莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈtəʊtəli]play美 [ˈtoʊtəli]play

  • adv. 完全地,整个地;对极了,太对了

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



  • adj.

    total 全部的;完全的;整个的

  • n.

    total 总数,合计

    totality [天] 全食;全体;总数

  • vi.

    total 合计

  • vt.

    total 总数达



1. Totally natural 浑然天成

2. totally laissez-faire 大撤把 ; 年夜撤把 ; 年夜撒把

3. She was totally exhausted 她累垮了 ; 他累垮咯 ; 他累垮鸟

4. totally disconnected space 数 完全不连通空间 ; 完全不连通

5. be totally unrelated 风马牛不相及 ; 风马不接

6. Totally Rad 魔法总动员 ; 酷毙了

7. a totally different argument 完全不同的观点 ; 完整不同的观点 ; 完整不同得观点 ; 完整不同滴观点

8. totally enclosed lifeboat 船 全封闭救生艇 ; 全围蔽救生艇 ; 全封闭式救生艇

9. totally different 完全不同

10. Totally Awesome 绝妙青春 ; 绝对震憾

11. totally enclosed adj. 全封闭的


1. We took a walk along the river and totally lost track of time.


2. Menses completes a few Heaven's Queen totally having a few bleeding.


3. She suddenly felt totally drained.


4. Wushu at that time is totally different from Wushu in modern times.


5. He found his son's actions totally incomprehensible.


6. USAGE: Spray to the cleaning face and neck, pat it till skin to absorb totally.

用法: 闭眼喷于洗净之面部及颈部, 轻拍让肌肤完全吸收.《期刊摘选》

7. I'm still not totally convinced that he knows what he's doing.


8. They will compete for prizes totalling nearly £3,000.

他们将为总额近 3,000 英镑的奖金展开争夺。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

9. Wow! That's totally awesome!


10. You were a total failure if you hadn't married by the time you were about twenty-three…

如果到了 23 岁左右还没结婚,你就是个彻底的失败者。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

11. The country is totally self-sufficient in food production.


12. (informal)It's a totally awesome experience.


