莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈkɒmpɪtənt]play美 [ˈkɑːmpɪtənt]play

  • adj. 能干的,能胜任的;合格的,过得去的;精神正常的,智力无缺陷的;有决定权的;有法定资格的;活性的,(处于)感受态的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


competent /ˈkɒmpɪtənt/

  • 1.
    形容词 Someone who is competent is efficient and effective. 有能力的

    He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.


  • 2.
    副词 有能力地

    The government performed competently in the face of multiple challenges.


  • 3.
    形容词 If you are competent to do something, you have the skills, abilities, or experience necessary to do it well. 能胜任的

    Most adults do not feel competent to deal with a medical emergency involving a child.




  • adv.

    competently 胜任地;适合地

  • n.

    competence 能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入

    competency 能力(等于competence);资格



1. competent authorities 主管部门 ; 主管当局 ; 主管机关 ; 主管部分

2. competent in 胜任的;有能力

3. be competent for 胜任

4. competent court 管辖法院;主管法庭

5. competent sand 致密砂层

6. competent jurisdiction 合法的管辖权

7. militarily competent 军事过硬

8. competent department 主管部门

9. competent person 称职人员;安全检察员

10. competent members 有能力胜任的成员

11. competent authority [法]主管当局,主管部门

12. competent a 有能力的 ; 足够的 ; 应该的 ; 有权能的

13. competent bed 强岩层 ; 强硬岩层

14. Competent Cells 感受态细胞 ; 使之呈感受态 ; 将感受态细菌

15. competent body 能力机构 ; 合格验证机构 ; 专门机关 ; 主管机构


1. According to Mr. Smith, Mr. Wang a competent tallyman.

据史密斯先生称, 王先生是个有能力的理货员.《期刊摘选》

2. She has a competent knowledge of English.


3. Article 40 Audit institutions shall, after examining the audit reports, give evaluations or punishment to the competent authorities.


4. Mark proved to be a very competent manager.


5. This week's announcement of a new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced Mr.Jobs?as?chief?executive?in?August, was?generally?regarded?as?competent?but?uninspiring.

本周,由蒂姆·库克(在今年8月接替乔布斯担任苹果首席执行长)领导的管理团队发布了一款新 iPhone,外界普遍认为库克有才能,但他不够鼓舞人心。

6. Any competent computer buff should be able to do it for you in a few minutes.


7. I feel I am competent to meet the requirements of the volunteer work, so please give me an opportunity.


8. He is competent to teach the language.


9. A qualified stenographer is not necessarily a competent secretary.


10. I summed her up as a competent manager.


11. He is a competent cousel.


12. We must have competent managers, they need to conduct a fair, ethical and corporate development.

我们必需具备称职的管理人员, 他们的行为必需公正, 符合道德和公司发展.《期刊摘选》

13. Appear confident and show the interviewers that you're competent.


14. I hope someone competent will be joining our section.


15. He is competent to do it.


16. In this sense it is very, very competent!


17. You must be competent to do the job.


18. The contingent of cadres should become more revolutionary, better-educated, professionally, more competent and younger in age.


19. When you lose interest in a program , your last duty to it is a competent successor.

当你对一个问题不再感兴趣时, 你最后的责任就是找位能胜任的接棒人.《期刊摘选》

20. Some companies now offer etiquette seminars for employees who may be competent professionally but clueless socially.


21. He is competent for the task.


22. Our legal department requires a mature, competent secretary who will report to one senior lawyer and one assistant lawyer.


23. A competent person has no ifs and buts in his vocabulary.


24. Competent people will get along fine there.


25. Be sure to get a competent electrician for the job.


26. Is she competent to teach English?


27. I was deemed to be a competent shorthand typist.


28. He has held several different posts in the firm and proved himself competent at all of them.


29. He hoped I would be competent for my work and we would have more customers.


30. She's a competent manager and has always been regarded as such by her colleagues.


31. I am a competent person.


32. He is a highly competent teacher.


33. A brilliant surgeon cannot perform without a competent anaesthetist, attentive theatre nurses and effective cleaners.

