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英 [prəˈvɒkətɪvli]play美 [prəˈvɑːkətɪvli]play

  • 煽动地
  • 挑衅性

短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


1. pout one's lips provocatively 挑衅地撅着嘴


1. Do you occasionally or often dress or act provocatively to gain attention?

你有时常常为了吸引注意而在穿著或言行上很耸动?《provided by jukuu》

2. Don't wear expensive jewelry or dress provocatively.


3. As opposed to the art of architecture willfully masquerading as fine art writ large, Siza provocatively insists that architects do not invent anything;

如同反对建筑艺术故意伪装成书面大小(writ large)的好艺术,西扎挑衅地坚持建筑师不创造任何东西;

4. They also probably guessed that new regulations would squeeze profits, limiting the amount available for traders to spend on provocatively expensive dessert wines.


5. Comics can grapple with these big questions very provocatively and they lodge in people's minds better, somehow, than the constant images we see on TV and on the Internet.


6. She smiled provocatively.


7. Socrates seems, or could be seen, to be speaking not just ironically but provocatively in describing himself as a gift of the god.


8. Previouss research has suggested waitresses could earn more if they acted provocatively or wore more make up than their colleagues.

在这之前的研究认为,如果女服务员的化妆比同事多、表现得比其他同事更具诱惑性,那她们能赚更多的钱。 。

9. So, the way Baron puts it, provocatively, is to be a man is to suffer from a very mild form of autism.


10. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1, 000 years old have already been born.


11. The cuddly duo, provocatively named the equivalent of "re" and "union" by the Beijing propaganda machine, had been refused admission by Mr Chen, who perhaps wanted to name them "bugger" and "off".


12. Trump was loudly and provocatively heckled by actor Larry David, who repeatedly called him a "racist" from offstage.

演员拉里·戴维(Larry David)在台下大声挑衅特朗普,一再称他为“种族主义者”。

13. Going far beyond business casual, the clothes seem either highly informal or provocatively young& jeans, athletic shoes, tight T-shirts and miniskirts, for instance.


14. In a 2007 paper provocatively entitled "What Is a Human?"


15. People cannot expect to avoid the extremes, Benedict rather provocatively adds, when they are looking at the world through purely secular spectacles.


16. You looking at me punk? He snarled provocatively.

你在看我,小流氓他挑衅地吼叫着。《provided by jukuu》

17. That, at least, is the bizarre suggestion from a group of lawyers calling for new sexual harassment laws to include women who eat 'too provocatively' in public.


18. If that were true, he asked provocatively," What place, then, for a creator?"


19. Estrogen, the so-called female hormone, affects fertility and has been shown to make women dress more provocatively and show more thrill-seeking behavior.


20. As for the solutions, Banks provocatively suggests that black women begin looking beyond their own race for marriage material and potential fathers of their children.


21. Dressing provocatively is the absolute worst thing a woman can do on her first date, because it puts her at a disadvantage.

女人在第一次约会时穿着刺激绝对是不可取的行为,因为这样会使她陷入不利境地。《provided by jukuu》

22. The tradition was on the wane when, in 1972, a CBS documentary provocatively titled the Vanishing Cape Breton Fiddler jump-started preservation efforts in the fiddling community.


23. And the question," he concludes, provocatively," is what the rest of us are going to do about it.


24. From the 200 accountancy applications, there were 68 more interview offers for the more provocatively dressed woman.


25. Last year, he co-organised a conference (in Atlanta, a city that calls itself “too busy to hate”) that was provocatively devoted to the “Celebration of Heresy”.

去年,那依姆教授在自诩为“忙得不可能去怨恨”的城市亚特兰大参与组织了一次学术会议。 该会议极具渲染力地致力于“异端的欢庆”。

26. The way Baron puts it, provocatively, to be a man is to suffer from a very mild form of autism.


27. Tarantacreations is foreign invested architecture and interior design company. Its mission is in pursuit of provocatively luxury style in each project.


28. To put it provocatively: 'The future of transactional printing depends on "white space" marketing.'


29. The Commonwealth's dwindling fan club, it notes provocatively, includes Anglophiles, monarchists and beneficiaries of its scholarships and professional networks;


30. In another, the girls perform provocatively with chairs as the stage is covered in different patterns of changing light.


