莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [prəˈməʊt]play美 [prəˈmoʊt]play

  • v. 促进,提倡;升职,晋升;促销,推广; 将(运动队)晋级;使(学生)升年级;负责筹办,主办(大型活动,如音乐会或体育比赛);促使(议会私法议案)通过;使(卒)升格为(尤指后等);<英>(先打大牌)使(小牌)赢得一墩;使(催化剂)更活泼

第三人称单数 promotes 现在分词 promoting 过去式 promoted 过去分词 promoted

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


promote /prəˈməʊt/ CET4 TEM4 [ promoting promoted promotes ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If people promote something, they help or encourage it to happen, increase, or spread. 促进

    You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 促进

    The government has pledged to give the promotion of democracy higher priority.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If a firm promotes a product, it tries to increase the sales or popularity of that product. 促销

    ...a tour to promote his second solo album.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If someone is promoted, they are given a more important job or rank in the organization that they work for. 晋升

    I was promoted to editor and then editorial director.




  • adj.

    promotional 促销的;增进的;奖励的

    promotive 奖励的;增进的;助长的

  • n.

    promotion 提升,[劳经] 晋升;推销,促销;促进;发扬,振兴

    promoter 发起人;促进者;助长者



1. promote peace 促进和平

2. promote moral integrity 弘扬良好思想道德风尚

3. promote sales 促销;推销商品

4. promote friendship 促进友谊 ; 促进友情

5. promote the sale 促销推销

6. promote cadre 提干

7. promote cooperation 促进合作

8. Can promote 能促进

9. promote regional cooperation 促进地区间的合作 ; 促进地区间合作 ; 推进地区间的合做

10. to promote business relationship 促进业务关系 ; 增进业务关系 ; 促进营业干系

11. promote reform 促进改革




promote competition 促进竞争

promote democracy 促进民主

promote development 促进发展

promote education 促进教育

promote growth 促进增长

promote health 增进健康

promote peace 促进和平

promote stability 促进稳定

promote trade 促进贸易

promote understanding 增进了解

promote a product 促销产品


1. An international movement was launched to promote its use.


2. The modernization of agriculture should be promoted according to the purpose of urban agriculture.


3. They are working on a campaign to promote holidays in Scotland.


4. He was promoted to be a lieutenant in the army.


5. We should actively promote the reform and development of health and sports undertakings.


6. You cannot just sit around in an organization waiting for people to promote you.


7. First, the primacy of class must be promoted as an antidote to individualism.

首先, 阶级作为首位意识必须被提升为个人主义的解毒剂.《期刊摘选》

8. The band has gone on tour to promote their new album.


9. He was in town to promote his new books.


10. Avoiding this rather than promoting it should unite the left and right of the political spectrum.

要避免而不是助长这种情况发展,就需要将政治光谱上的左派与右派联合起来。《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

11. Woodford Green won the Second Division title and are promoted to the First Division.


12. The organization works to promote the trade between nations.


13. The new innovation of curriculum will promote the reformation of teaching methods.


14. Many of the countries that Karen visits have government offices that promote handicrafts.


15. The first is to promote economic restructuring to enhance the economic vitality.


16. Because this is a new product, we'll allow you a 2 % discount to help promote sales.

因为这是新产品,为了帮助促销, 我们将给你们2%的折扣.《期刊摘选》

17. The viewer may be a teenage girl, even though the advertisement promotes Viagra.


18. Using our wisdom and advanced technologies to promote the value and benefits of the communication network.


19. We should promote the project at all costs.


20. Our mission is to promote, protect, and advance the social work profession.


21. New version still optimized the sort function in flaw rehabilitate, promote efficiency significantly.

新版本还优化了漏洞修复中的排序功能, 显著提升效率.《期刊摘选》

22. Some discount on your price would make it easier to promote sales.


23. It's widely rumoured that she's getting promoted.


24. If can reduce entrance amount, promote its to export, henceforth home market demand hasten firm.

若能减少进口量, 促进其出口, 今后国内市场供需将趋稳.《期刊摘选》

25. policies to promote economic growth


26. The emergence of this project takes the lead in promoting the value of circumjacent commerce.


27. We declared for any proposal aimed at promoting the friendly relations between the two peoples.


28. This guidance promotes modern manufacturing principles, process improvement, innovation, and sound science.

本指南推进了时兴的制造准则, 工艺改进, 创新和合理科学化.《期刊摘选》

29. The President set the targets for the future to promote friendship with East Europe


30. Objects are promoted only because are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter.


31. Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?


