莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [dɜːt]play美 [dɜːrt]play

  • n. 污物,尘土;泥土,松土;丑闻,流言蜚语
  • adj. 土的,泥的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


dirt /dɜːt/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 If there is dirt on something, there is dust, mud, or a stain on it. 灰尘; 污垢

    I started to scrub off the dirt.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 You can refer to the earth on the ground as dirt, especially when it is dusty. 泥土

    They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.


  • 3.
    形容词 A dirt road or track is made from hard earth. A dirt floor is made from earth without any cement, stone, or wood laid on it. 泥土的

    I drove along the dirt road.


  • 4.
    单数型名词 If you say that you have the dirt on someone, you mean that you have information that could harm their reputation or career. 流言蜚语

    ...a sleazy reporter assigned to dig up dirt on Jack.


  • 5.
    习语 If you say that someone treats you like dirt, you are angry with them because you think that they treat you unfairly and with no respect. 把…看得一钱不值表不满

    People think they can treat me like dirt!




  • adj.

    dirty 下流的,卑鄙的;污秽的;恶劣的;暗淡的

  • adv.

    dirtily 龌龊地;下贱地

  • n.

    dirtiness 肮脏;污秽

  • vi.

    dirty 变脏

  • vt.

    dirty 弄脏


  • n.污垢,泥土;灰尘,尘土;下流话

    earth   /   dust   /   clay   /   powder


1. hit the dirt [美国俚语]

2. Red Dirt 红土地 ; 红地盘 ; 黑洋天

3. DiRT 3 尘埃 ; 科林麦克雷拉力赛之尘埃 ; 灰尘

4. DiRT 2 尘埃 ; 灰尘

5. dirt trap 渣阱 ; 集尘器 ; 集灰阱

6. dirt band 夹石层;污积带

7. dirt cheap 特别便宜,相当便宜

8. throw dirt at [口语]诬蔑,诽谤,中伤

9. dirt-poor 非常穷困的 ; 极贫困的 ; 灰常的穷 ; 穷得家里像被水洗过似的

10. eat dirt [口]含垢忍辱(等于eat boiled crow)

11. Dirt Bike 越野车 ; 特技机车 ; 惊险车技 ; 摩托车

12. DiRT Rally 尘埃拉力赛 ; 拉力赛 ; 尘埃拉力 ; 灰尘拉力赛

13. dirt bike 轻型摩托车

14. dirt road 泥土路

15. dirt proof adj. 防尘的


1. They lived in a shack with a dirt floor.


2. Rescue efforts are underway. Bulldozers work to remove tons of dirt, rocks, and trees.

救援工作正在进行. 推土机为清除大量的泥土 、 岩石和树木而忙碌.《期刊摘选》

3. The other child's face was smeared with dirt.


4. Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her...


5. All this dirt that has got into my watch has gummed up the watch.


6. A large tree had been beaten into the dirt.


7. A dirt road passes through the town.


8. The group wove slowly along the narrow dirt track.


9. Dirt clogs the pores, causing blemishes.


10. The dirt road became dusty as it baked under the summer sun.


11. A dirt pocket and strainer ( with blow down ) should always be provided ahead of trap.

在疏水阀前面,应该始终提供一个污泥袋和过滤器 ( 带排污功能 ).《期刊摘选》

12. The trap mechanism should be inspected periodically and all dirt removed form working parts.


13. He got me a bass dirt cheap.


14. Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.