31. Russia, meanwhile, recently sent two bombers skirting provocatively around the Japanese archipelago.


32. Democracy or dictatorship, the golden ships still hung in the sky and shone provocatively.


33. China has ordered "Tokyo Big Bang" fireworks to be removed from shop shelves ahead of the Lunar New Year Festival at the weekend, amid fears that the provocatively named explosives could hurt ties with Japan.


34. He provocatively proposes that the first human beings who will live to 1,000 years old have already been born.


35. Elton John's book is provocatively entitled, Love is the Cure.


36. If you dress too provocatively, young or casual, you could be sending the wrong message to your coworkers.


37. If that were true, he asked provocatively, "What place, then, for a creator?"


38. In the end, Iran backed out of the deal and provocatively started enriching to 20% itself (a big step further towards the high-enriched stuff need for a bomb).



1. Burlesque My main complaint about Burlesque is that it offers only a burlesque of burlesque it gives you dance routines with provocatively costumed chorines making provocative moves, but the incessant quick cutting takes away most of the fizz and pizzazz.

FORBES: Holiday Heaven and Hell: From Potter to Portman to Pop's Potentates

2. Sitting in his presidential palace, by the window through which Makarios escaped in July 1974 and in sight of the Turkish-Cypriot flag painted provocatively on the Pentadaktylos mountains, Mr Christofias is emphatic.

ECONOMIST: Cyprus, Turkey and the European Union

3. Provocatively, Bartiromo compared Dimon to his former boss and later antagonist Sandy Weill, former CEO of American Express and Citi.

FORBES: JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon: I Won't Feel Bad If We Lose $5B In Europe

4. When she left Amroc in 1998, she sent a raunchy Christmas card to former customers, with two pictures of her provocatively posing in boots and lingerie.

FORBES: Lynn Tilton: The Wild Woman of Wall Street

5. More provocatively, what failing institution has been successfully propped up in America through a program of shamelessly direct and deliberate subsidies?

FORBES: Can Subsidizing Families Fix The Economy? Can It Save The GOP?

6. It signed a defense agreement with Syria's Ministry of Defense, and even more provocatively conducted a three-day joint land forces exercise with the Syrian military.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: One civilization clashing

7. Rip-roaring adventure, vividly drawn characters, exotic locales in the immediate post-World War I era provocatively, hypnotically brought to life are trademarks of the most underrated, little-heralded novelist of our time.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

8. Whether it was by provocatively modelng in his Armani underwear or being paraded in front of the press in another exquisitely tailored suit, Beckham set the bar high when it came to looking sharp.

CNN: Beckham: The man who broke football's gay taboo?

9. She has made the headlines several times since returning to Russia, posing provocatively for a Russian men's magazine and turning up for the launch of a Soyuz spacecraft in Kazakhstan.

BBC: Russia spy Anna Chapman given pro-Kremlin youth role

10. She smiled provocatively.


11. To put it provocatively, this question is a request to handicap a race of the lame.

WSJ: The Experts: What Renewable Energy Source Has the Most Promise?

12. provocatively dressed


13. provocatively entitled


14. Showing "more respect" to Russia in the hope that it would behave less provocatively seemed to be their chief tactic.

BBC: Democratic Convention diary

15. Provocatively, the commission argued that the single transferable vote in multi-member seats, which is the Lib Dems' favoured system, should be used.

ECONOMIST: In one part of Britain a Liberal Democrat is in charge

16. As a man, I have found the (provocatively-titled) The Way of the Superior Man to be helpful.

FORBES: 5 Ways to Make Your Time More Valuable

17. Does dressing provocatively at work invite sexual harassment?

FORBES: Elisabeth Hasselbeck's Slam to Erin Andrews: Girl-On-Girl Crime

18. Socrates seems, or could be seen, to be speaking not just ironically but provocatively in describing himself as a gift of the god.

苏格拉底的言论似乎,或可说看起来不只讽刺,而且挑衅意味十足地将自己,形容成是上帝的恩典。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. The 22-year-old dressed provocatively and there were rumors that her ex-boyfriend would beat up anyone seen with her.


20. Mr Lawson told Hull Crown Court that Mr Hewison had "squared up" to the group before one of them punched him in the face and then "bounced" round him provocatively.

BBC: Student 'punched footballers' friend'

21. The election result Sunday means the U.S. government will have to continue to deal with Chavez's provocatively independent brand of diplomacy.


