莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈkɒlɪdʒ]play美 [ˈkɑːlɪdʒ]play

  • n. 大学,专科学校;学院,分院;公学;学会,社团;学院的全体师生

复数 colleges

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


college /ˈkɒlɪdʒ/

  • 1.
    A college is an institution where students study after they have left secondary school. 大学; 学院

    Their daughter Joanna is taking business courses at a local college.



    Stephanie took up making jewellery after leaving art college this summer.


  • 2.
    At some universities in the United States, colleges are divisions which offer degrees in particular subjects. (美国某些大学中的) 学院

    ...a professor at the University of Florida College of Law.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A college is one of the institutions which some British universities are divided into. (英国某些大学中的) 学院

    He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.




  • adj.

    collegial 学院的;社团的;大学生的

    collegiate 大学的;学院的;大学生的

  • n.

    collegian 学院的学生;学院的一员



1. Vassar College 瓦瑟学院 ; 瓦萨学院 ; 瓦萨尔学院 ; 弗沙学院

2. engineering college 工程学院;工学院

3. Amherst College 安默斯特学院 ; 阿默斯特学院 ; 艾姆赫斯特学院 ; 阿姆赫斯特学院

4. college physics 大学物理

5. junior college n. 两年制专科学校,大专

6. community college 社区学院,社区大学

7. King's College 英皇书院 ; 国王学院 ; 剑桥大学国王学院

8. college education 大学教育

9. medical college 医学院

10. college student 大学生

11. college graduate 大学毕业生;大专以上学历

12. technical college (英)工学院;专科学校

13. in college 在大学

14. normal college 师范学院

15. college life 大学生活

16. college entrance examination 高考;大学入学考试

17. national college 国立学院

18. Williams College 威廉姆斯学院 ; 威廉斯学院 ; 威廉姆斯大学

19. college library 大学图书馆

20. Boston College 波士顿学院 ; 美国波士顿学院 ; 波士顿

21. Dartmouth College 达特茅斯学院 ; 美国达特茅斯学院 ; 达特茅斯大学 ; 达特茅思大学

22. go to college 上大学;念大专院校

23. Wellesley College 卫斯理学院 ; 威尔斯利学院 ; 韦尔斯利学院 ; 卫尔斯利女子学院

24. Eton College 伊顿公学 ; 伊顿学院 ; 伊顿公学院

25. college degree 大学文凭;大学学位

26. university college 大学学院

27. at college 在大学;在大学读书

28. College Board 美国大学理事会 ; 美国大学委员会 ; 大学委员会

29. teachers college 师范学院


1. She's at college.


2. In 2001 as a specialist in feline medicine by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons.


3. He's hoping to go to college next year.


4. Tennessee’s technical and community colleges will notoutsource (外包) management of their facilities to a privatecompany, a decision one leader said was bolstered by ananalysis of spending at each campus.

田纳西州的各个专业技术学院和社区大学不会将他们的设施管理外包给什么私营企业,有领导称,一项针对各院校支出的分析支持了这一决定。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

5. She's away at college in California.


6. I learnt a lot at Life College.


7. A few American colleges provide a free education, including the military military and Merchant Marine academies.


8. a secretarial college


9. A youngster developed in college the political craft.


10. Her eldest boy is at college.


11. My son has gone away to college.


12. His talents blossomed into genius, and school and college became a series of triumphs.

他的潜力发展成一个天才, 在中学和大学都取得了一连串的成功.《期刊摘选》

13. Rice aspired to go to college.


14. Going to college was not an option for me.


15. The college graduated 50 students last year.


16. The actual question we debate is who should pay for people to go to college. If taxpayers are to bear the cost of forgiving student loans, shouldn’t they have a say in how their money is used?

我们争论的实际问题是应该由谁为人们支付上大学的费用。如果纳税人将要承担免除学生贷款费用的成本,那么他们不应该在自己的钱如何使用上有话语权吗?《18年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

17. The assumption is that children shouldn ’ t chat in the classroom because it hinders hard work; instead, they should learn to delay gratification ( 快乐 ) so that they can pursue abstract goals, like going to college.

人们的假定是:孩子们不应在教室里聊天,因为那样会妨碍刻苦学习;取而代之,他们应学习延迟快乐,由此才能追求升入大学等抽象目标。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

18. We married in the college chapel.


19. She and I were contemporaries at college.


20. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.


