莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈɪnstɪtjuːt]play美 [ˈɪnstɪtuːt]play

  • n. 研究所,学院,协会;(尤指与法律相关的)注释,论述
  • v. 制定(制度、规则等);提出(诉讼);任命,授予……职位(尤指圣职)

复数 institutes 第三人称单数 institutes 现在分词 instituting 过去式 instituted 过去分词 instituted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


institute /ˈɪnstɪˌtjuːt/ CET4 TEM4 [ instituting instituted institutes ]

  • 1.
    An institute is an organization set up to do a particular type of work, especially research or teaching. You can also use institute to refer to the building the organization occupies. 协会; 研究所

    ...the National Cancer Institute.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you institute a system, rule, or course of action, you start it. 制定 (规章、制度); 创立

    We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public.






1. institute of economics 经济学院

2. polytechnic institute (多科性)工业学院

3. institute of petroleum (英国)石油学会

4. institute of design 设计学院,设计院

5. california institute of technology 加州理工学院

6. Santa Fe Institute 圣菲研究所 ; 圣塔菲研究所 ; 菲研究所 ; 研究所

7. designing institute n. 设计院

8. engineering institute 工程学院;工业学院;工科院

9. institute director 研究所所长

10. american institute of architects 美国建筑师学会

11. Hudson Institute 哈德逊研究所 ; 哈德森研究所 ; 研究所 ; 哈德森协会

12. Worcester Polytechnic Institute 伍斯特理工学院 ; 伍斯特理工学院学校 ; 伍斯特理工 ; 伍斯特工学院

13. institute of technology 理工学院;技术学院

14. georgia institute of technology 乔治亚理工学院(美国大学)

15. technical institute 工业学院,技术学院;技术研究所;初级技术学院

16. confucius institute 孔子学院(非营利性公益机构)

17. institute for international economics 国际经济研究所

18. Art Institute of Chicago 芝加哥艺术学院 ; 芝加哥美术馆 ; 芝加哥艺术馆 ; 芝加哥艺术博物馆

19. educational institute 学院;就读学校;毕业院校

20. american petroleum institute n. 美国石油组织

21. Cato Institute 卡托研究所 ; 加图研究所 ; 凯托研究所 ; 卡图研究所

22. Confucius Institute 孔子学院 ; 孔子学堂 ; 孔子 ; 孔子学院孔子课堂孔子学校汉学院孔子学堂中华传统文化

23. physical culture institute 体育学院

24. petroleum institute 石油学院

25. massachusetts institute of technology 麻省理工学院

26. research institute 研究机构,研究所

27. Pratt Institute 普瑞特艺术学院 ; 普拉特学院 ; 普瑞特学院

28. Georgia Institute of Technology 佐治亚理工学院 ; 乔治亚理工学院 ; 美国佐治亚理工学院 ; 美国


1. The new management intends to institute a number of changes.


2. From then on, a sound system of Party committee meetings was instituted in all leading bodies.

从那时以后, 所有领导机构都建立了健全的党委会制度.《期刊摘选》

3. And the related domestic research institutes, scale steel mills established a close cooperation relationship.

并与国内相关的科研院所 、 大型钢厂建立了密切的协作关系.《期刊摘选》

4. I visited a number of scientific institutes in Asia.


5. A database supplied by American Geological Institute and dealing with earth sciences.


6. And many domestic research institutes, established a solid technical exchange and business cooperation.

与国内众多科研院所, 建立起了稳固的技术交流及业务合作关系.《期刊摘选》

7. Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute.


8. The Institute is an industry association that promotes and sustains the recycling of all steel products.


9. I don't have a supervisor. Can I still apply for CFA Institute membership?

我没有上司, 我是否还能申请CFA协会会员?《期刊摘选》

10. Administrative office of local government, and academic institutes as well to refresh lawyers'legai knowledge.


11. Many universities have institutes of education.


12. Some banks instituted a tiered penalty system, charging customers steadily higher fees as the overdrafts mount.

一些银行建立了阶梯罚款制度, 随着客户透支增加而逐步提高收费.《期刊摘选》

13. He thought of trying for a position in a research institute.


14. Applicants who do not receive notifications in any form should contact the Institute at 3120 6200.


15. ...an elite research institute devoted to computer software...


