.
8. What happened to the boy
A. He was sick.
B. He failed the exam.
C. He had a terrible dream.
9. What did the boy's mother plan to do
A. Cook delicious food.
B. Take him out to relax.
C. Help with his study.
10. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In the kitchen.
B. In the bedroom.
C. In the dining room.
11.In which season will the festival be held
A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Winter.
12. What's the subject of the photo show
A. Big Feet.
B. My Flying Heart.
C. My People and My Country.
13. What's the best part of the festival
A. Enjoying photo shows.
B. Tasting delicious food.
C. Playing famous songs.
14. Why should people park at Huanglong Square
A. To avoid traffic problems.
B. To save some money.
C. To pick up more people.
15. What is the speaker
A. A tour guide.
B. An art teacher.
C. A radio reporter.
My love of building things began when I was a kid. It wasn't until I __16__ about Thomas Edison, though, that I really became excited about inventing.
When I was in fourth grade, our teacher gave us a __17__. We had to write to a company and learn about the products it made. Each student would then give a report in front of the class. I __18__ the Thomas A. Edison Company.
Soon after I wrote to the company, our postman, __19__ a package to me. It contained a book about the life of Thomas Edison. How I __20__ reading and rereading about his inventions! The ones that __21__ me most were movies, recorded sound, and the electric light. Edison became my hero.
My dad noticed my interest in inventing and __22__ me. He showed me how to turn my ideas into plans and, finally, into new things.
Together, my dad and I repaired radios and televisions. Once, I made a __23__ to adjust (调整) the brakes (刹车片) of our car. This surprised my dad so much. Later, we found a similar tool in a store. That's when I learnt that __24__ inventors often invent similar things. It is not __25__ for this to happen. I also leant that not all great ideas work. __26__ is a common part of the inventing __27__.
As my father and I worked together, I began to __28__ that my dad was quite an inventor himself. His guiding hands, together with my __29__ in inventing, led me to become an engineer and inventor. But I am __30__ to Thomas Edison, too, for first lighting that bulb (电灯泡) inside me.
16. A. cared 17. A. project 18. A. joined 19. A. opened 20. A. enjoyed 21. A. alarmed 22. A. rewarded 23. A. tool 34. A. young 25. A. common 26. A. Imagination 27. A. situation 28. A. hope 29. A. honor 30. A. thankful B. worried B. lesson B. owned B. offered B. minded B. interested B. doubted B. idea B. different B. right B. Failure B. movement B. remember B. difficulty B. polite C. heard C. surprise C. started C. sent C. avoided C. controlled C. comforted C. mistake C. famous C. imperfect C. Happiness C. process C. realize C. experience C. true D. learnt D. present D. chose D. lent D. hated D. scared D. encouraged D. trick D. real D. unusual D. Creativity D. exam D. consider D. interest D. useful
Films at the Museum Two European films will be on this Saturday afternoon at the Museum Theatre. See Broken Window at 1:30. The workers will be at'3:45. For further information, call 498-7898.
Captain Good Fellow Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of al ages at the City Square on Saturday morning at 10:00. Free.
International Picnic Are you tired of eating the same food every day Come to Central Park on Saturday and enjoy food from all over the world. Delicious and not expensive. Noon to 5:00 p. m.
Do You Want to Hear "The Zoo" "The Zoo", a popular rock group from Australia, will give their first US concert at 8:00 p. m. at Rose Hall, City College, Sunday.
31. We can get more information about the films at the Museum Theatre by ______________.
A. writing a letter B. sending an email
C. making a telephone call D. looking through the website
32. We can ______________ at Rose Hall, City College at 8:00 p. m., Sunday.
A. see a film B. listen to a speech
C. watch an animal show D. enjoy rock music
33. The passage is probably from ______________.
A. a grammar book B. a novel
C. a storybook D. a newspaper
I'm good at my schoolwork, but for some reason, I have a very bad habit of losing things.
Last summer, I was on vacation with my family at the beach. On the first day, my father gave me a watch. "You need to have a watch, so take good care of it," he said.
The next day, I went swimming. The sun was shining on the water. The water was warm and beautiful. I really enjoyed being in the water.
When I returned to beach, I was quite tired so I lay down. At that moment, I wanted to see what time it was. But the watch was gone! I looked for it as afternoon, but I could not find it.
That night at dinner, my sister asked, "What time is it "
"Ask Tom," my mother said. "He has a new watch."
Dad looked at me and said, "Don’t tell me that you've lost the watch already!"
"No!" I said. I was sweating (出汗) with great fear. I knew I was going to be caught in a terrible lie. Just then, there was an announcement, "Ladies and gentlemen, a very nice watch was found on the beach today. If you lost one and can identify (确认) it, please come to the front desk."
At once, I knew what I had to do. I slowly got up, with my whole family staring at me. I went to the desk. There it was. The watch was not broken. It was still working.