21. a private college


22. She did a lot of acting when she was at college.


23. But the A . A . U . P . AAUP and other college officials say too many adjuncts mean lower educational quality.


24. In those days, we couldn't send our children to middle school, let alone college.

那时候, 我们的孩子中学都上不起, 更不用说上大学了.《辞典例句》

25. She lived in a college dormitory.


26. He studied archeology in college.


27. I stumbled into acting when I left college.


28. Was going to college a good preparation for your career?


29. Colleges may be accredited by regional associations.


30. I've put some money by for college fees.


31. Phi Beta Kappa spread to colleges throughout New England.


32. Our youngest girl is at college.


33. In some cases, colleges and universities might have to change their training programs, adding another layer of difficulty.

在一些情况下,学院和大学可能不得不改变他们的培训方案,这更是增加了难度。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

34. He has a schoolboy crush on one of his college professors.


35. So, once again, my best wishes the College at the start of another academic year.

因此, 再一次在新学年向学院致以我最诚挚的祝愿.《期刊摘选》

36. ...a professor at the University of Florida College of Law.


37. Her family founded the college in 1895.


38. The researchers asked fifth graders and college students to create a recovery plan to protect bald eagles from extinction .

研究者让五年级学生和大学生分别拟定一个保护秃鹰免遭灭绝的拯救计划。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

39. In college, I studied international business and planned to enter a law school

在大学里,我学的是国际贸易并计划着进入法学院。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

40. The college he applied to has accepted him.


41. He is a Diplomat of the American and European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine.


42. She's at college .


43. Temprarily settle Bible College of Malaysia.


44. Is the IVF lab accredited College of American Pathologists or by the Joint Commission?


45. I formed many close friendships at college.


46. She found a company to sponsor her through college.


47. King's College, Cambridge


48. Hallelujah! College days are over!


49. Have strong organizational capability and activity planing ability, active and making contributions during the college time.

有较强的组织能力、活动策划能力, 大学期间经常为班级活动出谋划策.《期刊摘选》

50. He studied maths at college.


51. Carleton College


52. Most students live in college.


53. We tend to think of the decades immediately following World War II as a time of prosperity and growth, with soldiers returning home by the millions, going off to college on the G. I. Bill and lining up at the marriage bureaus.

我们往往认为,二战后的几十年是繁荣和发展的时代,数百万士兵重返家园,根据《退伍军人权利法案》去上大学,在婚宴登记处排队等候办理结婚手续。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

54. The college has strong links with local industry.


55. Homecoming is an event held by many high schools and colleges, especially in small towns.

同学会是许多高中和大学生每年在秋季都要举行的盛事, 特别是在小城镇.《期刊摘选》

56. The college has a highly formalized system of assessment.


57. Guangdong Shantou Jinshan Middle School Quality is the cradle of college students.


58. There is a college of international supervisors working together.


59. The team was pointing for the game with the neighbouring college.


60. The college is famous for its mechanical study, which is the leading in the country.

这个学院的机械学非常有名, 是全国领先的.《期刊摘选》

61. He made a bad showing in high school, but did better in college.

他在中学时成绩很差, 但念大学时有了进步.《期刊摘选》

62. Is there any linkage between the curriculum of HKUGA Primary School and that of HKUGA College?


63. She and Nancy roomed together at college.


64. Professor Terence Stephenson, president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, said that the consumption of unhealthy food should be seen to be just as damaging as smoking or excessive drinking.   

皇家儿科和儿童健康学 院院长特伦斯•斯蒂芬森教授指出,人们应该把消费不健康食品视作和吸烟或酗酒一样有害的行为。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

