莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈɪmpɔːt]play美 [ˈɪmpɔːrt]play

  • n. 进口,进口商品;输入,引进;重要性;意思,含意
  • v. 进口,输入,引进;导入(计算机);<旧>意味,表明

复数 imports 第三人称单数 imports 现在分词 importing 过去式 imported 过去分词 imported

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


import CET4 TEM4 [ importing imported imports ]

  • 1.
    及物动词/不及物动词 To import products or raw materials means to buy them from another country for use in your own country. 进口

    Rich countries benefited from importing Indonesia's timber.



    To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles.


  • 2.
    不可数名词 Import is also a noun. 进口

    Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 进口

    ...restrictions concerning the importation of birds.


  • 4.
    可数名词 Imports are products or raw materials bought from another country for use in your own country. 进口商品

    ...cheap imports from other countries.


  • 5.
    不可数名词 The import of something is its importance. 重要性

    Such arguments are of little import.


  • 6.
    及物动词 If you import files or information into one type of software from another type, you open them in a format that can be used in the new software. 导入

    Users can import files made in other packages.




  • adj.

    important 重要的,重大的;有地位的;有权力的

  • adv.

    importantly 重要地;大量地;有名望地;自命不凡地

  • n.

    importance 价值;重要;重大;傲慢

    importer 进口商;输入者

    importation 进口;输入品



1. import department n. 进口部

2. import permit 进口护照;进口准许证

3. import data 输入数据

4. import surcharge 税收 进口附加税 ; 进口附加费 ; 入口附加税 ; 出口附加税

5. import agent 进口代理商

6. import quota 输入限额

7. import price [经]输入价格

8. parallel import 平行进口

9. import and export corporation [经]进出口公司

10. import from 从…输入;从…进口

11. import quotas 进口配额制 ; 贸易 进口配额 ; 口配额制 ; 入口配额制

12. import licensing 进口许可

13. import duty 进口税

14. Import quota 进口配额 ; 进口限额 ; 进口配额证明 ; 入口配额

15. import tax 进口税

16. import licence 进口许可证;进口执照

17. Import Department 入口部 ; 出口部

18. Import tariff 税收 进口关税 ; 税收 进口税则 ; 进口税 ; 进口税率

19. import tariff 进口关税

20. import declaration 进口报单;进口声明书

21. import license 进口许可证

22. net import 净进口

23. import and export 进出口;导入和导出;输入和输出

24. Import Manager 进口部经理 ; 入口部经理 ; 进口部司理 ; 管理器

25. import substitution 进口替代

26. import trade 进口贸易


1. Users can import files made in other packages.


2. The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies


3. But for him admit his ignorance, and ask what imports are, would not do either.

但是要他承认无知, 并询问进口到底是什么, 也无济于事.《期刊摘选》

4. Multiple EDL support for import & export.

多种 EDL 的输入输出支持.《期刊摘选》

5. Europe imports coal from America.


6. A large proportion of inputs are imported and the products eventually exported.


7. A high inflation rate imported hard time for the consumer.


8. Such moves may eliminate the fears of those living in the exporting countries, but they are creating panic in importing countries that must rely on what is then left for export

这样的举措或许消除了出口国人民的忧虑,但是却在必须靠当时剩余的出口粮维生的进口国引发了恐慌《16年6月四级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

9. The government is running short of hard currency to pay for imports.


10. Import fees are low, so tourists enjoy inexpensive shopping.


11. The rising numbers signify growing vitality in foreign markets—when we import more stuff, it puts more cash in the hands of people around the world.


12. Britain last year spent nearly £5000 million more on importing food than selling abroad...


13. We will prefer you to pay for your import in us dollar.


14. The law mandates that imported goods be identified as such.


15. The final decision imports that we have reached an agreement.


16. At the same time, the weak currency makes imported goods expensive for consumers.

与此同时, 货币疲软使进口商品价格对消费者而言比较昂贵.《期刊摘选》

17. Computer manufacturers in Japan or Texas will not face hugely bigger freight bills if they import drives from Singapore rather than purchasing them on the domestic market.