15. In their body left a layer of dirt.


16. Pack the dirt firmly round the plants.


17. A group of riders came into view on the dirt road


18. They scratched lines in the dirt to mark out a pitch.


19. The works also have succeeded in making compound organic fertilizer from dirt and silts.


20. The standing hair fibers ( nylon ) filter free water by capillary effect, effectively collecting dirt.

立毛纤维利用毛细管现象过滤游离水分, 又能有效聚集污泥.《期刊摘选》

21. Each new level of dirt requires a new map test unit.


22. Dirt fouled the carburetor.


23. The least bit of dirt in a watch may make It'stop.


24. His face was pale and streaked with dirt.


25. A properly oily coat repels dirt and sheds water easily.


26. Why should they eat their sixty acres eat only his peck of dirt?


27. You fed me, changed me, brushed my hair, and scrubbed the dirt from my knees.

您照顾我 、 改变了我, 替我梳头 、 也帮我擦去膝上的污垢.《期刊摘选》

28. Bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.


29. His clothes were covered in dirt.


30. They often dig in the dirt for ants.


31. Erratic operation is usually caused by dirt in seat area.


32. Dust and dirt tend to be deposited in gaps in the back of case or band.


33. The dirt on the bottom of the bath didn't encourage total immersion.


34. Bone fragments, gravel and dirt were scattered through the injury.

骨头碎片, 碎石子和泥土都散在伤口处.《期刊摘选》

35. An abnormal craving or appetite for nonfood substances, such as dirt, paint, or clay.

异''.'食'.''癖,异嗜癖对于非食物''.'性'. ''物质 、 如灰尘 、 漆或泥土的不正常的渴求或食欲.《期刊摘选》

36. He dishes the dirt on his buddies.


37. By then, I was flat on my face on the pathway, its dirt against my forehead.

届时, 我是单位对我的脸,就通路, 它的污垢对我的前额.《期刊摘选》

38. I turned into the dirt road and followed it through encroaching trees and bushes.


39. In shipment, it becomes contaminated with dirt, sand, nails, wood, and a variety abrasive contaminants.

在运输过程中, 受到泥土 、 沙子 、 铁钉 、 碎木以及各种具有研磨性杂物的污染.《期刊摘选》

40. Dirt choked the drain.


41. The dirt on her hands was ground in.


42. He turned right, down a dirt road that forced him into four-wheel drive


43. Cleansing dirt, and replenishing water to your skin, prevent water from missing, restore tender and elasticity.

在洗去污垢的同时, 能给肌肤深层补水, 防止水份流失 、 回复肌肤弹性娇嫩.《期刊摘选》

44. They're always selling off stuff like that dirt cheap


45. Integral stainless steel screen protects the check assemblies from fouling due to dirt and debris.


46. Wipe off dirt from the screen thoroughly.


47. Let me just whisk off those little pieces of dirt that have got on your coat.


48. The worker quickly cleared away the dirt that was choking up the chimney.


49. It is effective and can remove all kind of dirt on the carpets.


50. The dirt and grass sod is several meters thick.


51. I started to scrub off the dirt.


52. Pack the dirt firmly around the plants.


53. She swept up all the dust and dirt she could find in the whole mansion.


54. It also can prevent dust and dirt, restore clean and eliminate the bacterium and bad smell.

使物件光洁如新,并能防止灰尘和污垢沉积粘附, 同时具有除菌作用和消臭效果.《期刊摘选》

55. An endless Belt is conveying dirt from an excavation to the trucks removing it.


56. Therefore, the main function of antifriction bearing lubricants is to help prevent corrosion and dirt contamination.

因此, 减摩轴承润滑剂的主要作用是防止锈蚀和污垢.《期刊摘选》

57. I turned my head away and watched my fingers rake the dirt.


58. Do you think the dirt will soak out?

你认为这污垢会泡掉 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

59. The jeep bumped along the dirt track.


60. He runs out to play with his friends and goes into the dirt.


61. They all sit on the dirt in the dappled shade of a tree.


62. The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.


63. For fish, water constantly away dirt from the covering.

对鱼来说, 流水不断地把污垢从它的眼睛的覆盖层上带走.《期刊摘选》

64. We scratched some of the dirt away.


65. I've got a speck of dirt on my shirt.


66. Professional flange designed to remove dirt floor and walls.


67. The entrance was camouflaged with bricks and dirt.


68. Dirt glitter when the sun happen to shine.


69. The farmer came back from the fields with dirt on his boots.


70. Heard dirt and dessert in the bird's skirt?

听说过小鸟裙子里的泥土和点心的事 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

71. The lotus flower is symbol of purity for It'springs out of muddy trace of dirt.


72. It traps dirt and other matter and keeps insects out.


73. dog dirt


74. He picked up a handful of dirt and threw it at them.


75. Aggressive lugs let you plow through dirt and mud.


76. The gardener left dirt in the backyard.


77. Do you have any dirt on the new guy?


78. They're always selling off stuff like that dirt cheap.


79. He scraped away the dirt, and exposed a pine shingle.


80. After all, they may think a little dirt doesn't hurt anyone.


81. This new kitchen cleaner is formulated to cut through grease and dirt.


82. Rich foam, thoroughly remove dirt from pores, skin feels refreshing and comfortable with coconut fragrance.