65. A higher school team would have a fat chance beating a strong college team.


66. Stephanie took up making jewellery after leaving art college this summer...


67. The college prepares students for a career in business.


68. More than 20 subjects are on offer at AS level at our college.


69. Eton College


70. After getting into college, I envied very much the lives of middle school students.

上了大学后, 我好羡慕中学生的生活.《期刊摘选》

71. Examinees show admission cards attending college entrance exam at a middle school in Zhengzhou, Henan Province.


72. The teacher helped him through high school, but he couldn't cut the buck in college.

老师帮助他上完了中学, 但他无法完成大学的学业.《期刊摘选》

73. My brother studied at the Royal College of Art.


74. Representative from JVC come to Cheung Chuk Shan College to give a talk about filming technology.


75. She looks down on people who haven't been to college.


76. a tour of Oxford colleges


77. A number of colleges have amalgamated to form the new university.


78. After college, Mary hopes to do postgraduate work in law school.

大学毕业后, 玛丽想在法学院从事研究工作.《期刊摘选》

79. He thought college would develop his intellect.


80. Homecoming is an event held every fall by many high schools colleges, especially in small towns.

同学会是高中和大学在每年秋天所举行的庆祝活动, 在小镇上尤为盛行.《期刊摘选》

81. I studied English and Drama at college.


82. She had a difficult time in college because her high school education was not very good.


83. One not careful, man trip.

一不留神, 男人摔倒了.《期刊摘选》

84. American football is the most popular sport in all schools and colleges in the fall.


85. Students may not use the college car park.


86. She leant to live on her own when she was in college.


87. The college students had cultivated the ability to ask questions, the cornerstone of critical thinking.

大学生已经养成了提问的能力,而这一能力就是批判性思维的基础。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

88. Miguel Maeda, 42, who has a master's degree and works in public health,was the first in his family to go to college, which has allowed him to achieve a sense of financial stability his parents and grandparents never did.

米格尔•梅达,42岁,拥有硕士学位,在公共卫生行业工作。他是家里第一个上大学的人,这给他带来了一种收入稳定的安全感,而他的父母和祖父母从未体验过这种感觉。《17年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

89. Gap year experiences can lessen the blow when it comes to adjusting to college and being thrown into a brand new environment, making it easier to focus on academics and activities rather than acclimation binders.

当谈及造应大学生活成全新的环境时,“空档年”的体验有助于减轻压力,从而使学生更易于专往学术与活动,而不是专注于适应那些困境。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

90. Data on management expenses at the college system and in other state departments will be part of a “business justification” the state will use as officials deliberate the specifics of an outsourcing plan.

大学系统或者其他州政部门管理方面的支出数据将是官员们考虑外包计划的细节时州政府将会采用的“商业论证”的一部分。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

91. The college runs summer courses for foreign students.


92. The professor impressed upon his students the importance of learning how to learn at college.


93. The speaker announced the establishment of a new college.


94. The college will degrade your marks.


95. He was cast as a college professor.


96. Shortening high school needn't mean dumping down the population necessarily sending kids off the college track.


97. The American College of Physicians ( ACP ) is the nation's largest medical specialty society.

美国医师学会 ( ACP ) 是国家的最大的医疗专业团体.《期刊摘选》

98. A recent open meeting of College members revealed widespread dissatisfaction.


99. Welcome to Queen's College Bridge Club Online!


100. He is a member of the Royal College of Physicians...


101. The college has a good name for languages.


102. And they have college credit from placement Advanced Placement tests in high school.


103. I was genuinely sorry to be leaving college.


104. At Boston College, for example, you would have to complete an extra year were you to switch to the nursing school from another department.

例如,在波士顿学院,如果你要从其他专业转到护理专业的话,就必须再多读一年。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

105. August 1959, the predecessor of Taihang Jindongnan College school affiliated school was founded.

1959年8月, 太行中学的前身晋东南师专附中创立建校.《期刊摘选》

106. He received many honours from many cities, colleges and societies.

他享有许多城市 、 大学及学会所授予的荣誉称号.《简明英汉词典》

107. The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges.


108. a college of further education (= providing education and training for people over 16)


109. The college is not an officially recognized English language school.


110. In 1854, Cheltenham Ladies' College became the first girls' public school.


111. In Paying for the Party , Hamilton describes what she calls the “ party pathway, ” which eases many students through college, helped along by various clubs that send students into the party scene and a host of easier majors.

在《为聚会买单》一书中, Hamilton描述了她所称的“聚会之路”,这让很多学生轻松度过大学时光,在各种各样的俱乐部的帮助下,他们去参加各种聚会,学习容易的专业。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

112. She honed her debating skills at college.


113. Professor Dinesh Bhugra, president of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, said: “If children are taught about the impact that food has on their growth, and that some things can harm, at least information is available up front.”   

皇家精神病学院院长迪奈斯-布拉格教授说:“如果教育孩子,让他们知道食品对成长的影响,有些食品对身体是有害的,那么至少他们可预先获悉这些信息《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

114. They told me for years about a college degree over a high school diploma.


115. How did you adjust to college life?


116. How are your grades in college?


117. The college dates back to medieval times.


118. In what aspect did American college students perform well?.

美国大学生在哪一方面做得较好?。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

119. She failed to get into art college.


120. 71% of parents with a college degree say they do it every day, compared with 33% of those with a high school diploma or less.

