莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [bɪˈliːf]play美 [bɪˈliːf]play

  • n. 相信,信心;看法,信念,观点;信仰,信条

复数 beliefs

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


belief /bɪˈliːf/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Belief is a feeling of certainty that something exists, is true, or is good. 信仰

    One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god.


  • 2.
    复数型名词 Your religious or political beliefs are your views on religious or political matters. (宗教或政治的) 观念

    He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs.


  • 3.
    单数型名词 If it is your belief that something is the case, it is your strong opinion that it is the case. 坚定的信念

    It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.


  • 4.
    习语 You use beyond belief to emphasize that something is true to a very great degree or that it happened to a very great degree. 难以置信强调

    We are devastated, shocked beyond belief.


  • 5.
    习语 If you do one thing in the belief that another thing is true or will happen, you do it because you think, usually wrongly, that it is true or will happen. (通常错误地) 相信

    Civilians had broken into the building, apparently in the belief that it contained food.




  • adj.

    believing 有信仰的;信任他人的

  • n.

    believer 信徒;相信...者

  • v.

    believing 相信(believe的ing形式);认为

  • vi.

    believe 信任;料想;笃信宗教

  • vt.

    believe 相信;认为;信任



belief credit faith 【导航词义:相信】

belief n. 信念,相信

〔辨析〕 指明确的见解,是头脑中对某事物形成的深信不疑的认识,但这种认识未必经过证实,可能是发自内心的,也可能是受外界影响而形成。

例1: Nothing could shake his belief in God.


例2: It is hard to destroy the deep-rooted belief.


credit n. 信任;信用,荣誉

〔辨析〕 主要指相信某事是真实的、正确的,或指某人在商业方面的信用。

例1: Her story gained credit with the police.


例2: They failed to get loans from the bank due to their low credit scores.


faith n. 相信;信心

〔辨析〕 指对某人或某物持有的极大信任或很强的信心,通常后接介词 in。

例1: It's really helped the public restore their faith in the government.


例2: No matter what happens, she still has faith in him.



1. beyond belief 难以置信

2. religious belief 宗教信仰

3. Deep Belief Network 深度信念网络 ; 网络

4. belief in 相信;对…的信仰

5. Belief & Disbelief 相信与怀疑 ; 相信与不相信 ; 置信与不置信 ; 相信·不相信

6. in the belief (引起状语)相信

7. have belief in 对…有信心

8. moral belief 道德信念

9. belief revision 信念修正 ; 信念修正 ; 信仰修正

10. My Belief 我的信仰 ; 我的信奉 ; 我的信念 ; 下一篇作文

11. false belief 错误信念

12. belief system 信念系统

13. Entertain a belief 怀抱信念 ; 山治 ; 怀抱信

14. HEALTH BELIEF MODEL 健康信念模式 ; 健康信念模型 ; 模式

15. firm belief 坚定的信念




belief in something 对…的信仰

belief in God 对上帝的信仰

beyond belief 难以置信


religious/spiritual belief 宗教/精神信仰

firm belief 坚定的信仰

strong belief 强烈的信念

widespread belief 普遍的观念

(contrary to) popular belief (与)普遍看法(相反)


hold a belief 持有信念


1. Nothing to wonder about but the beliefs the faces and hopes rooted in your mind.


2. Courageous, staunch, true, he lived for his beliefs and now he died for them.

勇敢 、 坚定 、 忠实, 他过去为自己的信念而生,今天为此而死.《辞典例句》

3. This has shaken my belief in doctors.


4. He quotes the Bible to support his belief.


5. Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that what you look like makes much difference to your life.