18. a ban on the importation of ivory


19. Cheap imports decimated the British cycle industry.


20. Who leads Canada is also of some import to the rest of the world


21. His remarks imported that some change should be made in the plans.


22. Which countries import most Scotch whiskey?


23. You can import files from Microsoft Word 5.1 or MacWrite II.

可以从 Microsoft Word 5.1 或 MacWrite II 程序导入文件。《柯林斯高阶英语词典》

24. A senior government official said New Delhi had particular about Indian companies importing cheaper Chinese labour.


25. This one thought builds a career to still have great direct import to today's socialism.


26. The importance advantages and shortcoming of the orimulsion imported from Venezula are analyzed in the paper.


27. Import from poland have rise to $ 1 m a year.


28. The difference between the value of a nation's imports and exports of merchandise.


29. The revolution of backward to economy country and construction have this one theory essential direct import.


30. We buy everything abroad with the money earned from oil imports.


31. What does this news import?


32. The report notes that export and import volumes picked up in leading economies.


33. Trade embargoes, such as stopping the import of Mexican meat, are pointless too.

贸易禁令, 比如禁止进口墨西哥肉类, 也是没有意义的.《期刊摘选》

34. food imports from abroad


35. Such arguments are of little import.


36. It could mean a tax on imports that do not meet EU standards, he says.


37. Britain's trade figures can no longer be extracted from export-and-import documentation at ports.


38. Cheap imported goods are flooding the market.


39. But it means Americans have to pay more for imports and for travel to other countries.


40. A general tariff was imposed on foreign imports.


41. Stop complaining! You know that goods imported from abroad are expensive.

别再抱怨了! 你也知道进口商品就是很贵.《期刊摘选》

42. But these imports came to nearly 127 billion dollars.


43. The government introduced a 15% surcharge on imports


44. The import of raw meat is strictly prohibited.


45. Countries with large current account deficits are cutting consumption of imported goods.


46. The shift to increased mechanization in cotton production is apparent in the import of raw cotton and the sale of cotton goods.


47. This limits the academic port with be had principal and practice import.


48. The works of John Locke are of great social import.


49. Surging imports will add to the demand for hard currency.


50. Canton Fair is a platform for import and export mainly.


51. It is very import to establish farm product traceability system for ensuring safety of farm product.


52. The company imported a lot of calico from a foreign country.


53. Contrary to the general impression, this quest for import relief has hurt more companies than it has helped.


54. Column A . Import cargo from Vietnam for selling in china market.


55. But Brazil's probably in the lead as far as biofuels are concerned—they've got to the point where they don't need to import any oil now.


