莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [dɪˈzaɪə(r)]play美 [dɪˈzaɪər]play

  • n. 愿望,欲望,渴望;情欲,性欲
  • v. 渴望,想望;<正式>要求,请求;被……吸引,对……产生性欲
  • 【名】 (Desire)(英、刚)德西雷(人名)

复数 desires 第三人称单数 desires 现在分词 desiring 过去式 desired 过去分词 desired

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


desire /dɪˈzaɪə/ CET4 TEM4 [ desiring desired desires ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A desire is a strong wish to do or have something. 愿望

    I had a strong desire to help and care for people.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you desire something, you want it. 想要

    She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband.


  • 3.
    形容词 想要的; 渴望的

    You may find that just threatening this course of action will produce the desired effect.


  • 4.
    不可数名词 Desire for someone is a strong feeling of wanting to have sex with them. 性欲

    It's common to lose your sexual desire when you have your first child.






ambition aspiration desire 【导航词义:愿望】

ambition n. 夙愿;野心

〔辨析〕 可用于褒义或贬义,常后接介词 of 或动词不定式。

例1: He has the great ambition of running a company on his own.


例2: His ambition of getting a higher position was not achieved.


aspiration n. 渴望,抱负

〔辨析〕 一般用复数,常含褒义,常后接介词 for 或动词不定式。

例1: He knew nothing about their aspirations for the future.


例2: He has the aspiration to earn a lot of money.


desire n. 渴望,欲望

〔辨析〕 一般指有强烈的目的和意图,常后接动词不定式、介词 for 以及 that 从句。

例1: Her partners have a strong desire to win.


例2: The teacher was deeply touched by their desire for knowledge.


例3: It was his desire that he should be buried in his hometown.


yearn v. [文] 渴望,向往

〔辨析〕 尤指渴望得到很难得到的事物,或做难以如愿之事,常伴有些许不安或痛苦。

例1: She yearned for his love.


例2: He yearned to go back to his hometown.


crave v. [书] 渴望,热望

〔辨析〕 指非常强烈、几乎无法控制地渴望某事物,有时甚至是不好的事物。

例1: Many children crave attention.


例2: Linda still craves the recognition of her peers.


例3: He was craving cigarettes.


desire v. [正式] 渴望,期望

〔辨析〕 强调主观愿望上热切渴望某事物,多指可以达成的事情,常含尽力争取的意味,不用进行时。

例1: We all desire happiness and health.


例2: We always desire to live in peace with our neighbours.


例3: She desires to marry him.


long v. 渴望,极想

〔辨析〕 普通用词,尤指渴望看似不会很快发生的事发生,常后接介词 for 或动词不定式。

例1: I long for the day when my dream can come true.


例2: So this is what you've been longing for?


例3: We are longing to see you.


pine for phr. v. 渴望

〔辨析〕 尤指渴望得到不太可能得到的事物,含苦苦思念之意。

例1: John was pining for his homeland back in America.


例2: She pined for the countryside.



1. desire realm 欲界

2. sexual desire 性欲

3. desire under the elms 榆树下的欲望(尤金奥尼尔的戏剧)