6. His costume strengthened the good woman in the belief that he was a foreigner.


7. Because of such beliefs, psychologists are tracking public attitudes to determine how best to promote peace.

基于这样的信念, 心理学家正在追踪公众态度以决定如何更好的推动和平.《期刊摘选》

8. The difference is that the belief no longer has any energy.


9. Throughout history, people have been persecuted for their religious beliefs.


10. To promulgate the belief that marketing is something that only salespeople do is exceedingly dangerous.


11. He had a point because philosophy distances us from conventions, from established assumptions, from settled beliefs.

哲学让我们摆脱过去的习惯, 从预定的假设和固有的信条中挣脱出来.《期刊摘选》

12. Contrary to popular belief, the oil companies can't control the price of crude


13. We are devastated, shocked beyond belief.


14. In contrast with your belief that we shall fail, I know we shall succeed.

你以为我们要失败,我的意见正相反, 我看我们一定成功.《期刊摘选》

15. What Manchester thinks today the world will think tomorrow , is not an outdated belief.

小范围的思想 、 言论很快就会变成大范围的思想、言论并非过时的信条.《期刊摘选》

16. Society is knit together by certain commonly held beliefs.


17. It is our belief that improvements in health care will lead to a stronger, more prosperous economy.


18. The huts they lived in were sordid and filthy beyond belief.


19. It was contrary to every doctrine of her belief.


20. This politician tried to cheat the people into the belief that he would work for public welfare.


21. A man without sincerity deserves no belief and help from others.


22. Don't speak badly about someone who is not here.


23. The two beliefs are mutually exclusive.


24. He went to church every Saturday due to his religious belief.


25. An unshakable belief sustained me.


26. Human beliefs about reality are either arbitrary or accidental.


27. It had excited within him the belief that he could write one last song.


28. You might ask, Why would I to hold back expressing my beliefs?

你可能问: “ 为什么我要压抑自己的信念? ”《期刊摘选》

29. But what his answers demonstrated a firm belief in the virtues of today's political system.


30. Traditional beliefs still flourish alongside a modern urban lifestyle.


31. First, let's at the origin of our beliefs.

首先, 让我们看看信念的来源.《期刊摘选》

32. Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups.


33. Our belief is that all drivers be accepted regardless of record.


34. It'strengthened my belief in his sincerity.


35. He refuses to compete on Sundays because of his religious beliefs.


36. It takes common belief and trust transform the logical thoughts into practical actions.


37. He has arrayed himself with their beliefs.


38. The belief that one should work hard is ingrained in our culture.


39. Their society was built around a belief in God.


40. She's waiting patiently in the fond belief he'll come back to her.


41. Evidence based on strong belief and good intention only works for a short while!


42. "I hope you will always keep this beautiful belief, Heidi," said the doctor.


43. Civilians had broken into the building, apparently in the belief that it contained food.


44. Voice also carries the energy of emotion, beliefs, and attitudes.

声音同样也支持着情绪力量 、 信任以及态度.《期刊摘选》

45. They had been indoctrinated from an early age with their parents' beliefs.


46. But when it came to their houses, it was a time of common sense and a belief that less could truly be more. 

但是说到住宅,那却是一个“少真的可以是多”成为常识和信念的时代。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

47. They think it natural for belief establishment under long understanding.


48. We entertain a firm belief in the final victory.


49. If these are truly the values of many young people, then their behavior doesn’t match their beliefs.

如果以上确实是许多年轻人的价值观,那只能说明他们的行为和信念并不相符。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

50. The old belief enjoyed a short currency.


51. ...a belief in personal liberty.


52. He holds the belief that he is a latter-day prophet.


53. He remained steadfast in his belief that he had done the right thing.


54. Her behaviour was clearly inconsistent with her beliefs.


55. The scandal have shaken people's belief in the mayor.


56. But penalties are no way capable to produce such belief.


57. Contrary to popular belief, he was not responsible for the tragedy.


58. She steadfastly maintained that her grandsons were innocent, and nothing could dissuade her from that belief.


59. The key to success as a romantic novelist is absolute belief in your story.


60. His religious belief was always hedged with doubt.


61. He was always guided by his religious beliefs.


62. He had been questing for religious belief from an early age.


63. Belief in the utility of higher education is shared by students nationwide


64. Her belief that taxes should be higher was heresy.


65. We have no real, objective, scientific evidence for our belief.


66. Factors that affect belief on rumor include cognitive sophistication , media credibility , and access to alternative information.