一名出色的外科医生离不开称职的麻醉师 、 细心的手术室护士和得力的清洁员.《期刊摘选》

34. He was a highly competent jet pilot.


35. He did a competent job.


36. He is an competent official, but far from outstanding.

他是个称职的官员, 但远没有那么出色.《期刊摘选》

37. Democrats claim this does not matter: Americans want a competent chief executive, not a role model.

民主党人声称这不重要, 因为 美国人要的是一位有能力的首脑而不是行为楷模.《期刊摘选》

38. My secretary is perfectly competent, but she doesn't have much initiative.


39. To maintain or support ( one that is weaker or less competent, for example ).

维护,支持维护或支持 ( 如弱小的或是能力差的人 )《期刊摘选》

40. In particular, they have identified the need to recruit competent professionals.


41. Article 6 The right to inheritance or legacy of a competent person shall be exercised on his behalf by his statutory agent.


42. Article 14 Aliens who, in compliance for prolonged or permanent residence in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.


43. He is not competent for teaching mathematics.


44. Article 13 For residence in China, aliens must possess identification papers or residence certificates issued by the competent authorizes of the Chinese Government.


45. Make sure the firm is competent to carry out the work.


46. Paul is far and away the most competent person in our firm.


47. He proved a competent manager.


48. Are you competent enough to tackle all your problems on your own?


49. Tim Cook replaced Jobs as chief executive in August, was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring.


50. Then I have to say, you are not be a proper and competent leader.

那么,我也只能说, 你不是一个称职的领导人.《期刊摘选》

51. Outsourcing started as a set of sound principles that worked when implemented by competent managers.


52. We have to admit that he's a highly competent man.


53. He is not competent to the task of teaching English.


54. to perform competently


55. That familiarly solid and competent voice said, "Come in."


56. Several studies suggest that men feel the need to appear competent in all realms, while women worry only about the skills in which they've invested heavily.


57. He is a competent, but not a brilliant musician.

作为音乐家,他能胜任, 但缺乏才华.《现代英汉综合大词典》

58. He was an estimable, good natured man and a competent journalist.

他是一个值得尊重的 、 性情温和而有才能的新闻记者.《辞典例句》

59. This week's announcement of a new iPhone by a management team led by Tim Cook, who replaced Mr.Jobs as chief executive in August, was generally regarded as competent but uninspiring.


60. A good scientist needs not only money but competent colleagues and academic freedom.


61. Very competent middle suddenly ascend the top, met with the ability to end soon to withdraw.

很称职的中层,突然升上高层, 能力见了底,很快就会给撤走.《期刊摘选》

62. The case was referred to a competent authority.


63. She is not a competent driver and can't cope with driving in heavy traffic.


64. They think they are competent enough to operate globally.


65. As a result, "Black" people are thought of as less competent and as having colder personalities.


66. Be competent in organization, communication and coordination.

较强的组织 、 沟通和协调能力.《期刊摘选》

67. Her drawing is competent, but her composition is poor.

她的画有功力, 但布局欠佳.《简明英汉词典》

68. I'll leave it to competent authorities.


69. He a very competent and smart person with tremendous judgment who would not waste his time.


70. Article 2 Aliens must obtain the permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government in order to enter, transit or reside in China.


71. This is not the behavior of a confident or competent government.


72. It was competent to him to refuse.


73. ...a competent performance.


74. She's a competent leader and has always been regarded as such by her colleagues.


75. The people who will be on the committee are moral, cultured, competent people.


76. Article 15 Aliens who seek asylum for political reasons shall be permitted to reside in China upon approval by the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.


77. There have always been reputable and competent scientists that have disagreed with new theories.


78. We would be grateful for your recommendation of a reliable and competent firm as our representative.


79. Internal audit work by competent professionals who understand financial derivatives inherent risks.


80. Direct perception, inference, and competent evidence are proofs.

直接认知, 推理加上足够的证据就构成了正知.《期刊摘选》

81. Competent citizens of tomorrow should all be furnished with computer literacy.


82. Maybe they were more competent.


83. The most competent adults are those who know how to do this.


84. To assist learners as they develop into competent leaders.


85. [ 谚] If you want to work with iron, you must be tough yourself--one must be ideologically sound and professionally competent to do arduous work.


86. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.


87. He needs assistants in his research work, but he hasn't yet got a competent one.

他的研究工作需要助手, 可是他至今还没有找到一个能胜任的助手.《期刊摘选》

88. Fully competent and able to guarantee customers the product design and processing quality.


89. Rule # 10 : Not all successful managers are competent and not all failed managers are incompetent.


90. It is important to have a competent accounting department keeping track of your cash flow.


91. If I had space I could quote numerous passages to this effect from highly competent authorities.


92. Most adults do not feel competent to deal with a medical emergency involving a child.


93. The writer is a warm and competent guide to the mysteries of physics.


94. Competent people can take charge of Party work or support services.


95. It was a coincidence that we were also in search of a competent computer engineer.


96. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman.


97. Another efficient step is to encourage competent city English teachers to volunteer for rural ELT on a short-term basis.


98. In fact, it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.


99. He's very competent in his work.


100. Studies show they're also perceived as more competent than women in STEM ( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields.

研究表明,在STEM(科学、技术、工程和数学)领域,他们也被认为比女性更有能力。《四级真题- 2017年 12月 3卷 阅读B》

101. They are competent for designing this type of machine.


102. And reliable means everyone is competent.


103. A competent colleague sometimes poses threat to you.


104. If you want to learn English, you must first find a competent teacher.

你如要学习英文, 你须先找一位称职的教师.《现代英汉综合大词典》

105. Only gold and silver may be perfectly competent of the two functions.


106. He's been looking for a competent secretary all his life and now he's found one.


107. He was a competent clerk.


108. Keep technical documentation , showing compliance with these requirements, readily available for inspection by the competent authorities.

拥有技术文件, 标明符合以上这些要求, 以及愿意接受有能力的权威机构的检查.《期刊摘选》

109. He has a competent knowledge of English.


110. The competent petitioner thinks the perpetual impetus is pretty.


111. Surely it is a national priority to train competent teachers, scientists, engineers and doctors.


112. Article 10 The competent authorities of the Chinese Government shall issue appropriate visas to aliens according to the purposes stated in their entry applications.


113. I am a competent product sales representative and promoter.


114. He is fairly competent and technical.


115. A wise and competent government saves good years in anticipation of bad years to come.


116. I fell that I am competent to meet the requirements which you have specified.


117. Only in this way can they become a competent university archives administrator in the new century.


118. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman



1. This raised the question: are women less competent as entrepreneurs than men are?

FORBES: Silicon Valley Discriminates Against Women But There is Hope

2. Like any CEO, a president must select competent people to place in positions of power.

FORBES: Ten Questions Candidates Have Yet to Answer

3. Ms. Clarke told the judge she believed her client was competent to make the guilty plea.

WSJ: Loughner Pleads Guilty to Arizona Shootings

4. It was solidarity with his allies that led him to be such a competent and brave officer.

是他同盟友的团结,让他成为勇敢能干的船长。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. General Motors has an extremely competent management, supervised closely by a board of directors.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

6. They are not, when used fairly and by competent market professionals financial weapons of mass destruction.

FORBES: Collusion Detected In Credit Default Swaps

7. Always technically competent, the paintings are, however, curiously superficial.


8. "It is his anticipation that the Afghans are going to come to expect more from their government,expect clean and competent leadership from their government,"

VOA : standard.2009.11.12

9. The competent person is rated as much more attractive, ? considerably more attractive, than the mediocre person. Okay?

大家更为有能力的人更有魅力,比那个平庸的人,吸引人得多,对吧?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Inside the room the stench that invariably accompanies a competent disemboweling has grown stronger since my first visit.

NPR: Excerpt: 'Bangkok Tattoo'

11. And she just shook her head and she said, "Peter, Peter, Peter. You know that effect only works " if I think you're competent first."

她摇了摇头,无奈地说,“彼特,彼特,彼特,,你知道要达到这个效果,首先我得认为你能干“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. Up to now it was my intention to write about raising confident, competent young women.

