莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈmæri]play美 [ˈmæri]play

  • v. 结婚,嫁,娶;为……主持婚礼;把……嫁给,为……娶亲;使结合在一起;拼接缆绳
  • 【名】 (Marry)(阿拉伯)马雷,(法)马里(人名)

第三人称单数 marries 现在分词 marrying 过去式 married 过去分词 married

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


marry /ˈmærɪ/ CET4 TEM4 [ marrying married marries ]

  • 1.
    相互动词 When two people get married or marry, they legally become husband and wife in a special ceremony. Get married is less formal and more commonly used than marry. 结婚

    I thought he would change after we got married.



    They married a month after they met.



    He wants to marry her.


  • 2.
    及物动词 When a priest or official marries two people, he or she conducts the ceremony in which the two people legally become husband and wife. 为…主持婚礼

    The minister has agreed to marry us in the college chapel.


  • 3.
    及物动词 to unite closely or intimately 紧密联合



  • adj.

    married 已婚的,有配偶的;婚姻的,夫妇的;密切结合的

    marriageable 可结婚的,适合结婚的

  • n.

    marriage 结婚;婚姻生活;密切结合,合并

    married 已婚者

    marriageability 结婚适龄;适合结婚

  • v.

    married 结婚,与…结婚(marry的过去式)



1. Marry The Night 夜的嫁衣 ; 嫁给夜晚 ; 照乘 ; 仓祁

2. MARRY ME TODAY 今天你要嫁给我 ; 今天就向我求婚 ; 嫁给我

3. marry into 通过结婚成为…的一员

4. marry up 结婚;结合;配合;联合

5. He Who Can't Marry 不能结婚的男人

6. Marry You 嫁给你 ; 二合一 ; 最美伴郎伴娘团 ; 金贤重

7. marry him 嫁给他

8. will you marry me 愿意嫁给我吗 ; 你愿意嫁给我吗 ; 匈牙利版 ; 嫁给我好吗

9. Marry me 嫁给我 ; 等你愿意 ; 最佳配偶 ; 我们结婚吧

10. How to Marry a Millionaire 愿嫁金龟婿 ; 如何嫁给一个百万富翁 ; 如何嫁给百万富翁 ; 原嫁金龟婿

11. Marry Him 嫁给他

12. Marry a Perfect Man 嫁个一百分男人


1. Do you know if he's married?


2. Under feudalism , young people could not marry the person of their own choice.

在封建制度下, 婚姻不能自主.《现代汉英综合大词典》

3. Many people choose not to marry.


4. They were planning to get married and then the war intervened.


5. The music business marries art and commerce.


6. Did he mention when he would marry?

他说过他什么时候结婚了 吗 ?《简明英汉词典》

7. When he married her he also took on a ready-made family.


8. Across generational lines, Americans continue to prize many of the same traditional milestones of a successful life, including getting married, having children, owning a home, and retiring in their

sixties. 跨越代际线,美国人依然高度重视许多相同的、传统的成功人生标志性事件,包括: 结婚、生子、购房及六十多岁退休。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

9. I would dearly love to marry.


10. Marry, he looketh it--mark his eye!


11. She missed dozens of chances to marry.


12. He disagreed with Claudius'decision and secretly helped young couples get married.


13. In real life men like Richard Gere don't marry hookers.


14. They're getting married? It's not that long ago that they met!


15. There was a theory that he wanted to marry her.


16. I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her.


17. Are you changing your name when you get married?


18. We're also doing more to marry technology with global service.


19. She predicted that he would marry a doctor.


20. When Dianna Ross got married it was hard for me.


21. Many women, according to this hypothesis, would rather work than marry.


22. She can't make up her mind which of her many suitors she should marry.


23. Once the children married, they must move out, be independent in the economy.

子女一旦结婚, 就得搬出去住, 经济上也必须独立.《期刊摘选》

24. It is true of both men and women that those who marry as young adults live longer than those who never marry.


25. He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.


26. As I recall when we got married, I saw the groom in the wedding dress.

当我们结婚的时候, 我看到穿婚纱的新郎.《电影对白》

27. The Lord said This preacher is going to marry you today

主说: “ 这位传道人会把你们结合的. ”《期刊摘选》

28. She married into the aristocracy.


29. It was after he married he got to know Mary.


30. They got married and set up home together in Hull.


31. In the US, any two persons may marry provided that both persons are at least 16 years of age on the day of their marriage.


