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the Great Lake是什么意思_the Great Lake怎么读_the Great Lake的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


the Great Lake

the Great Lake

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  • n. 大西洋

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1. The great lake college 五湖学院

2. the Great Salt Lake 大盐湖 ; 原始海水

3. The Sixth Great Lake 表演者

4. Sleep on the Great Lake 沉睡在大湖中

5. the Great Ghost Lake 溶解氧极大值


1. Because the tunnels are so large, and are placed by themselves in the middle of a large piece of the Great Salt Lake Desert, they are visible from miles away.


2. A Statistic Analysis of the Particulars of Great Lake Bulk Carrier


3. The Donner party finally made it through the Wasatch Mountains and arrived at the Great Salt Lake.


4. How far is it from here to the Great Lake?

从这儿到大西洋有多远 啊 ?《互联网》

5. On the remote western edge of Uganda the land suddenly drops down into the western arm of the Great Rift Valley to reveal the vast expanse of Lake Albert and the blue mountains of Congo beyond.

在乌干达遥远的西部边区,突然之间大地陷入了东非大裂谷(Great Rift)西翼的怀抱,绵延广阔的阿尔伯特湖(Lake Albert)就藏在山谷之中,它的外面就是刚果的蓝山山脉。

6. It was eight o'clock when the train passed through the defiles of the Humboldt Range, and half-past nine when it penetrated Utah, the region of the Great Salt Lake, the singular colony of the Mormons.


7. The capital and largest city of utah; located near the Great Salt Lake in North Central utah; world capital of the Mormon church.

犹他州首府和最大城市;位于犹他州中北部大盐湖附近;摩门教会的总部。《provided by jukuu》

8. 'Swan Lake' is one of the great classical ballets.


9. That newcomer, brown streak, is now ravaging cassava crops in a great swath around Lake Victoria, threatening millions of East Africans who grow the tuber as their staple food.


10. Another attraction on the lake is Haixinshan where according to legend great horses were bred.


11. The distinctive geographical feature is the plain formed by the inundations of the Tonle Sap (Great Lake).

显著的地理特征是Tonle Sap(大湖)洪水所形成的平原。

12. The Great park will use recycled water in its lake (older parks often used mains water).


13. I followed my neighbors to the lake of Lashi and took several pictures of villagers hauling the fishing basket, weighing the big fish with great joy.


14. Forecasters are predicting more snow moving into the Great Lake and Midwest by Christmas morning.


15. We sail the lake with Him still; and as we reach its middle waters, far from land, under midnight skies, suddenly a great storm sweeps down.


16. From the great Calcutta salt lake?

产自加尔各答的盐湖?《provided by jukuu》

17. Otherwise, you can have a seafood-based dinner at a waterfront location such as Finz. There is a good wine list, the prices are reasonable, and the view of the lake is great.


18. By the way of Great Lake Model, the flood control problems on wetland of the Dongting Lake are deeply studied in the dissertation.


19. What are the names of the Great Lakes Lake superior, Lake michigan, Lake huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are the five great lakes.

何谓五大湖素壁利亚湖,密西根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖,安大略湖。《provided by jukuu》

20. The valley was a great lake, reaching to the big trees in the fields which had not yet lost the fire in their braches.


21. A shallow body of salt water of northwest Utah between the Wasatch Range on the east and the Great Salt Lake Desert on the west.


22. Last year, he notes more than 700,000 refugees and two million internally displaced people went home, many from the Great Lake Region of Africa.


23. Other eagles were found dead by hunters, farmers and homeowners, all within the general vicinity of the Great Salt Lake.


24. However, it is not the saltiest lake in the world. The Great Salt Lake in the USA, with 270 ports of salt per thousand, is even saltier.


25. The Mississippi River system and the Great Lakes are connected only through the man-made Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, which leads from Lake Michigan to the Illinois River.


26. Last year, he notes more than 700000 refugees and two million internally displaced people went home, many from the Great Lake Region of Africa.


27. After suffering great hardships in the Wasatch Mountains, the great Salt Lake Desert and along the Humboldt River, they finally reached the Sierra Nevada Mountains in early October.


28. They decided on Promontory Summit, north of the Great Salt Lake; some 690 track-miles from Sacramento and 1, 086 from Omaha.

两家公司决定在大盐湖的北部海角峰(Promontory Summit)汇合,离萨克拉门托约690英里的铁轨长度(此处没有理解),离奥马哈1,086英里。

29. Bill would be waiting for him there, and they would paddle away south down the Dease to the Great Bear Lake.


30. "Asian carp are indeed knocking on the door of the Great Lakes," Rogner said "This is the closest to Lake Michigan that an actual Asian carp body has been found."