聚类分析发现,作者认为,影响传闻信任的因素包括:认知成熟度 、 源可信度、类讯息易得度.《期刊摘选》

67. icy air that was cold beyond belief


68. Your beliefs generate the appropriate emotion that is implied.


69. It beggars belief how things could have got this bad.


70. Ishikawa letter has been adhering to the one the same beliefs: quality, service, professionalism, innovation!

石川信公司一直坚持一个不变的信念: 品质 、 服务 、 专业 、 创新!《期刊摘选》

71. Conflicts may happen when family members have different views or beliefs.


72. There is a general belief that things will soon get better.


73. Plato has divided the recognition into four stages: imaging, belief, thinking and perfect intelligence.

柏拉图把认识分为了四个阶段: 映像, 信条, 思考和智慧.《期刊摘选》

74. This discovery challenges traditional beliefs.


75. His theories mesh together various political and religious beliefs.


76. Although it may be partly delusion, the same is true of the failure belief.

虽然有一些积极信念只是错觉, 失败信念也如此.《期刊摘选》

77. They aim to deliver the people who are in bondage to superstitious belief.


78. I admire his passionate belief in what he is doing.


79. What's more, you also have to integrate these truths into your mental system as core beliefs.

另外, 你还要把这些事实放进你的思想系统,成为你的核心信念.《期刊摘选》

80. Law belief: the pith and marrow of law lies in how to combine and use it.

个人法律信念: 法律的精髓在于如何组合和运用!《期刊摘选》

81. When events happen that shake these beliefs, our fear takes control


82. We are devastated, shocked beyond belief...


83. The Greeks accepted belief in the immortality of the soul.


84. Each day, his belief in the Magic grew stronger—as well it might.


85. The affair awoke them from the false belief.


86. Nothing can shake the basis for my belief.


87. You need an undying belief in your own ability.


88. With hope and belief in mind, we will never despair in face of frustrations and failures.

只要我们心存希望,树立坚定的信念, 我们就绝不会在挫折和失败面前感到绝望.《期刊摘选》

89. religious/political beliefs

宗教 / 政治信仰《牛津词典》

90. It has vanished as surely as one's belief in Santa Claus or the tooth fairy.


91. Throughout the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent.


92. You can see how it just strings along and breaks their BELIEF in their man.


93. Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men.


