莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈdʒʌstɪs]play美 [ˈdʒʌstɪs]play

  • n. 公平,正义;公道,合理;司法,法律制裁;<美>法官
  • 【名】 (Justice)(英)贾斯蒂斯,贾斯蒂丝(人名)

复数 justices

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


justice /ˈdʒʌstɪs/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Justice is fairness in the way that people are treated. 公正

    He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.



    He only wants freedom, justice and equality.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 The justice of a cause, claim, or argument is its quality of being reasonable, fair, or right. 正当性

    We are a minority and must convince people of the justice of our cause.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 Justice is the legal system that a country uses in order to deal with people who break the law. 司法

    Many in Toronto's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A justice is a judge. 法官

    Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court.


  • 5.
    头衔名词 Justice is used before the names of judges. 法官 (表示头衔)

    A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned.


  • 6.
    习语 If a criminal is brought to justice, he or she is punished for a crime by being arrested and tried in a court of law. 依法惩处

    They demanded that those responsible be brought to justice.


  • 7.
    习语 To do justice to a person or thing means to reproduce them accurately and show how good they are. 准确再现优点

    The photograph I had seen didn't do her justice.


  • 8.
    习语 If you do justice to someone or something, you deal with them properly and completely. 恰如其分地处理

    No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud.


  • 9.
    习语 If you do yourself justice, you do something as well as you are capable of doing it. 充分发挥某人能力

    I don't think he did himself justice in the game today.





  • n.司法,法律制裁;正义;法官,[法]审判员

    judge   /   right   /   judicature


1. international court of justice 联合国国际法院

2. do justice 公平对待;和…酷似

3. do justice to oneself 充分发挥自己的能力

4. bring to justice 绳之以法;把…交付审判;使归案受审

5. chief justice 首席法官,法院院长;审判长

6. access to justice 诉诸司法;实现正义

7. Ministry of Justice 司法部 ; 法务省 ; 法务部 ; 戒律堂

8. obstruction of justice 妨碍司法公正;阻碍司法

9. secretary for justice 律政司司长

10. criminal justice system 刑事司法体系;刑事审判系统;刑事法律制度

11. court of justice 法院

12. Poetic Justice 写诗的贾斯廷斯 ; 微笑正义 ; 理想的赏罚 ; 诗的正义

13. Justice of the Peace 太平绅士 ; 治安法官 ; 治安官

14. procedural justice 程序公平;过程正义

15. department of justice 司法部

16. justice of the peace n. 太平绅士;治安法官;地方执法官

17. JUSTICE LEAGUE 正义联盟 ; 超人正义联盟 ; 公理同盟 ; 正义同盟

18. Justice Bao 包青天

19. temper justice with mercy 恩威并施

20. ministry of justice 司法部

21. administration of justice 司法;司法行政;执法

22. justice department 司法部门

23. Victoria Justice 维多利亚·嘉丝蒂 ; 嘉丝蒂 ; 维多利亚·贾斯蒂斯 ; 嘉蒂丝

24. civil justice 民事审判

25. distributive justice 分配公正,分配公平

26. social justice [法]社会主义

27. Department of Justice 美国司法部 ; 反不正当竞争部门




seek justice 寻求公正


racial justice 种族公正

social justice 社会公正

criminal justice 刑事司法制度

equal justice 公正的司法制度


obstruction of justice 妨害司法制度

justice system 司法制度


1. A rational income distribution system is an important manifestation of social fairness and justice.


2. Iris was also an advocate of social justice and civil rights.


3. A former Laborer and one time police officer James Ford Seale evaded justice for 43 years.


4. The rebel leader was a fugitive from justice.


5. Justice is part of the complex machinery of the law.


6. He firmly believes liberty is inseparable from social justice.


7. The photograph I had seen didn't do her justice.


8. They gave the youths justice.


9. They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice.


10. But somebody from the Underworld woke up to justice and stood up against this legion, alone.

但是,来自魔界的一个人(恶魔?)为了正义挺身而出, 独自对抗自己的族人.《期刊摘选》

11. Trial by television makes for very rough justice indeed.


12. He dispensed equal justice to all.


13. There is no justice in this world!


14. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that weakened the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial.

