莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈprez(ə)nt]play美 [ˈprez(ə)nt]play

  • adj. (人)在场的,出席的;(事物)存在的;现在的,目前的;考虑中的,正在讨论的;(语法)现在时(态)的;历历在目的
  • n. 现在,目前;礼物,赠品;(语法)现在时;(举枪的)瞄准(姿势)
  • v. 颁发,赠送;出示(护照等供检查);正式提交(支票,账单);<正式> 正式引见,介绍;正式出席,到场;引起,造成;<正式>表达(歉意等);提出,陈述;上映,播出;展示,表现;<英> 主持(广播或电视节目);把……对准;<医>(病人)呈现症状

复数 presents 第三人称单数 presents 现在分词 presenting 过去式 presented 过去分词 presented

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句



present /ˈprɛzənt/

  • 1.
    形容词 You use present to describe things and people that exist now, rather than those that existed in the past or those that may exist in the future. 目前的

    He has brought much of the present crisis on himself.



    ...the government's present economic difficulties.


  • 2.
    单数型名词 The present is the period of time that we are in now and the things that are happening now. 现在

    ...his struggle to reconcile the past with the present.



    ...continuing right up to the present.


  • 3.
    习语 A situation that exists at present exists now, although it may change. 目前

    There is no way at present of predicting which individuals will develop the disease.


  • 4.
    习语 The present day is the period of history that we are in now. 现代

    ...Western European art from the period of Giotto to the present day.


  • 5.
    习语 Something that exists or will be done for the present exists now or will continue for a while, although the situation may change later. 暂时

    The cabinet had expressed the view that sanctions should remain in place for the present.






present current recent 【导航词义:现在的】

present adj. 现在的,目前的

〔辨析〕 指现在存在或发生的,只作定语。

例1: The present oil reserves of the country might be used up by the end of the next century.


例2: The present situation of the gold market has puzzled many economists.


current adj. 现在的,现行的

〔辨析〕 指现时发生的或当今时代的,只作定语。

例1: We learn about current events through the radio or TV.


例2: This is the current fashion in jackets.


recent adj. 最近的

〔辨析〕 指新近发生或刚刚开始的。

例1: She has great interest in recent developments in science.


例2: He has made several friends who share the same hobby during his recent visit to America.


gift n. 礼物,赠品

〔辨析〕 比 present 略正式,指为表示感谢或因喜爱某人而相送的礼物(如生日/节日礼物等),也可指捐赠的物品等。

例1: This is one of my birthday gifts.


例2: The painter sent his best painting, as a gift, to the museum.


present n. 礼品,礼物

〔辨析〕 普通用词,指为表示感谢、喜爱等送给某人的礼物,一般不很昂贵,常可与 gift 换用。

例1: He sent his Christmas presents/gifts to his children.


例2: He made me a present/gift of it.


souvenir n. 礼物;纪念物

〔辨析〕 指度假时买回来送人的礼物,或指对某事物、某游览之地有纪念意义的物品。

例1: I'd like to buy some souvenirs for my wife.


例2: Please accept this as a small souvenir of our friendship.


hand v. 递交

〔辨析〕 指将某物亲手交给他人。

例1: He handed his composition to the teacher.


例2: This form must be handed to all the staff members.


pass v. 传递

〔辨析〕 指把某人可以看到但够不到的东西给某人。

例1: Pass me the paper, please.


例2: She passed a cup of coffee to the manager.


例3: Pass him the ball.


present v. 呈递

〔辨析〕 指将某物呈递给某人、某一机构等,通常用于正式场合。

例1: Some 40 papers were presented to the committee.


例2: The ambassador presented his credentials to the president.


submit v. 提交,呈交

〔辨析〕 指把计划等呈交给上级或权威人士审批或审查。

例1: The draft was submitted to the president.


例2: We should submit our plan to the council for approval.


例3: Let's submit our disputes for arbitration.



1. present condition 目前的状态

2. present participle 现在分词 ; 现在式分词 ; 此刻分词 ; 现在分成词

3. present at 出席;在场

4. present status 现状

5. present address 目前地址 ; 现在通讯地址 ; 一般事项

6. birthday present 生日礼物

7. present oneself 出席

8. at present 目前,现在

9. present value 现值

10. at the present stage 在现阶段;目前

11. present itself vt. 出现,呈现

12. at the present time 目前

13. present something at someone 举枪对准某人瞄准,用(武器)对准某人

14. the present day 目前;当代

15. at the present 目前;当前

16. live in the present 活在当下

17. present tense 现在时 ; 现在时态 ; 一般现在时

18. be present at 出席 ; 在席 ; 到场 ; 盛大出席

19. present time 目前;现在时(时态)

20. past and present 过去与现在

21. present with 赠(礼物)