I walked back to the table, sat down and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry I didn't tell the truth." My family smiled. They knew that I had finally learned my lesson.
34. Tom's father gave him a new watch because Tom______________.
A. needed one B. was on vacation
C. disliked his old one D. behaved well at school
35. What did Tom do when he found the watch was gone
A. He told his father about that.
B. He asked the front desk for help.
C. He spent all afternoon looking for it.
D. He did nothing and continued lying on the beach.
36. How might Tom feel after saying "No"
A. Happy. B. Worried. C. Relaxed. D. Angry.
37. What does the underlined word "lesson" in the last sentence refer to
A We should listen to parents.
B. We should excuse others' mistakes.
C. We should take good care of ourselves.
D. We should face mistakes instead of telling lies.
"Don't tell it to anyone." We hear these words before or after someone tells a secret to us. But it can be hard to keep a secret. We just can't help "spiling the beans", even if we regret it later.
One expert explains why keeping a secret is a challenge. According to Dr Asim Shah, keeping a secret may become a burden. As soon as you tell somebody not to repeat your secret, they begin to have an obsessive urge (过分冲动) to share it with others.
With secrets so often getting out, why do people share them in the first place Shah explained one is that people often feel like it will help them keep close friendships with others. However, linking telling someone your secrets with how close you are to them is not always advisable. It's important for people to understand that they can have close relationships without sharing their secrets unnecessarily.
Another reason is that people feel guilty (内疚的) about not sharing a secret. For example, if your friends tell you a secret but you don't share it with those close to you, you may feel ashamed. If you don't share certain things with them, a sense of distrust can develop. Keeping or sharing secrets often puts people in a position of either losing or winning the trust of someone.
He added that people who are more talkative may let a secret slip out, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to share secrets with quieter people. If somebody is quiet and keeps everything in, it may cause them to have more stress, and finally they will talk to somebody.
"If you end up accidentally sharing a secret with somebody else, it's best to be honest and let the person know that you shared his or her secret and that it isn't so secret anymore," Shah said.
38. What does the underlined phrase "spilling the beans" mean
A. Forgetting the secret. B. Telling the secret to others.
C. Discovering the secret. D. Keeping the secret to ourselves.
39. The example in the fourth paragraph is to show that______________.
A. it is of great importance to trust each other
B. close friends should be honest with each other
C. keeping a secret can make people feel sorry
D. it's not necessary to feel guilty about not sharing anything
40. Which is Dr Asim Shah's opinion
A. Sharing a secret can lead to a close friendship.
B. Talkative people are more likely to keep a secret.
C. The person who keeps a secret may suffer from stress.
D. it's best to share a secret with quiet people as it's safe with them.
41. The passage mainly talks about______________.
A. how to avoid letting out a secret
B. why it is important to keep a secret
C. why it is difficult to keep a secret
D. how to find out a secret by ourselves
①Of all the animals on Earth, none are more willing to explore than humans. Other animals will go in search of food or water. But humans are searching for possibilities of discovery (发现). So what caused us to explore across the world
② Maybe it's in our DNA. In 1999, Dr. Chuansheng Chen carried out a study of a gene (基因) known as DRD4-7R. This gene is found in about 20% of all humans. This kind of people are mostly interested in taking risk, exploring, and getting new ideas. Dr. Chen found that DRD4-7R is more common in people who move around a lot than those who don't. For example, studies in Africa show that the gene is much more common in nomadic tribes (游牧的部落) than in tribes that like to stay in one place better. Several other researchers have studied this topic and found out more to support Dr. Chen's research.
③But can one gene be a drive(驱动) for the need to explore Dr. Kidd doesn't think so. He thinks DRD4-7R might make people get more curious (好奇的),but other important sets genes also give us great minds and skilled hands. He believes that not just one gene, but groups of genes work together to create behaviors like exploration.
④The environment we live in also makes much difference to our need to explore. For example, during the European Age of Exploration, explorers became rich and famous for their discoveries. This made others try to make themselves become rich through exploration too. Therefore, their exploration was more likely encouraged by money than by genes.
⑤Maybe the need to explore comes from something inside us, such as the DRD4-7R gene. Or maybe it has more to do with what's happening in the world around us. Maybe it's both. Whatever the reason, it seems we (or at least some of us) will keep exploring the mountains, the sea, the stars. and so on because that's just what humans do.
42. What did Dr. Chen find about the DRD4-7R gene
A. "It has more influence on people in Africa.