然而,在某些情况下,法官的行事方式损害了法院独立、公正的声誉。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

15. It was rough justice that they lost in the closing seconds of the game.


16. The court cannot maintain its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law when justices behave like politicians. 

如果法官像政客一样行事,最高法院就无法维护其作为法律守护者的合法性。 《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

17. Those who break the law are subjected to justice.


18. She didn't do herself justice in the exam.


19. Thomas will be sworn in today as a justice on the Supreme Court.


20. Entries also provided for each Supreme Court Justice who has ever rendered a capital punishment opinion.


21. Titles and gold are interesting, but my motivations are different. I am a seeker of justice.

称号和金钱固然有吸引力, 但是我的动机不同, 我追寻的是正义.《期刊摘选》

22. The nine Supreme Court justices hold office for life.


23. She abides by the inner voice of justice.


24. A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned.


25. Justice George Sutherland , speaking for the majority, dismissed this argument as irrelevant.

乔治·萨瑟兰法官代表多数派发言, 把这种论点作为枝节问题不予考虑.《辞典例句》

26. Mr Justice Davies


27. A preliminary hearing was due to start today before Mr Justice Hutchison, but was adjourned.


28. We may generally probe the justice at two angle of the ethics and the institution.


29. However, the Justices said that Arizona police would be allowed to verify the legal status of people who come in contact with law enforcement.

但是,大法官们说,亚利桑那州的警察有权盘查身份可疑的人口。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

30. He remained steadfast in his determination to bring the killers to justice.


31. It just shows that the power of oil money counts for more than justice.


32. The man is a Justice of the Peace , and sits on the bench at Poole.

那个人是位法官, 现在浦耳任职.《期刊摘选》

33. Generally speaking, if there is no procedure justice, there is no substantive justice.

在一般情况之下, 如果没有程序正义, 就很难实现实体正义.《期刊摘选》

34. The basic compact underlying representative government, wrote Chief Justice John Roberts for the court, assumes that public officials will hear from their constituents and act on their concerns.”

法院的首席法官约翰·罗伯特写道“代议制政府下的基本协定认为,公务人员应听从其选民意见并按照其意愿行使职能。”《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

35. I don't think he could do himself justice playing for England...


36. The crowd gathered in Islamabad to support Pakistan suspended chief justice.


37. Standards in the administration of justice have degenerated.


38. We did him justice.


39. Justice Anthony Kennedy,joined by Chief Justice John Roberts and the Courts liberals, ruled that the state flew too close to the federal sun.

安东尼·肯尼迪大法官与首席大法官约翰·罗伯特以及法律界的自由派大法官判定该州法律挑衅了联邦法权威。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

40. They demanded that those responsible be brought to justice...


41. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.


42. The revolutionary tribunal measured out harsh justice.


43. Others here are more sceptical about the chances for justice being done.


44. It's not a question of some abstract concept of justice.


45. The trial made a mockery of justice.


46. The trial was a travesty of justice.


47. We base this call on grounds of social justice and equity.


48. He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness


49. Last April, for example, the justices signaled that too many patents were being upheld forinventionsthat are obvious.

例如,去年四月,法官们曾表示,太多显而易见的“发明”被授予了专利权。 《10年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

50. On the hand, it emphasized the equality of opportunity and social justice.

在手, 它强调了机会均等和社会正义.《期刊摘选》

51. I don't think he could do himself justice playing for England


52. It is impossible here to do justice to the complex history of the Legion.


53. And the federal bench includes wisenew members like Justice Sam Alito and Chief Justice John Roberts.


54. Her behavior this week has solidified her support within the Department of Justice.


55. You care about each other, you cherish freedom, you treasure justice, and you seek truth.

你们相互关心, 你们珍惜自由, 你们崇尚公正, 你们追求真理.《期刊摘选》

56. Justice is prohibited to sign the general warrant for it threatens people's rights seriously.


57. He did not want to reform the criminal justice system in its totality.


58. Justice must be tempered with mercy.


59. The Justice Department advocated a breakup of Microsoft.


60. Justice is a machine that, when someone has given it a starting push, rolls on itself.

正义是一台机器, 一旦有人推一下就会自己转下去.《期刊摘选》

61. That photo doesn't do you justice.


62. A deluge of electronic information may overwhelm American civil justice.


63. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. 

