莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈbʌb(ə)l]play美 [ˈbʌb(ə)l]play

  • n. 气泡,泡沫;经济泡沫;(欲表达的)一点感情;气泡框;泡状物;安全的地方(或位置);泡螺
  • v. 冒泡,沸腾;发出冒泡的声音;忙碌,活跃;兴奋,激动;(情绪、感情等)涌动

复数 bubbles 第三人称单数 bubbles 现在分词 bubbling 过去式 bubbled 过去分词 bubbled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bubble /ˈbʌbəl/ CET4 TEM4 [ bubbling bubbled bubbles ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 Bubbles are small balls of air or gas in a liquid. (液体中的) 气泡

    Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A bubble is a hollow ball of soapy liquid that is floating in the air or standing on a surface. 肥皂泡

    With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime.


  • 3.
    可数名词 In a cartoon, a speech bubble is the shape which surrounds the words which a character is thinking or saying. (圈注漫画中人物心理活动或对白的) 泡状框

    All that was missing were speech bubbles saying, "Golly!" and "Wow!"


  • 4.
    不及物动词 When a liquid bubbles, bubbles move in it, for example, because it is boiling or moving quickly. 冒泡; 沸腾

    Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling.



    The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top.


  • 5.
    不及物动词 A feeling, influence, or activity that is bubbling away continues to occur. 继续发生

    ...political tensions that have been bubbling away for years.




  • adj.

    bubbly 起泡的;多泡的

  • n.

    bubbly 香槟酒

    bubbling 冒泡,[化工] 鼓泡;气泡形成


  • n.[涂料]气泡,泡沫,泡状物;透明圆形罩,圆形顶

    foam   /   yeast

  • vi.沸腾,冒泡;发出气泡声

    boil   /   intumesce

  • vt.使冒泡;滔滔不绝地说

    gush over


bubble fizz foam froth lather 【导航词义:泡沫】

bubble n. 泡沫,气泡

〔辨析〕 通常指液体中的气泡,有时也指固体中的气泡。

例1: You can see bubbles rise to the surface when water boils.


例2: Examine the glass carefully for bubbles.


fizz n. 气泡

〔辨析〕 尤指某些饮料中的小气泡。

例1: This Sprite has lost its fizz.


foam n. 泡沫

〔辨析〕 指液体表面的泡沫。

例1: He skimmed the foam off his coffee.


froth n. 泡沫

〔辨析〕 词义同 foam,可换用。

例1: He wiped the froth/foam from his mouth.


lather n. 泡沫

〔辨析〕 主要指肥皂水等的泡沫。

例1: I brought an expensive soap yesterday, but it raised no lather at all.


例2: He put some lather on his chin, and then began to shave.



1. Bubble Sort 计 冒泡排序 ; 气泡排序 ; 起泡排序 ; 气泡排序法

2. burst your bubble 煞风景;扎破泡泡;打破人的幻想

3. bubble sort 冒泡排序;上推分类法

4. soap bubble 肥皂泡;美丽而又短暂虚幻的事物

5. bubble wrap 气泡膜外包装材料

6. economic bubble 泡沫经济 ; 经济泡沫

7. bubble economy 泡沫经济

8. bubble chamber 物 气泡室 ; 泡沫室 ; 计 泡沫箱 ; 泡室

9. bubble bath n. 泡沫浴

10. Bubble tea 泡沫红茶 ; 泡泡茶 ; 奶茶

11. Bubble Bath 泡泡浴 ; 泡沫浴 ; 气泡浴 ; 泡泡浴液

12. air bubble 气泡;砂眼

13. bubble burst 泡沫破灭;泡泡破了

14. bubble gum 泡泡糖

15. gas bubble 气泡

16. bubble flow 泡状流;气泡流

17. Bubble Bobble 泡泡龙 ; 泡泡龙动作版 ; 泡泡龙一代 ; 泡泡龙游戏

18. bubble column 泡罩塔

19. dot-com bubble 互联网泡沫 ; 网路泡沫 ; 泡沫化 ; 高科技泡沫

20. bubble up 往上冒泡;沸腾

21. bubble point [化]始沸点;起泡点

22. bubble tea 泡沫红茶;珍珠奶茶;泡泡茶

23. bubble motion 泡沫运动;气泡运动

24. bubble cap 泡罩;泡帽


1. Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater.