32. The target of medium's supervision towards judiciary is to promote the judicial justice.


33. This paper provides a rationale and framework to promote critical reflection in the preparation of teachers.


34. I was pleased to hear you've been promoted.


35. This is meant, get together friendly net already promoted new strategic height small gain guest.

这意味着, 聚友网已把微博客提升到新的战略高度.《期刊摘选》

36. Serve as intermediary to promote trade between companies and understanding between government departments of two countries.


37. Companies are promoting their own standards, and the market has not had time to choose a winner yet as this is still very new.

公司正在提升自己的标准,而这个新兴市场还没有时间去选出一个赢家。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

38. Electric hand store network and television media for promoting the National Day rally.


39. The area is being promoted as a tourist destination.


40. She applauds the fact that they are promoting new ideas.


41. I'll appreciate your efforts to promote the sales in your market on a commission basis.


42. To promote ( a product not yet on the market ) by means of advertising.

预售利用广告的方式促销 ( 未进入市场的产品 )《期刊摘选》

43. The goal should be to promote pedodiversity, and through this, biodiversity in general.


44. Actually, we've been contacted by labels, promo agencies and even musicians and bands help promote them.

事实上, 音乐从业者,唱片宣传, 甚至音乐家和乐队都联系过我们进行促销.《期刊摘选》

45. The development of circular economy, promote clean production.

发展循环经济, 推进清洁生产.《期刊摘选》

46. They were promoted to the First Division last season.


47. We launch a big advertising campaign to promote our new toothpaste.


48. The aim is to promote closer economic integration.


49. The vigorous tour activities promote consumption, flourish economy, enrich people's life, and abet luxury as well.

同时,旅游活动的勃兴促进了消费, 繁荣了经济, 丰富了人民生活, 但也助长了奢侈之风.《期刊摘选》

50. The captain was promoted to the rank of major.


51. Recruit , manage, motivate, assess, promote and develop employees in their area of responsibility.

进行员工的招聘, 管理, 激励, 评估, 提升和发展.《期刊摘选》

52. We want to promote cosmetics that appeal across the colour barrier.


53. I can't believe he's been promoted so quickly! He's a real polisher.

我真不敢相信他居然提升得那么快. 他是个十足的马屁精.《期刊摘选》

54. It's simply unethical to promote and advertise such a dangerous product.


55. They have begun dialogues to promote better understanding between both communities


56. The government is trying to curb the use of fuels and promote renewable energy.


57. Harvest across most of the Nation progressed rapidly, promoted by warm, dry weather.

在干热天气的促进下, 全国的大豆收获进展迅速.《期刊摘选》

58. I must remind Mr. James that market segmentation helps to promote sales.


59. Governments need to formulate energy policies that promote economically and environmentally sound development.


60. In El Salvador the administration's moderate approach promotes a political solution, not a military victory.

里根政府在萨尔瓦多的温和做法,促进了政治解决, 而不是助长军事胜利.《期刊摘选》

61. She refused to promote Colin above the low rank of "legal adviser."


62. Continue to promote the creation of peace, safeguard the security and stability of the community.

继续推进平安创建工作, 维护社区安全稳定.《期刊摘选》

63. Fitbit, for example, released its first smartwatch Monday, selling with a clear purpose – to improve your fitness – and promoting it as a “tool, not a toy.”

例如,Fitbit 在星期一发布了它的首款智能手表,销售目标很明确——提升你的健康水平——并将其推广为一种“工具,而非玩具”。《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

64. The letter politely declines It then promises future action and takes the to promote substitute goods.


65. They discus how to promote cooperation between the two countries.


66. Actively promoting economic restructuring, and improving the quality and efficiency of economic growth.

第二,积极推进经济结构调整, 提高经济增长的质量和效益.《期刊摘选》

67. Player: When can you promote grade limit again?

玩家: 什么时候会再次提升等级上限?《期刊摘选》

68. The purpose of editing the News of the World was not to promote reader understanding to be fair in what was written or to betray any common humanity.

