莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

牛津译林版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here Welcome to the unit & Reading课时精练一(含答案)



The MetroCard New York,a thin plastic rechargeable card,is a good option if you are planning to take a tour of New York and are looking for a simple and inexpensive way to get around!
Which to choose
Depending on your preferences,you can choose among the following types of cards:
The pay per use card:Pay per ride MetroCard
A metro journey costs $3(single fare),but with a Pay per ride MetroCard you will only pay $2.75.Your card will be charged for each journey you make.
Note that a card can be used by up to 4 people—i.e.if you only have one card in your group of 4 people,you can access the subway or bus by swiping(刷卡) it 4 times.However,if there are 5 of you,you will need a second card:the Pay per ride MetroCard can only be swiped 4 times in a row.
The unlimited use payment card:Unlimited Ride MetroCard
The 7 day unlimited MetroCard is valid(有效的) for 7 straight days.It costs $33.If you use public transport often during your stay,it will quickly become profitable!That’s why it’s the most commonly used card for tourists.
The 30 day unlimited MetroCard is valid for 30 days.It costs $127.You have unlimited swipes on the subway and buses for 30 days,and you can’t pause it once started.
The One year MetroCard is valid for a whole year,so it is of no interest to tourists.
How to use
You have to swipe your MetroCard through the reader and then wait for the display to say “GO”.Unfortunately,this isn’t as easy as it sounds at times.As with many other Metro passes,it can be kind of tricky at first,but if you can’t get it working,you are not alone.Just watch other people and do what they do.
1.How many Pay per ride MetroCards are needed at least for a group of 6 people
A.1. B.2. C.4. D.6.
2.Which type of card is the most popular among tourists
A.One year MetroCard.
B.Pay per ride MetroCard.
C.7 day unlimited MetroCard.
D.30 day unlimited MetroCard.
3.What are new users advised to do with failed card swipes
A.Check the reader.
B.Copy successful passengers.
C.Wait for help.
D.Choose other Metro passes.
Why did I choose Uzbekistan for my first post pandemic holiday abroad?Perhaps,in my mind,I had romantic images of the ancient Silk Road and the great cities along its route,especially Samarkand.Maybe I even entertained unlikely hopes of bumping into Joanna Lumley.Probably,I simply wanted to see a part of the world that was completely unknown to me.I was not to be disappointed.
On my first day in the capital Tashkent,my wallet bulging with money,I headed for the nearest metro station.With the help of a student keen to practice her English,I reached the Chorsu Bazaar,and was impressed during my journey to see Uzbek youngsters cheerfully give up their seats to elderly passengers.Located in and around several large domes,the bazaar provided an exciting start to my holiday,the colorful national dress of the local women further enlivening the scene.The stallholders offered a vast range of goods,including meat,fruit,vegetable and car parts for locals and souvenirs,such as ceramics and textiles,for tourists.
The rest of my time in Uzbekistan was a cavalcade of sights and experiences,as I visited Khiva,Bukhara and Samarkand.Each has its architectural masterpieces,but for me,the most impressive was probably the world famous Registan Square in Samarkand.With magnificent madrassas on three sides,it is splendid by day and magical when illuminated by night.
Each journey was varied and interesting:dry desert contrasted with fertile areas where crops thrived.The weather,however,while it was the first half of October,didn’t vary:it was sunny and warm every day and chilly at night.For all but vegetarians,the food was another highlight of the holiday.Tapioca pudding at breakfast came as a surprise but the home produced fresh fruit and vegetables were delicious.
Ten days in Uzbekistan passed too quickly but I will always remember my first visit to this fascinating,friendly country.