泡沫丰富, 彻底清除表皮毛孔中的污垢, 令浴后倍感清爽舒适、椰香迷人.《期刊摘选》

83. I drove along the dirt road...


84. Stainless Steel test cocks include dust covers to protect the threads from dirt, dust and insects.

不锈钢测试旋塞包括防尘盖,防止螺纹被泥土 、 灰尘和昆虫污染.《期刊摘选》

85. I drove along the dirt road


86. How can I get the dirt off the walls?

我怎样才能把墙上的污垢去掉 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

87. Remember that when my front door is narrow dirt.


88. They believe a little dirt harms no one.


89. Most of the dirt was on the outside of the tinted glass.


90. He scoured off the dirt from the floor.


91. Dirt from the motorway made him cough.


92. He brushed the dirt off his jacket.


93. The dirt from the fields drifted like snow.


94. First remove any grease or dirt from the surface.


95. Services: the glass, floors, walls and other premises selling ash, dirt, cement, lime and other tracks.

服务方式: 对玻璃 、 地面 、 墙体等处所沽灰法 、 污垢 、 水泥点 、 石灰迹等.《期刊摘选》

96. Please help me whisk off those little pieces of dirt.


97. People think they can treat me like dirt!


98. The rooster chased me across the dirt floor of the barn.


99. The tracks of the horse's hoofs were seen deeply marked in the dirt.


100. It was dirt cheap.


101. Steve was keen to get all the dirt he could on her


102. The road petered out into a dirt track.


103. The dirt [ powder ] settled to the bottom of the lake [ cup ].

污泥 [ 粉末 ] 都沉淀到湖底 [ 茶杯底下 ].《期刊摘选》

104. Mother was in the garage, brushing the dirt aside.


105. The dirt had to be scraped away to uncover a trap door.


106. I drove along the dirt road.


107. Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.


108. He just turned pale and sat down and began to scratch in the dirt.


109. Dirt can lead to bugs or fungus growth cold storage.


110. It prevents dirt and leaves in the water from falling inside the tank.


111. I got it dirt cheap.


112. Try to find grass or dirt trails to run on, especially for your higher mileage runs.

尽可能地在草地或湿润泥土跑步, 特别是里程较长时.《期刊摘选》

113. Police are carrying out an analysis of the dirt on the victim; s botts.

警察在对受害人 鞋 上的泥土进行化验分析.《期刊摘选》

114. The journalists like to dish the dirt about television stars.


115. The firefighter banked the fire with dirt.


116. Dirt had collected in the corners of the room.


117. Manual accounting system is used only by small businesses.


118. Dirt and disease are adverse to the best growth of children.


119. Both parties use computers to dig up dirt on their opponents.


120. You should use a sanding machine to clean off the old dirt.



1. They stand around smoking cigarettes and occasionally haul a load of dirt from here to there.

FORBES: Magazine Article

2. When they have removed all the dirt, they are down to the brass tacks, the copper pieces that hold the boat together.

VOA : special.2010.05.16

3. Not far from Teresa's dirt-caked yard in Wilmington, Lucia Moreno-Linares runs the Family Federal Credit Union.

FORBES: On the Backs Of the Poor

4. On a familiar religious view, God built Adam out of dirt, out of dust.

从某个大家熟悉的宗教观点来看,上帝用泥沙尘土建造亚当死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. dirt-streaked


6. But in time, huge machines were built that could wash many tons of dirt at a time.

VOA : special.2010.04.25

7. "Lately we started growing vegetables organically, " she says, as her mate spreads dirt on the ground.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. The idea is to sweat, loosening dirt and toxins in preparation for your wash.

BBC: A guide to Istanbuls bath houses

9. It traps dirt and other matter and keeps insects out.

VOA : special.2010.03.31

10. Anyway, the broader market appears to have picked up on the Zynga-is-dirt-cheap meme this morning.

FORBES: Zynga Spikes; Suddenly, Investors See A Raging Bargain

11. You go about a mile down the dirt road until you reach a crossroads.

FORBES: Students Use iPhones to Debunk Ghost Story

12. The roads are still made of dirt. Driving requires a special vehicle.

VOA : special.2009.04.15

13. First,remove any labels. The paper may contain dirt and germs from the floodwater.

VOA : special.2010.07.19

14. Remove dirt from the wound and press on it with a clean cloth or piece of clothing.

VOA : special.2009.08.11

15. So it is normal for a burro to have some dirt in its coat.

VOA : special.2010.02.16

16. With ten-year government bonds in Japan going for 1.6%, loans can be had dirt cheap.

FORBES: Magazine Article

17. And the machinery needed to lay gravel and dirt and concrete is petroleum driven machinery.

FORBES: Peak Oil and ERoEI: Still Nonsense

18. He skipped school and climbed trees, broke into buildings and tooled around on his dirt bike.

NEWYORKER: The Martian Chroniclers

19. At the door, I take off my clothes of the day covered with muck and dirt and I put on my regal and courtly garments.

入门时,我脱下,白天所穿的脏衣服,换上我庄严且儒雅的衣着。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. American horses regularly won on the old dirt track, taking eight of the first 14 races.