有大学文凭的家长中,71% 称他们每天都会这样做,而那些只有高中学历甚至更低文化程度的家长中只有33% 会这样做。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

121. a college course/library/student

学院的课程 / 图书馆 / 学生《牛津词典》

122. He got interested in politics when he was in college .


123. That's asas it takes to go to college or learn a trade or start a family.


124. She did a year at college, but then dropped out.


125. Their daughter Joanna is doing business studies at a local college...


126. Students attend college entrance exam at a middle school in Shenyang, Liaoning Province.


127. She is a student of a teachers college.


128. The college's aim is to help students achieve their aspirations.


129. the Royal College of Art


130. First, a business needs to identify local schools and colleges that have students with desirable skills.

首先, 企业需要对于当地哪些中学和大学的学生具备该企业所需技能做到心中有数.《期刊摘选》

131. College graduates will still fare better than those with only a high school education, of course.

当然大学毕业生的境遇比有高中学历的人还是会好很多。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

132. Students with work experience may also seek admission to study at the college.


133. Three colleges have come together to create a new university.


134. She went straight from college to a top job.


135. the Royal College of Physicians


136. While some, like Maeda, emphasized the value of the degree rather than the education itself, others still see college as a way to gain new perspectives and life experiences.

虽然像梅达一样的人强调,学位的价值要高于教育本身,但其他人仍然认为,大学是一种获取新视野和生活经历的途径。《17年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

137. The history department is part of the College of Arts and Sciences.


138. Yet like many college teachers around the U.S., the faculty remain 29 doubtful that their work as educators can be measured by a “learning 30 outcome” such as a graduate’s ability to investigate and reason.

不过就像美国许多大学老师那样,对于能否通过某个“学习 (30) 成果”——如毕业生的调查推理能力——来衡量他们的教育工作,普渡大学的教员们仍持 (29) 怀疑态度。《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

139. Inquiries about grants or scholarships should be to the College Bursar.


140. Now, the university Board of Trustees has voted to suspend operations at Antioch College next July.

现在, 学校董事会已经投票决定学会在明年7月停学.《期刊摘选》

141. I worry that I won't get into college.


142. the American College of Cardiology


143. After graduation, Jenna went to college, then got a good job in a large city.

中学毕业后, 简娜上了大学, 然后在一个大城市里找了一份好工作.《期刊摘选》

144. I dream that my son will attend college.


145. What were your first impressions of college?


146. College is just like a small society. the same sun, we need to be sociable.

大学就是一个缩小版的社会, 所以同在一片蓝天下, 我们都要学会与人交往.《期刊摘选》

147. It is necessary to establish key primary schools, key secondary schools and key colleges and universities.

要办重点小学 、 重点中学、重点大学.《期刊摘选》

148. They're prepping for college.


149. Some college students will have to live out.


150. “This is the oldest example of saws being used for cutting stone,” said Bown’s colleague, James Hoffmeier, of Wheaton College in Illinois

“这是锯子被用来切割石头的最早的例子。”鲍恩的同事,来自伊利诺伊州惠顿学院的詹姆斯•霍夫梅尔说。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

151. Board Examination of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging ( 1998 ).


152. It was based on concepts developed at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College by Susan Gray, the legendary pioneer in early

childhood education research该项目基于的是早期儿童教育研究领域的传奇先锋人物 Susan Gray 在 Vanderbilt 大学 Peabody 学院发展起来的概念《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

153. This college has a good academic reputation.


154. a college campus/student

大学校园 / 学生《牛津词典》

155. Are Sam and Ann in high school or in college?


156. Going away to college has made me much more independent.


157. The college has close links with many other institutions.


158. Homecoming is an event held every fall by many high schools and colleges, especially in small towns.

同学会是许多高中和大学在每年秋天所举行的庆祝活动, 在一些小镇上尤为盛行.《期刊摘选》

159. In American high schools and colleges, last day of the school year is graduation day.

在美国的中学和大学, 每学年的最后一天是毕业日.《期刊摘选》

160. Instead of skipping out on higher education altogether, they chose community colleges or state schools with low bars for admittance.

他们选择了有较低入学标准的社区学院或公立学校,而非完全跳过高等教育。《15年12月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

161. The gap is between the jobs that take to skills and those that require a lot of skill, says Rob Spohr, a business professor at Montcalm Community College.

“两者之间的差别就在于一些工作不需要任何技能,而另一些需要很多技能,”罗布·施波尔(蒙卡尔姆社区学院的一位教授)说道。《17年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

162. But 50% of poor parents say it is extremely important to them that their children earn a college degree, compared with 39% of wealthier parents.