56. The new tariffs on imports could make exports contract in several ways.


57. He import goods to the value of $ 250.


58. It is an import and export information process, which intersect thought of logical and imagic frequently.

这一信息输入输出的过程, 既有逻辑思维的参与更有形象思维的穿插.《期刊摘选》

59. Used in TVs frequency channel conversion or weak signal import loop circuits.


60. It is difficult to understand the full import of this statement.


61. The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste.


62. A flood of cheap imports has come into the shops.


63. Italian tile imports a volume of 64 million square metres of total U.S. sales.


64. He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines.


65. Look at the packaging: If imported goods, there should be Chinese identity and customs inspection certificate.

看包装: 如果是进口商品, 应有中文标识和海关检验证书.《期刊摘选》

66. Select file to import and click OK.


67. A stronger currency tends to help fight inflation by making imported goods cheaper.


68. an import licence


69. Ad valorem tariffs are levied as a proportion of the value of the imported good.


70. Merchandise exports are goods sent out of a country, whereas merchandise imports are goods brought in.

商品出口指货物输往国外, 而商品进口则指货物输入国内.《期刊摘选》

71. Japan will have to do a deal with America on rice imports


72. America decided that imported steel had an unfair advantage over steel made at home


73. It was the first time a Japanese manufacturer had topped the list for imported vehicles


74. goods imported from Japan into the US


75. They don't handle imported goods.


76. They renewed contact with other import and export corporations.


77. What do you like to do in your spare time?


78. We import raw silk.


79. Specific tariffs are levied as a fixed charge for each unit of a good imported.


80. Another complication was the excess of imports over exports.


81. He did indeed import flowers and sell them to other orchid-lovers.


82. This will add much to the cost of our imports.


83. All imported goods will be taxed.


84. The government has put a ban on the import of ivory.


85. Import contacts and check Address Book.


86. The most widespread tariff is the import tariff, which is a tax levied on an imported product.

普遍采用的是进口关税, 即对进口商品征收的关税.《期刊摘选》

87. NGOs can help this situation by providing funds, importing education resources, and employing foreign teachers.

NGO通过提供资金 、 输入教育资源和雇用外国教师补救这个情形.《期刊摘选》

88. This will tend to raise imports, worsen the trade balance, and weaken the domestic currency.

这会增加进口, 使贸易差额恶化并使本国货币疲软.《辞典例句》

89. Many countries import wool from Australia.


90. import controls


91. CONCLUSION: The communication between pharmacist and patient is very import ˉ want and should be promoted greatly.

结论: 医院药师与患者进行沟通是药学监护的需要,具有重要意义,应予以加强.《期刊摘选》

92. The strip breaking protect import at foil rolling, was dissertated.


93. Outside of North America, Europe is the largest source of imports with about 30 %.

在北美洲以外, 欧洲是美国最大的进口来源,约占美国进口总量的30%.《期刊摘选》

94. The biggest gains go to countries that import most of their oil like China, Japan, and India.


95. Who leads Canada is also of some import to the rest of the world...


96. It then saves this virtual address in the executable module import section.


97. Their export exceeded import for the first time last year.


98. customs imported from the West


99. matters of great import


100. Try this, you will automatically switch to imported Simplified English.

试试这个, 自动将你输入的简体转换为繁体.《期刊摘选》

101. imports of oil


102. To designate a government operated trading organization to import such goods for resale through tendering procedures.


103. The loader writes the symbol's virtual address into the executable module's import section.


104. What's the import of the speech?


105. The masses in process of cadre choose appoint monitors the import with be had very important.


106. Brain must have united cell units in order to explain information imported by aesthesia.


107. Beijing imported report a case of confirmed cases of influenza type H 1 N 1.


108. Science editors recognized the manuscript's import almost as soon as it arrived.


109. So research on the KDD in the distributed network management maybe import.


110. The unions have blacked all imports from the country.


111. Will you please let us have a list of items that are imported by you.


112. The sources of oil purchased are limited to legal imports or those legally refined domestically.


113. He could face a charge of illegally importing weapons.


114. By changing its supplier, the company saved thousands of pounds in import duty.

更换供货商之后, 这个公司省下了数千英镑的进口税.《简明英汉词典》

115. For the first time in her life the import and horror of ostracism flashed upon her.


116. The import of wine from abroad is very large in Taiwan.


117. We import raw materials and energy and export mainly industrial products.


118. Britain last year spent nearly £ 5000 million more on importing food than selling abroad


119. It opens the specified image file's import section.


120. What does this import?


121. The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.


122. In effect, the U.S. can import food or it can import the workers who pick it.


123. This abroad the symbolic import that buys house exceeds commercial sense.


124. Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.


125. One import that comes into England is tea.


126. Since imported outboard engine is applied, This yacht has stable performance.

本艇使用进口舷外机作为推进系统, 性能稳定.《期刊摘选》

127. Attempts are being made to redress the imbalance between our import and export figures.


128. How is goods of compensation trade import dealt with examine formalities?


129. Service transactions were not enough to pay for necessary imports.


130. It is of great importance to deepen the importing and activate the hospitals ability.


131. By using corn ethanol instead, the cost of gas will decrease because now the import taxes on fossil fuels are calculated into the price.


132. Handling food label after the success of imports can be used later.


133. It up each imported symbol in the DLL's export section.


134. South Korea's imports of consumer products jumped 33% in this year.


135. Who leads Canada is also of some import to the rest of the world.


136. Lack of refining capacity means that it must import expensive petrol and lubricants.


137. That meant rice farmers were not only earning less, but facing greater competition from imports.

这意味着农民不仅收入减少, 而且面临来自进口更大的竞争.《期刊摘选》

138. The import of his announcement was ambiguous.


139. Import duties still average 30%.


140. Imports of the material are down the past two months.


141. But how do they know that an import is too cheap?

可是它们是如何知道一种进口商品过于便宜的 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

142. The general worldwide decline in trade barriers, such as customs duties and import quotas, is surely one explanation.


143. We have compounded with the country for a reduction in their import tax.


144. Our exports now exceed our imports.


145. Merchandise imports are goods brought in.


146. Russia, a big potential market for vehicles like the Grand Cherokee, imposes heavy tariffs on imports.

俄罗斯是大切诺基(JeepGrandCherokee)等车型的重大潜在市场, 但对进口商品课以重税.《期刊摘选》

147. A high inflation rate imports hard times for consumers.


148. Import duties still average 30%.


149. America imports about 190 million pounds of tea a year


150. This is the philosophical import that increases body to know capacity.


151. The time limit for import and export shall not exceed 6 months after the issuance date.


152. The complexity of these relationships makes it unlikely that a system of import relief laws will meet the strategic needs of all the units under the same parent company.