13. Such an attitude is, of course, superstitious and totally contrary to reason.


14. All the criticism had left her feeling totally deflated.


15. It's a totally awesome experience.


16. We cannot know what will happen next week, month, or year. The term is totally unknown.

我们不清楚下周, 下个月, 下一年会发生什么、 企业 中期的情况也是完全无法预知的.《期刊摘选》

17. It's totally useless , she never acts upon somebody else's advice.

完全没用, 她从来不会听取别人的意见.《期刊摘选》

18. The bank burst and totally collapsed.


19. Mister Zundt says the vehicle releases only water vapor and is totally clean.

Zundt先生说这种交通工具仅仅释放水蒸气并且是 “ 完全干净的. ”《期刊摘选》

20. Pat Symonds: The strategy we have to adopt this year is totally different.

帕特-西蒙兹: 今年我们必须采取的策略完全不同.《期刊摘选》

21. I felt totally inadequate as a parent.


22. For the record I'd just like to say that I totally disagree with this decision.


23. She seemed totally absorbed in her book.


24. They just totally deviated from our original plan.


25. He holds his cards close to his chest. You can totally trust him.

他是个守口如瓶的人, 你可以完全信任他.《期刊摘选》

26. The fans went totally gaga over the band.


27. The discoveries have led to a new map totally different than any of previous attempts.


28. In total, 45 per cent of adults in Britain are exposed to tobacco smoke at home.

英国总计有 45% 的成人在家里遭受到烟草烟雾的侵害。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

29. His suggestions are totally void of common sense.


30. There was an almost total lack of management control…


31. But sometimes it is not totally the case.


32. Alice seemed totally unmoved by the whole experience.


33. He is totally blind.


34. After the gruelling test, he felt totally spent.


35. They haven't totalled the exact figures.


36. The kids have totally worn me out.


37. The government seems totally insensitive to the mood of the country.


38. I was with my husband for eight years in total...

我和丈夫在一起的时间总共有 8 年。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

39. All your changes of plan have made me totally confused.


40. I was totally gripped by the story.


41. Aunt Mary's a real conservative. She's totally opposed to women going out to work.

玛丽姑妈是一个极守旧的人, 她根本就反对女人外出工作.《简明英汉词典》

42. The children seem to be totally incapable of working by themselves.


43. I must be totally crazy about speaking English!


44. Philip Glass's works are totally alien to modern and even future audience.


45. She is loyal and totally dependable.


46. These accusations are totally untrue.


47. The paper's assault on the president was totally unjustified.


48. The allegations were totally unfounded.


49. All this fuss is totally unnecessary.


50. She's totally wild about him.


51. He felt totally chilled.


52. They said that the total number of cows dying from BSE would be twenty thousand…

他们说患疯牛病死亡的牛的总数将达 2 万头。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

53. He had been totally inactive for two weeks.


54. The general was totally defeated.


55. Their relationship was totally asexual.


56. Wow, man! That's totally gnarly!


57. Technology has totally changed our life over the past two decades.


58. They are totally opposed to abortion.


59. I found her in a coma, totally unresponsive.


60. For example: Depression, Epilepsy, Hemorrhagic Stroke and Trigeminal Neuralgia.

如: 抑郁, 癫痫, 出血性中风及三叉神经痛等.《期刊摘选》

61. The unit's exports will total $85 million this year...

该部门今年的出口总额将达 8,500 万美元。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

62. He was totally unqualified for his job as a senior manager.


63. All the bodies were totally unidentifiable.


64. I could never be totally honest with them.


65. The children seems to be totally incapable of work quietly by themselves.


66. I told him about the problem but he was totally unsympathetic.


67. Especially the view of samsara has totally changed the death concept of Tibetan.


68. I find the article totally disgusting and offensive.


69. Ando's work brought me another kind of feeling, totally different from that of Hadid's.


70. Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society.


71. I knew the answer, but I totally blanked during the test.


72. She was totally bewildered by his sudden change of mood.


73. It was totally impractical to think that we could finish the job in two months.


74. He and I moved in totally different social spheres.


75. This house is totally devoid of furniture.


76. He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself.


77. They were totally smitten with each other.


78. I totally agree with you.


79. The van's totally clapped out.


80. He's totally unsuited to the job.


81. It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared.


82. The charity is totally dependent on the Church's bounty.


83. Forces at my disposal are totally inadequate to meet attack envisaged.


84. They come from totally different cultures.


85. The companies have a total of 1,776 employees.

这些公司总计有 1,776 名员工。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

86. Such behaviour is totally unacceptable.


87. She is totally without scruple.


88. This behaviour is totally unacceptable.


89. Each of these situations will require a totally different style of play.


90. He was totally uninterested in sport.


91. He was wearing shoes that were totally unsuitable for climbing.


92. Being totally alone is my idea of hell on earth.


93. For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives.


94. They became deeply intoxicated and totally disoriented.


95. Abe: But your mother's breast cancer was totally unexpected, wasn't it?

亚伯: 但你母亲患乳癌,却是完全想不到的, 对 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

96. His death was totally unexpected.


97. My life was totally different thenceforth.


98. Now simply close the wire lock and you have a very durable, totally weedless tube bait.

现在关闭导线锁,并且你有一个非常耐久, 完全无杂草的管诱饵.《期刊摘选》

99. The two events were totally unrelated.


100. He's totally unreliable as a source of information.


101. Her angry outburst was totally unprovoked.


102. The criticism was totally undeserved.


103. The total cost of the project would be more than $240 million.

该项目的总成本会超过 2.4 亿美元。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

104. (informal,especially North American English)‘She's so cute! ’ ‘Totally (= I agree) ! ’



1. It was a danger of totally irreligious, unanarchism.

而是一个与宗教毫不相关,非无政府主义的危险。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

2. He was totally independent in his way of thinking and in his way of expressing things,".

VOA : standard.2009.08.26

3. which totally goes against the stereotype of like "New Yorkers are mean, they are all like rude and everything."

和那种“纽约人很刻薄,都很没礼貌。”的刻板印象截然不同,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国国内旅游经验

4. This becomes a very, very large issue because the notion that there should be a real connection between citizenship in the full sense and military performance is totally a Greek idea--I mean, the Greeks just totally accept that idea.

这是一个很大的问题,因为完全意义上的公民,和参与军事行动是相联系的,这个观念完全是希腊式的,我指的是,被希腊人广泛接受的观念古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. We're still in our senior year of college, and these guys show up and they were totally expecting someone older in suits.