32. This poem marries theme and style well.


33. I'll get her to marry me, by hook or by crook.


34. "I won't make you marry him." — "I'll hold you to that."

“我不会让你嫁给他的。” — “我要你保证说话算话。”《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

35. It wouldn't surprise me if they got married soon.


36. She married a German.


37. She warned me that I'd never marry or have children.—"I don't want either."


38. Peter is going to marry my sister.


39. Do you remember when we first got married? Those were the days!

你还记得我们刚结婚那时 吗 ?那时多幸福!《辞典例句》

40. You are a married woman, after all.


41. These traits demonstrate that artists married an understanding of science with painting.


42. Let us suppose, for example, that you are married with two children.


43. I think Alfred wanted to marry Jennifer, if I am not mistaken.


44. He purposed that he would marry after graduation.


45. Instead, companies such as American Express are working to marry traditional advertising with new approaches.

相反, 美国运通之类的公司正努力把传统广告手段与新途径相结合.《期刊摘选》

46. Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family.


47. It is the custom in that country for women to marry young.


48. Dorothy also wanted to marry David.


49. They plan to get married in the summer.


50. The local vicar has agreed to marry us in the chapel on the estate...


51. You should persuade her to marry you outright.


52. I thought he would change after we got married...


53. This single derrick has a married gear.


54. If you love each other, why not get married?


55. You'll never marry her—she's much too good for you.


56. Irene and Frederic soon fell in love and got married on October 29, 1926.

伊雷娜和弗雷德里克 很快坠入了爱河,并于1926年10月29日结婚。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

57. It's beyond me why she wants to marry Jeff.


58. What do you like to do in your spare time?


59. They've become very bourgeois since they got married.


60. IF MY dad married a man, who would be my mom?

如果我爸爸和一个男人结婚了, 谁将是我妈妈 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

61. They had not Been married a month Before they quarrelled.


62. They'll forbid you to marry.


63. Why does she want to marry him? She must have taken leave of her senses.


64. He went down on one knee and asked her to marry him.


65. A. People across the world get married in different ways and for different reasons.


66. They married a month after they met...


67. Monaco became familiar to Americans when its ruler, Prince Rainier married the American actress Grace Kelly

当摩纳哥的统治者兰尼埃亲王与美国演员格雷丝· 凯莉结婚时, 这个国家开始被美国人民所熟知。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 听力》

68. Mary and Jack married, their wedding was a quickie.

玛丽和杰克结婚了, 他们的婚礼草草了事.《期刊摘选》

69. It was conditioned between them that they should marry next May.


70. I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.


71. I did get married, but had more than two children. We have five.

我确实结婚了,但是育有不止两个孩子,而是五个。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

72. He thereupon asked her to marry him.


73. They got married to each other against their parents'wishes.


74. The building's design marries a traditional style with modern materials.


75. Finally his mother relented and gave permission for her youngest son to marry.


76. How long have you been married?


77. Different types of technology have been married together during the 19 th century.


78. It was destined that they would marry.


79. That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.


80. We have been living together for five years, and we're still dithering over whether to marry.


81. The girl I'm going to marry won't fight.


82. The two parts of the project are not well married up.


83. He promised his mother on her deathbed that he would never marry.


84. I hear you're taking bets on whether she'll marry him.


85. A couple of idealistic students from that era met , fell in love, and married.

一对“全面学习西方民主科学精神”的男女同学, 在这个伟大的时代运动中相恋 、 结合.《期刊摘选》

86. Are you married, if you don't mind me asking?


87. They married in 1950 but it was not a happy union.


88. This camera marries automatic and manual features.


89. We were married for ten long years.


90. When she agreed to marry him he felt he had achieved his heart's desire.


91. His kingdom was very small, but still quite large enough to marry upon; and he wished to marry.


92. They were sweethearts for ten years before they married.


93. Common military interests marry the two nations.


94. Are you married, if you don't mind my asking?


95. It's anybody's guess who she'll eventually marry.


96. I am absolutely furious that he divorced me to marry her.


97. They would have been married forty years come this June.


98. You'll never marry her ─ she's much too good for you.


99. If your parents are still married and alive, your are very rare.

如果你的父母仍然是在世而且结合著, 你则是非常的稀有.《期刊摘选》

100. They married young .


101. I guess I'm not the marrying kind (= the kind of person who wants to get married) .


102. He was well aware of her drinking problem before they were married.


103. He was free to marry whomever he chose.


104. Don't get married just for the sake of it.


105. A notarized certificate of marriage is required if you get married.


106. She doesn't seem to care that he's been married four times before.


107. She wants to marry a millionaire.


108. He never married.


109. They are a perfect combination: sheer brute force married to a completely obedient mind.


110. She was forced to marry against her will.


111. Her parents didn't allow her to marry the young man and she went off with him secretly.


112. They were married by the local priest.


113. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, tying cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists, and passing a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the union.