22. present members 出席人员 ; 出席职员 ; 盛大出席人员 ; 缺席职员

23. present situation 现状

24. net present value 净现值,现在净价值;纯现价

25. At present 目前 ; 现在

26. Net Present Value 净现值法 ; 金融 净现值 ; 现值净额

27. for the present 暂时,目前




present century 本世纪

present circumstances 目前的情形

present location 现在的地址

present position 现在的位置

present situation 现在的形势

present time 现在

present a cheque 给予支票

present a challenge 带来挑战

present a danger 导致危险

present an opportunity 带来机遇

present a problem 引发问题

present a threat 造成威胁

present an argument 陈述论点

present evidence 出示证据

present a plan 陈述计划


1. The speakers were all asked to confess their secret dreams to the 550 other women present.


2. Geographically, the present recovery has been led by North America.

从地理位置来看, 北美洲对目前的价格回升起了主导作用.《期刊摘选》

3. Usually early symptomless , when the symptom presents the eye to be blind, irreversible.

通常早期无症状, 等到症状出现眼睛已瞎, 不可逆转.《期刊摘选》

4. This paper presents the principle of DHCP technique and its application in Industrial Ethernet.


5. In this paper , we present a novel parametric surfaces intersection algorithm based on discrete surfels.


6. At home, these distractions are not going to be present.

在家里, 这些使你分心的情景不会再出现.《期刊摘选》

7. What do they reveal about the past and the present?


8. This paper mainly presents the definition, category, character and application of functional sweeteners.

作者在本文中对功能性甜味剂的定义 、 种类 、 特性和应用进行了简要介绍.《期刊摘选》

9. The methods of the digital image correlation technology and digital image difference technology were presented.


10. A moire contour drawing with the quantity of depth is presented.


11. One simple check would be to program a robot to check the correct course of action with a human when presented with an unusual situation.

一种简单的核查方式可以是给机器人编这样一种程序,让其在非常规情况出现时询问人类以确认正确的处理方式。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

12. The Chancellor of Exchequer will present his budget to Parliament tomorrow.


13. As soon as the opportunity presented itself, she would get another job.


14. There is more pink and gold present and these are the colors of love and forgiveness.


15. The new employees were presented to the rest of the staff.


16. Should they fall through in their present plans, the consequences will be fatal.

他们现在的计划一旦落空, 后果将极为严重.《期刊摘选》

17. Everybody present welcomed the decision.


18. A new design method for effluent treatment system with a single contaminant is presented.


19. Use of these chemicals may present a fire risk.


20. Presents the organic waste gas purification treatment for a fiberglass fabric workshop.


21. Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

相反, 你应该多注意当前出现在你生活里的所有那些美妙的事物.《期刊摘选》

22. Those present were in favour of change.


23. Presents the automation of dispatching load statistics management at JiXi Power Administration through computer programming.


24. There weren't beyond twenty people present.


25. There were scarcely a hundred people present.


26. Unexpectedly, he presents himself in a new role as the man who pays the bills.

出乎意料的是, 他现在扮演了一个新角色,那就是发薪水的人.《期刊摘选》

27. It is difficult to find work in the present economic climate.


28. She was very glad to be quit of her present job.


29. The corresponding software design and the main program's flow chart are also presented the paper.


30. At present where does the important emperor of Li Yi kick the ball?


31. We choose her a nice birthday present.


32. The specimen in the museum was presented by an old peasant.


33. In this sense, if will present rain war, the Hamilton pole position safety factor will drop.

从这个意义上来说, 如果出现雨战, 汉密尔顿杆位的保险系数将会下降.《期刊摘选》

34. the present owner of the house


35. It was similar to the present day Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Finance.


36. I just love it when you bring me presents!


37. Those present were in favour of a change.


38. He presented a signed copy of his book tome.


39. How luck I am at present.


40. On present form, Spain will win tonight's match.

就西班牙目前的状态来看, 今晚的比赛能赢.《期刊摘选》

41. We found that when we taught participants to ask “ What if? ” and “ How can? ”questions that nobody present would know the answer to and that would spark exploration, they engaged in better inquiry

at the next exhibit — asking more questions, performing moreexperiments and making better interpretations of their results.研究发现,当我们引导参与者去问“假使……将会怎么样”和“怎么能……”这类现在没有人知道答案但能激发他们探索精神的问题时,他们会在下次展览活动中更好地参与探究,即提出更多的问题、做更多的试验、并且对他们的结果进行更合理的解释。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

42. Thereason why I am leaving present position is to gain more experience in a trading office.


43. In the present times, appeared pluralization and imagery embodied in the difference between two cities.

到了当代, 却出现了多元和具象化的特点,具体表现在城与城之间的差异上.《期刊摘选》

44. We gave presents to each other.


45. ...the government's present economic difficulties...


46. An algorithm to optimize artificial neural networks structure based on constructive method is presented.


47. If we gave this present to Emma from all of us.


48. This paper presents a classified compact dynamic channel assignment ( CCDCA ) scheme for cellular mobile communications systems.

