莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈaɪðə(r)]play美 [ˈiːðər]play

  • conj. 或者,要么;两者都(不),既(不)
  • pron. (两者之中)任意一个;两者都(不)
  • adv. 也(不),亦(不);而且,还
  • det. (两者中的)每个,各方
  • adj. (两者中的)每个的,各方的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


either /ˈaɪðə, ˈiːðə/

  • 1.
    连词 You use either in front of the first of two or more alternatives, when you are stating the only possibilities or choices that there are. The other alternatives are introduced by "or." 与(or)连用,表示几个可选项中只能选其一

    Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles.



    The former president was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free.


  • 2.
    连词 You use either in a negative statement in front of the first of two alternatives to indicate that the negative statement refers to both the alternatives. 用于否定句中,表示“两者都不”

    There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.


  • 3.
    代词 You can use either to refer to one of two things, people, or situations, when you want to say that they are both possible and it does not matter which one is chosen or considered. 用于表示“两者中的任一个”

    There were glasses of iced champagne and cigars. Unfortunately not many of either were consumed.


  • 4.
    数量词 Either is also a quantifier. 用于表示“两者中任一…”

    Do either of you smoke or drink heavily?


  • 5.
    限定词 Either is also a determiner. 用于表示“两者中任一…”

    ...a special Indian drug police that would have the authority to pursue suspects into either country.


  • 6.
    代词 You use either in a negative statement to refer to each of two things, people, or situations to indicate that the negative statement includes both of them. 用于否定句中,表示“两者中任何一个都不”

    She warned me that I'd never marry or have children.—"I don't want either."


  • 7.
    数量词 Either is also a quantifier. 用于否定句,表示“两者中任何一个…都不”

    There are no simple answers to either of those questions.


  • 8.
    限定词 Either is also a determiner. 用于否定句,表示“两者中任一…都不”

    He sometimes couldn't remember either man's name.


  • 9.
    副词 You use either by itself in negative statements to indicate that there is a similarity or connection with a person or thing that you have just mentioned. 用于否定句,表示“也不”,与刚提过的人或事物类似或有关联

    He did not even say anything to her, and she did not speak to him either.


  • 10.
    副词 When one negative statement follows another, you can use either at the end of the second one to indicate that you are adding an extra piece of information, and to emphasize that both are equally important. 用于否定句中提供附加信息,表示“也不”

    Don't agree, but don't argue either.


  • 11.
    限定词 You can use either to introduce a noun that refers to each of two things when you are talking about both of them. 用于引出名词,表示“两者中每一个”

    The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium.




also either too 【导航词义:也】

also adv. 也

〔辨析〕 用于肯定句中,通常置于动词前,与 be 动词、助动词连用时则置于其后。

例1: She also went away.


例2: He was also wrong.


either adv. 也(不)


例1: He can sing and dance, too.


例2: He can't sing, or dance either.


例3: I like the film, and she likes it, too.


例4: I don't like the film, and she doesn't, either.


too adv. 也,亦

〔辨析〕 通常用于肯定句中,置于句末,在正式用法中 too 之前常用逗号隔开。

例1: I'm going, too.


例2: These people came from all over Europe and America, too.


例3: It's a more beautiful dress and it's cheaper, too.



1. either make or break 不成功 ; 便成仁 ; 便成 ; 破釜沉舟

2. either-or 非此即彼 ; 两者择一 ; 二者择一 ; 二选一

3. Either You're Wrong 无论你是对是错

4. In either Paris or Rome 在巴黎或者罗马 ; 而我只想回家 ; 不论在巴黎或是罗马 ; 不在巴黎也不在罗马

5. either-rotation motor 双向电机 ; 双向机电

6. part of either party 服务合同

7. either or 二者择一的;要么…要么…

8. Either way 任何的决定 ; 无论哪种方式 ; 世界尽头的养路工 ; 要不这样

9. either of 两者之一


1. What it comes down to is, either I get more money or I leave.


2. In either case the sharp downward trend of China's trade surplus is evident.


3. We change for two and two reasons only, either inspiration or desperation.

促使我们改变的原因只有两个, 要么激励,要么绝望.《期刊摘选》

4. His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography.


5. This could be an attack against either Data Control or Data Capture routines.


6. You are either a total genius or else you must be totally crazy.


7. They gave money to the Conservative Party either personally or through their companies...


8. Either Entergy never really intended to live by those commitments, or it simply didn’t foresee what would happen next.

