莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈkælɪndə(r)]play美 [ˈkælɪndər]play

  • n. 日历;日程表;记事录,大事记;历法
  • v. 把……排进日程表(或时间表),把……记入记事录

复数 calendars 第三人称单数 calendars 现在分词 calendaring 过去式 calendared 过去分词 calendared

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


calendar /ˈkælɪndə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A calendar is a chart or device which displays the date and the day of the week, and often the whole of a particular year divided up into months, weeks, and days. 日历

    There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A calendar is a particular system for dividing time into periods such as years, months, and weeks, often starting from a particular point in history. 历法

    The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.


  • 3.
    可数名词 You can use calendar to refer to a series or list of events and activities which take place on particular dates, and which are important for a particular organization, community, or person. 日程表

    It is one of the hottest tickets on Washington's social calendar.




  • adj.

    calendric 日历的;按日历的;历法的(等于calendrical)

    calendrical 日历的;历法的(calendar的形容词形式)



schedule agenda calendar timetable 【导航词义:时间表,计划表】

schedule n. 日程表,时间表

〔辨析〕 指做某事的计划及具体运作的时间表。

例1: He has planned a tight travel schedule.


例2: Have you made the examination schedule?


例3: The project was completed ahead of schedule.


agenda n. 议事日程

〔辨析〕 主要指会议上需要商议解决的问题的一览表。

例1: We must put this item on the agenda.


例2: The chairman says there is a lengthy agenda this afternoon.


calendar n. 日程表

〔辨析〕 指某人在记事簿上记下的要做各项事情的计划,也指某个团体或某项活动一年内重大事件的日程安排。

例1: There is a notation about an appointment on his personal calendar for May 5.


例2: According to the university calendar your examinations will be in July.


例3: The presidential election is the highlight of next year's political calendar.


timetable n. 时间表

〔辨析〕 比 schedule 更为具体,常指车、船、航班等的时刻表,也指课程表或活动计划的时间表。

例1: The first airplane timetable was published by Pan-American Airways in 1928.


例2: I've got a very busy timetable this week.


例3: The heavy fog upset their timetable for the trip.



1. Roman calendar 罗马历 ; 罗马日历

2. lunisolar calendar 天 阴阳历 ; 夏历

3. desk calendar 台历;台历芯

4. desktop calendar 桌上日历

5. Gregorian calendar 公历 ; 格里历 ; 格列高利历

6. perpetual calendar 万年历

7. solar calendar 阳历

8. calendar era 纪年 ; 纪年法

9. calendar year 历年

10. calendar date 历日期

11. julian calendar 公历;罗马儒略历

12. gregorian calendar 公历;格里高里历

13. calendar month 历月

14. academic calendar 校历

15. chinese calendar 农历;阴历

16. lunar calendar n. 阴历

17. Julian calendar 儒略历 ; 罗马儒略历 ; 公历 ; 阳历

18. calendar day 历日;日历日


1. He marked off the days on a calendar


2. In the 1840s, however, educational reformers like Horace Mann moved to combine the two calendars out of concern that rural schooling was not enough and that overusing of young minds could lead to nervous disorders .

然而,在19世纪40年代,出于对农村教育不足以及儿童过度使用大脑可能导致神经紊乱的担忧,教育改革家,如霍勒斯·曼,将这两个日历结合了起来。《高考真题- 2018 浙江 阅读B》