提出一种分级紧致的动态信道分配 ( CCDCA ) 方案.《期刊摘选》

49. He felt that his present plight, bitter as it was, was largely due to Butler's opposition.

他觉得他目前的窘境, 这样惨痛, 多半是由巴特勒的反对所造成的.《辞典例句》

50. The situation required that he be present.


51. This presents a problem for many financial consumers...


52. As to the attendance time, I have to negotiate it with my present superior.


53. Don't disturb the presents on the table.


54. Your request shouldn't present us with any problems.


55. She owned (that) she had been present.


56. This article seems to be slanted against the present popularity of Eastern religions.


57. Nearly 85 per cent of men are present at the birth of their children...


58. You need to present yourself better.


59. What can I get him for a birthday present?


60. Presents this around inconsistent view, the media is curious.

出现这种前后不一致的说法, 媒体就好奇啦.《期刊摘选》

61. She has no quarrel with her present salary.


62. Those who were present criticized him for his rash behavior.


63. This course presents the phenomena, theory, and modeling of turbulence the Earth's oceans and atmosphere.

本课程介绍地球海洋和大气层中扰流的现象 、 理论和模型.《期刊摘选》

64. So, at present, I have make all the easy things fit for me.

所以, 目前的情况来看, 我已经把最简单的都做好了而且做得很适合我.《期刊摘选》

65. B . He presented a pistol to me.


66. Her letters conflate past and present.


67. The only reason reason I am leaving the present position is I require to preferable myself.


68. April 8 th , You can enjoy TOSCANA Set Menu for Easter and present four colorful chocolate eggs.


69. May 2006 to Present . Client summary and references available upon request.


70. Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself.


71. The Adler and Astronomical Museum of Chicago was a present to the city by Max Adler.


72. Prince Michael of Kent presented the prizes...


73. Please allow me to present my apologies.


74. The present regime has been in power for two years.


75. It is the mental body that allows language to be present to define our thoughts.


76. An iterative method equivalent to mixed formulation is presented in this paper.


77. The future is going to be one that presents many challenges...


78. We spend the time collating and presenting the information in a variety of chart forms...


79. Average life expectancy has risen from 36 years before liberation to 65 years at present.


80. Someone has tried to tempt him from his present post with high pay, but he refused.


81. Present Day : Linc pitches the idea of raiding the General's limo.

镜头闪回至现在,林肯建议使用这个老办法来突袭“将军 ” 的座驾.《期刊摘选》

82. The question naturally presented itself in my mind.


83. The probe method for measuring the thermal conductivity of multifunction material hollow glassy microsphere is presented.


84. Did you get your mother a present?


85. Chinese: I don't think he was actually refusing to accept a present from you.

中: 我觉得他并不是真的拒绝接受你的礼物.《期刊摘选》

86. If you admire your colleague’s beautiful golden bowls, you may will find yourself being presented with them as a present

如果你赞美了同事的漂亮金碗,他可能会将其作为礼物赠送给你。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

87. It studies these populations, in the past, present and future, using quantitative data and mathematical models as tools of analysis.

人口学以定量数据和数学模型作为分析工具,研究这些群体的过去、现在和未来。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

88. A vivid picture is present to our eye.


89. There were 200 people present at the meeting.


90. We must take the present economic situation into consideration.


91. The ministers had expressed the unanimous view that sanctions should remain in place for the present.


92. He seems to be quite content with his life at present.


93. This watch was presented to me on that occasion.


94. Some girl students present the foreign visitors with flowers as soon as they arrived.


95. The hostess did the graceful by presenting every guest with a choice bouquet.


96. He doesn't feel fulfilled in his present job.


97. There is no way at present of predicting which individuals will develop the disease...


98. I bought a birthday present for my mother...


99. The world's present external imbalances are neither desirable nor sustainable.


100. She often thinks, if do not have this paragraph of experience, how can have present oneself.

她常想, 如若没有这段经历, 怎么会有现在的自己.《期刊摘选》

101. This special form of vitamin D is naturally present in breast milk...


102. The present perfect is covered in Unit 8.


103. She used to present a gardening programme on TV.


104. The reason for leaving my present employment is that I see no chance for further advancement.


105. Chapter 5 provides a complete summary of this thesis and presents directions for future related research.


106. In presenting a more professional image the party risks losing its individuality.


107. In my present job, I am in charge of the sales department of an enterprise.


108. More were present than absent.


109. At present all what times ~ still have entrance guard!


110. Do you recognize people from the present or past?

从现在或过去的情形看,你认识这些人 么 ?《期刊摘选》

111. They presented a sum of money to the college in memory of their son.


112. The appearance of increased poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, and RBC inclusions suggests that a spleen is not present.

异形红细胞增多 、 红细胞大小不等以及红细胞内容物的出现均提示脾已不存在.《期刊摘选》

113. Present leukaemia, can be a week treated?

现在的白血病, 一个星期就可以治好 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

114. B . His long service with the company was acknowledged with a present.


115. Own life grasping in oneself hand, must treasure the present not a quarter.

自己的人生掌握在自己手中, 要珍惜现在的没一刻.《期刊摘选》

116. He rose from his chair and moved toward me, presenting the book with both hands.

他从椅子上站起,朝我走来, 双手将书赠送给我.《期刊摘选》

117. Very much thanks for the present you sent me.


118. The application of new less oil ignition system burner is presented based on lack of oil.


119. Guy wrenched his mind back to the present.


120. Now that the sports competitions are over, Lady de Vere will present the prizes.

二现在运动比赛已经结束, 德维尔夫人将颁奖.《期刊摘选》

121. Some measures are presented to control and reduce antibiotic residues.


122. You never know what opportunities will present themselves when you meet new people.


123. There are scarcely a hundred people present.


124. She droned on for hours about the uses of the present tense.


125. W: Well, it means that JO Motors enters into a commitment to sell Indian Rupees at the present rate.

女:意思是 JO Motors承诺以现在的汇率出售印度卢比。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