要么安特吉公司从未想真正地兑现这些承诺,要么是它根本就没有预见到未来会发生什么事情。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. My stomach always resembles cramp same, very painful, and be, be gastric convulsion? Either, what be?

我胃总是像抽筋一样, 很痛, 而且是一阵一阵的, 是胃痉挛 吗 ?不是, 又是什么 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

10. This new model is of high quality and is not expensive either.


11. There is a large window on either side of the front door.


12. I must move to a larger house or spend money extending this one; either will be expensive, so I'm between the devil and the deep blue sea.

我得搬到大一些的房子去,或者我得花钱扩建这幢房子, 两者都很花钱, 因此我进退两难.《简明英汉词典》

13. Bear bark thickness, Danlian a good time, the next copy of either the dinosaurs, either leopard!

熊皮厚, 单练的时候不错, 下副本要么是恐龙, 要么是豹子!《期刊摘选》

14. There are two types of qualification─either is acceptable.


15. He either forgot or else decided not to come.


16. The menu is boring and it's not cheap either.


17. We either fight to death or surrender. There is no middle point.

我们要么战死,要么投降, 没有折中办法.《期刊摘选》

18. You may take either of the two.


19. In this business, either you've got it or you haven't.


20. Patients are either mildly ill or critically ill and require aggressive ICU care.


21. The object of this peculiarly involved comedy was not thinking of either.


22. The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium...


23. And a little bit of sibling rivalry doesn't hurt, either.


24. Like the cylinder block, the head is made from either cast iron or aluminum alloy.

像气缸体一样, 气缸盖是由铸铁或者铝合金制成.《期刊摘选》

25. You need to either make default database accessible or avoid using that particular database.


26. The two guests have arrived and either is welcome.


27. You can even Alcatraz from here , which is either comforting or terrifying.


28. The Walls of Tartarus would not hold Atlas and they would not hold me, either!

冥府之墙根本束缚不住阿特拉斯, 同样也不可能束缚得住我!《期刊摘选》

29. This is just how the market works and these guys were either unlucky or stupid.


30. Either you have work or you have not.


31. Most of the valentine cards either had hearts on them or were very rude.


32. Every hunter pet can learn Growl, Cower and either Bite or Claw ( never both ).

任何一个猎人宠物可以使用低吼, 畏缩,和爪击撕咬中的一个 ( 不会重复 ).《期刊摘选》

33. In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.


34. Of course they aren't thinking about the music either.


35. Up until this point, everything in the Creed has been either invisible or distantly historical.

直到此时, 之前所有在信经中提到的事要么是看不见的,要么是历史久远的.《期刊摘选》

36. Either way , I am likely to flush bright red as the door, with embarrassment.

一扇大红色的门, 当然会带来不便.《期刊摘选》

37. Chroma keying can be performed in either software or hardware on a media processor.


38. She hasn't phoned and she hasn't written either.


39. I can't manage that by myself and I don't see why it should be expected of me either.


40. Dick either studies very hard or not at all, never anything in between.

迪克要么刻苦学习,要么根本不学, 从不走中间路线.《期刊摘选》

41. Without at any time looking at either briefcase.


42. I lied and I'm not sick either! Just stay behind the curtain!

我说谎,而且我也没有生病! 躲到窗帘后面!《期刊摘选》

43. The bouncing grains strike the ground, either bouncing into the air again or dislodge other grains.

跳动着的粒子冲击地面, 它或者重新进入大气,或者撞击另一些粒子.《辞典例句》

44. EITHER Newton and Einstein were wrong, or there is something missing from the universe.

要么牛顿和爱因斯坦错了, 要么宇宙缺了什么东西.《期刊摘选》

45. Either you pull your weight or we replace you.


46. ...music that fails to be either funny or funky...


