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v. (效益上)超过,胜过


英 [ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːmɪŋ]play 美 [ˌaʊtpərˈfɔːrmɪŋ]play

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outperform /ˌaʊtpəˈfɔːm/ CET6+ [ outperforming outperformed outperforms ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If one thing outperforms another, the first is more successful or efficient than the second. 胜过

    In recent years the Austrian economy has outperformed most other industrial economies.



1. Outperforming Global Equities 优于全球股票

2. While Outperforming Hollywood Imports 而排名好莱坞进口

3. Outperforming silicon 硅纳米线

4. Laggard Outperforming 落后股的上涨


1. It and other blue-chip financial shares could possibly outperform during this period.


2. Women are now outperforming men markedly in school and university.


3. Experimental results show that color edge features outperform gray edge features evidently;

实验结果表明,图像颜色边缘特征比灰度边缘特征具有明显优势。《provided by jukuu》

4. Public services at their best now outperform the banks so government ownership could actually improve bank performance.


5. In Finland, outperforming your neighbor isn't very important. Everybody is average, but you want that average to be very high.


6. Clearly, the other effect is that defence stocks should continue to outperform.


7. How can an index outperform the market by 5% annually over nearly 20 years?


8. In fact, gold has tripled in value over the last seven years, outperforming the S&P 500 for this same period of time.

事实上,在过去的七年里,黄金价格已经增长了三倍,远超同期水平的s&p 500指数。

9. As advanced animals, human always outperform themselves in the sense.


10. In the highly competitive business world, effectively managing business processes is not the only key to outperforming the competition.


11. And we need to help them outperform us in the pursuit of peace.


12. He believes dividend payers could outperform as long as interest rates stay low.


13. These are maximums because the clustered environment may have difficulty outperforming the single application, due to backend resource limitations.


14. In Beijing , as usual , China's women are outperforming its men, including four in weightlifting alone.

在北京奥运会上, 中国女选手的表现再次超过男选手.《互联网》

15. Their highest conviction 'best ideas' stocks, often their top holdings, have a good chance of outperforming.


16. Why do companies with more women at senior level tend to outperform rivals?


17. The Shenzhen Comp is now up 93.7 per cent year-to-date, easily outperforming every other market on the globe.


18. Research has shown that companies with an effective service innovation process consistently outperform those without.


19. The issues went from underperforming to outperforming stocks of similar size and industry, the researchers found.


20. Within two years, P& G was outperforming both its new targets and many of its competitors.


21. In many cases, this is exactly what you want and will outperform any other strategy.


22. Is it time to buy this stock that is so clearly outperforming the market?


23. McKinsey expects 12% annual growth through 2020, outperforming 8% growth projected for the broader car market.


24. Most popular management theories suggests it is necessarily to fight and claw your way to the top by outperforming and outmaneuvering everyone else.


25. But, I believe I am outperforming the game - engine, and am within touching distance of cracking it.

但是, 我相信我超越了比赛引擎, 并且就快要破解它了.《互联网》

26. That such fees endure might suggest investors can identify outperforming fund managers in advance.


27. In the past few days, chemical stocks have been outperforming the average during its wild swings up and down.


28. This is a good example of when unit testing can really outperform system integration testing.


29. The stock has climbed 13% this year, outperforming the 3.4% advance of the Standard & Poor's 500 Index.


30. It is not difficult to find outperforming firms in markets lack of attractiveness or poorly performing firms in attractive markets.


31. The Russell 2000, the leading small cap index, has gained 16.5 percent this year as of Thursday's close, outperforming all of the other big indexes.