126. A person lost all old affective brother, how should be he faced present oneself?

一个人失去了所有的多年情感的兄弟, 他应该怎样面对现在的自己?《期刊摘选》

127. The principle and construct of wavelength modulation surface plasmon resonance ( SPR ) sensor were presented.

介绍了自行组装的波长检测型表面等离子体子共振 ( SPR ) 传感装置的原理和构造.《期刊摘选》

128. ...Western European art from the period of Giotto to the present day.


129. Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.


130. The intergrowth of official NPO and civil NPO is the social fact in our country present.


131. The government has presented these changes as major reforms...


132. The original unity of the future, the past, and the present which constitutes authentic temporality.

未来 、 过去和现在的原初一体组成真正的时间性.《期刊摘选》

133. We all pitched in a quarter to buy Joe a present.


134. She chose the present with loving care.


135. This paper presents a generative feature based design methodology that supports feature � � s cutting & pasting .

提出并实现了生成型特征设计中的特征 剪贴 的方法.《期刊摘选》

136. The company has decided it must present a more modern image.


137. Allow me to present my wife's cousin, Mr Zachary Colenso.


138. It would be difficult to find a man to take the place of the present manager.


139. This paper presents how to design an Isolation Amplifier Module.


140. The table was almost hidden beneath Dudley's birthday presents.


141. My clothes, my shoes, a present, my ticket, my passport and my toothbrush.

我的衣服, 鞋子, 一个礼物, 机票, 护照,和我的牙刷.《期刊摘选》

142. One design of the passive residual heat removal ( PRHR ) system of nuclear reactor was presented.

提出了一种反应堆非能动 余热 排出系统的方案设计.《期刊摘选》

143. Sensing the explorer's lust for gold, the chief wisely presented gold ornaments as gifts.

酋长觉察出探险者们垂涎黄金的欲念, 就聪明地把金饰品作为礼物赠送给他们.《辞典例句》

144. We presented three options to the unions for discussion...


145. So, structure of present container transport market has the feature that forestall competes . 2.

所以, 现在的集装箱运输市场结构具有垄断竞争的特征.《期刊摘选》

146. Base on this conceptual model, I present the sketch design and the WebGIS prototype.

在这个模型的基础上, 从概要设计开始,逐步细化,最后提出了WebGIS原型系统.《期刊摘选》

147. Presents the basic principle, technical features and catalyst of no on line furnace sulfur recovery process.

介绍了无在线炉硫回收工艺的基本原理 、 技术特点和催化剂使用情况.《期刊摘选》

148. Finally, we present suggestions about actualization of the new performance management system in the future.

并就新绩效管理体系今后的运行 、 管理提出了对策建议.《期刊摘选》

149. In present circumstances, revisionism is more pernicious than dogmatism.

在现在的情况下, 修正主义是比教条主义更有害的东西.《期刊摘选》

150. The present aspect of society is portentous of great change.


151. Every week a Mystical Pond produces nice little presents for the townsfolk.


152. ...continuing right up to the present...


153. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez presented Mr. Obama with academic academic book on precisely that subject.


154. The president was not present at the meeting...


155. Compere: There are a few companies of competition with you on present market.

主持人: 现在的市场上跟你们有竞争的一些公司.《期刊摘选》

156. The article presents Synthesizing Allyl isorhodanate by using microwave energy alcohol as solvent.


157. He presents the obvious high fever and the conscious state inferior characteristic.


158. She'll rake us without ever presenting a target!


159. When this spirit is present, no wrong can stand against it.

一旦这种精神出现了, 无论任何错误都无法抗衡它.《期刊摘选》

160. Modified suggestion to the design based on the calculation was presented.


161. The present delighted her.


162. She gave us a picture as a wedding present.


163. Finally , It'suggests to use UEDC index instead of present operating cost index.


164. Please allow me to extend warm welcome all guests present here.


165. We learn the past, experience the present and hope for success in the future!

我们从过去中学习, 在现在中体验,并展望未来的成功.《期刊摘选》

166. ...monastic music of the present day.


167. My Chen guang ning, gets Europe, a big benefactor, present big style.

我陈广宁, 得到欧洲, 一个大恩人, 赠送大款.《期刊摘选》

168. Mr. Taylor's present behaviour stultifies his previous efforts.


169. I don't need the dictionary at present.


170. Their colleagues insulted them whenever the opportunity presented itself...


171. Linda aim at the monstrous pair and waited for them to present a target.


172. We do not have any more information at the present time.


173. It's a present for one of my children.


174. How long have you been in your present job?


175. In this paper, a new mining technique of mine - Deep hole blasting under water pressure is presented.

介绍了一种矿山开采新技术 — 深孔水压爆破.《期刊摘选》

176. Questioning: The network industry present environment of competition of?

问: 网络业目前的竞争环境 怎么样 ?《期刊摘选》

177. He thinks, chinese enterprise is in present environment, An eye is opened even when sleeping.

他认为, 中国企业在现在的环境中, “ 睡觉的时候依然还要睁只眼睛. ”《期刊摘选》

178. Failure to address comprehensively the problem of greenhouse gas emissions, however, exposes all generations, present and future, to incalculable risks.