47. He did not even say anything to her, and she did not speak to him either...


48. Come either today or tomorrow please.


49. Either of them are to drive a man to distraction.


50. Nanomaterials , on the other hand, are often either insoluble or unable to function efficiently in solution.

从另外一方面来讲, 纳米材料经常不是难于有效发挥作用就是根本无法有效发挥作用.《期刊摘选》

51. Instead of speaking, I smiled; and not a very complacent or submissive smile either.

我没说话, 只是微笑, 而且那也不是非常得意或者谦恭的微笑.《辞典例句》

52. The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads impassable.

刚才“司机”也看不清楚. 而且这些路简直无法通行.《期刊摘选》

53. The offices on either side were empty.


54. But he has made no effort to do either.


55. Unaccompanied bags are either searched or removed.


56. There's a door at either end of the corridor.


57. Many of the reductions over the past 30 years have been  achieved either by reducing the amount of sugar, salt or fat  in a product, or by finding an alternative ingredient.

在过去的30 年中,很多减量方法或者是减少产品中糖、盐或脂肪的含量,或者是找到了另一种作为替代的配料。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

58. They haven't phoned and they haven't written either.


59. The judge could have decided either way.


60. Don't agree, but don't argue either...


61. (North Amercian English,informal)‘I don't like it. ’ ‘Me either. ’ (= Neither do I.)