例如,安托宁·斯卡里亚法官曾经就出现在政治活动中。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

64. The present system is a mockery of justice.


65. The photograph I had seen didn't do her justice...


66. the criminal justice system


67. The structure and content are as follows : Chapter one: the introduction of educational justice.

全文的结构和基本内容如下: 第一部分,教育公正概说.《期刊摘选》

68. Justice will prevail over tyranny.


69. Affection is life prop up, when justice and affection crisscross, how should choose again?

情感是生命的支撑, 当正义与情感交错, 又该如何抉择?《期刊摘选》

70. The row has little to do with justice.


71. Justice has prevailed; the guilty man has been punished.

正义得到伸张, 罪犯受到惩罚.《简明英汉词典》

72. The sword of justice the world his expulsion, he is despised and spit to be scolded.

正义之剑把他驱逐人间的时候, 他得到是鄙视和啐骂.《期刊摘选》

73. Who can deny the justice of their cause?


74. You cannot do justice to such a complex situation in just a few pages.


75. Our competition adopts the form of giving out scores on the spot to show justice.


76. But the justices should not swallow California's argument whole. 

但是法官们不应该全盘接受加州的观点。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

77. He only wants freedom, justice and equality.


78. Words degraded to the margin have been justice fairness, tolerance, proportionality and accountability.

边缘的概念是正义、公平、包容、均衡和责任。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

79. The only major objection came from Justice Antonin Scalia, who offered an even more robust defense of state privileges going back to the Alien and Sedition Acts.

唯一的主要异议来自于安东尼·斯卡利亚大法官,他为卫州特权提供了强有力的辩护,这些特权可追溯到《客籍法和惩治判乱法》。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

80. A lawyer is part of the machinery of justice.


81. He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness...


82. No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud...


83. It’s not just about education, but about poverty and justice.

这不仅关乎教育,还关乎贫困与公正。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

84. Every Justice rightly rejected this remarkable claim.

毫无疑问,每个大法官都理应反对这种惊人的主张。《13年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

85. The European Court of Justice


86. In The Prince, he championed cunning, ruthlessness, and boldness, rather than virtue, mercy and justice, as the skills of successful leaders.

在《君主论》一书中,他认为比起美德、仁慈和正义,狡诈、冷酷和大胆才是成功的领袖所必备的技能。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

87. Thefor an unlimited number of appeals opens the door for uncertainty, delayed justice and corruption.

不限次数的上诉增加了案件的不确定性, 延缓了公正,更易滋生腐败.《期刊摘选》

88. Lord Justice Woolf will make recommendations for reform in his report


89. She'd need proof to bring Jason to justice.


90. The target of medium's supervision towards judiciary is to promote the judicial justice.


91. Part of the problem is that the justices are not bound by an ethics code. 

部分问题在于法官不受道德规范的约束。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

92. (British English)They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice .


93. I believe in working to achieve social justice and freedom for all.


94. The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. 

近来,最高法院法官的伦理评判已经成为了一个重要话题。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

95. Access to justice is a basic right.


96. Justice Powell pointed out that this argument could be viewed in two different ways.


97. His greediness for material comforts will one day bring him to justice.


98. Rick still believes that justice will prevail.


99. William Rehnquist, America's chief justice, died on September 3 rd, aged 80.

威廉姆.瑞恩奎思特, 美国首席大法官, 9月3日去世, 终年80岁.《期刊摘选》

100. It operates at all levels, ensuring justice, harmony, and balance.

它在所有层次运作, 以确保公正 、 和谐和平衡.《期刊摘选》

101. He only wants freedom, justice and equality...


102. We are a minority and must win people round to the justice of our cause.


103. The trial was a parody of justice.


104. Judicial justice and judicial efficiency are two major goals of the judicial system in China.


105. Most TV sets don't have the sound quality to do justice to the music.


106. Part IV discloses the practical meaning of the studies on legal formal and essential justice.


107. He stood for the cause of liberty and justice.


108. I don't think I can win, but I want to do myself justice.


109. laws based on the principles of justice


110. Justice must be tempered with mercy.


111. Justice is the key subject of ethics, asas the important criterion of achieving to harmonious.

公正是伦理学的主题, 也是社会达到和谐的重要尺度.《期刊摘选》

112. There was a certain amount of rough justice in his downfall.


113. Justice is the quality of being just and fair to everyone.


114. Who confirms Supreme Court justices?


115. I too am committing myself to continue the fight for justice.


116. Dan Evans : Then someone oughta to bring him to justice.

丹埃文斯: 所以才需要人押送他去接受正义的审判.《期刊摘选》

117. It would have been rough justice had he been deprived of this important third European win.


118. They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice.


119. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental social work.