4. Wings of Desire 柏林苍穹下 ; 柏林天穹下 ; 忘了我是谁 ; 柏林上空

5. Summer's Desire 泡沫之夏

6. Their Own Desire 私欲

7. HTC Desire 机型 ; 手机 ; 大坏蛋 ; 改版机

8. I DESIRE 我想要 ; 我渴望 ; 天蝎座 ; 我需要

9. a burning desire 强烈的愿望

10. sincere desire 诚心诚意

11. desire for sth 渴望 ; 渴望得到

12. desire for 渴望

13. Palace of Desire 大明宫词 ; 大明宫词剧情介绍




heart's desire 内心的渴望


have no desire 没有欲望

satisfy a desire 满足欲望

desire to change 渴望改变

express desire 表达欲望


strong desire 强烈的欲望

sexual desire 性欲


1. As soon as a desire is requited, it is always replaced by another.

一种欲望一旦满足, 就会被另一种欲望所代替.《期刊摘选》

2. Desire for status can be a powerful motivator.


3. He has a sincere desire to help you.


4. This reasoning creature desired to be thought consistent.


5. The salary at which I should desire to commence is 10,000 dollars.


6. This remains true and we have by now a good deal of experience in the matter.


7. Stern discipline did not achieve the desired result.


8. But exceeding desire is not happy, however ego abandon, abandon oneself to vice.

但过度的欲望不是幸福, 而是自我放纵, 自甘堕落.《期刊摘选》

9. Desire is only a thought, an impulse. It is nebulous and ephemeral.

渴望只不过是一个念头 、 一阵冲劲,稍纵即逝,而且朦胧缥缈.《期刊摘选》

10. At the same time the desire for high credit ratings was going out of fashion.


11. We soon believe what we desire.


12. Happiness consists in the attainment of our desires, and in our having only right desires.

幸福在于愿望的视线, 而且在于只存在着正当的愿望.《期刊摘选》

13. enough money to satisfy all your desires


14. Do you an intense desire for truth and honesty?


15. KJV The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labour.

[新译]懒惰人的愿望害死自己, 因为他的手不肯工作.《期刊摘选》

16. We all desire health and happiness.


17. It's difficult to reconcile the demands of my job and the desire to be a good father.


18. Yet, to achieve the desired perfect figure need not be figment of your imagination.


19. He evinced a strong desire to be reconciled with his family.


20. What sets Rice apart from most engineers is his constant desire to innovate and experiment.


21. To protect the value of their invested capital, venture capitalists desire control over various corporate decisions.

为保障其投入资本的价值, 风险资本家希望对公司的各种决定进行控制.《期刊摘选》

22. Naturalists catered to polite society's desire for erudition – many texts had an explicit instructive purpose.


23. The medicine did not achieve the desired effect .


24. For all humans desire at one point to be immortal, not to be forgotten.

人的欲望总是无穷, 永远不会被忘却.《期刊摘选》

25. His desire was shared by some other people, though the number was not great.

一些其他人也和他一样期望, 虽然人数不很多.《期刊摘选》

26. This condition decreases sexual desire and responsiveness.


27. It is just possible that the accuracy of the information provided might leave something to be desired.


28. As a poke in the eye to the Democrats, it produced the desired response.

这相当于是给民主党当头来了一棒, 所以它收到了期望的反应.《期刊摘选》

29. I'll try to act according to your desire.


30. The original selfish desire tends to give priority to sense perception.


31. I have merely done what you humans wished for. Fufilling your insatiable desires.

我只是在做人类希望的事情, 满足你们无法满足的欲望.《期刊摘选》

32. It is obvious that they have no desire for peace.


33. Gouache paints dry to a matte finish and, if desired, without visible Brush marks.

广告色画干时表面无光, 如果要求效果,也能使刷痕看不见.《期刊摘选》

34. Provide an assertion in your script so the desired size does not exceed the declared size.


35. I had a strong desire to help and care for people...


36. This desire suddenly came upon Tom one day.


37. MISS BENTLEY : Oh , come on , Major. You and I have wild , unconquerable desires.

班特利小姐: 得了, 少校, 你跟我都有抑制不住的欲望.《期刊摘选》

38. He has never camouflaged his desire to better himself.


39. Those who practice It'say it tames a girl's sexual desire and maintains her honor.


40. Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be desired...