2. His bubble exploded all over his face.


3. There is no property bubble in Portugal.


4. Beside the earthen doorstep, bubbles in puddles of rainwater were whirling about like mad.


5. It'seemed a good idea, but a few sharp questions soon pricked the bubble.

那似乎是一个好的想法, 但几个尖锐的问题很快便使这个虚妄的泡影破灭了.《期刊摘选》

6. The children like to have bubbles in their bath.


7. After the failure of Lehman Brothers, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky loans.


8. The show bubbles like pink champagne with pretty sets, exquisite costumes and enchanting dance routines.


9. Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling


10. This is our complete bubble graphic.


11. We could each find ourselves trapped in a bubble for one.


12. There are classic cone-shaped ones and also volcanoes in the shape of a puddle or a lake with a blowing bubble in the middle.


13. When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks.


14. Bubbles: Photograph water in a backlit glass bottle and shake it up first to create bubbles.

水泡: 把水装在背光的玻璃杯里,摇动它获得水泡.《期刊摘选》

15. We saw bubbles rising from under the water.


16. Continue cooking, whisking constantly, until the mixture bubbles and becomes thick.

继续加热, 并不停搅拌, 直到混合物冒泡变硬.《期刊摘选》

17. The slush is compacted by an unknown mechanism, and solid, bubble-free ice is formed from water high in soluble organic substances.


18. The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top


19. The water in the pan was beginning to bubble.


20. blowing bubbles into water through a straw


21. The streams of bubbles in the picture were drawn with a custom bubble brush.


22. Can brothers mouth disease have a fever certainly and have bubble?

手足口病一定会发烧和起水泡 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

23. This is our basic bubble.


24. I could hear the soup bubbling away.


25. The reasons of producing vapor bubbles during the belt production process are analyzed.


26. If I need 39 layers of bubble wrap, how much total would that be?


27. Is lemon dry piece work with hawkthorn piece can you bubble to drink?

柠檬干片和山楂干片可以一起泡着喝 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

28. From which bubbles of condensed rays sparkled and broke into shivers.


29. Bubbling and peeling on chemical nickel coating cause fast erosion of no coating part.


30. Commonly used in the selection the Bubble Act.


31. Can tea and honey put bubble together to wear drink?

茶和蜂蜜可以放在一起泡着喝 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

32. Bubbles are rising from the bottom of the boiling water.


33. The sight of the MacIntosh house had pricked the last bubble of hope remaining to her.


34. At the same time, the press bubbles with stories of the sale of Russian arms to Serbia


35. Bake until bubbling at edges and cheese is browned, about 10 minutes longer.


36. She came to the phone bubbling with excitement...


37. What are those things that are dear to man? Are they not bubbles?

什么是人类珍视的东西 呢 ?难道不都是些烟云泡影 吗 ?《辞典例句》

38. Experimental results arc compared with that of air permeation, mercury intrusion and mass bubble pressure methods.

讨论了和空气透过法 、 汞压法与全冒泡孔径的对比试验结果.《期刊摘选》

39. Rage bubbled just below the surface of his mind.


40. ... political tensions that have been bubbling away for years


41. Here are two records that are bubbling under.


42. In the heyday of the dot.com bubble, brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill-and quickly.


43. Even leaked pipe blows air into water which makes sweetie bubbles.


44. How is the desquamate on the hand, bubbly bubble treated?

手上脱皮 、 起泡泡怎样治疗?《期刊摘选》

45. It's a fruity wine , with fine bubbles and elegant nose of fresh butter and creamy cake.

卡蒙皇家起泡汽酒是一款果味浓郁, 气泡细腻丰富,散发着新鲜乳酪和奶香的口味雅致的葡萄酒.《期刊摘选》

46. Hawkthorn definitely does pine torch lotus leaf bubble what effect does tea have?

山楂决明子荷叶一起泡茶有什么副作用 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

47. With soap and water, bubbles and boats, children love bathtime.


48. Retail sales and car sales have been bubbling along, quite nicely, for some months.


49. Even today, after the bursting of the stock-market bubble, American venture-capital firms—which are in the business of betting on the future—dwarf the firms from all other nations.


50. Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface...


51. We may be heading into another bubble.


52. Foaming power is low, and will not bubble in technology issues.

起泡力低, 不会因泡沫造成工艺问题.《期刊摘选》

53. All was a-shake and a-shiver—glints and gleams and sparkles, rustle and swirl, chatter and bubble.


54. Their hopes of success have burst like a bubble.


55. She was bubbling over with happiness and enthusiasm.


56. Bake until the sauce is bubbling all over.


57. Apply this bubble onto the wet body skin and gently massage . Rinse off with water.


58. A swing, a bursting bubble--such is my song!


59. ...a bubble of gas trapped under the surface.


60. Danny looked down at the stream bubbling through the trees nearby.


61. Then excitement seemed to bubble over inside her.


62. It bounced onto the stove with a clang and began to bubble at once.


63. Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.


64. The fermenting wine has bubbled up and over the top.


65. Speculators'guilt lies more in the bubbles than their bursting.


66. An air bubble ascending from the ocean floor contorts and twists into a semicircle as a wave breaks in the background.


67. Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.


68. Some of the labels were positioned askew or displaying an unsightly bubbling effect.


69. The paper discusses the relation of the bubble pressure and the filtering ratio filtering medium ( filter ).

本文论述了冒泡压力和过滤介质 ( 芯 ) 过滤比这两个不同定义概念的关系.《期刊摘选》

70. The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.


71. She was bubbling over with excitement.


72. His hope vanished like a bubble.


73. To Prevent the Air Bubble Oil in Hydraulic System Design


74. Old contest software uses bubble sort for generating final standings.


75. The agitated mixture foamed and bubbled.


76. Thick raindrops fell in the small stream and water bubbles splashed one after another.


77. She came to the phone bubbling with excitement.


78. The bulk of the ruby rubbiz on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.


79. The answer is to scatter the bubbles.


80. Bubbles easily occurs in waterborne polyurethane wood varnish, which will influence the decoration effects.

水性聚氨酯木器漆极易产生气泡, 影响其装饰性.《期刊摘选》

81. a bubble of oxygen


82. a bubble of laughter/hope/enthusiasm

一点笑声 / 希望 / 热心《牛津词典》

83. Effervesce: To emIt'small bubbles of gas, as a carbonated or fermenting liquid.

“冒泡: 冒出小气泡, 如碳化了的或正在发酵的液体.”.《期刊摘选》

84. My first step was the creation of the bubble graphic.


85. It describes skyscrapers that are much taller than today's buildings, underwater "bubble" cities and holidays in space.


86. While excessive optimism can promote bad investment patterns, resulting in a real-estate "bubble," the report's writers downplay that potential outcome in that it has not yet occurred.


87. She came back bubbling with ideas.


88. Finance has a history of messing up, from the Dutch tulip bubble in 1637 to now.


89. Air bubbles up in the water.


90. A bubble bursts at a touch.


91. Treatment methods: Bubble: the orifice should be fluxing developering.

办理办法: 打消起泡来因: 答弄不净显影液喷孔.《期刊摘选》

92. Add the white wine and let it bubble up .


93. The coffeepot bubbled, filling the room with fragrance...


94. She came to the phone bubbling with excitement


95. the anger that bubbled beneath the surface


96. Laughter bubbled up inside him.


97. Honour but an empty bubble.


98. The water begins to bubble.


99. A mist coat or tie coat shall always be installed to prevent topcoat bubbling.


100. champagne bubbles


101. Cities or towns be responsible for paying to deal with the bubble wrap that encased your television.


102. Sets or retrieves whether the current event should bubble up the hierarchy of event handlers.


103. The boiling milk bubbled over.


104. You can set the Choke to about 25 % to get a harder edge to the bubble.


105. Occasionally, a bubble is not removed during refining, a sand grain refuses to melt, a tremor in the tin puts ripples into the glass ribbon.


106. While scientists agree that natural pollination is the best method of fertilising fruit and veg, the Japanese team believe that drones armed with soap bubble sprayers could, in future, take some of the strain from hardworking bees.