22. Provocatively, Mr. Taleb defines Black Swans as events (such as the rise of the Internet or the fall of LTCM) that are not only rare and consequential but also predictable only in retrospect.

WSJ: Shattering the Bell Curve

23. "The Ferrari has a few illegal features, like the (exposed) exhaust pipe, " commented Vasselon provocatively.

BBC: F1 teams face testing times

24. He argues provocatively that successive American governments chose cheap credit as a sop to the less-skilled parts of its workforce, who increasingly felt themselves being left behind in a globalised world.

ECONOMIST: The reasons for the crisis and how to stop it happening again

25. Provocatively, it insists that all such information must be disclosed before the first patient is registered for a trial even for early-stage trials.

ECONOMIST: Pharmaceuticals

26. So, the way Baron puts it, provocatively, is to be a man is to suffer from a very mild form of autism .

所以,按照伯龙挑衅的说法,男人天生就患有轻微的孤独症心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. The soldiers fired into the air when the demonstrators behaved provocatively.


28. Berkeley, LectureFox, Learn Out Loud, LearnThat, the more pedestrian About U, GCF LearnFree, and the provocatively named VideoJug, as well as the world-renowned TED.

FORBES: Free Education Is A Meme Whose Time Has Come

29. It would have been unthinkable ten years ago to ask the provocatively downwardly mobile questions raised at a Financial Times conference on the future of America this morning.

FORBES: Does America Have A Financial System That Protects Savings?

30. There had been a pattern, I think for decades, in which North Korea thought that if they acted provocatively then somehow they would be bribed into ceasing and desisting acting provocatively.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Hold a News Conference

31. It is three years since his air force cruelly shot down two unarmed planes sent provocatively towards Cuba by an exile group.

ECONOMIST: No. Cubas president is still a Stalinist dictator

32. The singing, dancing, geeky high-schoolers that much of America has come to love are featured in the photos in barely-there school clothes, posing provocatively against a high-school backdrop.

FORBES: GQ's Glee Photos Exploit Young Women

33. Victor Cha, a former Bush administration aide, argues that the DPRK tends to act less provocatively when it is engaging the U.S. However, that effect is likely to fade if no new American concessions are forthcoming.

FORBES: Turn The Problem Of North Korea Over To Its Neighbors

34. Great history and an intriguing thesis combine to produce a well-written and provocatively enlightening book.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

35. According to a story on the World Baseball Classic's official website, a Canadian player provocatively raised his arms at the largely pro-Mexican crowd.

CNN: March 10, 2013 -- Updated 0344 GMT (1144 HKT)

36. In the end, Iran backed out of the deal and provocatively started enriching to 20% itself (a big step further towards the high-enriched stuff need for a bomb).

ECONOMIST: Iran's nuclear programme: Game resumed | The




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meticulousness的意思是:n. 谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供meticulousness是什么意思,meticulousness的翻译,meticulousness的用法,meticulousness的短语搭配,meticulousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctilio的意思是:n. 拘泥形式;细节;拘束。学考宝为您提供punctilio是什么意思,punctilio的翻译,punctilio的用法,punctilio的短语搭配,punctilio的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bull的意思是:n. 公牛;雄性大型动物;买空者,多头;教皇诏书,教皇训谕;<非正式>废话,胡说八道;靶心 v. <非正式>用力推,猛推;(母牛)发情 【名】 (Bull)(英、葡、瑞典、芬、挪、德)布尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bull是什么意思,bull的翻译,bull的用法,bull的短语搭配,bull的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliously的意思是:adv. 谨小慎微地;拘泥细节地;一丝不苟地。学考宝为您提供punctiliously是什么意思,punctiliously的翻译,punctiliously的用法,punctiliously的短语搭配,punctiliously的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


fastidiousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;严格。学考宝为您提供fastidiousness是什么意思,fastidiousness的翻译,fastidiousness的用法,fastidiousness的短语搭配,fastidiousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bulk的意思是:n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积 adj. 大批的,大宗的 v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品) 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bulk是什么意思,bulk的翻译,bulk的用法,bulk的短语搭配,bulk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


punctiliousness的意思是:n. 一丝不苟;小心翼翼;谨小慎微。学考宝为您提供punctiliousness是什么意思,punctiliousness的翻译,punctiliousness的用法,punctiliousness的短语搭配,punctiliousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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