120. He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.


121. Portugal has lodged a complaint with the International Court of Justice.


122. A Paladin's justice a thing from which no foe can escape.


123. The justices must  address doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves accountable to the code of conduct. 

法官必须遵守行为准则,从而解应对人们对司法合法性的质疑。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

124. Their justice, so called, was nothing but partiality.


125. Justice must be done even if the sky falls.


126. We must bring a criminal to justice, try him and punish him.


127. The object of the game is to chase the criminals and bring them to justice.


128. If children live with fairness, they learn justice.

公正中长大的孩子, 极富正义.《期刊摘选》

129. They are demanding equal rights and justice.


130. They proclaimed to be eternal postulates of reason and justice.


131. The need to see that justice is done impinges on every decision made in the courts.


132. He was imbued with a desire for social justice.


133. Many in Toronto's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly...


134. At last justice has prevailed and the guilty man has been punished.


135. What do you mean by justice and right and goodness?


136. Justice and efficiency are the most essential factors of value that construct the civil procedural law.


137. California has asked the justices to refrain from a sweeping ruling particularly one that upsets the old assumption that authorities may search through the possessions of suspects at the time of their arrest.

加州政府已经要求法官避免一概而就的裁决,尤其是那个颠覆旧设想的裁决,该设想为;有关部门在逮捕嫌疑人时,可以搜查他们的所有物品。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

138. No one article can ever do justice to the topic of fraud


139. Each and every person responsible for his murder will be brought to justice


140. They gave justices permanent positions so they would be free to upset those in power and have no need to cultivate political support.

他们授予法官永久的职位,这样法官就可以毫无顾忌地打击当权者,也不需寻求政治支持。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

141. Enough of the implications are discernible, even obvious, so that the justices can and should provide updated guidelines to police, lawyers and defendants.

这些足够多的潜在影响是可以观察到的,甚至是显而易见的,因此法官能够也应该给警方、律师和被告提供最新的法律指导。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

142. He said that the decision flew in the face of natural justice.


143. All this had an extremely negative effect on the criminal justice system.


144. Fairness and justice in a jurisdiction are realized case by case being settled properly.


145. Ting's life objective receives the challenge, paces back and forth between the justice and the revenge.

婷的人生宗旨受到挑战, 在正义与复仇之间徘徊.《期刊摘选》

146. My sense of justice was offended.


147. Justice Benjamin refused to remove themselves himself from Massey Massey's appeal and cast the deciding vote.


148. (North Amercian English)They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice .


149. Can you speak up for truth and justice?

你能为真理和正义大声疾呼 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

150. The case went before Justice Henry on December 23 and was adjourned.


151. They needed to appeal to his sense of justice.


152. Justice will prevail over tyranny.


153. The fundamental fault of the female character is that it has not any sense of justice.


154. It is love and freedom, justice and civilization, the embodiment of peace and development.

它就是博爱和自由 、 公正与文明 、 和平与发展的化身.《期刊摘选》


1. "Ariela Bilbro," the Justice asked, "how much did you expect to be enough alimony in the case before the Court?"

VOA : special.2009.11.14

2. Issues covered by the Convention include education, health, justice, care, safety, employment and culture.

BBC: News | Northern Ireland | Focusing on young people's rights

3. For when justice is outraged, and by the way justice here is personified in the form of the goddess called Dike.

当正义被激怒的时候,顺便说正义在此,被拟人化为叫做狄刻的女神古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently published budget proposals for the devolution of policing and justice.