41. Thwarting pathways of desire is a constant concern of planners and architects and farmers, too.


42. With the goal or the desired minimum gap must have.


43. It's common to lose your sexual desire when you have your first child.


44. She had never desired to do anything like it.


45. Desire are nourished by delays.


46. Was the desire of his soul to be satisfied at last?


47. It is sad to see a man so corrupted by the desire for money and power.


48. Wherever there is unexpressed possibility, or function not performed, there is unsatisfied desire.

哪里有还没出现结果的可能, 哪里有未被实现的构想, 哪里就有待满足的渴望.《期刊摘选》

49. But Fred was bored and desired to go home


50. She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband...


51. You are the light of my eyes and the desire of my heart.


52. The paternal longing ran afoul of her own desire.


53. They were actuated by desire.


54. Human lives are governed by the desire to experience joy.

想要体验欢乐的强烈愿望支配着人类的一生。《15年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

55. These leaders pay little attention on what the people desire what are their feelings and aspirations.


56. The essence of the desired state is already in yourself.


57. When she agreed to marry him he felt he had achieved his heart's desire.


58. Most people are in accord with their desire for peace.


59. Anyone desiring to leave the airport temporarily must obtain permission from the frontier inspection office.


60. It unlocked the door to a new desire.

这打开了一种新欲望的大门.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

61. I have no desire to discuss the matter further.


62. She felt an overwhelming desire to have another child.


63. He evinced his desire to go abroad.


64. His desire to do it blinded him to all the problems.


65. Failure only intensified my desire to succeed.


66. Then a dry time is selected to yield the desired % moisture for the cake.


67. She had the almost overwhelming desire to tell him the truth.


68. She had remarried and desired a child with her new husband


69. She felt a surge of love and desire for him.


70. The value passed in each findQualifier element represents the behavior change desired by the caller.

每个findQualifier元素 中传递的值代表了调用者期望的行为改变.《期刊摘选》

71. It is desired that we should get everything ready by tonight.


72. For without the desire for unity, the struggle is certain to get out of hand.

因为如果在主观上没有团结的愿望,一斗势必把事情斗乱, 不可收拾.《期刊摘选》

73. She only wanted to gratify her own desire for attention.


74. She was always planning out her development desiring her perfection, observing her progress.

她时刻考虑着自己的成长,要求自己完美无缺, 关心着自己的进步.《辞典例句》

75. He was overestimating their desire for peace.


76. Tactics may have played a role, particularly a desire to avoid a repeat of September 1998.

策略是一个因素, 特别是要避免重复1998年9月失误的愿望.《期刊摘选》

77. Additional courses may be taken if desired...


78. In adopting such a manner, you can seldom expect to please your hearers concurrence you desire.

采取这种态度, 你很少能博得听者喜欢,很少能期望别人共鸣.《期刊摘选》

79. We desire an immediate answer.


80. I also listen with the intent of detecting core values and desires.


81. She is a barren woman and her husband desires the blessing issue.


82. Through focused desire and concentration, however, we can all enhance the abilities we were born with.

不过,通过聚焦欲望和高度专注, 我们都可以提高这种与生俱来的能力.《期刊摘选》

83. My yearning to be rich was an insane, unwholesome desire.


84. He has a strong desire to meet you.


85. She felt an overwhelming desire to return home.


86. She gave up the idea in compliance with his desire.


87. I desired liberty; for liberty I gasped, for liberty I uttered a prayer.

我想望自由,我渴望自由, 为了自由,我作了祈祷.《辞典例句》

88. He found every road to the accomplishment of his desire shut against him.


89. He got the book he desired.


90. Now that she has a job in France, she can gratify her desire to see Paris.

既然她在法国有份工作, 她就能满足一游巴黎的愿望了.《期刊摘选》

91. In other words, achiee success is my only desire.

换句话说, 获致成功是我唯一的愿望.《期刊摘选》

92. Both sides, he argues, expected and desired a short, contained conflict.

双方, 他认为, 预期和希望的短, 中冲突.《期刊摘选》

93. The justifications change. The desire for more trees remains constant.


94. It never occurred to him that she might not desire him.


95. They seem to have lost their desire for life.


96. Our desire lends the colours of the rainbow to mere and vapours of life!


97. Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.