编辑《世界新闻报》的目的不是为了促进读者的理解,不是为了追求所写内容的公平,也不是为了揭露任何共同的人性。《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

69. I really have to take issue with you on the ways to promote sales.


70. Quality services should be greatly promoted.


71. The program has lived up to its promise to promote family welfare.


72. At present stage, EU's collective identity can be promoted by the educational programs.

现阶段在教育计划的促进作用下, 欧盟集体认同得到了一定的提高.《期刊摘选》

73. For many in the development community, the four objectives were seen as positive, promoting development as long as they did not cost too much.

在发展战略研究界,许多人认为这四个目标具有积极意义,只要成本不是太高,就可促进发展。《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

74. Finance intermediaries in good operation can hold up and promote economy development long and steadily.


75. We have to suspect that continuing economic growth promotes the development of education even when governments don't force it.

我们不得不猜想,即是没有政府强制推行教育,经济发展也能持续促进教育的发展。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

76. A good example serves to promote good manners in the young.


77. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth


78. ...a special St Lucia week where the island could be promoted as a tourist destination.


79. Toy manufacturers began promoting some of their products on television


80. Q: How can the EOG promote and verify the sustainability of products and services?

问: EOG是 如何推进和证实产品或者相关服务是否具有可持续性的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

81. Solid and promote regional development strategy and overall coordination development of regional economy.


82. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth...


83. These major measures promoted a better distribution and more balanced development of regional economies.


84. Effective methods should be taken to promote accounting internationalization in our country.


85. Kapur has identified three conditions that promote this kind of beneficial struggle.


86. Paul Weller has announced a full British tour to promote his second solo album.


87. The interfacial reactions enhance the wettability and promote the spontaneous infiltration process.


88. Such practices must be emphasized and promoted as the groundwork for developing socialist democracy.


89. During the course to promote trade facilitation, the customs is playing a significant role.

在推进贸易便利化过程中, 海关扮演着非常重要的角色.《期刊摘选》

90. Information on viewer demographics for a particular program allows advertisers to promote to their target audiences.


91. He is still involved in voluntary work promoting local enterprise.


92. She toured the country promoting her book.


93. He has been promoted to sergeant.


94. These measures achieved remarkable results in promoting the township economic and social development of various undertakings.


95. He's been promoted ─ would you credit it?


96. An industrial estate will help to promote the business of that city.


97. We will continue to promote political restructuring and reform in other aspects.


98. Promoting quality service for family planning and reproductive health care in a comprehensive way.

全面推进计划生育、生殖健康优质服务.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

99. Promote the use of technology to ensure that processesare performed to an optimal level.


100. How do enterprises promote their products?


101. I think we should hire a public relations firm to promote our product.


102. The evidence that such investment promotes growth is strong


103. He was promoted to sergeant.


104. I was promoted to editor and then editorial director...


105. B: I think we should hire a pubic rslations firm to promote our product.


106. The UN's role in promoting peace is increasingly the focus of international attention


107. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.


108. Reform of the cultural system and the development of cultural undertakings were vigorously promoted.


109. Establishments companies'enterprise culture, builds the good work atmosphere, promotes staff's cohesive force.

确立公司的企业文化, 营造良好工作氛围, 提升员工的凝聚力.《期刊摘选》

110. We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.


111. The senator is in a bookstore, promoting sales by signing copies of the text for buyers.

希拉里参议员坐在书店里, 正通过为买书的人签名来促销.《期刊摘选》

112. It may surprise you, but he's just been promoted to manager.

你可能不信, 他刚被提升为经理.《期刊摘选》

113. This paper aimed at how to promote the competitiveness of Zhejiang textile industry towards foreign coutries.


114. Promote materialist dialectics and oppose metaphysics and scholasticism.


115. Casey, an expert in this field, suggests that the cooperation process within teams must be organized, promoted and managed.