4.Why did the author make the journey to Uzbekistan
A.He once had romantic experiences there.
B.He was fascinated by its mysterious history.
C.He made an appointment with Joanna Lumley.
D.He was driven by his curiosity about the unknown.
5.What does the underlined word “enlivening” mean in paragraph 2
A.Distracting. B.Restricting.
C.Activating. D.Multiplying.
6.What can we learn about Uzbekistan
A.The food there is appealing to most of people.
B.Bukhara is the most attractive sight to the author.
C.Crops are hard to grow because of the variable weather.
D.This is the second time for the author to visit Uzbekistan.
7.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To show the benefits of travelling.
B.To share a travelling experience.
C.To introduce the ancient Silk Road.
D.To advise readers to visit Uzbekistan.
They supposedly swim in remote lakes,hide in dense forests,and walk among snowy mountains.Yet despite being unreal proven by science,cryptids—fantastical beasts that probably don’t exist—have fascinated humans for centuries and gave birth to cryptotourism which boosts the local tourism.North America’s Bigfoot helps generate over $140 million annually for the U.S.economy,according to the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland,Maine.
In Nepal,cryptotourism reaches back to the 1950s.It centers on the Yeti.Up to six feet tall and similar in appearance to the Bigfoot,this legendary creature is reported to wander on the snowy peaks of the Himalayas and is a prominent figure in the folk tale of Nepal.Its tale is 6,000 years old.But the furry beast was a regional fairytale until British explorer Eric Shipton claimed to have photographed a 13 inch long human like footprint in the snow of Nepal’s Menlung Glacier.Explorers all over the world soon flooded into the Himalayas,competing to detect the cryptid.
Over time,the Yeti became a powerful tourism brand in Nepal.This beast’s foot forms the logo of the domestic carrier,Yeti Airlines,while hotels,restaurants,cafés,and tour companies profit off its name.
Some Nepalis are more skeptical.Sushil,a tour guide,says even as a child he viewed Yetis as a sham.Now,when his customers ask about the monster,he tells them it’s widely considered a myth.Sushil says he dislikes cryptotourism,which steals focus from the country’s remarkable architecture and ancient traditions.“I don’t think the Yeti is a valuable tool to promote Nepal tourism,” he says.“We have a lot of tangible and intangible cultural heritage.Nepal should focus on its rich natural diversity.”
Academics have also offered scientific explanations for the Yeti and other cryptids,yet these legends persist.“People have always been fascinated by things in nature which confuse us,things which we just don’t understand,” says Panday,a Nepali author.“That’s not going to change any time soon.”
8.Why is North America’s Bigfoot mentioned in paragraph 1
A.To exemplify biodiversity.
B.To prove the effect of cryptotourism.
C.To criticize human belief in cryptids.
D.To show the advance of tourism economy.
9.What can be learned about the Yeti
A.It dates back to the 1950s.
B.It was proven by Eric Shipton.
C.It is a distant relative of the Bigfoot.
D.It plays a vital part in Nepali tourism.
10.What may Sushil recommend to tourists
A.The local natural diets.
B.The legends about monsters.
C.The Nepali cultural heritage.
D.The tourist draws featuring Yetis.
11.What does Panday think of cryptotourism
A.It has good reason to exist.
B.It keeps pace with science.
C.It benefits Nepali economy.
D.It promotes animal protection.
Going on holiday doesn’t have to be bad for the environment,and there are still plenty of ways you can have a much deserved break without harming the environment.
Forget planes.While most forms of transport produce carbon dioxide,planes have a massive carbon footprint because of the huge number of miles they travel. 1 Many of us ignore the endless beautiful scenery around us.There’s the unparalleled beauty of the Mississippi River.Alternatively,you can drive your car to the Grand Canyon to see its splendor.