3. It is one of the classic events of the sporting calendar.


4. And put away your calendars, because this is not a situation that can be dated.

把你们的日历丢掉, 因为这不是可以循期的.《期刊摘选》

5. This has been impossible due to differences in locations and calendars until July 11, 1991.


6. October is usually the busiest month in the academic calendar.


7. These calendars provided a time management tool that synchronized planetary cycles with visits from the stars.


8. This is one of the biggest weeks in the racing calendar.


9. The Mayan calendar will need to be adjusted by one day in 380,000 years.


10. I use it to check my calendar and to keep in touch with others.


11. In the last calendar year the company had a turnover of $426m.


12. Show a calendar and tell the pupils that 2007 is the year of pig.


13. This part of geologic calendar has not been satisfactorily subdivided.


14. It is one of the hottest tickets on Washington's social calendar.


15. Provide annual company working calendar and time access functions.

支持全年公司日历、支持定时开关门功能。《provided by jukuu》

16. But what if they forget to look at their calendar?

但是,如果他们忘记看日历了 怎么办 ?《期刊摘选》

17. Check this to start the monthly popup calendar on Sunday instead of Monday.


18. Before the Civil War, schools operated on one of two calendars, neither of which included a summer vacation .

内战前,学校按两个日历中的其中一个运作,但它们都没有设置暑假。《高考真题- 2018 浙江 阅读B》

19. It is built according to the solar calendar.


20. Get the all new Ayi Jihu 2009 Desktop Calendar and contribute to her domestic violence campaign.


21. My calendar is full.


22. a calendar for 2006


23. The Mayan Calendar speaks of the end of time on December 21, 2012.


24. Below is a selection of lecture notes that approximate chronologically and themes listed on the calendar.


25. Another calendar was introduced, an administrative one.


26. We don't need a calendar for a certain segment of our patient population.


27. The Maya understood 17 different Calendars based on the Cosmos.


28. The lunar calendar is different from the calendar used in the west.


29. This is a star spangled day, deserving of a gold star on your calendar.

这是个星光灿烂的日子, 值得你在日历上画一个大金星.《期刊摘选》

30. Other projects include aluminum licensing, bronze, VIP, desk calendar, calendars, stickers, notebooks and gift production.

其他项目包括铝牌 、 铜牌 、 贵宾卡 、 台历 、 挂历 、 不干胶 、 笔记本及礼品制作.《期刊摘选》

31. These elders have retained knowledge of the calendars since the beginning of their history.


32. In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month.


33. Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded calendar allowed...


34. The Story: 2012 movie tells the story of natural disasters foretold by ancient calendar angle.

的故事: 2012年电影讲述了自然灾害的故事古代历法角度预言.《期刊摘选》

35. Includes results, upcoming events calendar, its history, rules, and forms. Located in San Jose, California.

包括结果, 即将来临的事件日历, 它的历史, 规则, 和形式. 在圣何塞定位了, 加利福尼亚.《期刊摘选》

36. Our weather must not always be judged by the Calendar.


37. Most Americans live according to time segments laid out in engagement calendars.


38. This lunar influence upon the calendar reaches down to our own days.

这种月对历法的影响一直延续到我们当今时代.《英汉非文学 - 历史》

39. How can this calendar be of help to us now?

这种历法现在怎样能够帮助我们 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

40. To keep track of the time , she marked off the days on her calendar.

为了记日子, 她每天都在日历上做记号.《辞典例句》

41. As China becomes more industrialized, I am sure that calendar use will catch on.

随着中国工业化程度的提高, 我相信将会有越来越多的人使用日程表.《期刊摘选》

42. Well-off families are ruled by calendars, with children enrolled in ballet, soccer and after-school programs, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.

皮尤研究中心的一项新调查发现,富裕家庭完全按日程安排行事,子女跳芭蕾、踢足球、参加课外项目。《六级真题- 2017年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》

43. This calendar provides the lecture topics and the general format for the course.


44. Winners will be selected at the end of each calendar month.


45. This administrative calendar existed alongside the earlier agricultural and religious calendar that depended on the heliacal rising of Sirius.


46. In the lunar calendar, the years are designated by the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.


47. But this calendar also had problems.


48. Diary, Address Book, Note Book, Photo Album, Diaries and Calendars.

采购产品日记, 住址书, 说明书, 相簿, 日记和日历.《期刊摘选》

49. It is one of the British sporting calendar's most prestigious events


50. We have a huge mismatch between the school calendar and the realities of family life.


51. Some people do not just look at their calendars.


52. He kept a calendar, and every morning he check off a day.

他有一本日历, 每天早晨撕下一页.《辞典例句》

53. Vacant days are not included on some unofficial calendars.


54. The presidential elections are the highlight of next year's political calendar.


55. "The Gift of Nature" shows crop processes according to the Chinese lunar calendar and the five colors of the soil.


56. Include the mail messages section on the Calendar tab.


57. One use for early astronomy was to create calendars.


58. The rejuvenating ambience of autumn is immeasurably more ancient than even the calendar.


59. The other is the haab, or Calendar Round.

另外一个称为哈伯历, 或者是历法圆周.《期刊摘选》

60. There has also been a change to the reserve team's fixture calendar.


61. Once on the calendar I protect this time like I would a doctor's appointment or important meeting, he writes.

一旦这件事出现在日程表上,我就要完成,就像我要去付医生的预约和参加重要的会议一样,他写道。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

62. Includes map, curriculum, mission and calendar of activities.

包括地图, 课程设置, 任务和活动日程表.《期刊摘选》

63. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms.