然而,如若不能彻底解决温室气体排放的问题,现在这代人以及未来的世世代代都会面临不可估量的风险。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

179. An energy saving method by condensing steam is presented.


180. How do you read the present situation?


181. Analysis showed that traces of arsenic were present in the body.


182. About 9:00 , the President Liu Chang presented souvenirs to Dr. Qin. The talk was a success.

大约9点, 刘畅主席赠送给秦博士纪念品之后, 讲座圆满地结束.《期刊摘选》

183. When is my pay going to be increased from its present rate?

什么时候我现在的工资才能增加 呢 ?《简明英汉词典》

184. Present Talent Intellectual property Night > and other trademark information material.


185. I want to tell you about the past, present and future of the human population.

我要向你们讲述人口的过去、现在和未来。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

186. All competitors are presented with commemorative medals.


187. I believe the vacancy rate is dangerously high at present.


188. This year, Linda got her own pony as a birthday present.

今年, 琳达得到了一匹小马作为生日礼物.《期刊摘选》

189. Enough units are coming off the ~ to meet all present requirements.


190. My present finances preclude the possibility of buying a car.


191. At present we're gleaning information from all sources.


192. The situation required that he should be present.


193. He got a splendid present for her.


194. An advanced automatic press production line is also presented in this paper, in practice.


195. We sent presents to one another.


196. We're not taking on any new clients at present.


197. A newspaperman wants my present address.


198. There are two types of participle in English: the past participle and the present participle.

英语中有两类分词: 过去分词和现在分词.《简明英汉词典》

199. At present, much of the wheat contains genes derived from wild rye.


200. Eight options were presented for consideration.


201. Ms. Carrie Jones , allow me to present our guest of honor, Mr. John Brown.

卡丽·琼斯小姐, 请允许我介绍我们的主宾, 约翰·布朗先生.《期刊摘选》

202. They wrote thanking us for the present.


203. This paper presents a new method of accurate and quick recognizing mechanical type indicator card.


204. It is essential that we present a united front.


205. The carpet was a wedding present from the Prime Minister...


206. Both planets harboured vast quantities of surface water, thick atmospheres , and climates warmer than at present.

两个星体都蕴藏着大量的表层水, 厚厚的大气层, 而且气候比现在温和.《期刊摘选》

207. Shenhua, just like global economic's decline the same, also presented the financial crisis.

申花, 正如全球经济的衰退一样, 也出现了财务危机.《期刊摘选》

208. It is also increasingly found in the present tense.


209. Her present submission is animated solely by her fear of punishment.


210. By sheer ability and force of character he has acquired the present position.


211. Now a third and far more significant motivation presents itself: meeting these goals may be necessary to prevent the collapse of our

civilization.现在,第三个动机,也是意义比前两个重大得多的动机出现了:实现这些目标也许是防止我们的文明崩塌的必要措施。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

212. Never present the gun at someone!


213. Distributed simulation system of accident anticipated plan for substation operation is presented in this paper.


214. I want to buy a present for my mother and father.


215. He presented himself before me.


216. A topic overlay network search ( TONS ) algorithm, P 2 P search mechanism based on topic partition, is presented.

提出一种基于主题划分的P2P搜索算法———主题覆盖网络搜索算法 ( TONS ) .《期刊摘选》

217. You may feel guilt over your past, but you are pointing the present with the things and circumstances you cannot change. 

你也许为你的过去感到内疚,但你这是在 用你无法改变的事物和环境破坏着你的现在。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

218. By 1920 Russia presented the unprecedented spectacle of a modern civilization in complete collapse.

到1920年,俄国呈现出现代文明彻底失败的空前景象.《英汉非文学 - 历史》

219. It presents issues nude to pay attention at the end of this paper.


220. In this article, some of the case histories that have used perforating technique are also presented.


221. A call of the House was ordered to ascertain whether a quorum was present.


222. She insisted on being present at all the interviews.


223. KBC also presents problems.


224. She was told to present herself at the Town Hall at 11.30 for the induction ceremony...


225. The small group of onlookers presented a pathetic sight...


226. They had not been at home many hours, when he presented himself.

他们抵家才几个小时他就出现了.《英汉文学 - 双城记》

227. A trailing comma may be present after an argument list but does not affect the semantics.


228. A simple and convenient method for preparing adrenochrome is presented and the yield reaches over 30 %.


229. Once she attended a program in which strangers gave present to each other.


230. Sleigh was piled high with presents donated by the club.


231. Did you get a present for your mother?


232. Samples are presented free in the company.


233. Each member should present ( or offer ) a question to be discussed at the meeting.


234. The chairman of the company presented the annual report.


235. Wang Xi : cost, present cost is too high.

汪溪: 资费, 现在的资费太高了.《期刊摘选》

236. birthday/Christmas/wedding, etc. presents


237. ...his struggle to reconcile the past with the present.


