莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈriːraɪt]play美 [ˈriːraɪt]play

  • vt. 改写;重写
  • vi. 改写;重写
  • n. 重写或改写的文稿;改写的作品

复数 rewrites 第三人称单数 rewrites 现在分词 rewriting 过去式 rewrote 过去分词 rewritten

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


rewrite /ˈriːˌraɪt/ TEM4 [ rewriting rewrote rewritten rewrites ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If someone rewrites a piece of writing such as a book, an article, or a law, they write it in a different way in order to improve it. 重写

    Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you accuse someone such as a government of rewriting history, you are criticizing them for selecting and presenting particular historical events in a way that suits their own purposes. 篡改 (历史)表不满

    We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history.






1. query rewrite 查询重写 ; 查询改写

2. ISAPI Rewrite 减少流量损失 ; 伪静态 ; 的高级使用 ; 的安装

3. rewrite rule 计 重写规则 ; 改写律 ; 改写规则 ; 写法则

4. And rewrite every line 然后从头再写一遍 ; 并且重写在每一行

5. Rewrite Rules 重写规则

6. Rewrite Man 来稿改写记者或编辑

7. The rewrite module 重写模块

8. Rewrite my history 改写我的历史

9. URL Rewrite 伪静态 ; 地址重写 ; 静态化 ; 重写


1. To neglect or forget aspects of the past is tantamount to rewriting history, and anyone who has read Animal Farm knows where that can lead.


2. This essay will have to be completely rewritten.


3. It turns out with a tiny rewrite this can be achieved.


4. Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation


5. In the optimization phase of development, some script functions will often be rewritten a compiled language.

在优化的发展阶段, 一些脚本功能往往会改写了汇编语言.《期刊摘选》

6. The rewrite was much better.


7. Congress is in the midst of rewriting the nation's banking laws


8. And then, instead of being done with that exam, imagine that the system would immediately let you rewrite the test to try to improve your grade.

然后,设想考试不是就此结束,而是系统立即让你重新答题以取得更好的成绩。《四级真题- 2015年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

9. Two projects make up the rewrite.


10. In fact, I was still rewriting my midterm the morning it was due.

事实上,在上交作业的当天上午我还在奋笔疾书。《四级真题- 2017年 12月 1卷 信息匹配》

11. We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history...


12. Kournikova is poised to rewrite the tennis history books.


13. The essay needs to be rewritten.


14. Certain heuristics can be applied in query rewrite.


15. It's amazing that the FA Cup has the power to change a football club, rewrite the past and shape the future.


16. I rewrote his rough draft, which was published under my name


17. Obama usually edits and rewrites the drafts several times.


18. And now, if you please, he wants me to rewrite the whole thing!


19. Translation is not only culture rewriting but also culture manipulation.


20. The last line is the actual rewrite rule.


21. String Rewriting System and Its Application to Pattern Preparation System


22. Whenever a record is rewritten with some new information, this is called updating the record.


23. I intend to rewrite the story for younger children.


24. We all have our reasons for rewriting history.


25. To rewrite the core engine.


26. Rewrite these sentences, emphasizing the underlined parts.

改写这些句子, 强调划线部分.《期刊摘选》

27. Read these sentences aloud and rewrite them after the model.


28. So some companies are rewriting the rules for doling out financial incentives.


29. ...the extraordinary West Country team that have rewritten all the record books in those three years...


30. Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation...


31. The main task of the implementation is to rewrite the validation method.


32. Only after countless rewrites did John consider the script ready.


33. Rewrote Battle Hunger to fix an engine buff conflict with Gush and Hunger at same time.


34. The outgoing assembly will have free rein to rewrite rules until the end of the year.


35. Read the passage and then rewrite the phrases in bold, using the Active Voice.

读文章, 用主动语态改写用黑体标的句子.《期刊摘选》

36. The temptation is to write and rewrite and rewrite.


37. Don't comment bad code - rewrite it.


38. Will someone help me? I need to rewrite this script.


39. But he did not set out any plans to rewrite the constitution accordingly.


40. The expression for g can be rewritten in terms of trigonometric sines and cosines.


41. I rewrote the first half of the manuscript there, finished it in January, I think.

我是在那儿修改原稿的前半部, 而在翌年一月完稿的, 我记得.《期刊摘选》

42. Also, the Universal Server architecture does not require major rewrites or upgrades to current systems.

同时, 万能服务器体系结构不需要对现有系统进行重大的改写或升级.《期刊摘选》

43. C . Rewrite the following sentences correctly.


44. Letters could be rewritten andagain until they were practically perfect before being sent.


45. Rewrite the sentences using the Passive Voice.


46. The perfectionist endlessly rewrites draft after draft , worriedly seeking that perfect essay , missing the deadline.