98. Choose love , follow your intellect andyour passion or burning inner desire.

请跟随你的热情或 “ 燃烧之内在渴望 ”.《期刊摘选》

99. This is our coon desire.


100. She had no desire to rake over the past.


101. Sincerely desire we have good cooperation so as to attain mutual grand prospect.


102. Approach the objects of your lomo desire as close as possible.


103. The desire to look attractive is universal.


104. Congratulations, you have teleported to the desire place of your destination.


105. I need space for my desires Ave to dive into my fantasies.


106. Starr was born with the desire to write.


107. Everything she does is motivated only by a desire for money.


108. God greatly desires this intercourse with man.


109. As symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war another again.


110. Dancing: The vertical expression of a horizontal desire legalized by music.

舞蹈新解: 由音乐授权的一种横向欲望的直立表现.《期刊摘选》

111. You should now hear the desired BEEP and the motherboard should normally post.


112. At the desire of the students, the teacher will give a special lecture tomorrow.


113. We work with the ral elements ( earth, air, fire, water ) and Spirfest what we desire.

我们运用自然的元素 ( 土 、 气 、 火 、 水 ) 和精神来表现我们的要求.《期刊摘选》

114. Choose herbs according to the effect you desire, or enchant them, or both.

选择带有你期望力量的药草, 或对药草施魔法, 或两者兼行.《期刊摘选》

115. We always desire to live in peace with our neighbour.


116. The spacing is determined by the desired depth of investigation.


117. Dont you have desires and fears any more?

你可还有欲望和恐惧 么 ?《期刊摘选》

118. The mission of a state highway department is the design and construction of desired highways.


119. As a noun, love is defined as a feeling of affection or desire for someone.

作为名词, 爱的定义是一种喜爱或渴望某人的感觉.《期刊摘选》

120. In addition, are you dismissing true desires as unimportant or unrealistic?

另外, 你是否把内心真正的愿望看成是不重要或是无法实现的?《期刊摘选》

121. The desire for more paper has promoted the search for additional sources of fiber.


122. You can make any desire into a goal for the new year.


123. He has expressed a desire to see you.


124. Human lives are governed by the desire to experience joy.


125. The desire for freedom is inherent in us all.


126. State your desire salary and the earliest date job commencement.


127. All he desired was to aggrandize his estate.


128. Women struggle to say “no” in the workplace for similar reasons,including the desire to be liked by their colleagues. Unfortunately,this inability to say “no” may be hurting women's health as well as their career.

出于类似的原因,女性在职场也很难说“不”,原因也包括她们希望被同事们喜爱。不幸的是,这种无法说“不”的行为可能会损害女性的健康和事业。《17年12月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

129. Petr Cech has revealed his desire to see Jose Mourinho remain at the helm of Chelsea.


130. She desired him to wait.


131. There is a desire for peace universally.


132. We regret being unable to grant you the 5 % commission you desire.


133. Any other marks desired by Licensor.


134. He still desired her.


135. I had a strong desire to help and care for people


136. First, mould the clay into the desired shape.


137. My days have passed, my are shattered and so are the desires of my heart.


138. He stood in a mixture of desire and apprehensions.


139. At the desire of the principal, Dr Hughes will give us a special lecture today.

应校长的要求, 休斯博士今天将给我们做一次专题报告.《期刊摘选》

140. This operation consisted of drawing wire through a die to reduce it to the desired diameter.


141. She was tired of the humdrum life in the countryside and desired to go out.


142. Fewer people desire to live in the north of the country.


143. She had been nursing a secret desire to see him again.


144. At times she had an overwhelming desire to see him


145. He was thinking of all these things when he desired a city.


146. From this flower the mind desires to watch sportive play of life.


147. I understand the motivation behind AMH: the desire to protect the scientific status of economics.

我理解适应性市场假说(AMH)背后的动机: 保护经济学科学地位的愿望.《期刊摘选》

148. Aproach the objects of your desire as close as possible.


149. The desire for revenge can be overpowering.


150. The minister desires to see you.


151. The strongest force in the world is the desire for national independence.


152. (formal)I have no desire (= I do not want) to discuss the matter further.


153. She desired the love of the handsome youth.


154. I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgment. I desire my pound of flesh.

我没做错什么,我也不担心裁决. 我渴望我的那磅肉.《期刊摘选》

155. She had never desired to do anything like that.


156. When devotion to God grows in intensity, the devotee desires nothing more than God.

当信徒对神的爱越来越深, 心中的欲望没有一种比得上对神般强烈.《期刊摘选》

157. Finally, men often desire sex a goal in and of itself, just because it feels good.

最后, 男人们渴望性,其本身就是目标, 因为这会令人愉悦.《期刊摘选》

158. She is not doing this to drive you 31 crazy; rather, she is learning that her desires and yours can differ, and that sometimes those 32 differences are important and sometimes they are not.

她这么做不是为了把你逼 ( 31 ) 疯;相反,她正了解到她和你的欲望可以是不同的,而且这些( 32 ) 分歧有时很重要,有时则不重要。《15年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

159. My wounds are deeper than your desires.


160. The workers desire better working conditions.


161. Rotate CC adjust knob clockwise to reach desired value.


162. She repressed her desire to mention his name.


163. The tumultuous Cultural Revolution was chiefly responsible for the searing desire for change in China.


164. If only they had listened God would then mould them into the shape He desired.


165. Social desires, expectations, and pressures give rise to laws, and standards of ethics do likewise.

由于社会的欲望 、 期望和压力而产生了法律, 伦理标准的产生也是如此.《辞典例句》

166. The desire for security can be satisfied through verbal reassurance, promise of steady employment.

通过口头安慰, 许诺稳定职业,可以满足对安全感的要求.《辞典例句》

167. I left the position with the desire of improving my position.


168. I desire that these letters be burnt after my death.


169. And we also can design and make any style else according to your desires and samples.


170. Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrate the public mind with desire snd belief.