BBC: Justice Bill continued

5. The Justice Department says rates in recent years fell to levels last seen in the middle of the nineteen sixties.

VOA : special.2009.12.19

6. At the hearing, Kaufman urged Justice Department officials not to be deterred by the unwelcome verdict.

NEWYORKER: A Dirty Business

7. The pay rise attracted criticism from various consumer groups, including the National Campaign for Water Justice.

BBC: Water chief sees salary doubled

8. The question now is: how will America react to this atrocity of mock justice?

FORBES: US Hikers In Iran Sentenced To Eight Years

9. Career Justice Department lawyers who have made such careless mistakes have sometimes seen their careers ruined.

NPR: Report: Ex-AG Gonzales Mishandled Classified Info

10. So the writer seems very determined to tell the story in a way that depicts God as acting not capriciously but according to certain clear standards of justice.

作者似乎决定,描述不是一个变幻莫测,而是有着很清楚公正原则的上帝。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. In a statement on Monday, the Dutch Justice Ministry published a list of the fraudulent certificates.

FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Samsung, AT&T, Dell

12. And is there any expectation that the Justice Department might take action in the future?

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

13. Finally, the United States must lead its NATO allies in bringing Milosevic to justice.


14. Yet Aristotle's conception of our political nature seems to require standards of justice that are natural or right for us.

但亚里士多德对我们政治天性的概念,似乎需要正义的标准,且那对我们是自然或正确的法治预设。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. In the ruling, Chief Justice John Marshall described a corporation as an "artificial being" that is a "creature of the law."

VOA : special.2010.03.05

16. There was no contradiction in seeking both economic stability and social justice, he argued.

BBC: Blair: Every vote precious

17. said the Justice. "Roll it up," the man ordered, "and stick it in the end of this here gun barrel.

VOA : special.2009.11.14

18. Tom has a strong sense of justice.


19. She would follow current Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor as well as retired Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.

VOA : special.2010.05.15

20. Rick still believes that justice will prevail.


21. Can those be transferred or translated in some way to public justice, to political justice, ? justice in the polis?

那些是否可以用某种方法转换,或转移到公共正义,政治正义,或城邦正义?政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. That will come if we desire to talk about that more from the Department of Justice.

WHITEHOUSE: 5/10/10: White House Press Briefing

23. They give out justice, or the lack of justice, or they send armies in, or taxes, or this stuff.

伸张正义,或者为非作歹,调遣军队,征收税款欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. The Albuquerque agents filed their warrant request with the Justice Department in July 1997.

CNN: Is it time to panic?

25. Members of the organisation Jews for Justice for Peace were also staging a counter-demonstration.

BBC: Thousands come to support Israel

26. There is but one way. A full and final settlement, with justice,of all the questions disputed by the two sections.

VOA : special.2009.03.26

27. Justice Brent Benjamin now chief justice voted to overturn a fifty million dollar judgment against the Massey Coal Company.

VOA : special.2009.06.12

28. The Justice at Stake Campaign says candidates raised one hundred sixty-eight million dollars between two thousand and two thousand seven.

VOA : special.2009.06.12

29. True justice doesn t plunder liberty or property regardless of the votes one gets.

FORBES: Capital Flows

30. If confirmed by the Senate, the fifty-year-old Kagan would be the youngest justice on the current Supreme Court.

VOA : special.2010.05.15

31. The Justice Department's inspector general has found that Alberto Gonzales mishandled top secret documents.

NPR: Report: Ex-AG Gonzales Mishandled Classified Info

32. Billy Duggan, 21, was found guilty of perverting justice and conspiracy to pervert justice.

BBC: Luke Harwood death: Three guilty of playing field murder

33. The ideas or the forms justice itself, beauty itself, goodness itself the forms are not physical objects. Right?

理念或者型相,如正义,美丽,美德之类,它们并不是物理实体死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. This can be extended to such religious virtues as loyalty, justice, generosity and compassion.

BBC: An argument for vice vacations

35. His parents Leigh Turner, 54, and Anita Turner, 51 also deny perverting the course of justice.

BBC: Emily Longley trial: Friend calls defendant 'obsessive'

36. Business tycoon Ratan Tata and a former chief justice of India are serving, too.

FORBES: Delhi's Subway Builder

37. The historians also looked at administrative ability, relations with Congress, goal setting and the pursuit of equal justice for all.