153. To import from Russia, a Ukrainian firm needs Russian roubles.


154. Exports yearly exceed imports.


155. What did these developments import to them?

这些新情况对他们来说意味着什麽 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

156. To dramatize the necessity of clandestine warfare, instructors objectively recited case histories and their import.

为了说明秘密战的必要性, 教官们客观地讲述了案例及其意义.《辞典例句》

157. That means falloff in export orders is usually accompanied by a drop in demand for imports.


158. With regard to imports , it ( the government , China ) will adopt flexible measures.

对 进口商品 采取灵活措施.《期刊摘选》

159. An improvement of the road network was considered necessary to ensure the import and export of goods to the district.


160. The implication is a sharp decline in global trade, which has plunged partly because oil-producing nations can't afford to import as much as they used to.


161. Can be imported under the Key Generation alphabetical replacement table.


162. Will you please let us have a list of items that is imported by you.


163. Farmers import most of their machinery and materials.


164. The country has to import most of its raw materials.


165. The import of cotton goods went up sharply in 1981.


166. I have already spoken about the import of his speech.


167. Most of China's oil imports pass through the Indian ocean, as do many Chinese exports.

大多数的中国石油输入途经印度洋, 如同许多中国输出品.《期刊摘选》

168. ...farmers protesting about cheap imports.


169. One force behind the import-export boom has passed all but unnoticed: the rapidly falling cost of getting goods to market.


170. Small traders cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports.


171. Like exporting, importing can be either indirect or direct.

和出口一样, 进口可以是直接的也可以是间接的.《期刊摘选》

172. According to WTO rules, member countries discriminate against imported goods.

根据世贸组织规则, 成员国不得歧视进口商品.《期刊摘选》

173. For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products


174. Overall, Taiwan will lift tariffs for only 267 categories of imports from China, worth $ 2.9 billion.

台湾方面总的来说只会提高267类大陆进口商品的关税, 价值29亿美元.《期刊摘选》

175. Japan is Asia's dominant supplier of imports and technology.


176. They can impose tariffs and quotes on imported items.


177. A restricted import quota was set for meat products.


178. Revolution cannot be exported or imported.



1. "China is positioning itself to be a very strong player in both the import market in their own country but also their domestic market.

VOA : special.2010.10.20

2. The other is a tropical import that only became a Swiss speciality after the Industrial Revolution.

BBC: The perfect trip: Switzerland

3. I think the only difference is like they import products for cheaper, right?

我觉得唯一的区别是他们用比较便宜的价格进口商品,对吧?SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 中国的影响力

4. Within a year it had its hands on 25% of the import market for Alaskan pollock.

FORBES: Blue Waters Gray Areas

5. On July 3rd the government slashed import duties on cars.


6. They began to import liquor illegally to sell for high prices.

VOA : special.2011.01.13

7. Rather than import the European products, Robbins decided to go out on his own.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. If the UK wanted to be more biofuel orientated it would have to import it.

CNN: Biofuels: What do the experts think?

9. Countries like Brazil ave a government that is not keen to import Chinese sneakers.

FORBES: Stronger Yuan Makes Life Harder For Chinese Exporters

10. "I do not want to have to import a hybrid car. I want to be able to build a hybrid car here,"

VOA : standard.2009.08.05

11. And now the import duty hike from 2% to 4% adds yet another wrinkle.

FORBES: India's Gold Merchants Fight to Regain Their Glitter

12. Yet China's export data don't match what other countries report they import from China.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: China's Fiddled Figures

13. The distribution of money to the states would be suspended if import taxes rose higher than 20%.

VOA : special.2009.02.05

14. Bin Laden also helped import heavy construction equipment used to dig tunnels and build roads.

WSJ: Bin Laden Was Nurtured in Ease, Destined for Infamy

15. At that time, import taxes were high on many products.

VOA : special.2010.05.27

16. American traders had to import these things from Europe.

VOA : special.2009.01.01

17. One enthusiastic group of 15 or so intellectuals gathered outside Beijing to discuss their import.

ECONOMIST: The prime minister calls frankly for political reform

18. The undersea cable link with Jersey had allowed the island to import power from France.

BBC: Guernsey's 9% electricity rise expected to remain

19. "Was Mr. Van Buren for or against the import tax?"