典礼环节包括理发仪式,将浸过圣水的棉线系在新娘和新郎的手腕上,并在一圈婚姻幸福且受人尊敬的夫妻中传递蜡烛来祝福新人的结合。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

114. Our task was to marry his intuition to the operational knowledge that were gradually acquiring.


115. I am awfully pleased that you married each other. It makes things seem right , somehow.

你俩的结合使我非常兴奋, 这才是合情合理的事.《期刊摘选》

116. However the marrying of one subnet per wiring closet is problematic.


117. Why did I not marry King Grisly-beard?


118. What's this I hear about you getting married?


119. He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.


120. It always seemed as though they would get married.


121. Believe it or not, he asked me to marry him!


122. You should marry intellect with sensibility in dealing with it.


123. After graduating with a degree in business and accounting, she joined a public accounting firm, married, bought a house, put lots of stuff in it, and had a baby.

获得商业与会计专业的学位并从大学毕业后,Leah 就职于一家公共会计事务所,然后她结婚、买房,往房子里搬进了很多很多东西,之后又生了一个孩子。《17年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

124. Legend from ancient Egyptian that was a beautiful woman married many years but no child.


125. We were very surprised to learn she had got married again.


126. In July 1957, we were married in New York.


127. She loved finding out people were getting married, having babies and traveling.

她喜欢了解这些人结婚、生孩子或者出去旅游的消息。《17年6月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

128. They are trying to marry together a number of scientific disciplines.


129. Speculation was rife as to whom the prince might marry.



1. Now that she was no longer singing, Callas wanted to marry Aristotle Onassis and have a child.

VOA : special.2010.12.12

2. Prince William and Kate Middleton are to marry at Westminster Abbey on 29 April.

BBC: Review could see Prince William's daughter as Queen

3. And they will marry into it. And some people are gold digger,

他们将会因为婚姻而成为其中的一员。有的人是掘金者,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国贫富差距?

4. As far as social networks are concerned, I like to date before I marry.

FORBES: Should You Friend Your Boss on Facebook?

5. Thank you Michael for writing the article on why men should not marry career women.

FORBES: Readers Say

6. Yeah. If you were going to marry somebody from this class, it is the person you are sitting next to?

如果要你和这个班上的某个同学结婚,那会是坐在你旁边的那个人?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. And there are different studies, some of them asking, "Who do you want to marry?" Other studies, ?" "Who do you want as a mate? Who do you want as a sexual partner?"

还有些其他研究会问…,“你最想和谁结婚?“还有些问…,“你想和谁做朋友?和谁做性伴侣“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. For marital happiness marry a coal miner, construction worker, oil platform engineer, farmer, etc.

FORBES: Readers Say

9. My younger son is a junior and the universe of women he can marry is limitless.

FORBES: I Graduated From Princeton, And I Married a Princeton Man

10. But if a Justice of the Peace can marry two people, it's clear that he can separate them.

VOA : special.2009.11.14

11. The miner is due to marry his fiancee, Amanda Shields, 23, on 18 December.

BBC: New Zealand mine: Fears grow for trapped UK miners

12. The article about Men should NOT marry Women who have a career is unbelievable.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. In Holland, gay and lesbian couples have had the right to marry since April 2001.

BBC: City recognises 'gay marriages'

14. How lucky and joyous to be forced to marry the man who threatened to kill you!

FORBES: Does EA Deserve Its Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Reputation With Gamers?

15. Charlene, a lay minister, has been vilified for divorcing a Maine minister to marry Tony in 1992.

FORBES: The Father, the Son and High Society

16. I guess from that moment I knew I was going to marry Joseph Wojtkiewicz.

VOA : special.2009.02.14

17. Only later did she learn that she had agreed to marry each one of them.

VOA : special.2009.05.10

18. Last year, assembly members rejected a proposal that same-sex couples should have the right to marry.

BBC: Churches plea over same-sex marriage motion

19. My hope is that, in the future, I will go over there and marry her.


20. Both products aim to marry the popular low-volatility strategy with the similarly popular high-yield equity strategy.