VOA : special.2009.02.27

38. He and his Justice Minister, Valdis Birkavs, were named in parliament as being under investigation.

BBC: Latvian PM resigns

39. It also excludes those who voluntarily submit to justice, unless they are implicated later in fresh crimes.

ECONOMIST: Colombia contemplates extraditing its drugsters

40. Chief Justice Hannah has served on the Board of the Arkansas Judicial Council as the President.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

41. He linked videos of his recording sessions, praised other musicians and argued for social justice.

CNN: When a Facebook friend dies

42. In making this point, Milton has just made us, I think, almost utterly unwilling to effect this justice that he himself has called for.

在这个论点中,我认为弥尔顿让我们,几乎完全不情愿地影响了这个审判,这个他说需要的审判。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. In August 2011 he returned to government after being appointed deputy minister of justice.

BBC: Profile: Peruvian Prime Minister Juan Jimenez Mayor

44. I think the unprejudiced observer will feel that justice was done today.


45. Working with the Tax Justice Network I set out to provide a definitive answer.

FORBES: World's Best Tax Havens

46. This sentence, which by the logic of the argument should be demonstrating to us the importance of bringing bad books to justice, seems to be doing something else.

这个句子,在逻辑上来讲,论点应该是,为我们说明把不好的书审判的重要性,但现在却是其他的效果了。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Since then they have campaigned for whoever killed him to be brought to justice.

BBC: London

48. Joining Alito and the majority were Chief Justice Roberts and Justices Scalia, Kennedy and Thomas.

NPR: High Court Sets Limits On Sex Discrimination Suits

49. And I think that Nancy's great sense of, you know,fighting for justice and helping others was a great inspiration."

VOA : special.2009.08.24

50. But instead for being hypocrites, that we talk about justice but we have detainees in Guantanamo who have no rights.

相反,大家认为我们伪善,我们口口声声主张正义,而被我们关押在关塔纳莫湾的犯人,没有一点权力。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. War criminals, torturers and mass murderers can be brought to justice.


52. One is a belief that a government is stable and that the justice and legal systems are fair and effective.

VOA : special.2009.12.19

53. The distinction I made in the paper that we talked about in the class is between procedural justice and substance of justice in the university.

我曾经在一篇论文中做了一个区分,在课堂上讲到过,那就是大学程序性公正,和实质性公正的区别。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

54. Writing for the dissenters, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg said the white firefighters who scored high "understandably attract this Court's sympathy."

VOA : special.2009.07.03

55. These are extraordinary lines These are among my most favorite lines in all of Milton Samson is questioning the wisdom and the justice of God's admittedly who can deny it?

这几行写的很好,弥尔顿的诗中这几行也是我最喜欢的之一,参孙不可否认的在质疑上帝的智商和公正性,谁能否认呢?弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. So even without there being an Attorney General, somebody might be awake in the justice department and notice that that's actually illegal.

就算是司法部长不知情,司法部门也会有人会发现,这样的协议是违法的博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. That European Court ruling led to a two-stage Ministry of Justice consultation on how to best change.

BBC: Convicted murderer loses vote bid

58. Chief Justice Jim Hannah is currently serving as Chief Justice of the Arkansas Supreme Court.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

59. The scandalous, seditious and libelous books that need to be brought to justice in this remarkable sentence are suddenly revealed to have a soul.

有诽谤性的煽动性的中伤性的需要被审判的书,在这句话里突然被透露出是有灵魂的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. What Harsanyi and Rawls both gave us was a system of justice that, in my mind, conveys a sense of financial risk management.

在我看来,海萨尼和罗尔斯向我们阐述的,是一种公正机制,融合了金融风险管理意识。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Jones has founded and led four not-for-profit organizations engaged in social and environmental justice.

CNN: About

62. Justice of the Peace Benaja Widdup returned to his doorway, took off his shoes and happily smoked his pipe.

VOA : special.2009.11.14

63. What about Mill's attempt to account for the especially weighty character of individual rights and justice in chapter five of Utilitarianism.

那么穆勒在《功利主义》,第五章中提到的,个人权利和公正重要性的解释,又是否成立呢。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

64. He only wants freedom, justice, and equality.


65. And I was saved, to use a Christian term, by articulations and representations of faith heroes connected with social justice.

用基督教的说法,我被,信仰的表达和代表拯救了,而英雄们将这种信仰与社会正义相联系。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课





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