2004年是中小盘股票表现价值的一年。 截止上周四收盘时,代表小盘股的Russell2000指数年涨幅达到16.5%,远高于其他股指。

32. In general, high spatial ability students outperform low spatial ability students in every group.


33. The two Korean steamrollers have a history of outperforming the industry and are doing so again.

现代和起亚,这两家势不可挡的韩国汽车新锐曾创下高于业内水平的骄人业绩。 如今这一幕再次上演。

34. We see value in longer term government paper and expect bonds to outperform cash.


35. How does an active management skeptic like me outperform with index funds?


36. The simulation shows that this system outperform fixed code rate system at information rate ( BER of 10-5).


37. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperform original query in precision and obtain the better retrieval quality.


38. For bank management it is difficult to know whether the traders consistently outperform their markets.


39. He maintained an "outperform" rating on the stock, however.


40. The second is that the purpose of a national economy is to outperform its peers.


41. Roche stock closed up 1.4 percent at 149 Swiss francs, outperforming a 0.7 percent firmer DJ Stoxx European drugs index.

Roche股票以149瑞士法郎收盘上涨约1.4%,超过了DJ Stoxx欧洲药品指数0.7%.

42. A study, aptly from Citigroup (which axed 52,000 people this week), shows cash hoarders now outperforming indebted firms, having lagged before.


43. Will Hillary take revenge on her philandering husband by outperforming him in the Oval Office?


44. A robust banking system and strong exports have helped the economy outperform its peers.


45. Relative valuations alone suggest US assets will continue to outperform.


46. Now, given the right data, machines are going to outperform humans at tasks like this.


47. Within two years, P & G was outperforming both its new targets and many of its competitors.

不出两年, 宝洁 的业绩不仅超过了这两个新目标,还超越了许多竞争对手.《互联网》

48. Microsoft's stock has rallied in recent weeks, outperforming the Nasdaq composite index.


49. Half a century ago little information was available and clients barely knew whether their fund manager was outperforming his peers.


50. A closer look, however, shows a large number of poorer countries outperforming many of the continent's richer ones, several of which do rather badly.


51. People with Type A personalities do not always outperform those with Type B personalities.


52. Students scored 106 points on average, outperforming the computer program that had 93 points.


53. But Germany remains the outperforming market, with expectations towards property values less pessimistic than elsewhere.

但德国仍然是表现较好的市场, 对房产价值的预期不像其它地区那么悲观.《互联网》

54. British schools outperform the French on both new criteria.


55. So we're looking for ways to outperform our competitors.

7.outperform v.超额完成,过度执行,做得比…好布什:所以,我们正在想办法超过我们的对手。

56. The stock has climbed 13% this year, outperforming the 3.4% advance of the Standard &Poor’s 500 Index.


57. The big money management funds are not interested in outperforming the stock market.


58. Students with such a growth mind-set were destined for greater academic success and were quite likely to outperform their counterparts.

具有这种成长思维的学生注定会获得更大的学业成就并很可能超越同龄人。《四级真题- 2016年 12月 2卷 信息匹配》

59. It contributes to clear thinking subjects with clear goals in mind outperforming those without clear goals.


60. As they increasingly move in tandem, this suggests that it may be harder in the future to identify outperforming markets.


61. To top it off, during this period the Turtles were actually outperforming Dennis as a group.


62. In the Summer of 2004, I had noticed that my dog site was outperforming my other sites in visitors and views.



1. Moreover, the company has been continuously outperforming its 200-day moving average over the past six months.

FORBES: Potlatch Leaves Competition In The Dust With Robust Growth And Returns

2. Earlier this year, the study funded by Bristol-Myers Squibb showed Lipitor outperforming a lower dose of Pravachol.

FORBES: Merck's Possible Silver Lining: Vytorin

3. It says that its figures are higher mainly because these smaller retailers are currently outperforming large ones.

ECONOMIST: The high street will stay in trouble

4. The new name hadn't stuck, and international markets--where the Amway brand still existed--were outperforming North America.

FORBES: Magazine Article

5. The U.S. might keep outperforming, says Sam Katzman, chief investment officer at Constellation Wealth Advisors in New York.