完美主义者一遍又一遍地重写草案,急切地追求完美的方案, 从而忽视了最后期限.《期刊摘选》

47. I was never in the Rewrite Squad.


48. Rewrite the following sentences using the Present Perfect Passive Voice.


49. That program you entered rewrote massive amounts of the machine code.


50. He had done most of the writing and rewriting himself, reworking key passages again and again.

大部分的写作与修改工作都是他自己完成的, 并一再修改了主要的段落.《现代英汉综合大词典》

51. Rewrite the summary code with C language.


52. Rewrite the previous program to store each word in a separate element.


53. So that means we can rewrite this efficiency.


54. Revise and rewrite. Improvement is always possible.

修改、重写. 提高永远无止境.《期刊摘选》

55. The design and implementation of a program development system based on rewriting method


56. Rewriting makes our writing better, though it takes more time and more work.

重写使我们的写作更好,尽管它需要更多的时间和工作。《中考真题- 2016 北京 任务型阅读》

57. Rewrite your software from scratch , copying and tailoring useful parts of existing software.

从已存在的软件上分离,考贝, 裁剪出有用的部份重写你的程序.《期刊摘选》

58. In fact rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes.

事实上,重写是发现和纠正一些错误的最好方法,比如语法和拼写错误。《中考真题- 2016 北京 任务型阅读》

59. Bureaucrats regularly rewrite curriculums, talk nonsense about theories of education, and require ever more administrators.


60. And then, instead of being done with the exam, imagine that the system would immediately let you rewrite the test to try to improve your grade.


61. The first line turns the rewrite engine on.


62. A. Gary, do you think you can rewrite this paper. I don't really like the topic.

你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍. 我并不是很喜欢那个主题.《期刊摘选》

63. To study the selective erasure and rewriting of the multiplexed holographic storage in photorefractive crystals.


64. The script was rewritten constantly during filming.


65. Rewrite your resume so it sounds human.


66. I then said that rewriting is the essence of writing.


67. A tank warfare v 1.2 source code 1. To rewrite the code. 2.

一款坦克战v1. 2源代码1. 重新编写了代码.《期刊摘选》

68. The next step is query rewrite (QRW) optimization.


69. The identification of estate brokerage industry shall rewrite many traditional identifications of movable estate industry.


70. an attempt to rewrite history (= to present historical events in a way that shows or proves what you want them to)