好广告不只在传递讯息, 它能以信心和希望,穿透大众心灵.《期刊摘选》

171. These are qualities that we typically dislike in people. Why should we desire them in software?

这些都是人类不喜欢的性格, 为什么我们期望软件这样 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

172. Will he not bring to fruition my salvation and grant me my every desire?

这约凡事坚稳,关乎我的一切救恩和我一切所想望的,他岂不为我成就 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

173. No more sagacious agent could, I suppose, be desired.

我想, 所能想望的, 也不会有更精明强干的代理人了.《辞典例句》

174. I am aware that the organization of the book leaves something to be desired.


175. This state of mind is understandable and we welcome this worthy desire to learn anew.


176. Her need to save money outweighs her desire to spend it on fun.


177. The visitors expressed a desire to see the farther end of the park.


178. He had lost his desire to live.


179. Egeus demanded justice of Theseus, and desired that this cruel law bein force against his daughter.

依格斯要求兹修斯审判, 而且期望这严苛的法律处置他的女儿.《期刊摘选》

180. They propelled them by the desire for independence.


181. Certain vague desires that had been invading her body were swept away.


182. Teenage sex, for instance, may come not out of genuine desire but from a need to get love.


183. The house had everything you could desire.


184. How bitter life is when we have desires! Our demands on others bring endless misery.

人生有求即多苦! 如果只是一味地要求他人,会为自己招来无穷的痛苦.《期刊摘选》

185. We desire to answer the inquiry immediately.


186. Shipment desire not earlier than begin July.


187. And the rationalization of production expectations and the desire to improve the scene.


188. He was extremely devious in his efforts to achieve his heart's desire.


189. The selection of TV programmes, especially at the weekend, leaves a lot to be desired...


190. Transfer this sauce to a separate saucepan, if desired.


191. Actually, all of us desire to achieve success, but sometimes our actions don't correspond with what we desire.


192. Consuming a desire is not prospective market obstruction.


193. This control is used to select the desired transmit mode.


194. Such is human nature, that man always desire to earn more money.


195. Desire for status can be a powerful motivator.


196. It expresses an attitude, a value, and a desire to improve things.

它表达了一种态度, 一种价值观以及改善事物的愿望.《期刊摘选》

197. The final state is the desired mixture.


198. It is experienced or expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs , attitudes , values, activities , practices , roles, relationships.