VOA : special.2009.01.01

20. Local rice production fell after the countries reduced farm supports and import taxes under free market reforms.

VOA : special.2010.03.23

21. They opposed the import taxes -- tariffs -- they had to pay on foreign products.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

22. Agencies can now buy more of the grain locally rather than having to import it.

ECONOMIST: Africa with no rain, or too much

23. Picower thought he was investing in an Indonesian export-import business and real estate in Spain.

FORBES: Madoff Was Not Jeffry Picower's First Ponzi Scheme Experience

24. The import taxes had been set high to protect American industries from foreign competition.

VOA : special.2010.04.29

25. It was a seemingly irrelevant detail, whose import is suddenly clear.

这看似是不相关的细节,但它的重要突然显现出来。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Who leads Canada is also of some import to the rest of the world.


27. Soy bean import volume decreased by 0.7%, but China paid 25.7% more per ton.

FORBES: Is Now the Time to Buy Chinese Stocks?

28. Import volumes increased by 8 million barrels, to 290.67 million barrels from 282.58 million.

FORBES: Trade Deficits Widen In U.S. And China, More Report Jobless Claims

29. Such arguments are of little import.


30. Protectionist import taxes and farm supports were cut.

VOA : special.2010.03.30

31. President Obama says it is essential for the United States to import less and export more.

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

32. Within a year it snapped up 25% of the import market for Alaskan pollock.

FORBES: Magazine Article

33. So they had to import that to make their goods as saleable as they wanted and so on.

因此他们需要进口香料,以使他们的货物如预想中可供出售古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. The President of the United States does not decide who gets Export Import Bank loans.

FORBES: How the Wall Street Journal Set Off a Firestorm Against Petrobras

35. Why is this much nice? Well, that's a handy piece of code. Because imagine I've got that now, and I can now store that away in some file name, input dot p y, and import into every one of my procedure functions, pardon me, my files of procedures, because it's a standard way of now giving me the input.

为什么这样很好呢?,这是一段很好用的代码,因为想象下如果我有了这段代码,我能把它用某个文件名保存起来,后缀是。py,导入到所有的处理函数中,抱歉,我的处理文件,因为这是一个标准的输入方法。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. I want to build a hybrid truck here. I do not want to have to import a windmill from someplace else.

VOA : standard.2009.08.05

37. In recession people are turning against the euro, globalisation and the import of cheap foreign products.

BBC: French recession: Farms feeling the pinch

38. I think one of the classic ones for strings is called the Rabin-Karp algorithm. And it's simply the same idea that you have a mapping from your import into a set of integers.

我认为字符串哈希,最经典的是Rabin-Karp算法,它只是简单的相同概念,你有一个映射关系将你的输入映射成一组数字。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

39. The new law would lift tariffs on some of the materials U.S.companies must import to make their products.

VOA : standard.2010.08.11

40. Germany insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.


41. So why import almost a million people a year legally, plus nearly the same illegally?

CNN: What's the value of immigration?

42. The Photo app then launches and you can choose which photos and videos to import.

FORBES: Connect A Digital Camera Or SD Card To Your iPad 4/iPad Mini

43. Henry Joseph Mooney, 47, of Stockbridge Road, Padiham, Burnley, was cleared of conspiracy to import cocaine.

BBC: Six jailed for importing cocaine from Germany

44. Last week the Obama administration placed high import taxes on Chinese tires.

VOA : special.2009.09.18

45. And part of those bilateral relations is to import oil from Iran and to sell Chinese goods to Iran.

VOA : standard.2010.06.29

46. We can always support jobs by protecting inefficiencies, such as import protection or prohibiting labor-saving technology.

FORBES: The FCC, Jobs And Rainbow Stew

47. And it helped establish the Export-Import Bank to increase trade throughout the Americas.

VOA : special.2011.04.28

48. In recent months, the government has taken steps such as raising import taxes to cool demand.

WSJ: India to Launch Inflation-Indexed Bonds

49. We are ready to import oil from Saudi Arabia but not sugar from Brazil.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Wanted: A real energy security bill

50. Inflation will increase as higher energy, food and import costs feed through to consumer prices.

ECONOMIST: Economic woes

51. Tyler feared that Congress then would raise import taxes to get more money for the federal government.

VOA : special.2009.02.05

52. Mister Amaya even buys the flour for his pastas from an American producer so that he does not have to import flour from as far away as Italy.

VOA : special.2009.04.10

53. But now Reveille will test its hit-making chops with an original series, not an import.

FORBES: Time For Tudors?

54. You can see in the New World with maize being important how America has become a corn dominated society, even though it's still true that we raise wheat, we raise other things in the United States, and we can import different foods, corn has become an incredibly important constituent of the diet in the U.S.