VOA : standard.2010.01.31

6. They were unable to close out a win at Lord's and were then totally outplayed at Headingley.

BBC: England crash to 10-wicket defeat

7. It's not that it's totally wrong, but it's not bad.

这是完全错误的,但这个答案不坏。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. He told delegates today that it was totally unacceptable for fuel poverty to persist in energy rich Scotland.

BBC: Alex Salmond keeps the faith

9. They're still trying to keep moving forward and not let it totally take you.

NPR: Gulf Coast Communities Seek to Rebound

10. The site was never totally offline, many customers continued to work and complete their returns.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

11. "It is totally destructive for what the Peak District is supposed to be, " he said.

BBC: Lord Hattersley joins Peak District access row

12. Totally dependent on a combination of government investment through the NIH (40%) and Venture Capital (60%).

FORBES: We Probably Spend Too Little On Health Care (Unless You're Peter Orszag)

13. "I think we have to explain why this alliance that was started 60 years ago for a totally different reason is something that's important now.

VOA : standard.2010.06.11

14. He's totally innumerate.


15. That's the only way I could have played him. Otherwise I would have been totally intimidated all the time."

VOA : standard.2009.12.17

16. The points system is also totally new, to reflect the wider range of qualifications.

BBC: Ministers want to win people over to developing skills

17. Another is Zyvox, a totally new type of antibiotic for fighting microbes resistant to other medications.

FORBES: Ready For Battle

18. What Modigliani and Miller said, if it's pure dividend policy, then it is totally irrelevant; it means nothing, so companies can do whatever they please-- I don't care.

莫迪利阿尼和米勒的观点是,如果是单纯的股利政策,则与之完全不相关,它没有意义,所以公司可以任意施为,我不在乎金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. NPR's Kim Masters explores why right now retirement commercials seem totally divorced from financial reality.

NPR: Amid Meltdown, Retirement Ads Stay On Message

20. That's where they all come from, they all come from the zygote The word for that is totipotent, totally potent.

这是干细胞的来源,都来源于受精卵,这种细胞称为全能干细胞,具备全部潜能生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

21. Dude, I just totally owned you!


22. Everywhere they have gone they have found new things, because we just...we've totally...

VOA : special.2009.01.13

23. The problem: Under current law, resale of securitized leases is prohibited meaning the instruments are totally illiquid.

FORBES: The sun also rises

24. Drummer John Densmore paid tribute to Manzarek, saying he felt "totally in sync" with his "musical brother".

BBC: Doors co-founder Ray Manzarek dies at 74 in Germany

25. It described the situation as "totally unacceptable" and said all affected sites had been given "unreserved apologies".

BBC: Horsemeat: Compass and Whitbread find horse DNA in products - BBC News

26. He terms the rebel's announcement a joke as they are on the verge of being totally defeated.

VOA : standard.2009.04.26

27. Mister Zundt says the vehicle releases only water vapor and is "totally clean."

VOA : special.2009.09.07

28. He's totally useless.


29. The festival director described it as "a totally crazy, levitating, wonderfully dynamic, very energetic night out".

BBC: Chinese Hamlet in 'Jackie Chan style'

30. This is totally wrong, this is the wrong picture altogether.

这是完全错误的,这整个图像都是错误的。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

31. The line is totally ordered. And what that means, is that anything here is smaller than anything to its right.

这个线性区间是有序的,也就是说两者相比,大的在小的的右边。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. Even so experimental a book as John Barth's Lost in the Funhouse is totally absorbed in the problem of what it would mean to write about yourself.

就算约翰,巴思的《迷失在游乐场》这么一部实验小说,也在专注一个问题,就是写关于自己经历的意义。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. The president, as usual, acts as if all of this is totally unconnected to him.

WSJ: This Is No Ordinary Scandal

34. Mr McGuinness said both he and Mr Robinson were "totally and absolutely committed to finding solutions".

BBC: Robinson and McGuinness outline shared future plans

35. He had so totally given himself to scientific studies that he could not be weakened by a second love.

VOA : special.2009.09.26

36. "You have to totally commit." "At the same time, you've kind of got to let go to a power that's way greater than you.