62. I'm afraid I've never been there.—Well, of course, I haven't myself either.


63. And I won't be rude to him, either.

" 而且我也决不会对他无礼.《飘(部分)》

64. He's not stuck up like that Mr Gilbert Griffiths either.


65. Complications of gastric ulcers ( either benign or malignant ) include pain, bleeding, perforation, and obstruction.

胃溃疡的并发症 ( 良性或者恶性 ) 有疼痛, 出血, 穿孔和梗阻.《期刊摘选》

66. The time had come, and Buck knew that either he or Spitz must die.


67. There was once a time, and not so long ago either.

有一次, 而且还是不久以前.《期刊摘选》

68. Don't let me influence you either way.


69. Now many people love pets. And it's not just puppy love, either.

现在许多人很爱宠物, 而且这不只是一种不成熟 、 短暂的爱.《期刊摘选》

70. She wasn't Norwegian either, but French, and a midwife to boot.

她也不是挪威人, 是法国人, 而且还是一个助产士.《期刊摘选》

71. He acquired both, and more of either than any of his predecessors.

他两者都全了, 而且每一方面都超过了他所有的前任.《期刊摘选》

72. Of course, you are not heroes compared with them, and I am not a, either.

当然, 和他们相比你们不是英雄, 我也不是.《期刊摘选》

73. One by one the other gods either agreed or said nothing, nodding silently.

一个接一个的,其余诸神或者发言同意, 或者一言不发,沉默的点了点头.《期刊摘选》

74. On internet, Mitla is called either village or town or municipality.

在网上, 米特拉这个地方或者叫做村子,或者叫做镇甚至市.《期刊摘选》

75. Either Tim or his brother has to shovel snow.


76. You can vote either in person or by proxy.


77. I suddenly realized that I didn't have a single intelligent thing to say about either team.


78. Great writers are either husbands or lovers.


79. He must be either mad or drunk.


80. Is there any hard evidence either way?


81. Each side of the breaker is designated as either a fixed ( utility ) or variable ( genset ) source.

每一方的断路器被指定为任何一个固定的 ( 实用 ) 或变量 ( 发电机组 ) 资料来源.《期刊摘选》

82. You either plead guilty now, or suffer the consequences.

你要么现在就伏法认罪, 否则后果自负)?《期刊摘选》

83. Either of these dangers might have finished our ancestors off, but they pulled through.

这些危险中的任何一个都有可能断送我们的祖先, 不过他们还是挺了过来.《期刊摘选》

84. Of course, it is all a numbers game and you can skew perception in either direction.


85. Here are two apples. you can take either.

这儿有两个苹果. 你可拿任何一个.《期刊摘选》

86. I hold no brief for either side in this war.


87. And don't click on the link in the message, either.

而且, 也不要点击信息里的链接.《期刊摘选》

88. And I don't see any signs , either.


89. The least preponderance in either pan will unbalance the scale.


90. Of course I won't always be able to see from the column picture either.


91. Either you do the work all by yourself or we leave it till tomorrow.


92. Either you can talk to him, or I will.


93. The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers.


94. This is, of course, an average with wide variations on either side.

当然, 这指的是平均水平,而在趋势线的两侧均存在巨大差异.《期刊摘选》

95. Either he could not come or he did not want to.


96. Add either a vertical pass or a crossover at either the top or the bottom.


97. Most single parents are either divorced or separated.


98. If it's any consolation, she didn't get the job, either.


99. There are two types of qualification ─ either is acceptable.


100. Many diaphragm valves are either weeping through at this point or are just barely closed.


101. Variances of an inch in height either way are permissible, though less desirable.

高度误差在一英寸内是被允许的, 而且宁小勿大.《期刊摘选》

102. You can park on either side of the street.


103. In either case, I was huge, clumsy, awkward, and I was unstoppable!

不论如何, 我那时身材庞大, 笨拙, 窘迫, 而且我是无法停止的.《期刊摘选》

104. If either factor was missing the drug abuse rate rose to 32 percent.


105. She warned me that I'd never marry or have children.—'I don't want either.'


106. The teacher didn't zing either of us.


107. Either side, or both, could be bluffing.


108. Either the recipient hates them or they're the wrong size.


109. The contract can be terminated by either party with three months' notice.


110. Of course we didn't mind shooting them in the back, either.


111. Either of them is good enough.


112. You can have the photos with either a gloss or a matt finish.


113. There is, however, no definitive evidence for the priority of either one.

然而, 先前没有任何一个的明确证据.《期刊摘选》

114. A crash signifies either a hardware malfunction or a very serious software bug.


115. My digestion ain't so hot these days, either.


116. Did you see either boy?

你看见两个男孩中的任何一个 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

117. We sat primly at either end of a long bench.


118. Asas the Elimination of these four elements either one of them, against , prevent and control fire.

只要消不兴这四个要素洋的任何一个, 不离可以到达预防 、 不准和把持火情的纲的.《期刊摘选》

119. You never get anything new, either, with five brothers.

而且, 如果你有五个哥哥,你永远也别想有新东西.《期刊摘选》

120. He didn't want to go on the record as either praising or criticizing the proposal.


121. People who are either under age or over age may not join.


122. This happens either after weaning, or right after pregnancy if you don't breastfeed at all menopause.

这种现象会发生在断奶的时候, 或者如果根本就不进行母乳喂养的话,那么产后就会立即发生退化.《期刊摘选》

123. Large television screens were positioned at either end of the stadium.


124. He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to.


125. Satan had to ask God to touch either Job or Peter.


126. The concept of legality and the concept of justice are not identical; theynot entirely distinct either.

合法与正义不是等同的概念, 当然,两者也不是全然不同.《期刊摘选》

127. The former president was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free?


128. Either a college major is worth its cost or it isn’t. If yes, taxpayer financing isn’t needed. If not, taxpayer financing isn’t desirable. Either way, taxpayers have no business paying for students’ college education.

攻读一个大学专业的费用要么值得支付,要么不值得。如果值得,就不需要纳税人承担学费。如 果不值得,纳税人承担学费是不合理的。无论是否值得,纳税人都没有理由为大学生的大学教育费用买单。《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

129. Then you take these fragments and reassemble them either randomly or according to some predefined pattern.


130. And we won't let you go to the war with us, either.

而且, 也不让你跟我们一起去打仗喽.《期刊摘选》

131. And not allentrepreneurial companies are either new or small.


132. Either he could not come or he did not want to.


133. This approach performs better than traditional static feedback control either in resource utilization or cell lossratio.


134. Of course, one should not exaggerate these frictions either.

当然, 人们也不应夸大这些摩擦.《期刊摘选》

135. Americans love pets. And its not puppy love, either.

美国人很爱宠物, 而且还不是一时的激情.《期刊摘选》

136. The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports.


137. When you first learn of the value approach, it either with you or it doesn't.

当你第一次学习价值投资方法, 要么马上引起你的共鸣,要么根本不会产生.《期刊摘选》

138. And there is no point, either.


139. Of course, no theatrical performance can be entirely either.

当然, 没有舞台表演可以完全属于其中一种风格.《期刊摘选》

140. We could either put off the meeting or cancel it.


141. All programmes will be either "signed" or subtitled.


142. When anyone opens a current account at a bank, he is lending the bank money, repayment of which he may demand at any time, either in cash or by drawing a cheque in fevour of another person.