16. This adjustment ensures a sustainable business model for CFA Institute.


17. They have instituted Institute for Muslim-Christian Relations.


18. This hospital was instituted in 1982.


19. There is a middle school attached to the institute.


20. Plan, organize, and control the activities a certification institute with its headquarters in Lewes, Delaware.

计划 、 组织 、 管理该协会一切活动,提供认证相关培训并进行各项与商业相关的专业学科的认证考试.《期刊摘选》

21. Had we consulted the website of the Emily Post Institute, this embarrassing breach of etiquette could have been avoided.


22. Since we instituted the new rule, fewer people have been late to work.

自从我们制定了新规章制度, 迟到的人比以前少了.《期刊摘选》

23. To institute the quality criteria on arthrolithiasis odynolysis plastics and make a better quality controllability.


24. My five children and I have instituted this indulgence among our neighborhood friends ever since.


25. The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information.


26. A rotation system of this kind has also been instituted for the PLA Garrison in Macao.


27. A new Nobel prize in economics was instituted in 1969.


28. The writer, a former CIA case officer a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

作者, 是个前CIA情报官员,美国企业协会的会员.《期刊摘选》

29. to institute criminal proceedings against sb


30. We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public


31. Give an allowance or institute a chore reward system.


32. Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care starts birth.


33. At the Cannes film festival every year, the Institute holds a conference on audiovisual law.

在每年的嘎纳电影节上, 该机构主持有关音像方面的会议.《期刊摘选》

34. Traditional medicine area: medical therapy , service institutes, Famous specialists, Health inspection, Health administration institute.

传统医药领域医疗 、 服务机构 、 知名专家, 健康检测 、 健康管理机构.《期刊摘选》

35. Some people believe that having a high academic title at a famous university or a research institute means success.


36. Now, researchers from the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena say they have the answer.

现在, 来自帕萨迪纳市加州理工学院的研究人员称,他们解决了该问题.《期刊摘选》

37. Just as the Chery deal made the news, the Beijing government instituted a nationwide minimum wage.

就如奇瑞的生意一样, 北京政府开始设立全国范围最低工资的消息,爆出了新闻.《期刊摘选》

38. The Institute, founded in 1930, is a private, independent academic institution located in Princeton, New Jersey.

高等研究院成立于1930年, 位于新泽西州普林斯顿镇, 是一个私立自主的学术机构.《期刊摘选》

39. Individuals can enrol on self-study courses in the university's language institute.


40. All large enterprises in the United States and Japan have such institutes.


41. These regulations have reduced cigarette smoking very much since they were instituted.


42. He now has brain damage and unfortunately proceedings had to be instituted to institutionalize him.


43. The police instituted an inquiry into the cause of the accident.


44. Some provinces like Yunnan and Henan have also instituted mandatory HIV tests for sex workers.


45. The golden age of Australia are the only designated health club Reiter training institute.


46. He visited the Institute of Neurology in Havana where they both worked.


47. Health consultation, certification, Training institute, Media, investment.

健康咨询 、 认证 、 培训机构; 媒体; 投融资机构等.《期刊摘选》

48. The Chartered Management Institute is the only that is dedicated to management and leadership.


49. The international institute of internal auditors popularize the effectiveness auditing in 1978.


50. It also has its own institute and some departments which include music, record, poster and contribution.

它还建有自己的研究机构和包括音乐 、 唱片 、 海报、捐赠物在内的资料部门.《期刊摘选》

51. Treat and Institute, which is refined into the life, the need to attend courses.

学会善待和隐忍, 这是迈向精致的人生, 所必须修习的课程.《期刊摘选》

52. "My God, what an idea!" Greene said at a recent gathering at the Aspen Institute.