238. The present rate of exchange is in our favour.


239. With the development of communication technique , advanced requirement is presented on telecommunication service management.

随着通信的发展, 对电信业务的管理提出了更高的要求,管理现代化的呼声也越来越高.《期刊摘选》

240. When did the Temple of Confucius reach its present scale?


241. The present representative of the Dedlocks is an excellent master.


242. It was a matter of some concern to most of those present.


243. Giving presents at Christmas is an institution.


244. She bought a birthday present for her mother.


245. We don't usually give presents to people at work.


246. He presented a revolver at the thief.


247. The presented absolute optical encoder is based on a serial encoding method with single code detector.


248. They are trying to identify what is wrong with the present system.


249. Father Christmas started giving out presents.


250. I must present your friend with some tokens on the occasion of Paul's christening.


251. Grandpa finally presented his retirement request to the Emperor at the age of 70.


252. The president was not present at the meeting.


253. As things stand at present, he seems certain to win.


254. Miguel: I promise. And I promise you a nice present for Christmas, too.

米盖尔: 我答应你. 我还要送给你一个漂亮的圣诞节礼物呢.《期刊摘选》

255. Fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack...


256. You've got to forget the past and start living in the present.


257. At present, most manufacturers have targeted is the second model, relying on ads to earn money.

目前, 大部分厂商都瞄准的是第二种模式, 即靠广告投放挣钱.《期刊摘选》

258. Alex stands at the crossroads at present.


259. You're the prime present I ever received.


260. ...all those tricks which would help him to present himself in a more confident way in public.


261. Not a few of the members were present.


262. Read the passage and choose in the present simple tense and in the present continuous tense.


263. The present duke inherited the title from his father.


264. In this paper, the application of Z 501 reforming catalyst in hydrogen production units is presented.


265. This could be an advance on the present situation.


266. At present children under 14 are not permitted in bars.


267. The professor asked him to present the bare bones of his thesis.


268. They presented concrete proposals for improvement.


269. One theory is that the infection has been present in humans for a very long time...


270. This is not a cheap way to do your shopping, however, as your host will quite correctly expect you to respond by presenting him with a gift of equal worth and beauty

然而,对你 来说,这不是一种廉价的购物方式,因为你的东道主(同事)会非常希望你能有所回应,赠 送给他一件和金碗一样值钱、一样漂亮的礼物。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