FORBES: Women Could Be Superior Sex... But They Aren't!

13. We have a harder time believing that a competent collaborator can become more directive.

FORBES: Why Command-and-Control Leadership Is Here to Stay

14. Only blunder if you're competent first and it will make you more attractive.

除非你是一个有能力的人,失态会为你加分。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. a quiet, competent professional


16. Professors of both sexes judged the male candidate to be more competent and a preferable hire.

FORBES: Why We Should Care About Sexism In Science

17. a competent performance by the Cowboys


18. And all we are competent therefore to decoil pose and recoil pose these elements of learning, so that we are still consistent with all those purposes, both explicate and implicit, of an educational environment.

我们可以,单独和综合呈现,这些学习的要素,所以我们仍然与,教育环境的目标一致,包括表层目标深层目标。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

19. Candidates judged `competent' are suddenly not far above a borderline pass.


20. And we like people who is competent, who can do the job that we require them to do.


21. So, you had competent people with their typewriters and carbon papers.

这样,你就可以得到称职的,打字员和复印员。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. But Graff couldn't convince London's top jewelers to buy his competent but lackluster designs.

FORBES: King of Bling

23. Plus, sharing the responsibilities will help you create a more productive, competent, and confident team.

FORBES: 6 Tips for Delegating Success

24. So, what we really like-- The kind of person we're really attracted to is the competent individual who occasionally blunders.

因此,真正地-,对我们真正有魅力的人,是那些偶尔失态的能人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. They are relatively competent, they speak English and if the diagnosis can be made on line they'll do it, and all of these services are now been provided and so service sector has become a fast growth in India contributing to higher growth rates.

这个方面印度人力更有竞争力,因为他们会说英语,只要医生可以在线诊断,他们就能提供好该项服务,这些服务现在都有,因而促进了印度服务行业飞速发展,从而也使印度经济更快速增长。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

26. In the debate he came over as polished, more than competent and not at all frightening.

BBC: Obama's do-or-die debate

27. Driving any kind of Bentley is likely to boost the confidence of a reasonably competent driver.

FORBES: The Beautiful Cars of Summer: 2012 Bentley Continental GT

28. You can see this with public figures. Public figures who are viewed as competent but who pratfall, sometimes they are even more popular after the mistake. Okay?

这点可以在公众人物身上体现出来,他们能力卓越,但偶尔失态,有时,犯完错后,他们的人气蹿升?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. However, red won't make you look smarter or more competent, says study author Andrew Elliot, Ph.

CNN: Wearing red may boost your sex appeal

30. But sales of many products are driven by the availability of competent service partners.

FORBES: How SAP is Betting Its Growth on Partnerships

31. She believes that it's important to do complete and competent work for your character's sake.

CNN: He's 'Jesus' Son'

32. Lambrew is a highly competent policymaker and power player with deep experience in healthcare.

FORBES: Who's In Charge Of Implementing Obamacare And Why It Matters

33. However, in most cases, salesmen at these firms advise clients without contacting competent outside counsel.

FORBES: Soft Dollar Zone: A Sensitive Area (January 1, 1997)

34. So I don't think that anyone who's capable of understanding my views, and therefore obviously competent to decide for themselves whether they want to go on living should feel threatened by what I'm saying.

所以对于那些能够,理解我的观点的人们,和那些能够决定,是否要活下去的人们,我的言论并不会对他们产生威胁。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

35. The opposition leaders are asking that "competent bodies,"

VOA : standard.2009.07.19

36. Unemployment is low, and urban areas in particular bring more competition for competent workers.

FORBES: Magazine Article

37. And these elections should be under the supervision of an autonomous and competent Election Commission.

CNN: Commentary: No time for dictatorship

38. Your rating of the attractiveness of the competent person grows even higher.

对有能力之人的魅力指数评价,一路高涨。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. Generally, we are more attracted to people who seem competent to us.

一般而言,我们更花痴,那些有能力的人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. Yes, we're more attracted to people who are competent than people who we think are incompetent but people who are super competent, people who seem competent on all dimensions, they're kind of threatening to us.