53. Hormone replacement therapy is very important and should be instituted early.


54. It is of top priority to formulate the Confucius Institute Development Plan next year.


55. Finance Shaanxi has complete finance services institutes which spread all cities and communities.


56. The TPS Research Institute of ChuSanRen is the most authoritative in Japan.

中产连的TPS研究会 是全日本最权威的TPS研究和推动机构.《期刊摘选》

57. The government has instituted a court of inquiry to look into the allegations.


58. American National Standard Institute standard for measuring brightness and resolution of a display device.


59. Confucius Institutes are founded based on such an understanding.


60. Researchers with America's National Institutes of Health created a study to test this theory.


61. American Press Institute advertising Vice President Myrtle gowkarran des said.


62. Do you use accredited institute to calibrate your reference equipments?


63. Institute of why personal loans are the best sources.


64. The university section was instituted in 1925 and undergraduate students were then enrolled.


65. National institutes in the east are sorely in need of renovation and modern equipment


66. Piping design should follow similar codes, as issued by the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI ).

管道系统的设计要遵循同样的规范, 该规范同美国国家标准学会发布的一样.《期刊摘选》

67. As a result, he is beginning institute an organizational structure that would facilitate management control.

因此, 他开始学会的组织结构将有利于管理控制.《期刊摘选》

68. In 1982, she was admitted into Nanjing Arts Institute and was taught successively by Prof.


69. Bai Keming graduated from department of missile engineering at Harbin Institute of Military Engineering.


70. We should institute an inquiry.


71. Article 23 Schools shall institute a system of medical examination for students.


72. Edgerton is a professor of electrical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.


73. They institute a suit against him.


74. The government instituted a consumer protection agency.


75. Later he headed a research institute in Yanan.


76. She works at the local science institute.


77. That institute examined a wider range of potential problems for humanity, while the LCFI has a narrow focus.

该研究所探究了更广泛的人类潜在问题,而 LCFI 的研究关注领域则很狭窄。

78. ANSI ( American National Standards Institute ) said, SQL is a database management system standard language.

ANSI ( 美国国家标准学会 ) 声称, SQL是关系数据库管理系统的标准语言.《期刊摘选》

79. The research institute is subordinate to that university.


80. Exceeds American petroleum Institute API's rating standard.


81. America's transport network is similarly dysfunctional, says a recent Urban Land Institute report.


82. The Marine Institute is currently allocated or better: Traffic Engineering and Logistics Institute.

海事目前分配比较好的学院还是: 交通工程与物流学院.《期刊摘选》

83. Directly in front of the institute is Kelly Ingram Park.


84. Experimental data from the Institute of fractal dimension is one of the major recent progress.


85. Meantime, the analysis mode and method may help the management of technological staff in other institutes.

同时, 本文的研究思路与方法也可能会对其它机构中技术人员的薪酬管理产生启发作用.《期刊摘选》

86. There are many rules and regulations to be instituted.


87. Camilla Toulmin is director of the International Institute for Environment and Development.


88. He gave a talk to the Women's Institute on his travels in Asia.


89. In December 1924, Frederic Joliot visited the Institute where he met Marie Curie.


90. The University played hosts to their visitors from another institute.


91. The traditional procession of dignitaries opened the Institute.


92. It was named after a famous institute.


93. It is a process with instituting, actualizing and appraising financial strategy management.

企业财务战略管理,就是财务战略制定 、 实施和评价的过程.《期刊摘选》

94. The Hong Kong Institute of Directors ( HKIoD ) welcomes members and to enroll for training courses.

香港 董事 学会欢迎会员及非会员报名进修.《期刊摘选》

95. It did not pass unremarked that three-quarters of the petitions were instituted by women.


96. Together, they help to make MIT much more than just an institute of technology.


97. There were soon two Radium Institutes in the world.


98. The Institute of Export now fears that 100,000 jobs will go


99. I visited a number of research institutes in asia.


100. Other content required by securities regulatory institute or believed be reported by the company.


101. Institute of Hainan car experiment is founded 1958, it is Changchun car detects central branch.

海南汽车试验研究所创建于1958年, 是长春汽车检测中心的分支机构.《期刊摘选》

102. The CFA Institute preferred form of ID is a valid passport. View the complete ID policy.

CFA协会的首选证件是护照, 看一下详细的证件政策.《期刊摘选》

103. The institute conducts an annual survey of American households to gauge stock ownership.


104. Very detailed, there are a large number code, a stepstep teach you Institute VC.

VC++ 编程实例.非常详细, 还有大量代码, 一步步教你学会VC. 连载中,这是第五部分.《期刊摘选》

105. They're going to start an advanced course in English at that institute.


106. Economist and energy analyst Ken Medlock at Rice University's Baker Institute believes that is unlikely.


107. Experts at the National Institute Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth.


108. President of the Foreign Affairs Institute Shuqin Liu was also present at the meeting.


109. When I was in Chicago in 1990 a friend got me a ticket for the hottest show in town: the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.