Pack with care. 2 All of their bottles,from shampoo and conditioner to body wash and moisturizer,are now made from recycled plastic that can be repurposed again and again so no new plastic is produced.And their iconic soap bars now also come in plastic free packaging.
3 Hotels can be huge producers of greenhouse gases.Think about the water that’s wasted and all the buffet food that goes uneaten.So choose an eco friendly option instead.Camping and a home stay—where you live with a family in their own home—are two of the best options.But if you insist on staying in the hotel,pick one made from sustainable materials. 4
Buy gifts responsibly.Bringing back gifts for friends and loved ones is part of the fun of a holiday. 5 Avoid anything plastic,or if it is plastic,make sure it is 100% recyclable,and make sure your friends will love whatever you give them so it isn’t just thrown in the bin headed for landfill.
A.Think about green accommodation.
B.Consider living in an eco friendly hotel.
C.But make sure you choose items carefully.
D.Take brand name beauty and bath products with you.
E.It’s also acceptable to live in a hotel using new energy.
F.So why not skip flying in favor of a holiday closer to home
G.So why do planes consume so much fuel compared with other transport
语篇解读 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了纽约地铁卡的种类和使用方法。
1.B [细节理解题。根据Which to choose?部分的第四段内容可知,一张卡只能连续刷4次,所以六个人最少使用两张卡,故选B。]
2.C [细节理解题。根据Which to choose?部分的第六段内容可知,7天无限卡最受游客欢迎,故选C。]
3.B [细节理解题。根据最后一段中“but if you can’t get it working,you are not alone.Just watch other people and do what they do.”可知,如果刷卡失败,新用户可以模仿成功的乘客,看看他们是怎么做的。故选B。]
语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者去乌兹别克斯坦旅行的所见所闻以及所感。
4.D [细节理解题。根据第一段中“Perhaps,in my mind,I had romantic images of...that was completely unknown to me.”可知,作者去乌兹别克斯坦是因为对未知的好奇心驱使着他。故选D。]
5.C [词义猜测题。根据画线词上文“Located in and around several large domes,the bazaar provided an exciting start to my holiday,the colorful national dress of the local women”和表示语义递进的further可知,集市为作者的假期提供了一个令人兴奋的开始,而当地妇女五颜六色的民族服装则进一步活跃了现场。故画线词意思是“使活跃”。故选C。]
6.A [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“For all but vegetarians,the food was another highlight of the holiday...”可知,乌兹别克斯坦的食物吸引了大多数人。故选A。]
7.B [写作意图题。根据第一段内容并结合文章主要讲述了作者去乌兹别克斯坦旅行的所见所闻以及所感可推知,这篇文章的目的是分享旅行经历。故选B。]
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了神秘旅游,并以尼泊尔的雪人为例,说明了神秘旅游对当地经济等方面的影响。
8.B [推理判断题。根据第一段最后两句可知,在第一段提到北美的大脚怪是为了证明神秘旅游的影响。故选B。]
9.D [细节理解题。根据第二段前两句以及第三段中“Over time,the Yeti became a powerful tourism brand in Nepal.”可知,雪人在尼泊尔旅游业中扮演着重要的角色。故选D。]
10.C [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“We have a lot of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Nepal should focus on its rich natural diversity.”可知,苏希尔可能会向游客推荐尼泊尔的文化遗产。故选C。]
11.A [细节理解题。根据最后一段中潘迪说的话可知,潘迪认为神秘旅游存在的理由很充分。故选A。]
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了有助于在度假时更好地保护环境的几条建议。
1.F [根据空前的“Forget planes.”和空后的“endless beautiful scenery around us”可知,空处应是承上启下,建议大家不要选择坐飞机出行,而是在家附近游览。故选F。]
2.D [根据空前的“Pack with care.”和空后的“All of their bottles”可知,空处应是建议带某些产品,所以D项符合语境,其中的bath products呼应下文的“shampoo,body wash,soap bars”等洗浴用品。故选D。]
3.A [空处位于段首,是本段的主旨句。根据空后的“So choose an eco friendly option instead.”以及“Camping and a home stay”可知,本段主要建议选择一个环保的住处。故选A。]
4.E [根据上文“But if you insist on staying in the hotel,pick one made from sustainable materials.”可知,空处应承接上文,继续说明要选择怎样的酒店,选项E “住在使用新型能源的酒店里也是可以接受的”切题。故选E。]
5.C [空前说到带礼物是旅行的乐趣,空后则说明了要如何挑礼物才能不浪费,由此可知,空处应是转折意义,引出需要慎重选择礼物。故选C。]


牛津译林版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here Welcome to the unit & Reading课时精练一(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here Welcome to the unit & Reading课时精练一(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here Welcome to the unit & Reading课时精练一(含答案)

牛津译林版(2019)选修 第三册Unit 1 Wish you were here Welcome to the unit & Reading课时精练一(含答案)



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