这一领域的专 家 Casey 称团队内部的合作过程必须要组织好、促进好和管理好。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

116. They promoted him captain.


117. It may promote creative thinking.


118. Good habits promote longevity.


119. Is the company bribing or justifiably promoting their product?


120. We should boldly give them work and promote them and not be overcautious.


121. The purpose of our meeting today is to promote or urge the establishment of constitutional government.


122. All our projects aim to promote the development of poor and remote communities.


123. It's not my job to promote our product.


124. Thus , we should keep on promoting the monetization reform of wage system.


125. Strengthening the statistical infrastructure and promote a solid statistical work.


126. This is just a advertisement gimmick to promote.


127. The group is working to promote the adoption of broadband wireless access over long distances.


128. The assessment of department teaching quality helps to promote the sustainable development of vocational colleges.


129. The Tree Council promotes tree planting.


130. The website is designed to help our retailers promote the jeans.


131. I didn't put them in a position where they had to promote me or lose me.


132. I'll appreciate your strenuous efforts to promote the sales in your market on commission basis.


133. The opinions and distributing the comprehensive the transportation industry to promote the application of RFID technology.

《意见》印发后,全面加大了对交通行业RFID技术 应用的推进力度.《期刊摘选》

134. Article 37 The State encourages and promotes the establishment of waste recovery system.


135. The evolution of the research is to promote the development of physical anthropology another important factor.


136. Cyber environment has promoted the development of Compositional Teaching.


137. Including property insurance and life insurance to promote synergy, the development of a more balanced business.

包括财产险与人身险协同推进, 保险业务发展更趋均衡.《期刊摘选》

138. Some promoted to other battalions.


139. He was promoted to manager, thence to a partnership in the firm.


140. This is the West actively promote the quality of secondary education is another effective measure.


141. They want to promote guilt free fur.


142. Promote Chinese culture and build the common spiritual home for the Chinese nation.


143. The Dove Foundation aims to promote wholesome family entertainment.


144. In many ways, our society actively promotes alcoholism.


145. I know, but how can we promote them?

史黛拉:我知道, 但我们要怎样促销 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

146. What Washington does – or doesn’t do – to promote alternative energy may mean less and less at a time of a global shift in thought.

在全球思想转变的时代,不管华盛顿是否会为促进可替代能源的发展做点什么,都可能显得越来越无关紧要了。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

147. I help with their media content and create videos that promote their campaigns.


148. Finally, it offers proposals for promoting China's free population migration and perfecting urbanization development.


149. Weil has been travelling the world to promote his books Health and Healing and Spontaneous Healing.


150. Will soon announce the list of related businesses, while promoting the iron ore import agent system.

近期将公布相关企业名单, 并同时推进铁矿石进口代理制度.《期刊摘选》

151. Further expand opening domains and making great efforts to promote development levels of service industries.


152. To promote the backpack a newspaper or on television.


153. It is expected to promote China's efficient urbanization away any obstacles and impediments.


154. The meeting discussed how to promote this latest product.


155. Consumer finance company's establishment play an positive role in promoting consumer demand and economic growth.


156. They aim to promote the product throughout and prosperity for our company.


157. In fact, those people have been promoted.


158. Your job is to promote the new product.


159. Research of computer technology applied to quantitative welding metallurgy process promoted the development of welding subject.


160. Politicians are eager to promote their "happy family" image to curry favour with voters.


161. She worked hard and was soon promoted.


162. And the show will help promote it.


163. Charles has been promoted to general sales and marketing manager.


164. The results showed that coir can significantly promoted shoot growth and increase turf density.


165. The aim of the current round of talks is to promote free trade and to avert the threat of increasing protectionism.


166. The meeting discussed how to promote cooperation between the two countries.


167. I'm happy to inform you that you have been promoted to captain.


168. An estate scene promotes sales when also pledged that purchases homes delivers the berth.


169. The International Copper Association, Ltd. ( ICA ) is leading organization for promoting the use of copper worldwide.