它以思想 、 想 、 望 、 仰 、 度 、 值 、 为 、 践 、 色和关系予以体验或表达.《期刊摘选》

199. Systematically defining the activities necessary to obtain a desired result.


200. But Fred was bored and desired to go home...


201. Has shown initiative, the desire to drive change and is motivated to exceed expectations.


202. All human desire, dreams and challenges were completely fulfilled.

人类所希望 、 幻想和需要的都得到了满足.《辞典例句》

203. The Obama administration's desire a viable U.S. auto industry might include the resignation major players.


204. Her desire to dominate the family have cause trouble.


205. Compassion is a desire within us to help others.


206. She confessed to her parents her desire to act.


207. Any discrepancy, where Actual is less than Desired, could constitute the performance improvement zone.

任何差异, 在实际低于期望的, 可以构成性能改进区.《期刊摘选》

208. Customer expectation is a desire for service behavior and service performance by customer.


209. a strong desire for power


210. When she agreed to marry him he felt he had achieved his heart's desire .


211. They desired him to go there at once.


212. On behalf of you gentlemen, the desire of the National People's Political Consultative Conference opened now.

诸位代表先生们, 全国人民所渴望的政治协商会议现在开幕了.《期刊摘选》

213. And conceal all their feelings and desires and little heartbreaks behind a lot of sweet words.


214. At the same time, support your partner in pursuing and fulfilling their own desires and dreams.

在同一时间, 支持你的伴侣在追求和实现自己的愿望和梦想.《期刊摘选》

215. With her love for the theater came the desire to adorn herself with costume jewelry.


216. The institute provided all the facilities he could desire.


217. She desired we should wait.


218. He was imbued with a desire for social justice.


219. Parents' natural desire to protect their children should be counterbalanced by the child's need for independence.


220. Additional courses may be taken if desired


221. With the quickly development of machines in production area, the more excellent start performance is desired.


222. Again, the current is measured after the desired soak time.

同样, 在希望的浸润时间之后测量电流.《期刊摘选》

223. A strong work ethic, the ability to work independently and a strong desire to succeed.

有良好职业道德, 能独立工作的能力以及对工作成功的强烈愿望.《期刊摘选》

224. He desired to obtain a position in the Civil Service.


225. My desire for a desirable house will come true in the near future.


226. Select the desired table to add parameterization in the Select data source table area.


227. Music appeals to our desire and our need for movement.


228. The medicine did not achieve the desired effect.


229. Food seems to have been available, even if the quality left much to be desired


230. GAS will produce the desired response in finite time receiving the client request.


231. I desired to be tall, stately, and finely developed in figure.

我希望自己长得高, 庄严, 身材丰满.《辞典例句》

232. He preset the video recorder at the desired time.


233. And let a desire for me increase in you.


234. They desire to manage their own affairs, and they shall do so.

他们希望能自己管理自己的事, 而且他们应当这样做.《期刊摘选》

235. Efficiency is what the manager desired for all of his employees.


236. Keep your desires within compass.


237. He tells them He loves and desires their salvation.


238. By contrast, a Danish tax on foods high in fats was abandoned a year after its introduction, amid claims that consumers were avoiding it by crossing the border to Germany to satisfy their desire for cheaper, fattier fare.

与之相反,丹麦的一项对高脂食品征的税在颁布一年之后就被取消了,因为当时有很多声音称,消费者为了不交税,正在越过边境跑到德国去满足自己花少一点的钱享用高脂餐点的欲望。《16年12月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

239. You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.

你一方面说我调查此事是白搭, 另一方面又希望我去调查.《简明英汉词典》

240. He desired me to inform her that he had made his peace with God.


241. She desires that It'shall not be mentioned for the present.


242. His or her desire to succeed will overrule everything else.


243. My life was the common kind , with common desires and fears.


244. Many will however come into service of helping their neighbors, and this is needed and desired.

很多人会去帮助他们的邻居, 这是需要和期望的.《期刊摘选》

245. Therefore they desire a relaxed atmosphere and sound and music satisfies this need.


246. I had a strong desire to help and care for people.


247. Abraham : Your Emotional Guidance System works best setting forth continual, deliberate intentions of what you desire.


248. These statues, Jiyu Bridge from the flood, Wing On's desire to live forever.

这些雕像, 寄寓着大桥不受水害, 长存永安的愿望.《期刊摘选》

249. The complex connection between Fan Yi and Zhou Ping is a result of Fan Yi's desire.


250. Well this desire has now become a reality for Ronaldinho, but is the feeling reciprocal?

现在对于罗纳尔迪尼奥来说这个愿望已经成真了, 但是这样的感情会得到回报 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

251. (formal)He has expressed a desire to see you.


252. That plays a very profound part in influencing people's desire for a belief in God.


253. The sight of him entering a room could flood her with desire.


254. Her desire is to become a singer.


255. The people desire peace, security and happiness.

人民向往和平 、 安全与幸福.《简明英汉词典》

256. A Limiting factor is one which stands in the way of accomplishment of a desired objective.



1. But as wealth returned it brought the desire for a more conservative and ostentatious lifestyle.

WSJ: When the Outrageous Became Mainstream

2. He says the Jamboree is about the desire to get outside and try new experiences.

VOA : special.2010.08.06

3. The gene is a transporter of serotonin, a brain chemical involved with mood and desire for food.

VOA : special.2009.06.24

4. Ms Lagarde, a perfect English speaker, has never expressed a desire to run for president.

BBC: French court questions IMF chief Christine Lagarde

5. India has a strong desire to not to be a service depended on economy.

印度非常渴望降低其服务业,对经济的依赖性。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

6. With the gold they found in the mountains came a desire for further improvement.

VOA : special.2009.06.06

7. In a radio broadcast, he once talked about his desire to see a less centralised Church.

BBC: NEWS | Europe | Profile: Cardinal Carlo Martini

8. And he did not stop there. His desire to increase understanding among people took him to other countries as well.

VOA : special.2010.01.18

9. Why is God testing Abraham? Does God really desire such a sacrifice?

为什么上帝要试验亚伯拉罕?上帝真的想要这样的祭品吗?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. The full name of the Smithsonian's exhibit is "Hide/Seek: Difference and Desire in American Portraiture."