WSJ: Americans eye win at world's richest horse race

21. If you want dirt, check out the startlingly explicit new drama, Dirt, on FX.

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. The present Taos Pueblo buildings are made of adobe, a mixture of wet dirt and straw.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

23. In addition to explosives, the techniques involved large amounts of water and dirt.

VOA : special.2009.03.22

24. First a gold miner put dirt in a metal pan and added water.

VOA : special.2010.04.25

25. By the middle of the eighteen-hundreds, dirt roads had been built in parts of the nation.

VOA : special.2010.01.11

26. Your open pores excrete sweat and dirt.


27. Approached along a pitted dirt track, the rocky cove curves like a horseshoe around the lucent blue waters.

BBC: The three colours of Ibiza

28. Wash the cans with soap and water, and brush or wipe away dirt.

VOA : special.2010.07.19

29. I turned into the dirt road and followed it through encroaching trees and bushes.


30. For 2003 and 20004 Boone took charitable contributions for bargain sales of dirt to Tucson.

FORBES: A Dirty Stinking Business And No Charitable Contribution

31. They're being sold dirt-cheap.


32. As far as they are concerned, people like us are dirt.


33. The process uses a closed system to keep hair and dirt out of the milk.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

34. Several thousand pounds of dirt had been on top of the cousins, Carpenter said.

CNN: Searchers find bodies of children buried by wall of dirt

35. Archeologists are able to estimate the age of these objects by dividing layers of dirt into time periods.

VOA : special.2009.08.18

36. With hand tools, he and Rufus Robinson threw dirt on the fire and dug a line to contain it so the flames would not spread.

VOA : special.2009.11.24

37. He was a dirt dog, he informed me, and he was going to get a ball.

NPR: Red Sox Game Locks in a Father's Day Memory

38. The Panjiayuan "Dirt Market" not far from the China World on the Third Ring Road.

FORBES: My Beijing

39. On the dirt roads near our house I learned to drive a car.

VOA : special.2010.01.30

40. At the party convention, Robertson digs up some dirt on Fonda and uses it.

CNN: All The Presidents' Movies

41. They placed dirt and rocks in a pan and then filled it about half way with water.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

42. Ever wonder how credit reporting companies like Equifax dig up dirt on overextended consumers?

FORBES: Credit Bureaus Wouldn't Cut It On 'CSI'

43. Some reformists have dirt of their own to dish, which might stick to senior establishment figures.

ECONOMIST: Iranian politics and corruption

44. Last April Norwegian explorer DNO hit pay dirt--330 million barrels in the Tawke field.

FORBES: Magazine Article

45. All of those are imagined as tainted by the dirt of the body."

这些人都被想象成满身污垢“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. "I'm at home,digging in the dirt, or doing something that is very close to the Earth, because that's where I know how to survive."

VOA : special.2009.06.07

47. Clorox is the most trusted brand of bleach because it meets the dirt problem head on.

FORBES: Birchbox, Like Apple and Amazon and Google, Is a Hit Because Its Founders Hit On the Right Question

48. No one wants dirt on his or her lips, so Mahshied planned to throw it out.

CNN: One block, two tornadoes: Life in the crosshairs

49. Mr. Kazmar had his glove on the dirt even before the ball was hit.

WSJ: Pro Ball Baseball Clinic Weekend

50. These early homes were made of a mixture of wet dirt,wood and rocks.

VOA : special.2010.07.05

51. And pulling a carrot from the dirt or plucking a ripe tomato that grew from next-to-nothing?

FORBES: How Would I Behave If I Were Happy

52. "I remember hearing the tire tracks pulling onto the dirt road behind me, " she said.

CNN: Dugard's abduction, rescue bring town full circle

53. Then he shook the pan so that the water would wash the dirt.

VOA : special.2010.04.25

54. University of California biologist Bill Schopf studies ancient fossils and the dirt they are found in on earth.

VOA : special.2010.05.25

55. Slowly,they moved the water around in the pan until most of the dirt and water washed away.

VOA : special.2009.02.04

56. Because it has such little infrastructure in place--dirt roads, old copper telephone lines, etc.

FORBES: Notes From A Distant Node

57. It is said that he traveled the eighty kilometers to Mexico City to meet with reporters and arrived with dirt on his hands.

VOA : special.2009.11.10

58. It is accessible along a dirt and sand path that crosses smaller dunes on one end.

CNN: Romancing the dune in Namibia

59. So these days, the dirt is flying at Omega's bucolic campus near Rhinebeck, N.

FORBES: Magazine Article

60. Heavy spring rains had turned the dirt roads into rivers of mud.

VOA : special.2009.09.17

61. who is really slacking. You notice dirt piling up or just weird things.

谁工作松懈。你会看到成堆的垃圾或者很奇怪的事情。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 旧金山的调酒师

62. The rivers carried dirt and pieces of stone that slowly ate away at the surrounding rock.

VOA : special.2009.10.07

63. Large, rectangular patches of dirt were all that remained where mobile homes once stood.

CNN: More storms expected after tornadoes kill 2 in Oklahoma

64. But with good assets dirt cheap, McCaw can spring for a couple of aspirin.

FORBES: McCaw poised to scoop up Iridium

65. Dirt may be harder to remove from some crops than from others.

VOA : special.2009.06.09





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    七年级上学期 期中测试 历史试卷考试时间:50分钟 满分:100分学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.河姆渡人生活在远古时期的( )A.黄河流域 B.长江
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