国际铜业协会是世界上最主要的推广和促进铜的使用的非 赢利性 国际组织.《期刊摘选》

170. They overestimated his ability when they promoted him.


171. The manager is expected to use his or her best endeavours to promote the artist's career.


172. A sound forest economy promotes the prosperity of agriculture and rural life.


173. The Environmental Defense Fund has been given $800,000 in federal grants to promote smart growth.


174. The profession's leaders must take action now to promote equal opportunities for all.


175. Promote and manage IT planning of CFMA Mazda Div.


176. Promote efficiency and increase food variety.


177. Here you're trying to promote this great music genre.


178. a campaign to promote awareness of environmental issues


179. We must promote originality and encourage innovation.


180. Learning in together can also promote the academic atmosphere.


181. I tell you I know for certain that Lisa will be promoted to manager.


182. The rest of us have to promote ourselves.


183. Physical activity promotes good health


184. The infrared + force vibration design, may promote the blood circulation, speeds up the metabolism.

红外+强力振动设计, 可促进血液循环, 加快新陈代谢.《期刊摘选》


1. his untiring efforts to promote peace


2. Paul Weller has announced a tour to promote his new album.


3. The policy to promote domestic spending over exports is a stark contrast to previous administrations, led by the Liberal Democratic Party.

VOA : standard.2009.10.27

4. While airlines are keen to promote the positives of these alliances, there are negatives.

BBC: A guide to global airline alliances

5. Nutrition is considered the process, the behavioral process by which people require--acquire nutrients, and use them to promote vital activities.

营养作用就是营养的供给和摄取,也就是人们摄取营养,并将其转化为生命力的行为过程关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. He gave the example of how Purell and Lysol promote the widespread use hand- sanitizing dispensers.

FORBES: Facebook "Phone" Could Be One More Distraction in a World Full Of Them

7. You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to promote economic growth.


8. Second, APEC agreed on ways to promote the green growth we need for our energy security.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Holds a Press Conference at the APEC Summit

9. As Mario Ritter tells us, Justin Bieber is traveling around the world to promote his new album.

VOA : special.2010.04.30

10. It's a similar story for an academic with a common name trying to promote research.

BBC: Who, What, Why: What is 'ungoogleable'?

11. So did you approach Professor Katz and say "we have this idea we really would like to promote"? At least a discussion and the academic study of what it looks like.

那你是主动联系Katz教授,跟他说,我有这样一个想法,我们很想推行么?,至少讨论,并且做了学术上的研究,了解课程的内容。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

12. R. departments no longer have the resources to promote in-house programs, or never did.

FORBES: Making the "Body Corporate" Healthy Starts with Employees

13. And so I help with their media content and create videos that promote their campaigns.

我帮助制作媒体内容和做视频,用来支持他们的宣传。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 正在实习

14. Hey, Schwab brokers promote Schwab index funds, when they could send you to cheaper alternatives from Vanguard.

FORBES: Ralph's Used Car Analysts

15. That is, investing well requires careful study and the intellectual tradition we have at universities helps promote that.

投资需要谨慎的研究分析,而大学里的学术传统,有助于这方面的研究金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Weissman says manufacturers often promote a product's recycled content, but might not mention,for example, that it contains toxic substances.

VOA : standard.2009.03.30

17. Encore.org is a nonprofit organization working to promote encore careers second acts for the greater good.

WSJ: The Experts: Dealing With Regret

18. One of the last decisions of its term will likely cause employers to take greater care in how they choose workers to promote.

VOA : special.2009.07.03

19. The masks were originally made by Warner Bros to promote the film and were handed out at screenings.

BBC: V for Vendetta masks: Who's behind them?

20. Meanwhile,many Ukrainians, particularly in the western part of the country, fear controversial new Education Minister Dmytro Tabachnyk will promote pro-Russian policies.

VOA : standard.2010.03.17

21. So, that's why I, myself have to be out here in Hollywood and promote my own music.

所以,我需要自己在好莱坞宣传自己的音乐。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 音乐市场的变化!

22. As you know, Organizing for Action was set up to promote the President's public policy agenda.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

23. And you want to promote every one of your managers with a higher salary.

因此你想给每一位经理加薪。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I have 课堂

24. "Now these initiatives comprise a first wave of programs to promote global entrepreneurship.

VOA : special.2010.05.10

25. "We work with schools to get unhealthy foods out of the schools and promote health foods within the school environment.

VOA : standard.2010.06.23

26. Completely paid for through sponsorship, it is one place, where businesses can promote their brand, and connection to Team USA.