任何人在银行开了活期存款户头时, 他就是把钱借给了银行,但他可以随时提取这些钱, 或者以现金的方式, 或者开一张款子付给别人的支票.《用法词典》

143. Pete can't go and I can't either.


144. Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles...


145. Either you can talk to him, or I will


146. The government cannot afford to alienate either group.


147. You don't elect either of us and yet you raise no other candidate.


148. The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads areimpassable.

刚才司机也看不清楚. “而且”这些路简直无法通行.《期刊摘选》

149. I mean, for them, men are either dates , potential dates or date substitutes.

我是说, 对他们来说, 男人是潜在的约会对象或者约会的替代品.《电影对白》

150. The salary was not to be sniffed at either.


151. I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either.


152. He either suffocated, or froze to death.


153. No manual adjustment is required, either ? occlusion is set when the pump head cover is closed.

完全不需要手动调节, 而且当泵头的盖关闭的时候,会设置闭塞.《期刊摘选》

154. Sightseeing is best done either by tour bus or by bicycles.


155. Use either ILFORD BROMOPHEN developer diluted 1 + 1 or ILFORD PQ UNIVERSAL developer diluted 1 + 5.

使用依尔福溴苯酚显影剂,按1+1稀释,或者依尔福PQ通用 显影液,按1+5稀释.《期刊摘选》

156. Well, I think she's either Russian or Polish.


157. Either stall or surge may result in combustor blowout.


158. Was it his fault or not? Either way, an explanation is due.


159. And it wasn't just him, either.


160. It's an emotional speech – either positive or negative – but italways better to be generous.


161. 'I'm afraid I've never been there.'—'Well, of course, I haven't myself either.'


162. He sometimes couldn't remember either man's name.


163. The oilseed availability in India is not all that encouraging either.


164. Did you see either of the boys?

你看见过那两个男孩中的任何一个 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

165. So far, none of these theories has been proved to be either right or wrong.

到现在为止, 这些理论中没有任何一个已经被证明正确或错误.《期刊摘选》

166. Either way, Life is short, and it runs out very quickly.

或者说, 生命是短暂的, 而且它稍纵即逝.《期刊摘选》

167. Have you had any dealings with any of the suspects, either personally or professionally?


168. Most drugs offer either no real improvement or, at best, only moderate improvements.


169. If either were killed, delicate negotiations would be seriously disrupted.


170. After the crisis the patient either dies or gets better.


171. There were glasses of champagne and cigars, but not many of either were consumed...


172. So you didn't get a job either? Join the club!


173. Design research can be either delving into user behaviour, cognitive sciences, user research, or design methodology.

设计研究可以探讨用户行为 、 认知科学 、 用户研究或者设计方法论.《期刊摘选》

174. Keep a Sonic Emitter ready if he's flanking you with anything, either Stealth Tanks or Scorpions.

保持一个音波炮处于待发状态, 以备对方部队(隐形坦克或者蝎子)从侧翼向您进攻.《期刊摘选》

175. Either of these could be the point of failure.


176. The discussion that this text explains is not a point, certainly not know terminal point either.

本文所阐述的讨论不是起点, 当然也不会终点.《期刊摘选》

177. Complicating this issue is that either magnetic or geographic pole is not static.


178. The game could swing either way.


179. The existence of an unlimited being is either logically necessary or logically impossible.


180. This is not a commonly used Chinese character, so I don't know the word either.

这个字根本不是通用字, 我也不认识.《期刊摘选》

181. And we, on our part , shall not handle competitive products offered by other suppliers either.


182. All past oligarchies have fallen from power either because they ossified or because they grew soft.


183. He seems either to fear women or to sentimentalize them.


184. This approach to carbonyl compounds also allows the synthesis of either optical antipodes.


185. The news did not shock either of them.


186. Other states can then choose to follow either the Californian standard or the federal one.


187. But every necessary thing either has its necessity caused by another, or not.

但是,每个必然的事物要么具有被另一事物所引起的必然性, 要么则不然.《哲学部分》

188. I'm going to buy either a camera or a DVD player with the money.


189. When that pattern is challenged either it is disregarded or thought creates another pattern of security.


190. Add either a vertical pass or a crossover at both the top and the bottom.


191. It's either Minesweeper or smoking, I can't write if I have to give up both.

要么就是扫雷,要么就是抽烟, 如果我两样都放弃我根本无法写作.《期刊摘选》

192. Yet most ancestry testing only considers a single lineage, either the Y chromosome inherited through men in a father's line or mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down only from mothers.