64. It gives us a method to know the conversion between Chinese era and the Gregorian calendar.


65. Their other calendars were simply too short to document any date beyond 52 years.


66. Agricultural calendar, agricultural theory and agricultural ecology's protection.


67. This calendar contains lecture topics, reading assignments, and problem set and exam dates.

本教学日程表包含授课主题 、 相关阅读 、 及习题和考试日期.《期刊摘选》

68. Check this to include week numbers on the monthly popup calendar.


69. Readings are arranged by topic and correspond to the lectures on the calendar.


70. He also researched some specific problems by way of calendar.


71. The transaction is expected to be completed during the third calendar quarter of 2007.


72. Boyer is one of many who believe that a radical revision of the school calendar is inevitable.

Boyer 和许多人一样,认为彻底修改校历是不可避免的。

73. ActiveSync keeps your Calendar, Contacts, and Tasks current between the device and your desktop computer.

“动态同步”将使设备和桌面计算机上的日程表 、 联系人和任务保持为双方最新的设置.《期刊摘选》

74. According to the university calendar your examinations will be in July.


75. The presidential election is the highlight of next year's political calendar.


76. Check this to include tasks on the calendar tab.


77. I have made up my mind not to change my calendar.


78. Mark anniversaries on a calendar.


79. Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar.


80. There is a notation about an appointment on his personal calendar for May 5.


81. He marked off the days on a calendar.


82. As you accept them, they are entered into your calendar.

一旦你接受, 它们会被导入到你的日程表中.《期刊摘选》

83. They tried to make a calendar of Spain's festivals.


84. Do you use a calendar to help you organize your life?


85. Over 20 years ago, Gerardo Barrios began a quest to compare the ancient Maya calendars.

20多前以前, 杰勒德开始寻求比较古代玛雅历法.《期刊摘选》

86. According to the calendar my birthday falls on a Sunday this year.


87. Have you checked the academic calendar?


88. It may help to record your symptoms on a calendar for three months.


89. It was also democratic, as aristocratic cults came to shape public calendars.

它也是民主的, 就像贵族的礼拜仪式逐渐形成公众历法.《期刊摘选》

90. I never heard the name in my life. I'll wager anything it is not in the calendar!


91. You know, even simple things like calendars are personal attributes, your zip code, things like that.

你们知道, 像日历一样的平坦简单的事物是像那一样的个人属性, 你的区域号码, 事物.《期刊摘选》

92. This calendar features highlights of the topics and themes addressed in the course.


93. A calendar came into use at Nippur.


94. All the dates given in this story follow the lunar calendar.


95. How did they keep this short calendar in step with the actual flooding of the Nile?


96. The calendar was employed by Emperor and released in the first year of Taichu period.


97. I have marked down the date of the party on my calendar.


98. It is also the time to buy a calendar.


99. This is a solar calendar.


100. I use the old calendar I saved to do crafts with my kids.


101. No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along.

一般人不会去研究他们最喜欢的日历软件是否适合他们的冰箱,或者他们的洗衣机是否和平板电脑兼容。《六级真题- 2016年 12月 1卷 信息匹配》

102. To avoid forgetting to follow your plan, try to get into the habit of looking at your calendar every day.


103. the Islamic calendar


104. Generalwall calendar , trademark decoration , cards and membership cards to make products of this surface to glazing.