71. Art market influences the future of art and rewrites the history of art.


72. Complete rewrite of the in-place editing controls.


73. Chapter One is an introduction to rewriting theory.


74. When you rewrite the paper I advise you to omit the last sentences.


75. The type of URL rewrite rule.


76. These axioms form the basis for term rewriting systems we for mining workflows.


77. I was learning to rewrite.


78. I've been told I can rewrite my job description, although it wouldn't mean much more money.

有人告诉我,我可以修改我的工作描述, 但这并不会意味着大幅涨工资.《期刊摘选》

79. Rewrite it in full and submit your draft to higher authority before filing.


80. Ulysses , who is a classical hero, has been rewritten in the western literary history time and again.

尤利西斯这一经典人物, 在西方文学史上不断被重写.《期刊摘选》

81. Small cloud asked: If you want to rewrite an incident in your history, what's the incident?

小云的问题: 如果要改写一件与自己有关的历史事件, 会是甚麽?《期刊摘选》

82. They said their computers have been hacked and rewritten some data.


83. Scripts are constantly rewritten to blend well with incoming pictures.


84. Some players change or rewrite requirements.


85. You have to rewrite the article.


86. Rewrite notes and reread information.

重写笔记并重读信息。《中考真题- 2015 成都 任务型阅读》

87. You needn't bother to rewrite it. Just make corrections in the original text.

不必麻烦重写了. 只要在原文上修改就行了.《期刊摘选》

88. A virtual memory allocation function, according to a simple operating system memory allocation rewritten.

一个虚拟的内存分配函数, 根据操作系统的简单内存分配改写.《期刊摘选》

89. He is in a continual process of rewriting his paper.


90. We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history


91. This paragraph needs rewriting.


92. If you want to copy someone's story, you can rewrite it and collect a few points.


93. As Orwell pointed out, history can be and often is rewritten to suit the needs of the present.


94. Simply by making it easier to revise and rewrite.


95. Rewrite, redo, and rearrange.


96. Following this critique, students rewrite their papers and submit them for final evaluation.


97. Next, the statement goes through the rewrite phase.


98. My father thought it overwritten but not hopeless. I was learning to rewrite.


99. To match them up abundance closely, we rewrote theirss r é sum é s to match.

为了使她们更接近, 咱们改写了她们的履历.《期刊摘选》

100. It could mean experts have to rewrite natural history books.


101. I think it better to rewrite the report.


102. The only way to correct this is to rewrite the program.


103. The teacher asked the students to rewrite the text.


104. The student rewrote his thesis.


105. We have been asked to rewrite the history book, bringing it down to1980.


106. Some writers create an entire work before going back to read what they have written, while others may rewrite a single paragraph many times before moving on.


107. It is true that good writers rewrite and rewrite and then rewrite some more.


108. These rewrite rules are evaluated from top to bottom.


109. Second, the mining algorithm is based on rewriting techniques rather than graph based techniques.

第二, 挖掘算法基于重写而非基于图形的技术.《期刊摘选》

110. In rewriting papers, students are encouraged to consult a writing tutor.

重写论文时, 学生可向写作导师请教.《期刊摘选》

111. The book requires considerable rewriting in parts.


112. He was in a continual process of rewriting his material.


113. Rewrite. A common problem is that we don't like to rewrite.

重写。一个常见的问题是我们不喜欢重写。《中考真题- 2016 北京 任务型阅读》

114. But it's also that he rewrote the culture of literature and put himself at the center .

但也正是他改写了文学文化,站在了中心位置。《高考真题- 2018 浙江 阅读A》

115. Method of Checking Consistency of a UML Model Based on Rewriting Logic


116. Thus history is continuously rewritten.


117. In more than 150 years ago, the Taiping Rebellion, and constantly being rewritten and remodeling.

发生在一百五十多年前的太平天国运动, 不断被人们改写和重塑.《期刊摘选》

118. Next Dr. Brock was asked if it was important to rewrite.


119. It uses a build in rewriting engine to turn your articles into unique text.


120. Read aloud the rewritten reading part on the slide and tell why water was angry.


121. Don't patch bad code - rewrite it.


122. Rewrite the sentences below, emphasizing as man parts as possible.

改写下列句子, 强调尽可能多的成分.《期刊摘选》

123. Check again for errors and rewrite.


124. At the time, WHO said it would rewrite its pandemic definition to avoid announcing one.

当时, 世卫组织说,它将改写流感大流行的定义,回避了宣布大流行.《期刊摘选》

125. A common problem is that we don't like to rewrite.


126. You will rewrite the first two papers in light of the comments you receive on them.


127. Instead of being done with the exam, imagine that the system would immediately let you rewrite the test to try to improve your grade.


128. Odd tiger 360 permanent free antivirus bound to rewrite the domestic market situation.


129. Each group had the opportunity to rewrite their messages to reflect risk communication principles.


130. The optimizer transparently rewrites the request to use the materialized view.


131. With continued rewriting , my homework changed a lot.

通过不断的改写, 我的作业有了很大的进步.《期刊摘选》

132. We have always been an independent people, no matter how they rewrite history.


133. Experimental requirements: one, operational procedures on the plane. 2, analysis code. 3, rewriting code.

实验要求: 1 、 上机运行程序. 2 、 分析代码. 3 、 重写代码.《期刊摘选》

134. Rewrite the following sentences using where, which, when of why.

用where, which, when或why改写下列句子.《期刊摘选》


1. So that means we can rewrite this efficiency.

这意味着我们可以重写出效率。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. They are annoyed that Ms Rousseff has tried to rewrite the rules of the game.

ECONOMIST: Politics in Brazil

3. They had been planning to rewrite their Constitution an extraordinary turning point in Southern history.

他们已经计划重写他们的宪法,这是南方历史上一个非凡的转折点美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Mr Powell, however, maintained that America did not plan to rewrite or renegotiate the road map.