VOA : standard.2010.08.04

37. "Anyone who goes from totally invested to totally uninvested is a fool, " says Wigmore.

FORBES: Learning from history

38. Mr Mellor, a former colleague of Baroness Thatcher's told BBC London the posters were "totally inoffensive".

BBC: Margaret Thatcher art posters banned from Tube

39. Some couples even create a totally new name.

VOA : special.2009.07.06

40. Now what I want to do is take you exactly to this place where we are right now, where we see energy levels and electron filling, but I want to start all over again and I want to use a totally different approach.

现在我想做的是带你们,到达我们现在所处的地方,我们能看到能量级和电子分布的地方,但我想重新开始,而且用一个完全不同的方法。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Ms. ALSOP: The words to Dulcissime - sweetest one I give myself to you totally.

NPR: The Lasting Appeal of Orff's 'Carmina Burana'

42. But it's totally out of price.

但真的是贵得离谱欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. Sprint branded products have to be totally unbranded to be resold in North America.

FORBES: Use It Up, Wear It Out

44. He died working for an employer that he was totally committed to and loved working for.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Britons on crashed airliner named

45. "Many bodies along the streets, a lot of injured people, just lying around, houses are destroyed and very new and large buildings totally collapsed,"

VOA : standard.2010.01.14

46. So the integers are totally ordered the reals are totally ordered lots of things are, the rationals are totally ordered.

对正数来说,这样的序列是排好序的,对实数也是如此,对很多事情都是如此。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

47. And,it used to be that twenty or thirty years ago you'd say nothing in France works, and everything works in the U.S, and now it's just the opposite,totally the opposite.

而在二十或三十年前,你会说法国一片混乱,而美国一切运行顺利,现在则恰恰相反,完全相反1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. However, Mr Clegg said he could "totally understand those feelings" at a time of economic uncertainty.

BBC: Election 2010: Clegg 'disappointed' at Lib Dem results

49. "All what we've been able to gain in the past with the access to clean water, expanded immunization programs were totally reversed with the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Africa.

VOA : special.2011.07.20

50. I mean,it would be totally bizarre. Things like this don't happen.

这是非常怪诞的,这种事不可能发生。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. And I totally get that they make clients want to scream and pull out their hair.

FORBES: FBAR Deadline Looming

52. The allegations were totally unfounded.


53. "But I totally resent the fact that they have come to Senator Reid's hometown and targeted him."

VOA : standard.2010.03.28

54. "It has totally changed my life and given me reason to live again, " he says.

FORBES: Just Say No

55. So two totally different things but, I think it's, it's a cool, cool concept and obviously amazing program, company.

虽然这是两个完全不同的行业,但我认为他的概念非常好,是个非常出色的项目、公司。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 适合创业的旧金山

56. So this is to say, for those of you who are joining us today for the first time, that's totally fine.

也就是说,对于你们中第一次加入我们的同学而言,是相当不错的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

57. They were deeply engrossed in conversation totally oblivious to the physical postures they had assumed.

FORBES: The Art and Science of Mirroring

58. Conversely, the economics of the NFL and NBA for top young players are totally different.

FORBES: Risk Management Explains NBA, NFL Eligibility Restrictions Impacting Athletes Like Nerlens Noel, Jadeveon Clowney

59. They are totally dependent upon adult humans for constant, continual support just to live.

FORBES: How Raising A Business Is Like Raising A Child

60. "Let me give you probably one of the weakest links in that hydrological networks in Africa are totally insufficient,"

VOA : standard.2009.08.30

61. Volume is completely and totally irrelevant until about 5% to 7% after the breakout.

FORBES: Price Before Volume, Horse Before Cart

62. And we've worked really hard with her, and this is a totally out-of-character behavior.

NPR: The Ethicist: Weighing a Canine Conundrum

63. Then, he asked how many of us had found that totally groovy happy experience when we'd been shopping.

BBC: The joylessness of shopping

64. I totally disagree.


65. Indian women are able to admire Western models without becoming totally obsessed with looking like them.

BBC: NEWS | In Depth | In the eye of the beholder?





argument的意思是:n. 争论,争吵;论据,理由;辩论,讨论;自变数;主词,受词;<古>书的内容提要。学考宝为您提供argument是什么意思,argument的翻译,argument的用法,argument的短语搭配,argument的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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