是的,我们更喜欢有能力的人,而非没能力的人,但是那些能力超群的人,那种全能型的人,又我们感到恐慌。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person.

因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. Think about people who are competent. Generally-- And think about people who are incompetent.

想想那些有能力的人-,和无能的人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

43. There were simply not nearly enough competent people to oversee such a huge endeavour.

ECONOMIST: A fair-minded report at a crucial time | The

44. Still, the public perception here is that Apple messed up, and that Google is more competent.

FORBES: Google Maps Almost Ready to Return to iPhones -- Everybody Wins

45. New research shows that voters prefer political candidates who look competent even if they're not.

NPR: Scientists Search for that Winning Look

46. But this balance can tricky to achieve: Too warm and you are viewed as less competent.

FORBES: Body Language Advice for Rick Perry

47. The competent person who blunders, this is the person that I love.

有能力的人,偶尔出丑,大爱啊。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. And this is called the Pratfall Effect, that our liking for the competent person grows when they make a mistake, when they do something embarrassing, when they have a failure experience. Okay?

心理学上,这叫“失态效应,我们对有能力之人的喜爱之情再次升华,当他们犯错,出洋相,经历很衰的事情时?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Remember, though, that you are rather naive: please try to pick a competent president this time.

ECONOMIST: What Europeans make of Iowa and New Hampshire

50. He won't demand that agencies cut the lowest priority spending as any half-competent middle manager would.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: President Armageddon

51. Most competent tax advisers will tell you to avoid the examiners at all cost.

FORBES: Audits: The IRS' Big Stick

52. And reliable means everyone is competent.


53. Isn't that about as rare as, say, a competent campaign manager or a friendly ex-spouse?

FORBES: Digital Rules

54. Now, some of you who are very cynical and/or very good looking might wonder "yes, but good-looking people like me actually are smarter, more competent, more social and morally better."

有些持怀疑态度,同时可能又长得很好看的同学可能会想,“像我这样长得好看的人确实更聪明,更有能力,更会交际,更有道德“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. These are very different transactions and they require competent tax help to structure properly.

FORBES: Exiting The Family Business: Tax Tips And Techniques

56. Physically attractive people are thought to be smarter, more competent, more social and nicer.

长得好看的人会被视为更聪明,更有能力,更会交际,更友善。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. And if you want to fight over taxes, hire someone competent to do it.

FORBES: Can IRS Apologize For Frequent Audits?

58. They are very professional and competent.






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compose的意思是:v. 组成,构成;作曲;撰写(信、诗或演讲稿);使镇静,使平静;为(照片、图像)构图;排版,排稿。学考宝为您提供compose是什么意思,compose的翻译,compose的用法,compose的短语搭配,compose的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficiaries的意思是:n. 受益者;受惠人;遗产继承人。beneficiary的复数。学考宝为您提供beneficiaries是什么意思,beneficiaries的音标,beneficiaries怎么读,beneficiaries的翻译,beneficiaries的用法,beneficiaries的短语搭配,beneficiaries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


component的意思是:n. 组成部分,成分,部件 adj. 组成的,构成的。学考宝为您提供component是什么意思,component的翻译,component的用法,component的短语搭配,component的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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ocean liner的意思是:n. 远洋班轮;远洋(客)班轮,定期远洋船。学考宝为您提供ocean liner是什么意思,ocean liner的音标,ocean liner怎么读,ocean liner的翻译,ocean liner的用法,ocean liner的短语搭配,ocean liner的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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complicated的意思是:adj. 复杂的,难处理的 v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症(complicate 的过去式和过去分词形式)。学考宝为您提供complicated是什么意思,complicated的翻译,complicated的用法,complicated的短语搭配,complicated的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


complicate的意思是:v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症;使卷入,使陷入。学考宝为您提供complicate是什么意思,complicate的翻译,complicate的用法,complicate的短语搭配,complicate的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


complaint的意思是:n. 抱怨,投诉;不满的缘由,抱怨的问题;疾病,不适。学考宝为您提供complaint是什么意思,complaint的翻译,complaint的用法,complaint的短语搭配,complaint的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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