110. The National Aerospace Laboratory NLR is the central institute for aerospace research in the Netherlands.


111. The institute is funded by business and employers associations as well as individual companies.


112. This coincides with the statistics of the Institute of Science and Technology Information of China.


113. I agree to be nominated as an Honorary Fellow of the Hong Kong Institute of Bankers.


114. Mr Lin is associate director of the Institute


115. Sandy Pentland at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology agrees.


116. Wang Yongliang ( 1970 ~ ), male , PhD . candidate, Beijing Broadcasting Institute.

王永亮 ( 1970~ ), 男, 北京广播学院新闻学博士生.《期刊摘选》

117. Institute looking for a better life now! To enlarge these beautiful, with its beautiful decoration better!

开始寻找生活中的美好吧! 将这些美好进行放大, 用美好装饰自己的美好!《期刊摘选》

118. Norman Ornstein a political scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.


119. The Food Marketing Institute, an industry body , says such sales totalled $ 196 billion in 2006.

食品销售协会称2006年易腐坏食物损耗的总额是1960亿美元, 该协会是一个行业内部团体.《期刊摘选》

120. Therefore CFA institute has a beneficial interests in protecting the integrety of the CFA trademark.


121. Head of tokamak experiment division, institute of plasma physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.


122. Besides, the Emily Post Institute doesn't dictate manners.


123. I have become quite inured to human suffering during my time here at the Institute!


124. In 1932 she became a vice president of the Royal National Institute for the Blind in the United Kingdom.


125. The National Cancer Institute now has a computerized system that can quickly provide information.


126. At present, many international renowned space research institutes are researching in this field.


127. Bicycle Police In Seattle, Washington, the police department instituted bicycle patrols in the late 1980 s.


128. I would like to ask Army Institute of Foreign Languages who knows it?

请问有谁知道解放军外国语学院 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

129. Ship Engineering Institute is our press partner in China.


130. National Institute Economic Review.


131. The artists are from the Nanjing Calligraphy and Painting Institute.


132. Many universities have Institutes of education.


133. In 1918, Irene became her mother's assistant at the Curie Institute.


134. The groups are the Food Marketing Institute and the National Council of Chain Restaurants.

这两个集团分别是食品经营协会(FoodMarketingInstitute) 和国家连锁饭店委员会(theNationalcouncilofChainRestaurants).《期刊摘选》

135. The institute prescribes its students where they should go after graduation.


136. Mr. from Chinese Information Institute also attended the conference.


137. He works at the local science institute.


138. In 1933, he left Oklahoma to begin a study of music at Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama.

1933年, 他离开了俄克拉何马,开始在阿拉巴马州的塔斯克基学院学习音乐.《期刊摘选》

139. We're also urging countries that have instituted restrictions on agricultural exports to lift those restrictions.


140. Director of Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation Chris Murray described it as an "urgent call to action".