105. The Vedic calendar is based on cosmic cycles, or Yugas.

吠陀历法是建立在宇宙周期, 或者说是年代之上.《期刊摘选》

106. The Cup Final is an important date in the sporting calendar.


107. The assistant will calendar me in for the next appointment.


108. Unlike low frequency data, high frequency data has the calendar effects and long memory volatility.

与低频数据不同, 高频数据通常具有“日历效应”和波动长记忆性.《期刊摘选》

109. The calendar will track in game events, allow raid scheduling, and more.

日历允许玩家察看一些游戏事件, raid计划甚至更多东西.《期刊摘选》

110. Franklin joined her and the children whenever his crowded calendar allowed


111. This calendar, based primarily on the lunar revolutions, is adapted to solar reckoning.

这种历法, 主要是以月亮转动为基础, 适用于对太阳的计算.《期刊摘选》

112. Please see the calendar of events for more details.


113. An electronic calendar or schedule. Consists of a collection of properties.

一种电子日历或日程表. 由许多属性组成.《期刊摘选》

114. I send him the blend calendar and the splendid bent lens he lent to me.


115. Let me check my calendar.


116. He fastened the calendar to a wall.


117. China invented its own calendar as early as 2000 BC.


118. She marked the date on her calendar.


119. It's also about spending peaceful time in a quiet environment with no calendar.


120. Wizards and templates can help you create brochures, calendars, and Web pages.


121. Most Americans live in time segments by engagement calendars.


122. Summer appeared as the obvious time for a break : it offered a rest for teachers, fit in the farming calendar and reduced doctors' concern that packing students into hot classrooms would promote the spread of disease .

夏天似乎显然是休息时间:它让教师可以休息,符合农事日历,也减轻了医生对把学生塞进炎热的教室会促进疾病传播的担忧。《高考真题- 2018 浙江 阅读B》

123. Lessee is late in releasing the rental payment by more than 10 calendar days.


124. I marked down the date of the party on my calendar.


125. Here is one page of Mary's calendar and it shows her plans in May.


126. It is one of the British sporting calendar's most prestigious events...


127. You can also apply a base calendar to specific tasks.

也可以将基准日历应用于特定的任务。《provided by jukuu》

128. This calendar represents 13 forces and 20 energies.


129. The calendar called the school year ran out on them a few weeks ago.


130. Since the Spring Festival is based on the lunar calendar, it comes about a month later than the Western New Year.


131. The Lantern Festival falls on the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar.

元宵节在农历正月十五。《中考真题- 2016 长沙 阅读A》

132. There is a notation of three appointments on his personal calendar for April 5.


133. When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar.


134. As taxi apps become smarter, experts predict they will sync with social networks and calendars to provide an even more efficient and tailored service to their passengers. Here comes the rise of the smart taxi.


135. Serve a term one calendar year which is renewable upon the approval of the Church Board.


136. School calendars depended on local needs.


137. The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature.


138. I have a file cleanout day scheduled in my tickler file or calendar a year.


139. Nevertheless, the contribution of Zhouyi to the development of ancient Chinese calendar cannot be underrated.

无论如何, 《周易》对于古代历法发展的作用是不可低估的.《期刊摘选》

140. Is there a calendar clock in your family?

你家有日历钟 吗 ?《辞典例句》

141. Calendar events show up in the system clock , so you never miss an important meeting.

计划日程集成于系统日历之中, 确保您不错过重要事件.《期刊摘选》

142. There was a calendar on the wall, with large squares around the dates.


143. There was a calendar on the wall above, with large squares around the dates.


144. The Christian calendar was originally based on the Julian calendar of the Romans.


145. No average person wants to figure out whether their favorite calendar software works with their fridge or whether their washing machine and tablet get along.

没有哪个普通人想要弄清楚他们最喜爱的日历软件能否用于冰箱,或他们的洗衣机能否与平板电脑兼容。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

146. A calendar on your cell phone screen is easy to use, and so is a large paper calendar that hangs on your wall.


147. Chinese Moon Festival falls on the 15 th of August in the Chinese lunar calendar.


148. The Egyptians had a lunar calendar to regulate festivals by phases of the moon.


149. The calendar has a perfect count.


150. You can also link up with Google calendar to make sure you stay on top of important dates.


151. According to the university calendar your examinations will be in june.


152. I keep a calendar on zhe wall so I won't forget my appointments.


153. The Spring Festival is the most important festival celebrated by the Chinese people at the beginning of every lunar calendar year.


154. "Maybe some experience in their childhood meant that they became obsessed with calendars and what happened to them," says Patihis.

¨也许他们童年时代的某种经历使得他们着迷于日历和发生过的事情,”帕特西斯说。《四级真题- 2017年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

155. Certainly, I am interested in astronomical and calendar function.



1. By comparing rings from different trees and with other historical data, you can often identify particular rings with the exact calendar year that they grew.

VOA : standard.2010.04.05

2. The finalized appointment is sent instantly to Microsoft Outlook (or your calendar program of choice).

CNN: Analysis: Brace yourself for the e-scheduling revolution

3. And germinal means "The budding," it's a reference to a calendar of the French Revolution.

erminal这个词的意思是发芽1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. But take a peek at your calendar: now is the time to start thinking about 2012.