但是,大部分祖先鉴定只考虑单一的谱系,或者鉴定同一父系男性遗传的Y染色体,或者鉴定线粒体DNA,而线粒体DNA只能通过母亲遗传。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

193. Mr. Jennings either we manage this case or you manage it.


194. No children, of course, to allowed on either side.

当然, 任何一方都不得有孩子.《期刊摘选》

195. Does either of the parties want to stop the fighting?


196. And it all happened too fast for either one of us to grab it.


197. Already there are rumours that Nvidia could combine with either AMD or Via.


198. There had been no indication of either breathlessness or any loss of mental faculties right until his death.


199. Asia is larger than either of the two Americans.


200. Life at high school wasn't a bundle of laughs, either


201. The driver couldn't see either. Besides, the roads are nearly impassable.

刚才司机也看不清楚. 而且这些路简直无法通行.《辞典例句》

202. Either we heal as a team or we're gonna crumble.


203. I don't think either of them are at home.


204. You can keep one of the photos. Either of them─whichever you like.


205. And if I cant get either, I really try.

如果我得到斜面要么, 我真的尝试.《期刊摘选》


1. One group took Polycap. The other groups took either a single drug or different combinations of the medicines in the Polycap pill.

VOA : special.2009.04.08

2. Scientists are also working on other plants that either use less water or use it better, or both.

VOA : special.2009.01.20

3. Infighting, factionalism and election worries didn't help, either, but the speaker had no solution.

NPR: End of the Road for Frist; What Next for Hastert?

4. All 125 are either listed on U.S. exchanges or traded as American Depositary Receipts.

FORBES: Do It Yourself

5. This has led to greater use of monovalent vaccines to protect against either type one or type three polio.

VOA : special.2010.01.18

6. But 7 of 15 members either work for Murdoch or have strong ties to the company.

FORBES: Who's Next?

7. Either way, the saplings took root and flourished, and eventually grew into a cathedral grove.

BBC: Englands ghostly South Downs Way

8. Either way, Red Market will pop back up next summer in a new location.

BBC: Gourmet street food in London

9. Does it have to be either or, all the time in the US arguments?

FORBES: Readers Say

10. "Therefore, we don't want to speculate on either the project or project feasibility, " a spokesperson said.

CNN: Can plan to fly Concorde again get off the ground?

11. Fourth, there's generally some arrangement, either for the publication of the treaty, or its deposition, its safe-keeping in some sort of shrine.

第四是一些笼统的安排,对条约的公布,或者废除,然后放在圣坛里,安全保管。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The bulk of historical evidence points to Columbus being either Spanish or Italian, so the researchers started there.

BBC: The mystery of Christopher Columbuss legacy

13. So either a potassium cyanide or sodium cyanide, these are used in synthesis in terms of making carbon-carbon bonds.

因此无论是氰化钾还是氰化钠,都被用来在合成过程中,制造碳碳键。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. An exception is when a jury is asked to recommend either execution or life in prison in murder cases punishable by death.

VOA : special.2009.08.31

15. So really what we'll probably do is instead either give you the wavelength or the frequency and you'll go ahead and calculate the energy from there.

所以实际上我们可能的做法是,给你波长或者频率,然后你可以通过他们计算得到能量。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. What could possibly explain why either hemisphere of the brain would normally be enough, as long as we don't transfer both?

什么能够解释为何任何大脑半球,都足够适用,却不能同时,分别移植?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. So it turns out whoever thought of this was either being funny or just not creative that day.