31. ZetaTalk Prediction 7/16/2011: Roseville lies on a line between the two Great Lakes, where St. Clair lake lies.


32. Some set off in a wagon train and founded a city by the Great Salt Lake in what is now utah.

一些人随着一个马车队出发,在大盐湖附近建立了一座城市--现在属于犹他州。《provided by jukuu》

33. Originally great ice-fields blocked the western end of the lake - today its glacier-fed waters drain into the Pacific Ocean.


34. He looked to the South and knew that somewhere beyond those bleak hills lay the great bear lake;

他瞧了瞧南面,知道在那些荒凉的小山后面就是大熊湖;《provided by jukuu》

35. Explorers visited the camp. They told Brigham Young about a great salt lake in a wide valley on the western side of the Rocky Mountains.


36. The track up to this time had reached its highest elevation at the Great Salt Lake.


37. Some five miles southward of Sligo is a gloomy and tree-bordered pond, a great gathering-place of water-fowl, called, because of its form, the Heart Lake.


38. Wind and snow the Great Lake possibly on Wednesday, wind - rain mix.

周三, 五大湖区将会遭遇风雪天气,有时会风雨交加.《互联网》

39. He started to move his people toward the Great Salt Lake as soon as the winter snows melted.


40. What about the Great Salt Lake, the Old Faithful Geyser, and the giant redwood forests? We will have to report about them and other natural wonders another time.


41. The great shrinking of lake areas because of too much reclamation affects the function of lakes in adjusting water volume and destroys ecological conditions of the area, leads to frequent disasters.


42. Because of its unique geographical location, the great change of the lake area has become a hot issue concerning the safety of the North railway of Xinjiang.


43. The distinctive geographical feature is the plain formed by the inundations of the Tonle Sap ( Great Lake).

显著的地理特征是Tonle Sap(大湖)洪水所形成的平原。

44. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger.


45. While the boats brought to the new lake have been a great help for the stranded people, concerns for safety of the passengers remains a major issue. Photo taken on May 2nd, 2010.


46. Todd Park, a local detective, said the method has helped him learn more about an unidentified woman whose skeleton was found near Great Salt Lake.


47. Bina: Oh, that's Lake Superior. It's the largest of the five Great Lakes.


48. Some land-locked waters such as the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake contain waters that are nearly saturated with dissolved solids.


49. Wind and snow for the Great Lake possibly on Wednesday, wind-rain mix.


50. The great lake along with its grassland and plants not only controls and adjusts the ecological environment of the lake area but forms a natural screen against the spread of desert from west toward east.


51. It's a phenomenon that occurs anywhere you have a large lake that doesn't freeze and have cold air flowing over it, mostly in the Northern Hemisphere Like the great lakes in the United States.


52. Las Vegas had similar problems. It was part of a great desert until Lake Mead was created by the Hoover Dam built on the Colorado River.


53. Lake Baikal in southern Siberia is the world's oldest and deepest lake, containing more water than all of North America's Great Lakes combined.



1. In Hanoi, Bui Vu Thi has a new apartment in a good neighborhood with two bedrooms, one bath and a great view of the lake.

NPR: Real Estate Booms in Communist Vietnam

2. The Oxford team reasoned that if this perturbation was so great, it ought to be evident in the sediments of Lake Malawi.

BBC: Toba super-volcano catastrophe idea 'dismissed'

3. Left to savor are virtuoso touches, like a flock of birds that becomes useless paper, a train that glides along the surface of a lake, and one of the great villains of all time, Yubaba, who looks like a bobble-headed grandmother on speed.

NEWYORKER: Spirited Away

4. The new areas selected by naked Retreats for expansion are along the Great Wall in Beijing, on an island in Taihu Lake in Jiangsu province, and also in the Shanghai and Guangzhou areas.

FORBES: naked Retreats Plans To Invest More Than $160 Mln As China's Resort Market Grows

5. The sometimes contentious issue is among several up for discussion during a weekend gathering of the Council of Great Lakes Governors on this Lake Huron resort island.

WSJ: Great Lakes governors seek agreement on invasives

6. Great Bear Lake is largely unknown, but is in fact the third largest lake in North America, as deep as 1, 400 feet in places.