94. I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her.


95. Honest is our belief, and trust is the foundation of our cooperation.

诚实是我们的信念, 信任是我们合作的基础.《期刊摘选》

96. Her art became a vehicle for her political beliefs


97. There is nothing more natural than a child's belief in his parents.


98. Stand fast position, hold belief!

坚守阵地, 保持信念!《期刊摘选》

99. Sweden is lovely in summer — cold beyond belief in winter


100. Eroding religious belief in Europe may partly explain lowered birthrates.


101. If you understand a belief but still don't believe in that specific belief, that's fine.


102. It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.


103. The third belief argues that footbinding originated much later than the collapse of the Tang Dynasty.


104. Contrary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite


105. The party's new philosophies are little more than their old beliefs writ large.


106. And because our beliefs influence our experience, others sometimes do take that proverb ial mile.

因为说我们的信念影响着我们的经历, 有时别人还真的会要那一里.《期刊摘选》

107. One billion people throughout the world are Muslims, united by belief in one god.


108. I have no belief in you.


109. Even less compelling beliefs reach back into a person's past and forward into his future.


110. belief in God/democracy

对上帝 / 民主的笃信《牛津词典》

111. It insists the belief that high quality brings benefit and good service trust.


112. I hold to my belief that people should be allowed to have private lives


113. The new religion is an amalgam of superstitious beliefs and modern science.


114. She acted in the belief that she was doing good.


115. He does not think that his beliefs make him any worse than any other man.


116. There's no reason for the rest of us to share that belief.


117. Too many have given up the belief that they control the shared, the public world.

太多的人已经放弃了他们也管理着共享的 、 公共的世界这一信念.《期刊摘选》

118. Culture refers to an organization's values, beliefs, and behaviors.

文化是指一个组织的价值观 、 信条 、 和行为.《期刊摘选》

119. Dissatisfaction with the government has grown beyond belief.


120. Contrary to popular belief (= in spite of what people may think) , he was not responsible for the tragedy.


121. These beliefs constituted a reference and a point of departure for the proponents of social Christianty.


122. His religious beliefs precluded him/ his serving in the army.


123. Her son's skin improved beyond belief.


124. Contrary to popular belief , women cause fewer road accidents than men.


125. Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual art.


126. Nothing can stagger her ardent belief in her husband.


127. We have assimilated their ideas and beliefs.


128. Contrary to popular belief , many cats dislike milk.


129. This absolutist belief is replaced by an appreciation that rules can vary.



1. But there have also been efforts to bridge the differences between religious belief and evolutionary science in recent years.

VOA : special.2009.12.01

2. the belief systems of various ethnic groups


3. When they left,Mister Mindon would lose his audience, and his belief in himself and his decision.

VOA : special.2010.05.29

4. What poured gasoline on a simmering fire among the youth was a belief of widespread fraud.

CNN: Commentary: Iran's hardliners are the real losers

5. They are a black man named Joe Christmas, and a former minister,John Hightower, who has lost his belief in God.

VOA : special.2010.01.10

6. Gayle also confirmed his belief that Twenty20 cricket is becoming the more popular form of the game.

BBC: Strauss hits back over Gayle row

7. We need to break free of the belief that current realities will always be.

FORBES: Living on the Investing Pendulum -- And Getting Free

8. Sinn Fein councillor Angela Nelson told the Andersonstown News that the officer's actions "beggared belief".

BBC: Police 'cool' Belfast trouble with ice-cream van music

9. Contrary to popular belief, building a bustling and cohesive community online is neither simple nor self-sustaining.

FORBES: Four Steps to Building Community the Right Way

10. But he saw that evil had its roots in a belief system of limits.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. It is a belief that generations of Christians have wept over, experienced mystically and died for.

ECONOMIST: A history of Christianity

12. One belief is that it started when an English stableman committed suicide by hanging himself while standing on a pail,or bucket.

VOA : special.2011.06.05

13. This is an iconography of belief,and you can see the dates because they'll put the date,like 1868.

这是对信仰的图解,你可以看到日期,他们会标上日期,比如1868年1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. On April 5th, Microsoft announced a bug that is so stupid it defies belief.

FORBES: Why Tech Support People Appear To Be Crazy

15. Consider the following: every society which we know operates within the medium of belief or faith of some kind.

考虑下例所提:每一个社会,已知的社会,运作的媒介,多少都含有一些信念或信仰。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. But this can only occur if the West can restore its belief in its future.

FORBES: The Poverty Of Ambition: Why The West Is Losing To China And India

17. By the end of the film, though, Avner's career and his belief in himself are destroyed.

ECONOMIST: Munich is a meditation on vengeance. Pity about the facts

18. The decay of Christian belief and practice is not a loss but rather an opportunity for poetry, in Crane.

基督教信仰和践行的衰败,在克莱恩看来,并不是损失,反而是诗歌新生的机会。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. The belief in the soul gives you something to continue to exist after the end of your body.

相信灵魂的存在你就会,相信死后你依然能够存在死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. Also,some people may find that manufactured cells threaten their belief that only God should create life.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

21. AirPR was created with the belief that higher price does not equal better performance.

FORBES: Match.com for PR?