B. It could be found in most of the humans.
C. It prevents the people in Africa from moving around.
D. It may be more common in people who like taking risk.
43. What did the example of the European Age of Exploration show
A. The purpose of exploring.
B. The importance of the environment.
C. The advantage of exploring.
D. The big changes of the environment.
44. What is the structure of this passage
45. Which of the following is the best title of the text
A. Genes' influence on humans
B. Humans' need to explore
C. What causes humans to explore
D. How do humans explore
absent plastic on one's own exhibition consider
46. Tom was ill, and he has been _______________ from school for a week.
47. Zhang Lili is _______________ as the most beautiful teacher. She gave her love to her students in danger.
48. The children played with _______________ toys in the park.
49. Three art _______________ are on show at the Museum.
50. Daming solved the problem _______________ instead of asking for help.
Recently, there is a group of 11 lovely children from Nanning in southern China. They went on a __51__ (特别) trip to Harbin, and everyone on the Internet just loves them. People call them the "little tangerines (砂糖橘) " because of their bright orange clothes, and also because their hometown, Guangxi, is known tor __52__ (种植) lots of oranges.
These 53k_______, aged from 3 to 6, are like little stars online. Every day, people followed their different __54__ (冒险) on social media. On the Internet, they get lots of love and warm welcomes from the people they meet. During the trip, the "little tangerines" 55k_______ diaries about their wonderful experiences.
Their teacher, Liang, said they reached a place called Mohe, which is an __56__(惊人的,极好的) part of their trip. The local people there, along with the tourism officers, welcomed them with open arms. The parents of these children were happy for all the support from people online and friends in __57__(东北的) China. The parents __58__(选择) orange coats for their children to wear because it's easy to notice them, protecting them 59a_______ danger. This made the parents feel happy and relaxed.
The children say they will go back to Harbin again if they are in with a 60c______. To say thank you for the warm welcome in Harbin, the children sent a bunch of tangerines from Guangxi to the people there.
Zhao Hongcheng, born in 1990, is a video content creator who has over 84,000 followers on the video-sharing platform Bilibili. A wheelchair __61__(be) part of her life since she was 1 year old. She uses her platform __62__ (call) for greater understanding of the lives and needs of disabled (残疾的) people. She wants to be a bridge between the disabled __63__ the rest of society. She made her first video in 2019, and the rising popularity of short videos gave her confidence. Her fourth video made her even __64__ (popular) on the Internet. In 2021, she became __65__ full-time content creator on Bilibili.
In her video about a tour in Shanghai, she find __66__ hard for the disabled people with a wheelchair to get on the underground, so she put forward some useful __67__(advise) for such service. She said if people with disabilities faced such service every day, they would probably give __68__ traveling. __69__ (luck), her suggestions were accepted by the city.
But most people with disabilities are not as lucky as Zhao. Some people with minor disabilities were being looked down by companies. She hopes that the rights (权利) of disabled people to receive education can __70__ (protect) better, and the good news is that equality has improved over the years.
Inventions change how we live, work, play and think about things. Every year, TIME magazine lists the 100 best inventions. __71__ Let's take a look.
Easier to Read
__72__ They may have poor vision (视力) or reading difficulties. Now OrCam Read can help them! It's the first reading pen with a smart camera and an AI system. After scanning (扫描) a page of text with the click of a button, it can read the text aloud to the user. You don't need to connect it to the Internet.
Sweet Idea
__73__ However, today's beekeeping business (养蜂业) is not good for those hard-working insects. Beekeepers may kill them after getting honey, because it's cheaper than feeding the bees through the winter. To save the bees, a company named MeliBio has found a way to make the world's first bee-free honey. __74__
Keep You Calm
When you feel angry or unhappy, what will you do Scientists say you can try to calm others. __75__ That's why Purrble was invented. This bear-like toy has 9 sensors (感应器). It has a quick "heartbeat (心跳)". As you hold and pet it, its "heartbeat" slows. It also makes a sound like a cat. It sounds like it really enjoys your touch! Through petting Purrble, you will become more aware of your own feelings and learn how to calm yourself.
A. It can also help you calm down. B. As we know, bees produce boney. C. What did the magazine choose this year D. Reading can be a big challenge for millions of people. E. This kind of honey tastes just like the real honey, and it is healthy, too.
Trip in Yiwu
Activities 1. visit Yiwu International Trade City 2. taste brown sugar, ham... 3. ...
Suggestions 1. bring thick coats 2. ...
Dear Peter,
I am more than happy to hear that you will visit my hometown during the winter vacation. _______________________________________________________________________________
Li Ping