FORBES: Dividend ETF Party Getting Pretty Crowded

21. What might be the problem in the statement I just made that these kind of relationships are just as likely to survive as people who marry for love?

我刚才的陈述中存在什么问题,我说的这些种关系,也能像因爱而生的婚姻一样长久?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. You're stopping him on his track when he says that he's going to marry her, and you say,

当你哥哥说打算跟这个女孩结婚时,你决定要阻止他这样错下去,于是你说,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : The thing is 课堂

23. ' 'This would be a good stone if you marry it with another color here.

WSJ: Man of Stones

24. The bill, if passed, will allow same-sex couples, who can currently hold civil ceremonies, to marry.

BBC: Gay marriage: Commons passes Cameron's plan

25. Women were fated to marry and bear children, often by men for which they felt nothing.

FORBES: A Call For More Lady Macbeths: The World Is A Better Place When Women Do Erratic And Exciting Things

26. Grimoaldo goes to Rodelinda, demanding an official announcement of her agreement to marry him.

NPR: Riches Rediscovered:? Handel's 'Rodelinda'

27. A gold digger is someone who seeks to marry a rich person because he or she is only interested in that person's money.

VOA : special.2010.06.06

28. Between nineteen fifty-three and nineteen fifty-nine she appeared in lead parts in many popular movies: "How To Marry a Millionaire."

VOA : special.2009.12.06

29. She ought to marry again, don't you think?


30. "Why did you have to marry me when there were so many other girls to choose from?" she asked.

VOA : special.2009.06.27

31. So, in fact, you might want to marry John because he reminds you of your father or because you want to get back at somebody for betraying you.

所以,事实上你想与约翰结婚,可能是因为他让你想起了你的父亲,或是因为你想要报复曾经背叛了你的人。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. Everyone has the right to marry and found a family.

人人都有结婚生子的权利。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

33. Maybe Noer is right--don't marry a career woman, and DO NOT even THINK about marrying me.

FORBES: Readers Say

34. Men who marry women who have careers are blessed because, she is a help mate.

FORBES: Magazine Article

35. "Oh, slide five, absolutely. " " "She's the woman I want to marry." Right?

噢,第五张,毫无疑问“,“我的老婆就该是她这样儿的?心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. But Claudio wrongly accuses Hero of being with another man and refuses to marry her.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

37. Heaven forbid that a man would ever actually marry a woman who's fun to be around.

WSJ: The Jazz Scene: Easy Keys, Bass Instincts

38. So he went and looked around Athens where he lived; he looked around the all of Greece; he looked around the Greek Empire; he looked beyond the Greek Empire, looking for his ideal woman-- a woman whom he could marry.

他在雅典城里寻找;,找遍整个希腊;,找遍整个希腊帝国;,去希腊帝国以外寻找,寻找他理想中的女人-,一个能和他结婚的女人。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

39. If men should not marry intelligent and successful career women, then whom should they marry?

FORBES: Readers Say

40. Parents want their children to marry and procreate.


41. She decides to marry a man from her past whom she has always loved.

VOA : special.2009.09.20

42. "And,it is strange that if you hate my brother so much, why would you marry his sister!"

VOA : special.2009.06.27

43. He had decided to marry Jacqueline Kennedy, the widow of the murdered American president, John Kennedy.

VOA : special.2010.12.12

44. Instead, he paused for a moment and said, "I would marry a donkey " and a big bag of peanuts."

不过出乎意料的是,他想了一会说,“我想娶一只驴子,和一大包花生“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. He always used to say "One of these days, I am going to marry this girl."

VOA : special.2009.07.19

46. I was taking my younger child home from a play date on Sunday and he asked me out of the blue, ?" "Why can't you marry your mother or your father?"

周日我带我的小儿子去玩,回家的路上,他突然问我,“你为什么不能和你的父母结婚“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. After all, they are already quite free to marry someone of any other faith.