271. The most glaring flaw of the social cure as it’s presented here is that it doesn’t work very well for very long.

书中介绍,社会治疗最明显的缺陷是不能持久运转。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

272. Switch arrows and signals of semaphores and transport costly presents from one station to another.


273. There's no end in sight to the present crisis.


274. Don't worry. I will keep a secret about the present.

放心吧, 关于礼物的事我会保守秘密的.《期刊摘选》

275. His speech called forth admiration from all the people present.


276. At present, red fox already this year's market objectives aiming in 30 %.

目前, 火狐已经把今年的市场目标瞄准在30%.《期刊摘选》

277. Everyone present was enthused by the idea.


278. One major problem did present itself, though.


279. My present condition was reality!


280. Tokyo is the present capital of Japan, but for centuries the capital was Kyoto.

东京是日本现在的首都, 但几个世纪以来,日本的首都一直是京都.《期刊摘选》

281. It is better to present your gifts with alacrity because the result will be reinforced.


282. He has brought much of the present crisis on himself...


283. I bought her a birthday present.


284. At 32 weeks the patient presented premature labor and spontaneous rupture of the amniotic membranes.


285. Do you enjoy your present job?

你喜欢目前的工作 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

286. The concept of local air conditioning and an application example of DY type outlet was presented.


287. This will surely make a very wonderful present.


288. The British like to present themselves as a nation of dog-lovers...


289. But I confess our present educational system excites in my mind grave misgivings.


290. Although I gave him many presents, I had no reciprocal gifts from him.

虽然我给他很多礼物, 但我没有收到过他给我的礼物.《现代英汉综合大词典》

291. Accordingly, I cannot tell you the present house number in the home.

因此, 我无法把家里现在的门牌告诉你.《期刊摘选》

292. Mr. Roosevelt gave me for a birthday present a beautiful Persian porcelain vase.


293. May I present my fiancé to you?


294. The mayor presented him with a gold medal at an official city reception...


295. A further obstacle has presented itself, however.


296. Every one of those present anted up an idea or two.


297. This paper presented the merit of adaptive threshold with the more advantageous pointwise variance method.


298. Bats are nocturnal flying mammals. The statistics presented here describe small, insectivorous bats.

蝙蝠是一种夜行性飞行哺乳动物. 这里目前的统计资料表明是一种较小, 食虫的蝙蝠.《期刊摘选》

299. For objects with complex shape , optimization Methods : Were presented to modify the fuzzy boundary.


300. John was present at the birth of both his children.


301. In this paper a method of the construction of complex functions and their transforms are presented.


302. I want to take at the present you just mentioned, there isn't much time left.


303. A concave shape micromachined variable capacitor was presented which has high Q and wide tuning ranges.


304. At present we have a total of 38 million members.


305. A state assignment based algorithm is presented for power and area optimization of finite state machines.


306. There are times when I feel my present job is too much for me.


307. Thanks for your present, you've made my day.

谢谢你的礼物, 你真的让我很开心.《期刊摘选》

308. The company presented a gold watch to him on the day he retired.


309. The union presented a shopping list of demands to the management.


310. The second arises from the spherical aberration present in the objective lens.


311. Please present your objection to the plan.


312. a list of all club members, past and present


313. Current, there are two tendencies below this auspicious situation notable, make a person anxious even.

目前, 在这个大好形势下有两个倾向值得注意, 甚至令人担忧.《期刊摘选》

314. The research of full model flutter test technique in CARDC is briefly presented in this paper.

本文简要介绍了CARDC全 模颤振试验技术的研究情况.《期刊摘选》

315. The present government took office in 2005.


316. We also with to present some books and rubbings.


317. A number of local personalities were present.


318. The effects of disturbed and false signals on Scanning Acoustic Microscope ( SEAM ) are presented in this paper.

本文对扫描电声显微镜电声 成像 中出现的干扰信号以及假信号的产生进行了讨论.《期刊摘选》


1. Wal-Mart security officers were also present overnight, but he said he did not know how many.

CNN: Wal-Mart worker dies in rush; two killed at toy store

2. And that code is specific to the type of wind and water that hurricanes present.

NPR: Cost of Levee Repairs Rises in New Orleans

3. Although Google's influence on the phone will be present, Espelien insists it won't be overwhelming.

FORBES: In The Air

4. The hymn, what Milton calls the "humble ode," that follows this introduction is the poem that Milton wants to present to the Lord.

紧接着我们介绍的颂歌“,弥尔顿叫它“谦逊的颂歌“,就是弥尔顿想给上帝看的那首诗。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Each December,she has her students make posters about their own celebrations at home and present them to the class.

VOA : special.2009.12.24

6. Particularly if you compare them with hair cells that are present in the mammalian and the human and mouse cochlea.

尤其是与哺乳动物如人和老鼠的,耳蜗中的毛细胞相比。7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

7. Paula hid the present carefully.


8. So, that's present in all of these moments, but--equally present-- I want to get back to this sense of blankness.

所以它在这些时候都被呈现了出来,而且是同等地呈现了出来-,让我们回头看看,这种空无一物的感觉。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. Tsutsumi is a living demonstration of how money and political power intersect in present day Japan.

FORBES: The winner: Tsutsumi

10. Other experts say glass making first started four to five thousand years ago in ancient Mesopotamia, present day Iraq and Syria.

VOA : special.2009.09.16

11. It has a gate on it and that gate is in open or close state depending on whether a ligand is present or not.

在这个通道上有个门,这个门是打开还是关闭,取决于配体到来与否生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. It turned out that he was to present my plan to top operations execs.

FORBES: Congress Motivated By Fear, Incompetence... Just Like Big Business!

13. Ivanka is decidedly present in L.A. An audience member asks her father for a date with her.

FORBES: The Real Apprentices

14. We could be underestimating this as speculative activities were largely not present in 1990-91.

FORBES: How To Play $220 Per Barrel Oil

15. Use this pattern whenever you want to find out about the timing of an event in the past, present, or future.

当你想知道过去、现在或者未来某件事发生的时间时,你都可以使用这个句型。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : When 课堂

16. Governments didn't appear fully convinced by that argument, a person who was present said.

WSJ: EU Likely to Weaken Proposed Transaction Tax

17. Those issues were addressed by the present principal and he's here to help the kids.

NPR: Racial Tensions Overheat at L.A. High School

18. You may find all that all too intrusive, living with the past as present.

NPR: Natural Links in a Long Chain of Being

19. That was the most disgusting, sexist, slanted, hypocritical piece of writing I have encountered in present-day journalism.

FORBES: Readers Say

20. But in addition to Aboriginal history, Sydney is also emphasising the present and future of its indigenous inhabitants.

BBC: Australia rediscovers its urban indigenous heart

21. May I present Mr Rudolph Wallace?


22. Reckless spending in the past has resulted in perpetual deficit spending in the present.

CNN: How to jump-start U.S. economy

23. Today we look up into the skies to explore the past and present of the tallest buildings in the world.

VOA : special.2010.03.31

24. At present there are few hopeful signs that the bilateral relationship will improve markedly.

ECONOMIST: As India's clout grows it will reshape the world around it

25. So, they are selling widgets or whatever and making money-- the value of the company is the present value of that cash flow.

不管通过什么方式赚钱,即便卖小商品...,公司的价值等于现金流的现值金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Plants with names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur,low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals.

VOA : special.2009.08.25

27. If several of these conditions are present at the same time, a person's body temperature may rise above safe levels.

VOA : special.2010.07.27

28. Mr Vorus was freed on condition he present himself every fortnight to the judicial authorities.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Treasure ship leaves Spanish port

29. This is the only true way to protect the organization for present and future liability.

FORBES: Lesson From The News Of The World Scandal: Data Is Forever

30. The American Theater Wing and The Broadway League will present the awards at ceremonies on June twelfth in New York City.