FORBES: Tax Deadline Approaching

5. - If someone-- you're-- one of you're predecessor didn't already submit it, do follow the directions at top left which says, add calendar so that we can augment the data set even further.

如果-,除非前任代表没有提交相应信息,一定要遵循左上方的用法说明,添加日历,这样就可以进一步增大数据集。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

6. We controlled for other well-known fixed calendar (we call them Gregorian anomalies), notably,day of the week effect, like Monday,January effect, Halloween effect, and none of those factors explained results.

VOA : standard.2010.08.05

7. Make a calendar that tells you when to renegotiate your agreements before they renew.

FORBES: Find Free Money: Almost Every Bill You Get Is Full Of Mistakes

8. You can search obviously by any of the fields up top by days ; of the week you want a class; days of the week you don't want a class; grad level or undergrad level, faculty scores that are 4.0 and higher, ; course overall scores that are 4.0 and higher; and a whole number of other features including synchronization with Google calendar.

你可以按日期来搜索网页上的任一科目,以决定哪天去上课,哪天不去上课;,研究生课程或本科生课程,教师打分为4分或更高的课程,课程总学分为4分或者更高的课程;,当然很多其他选择方式,包括Google同步日历。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

9. That was the first calendar-year outflow for the fund since its inception in 1987.

WSJ: Pimco Bond King Bill Gross Regains Investor Favor

10. And so if incidentally, you're a representative of a student group and the alike and your Google calendar is not -- in here, you can check just by flipping through the various-- we have over 200 calendars right now and you can search through them here.

如果你是一个学生团体的代表,你的Google日历在此不存在,你可以检查其他各种各样的-,目前我们有200多种日历,你可以在它们之中进行查找。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

11. During the past 12 calendar quarters, the Fed has increased the monetary base by 193.7%.

FORBES: This Economic Recovery Is Surely Different: It's FUBAR*

12. The calendar method requires investors to rebalance portfolios once per year on an investment anniversary date.

FORBES: Investment Principle Matters to Principal

13. In iOS 6, there are improved privacy controls for Calendar, Reminders, Contacts, and Photos.

ENGADGET: Apple seeds iOS 6 beta 4 to developers: here's the changelog

14. You had to send an email invite to notify someone about an event on your calendar.

FORBES: Lesson From a Woman of Wall Street: Ask For What You Want

15. So this MAPP program is a one calendar year, full-time study.

本课程是一年制全日制学习。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

16. For the 2013 calendar year, he raises his unit forecast to 180 million from 163 million.

FORBES: Apple: Wedge Ups 2013 iPhone View; Says WSJ Got It Wrong

17. "We were able to match up the narrow and wide rings exactly so that we can assign the exact calendar dates to the exact rings of every tree."

VOA : standard.2010.04.05

18. Easy-to-use e-mail, calendar, and contacts for work or home, including Gmail, Hotmail, Exchange, and more.

ENGADGET: Kindle Fire HD 8.9 launched in Europe and Japan, gets permanent price cut in the USA

19. Users can click on its menu and see its text messaging display, calendar and weather applications.

FORBES: Ditching The Dummy Handsets

20. If you ask what is today's lunar date, we will come up with a calendar of it. So, lunar dates.


21. As the state legislative calendar winds down, perhaps as many as 24 states won't expand.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: Florida Flips Back

22. For full details and a calendar of events go the Advertising Week website.

FORBES: A CMO's Guide to Advertising Week

23. We're particularly appreciative of the expandable calendar widget, which always felt a tad cramped.

ENGADGET: Android 3.1 on the Motorola Xoom: hands-on (video)

24. In the Chinese calendar, 2011 is going to be the Year of the Rabbit.

FORBES: On 2011, Rabbits and Collaborative Community Marketing

25. But just go to cs50.net, click office hours and you'll see the Google Calendar with all of the office hours that are still happening tonight, as well as tomorrow and these are just an opportunity to chat, to ask questions one on one with the teaching fellows or course assistants or frankly just a way to hang out during brain break and work on projects and then see what some of your friends might be tackling themselves.

但是我要提醒大家去cs50,net网站看看,这里清清楚楚告诉你,什么时候该学习工作,当然也包括今晚的明天的,我们还有一个机会供,一个与研究生助教或课程辅导员交流的机会,更直白来说,是提供你们开小差的机会,看看你们周围哪些人,在开小差呢。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

26. You'll find that those events as they get approved and start getting proposed by your classmates, they'll start appearing on the calendar as well in their respective categories.