22. And you could think of this you could think of this belief as the belief that rationalizes that choice.

你可以把它看成,你可以把这个信念,理解成让你的策略合理化的理由博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. When they left, Mr. Mindon would lose his audience, and his belief in himself and his decision.

VOA : special.2009.01.31

24. It brought self-belief to us as a nation and the sport has not looked back since.

BBC: Russel Arnold's column

25. The theories revolve around the belief that Francis doesn't have a legitimate claim to the papacy.

CNN: The 'Obamification' of Pope Francis

26. It is a widely held belief that most individuals do not pay this tax.

FORBES: Marketplace Fairness Act Adds Automation to Tax Confusion

27. But he also says they dispute the common belief that Chinese education is centered on repetition and memorization.

VOA : special.2010.12.16

28. "People have this belief ... that everything in America is made in China, " he said.

NPR: China's Shuanghui In $4.7B Deal For Smithfield

29. Then he was an aggressive perfectionist whose single-minded self-belief contributed to his Anfield downfall.

BBC: Time mellows football's hard man

30. A United States District Court said intelligent design was not science and could not be separated from religious belief.

VOA : special.2009.12.01

31. We saw the underdogs play with incredible bravery, incredible belief, and they defied the odds again.

NPR: Wigan Beats Man City To Win FA Cup For First Time

32. "It is my personal belief that allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly would be the right thing to do.

VOA : special.2010.02.06

33. their belief that this world was irredeemably evil


34. The belief is that it is critical to catch big trends in the early stages.

FORBES: Splunk: Patience Can Make Billions

35. You see, contrary to popular belief, the START menu was not about taste in UI design.

FORBES: Microsoft Reportedly Reintroducing Start Button With Windows 8.1, But Damage May Already Be Done

36. the materialist belief


37. And the fourth is a belief that a person's position in society is satisfactory and that getting respect does not require violence.

VOA : special.2009.12.19

38. Slidell returned to the United States,firm in the belief that only force could win the Mexican territories the United States wanted.

VOA : special.2009.02.19

39. And my own belief is when you are not in command ; when you are humble before the thing; frankly, only then, is anything of any interest is going to happen in the arts.

我的信念是,只有当你失去了话语权,当你在艺术作品前谦卑时;,坦率地讲,只有这时,你的作品中,才会有奇迹发生。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

40. The metropolis which uproots people, takes them away, takes them out of traditional cultures, also uproots traditional religious belief and practices.

人们扎根,随之漂流的都市,将他们从传统文化中剥离出来,同时也将那些传统的信仰与实践根除。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The naturalness of slavery is said to follow from the belief that inequality, inequality is the basic rule between human beings.

奴役是自然的演变据其所言,是依寻着不平等的看法,不平等是人类之间最基本的法则。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

42. This belief is supported by the traditional Southeast Asian mortuary practices used for members of royalty.

BBC: Laos strange plain of jars

43. You need to have self belief and have a determination and a strong team spirit.

BBC: The teens training for Army life

44. Another sort of task, which is a task that's been done hundreds, perhaps thousands of times, is known as "the false-belief task" and here's the idea.

另一种任务,已经被应用过了成百上千次,叫做"错误信念任务",任务是这样的心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. There are certain key features of Deuteronomistic thought that are evident from Joshua through 2 Kings One is the belief in the divine election of Jerusalem.

申命记的观点也有某些主要特点,从《约书亚书》到《列王记》都非常明显,一个是对圣地耶路撒冷选择的信仰。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. We are going to bridge Ivory tower and Main Street, and show the science and also the danger behind that belief.

我们将连通象牙塔和主街,说明那个信仰背后的科学和危险。幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

47. But the United States of America was founded on the belief that people should govern themselves.

WHITEHOUSE: Moment of Opportunity: American Diplomacy in the Middle East & North Africa | The White House

48. This belief is in a state of collapse, largely for the reason Mr. Axelrod described.

WSJ: Henninger: Government Gone Wild

49. We rationalize the bad times with the belief that the contractions provide an opportunity for renovation.

FORBES: Magazine Article

50. That belief in Christ is to some a matter of life and death has been a stumbling block for readers who would prefer to think it a matter of no great consequence.