VOA : standard.2010.02.21

27. Vice President Biden dismissed any suggestion that Iran's disputed election results will complicate efforts to promote dialogue between Washington and Tehran.

VOA : standard.2009.06.14

28. I think a good WHCF uses that influence not to promote his own agenda rather to fufill the president's agenda.

但我想一个好的办公室主任,不是用影响力来推动自己的日程,而是完成总统的日程。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

29. Odds are statistically most of you will tackle something web based although you'll be able to tackle something android based, iPhone based, C based, PHP, really the choice will ultimately be yours, but to think about exactly how to design good software is something you, is certainly a lesson that we want to promote.

你们中很多人,会使用基于网络的方案,虽然你有能力使用基于android,iPhone,C,PHP的方案,的确,最终是你们自己的选择,但是确切地想一想,怎样设计一个好的软件,是我们提倡的经验。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

30. And the mission of the positive psychology center is to promote research, training, education and dissemination of positive psychology.

积极心理学中心的使命,是推广研究,培训,教育和传播积极心理学。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

31. is actually to promote just that, that is to promote

都是为了促进SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 全球变暖与国力

32. But since then, Zynga has embarked on a multi-million dollar campaign to promote its new game.

FORBES: Trademark Wars: Digital Chocolate Sues Zynga Over 'Mafia Wars' Name

33. The job gave Lopez a platform to promote her music and turn her image around.

FORBES: The World's Most Powerful Latino Celebrities

34. And the rules of justice are simply the laws set up by the winners of the game to protect and to promote their own interests.

而正义的规则,当然是由赢家所制定的法律,用以保护与促进其本身利益。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. The Eurozone governments were urged to promote growth and reject hard debt cut targets.

FORBES: Japan Stimulus Strategy Gets G20 Blessing

36. But he rarely uses Twitter to promote Zappos or the brands it sells.

FORBES: Zappos: The Next Virgin?

37. He had written letters on official notepaper to promote a relative's company.


38. "We work to promote breast feeding to prevent childhood obesity, which is where it all begins in terms of child health."

VOA : standard.2010.06.23

39. Members must promote biodiversity and animal welfare as well as support research and public education programs.

BBC: The dual sides of animal captivity

40. You can pick out words that are identical. The purpose of the law is to "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."

你可以找出完全相同的话,法律的目的是,“树立正义,保障国内的安宁,建立共同的国防,增进全民福利和确保我们自己及我们後代,能安享自由带来的幸福“旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. Together we must promote and defend the integrity of our state institutions including the judiciary and law enforcement agencies,".

VOA : standard.2009.04.25

42. Such a rule is not likely to improve private investment decision-making or promote more efficient markets.

FORBES: It's Time To Legalize Insider Trading

43. (Speech) Mr.Hu says Asia-Pacific economies must continue to promote trade and investment liberalization and oppose all forms of protectionism.

VOA : standard.2009.11.13

44. It celebrates the person who has done most to both promote Cornwall and the spirit of the county.

BBC: Cornish award for Lord Lieutenant

45. Now, if this incident energy is great enough it will take an electron out of the ground state and promote it.

现在,如果入射能足够的话,它会将一个电子从基态中释放出来,并且加速它。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. The company is also helping find and promote use of fertilizer that is less carbon-intensive.

FORBES: Four Steps to Improving Profits through Sustainability

47. The government has long used the Code to promote certain types of economic behavior.

FORBES: The Fiscal Cliff And A Call For A Simpler Internal Revenue Code

48. The Tea Party movement of libertarians and conservatives, who promote lower taxes and smaller government, has opened many races.

VOA : standard.2010.06.08

49. In previous studies, Professor Holtzman's team has shown that both apoE and clusterin promote the formation of plaques.

BBC: NEWS | Health | Proteins 'hold Alzheimer's key'

50. We must find creative ways to promote civic responsibility and make it easier to do so.

FORBES: Boston: Turns Out Civic Responsibility Isn't (Completely) Dead After All

51. The emergence of LED lighting is helping to promote more sophisticated lighting control technologies.

FORBES: Enlighted Raises $20M To Make Lighting Personal

52. The talks will help promote understanding between the two countries.


53. Therefore, the market structure is evolving to promote new ways of trading and providing liquidity.

FORBES: Delivering Transparency To Fixed Income Markets

54. There is, of course, a lot of debate about universities like Yale to the extent in which they promote interdependence-- sorry, they promote positive contact between groups.