31-33CDD 34-37ACBD 38-41BCCC 42-45DBBC
46-50absent considered plastic exhibitions on his own
51-60special planting kids adventures kept amazing Northeaste chose avoid call
61-70has been to call and more popular a it advice up Luckily be protected








1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

教学课题 《感受我们的呼吸》课型 新授 授课时间教学目标 学生能够准确描述呼吸的过程是气体交换的过程,理解氧气对生命的重要意义。 认识参与呼吸的主要器官,包括鼻腔、口腔、气管、肺等,并了解它们在呼吸过程中的作用。 学会通过体验活动和模拟实验,感受呼吸时身体各部分的变化,掌握正确的呼吸方法。 能够
1.感受我们的呼吸 教学设计(表格式)-2024-2025学年科学四年级上册教科版

专题01 数据与信息-2024-2025学年高中信息技术一轮复习(浙教版)

专题01 数据与信息【学习目标】理解数据与信息的概念及其发展历史:学生应能够描述数据和信息的区别,并了解从远古时代到现代,人类如何使用不同的工具和方法来记录、存储和处理数据。这包括对石器刻画图案、结绳记事法、文字与数字的出现、造纸术与印刷术的发明等关键历史节点的了解。掌握数据采集和数字化的基本
专题01 数据与信息-2024-2025学年高中信息技术一轮复习(浙教版)


2023一2024学年度上学期期末学业水平调研试题六年级英语(分值:100颗☆书写:A/B/C/D时间:40分钟)题号三四五六七九十书写等级折得☆听力部分(30☆)P一、听录音,选择恰当的答语。(10☆)()1.A.He likes going hiking.

人教版数学七年级上册 2.2 有理数的乘法与除法 同步练习(无答案)

人教版数学七年级上册 2.2 有理数的乘法与除法一、单选题1.计算,正确的结果是( )A.6 B. C.5 D.2.有理数的倒数是( )A. B. C.或 D.3.下列运算正确的是( )A. B. C. D.4.下面乘积结果符号为正的是(  )A. B.C. D
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2023-2024学年甘肃省武威市凉州区和平镇教研联片六年级(上)期末数学模拟试卷(二)一、填空题(每空1分,共23分)1.(4分)   ÷40=40:   ==   %=0.625。2.(1分)一个三角形的一个内角的度数是60°,另两个内角的度数的比是1:2,这个

统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 含答案

统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 (二)含答案我会选,我会连。(22分)给加点字选择正确的读音,打“√”。(3分)休息的时候他总是吃葡萄干【gān gàn】,干【gān gàn】活时他总是很卖力。那个门前新开的店铺【pū pù】门前铺【pū pù】着大红地毯。爱好【hǎo hào】读
统编版二年级语文上学期期末测试题 含答案


冀人版五年级上册科学期末综合测试卷(热传递)时间:45分钟 满分100分题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总分得分一、填空题。(每空1分共23分1.空气是由 气体混合而成的,其中氧气大约占空气体积的 。2.燃烧是生活中一种常见的 。物

4.观察洋葱表皮细胞 教学设计-(表格式)2024-2025学年科学六年级上册教科版

教学内容 《观察洋葱表皮细胞》教学设计 课时教学目标 学生能够准确描述洋葱表皮细胞的结构特点,包括细胞壁、细胞膜、细胞质、细胞核、液泡等部分。 掌握制作洋葱表皮玻片标本的方法和步骤,能够独立制作出合格的玻片标本。 学会正确使用显微镜观察洋葱表皮细胞,能够用图画和文字准确记录观察到的细胞结构。 了
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