FORBES: Magnetic North: The Canadian (Mining) Miracle

7. Even with our potentially top player on injured reserve (the Atlantic sturgeon is currently under a commercial fishing ban), companies like Sterling, Tsar Nicoulai and Seattle Caviar are offering subtle, very caviary-tasting roe from the Pacific Coast white sturgeon, the lake sturgeon of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi, and even from the oddly abundant paddlefish, a distant sturgeon cousin.

FORBES: Roe Rage

8. It has the best pizza, a great skyline, gorgeous Lake Michigan, museums and a diversity of cultures on every corner.

CNN: Chicago's violence took my dad, friends

9. The Asian carp is a species not native to this part of the world, and its presence in the Great Lakes would be devastating to the species that are native to Lake Michigan and its counterpart lakes.

FORBES: Will Chinese Eat 'Wild Mississippi River Fish'?

10. In a moment, the view from Lake Elsinore, California, hard hit by this vicious cycle but also right now a place of great opportunity.

CNN: Transcript of May 'CNN Money Summit: Money & Main St.'

11. "The S.S. Badger, the filthiest ship on the Great Lakes, has been given two more years to dump hundreds of tons of dangerous coal ash into Lake Michigan, " Durbin said in a statement.

NPR: Deal Requires Ferry To Stop Ash Dumping In 2 Years

12. Besides a great space for car enthusiasts, the property also includes a salt water pool, tennis court. wine cellar and lake views.

FORBES: Ultimate Garages (Cars, Too!) for Father's Day

13. The home of cable channels Food Network, HGTV and Travel Channel is tucked between the old Brown Squirrel Furniture Store and the Dead Horse Lake Golf Course at the foot of the Great Smoky Mountains in Knoxville, Tenn.

FORBES: Why There's No 'Cooking With Honey Boo Boo' On Food Network

14. The snow comes across the Great Salt Lake Desert, hits the Wasatch mountain range and gets pushed up and turned into light, but consistent powdery snow.

BBC: Living in: Ski resort towns

15. This makes Lake Vostok a place of great scientific interest, because the ice sheet above the lake provides the longest uninterrupted climate record known to exist.

ECONOMIST: Planetary pretenders

16. Those are the same reasons President Obama mobilized EPA and other federal agencies to revitalize cleanups in the Chesapeake Bay and the Great Lakes, and why we are recommitting to our work on other great waterbodies such as Puget Sound, Lake Tahoe, the San Francisco Bay Delta, as well as our oceans, estuaries and precious wetlands like the Florida Everglades.

WHITEHOUSE: Blog Action Day: Protecting Americas Waters Today

17. Stone says Nagorka takes some of her inspiration from environmental sculptors like Robert Smithson, whose work Spiral Jetty changed the landscape near the Great Salt Lake in Utah, and Andy Goldsworthy, recent subject of the documentary film Rivers and Tides.

NPR: Stefanie Nagorka, Do-It-Yourself Sculptor

18. Will the lower flood-season flow affect the seasonal highs and lows of the water levels of the Great Lake in Cambodia?


19. For most of the past century, agriculture has been the winner of the water wars, receiving the great bulk of water from the Colorado River and its two large reservoirs at Lake Mead and Lake Powell.

NPR: Struggling over Water: A Series Overview

20. The 5 complementary posters provide a wealth of information, both in Khmer and English, on the characteristics of the flooded forest ecosystem, as well as specific tree, bush, vine and aquatic species that can be found in the great lake.


21. JazzSet comes from historic Orchestra Hall in the great city by the lake, Chicago.

NPR: Joshua Redman Leads The SF Jazz Collective

22. An electric barrier in a shipping canal near Chicago is meant to keep them from migrating into Lake Michigan, where scientists say they eventually could spread to the other Great Lakes and out-compete native fish for food.

WSJ: Study: Asian carp unlikely to stow away in barges

23. Nowhere sums up the spirit of hiking in the Lake District better than Great Langdale.

BBC: The perfect trip: The Lake District

24. According to an entry in the Clan Cameron Archives, Loch Arkaig, west of the Great Glen, has a "lake-horse" that in the past was seen by a deer stalker and his children.

BBC: Monsters Inc: Scottish lochs and their creatures

25. Just 20 miles due west of the city is a 10-foot-high glacial moraine that separates the Mississippi and its vast north-south system of tributaries from the Great Lake waterways.

FORBES: A most unromantic river

26. Forecasters said snowfall was possible from the Great Lakes to the Northeast some of it lake-effect snow.

WSJ: 2 dead after storms rake South, move to Northeast

the Great Lake是什么意思_the Great Lake怎么读_the Great Lake的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




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