但是有一半左右家境较差的家长认为孩子有个大学学位是极为重要的,相比之下,家境好一些的家长中有39% 持这样的意见。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》


1. Then the next thing in the loop, we're going to enter a nested loop and say for every college in the list e, we're going to print the name of the college.

循环中的第二件事,是进入一个嵌套循环,这个嵌套循环将数组中的,大学名字显示出来。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. I don't do that. Part of this is designed to get you to start thinking about the transition from high school to college.

我不那样做,有些作业是为了,让你们开始思考,高中到大学的转变。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. It also has the most impressive chapel: King's College, dating from 1446, with a renowned boys' choir.

BBC: The Oxford versus Cambridge gloat race

4. The college will also host the five classical music category finals for brass, keyboard, percussion, strings and woodwind.

BBC: Young Musician 2014 launches new Jazz Award

5. America's first black president secured more than the 270 votes in the electoral college needed to win.

BBC: President Barack Obama defeats Romney to win re-election

6. I think it's reasonable for people who are considering the study of a particular subject in a college course to ask why they should.

大家都想将这一科目,作为一门学问做深入的研习,所以这个问题显得很为必要古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. Many have graduated from college but are unemployed, so many are trying to leave.

NPR: Iran Facing Dangerous Brain Drain

8. Now the part of the essay just prior to this explains that he gave this little quiz that you see to some college students when he was giving a lecture.

在先前已经解释了这篇文章的一部分,他把你们所看到这个小测试在他的讲座上,给一些大学生做了。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. For these authors, directors and talking heads, a college education proves far more common.

FORBES: College Majors Of The Stars

10. He was matriculated at St. John's College, Cambridge.


11. Women shop more on Chegg, which offers textbook rentals on college campuses across the country.

FORBES: Women are The Rocket Fuel of eCommerce

12. Christian Awuku-Budu is from Ghana, Accra, but he, again, went to college in the United States at Morehouse College.

克里斯蒂安·阿武库布都来自加纳的阿克拉,但他的大学学业,是在美国的莫尔豪斯学院完成的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. He now teaches strategy to students in their final semester of college while conducting research.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

14. His efforts to reach young voters include appearances on MTV and "The Daily Show With Jon Stewart" along with college visits.

VOA : special.2010.10.28

15. There are tons of studios, and most of those are college kids. That's where "Yoga to the People" is.

有数不清的工作室,其中的大多数是针对大学生的。“大众瑜伽”工作室就是在那儿。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 上东区的瑜伽老师

16. The people in the education business will tell you that college grads have much higher incomes than nongrads.

FORBES: Is Yale a Waste of Money?

17. Jesus College, Cambridge


18. Mount Holyoke College was the first college to offer women the same kind of education as was offered to men.

VOA : special.2010.06.27

19. In other words, Bill Gates lost nothing by dropping out of college and joining the work force.

FORBES: Is Yale a Waste of Money?

20. However,it is not that simple. Randy Frost is a psychologist at Smith College in the American state of Massachusetts.

VOA : special.2011.02.22

21. He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.


22. What do you think is the best way to stop binge drinking on college campuses?

CNN: Binge drinking 101: Learning to curb the college trend

23. We naturally assumed that it was Milton himself who was describing his college friendship with Lycidas' Edward King.

我们自然会认为是弥尔顿自己,在需说他和爱德华金的同学之情。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. While still in college he was an advanceman for (then) Vice President George H.

CNN: CNN Profiles - Michael Smerconish - Host

25. Last month, gunmen kidnapped a retired army general in Cancun, a beach city popular with American college students on spring break.

VOA : special.2009.03.14

26. I then left,taught one year at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee,and then I taught eleven years at Duke and got in love with their basketball team.

后赴田纳西州孟菲斯市的罗德学院,任教1年,之后于杜克大学工作了11年,期间迷上校篮球队。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. "In a single generation, we've fallen from first place to twelfth place in college graduation rates for young adults.

VOA : special.2010.08.12

28. College can be stressful. Sometimes doing nothing at all is just what a student needs after studying for final exams.

VOA : special.2010.06.18

29. Especially many of them haven't really graduated from college.


30. "I was accepted at Barnard College and I was denied admission when I arrived because they had a quota of two.

VOA : special.2010.04.24

31. In college basketball, a small school with a young coach nearly defeated a longtime powerhouse team for the national championship.