你能发现玉米在美洲大陆的重要性,那美洲是怎样变成主食玉米的社会的呢,尽管我们仍然种植小麦,在美国也种植其他粮食,而且我们能进口各种不同食物,但是玉米还是变成了,美国人食谱中不可代替的部分关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. First he was an industrial pharmacist, and then he opened up an ingredient import business, which eventually failed.

BBC: The baker behind Macaus famous egg custard tarts

56. Get used to not being able to import anything for weeks at a time.

NPR: One Man's Struggle to Do Business in Gaza

57. I wanted to show you that, so, first thing I'm going to do is say, all right, I know I'm going to need square root in here, so I'm going to, in fact, import math.

我们可以开始完成这个方法了,我想让你们看到完成这个方法的过程,第一件事情就是,我们在这儿需要一个求平方根的方法,实际上我将引入math包。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. And when this happens, the U.S.will be importing food, only there won't be any place from where to import it."

VOA : standard.2009.09.16

59. So,Republican Congressman William McKinley of Ohio proposed a new tariff bill -- one that would raise import taxes higher than ever before.

VOA : special.2010.06.03

60. Just barely behind in import is one of the world's great music events: Jazz Fest.

BBC: Celebrate New Orleans, from Mardi Gras to Jazz Fest

61. Good afternoon. I am Mr. Brown, the Import manager of Atlantic Industries Ltd, Sidney, Australia. This is my card.


62. This densely tangled thicket of clustered consonants in this amazing couplet is a signal to us of the weight, of the import, of this terrible event.

这个密集杂乱的灌木丛,在这个对句中,弥尔顿给我们传递出一个信号,在这个可怕的事件中。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. But conversation has a vital import lacking in the fixed and frozen words of written speech.

NPR: 'Talking Right': Why the Left Is Losing, Linguistically

64. The order does not specify which HTC phones are subject to the import ban.

FORBES: Connect

65. Wilson wasted no time. He immediately called a special session of Congress to act on Democratic campaign promises to reduce import taxes,or tariffs.

VOA : special.2010.09.23





cable的意思是:n. 电缆;钢缆,缆绳;电报;有线电视 v. 给……安装有线电视;给……发电报。学考宝为您提供cable是什么意思,cable的翻译,cable的用法,cable的短语搭配,cable的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

structural design是什么意思_structural design怎么读_structural design的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

structural design的意思是:结构设计:指建筑物、桥梁、塔楼等工程的结构设计,包括结构的材料、形式、尺寸、布局等方面的设计。。学考宝为您提供structural design是什么意思,structural design的翻译,structural design的用法,structural design的短语搭配,structural design的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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big talk是什么意思_big talk怎么读_big talk的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

big talk的意思是:夸夸其谈:指夸大其词、吹牛的言辞。 吹牛:指夸大其词、吹嘘自己的能力或成就。。学考宝为您提供big talk是什么意思,big talk的翻译,big talk的用法,big talk的短语搭配,big talk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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cabinet的意思是:n. 内阁;储藏柜,陈列柜;<古>私人小房间,密室;机箱,机壳 adj. 内阁的。学考宝为您提供cabinet是什么意思,cabinet的翻译,cabinet的用法,cabinet的短语搭配,cabinet的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

holding device是什么意思_holding device怎么读_holding device的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

holding device的意思是:夹持装置;夹具;吸持装置。学考宝为您提供holding device是什么意思,holding device的音标,holding device怎么读,holding device的翻译,holding device的用法,holding device的短语搭配,holding device的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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sadhus的意思是:n. 娑度(印度教圣人,尤指离群索居的隐士)。sadhu的复数。学考宝为您提供sadhus是什么意思,sadhus的音标,sadhus怎么读,sadhus的翻译,sadhus的用法,sadhus的短语搭配,sadhus的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cabin的意思是:n. 小木屋;船舱;机舱,客舱 v. <旧>使身居斗室。学考宝为您提供cabin是什么意思,cabin的翻译,cabin的用法,cabin的短语搭配,cabin的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

verbal noun是什么意思_verbal noun怎么读_verbal noun的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

verbal noun的意思是:动名词。学考宝为您提供verbal noun是什么意思,verbal noun的音标,verbal noun怎么读,verbal noun的翻译,verbal noun的用法,verbal noun的短语搭配,verbal noun的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
verbal noun是什么意思_verbal noun怎么读_verbal noun的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


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