所以结果是,那个时候无论是谁想出的这个,要么是可笑的,要么是没创造性的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

18. There is not available a 'fleet' insurance that would cover five people in three cars either.

BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Inside Money | Have your say: insurance 'fronting'

19. In truth no one would have known for sure what he suffered from and we can't know either.

NPR: Book Traces Family Suffering from Deadly Insomnia

20. I've never been one to babies of either sex.


21. A better idea is to harvest foods either early or late in the day, then leave them to cool naturally.

VOA : special.2009.11.30

22. In fact, it has to be some finite number, which is the acceleration of either of these two guys.

事实上它必须是有限的数值,也就是这两个物体某中某一个的加速度基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. If you look at the normal labs that are in many places, you have a lab on Thursday afternoons, and the labs are either two weeks ahead or two weeks behind the lecture material.

如果你了解其他地方,一般的实验室,比如在星期四下午有实验课,这些实验要么是讲座的两周前,要么是讲座的两周后,才进行。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. They may not know how to price others in the pipeline either, like Facebook.

FORBES: Groupon Soars Afterhours -- It's China and Mobile Businesses Rocket

25. It either had work, got its heat from the surroundings, or it got worked on by the surroundings.

系统从环境中,得到热量。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. First,they don't meet in the daytime; they meet either early before light,at dawn, or after dark,at night.

首先,他们不在白天聚会;,要么在天亮前的黎明,要么在天黑后的夜晚。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. She was not married to either of them. She also did not hide the fact that she was bisexual.

VOA : special.2010.08.29

28. But you wouldn't leave the front door to your house unlocked either, would you?

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

29. It comes through investment and taking money from investors, either through swiping their credit cards while they're not looking or through revenue.

它来自投资和,从投资者那里拿钱,无论是当他们不注意的时候刷信用卡,还是通过业务来盈利。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

30. Other kinds of clerical work that is either being outsourced or is being replaced by technology that does it efficiently.

VOA : special.2010.11.22

31. Only two areas did not have an overfishing problem in either the new study or the earlier one.

VOA : special.2009.09.08

32. Think of retirees directly purchasing this soon-to-be toxic paper, either directly or through fund vehicles.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

33. And roof gardens are not immune to the weather either, regardless of the technology used.

BBC: The technology that's transforming gardening

34. Employees who refused to sign were either found other jobs in the company or discharged.

FORBES: Whose Rolodex is it, anyway?

35. It was a party of protest, formed by men who refused to support either of the two old parties.

VOA : special.2010.06.03

36. And depending on the mood I'm in, I either congratulate them, or I say ah, you screwed up, huh? Then you had to fix it.

看起来他们挺为这事儿自豪的,我的回应得看我的情绪怎么样了,我可能会庆祝他们或者说,啊,你搞砸了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

37. You will also be given some shoes by your attendant - either traditional wooden clogs or fluorescent flip-flops.

BBC: A guide to Istanbuls bath houses

38. You either drink it neat or with a drop of water to open the flavours.

BBC: Why you should never drink whisky on the rocks

39. Everything's either black or everything's white, and we're dealing with that as a community.

CNN: Calling people 'thugs' solves nothing

40. And the town, historically reliant on industry and crisscrossed by pockmarked streets, isn't especially affluent either.

WSJ: Sassuolo on Brink of Promotion to Italian Soccer's Serie A

41. She either - depending on your politics - "tamed the unions" or "made war on the unions".

BBC: Class calculator: A US view of the class system

42. If a drafted man could not do either thing, then he must join the army or be shot as a deserter.

VOA : special.2009.10.29

43. You can either try to dance to it or try to escape it as much as possible.

BBC: This is Buenos Aires week

44. It's not true on either count.


45. Anti-slavery settlers in Kansas felt they could not get fair treatment from either the president or the new governor.

VOA : special.2009.05.07

46. While it's never too early to stop the rot, it's never too late, either.

CNN: Opinion: Unlocking crime using biological keys

47. A supplement, he points out, is something that either completes something that isn't complete or adds to something that already is complete.

他指出,一个补充物,或者是补充了不完整的事物,或者补充了已经完整的事物。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. Either way, the assets grow tax-deferred and withdrawals are taxed as ordinary income, not capital gain.

FORBES: IRA Tips and Traps

49. Here, musicians often perform impromptu jam sessions while couples dance either the chacarera or zamba.

BBC: Stepping into Saltas folklore culture

50. Maybe it could refer to either the poet or the sun throughout the entire line, if you think of the mantle blue as being the actual sky that the sun is able to twitch over his shoulder.