ECONOMIST: Peace and broken promises

5. By the end of his life, though, Milton would in effect try to rewrite everything.

但到米尔顿生命的最后,他其实是想重写一切的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. The Administration also tries to rewrite history, claiming that it has reacted speedily to any revelations of spying.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

7. Lew also said he would work with the committee on a rewrite of the tax code.

NPR: Senate Confirms Lew As Treasury Secretary

8. One trade official even suggests that the pressure could force a rewrite of parts of the treaty.


9. Now the government is threatening to rewrite the rules under which the funds are sold.

ECONOMIST: The peculiar flaws of German open-ended property funds

10. So if we were to write this in terms of energy, 4 s 2 we would actually have to rewrite it has 3 d 3, and then 4 s 2.

因此,如果我们按照能量的顺序来写的话,我们应该先写,3,d,3,然后才是。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. So, if you're at hanging your exam from high school on the fridge and you want to make it look more impressive, you could just rewrite the question as that, and essentially you're answering the same thing.

所以如果你把你的高中测试题,挂在冰箱上,而且想让它看起来更难忘,你仅仅重新写出这个问题就可以了,本质上你是在做相同的事情。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

12. take the derivative of this, get the velocity vector and you notice his magnitude is a constant Whichever way you do it, you can then rewrite this as v square over r.

对这个式子求一次导,就能得到速度矢量,你会发现其模长是常数,不管用什么方法,加速度也可以写成 v^2 / r基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. I can rewrite that a little bit more simply as Q1.

可以再简写成Q1博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. And so, we can rewrite this as the work nRTln is equal to minus nRT log p1 over p2, nRTln or nRT log p2 over p1.

因此我们可以把这个式子改写一下,功等于负的,或者。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. And I'm going to rewrite it now with that P expanded out.

我把它代入到这个表达式然后展开博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. Biden told NBC's Meet the Press his predecessor is trying to rewrite history.

VOA : standard.2010.02.14

17. How are those kids going to find the time to rewrite their program for the Mac?

CNN: ASIANOW - Asiaweek | Technology | If Mohamad won't come to Cupertino . . .

18. "The president basically says he is going to rewrite the Constitution when he takes office, " he says.

WSJ: In Texas, the Secession Movement Blooms in Fiction

19. And if I were to use that again, I'd just put it on your handout, I could go back and rewrite that thing that I had previously for finding the square roots of the perfect squares, just using the FOR loop. OK. What I want to do, though, is go on to-- or, sorry, go back to - my divisor example.

它可以是任意的集合,如果我又要去用这个方法的话,我会把它放在你们的课堂手册上的,我可以回过头去用FOR循环,重新写我们那个求平方数的程序,我想要做的是,是继续-哦抱歉,回到-我的除数那个例子。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. In the same way, it could be argued that Mr. Weill is trying to rewrite history.

WSJ: Whoever Started This Crisis Isn't in the Room

21. Is it really possible that the left could rewrite the history of the Reagan presidency?

FORBES: Erasing Ronald Reagan: The Illiberal War On Truth

22. So what I want to point out is 3d2 what we said now is that the 3 d 2 is actually lower in energy, so if we were to rewrite this in terms of what the actual energy order is, 3d2 4s2 we should instead write it 3 d 2, 4 s 2.

所以我们想指出的是,我们现在所说的是,实际上能量比较低,所以如果我们重新的,写出实际的能量顺序,我们应该写出。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. He even tried to rewrite the history of his position on rescuing the automobile industry.

WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President and Vice President in Dayton, OH

24. The looming poll, to produce an assembly that will rewrite Nepal's constitution, was last due in November.


25. In Washington a Senate committee has offered a new proposal to rewrite the nation's immigration laws.

NPR: Senate Panel Approves Immigration-Reform Proposal

26. Together,the changes represent the biggest rewrite of financial rules since the Great Depression.

VOA : special.2010.07.23

27. So we can now take this expression and rewrite it under the condition of du is equal to zero.

我们利用这个公式,并在du=0的条件下将它重写。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

28. Stranger sightings have also been made, which may rewrite theories of planetary formation completely.

ECONOMIST: Planetary science: When a world is born | The

29. California may rewrite its tax system.

VOA : special.2009.07.31

30. One hope for resolution of the conflict may lie in an effort to rewrite Turkey's constitution.


31. Opponents fear he may be going to rewrite the constitution and stay in power.


32. They say continuing to force banks to rewrite their balance sheets will only destabilize the industry further.

NPR: SEC Changes On The Table

33. In December she sent him a letter outlining our terms, including a rewrite of the Sundial bylaws.

WSJ: Best of the Web Today: See You in the Funny Papers

34. q1 So let me just rewrite that as, I just want to divide by q1 everywhere.