141. Earlier, the Institute and the U.S. Department of Energy inventory data released simultaneously.

此前, 该学会和美国能源部同步发布库存数据.《期刊摘选》

142. Objectives To learn about drug purchase models for community health service institutes.


143. The other thing I thought was great was the Massachusetts Institute of Technology project.


144. Therefore here is holds the Kong Zi institute opening ceremony most appropriate place. ?

所以这里是举行孔子学院 揭 牌仪式最合适的地方.《期刊摘选》

145. Established in 1928, Hangzhou Institute of Tropical Diseases, as Deputy Director.

1928年建立杭州热带病研究所, 任副所长.《期刊摘选》

146. Britain was instituting a similar plan, and it was already gaining praise.

英国一直在制定一个类似的计划, 而且已经获得称赞.《期刊摘选》

147. At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.


148. But for an employer to institute flextime, the company would want to benefit as well.

而建立弹性工作制度的雇主, 也是想从中获益的.《期刊摘选》

149. Confucius Institutes have got off to a roaring start.


150. The numbers of research institutes and personnel engaged in environmental protection have been steadily increased.


151. After the accident the police instituted an inquiry into its causes.


152. The institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin.


153. Hunan institute of mass media television programme production this major is good?

湖南大众传媒学院的电视节目制作这个专业好不好 啊 ?《期刊摘选》

154. Their offices are housed in rented accommodation in a modernized wing of the Mathematics Institute.


155. The Institute of Geophysics , CAS was established in 1950, headed by Zhao.


156. Experts at the National Institudes Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth.


157. This article introduced bisphenol A polycarbonate resin and brought forward the requirement to domestic institute.


158. People worry that effective corrective measures will not be instituted soon enough.


159. Immediately institute started to come back at night by the information that the company's latest developments.


160. A high performance random packing verified by tests Fractionation Research Institute ( FRI ).

被美国蒸馏协会 ( FRI ) 的测试证实为高性能散堆填料.《期刊摘选》

161. Internet users can learn more about the Rodale Institute at rodaleinstitute . org.


162. He also helps instruct others in the science every year at his Bloodstain Evidence Institute.


163. Institute of peaceful coexistence between people.


164. Our institute has ordered a great many instruments from the company.


165. It is this kind of thinking that the Institute for Economics and Peace will promote.


166. His institute works on issues ranging from demography to labour shortages.


167. She belongs to the Chartered Institute of Management.


168. This concept is proposed in 1992 by Hugo de Garis and the Swiss union engineering institute.


169. Early management was instituted, but her vision did not improve.

早期治疗开始了, 但是,她的视力没有改善.《期刊摘选》

170. Peter Ventura, right, the president of American Institute of Wine & Food appreciating Niu Kesi.

美国葡萄酒美食学会会长彼特? 温切罗 (右)在鉴赏牛克思作品.《期刊摘选》

171. Beijing Dandi Automatic System and Engineering Corporation belongs to the Institute of Mechanics, Academia Sinica .

北京丹迪自动化系统工程公司是 中国科学院 力学研究所所办公司.《期刊摘选》

172. I like your institute but I do not want to enrol.


173. All the countries that are represented in the institute want people to continue drinking coffee.


174. Experts at the Nation Institudes National Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth.


175. In 2013, 62 British films with a budget over £500,000 were produced, compared with 87 in 2011, figures from the British Film Institute (BFI) showed.

英 国 电 影 协 会( BFI ) 的 数 据 显 示,和 2011 年 的 87 部 电影相比, 2013 年,英国制作了 62 部预算超过 50 万英镑的电影。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

176. Your hope to join the economic institute has become a reality.


177. Flextronics Institute was founded in Doumen Industrial Park ( Zhuhai China ) .

2003年, 伟创力 学院在珠海工业园建立.《期刊摘选》

178. It's also not clear whether the organism, first engineered by a German institute for biotechnology, is still in use.


179. a research institute


180. The designing institute builds MIS, it is to strengthen business management, control production is managed.

设计院建立MIS, 是为了加强企业治理, 控制生产经营.《期刊摘选》

181. Instituting recent planning is very essential and feasible.


182. Many employers have instituted weight loss and fitness initiatives.

许多雇主已经制定了减肥计划和健身方案。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

183. Excellent performance in cleaning, bleaching and sterilizing. It has approved and certified by National authorization institute.

具有卓越的清洁 、 漂白和杀菌性能, 本产品已获国家权威机构的许可和认证.《期刊摘选》

184. The company reacted to a slower market by instituting cost controls and reducing operating expenses.


185. The government intends to institute court action against the firm which has disobeyed the wage controls.


186. 200,000 specimens of fungus are kept at the Komarov Botanical Institute.