VOA : special.2010.04.10

32. The College welcomes students of all races, faiths, and nationalities


33. Calvin Chin of Qifang makes college loans to students over the Web in China.

FORBES: Clinton's Cure For Capitalism

34. Several days later Dr. Gordon Schwartz of Jefferson Medical College in Philadelphia called back with an opening.

FORBES: Hired Guns

35. The Community College Humanities Association teamed with Miz Ryan and the Library of Congress for Poetry for the Mind's Joy.

VOA : special.2010.04.05

36. Until the end of the 18th century, the College provided a home for European Catholics escaping persecution.

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - Shakespeare in alcove: lost first folio returns to UK shores for first time in 500 years

37. Lemon serves as an adjunct professor at Brooklyn College, teaching and participating in curriculum designed around new media.

CNN: About

38. Now, the price of college tuition is just one of the burdens facing the middle class.

WHITEHOUSE: The 2010 State of the Union Address

39. Earlier, the school responded to a low rung on the Forbes Private College Financial Health Rankings.

FORBES: More Colleges See Bonds Downgraded

40. It was a randomly cut apart-- kind of like Yale College is actually, where you get a random assortment of people.

他们是随机分队的-,这有点像耶鲁大学,你被随机地分到和别人一组。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Some applicants contact many. An important part of the application usually is the Medical College Admission Test, or MCAT.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

42. Well, I have to say, I did not like chemistry in high school, so I did not think about going to college to study chemistry.

我在高中时一点都不喜欢化学,所以我去大学,更本就没考虑过学化学。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. His parents were European immigrants who did not go to college, and he himself was rejected from medical school.

VOA : special.2009.09.17

44. So those are the things that I'm looking for and why I would rather look for people in college

这就是我所渴望的人才需要具备的特质,这也解释了我为什么喜欢去校园里招聘职员扎克伯格谈Facebook创业过程课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

45. He began his career at WNYW in New York City as a news assistant while still in college.

CNN: About

46. With a friend from college, he co-founded a small consulting firm called Jaywalk in 1999.

FORBES: Life After Wall Street

47. Exuding a stately academic atmosphere, the college campuses are especially attractive when decked out in autumnal hues.

BBC: In Boston, leaf peeping by bike

48. You're the one whose costs of everything from college to groceries has gone up.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on the 2013 Budget

49. Fathi Bahavi(ph) has two sons in college, one of whom wants to leave the country.

NPR: Iran Facing Dangerous Brain Drain

50. Many people believe Pat Summitt's winning record will not be reached by another college basketball coach for a long time.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

51. David Johnson is a chemistry professor in the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

52. Discomfort on the part of college and university presidents is also part of the problem, said Gibralter.

CNN: Binge drinking 101: Learning to curb the college trend

53. Programming was a late love for Penny Herscher, who became interested in computer science during college.

FORBES: Connect

54. I was walking across the campus--maybe you saw this too, corner of Elm and College.

我走在校园里,也许你也看到了,在榆树路和学院路的一角聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. He recalls having had a place in teacher training college, but trying out accountancy instead.

BBC: Ian Marchant: philosopher chief

56. snotty college kids


57. ESPN2-HD (720p): College Football Scoreboard (6:30 p.m.), NASCAR Nextel Cup Happy Hour (7 p.m.), CFB: Boston College vs.

ENGADGET: blogger-avatar

58. It is not clear what effect the decision could have on current college football players.

BBC: Defeat for EA over faces of sports stars

59. "Let me get back to you on that. Oh,oh,oh -- in college, the boyfriend who absolutely forgot Valentine's Day.

VOA : special.2010.02.08

60. He earned a degree in broadcast journalism from Brooklyn College and also attended Louisiana State University.

CNN: About

61. After college, I got married and I went to work I was working in an inner-city school in Cincinnati, Ohio.

大学毕业后,我结婚了,工作了,我在一个市区学校工作,学校位于俄亥俄州的辛辛那提市。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

62. I had not really had a conversation with a person who was out as lesbian or gay before I was in college.

在上大学以前,我从未真正地和一个,出柜的同性恋谈过话。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

63. Closer to Orchard Road, the giant Zouk and Velvet Underground are popular with Singaporean college students.

FORBES: Just the ticket

64. It's a good time you are in college at university and you're almost done. You've finished your last class.

你在大学度过了一段美好时光,你快要完成学业了。你已经上完了最后一门课。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I'm about to 课堂

65. He won an Open Scholarship when he went up to New College in 1981.

CNN: About





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bond的意思是:n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (Bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名)。学考宝为您提供bond是什么意思,bond的翻译,bond的用法,bond的短语搭配,bond的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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