分子分母同时除以,现在我写的这些。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

35. So, therefore, we can rewrite our equation in two ways. One is just talking about it in terms only of energy where our kinetic energy here is going to be equal to the total energy going in -- the energy initial minus this energy of the work function here.

所以我们可以把方程,写成两种形式,一个是,只考虑能量,动能等于总的,入射能量-初始能量减去,功函数的能量,我们如果想解决,比方说,我们想知道。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. Ms. Marshall was relieved to find that she did not have to do a major rewrite.

FORBES: Who Will Play Margaret Fuller When The Movie Comes Out ?

37. In 1974 a conference was convened in Geneva to rewrite the humanitarian law of war.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | The Senate Should Send The PLO A Message: Theres No Hijacking International Law

38. We can just rewrite that, if I divide through by 2 and rearrange, it's going to tell me that ?1, or if you like, ?1 is equal to 1 plus B S2.

我们这么写,如果我除以2然后整理,可以得出?1等于1+B*S2博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

39. President Nicolas Sarkozy, a would-be iconoclast, went further and explicitly set out to rewrite the contract.

BBC: France and Mali: An 'ironic' relationship

40. Mayor Daley says the city will rewrite its gun ordinance to comply with Second Amendment rights, but he offered no explanation of how that might be achieved.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

41. Sadly, there are a few who have chosen to rewrite history in an attempt to stay in the spotlight.

CNN: Former Playboy girlfriends feud

42. Both want to rewrite the Freedom to Farm Act to provide a safety net for farmers.

ECONOMIST: The Democratic race: Nasty isn’t nice | The

43. The Aetna trainers had to scrap their teaching routine and rewrite lesson plans in 15-minute increments.

FORBES: Good morning, HAL

44. Given that POK was taken by Pakistan after the 1965 war, aren't you trying to rewrite history?


45. Nor is it about setting up banks of televisions tuned to different channels to rewrite the news.

FORBES: 9 big steps in 9 short months, now Forbes is building The New Newsroom

46. His lessons are applicable to any hidebound grad student or business executive: Rewrite the rules.

CNN: Jay Silver: How to control a computer with a banana

47. It is possible, though unlikely, that Congress will rewrite the entire code in 2013.

FORBES: With Lame Fiscal Cliff Deal, Congress Can't Even Kick The Can Right

48. President Obama sent Congress a proposal this week to rewrite the main federal education law.

VOA : special.2010.03.18

49. Then beg her to rewrite it into something a normal human being might understand.

FORBES: How to Survive the Death of Print Media

50. Why can't the Senate just rewrite the text to its liking and move it along?

CNN: AllPolitics - Pushing For Ratification

51. The Gibbs free energy. Notice, we could also write, let's rewrite that.

吉布斯自由能,注意,我们还可以这样写,重写一下。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课





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apparent的意思是:adj. 显而易见的,易懂的;貌似的,表面上的。学考宝为您提供apparent是什么意思,apparent的翻译,apparent的用法,apparent的短语搭配,apparent的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanization的意思是:n. 美国化。学考宝为您提供Americanization是什么意思,Americanization的翻译,Americanization的用法,Americanization的短语搭配,Americanization的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americanisation的意思是:n. 美国化。学考宝为您提供Americanisation是什么意思,Americanisation的翻译,Americanisation的用法,Americanisation的短语搭配,Americanisation的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


apology的意思是:n. 道歉;(因不能赴会的)道歉信;辩护,辩解;勉强(或不适当的)替代物;<非正式>糟糕的例子。学考宝为您提供apology是什么意思,apology的翻译,apology的用法,apology的短语搭配,apology的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Americandom的意思是:n. 美国人的世界。学考宝为您提供Americandom是什么意思,Americandom的翻译,Americandom的用法,Americandom的短语搭配,Americandom的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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