VOA : special.2011.05.06

31. The Nottingham-born forward was ever-present in Southampton's Championship campaign last season, scoring 12 goals.

BBC: Forest capture striker McGoldrick

32. I have made some adjustments every year. I'm trying to deal with the fact that there are so many novels I love written between, say, 1985 and the present that are over 400 pages apiece.

每年我都会做一些调整,但是事实是,我喜欢自1985年到现在这段时期的很多小说,每本都超过400页。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. She says her goal as an artist is to present a pop record to the world in a very interesting way.

VOA : special.2009.02.27

34. This can be especially appealing considering the present high unemployment rate and the rising costs of attending college.

VOA : special.2010.07.16

35. So what is this radical new idea that shaped a culture and enabled its survival into later antiquity and really right into the present day in some form?

到底什么观点造,造就了这种文化,并使犹太人在后来幸存下来呢?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. A person, a place or a thing that's related to something that you're talking about in the present moment.

你可以谈论与当前的情景相关的人物、地点或者事物。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : remind me of 课堂

37. And that means they share a history and often they also share a perception of the present.

BBC: A battle for America's soul

38. What alternatives are there to the present situation, of a Federal Reserve monopoly floating fiat currency?

FORBES: We Are Happily Beyond The Days Of Ron Paul's Lonely Crusades

39. Today we present the second of two programs about contemporary classical music written by composers working in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.07.19

40. Present me with such a plan, and I will praise it with pleasure and accept it without the slightest feeling of regret."

VOA : special.2009.03.19

41. The optimism and hardship that dominated the goldfields during that time reverberates throughout present-day Victoria.

BBC: The glittering goldfields of southeastern Australia

42. He owns 500 North Korean posters, some from the 1950s but most from the present day.

FORBES: Dictator Chic

43. At present, tax inspectors can check reported income and spending against bank accounts or credit-card statements.

ECONOMIST: Taxes slip through the Net

44. There's a way in which the context of the war, too, shadows the poem and remains present in it.

在战争的背景下,也投影于诗中同时也保持了它的现实性。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. At the core of it is a belief in progress, something that was essentially not present among the Greeks.

其核心就是对于进步的信仰,实质上说这在希腊文化中是不存在的古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Or patients might be advised to think less about the past and more about the present and the future.

VOA : special.2010.04.13

47. We love those with whom we are most intimately related and who are most immediately present and visible to us.

我们爱那些,与我们关系最亲密的人,及立即就出现,在我们跟前的人。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. But then I was also at Hilary Sunday School of my present Baptist church You have all of this comes together.

但是我同样还在另外一所主日学校打工,总是能同一时间做好几件事情。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

49. I've been using the blackboard a little ad hoc here, but suppose I neaten things up here now and present this rectangle is let's say R RAM, the memory inside of your computer.

我在这里特别地使用这块黑板,假如我整理这些东西,把它们呈现,这个长方形,假如说就是内存,你电脑的内存。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

50. The NMC said Mr Oyabadejo and Mr Crentsil were not present at the hearing.

BBC: Edale House nurses struck off over patient death

51. Her letters conflate past and present.


52. But as Sheikh Zayed once said, a country with no past "has neither a present or a future".

BBC: Al Ain: The deserts oasis

53. Next Sunday night, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will present the Academy Awards in Los Angeles,California.

VOA : special.2010.03.01

54. The risks may be ever-present but for Lusimbo the most immediate one is the risk of failure.

CNN: Celebrating gay pride in Uganda

55. Kent County Council (KCC) is to present its plans to improve broadband in the county.

BBC: Kent broadband improvement plans to be announced

56. At present, a spouse who is a surviving beneficiary receives very substantial relief against inheritance tax.

BBC: 'Be proud of our gay citizens'

57. From May fifteenth till August twenty-third, the Guggenheim in New York will present "Frank Lloyd Wright: From Within Outward."

VOA : special.2009.04.06

58. The present law has signally failed.


59. no surprise] as we refer to the objects they are meant to present - a defect in a literary text."

当我们讲到它们所想要表现的东西时,但这正是文学作品的一个缺点“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. So, we are now going to do one standard problem where we will convince ourselves we can apply this formulas and predict the future given the present.

我们接下来将去研究一个标准问题,通过这个问题,我们能让自己相信,我们能利用这些式子,根据现状,预测未来基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. It can, for example, be used to determine the right language in which to present a multilingual website.

ECONOMIST: Geography and the net

62. Here are five marketing realities that can help us bridge the past, present, and future.

FORBES: New Study Predicts Ten Years of Staggering Change. Will Everything You Know About Marketing Soon Be Worthless?

63. My father was a veteran of the Korean War, and it really represents the future and the past and present."

VOA : special.2009.11.14

64. At present, a staggering 38% of the Chinese economy is attributable to exports.

FORBES: Magazine Article

65. That's the present position, anyway.





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annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


battlefields的意思是:n. 战场;斗争领域;争论主题。battlefield的复数。学考宝为您提供battlefields是什么意思,battlefields的音标,battlefields怎么读,battlefields的翻译,battlefields的用法,battlefields的短语搭配,battlefields的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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