当然还有很多人讨论像耶鲁这样的大学,在促进人们的互相依赖中所起的作用-,对不起,是促进群体间的正面接触。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Those races continued under the new president. But there were other activities as well, designed to promote a healthy lifestyle.

VOA : standard.2009.04.13

56. Needless to say, it isn't easier to promote Mr. Monroe on the global stage.

WSJ: Guns N' Roses Agrees: Finland's Metal Pioneer 'Michael Monroe' Rocks

57. The new rules should help promote hydrogen fuel cell vehicles as well, regulators said.

FORBES: California Sets New Rules To Boost Zero-Emission Car Sales

58. They might also encourage volunteers to explain and promote Obama's policies to their neighbors.

CNN: Commentary: Will Obama use 'Facebook politics'?

59. Many laws try to promote the virtue of citizens or try to give expression to the moral values of the society as a whole.

很多法律试图提高公民的品德,或者试图树立,整个社会的道德标准。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. The Cyprus National Commission for UNESCO promotes and supports initiatives that promote human rights.

UNESCO: Human Rights

61. So in oxygen we have a similar situation where, in fact, we are not going to promote any of the electrons because we have two lone pair electrons no matter what we do.

在氧中,情况很类似,我们不能激发电子,因为无论如何我们都有两个孤对电子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

62. In fact, 32 percent of SMBs said they used Facebook Places to promote their business.

FORBES: A Look At The Boom In Location-Based Services

63. Overall, the NHTSA guidelines indicate that federal regulators are eager to promote research on self-driving cars.

WSJ: Self-Driving Cars Spark New Guidelines

64. Local booksellers promote the works of local authors and many conduct reading programs for children.

FORBES: Book Publishers Challenged by Distribution Problems

65. Airbnb has selected unique cafes in different parts of the city that it will promote.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down





Americanized的意思是:adj. 美国化的 v. 美国化(Americanize 的过去式和过去分词)。学考宝为您提供Americanized是什么意思,Americanized的翻译,Americanized的用法,Americanized的短语搭配,Americanized的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanness的意思是:网络 美国特色;美国性;美国特质。学考宝为您提供Americanness是什么意思,Americanness的音标,Americanness怎么读,Americanness的翻译,Americanness的用法,Americanness的短语搭配,Americanness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


apart的意思是:adv. (空间或时间)相隔,相距;拆开,成碎片;解体,崩溃;分开,分离;与众不同地,独特地;除了……外;远远地 adj. 意见不一致的,有分歧的;分开的;与众不同的。学考宝为您提供apart是什么意思,apart的翻译,apart的用法,apart的短语搭配,apart的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yankeeland的意思是:n. 新英格兰;美国。学考宝为您提供Yankeeland是什么意思,Yankeeland的翻译,Yankeeland的用法,Yankeeland的短语搭配,Yankeeland的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yankeefy的意思是:vt. 使美国化。学考宝为您提供Yankeefy是什么意思,Yankeefy的翻译,Yankeefy的用法,Yankeefy的短语搭配,Yankeefy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anyway的意思是:adv. 不管怎样,无论如何;而且,加之;尽管,即使这样;对了,好吧(用于转换话题或回到前一个话题);(用于表明某事不重要)反正;至少;总之;(表示有意结束谈话)那么;究竟,到底;噢,啊(用于结束谈话或离开)。学考宝为您提供anyway是什么意思,anyway的翻译,anyway的用法,anyway的短语搭配,anyway的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanize的意思是:vt. 使美国化 vi. 美国化。学考宝为您提供Americanize是什么意思,Americanize的翻译,Americanize的用法,Americanize的短语搭配,Americanize的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


anyone的意思是:pron. 任何人;某个人;任何……的人;重要人物;(没有)一个人(用于否定句);任何一个人。学考宝为您提供anyone是什么意思,anyone的翻译,anyone的用法,anyone的短语搭配,anyone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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