WSJ: How to Play the Central-Bank Rescue

6. The iShares MSCI Brazil (EWZ) exchange traded fund is actually outperforming the MSCI Emerging Markets index.

FORBES: Layoffs In Brazil's Near-Future As Low Growth, Tight Labor Market Persists

7. Scotland recorded strong increases in permanent and temporary appointments, outperforming the UK as a whole.

BBC: Scottish jobs market in 'growth period'

8. Indeed, he usually beat the expectations of analysts, even after they grew accustomed to him outperforming.

FORBES: Why General Dynamics Could Outperform Amid Defense Cutbacks

9. The stock is up 15.6% since the start of the year, outperforming many of its competitors.

BBC: Canadian boost for Standard Life

10. Oil and gas major Russia was outperforming both after falling all week due to political unrest there.

FORBES: Oil Prices Show No Clear Direction, Consultant Says

11. Treasury bonds are finally outperforming stocks, but there is a minor panic in the junk- bond sector.

FORBES: Cracks in the Nifty Fifty

12. Their total return over the past 18 months has been around 50%, slightly outperforming the Tokyo stockmarket.

ECONOMIST: Japanese property

13. Treasury bonds finally are outperforming stocks, but there is a minor panic in the junk bond sector.

FORBES: Market trends: acks in the Nifty Fifty

14. The Franc was up by around 15% year to date and was outperforming gold.

FORBES: Post-Downgrade, Commodity Currencies More Vunerable Than Dollar

15. Seriously, the trick behind the outperforming portfolios had nothing to do with monkeys or darts.

FORBES: Any Monkey Can Beat the Market

16. On a relative basis, in other words, the stock is actually nicely outperforming the market.

FORBES: Apple: Bottom-Fishers Blunt The Panic Sellers; Shrs Barely Budge

17. It was up 6% at 25.50 rupees in afternoon trading, outperforming the benchmark Sensex, which was flat.

WSJ: Maran to Buy Additional 5% Stake in SpiceJet

18. Obama even slightly reversed the Bradley Effect by outperforming the poll predictions in the 2008 election.

FORBES: Does the Bradley Effect Overrate Obama in the Polls?

19. Some of the cars made by American workers right now are outperforming the best cars made abroad.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama on Stabilizing the Auto Industry

20. However, outperforming BBBY has been heavily targeted by bearish options traders in recent weeks.

FORBES: Bullish Options Plays In Under Armour And Bed Bath & Beyond

21. Outperforming sectors look to be financials, healthcare and possibly consumer non-durables which strangely have led the market.

FORBES: You Won't Make Money Believing Nattering Nabobs Of Negativity

22. Both its small cites and one big town, Portland, were outperforming the national norms.

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. That way you'll stand a better chance of outperforming or at least matching the benchmarks.

WSJ: It's Not Your Fault Your Fund Can't Keep Up

24. The Nasdaq index was outperforming the U.S. markets Friday, up 8 points at 2, 645.

FORBES: Oracle's Earnings Beat Keeps Nasdaq Chugging

25. For each group, I have also selected a particular stock that is outperforming the market.

FORBES: 4 Industry Groups Beating the S&P 500

26. Women are succeeding (and in many cases outperforming men) in primary school, secondary school and higher education.

FORBES: How I, A Woman, Learned To Break The Rules And Do My Part To Help Better The World

27. Data from two states, Indiana and Iowa, showed Amish students outperforming the state average in standardized tests.

WSJ: New research shows diversity among US Amish groups

28. And it gives you a good shot at outperforming the benchmark Nikkei 225 Index.

FORBES: I'm Buying Japanese, I Really Think So!

29. Large-cap value funds, meanwhile, rose 0.2%, slightly outperforming a 2% drop for large-cap growth funds.

FORBES: Investors Place Bets on Value vs. Growth in 2012

30. And if your teammate is comprehensively outperforming you it is clearly time to move on.

CNN: Massa under more scrutiny in Montreal




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annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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