187. The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute


188. The Institute spends a lot of time scratching its head about how to boost American productivity.


189. Institute changes as necessary.


190. The Institute is always receiving care and support from the higher leading group.


191. How are things going at the Institute?


192. I'm only a part time teacher in the institute.


193. There are many ancient codes and records in the library of our institute.


194. The hottest show in town was the Monet Exhibition at the Art Institute.


195. Thus institutes and enterprises and successing in addressing key issues relating to the development of biofuels.


196. The research was supported by the Gallup Organization and the National Institute on Aging.


197. The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome.


198. This season the NBA instituted a progressive technical foul schedule that applies to players and coaches.


199. Gu Ming is a vice director of Garment Committe, Nantong Textile Engineering Institute.


200. The CIA contracted the American Institutes for Research for this evaluation.


201. I hope government will institute strict rules and regulations to safeguard the rescue operations.


202. The research institute is on the track of what causes the artery damage.


203. the Institute of Chartered Accountants


204. Seething at No.2, I instituted a fanatical practice program.


205. We will institute a number of measures to better safeguard the public...


206. The institute wants more people to drink more coffee.


207. Augustus instituted boards of curators to take charge of administrative tasks.


208. At the same time , the experimental r 6 sults with the blackbody furnace in Netherlands Measurements Institute ( NMi ) are also presented.


209. They instituted an inquiry into the causes of the accident.


210. Events moving from another direction also instituted a chain of caused and effects.


211. He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.


212. He got a scholarship to the Pratt Institute of Art.


213. I now declare the 31 st Annual Conference of the Chinese Language Press Institute open.


214. They come from factories, rural areas, individual businesses and welfare institutes throughout China.

他们来自各地的工厂 、 农村 、 民营和社会福利机构.《期刊摘选》

215. 200,000 specimens of fungus are kept at the Komarov Botanical Institute.


216. They instituted controls over drinking on campus.


217. After 6 min of asphyxia, epinephrine and bicarbonate were given and CPR instituted.

窒息6min后, 给肾上腺素和碳酸氢钠并立即开始心肺复苏.《期刊摘选》

218. There is an exhibition held by the Institute of Modern Art.


219. Omeka is a public relations firm retained by Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research.


220. Gytha studies at the textile institute.


221. They instituted a cricket competition.


222. The Emily Post Institute doesn't dictate manners.


223. The police instituted a new investigation.


224. The Committee instituted him to a director.


225. Experts at the National Institute of Health say good dental care starts at birth.


226. Experts at Naional the National Institutes of Health good dental care starts at birth.


227. Tuition of $1,350 includes all institute activities (workshops, craft sessions, studio courses and field trips).


228. They inspected the work of the institute.


229. He was speaking to an audience of students at the Institute for International Affairs.


230. ...the National Cancer Institute.


231. Mr. Lin is associate director of the Institute.


232. Experts at the National Institutes of Health say good dental care starts at birth.


233. Esther Duflo of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) received more recommendations than any other economist.

在推荐数量上,麻省理工学院 ( MIT ) 的埃丝特?迪弗洛(EstherDuflo)无人可出其右.《期刊摘选》

234. The charter’s main tool of enforcement is to deny access for designers and modeling agencies to Copenhagen Fashion Week (CFW), which is run by the Danish Fashion Institute.

宪章的主要强制手段为,禁止设计师和模特经纪公司参加由丹麦时装学院创办的哥本哈根时装周(CFW)。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

235. The test pressure shall be within the limits set forth by the Hydraulic Institute.


236. The institute is made is key university carry out generally inside man government pattern.


237. In 1990, he built Fine Art Department in Jiangsu Education Institute as Dean and professor.


238. institutes of higher education


239. He initiated the reforms, but the government agency instituted them.

他着手进行一些改革, 但政府部门已进行了.《辞典例句》

240. Lanzhou Institute is an ordinary of higher learning.


241. Is any of your relatives employed by any company or institute that is competitor of ACON?


242. Volunteer from Hong Kong Institute of Planners introduced background of the former Kai Tak Airport site.


243. Secretariat of Shandong Comparative Literature Association is located at the institute.


244. Awn teaches the Wu Xu of Chinese gumshoe institute this year 74 years old.


245. If I a candidate in the CFA Program, am I also a member of CFA Institute?

我是一名CFA课程的考生.我同时也是CFA协会的会员 吗 ?《期刊摘选》


1. The Institute of Directors has called for corporation tax to be cut to 15%.

BBC: George Osborne extends council tax freeze

2. Doug Bandow is a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and former special assistant to President Ronald Reagan.