BBC: Girls equal in British throne succession

48. Hello, I am just responding to the article "Don't Marry Career Women" by Michael Noer.

FORBES: Readers Say

49. They did so because it was illegal at the time for people of different races to marry in the United States.

VOA : special.2010.05.23

50. Hercules says he only did that because her father refused to let Iole marry him.

NPR: Heroic Obsession: Cavalli's 'Hercules In Love'

51. Eight states and the District of Columbia allow gay and lesbian couples to marry.

BBC: North Carolina approves constitutional ban on gay union

52. Moses will later marry Zipporah, one of these women, and live as a shepherd in Midian for about 40 years.

后来摩西与西坡拉结婚,她是那些女人中的一个,作为一个牧人在米甸生活了大约四十年。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. He wants to marry her.


54. Working with Pace, she realized she could marry her loves of microbes and caves.

FORBES: Magazine Article

55. What about homosexuals, though, who cannot legally marry in any American state bar Massachusetts?

ECONOMIST: The battle to purify American sex-lives

56. Sue and Dan have stayed together throughout her ordeal and plan to marry later this year.

BBC: NEWS | Health | 'I would become a raging monster'

57. How can you marry a Latvian to begin with, if you're a Russian and marry somebody who was a commoner?

首先,一个俄国人怎么能娶一个拉脱维亚人,何况女方还是个平民欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. It was not a problem that he might already have a wife and family, or that he might have chosen to marry another woman.

VOA : special.2009.04.18

59. Why did you take the article entitled "don't marry career women" down from your website?

FORBES: Readers Say

60. But I think unless you marry it, inherit it or work really hard for it,

我觉得除非你嫁人、继承或者努力工作,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 怡人的的汉普斯特德

61. France's National Assembly has approved a law allowing same-sex couples to marry and adopt children.

BBC: France gay marriage: National Assembly backs law

62. Meanwhile, his youth was going away and now this imaginary student is now thirty-three years old never had time to marry or start a normal life.

与此同时,他的青春年华也已经逝去了,现在这位设想出来的同学已经33岁了,还没有结婚也没有开始正常人的生活。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Who did she marry?


64. New York's highest court is considering whether gays and lesbians have the right to marry.

NPR: New York Court Hears Gay Marriage Arguments

65. What's interesting of course is that such relationships don't seem to have any greater chance of ending in divorce than people who marry for love.

有趣的是,这中婚姻似乎,离婚的可能还小一些,相比那些为爱走进婚姻殿堂的。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课





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branchless的意思是:adj. 无分支的;无(缺)枝的,不分枝的。学考宝为您提供branchless是什么意思,branchless的音标,branchless怎么读,branchless的翻译,branchless的用法,branchless的短语搭配,branchless的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


branch的意思是:n. 树枝,分枝;分支机构,分店;(政府或机构的)部门;分科,分支;(家族的)支系;支流,岔路 v. 分岔,岔开;出枝,发出新枝 【名】 (Branch)布兰奇(人名)。学考宝为您提供branch是什么意思,branch的翻译,branch的用法,branch的短语搭配,branch的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

flow reversal是什么意思_flow reversal怎么读_flow reversal的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

flow reversal的意思是:回(逆)流。学考宝为您提供flow reversal是什么意思,flow reversal的音标,flow reversal怎么读,flow reversal的翻译,flow reversal的用法,flow reversal的短语搭配,flow reversal的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
flow reversal是什么意思_flow reversal怎么读_flow reversal的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


reasonings的意思是:n. 推理,推论;推断力,逻辑推理能力 v. 推理,逻辑思考;推论出,推断出(reason sth. out);对(某人)以理相劝,劝告(reason with)(reason 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供reasonings是什么意思,reasonings的翻译,reasonings的用法,reasonings的短语搭配,reasonings的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


brake的意思是:n. 刹车,车闸;阻碍,抑制;<史>敞篷四轮马车;(亚麻纤维等的)捣碎机;<古>灌木丛;欧洲蕨,凤尾蕨 v. 刹车,用闸减速。学考宝为您提供brake是什么意思,brake的翻译,brake的用法,brake的短语搭配,brake的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


screwy的意思是:adj. 扭曲的;螺旋形的;古怪的;疯颠的。学考宝为您提供screwy是什么意思,screwy的翻译,screwy的用法,screwy的短语搭配,screwy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

one way or the other是什么意思_one way or the other怎么读_one way or the other的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

one way or the other的意思是:网络 不管怎样;总要有一个办法。学考宝为您提供one way or the other是什么意思,one way or the other的音标,one way or the other怎么读,one way or the other的翻译,one way or the other的用法,one way or the other的短语搭配,one way or the other的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
one way or the other是什么意思_one way or the other怎么读_one way or the other的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句



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