有些读者认为,对基督的信仰是关乎生死的大事,这对于那些对基督教,不以为然的人是一个障碍。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. One is a belief that a government is stable and that the justice and legal systems are fair and effective.

VOA : special.2009.12.19

52. It was a belief in a hierarchical conception of not only society, but of people.

这就是一种不仅对于社会,也关于人类自身的等级观念美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. And to honor the traditional Chinese belief that the spirits of the dead could protect the living.

VOA : special.2010.07.23

54. What I can say that a very deep philosophical film about exploring faith and belief.

NPR: Horror Film Takes Cues From Roman Catholic Church

55. On and on they marched. Many of them -- weak from hunger and tired beyond belief could go no farther.

VOA : special.2009.12.17

56. But contrary to popular belief, alcohol, not rohypnol, is the main date rate drug.

BBC: Alcohol 'main date rape drug'

57. And although he professes ritual belief in European integration, he is no fervent federalist.

ECONOMIST: European Commission

58. And this belief that's called Calvinist predestination is really at the heart of mainstream English Puritanism at this point.

这种叫做加尔文宿命论的观点,与主流英国清教主义相一致。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. There is also a belief in the divine election of David as the king of Israel and his dynasty.

还有一个是信仰对大卫王的选择,作为以色列和他所在时代的王。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Depicting the Prophet Muhammad in any way already defies Islamic belief, let alone satirising him.

BBC: Q&A: Anti-Islam film

61. I move from speech to belief because I simply don't believe that I'm using figures of speech.

我从说转为了相信,仅仅因为我不相信自己正在使用修辞。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. Friday gave us a lot of confidence and belief which we showed against Estonia.

BBC: England coach Steve McClaren

63. She hadn't the slightest belief in premonitions or forebodings.


64. a shakable belief system


65. And I know there are leaders on the other side who share that belief.

WHITEHOUSE: Weekly Address: End the Sequester to Keep Growing the Economy | The White House




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carry to term的意思是:结转期限。学考宝为您提供carry to term是什么意思,carry to term的音标,carry to term怎么读,carry to term的翻译,carry to term的用法,carry to term的短语搭配,carry to term的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
carry to term是什么意思_carry to term怎么读_carry to term的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


miscarries的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供miscarries是什么意思,miscarries的音标,miscarries怎么读,miscarries的翻译,miscarries的用法,miscarries的短语搭配,miscarries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficial的意思是:adj. 有益的,有利的;<法律>(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的。学考宝为您提供beneficial是什么意思,beneficial的翻译,beneficial的用法,beneficial的短语搭配,beneficial的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


miscarried的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的过去分词和过去式。学考宝为您提供miscarried是什么意思,miscarried的音标,miscarried怎么读,miscarried的翻译,miscarried的用法,miscarried的短语搭配,miscarried的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


miscarrying的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的现在分词。学考宝为您提供miscarrying是什么意思,miscarrying的音标,miscarrying怎么读,miscarrying的翻译,miscarrying的用法,miscarrying的短语搭配,miscarrying的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneath的意思是:prep. 在……下方;在……表面之下,隐藏在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于 adv. 在下面,在底下。学考宝为您提供beneath是什么意思,beneath的翻译,beneath的用法,beneath的短语搭配,beneath的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unbolting的意思是:v. 打开;取下(卸下)螺栓。unbolt的现在分词。学考宝为您提供unbolting是什么意思,unbolting的音标,unbolting怎么读,unbolting的翻译,unbolting的用法,unbolting的短语搭配,unbolting的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


compilatory的意思是:adj. 编纂的;编辑的。学考宝为您提供compilatory是什么意思,compilatory的翻译,compilatory的用法,compilatory的短语搭配,compilatory的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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