FORBES: It's Time To Legalize Insider Trading

3. Developed alongside the highly respected CFA Institute, this handy guide will pay dividends for years to come.

FORBES: Investing 101

4. Caldas at the Cambridge Research Institute, where they utilise genomic tools to study RNA in breast cancer.

UNESCO: 2007 UK and Ireland Fellows

5. The female is much smaller. Institute director Steven Monfort has a reason why the clouded leopard may be rare.

VOA : special.2010.06.22

6. Mr. MAX NEIMAN (Public Policy Institute of California): We're right in the middle of the jolt.

NPR: Economy Hurts California's Cities

7. Ginzburg was the former head of the theory group at the PN Lebedev Physical Institute in Moscow.

BBC: Magnet repelled over superconductor, SPL

8. Chances are you are more likely to have the experience depicted by the Clayman Institute.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

9. The institute runs weekend day schools in Cambridgeshire.


10. I went to a lecture he gave at the African Institute.


11. I was just visiting there Saturday, and they have a much better institute, I think,

我周六刚去参观,我觉得他们的学校好得多,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州的大学

12. Enter Ronald Fox and friends over at the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

13. The video also featured Tajbakhsh, an urban planning consultant with the Soros Foundation's Open Society Institute.

NPR: Freed Scholar in Iran: Release Was 'Unexpected'

14. The Institute of International Education in New York says that was the biggest increase of any area of study.

VOA : special.2009.05.07

15. Jagdesh GudaraProfessor Jagdish Gundara is an Emeritus Professor of Education, Institute of Education at the University of London.

UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Coordinator

16. DrugAbuse Sciences also is working on a cocaine vaccine, licensed from the Scripps Research Institute.

FORBES: Drug Warrior

17. These groups are the American Society for Microbiology and the American Cleaning Institute, formerly the Soap and Detergent Association.

VOA : special.2010.09.29

18. The Malaria Institute at Macha in southern Zambia is a living laboratory for the study of mosquito and human behavior.

VOA : special.2010.04.20

19. It said television broadcasts and other recordings could be gathered using programs developed by the Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis.

VOA : special.2011.01.18

20. Each year,the Afghan Institute of Learning serves about three hundred fifty thousand women and children in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

VOA : special.2009.06.15

21. The Institute publishes a fortnightly bulletin.


22. Doctor Anthony Atala is Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center.

VOA : special.2010.10.19

23. So he left and started what became Nektar Therapeutics with Robert Platz of the Stanford Research Institute.

FORBES: The Impossible Made Possible

24. Doctoral student Diana Zardaryan of the Institute of Archeology found it in a cave near the border with Iran and Turkey.

VOA : special.2010.08.03

25. These Insurance Institute figures are a few years old, but they are the latest available and still representative.

FORBES: The Holy War on SUVs

26. The Pittsburgh-based company was spun out of Carnegie Mellon University and its Robotics Institute.

FORBES: iPhone Gets Panoramic Video With 'Dot' Camera Accessory

27. In terms of cost to institute this, the upfront cost to build classrooms, to accommodate this kind of structure, we need two classrooms that hold 170 students a piece to do this.

关于建这个项目的成本,最主要的就是搭建教室,使之适应这种教学模式,我们需要两间能装170人,的教室来上这种课。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. ' Dan Blumenthal, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, worked on last year's Pentagon report.

NPR: U.S. Notes Growing Chinese Military Strength

29. Directly in front of the institute is Kelly Ingram Park.


30. Security expert James Nolt is dean of the New York Institute of Technology campus at Nanjing University in China.

VOA : special.2011.03.05

31. The Institute of Marine Sciences (IMS), University of Dar es Salaam, is located on the island of Zanzibar.

UNESCO: Purpose/Objectives of the Chair/UNITWIN Network

32. Here, the campus of the Massachusetts Institute for Technology is recognizable by its classical architecture.

BBC: A perfect day in Boston

33. The Institute fears that 100,000 jobs will go.


34. Mr. PAUL SAFFO (Institute for the Future): This is a money machine for Google.

NPR: San Francisco Weighs Wi-Fi Plans

35. Fortunately, the folks at the American Institute of Economic Research have resurrected the idea.

FORBES: Inflation Isn't The Point Of Monetary Easing

36. But then she and several others from the institute decided to create their own way to support community-based science education.

VOA : special.2011.07.11

37. that, like Monterey Institute of International Studies of North. It's a... amazing school.