或者两者皆可,从整句的行文看来,如果你们把蓝色的丝巾看作是真实的天空的话,那么太阳的确是能够在他的肩上轻轻颤动。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. I sometimes couldn't remember either man's name.


52. Critically, Pietersen and Bell fell either side of lunch to eliminate any chance of England somehow avoiding defeat.

BBC: England crash to 10-wicket defeat

53. They proved unwilling to abandon either national interest or material aspirations for promises of a greener world.

FORBES: The Green Movement's People Problem

54. You don't have to do this for Wednesday but let's say for next Monday, and that is: I'd like you to memorize a short poem by Yeats or by Frost, either one.

你们不用今天做,下星期一吧:,我想让你们背一首短诗,叶芝或者弗罗斯特的都行。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Either people in these populations were malnourished or they had to find supplementation for these super foods in order to survive.

人们需要在超级食物之余补充额外营养,否则就会营养不良关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. I don't like either.


57. I think the authorities are in a catch-22 situation. Their hands are tied either way.


58. Either some meaning has been lost in translation or the owners are trying to out-baffle English-speaking tourists.

BBC: A golden slice of old Tokyo

59. is to bring attention to the number of animals and places that have either disappeared or will disappear in our lifetime.

VOA : special.2009.05.06

60. But low rates are engendered either naturally from increased savings or artificially by printing money.

FORBES: U.S. Solvency Depends On Low Interest Rates

61. And he won't make a stop in Kenya either, where deadly post-election violence still hasn't completely calmed.

NPR: Businesses Hit Hard by Turmoil in Kenya

62. I will then judge and then the winner will win some small prize, either of a literary or a food nature.

我来评谁胜出,胜出者有一个小奖品,可能是书,也可能是吃的。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. But the presence of Honda is bad news either way for your General Motors dividends.

FORBES: Leon Levy Says Sell on Strength

64. The females make huge webs, sometimes large enough to hang between trees on either side of a rural road.

VOA : special.2009.10.30

65. Many of the people watching "The Nutcracker" that night did not like the ballet either and criticized it.

VOA : special.2010.12.22





spookiest的意思是:adj. 怪异吓人的;阴森可怖的。spooky的最高级。学考宝为您提供spookiest是什么意思,spookiest的音标,spookiest怎么读,spookiest的翻译,spookiest的用法,spookiest的短语搭配,spookiest的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


broken的意思是:adj. 损坏的,破碎的;衰弱的,颓丧的;间断的,不连续的;破裂的,终止的;违背的,未遵守的;蹩脚的,不流利的;凹凸不平的,坎坷的 v. 打碎;弄坏;违反(break 的过去分词形式)。学考宝为您提供broken是什么意思,broken的翻译,broken的用法,broken的短语搭配,broken的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


reunification的意思是:n. 重新统一。学考宝为您提供reunification是什么意思,reunification的翻译,reunification的用法,reunification的短语搭配,reunification的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Britannic的意思是:adj. 英国的;大不列颠的。学考宝为您提供Britannic是什么意思,Britannic的翻译,Britannic的用法,Britannic的短语搭配,Britannic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


broad的意思是:adj. 宽广的,宽阔的;……宽;咧开嘴的;广泛的,普遍的;大致的,概括的;明确的,明显的;粗俗滑稽的;口音重的 n. <美>对女人的粗俗称呼;宽阔部分 adv. 宽阔地 【名】 (Broad)(英、德)布罗德(人名)。学考宝为您提供broad是什么意思,broad的翻译,broad的用法,broad的短语搭配,broad的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


British的意思是:adj. (大不列颠及北爱尔兰)联合王国的,英国的,英国人的 n. 英国人(the British)。学考宝为您提供British是什么意思,British的翻译,British的用法,British的短语搭配,British的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Briticism的意思是:n. 英国腔;英国英语;英国英语语法。学考宝为您提供Briticism是什么意思,Briticism的翻译,Briticism的用法,Briticism的短语搭配,Briticism的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Britain的意思是:n. 英国,不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰及威尔士);英国,不列颠(包括英格兰、苏格兰及威尔士)。学考宝为您提供Britain是什么意思,Britain的翻译,Britain的用法,Britain的短语搭配,Britain的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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