VOA : special.2010.12.15

11. He owned the New York Yankees. His desire to win at all costs produced not only the most powerful team in Major League Baseball.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

12. And in the end, he and the board will have to do what their owners desire.

BBC: Why break up bid for Vodafone looms

13. On the contrary, he is attracted to their youth and the desire for purity and sacrifice.

NPR: A Poet Returns to Turkey in 'Snow'

14. and specifically what I mean is we can ask questions like what the neuro substrates support desire?

而且特别值得一提的是,我们可以问以下问题,哪些神经物质让人产生欲望?7个颠覆你思想的演讲课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

15. The economic crisis, our desire for change and the way he inspires people all played to his advantage.

BBC: Voters' Views: Jessica Ross

16. Your main goal should be obtaining enough wealth to retire with the lifestyle you desire.

FORBES: Two Reasons Your Asset Allocation is Probably Wrong

17. My desire is to try to unify the city, not create a source of division.

CNN: Giuliani: 'We're going to get through this'

18. WILLIAMS-WEBB: I think that it was just a desire overall, not necessarily coming from one person.

NPR: Styling The NBA

19. Unless our desire to rebuild is fierce, Young says the country will suffer a gaping cultural hole.

NPR: A Call to Rebuild New Orleans

20. There is also debate about the desire of some Internet providers to offer special treatment to sites willing to pay for it.

VOA : special.2009.09.25

21. Early in his career, he continued President Kennedy's desire for social change by helping to pass the Civil Rights Act of Nineteen Sixty-four.

VOA : special.2009.09.13

22. But when the final analysis happened, somehow, financial gain reigns out above the desire to do good.

NPR: A Local Perspective on the South Carolina Vote

23. My desire to be rich was an insane, unwholesome, oppressive desire.


24. All right. Now quickly, as to the plot: desire emerges or begins as the narratable. What is the unnarratable?

好的我们赶快再来看情节:,欲望开始的时候是叙述性的,那么什么是不可叙述的呢?文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Poetry is, in Frost, an encounter between fact and desire: what we want and what is.

诗歌,对弗罗斯特来说,是一种事实和渴望的相遇:,我们想要的和它本身。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Another time she would have ignored the desire for food until reaching her own home.

VOA : special.2009.09.05

27. Other studies show that desire for greater job responsibility also show young women talking the lead.

FORBES: What Will The World Be Like For Working Women In The Year 2020?

28. A certain other subsidiary desire is, no doubt, to protect its various other pieces along the way.

而另一个附属欲望,毫无疑问,则是保护它其他的棋子们死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. I've got a strong desire to go away.


30. That suggests a different motive: a desire finally to draw a line under the banking crisis.

ECONOMIST: The chancellor accepts tough new rules on banks

31. So that's something to think about.The closer these pitches are together, the more likely they are to be dissonant--and the desire to have some space added there.

所以想一想,这些音靠的越近就越容易不和谐,让人想在其中嵌入一些空间。聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. The transformation here, importantly, ; interrupts the eating of the fruit; consummation of desire is deferred.

这种变身在这里很重要,它打断了吃浆果;,欲望的实现被拖延了。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. This is not for a lack of desire or effort on the part of the enemy.

NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

34. The market must evict capital from real estate in areas people no longer desire to live.

FORBES: Why The Recession Recovery Remains Anemic

35. Desire roughened his voice.


36. Inspired by a desire to sleep indoors rather than on a park bench, I called her.

BBC: The bloom of cancer

37. It's the same desire for some kind of sacrificial substitution that, I think, is fueling the poem's ending.

这和为诗歌最后的结尾火上浇油的,牺牲性的替代是毫无差别的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Japan's desire to use East Asia to gain natural resources and sell manufactured products was in direct conflict with American plans for Asia.

VOA : special.2011.05.26

39. Why, given his desire to improve the country, does Rorty restrict the grounds for doing so?

FORBES: More on Patriotism and Progress

40. I suppose the most widely cited reason is simply the desire to acquire farmland.

大概最显而易见的原因就是,古希腊人需要更多的土地古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The type of fund or style you desire might not be found within the fund family.