你将会发现随着那些事情渐渐被认可,你的同学也开始推荐它们,它们也将开始在日历,和各自的分类中出现。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

27. Orthodox Christmas is observed on January seventh, based on the Julian calendar.

VOA : special.2009.12.21

28. Be sure to bookmark this page and add this event to your calendar.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

29. Find more information and an interactive calendar on the Belize Tourism Board website.

BBC: Maya festivals for the end of time

30. You pay it in 2013 when you file your income tax return for calendar year 2012.

FORBES: Payroll Tax Cut Skips Some Of The 99%

31. "We are hoping to make it a fixture on the Welsh cultural calendar, " he said.

BBC: Adel Guemar hopes the book will promote understanding

32. Rebalancing can occur based on a calendar method or a percentage of asset method.

FORBES: Investment Principle Matters to Principal

33. It has also promised Google Calendar updates will go live over the coming days.

FORBES: Morning Tech Wrap: Google, Facebook, RIM

34. The state opening of parliament is one of the major events in the Westminster calendar.

BBC: 'Evans the News' claims support of MPs after arrest

35. Google Calendar now has a default setting like Preview Dense, and more icons, fewer words.

FORBES: Google+ And The Master Plan

36. So this is our little Google calendar that we embed in the course's website, and this is the number of office hours we had just in the next couple of days alone.

这是我们的小google日历,我们把它嵌入在,课程网站中,这是我们,接下来几天的办公时间。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

37. "Just being due by the calendar doesn't mean your body says you're due, " Stream notes.

NPR: Doc Groups Issue List Of Overused Tests, Therapies

38. We'd look over 4-month calendar.

我们会看整个四个月。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

39. Schedule distraction-free periods on your calendar, during which you can fully attend to one task at a time.

CNN: A New Year's resolution for the workplace

40. I don't want to spend the whole weekend implementing just a little pop up calendar and frankly it probably would take at least that long to get something that's as interactive and dynamic as something like this that works across all browsers and so forth.

我并不想花费整个周末的时间来实现,这样一个小的弹出式日历,而且,可能至少还要花那么多时间,从而使它,能够在所有浏览器上都能有良好的交互性并且是,动态的,等等。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

41. This is the type of service that should be a standard calendar appointment feature.

FORBES: Twist Mobile App: Good Things Come to Those Who Aren't Late

42. However,the Orthodox Church in America says most of its members follow the revised Julian calendar and celebrate on December twenty-fifth.

VOA : special.2009.12.21

43. Every time you make or change a business appointment on an iPad calendar, that's productivity.

WSJ: iPad Apps to Boost the Tablet's Productivity Level

44. The first step in the process is when I was Deputy WHCF, that I put on the wall a big white board calendar.

程序的第一步是,当我还是办公室副主任,我在墙上安了个,白色的日历板。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

45. The Laureus awards are widely regarded as the premier honors on the international sporting calendar and nominees are selected by leading sports journalists in over 100 countries.

VOA : standard.2010.02.11

46. What do you - do you buy that it's the calendar, not necessarily the candidates, Faye?

NPR: Presidential Candidates Target Black Music Festival

47. About 40 close friends and family - including six original Calendar Girls - attended the ceremony.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Yorkshire | Calendar Girl widow marries vicar

48. Even with the adjustment the calendar year transitions are not as clean as we would like.

FORBES: U.S. Housing Inventory Update

49. We'd step back and look at the calendar and say are we living up to that, mandate to us to put the president to focus on these things.

我们会纵观整个日历,看看我们是不是做到了,是不是让总统,都集中处理这些事。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课





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Canadian的意思是:adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的;加拿大文化的 n. 加拿大人;加拿大河(美国河流)。学考宝为您提供Canadian是什么意思,Canadian的翻译,Canadian的用法,Canadian的短语搭配,Canadian的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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Canada的意思是:n. 加拿大(北美洲国家)。学考宝为您提供Canada是什么意思,Canada的翻译,Canada的用法,Canada的短语搭配,Canada的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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campus的意思是:n. (大学或学院的)校园;大学生活;大学(学校、医院等机构的)场地 【名】 (Campus)(英)坎帕斯,(意、罗)坎普斯,(法)康皮斯(人名)。学考宝为您提供campus是什么意思,campus的翻译,campus的用法,campus的短语搭配,campus的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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