像北面的蒙特雷国际学。那真是一所……一所了不起的学校。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 学习外语的时候

38. London bid chairman Lord Coe hailed the institute as an "exciting, dynamic and innovative" facility.

BBC: [an error occurred while processing this directive]

39. Satisfied that Microcyn was effective and nontoxic, the institute tested the solution on patients with diabetic foot ulcers.

FORBES: Holy Water

40. AmbassadorFinn is now with the Liechtenstein Institute Self-Determination in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University.

芬恩大使现在就职于普林斯顿大学的列支敦斯登民族自决研究院,威尔逊公共和国际事务学院。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

41. I'm in the American Institute of Chemical Engineers group at Yale.

我参加了耶鲁的美国化学工程学会。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 重建社团小组

42. The International Institute for Tropical Agriculture says the disease is widely found in Gabon,Angola,Malawi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

VOA : special.2009.09.21

43. Candidates must be conducting their research at a UK or Irish university or research institute.

UNESCO: Apply For Women In Science Fellowships

44. Second, institute laws that protect foreign investments and guarantee the repatriation of profits and dividends.

CNN: Kim Jong Il's New Direction

45. It used to be employed by the Space Research Center at the specific Institute of Technology.

用于“空间研究中心“,这是一个特殊的技术协会。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

46. Consider this idea dreamed up by General Motors-sponsored researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

FORBES: Magazine Article

47. Macdonald They have instituted Macdonald Institute for Muslim-Christian Relations.

他们设立了,穆斯林-基督教关系研究所。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

48. He is working on a study on upward mobility in global cities for the London-based Legatum Institute.

FORBES: It's A Mall World After All

49. Is there any institute in the university which helps students find jobs?

学校有没有什么机构帮学生找工作?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 招聘兼职员工

50. So I have that experience in great mountain vistas and I had that experience walking by myself in the institute woods in Princeton.

登上高山远眺,我体会到了这种感觉,当我独自在普林斯顿,我们学院的小树林散步时,也有过这种体验。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

51. The institute has trained more than fifteen thousand teachers and has provided health education for half a million women.

VOA : special.2009.06.15

52. Although MIT is engineering-technological institute, we have majors for...

尽管它是一所工程科技类的学院,我们还是有这样的专业的……SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 求学热十足的学校

53. to go to Utah, to the American Institute of Chemical Engineering Conference there

资助他们去有犹他州参加在那里举办的美国化学工程学会。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 请支持一下社团小组

54. UCLA is a wonderful institute. I like that a lot better, I think.

CLA是一所很棒的学校。我觉得我更喜欢它。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 加州的大学

55. I've spent thousands of hours just walking in the institute woods.

我已经花了几千个小时,So,I’ll,go…,在学院的森林里散步。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

56. So I went to Douglas J., which is an Aveda institute, where you study aromatic kind of philosophies.

我去了道格拉斯J.的艾凡达学院,在那里学习芳香学。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对付压力的方法

57. Because many of our children have never been to the Art Institute or Millennium Park.

WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks at Meeting to Address Youth Violence | The White House

58. There's a Rolfing institute in Sao Paolo, Brazil and I did part of my training in Brazil.

巴西圣保罗有罗尔夫学校,所以我在巴西做了一部分的训练。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我来自阿拉斯加

59. The Urban Age Institute forecasts 27 "mega-cities"--those with 10 million or more people--by 2015.

FORBES: Magazine Article

60. Murray Strauss from the University of New Hampshire worked with Mallie Paschall from the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.

VOA : special.2009.10.21

61. It was launched in 1948 by The National Heart Institute, that later is now called The National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute, the NHLBI.

这项研究是1948年,由国家心脏病学会提出的,该学会之后更名为,国家心肺血液研究所,简称NHLBI关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. According to the Guttmacher Institute, 69% of women having abortions are economically disadvantaged.

CNN: How threat to Planned Parenthood hurts black mothers

63. Lead author David Dunstan at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Victoria says the body was designed to move.

VOA : special.2010.01.13

64. Professor Ali Ansari, the director of the Institute of Iranian Studies at Scotland's St.

NPR: White House Approach to Iran Stirs Concerns

65. He's a health economist with the American Enterprise Institute and a former analyst with the Congressional Budget Office.

NPR: Democrats to Push for Medicare Changes





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