FORBES: Mutual Funds: Brand Names Vs. House Brands

42. Setting up can take hours, though, depending on the level of customisation you desire.

BBC: Best blogging tools for travellers

43. Fishing is seen here, as in the earlier poem, as an image of quest and an image of desire.

和早期是一样,这里渔夫,代表探索和欲望。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. So very often, our self-interest will just stop our desire to do what's right.

所以我们的自身利益,会阻止我们去做正确的事。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

45. This type of ego-motivated behavior is driven by a desire to be loved and appreciated.

FORBES: Your Ego and the Bad Decisions It Makes

46. That will come if we desire to talk about that more from the Department of Justice.

WHITEHOUSE: 5/10/10: White House Press Briefing

47. And yet, as this demand grows, only one device exists to satisfy desire across the globe.

ENGADGET: Editorial: All I want for Christmas is a new HTC Nexus Mobile

48. Third, your stockholders have been increasingly vocal about their desire for you to sell Ramtron.

FORBES: Cypress Makes Hostile $2.48/Shr Bid For Ramtron International

49. "Babbitt," from nineteen twenty-two, humorously criticizes America's desire for goods and its sales industry.

VOA : special.2009.03.13

50. This young man must struggle between his moral beliefs and his desire to seek punishment for his father's death.

VOA : special.2010.01.06

51. In fact, love and desire are really at the center of Frost's poetry.

事实上爱和欲望是他诗作的中心。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. It didn't take long for HTC to go official with the Desire 600.


53. Late at night, most students have no desire to wander around Manhattan looking for munchies.

FORBES: Coolest Campus Tech

54. They were actuated by desire.


55. For it is indeed that which will lead to those better working conditions that all desire.

FORBES: Sadly, Bangladesh Simply Cannot Afford Rich World Safety And Working Standards

56. He had a strong desire to control every element of the production and marketing of his films.

VOA : special.2009.05.31

57. There are signs of a desire for conciliation on the European side.


58. The plastic can block air passages. The trash can also make the animal feel full, lessening its desire to eat or drink.

VOA : special.2009.09.22

59. Self-alienation, in Barth's work, is the product of desire. Desire, love: that's the moment when you're supposed to be perfectly present.

巴斯作品中,自我疏离是欲望的产物,欲望,爱:,那是你应该在场的时刻。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. In other words, yeah, I still like it or don't like it, - but my liking has nothing to do either with desire or with approval-- moral, political, or however the case may be.

换句话说就是,没错,我还是喜欢它或者不喜欢它,但是这与我的主观意志无关-,不管是什么认同,道德,还是政治,与一切都无关。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. It is no surprise to see them stress their desire to foster full employment.

FORBES: Labor Pains

62. It seeks distinction, the desire to be first in the race of life and lead us to seek to dominate others.

它追寻区别,渴望成为人生赛跑中的第一名,并引导我们寻求主宰他人。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. In recent weeks, Gettelfinger had made clear his desire that Chrysler remain part of DaimlerChrysler.

FORBES: Can Cerberus Save Chrysler?

64. Behind the hype and investors' understandable desire to make money, bad habits are creeping back in.

WSJ: Current Account: Cheap Junk Leads to Expensive Mistakes

65. Ms. ALSOP: Well, it's this desire of the public to identify and really categorize people.

NPR: The Lasting Appeal of Orff's 'Carmina Burana'





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odic的意思是:adj. 颂歌的,诗的;假想的。学考宝为您提供odic是什么意思,odic的翻译,odic的用法,odic的短语搭配,odic的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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spirituous的意思是:adj. 酒精的;酒精成分高的;含酒精的。学考宝为您提供spirituous是什么意思,spirituous的翻译,spirituous的用法,spirituous的短语搭配,spirituous的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


April的意思是:n. 四月。学考宝为您提供April是什么意思,April的翻译,April的用法,April的短语搭配,April的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


approximately的意思是:adv. 大约,大概。学考宝为您提供approximately是什么意思,approximately的翻译,approximately的用法,approximately的短语搭配,approximately的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


appraisals的意思是:n. [经管]估价(appraisal 的复数)。学考宝为您提供appraisals是什么意思,appraisals的翻译,appraisals的用法,appraisals的短语搭配,appraisals的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


approve的意思是:v. 同意,赞成;批准,通过;核准;喜欢,赞赏;<古>证明,显示;使(废品或公共土地)升值。学考宝为您提供approve是什么意思,approve的翻译,approve的用法,approve的短语搭配,approve的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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