107. Another could make insane laughter bubble up from the ground.


108. They tease him; the bubble bursts!


109. It's the final gasp of the burst housing bubble.


110. At the same time, the press bubbles with stories of the sale of Russian arms to Serbia...


111. In the peak of the dot.com bubble, brick and mortar retail was one of those industries the internet was going to kill—and quickly.


112. Bob makes like he's a fish blowing bubbles.


113. Broil until cheese bubbles, about 3 minutes.

放入锅里煎至芝士起泡, 约需3分钟.《期刊摘选》

114. At the time the telecoms bubble was at its height.


115. She could feel the anger growing, bubbling up inside her.


116. Liz sank down until the water came up to her chin and the bubbles were at eye level.


117. Combine PS with PW : S in combat and you basically have a bubble like a paladin does.


118. Crazy Bubble Run is a happy family activity.


119. The bubble of suspicion in her breast was swelling larger now.


120. A stream came bubbling between the stones.


121. I let the water run into it and we watched as it foamed and bubbled.


122. Heat the seasoned stock until it is bubbling...


123. And the fallout from any sudden bursting of the bubble is likely to be immense.


124. The water was bubbling and boiling away.


125. Rumours of financial scandals have come bubbling back to the surface


126. When the river's gradient becomes sharp, frothy water is formed consisting of bubbles and aerated water.

当河流坡度十分陡时, 常有水泡和汽水组成的泡沫流.《期刊摘选》

127. Most people live in a bubble.


128. Add the white wine and let it bubble up.


129. We mix the bubble line and the dew line.


130. The activities that may have got the benefit of the doubt in the bubble years now look like shameless envelope-pushing.


131. Everyone is hoping that these hi-tech companies will turn out to be the Microsofts of the future. At the moment they look more like the focus of a speculative bubble...


132. When the bubble burst, demand collapsed.


133. When the bubble finally burst, hundreds of people lost their jobs.


134. The inner shadow will be used to model the spherical form of the bubble.


135. I still remember my cousin once blew a big bubble and then it broke, covering her face with gum!



1. The Internet bubble has burst in a big way.


2. It referred to this period as a reverse bubble, where only the bad in everything is noticed.

FORBES: Media Mayhem

3. Oil was in a bubble of its own, well beyond the general commodity bubble.

FORBES: What Is Gold Telling Us?

4. Only ginger ale and a favorite local soft drink called Bubble-Up were served.

VOA : standard.2010.02.25

5. It arose from the beginnings of the housing bubble -the real estate bubble that we're now in.

而是源自房地产泡沫的初现,也就是如今的房地产泡沫金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. They're gonna view it as a bubble to isolate themselves?

他们将会视其为孤立自身的气泡?人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

7. You'll remember the description of the world from Genesis 1 as an air bubble essentially that's formed by separating waters above and waters below.

大家都记得《创世纪》1中,把世界的描述1,一个大气泡,上面下面都被水覆盖。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Alright, so bubble of sorts of course is being poked fun at there for what reasons?

冒泡排序在这儿显然是被拿来开玩笑了,那么原因是什么呢?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

9. Bubble or no bubble, market participants are expecting more record breaking highs for gold next year.

FORBES: Gold Bulls Dominate Montreal Precious Metals Conf; Forecast 2012 Prices

10. In a renting bubble, however, renters still need to come up with the cash every month.

FORBES: Blame Apple For The San Francisco Apartment Bubble

11. "You are going to see an uplift of forces come in and I think you'll start to see this tightening ring of security in and around Kandahar city that I think will then provide the security bubble for governance to start to take in and development to start to take root in Kandahar city."

VOA : standard.2010.05.26

12. How many swaps do I do in general in bubble sort, compared to selection source?

在冒泡排序中,一般要做多少次交换,对比选择排序呢?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

13. In Unconventional Success, I did a study of individual behavior in their mutual fund purchases and sales around the collapse of the Internet bubble in March of 2000.

在这本书里,我对2000年3月,网络股暴跌时,共同基金购买,和销售中的个体行为做了研究金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

14. Eventually, rates heated up enough to pop a bubble that, in hindsight, looks ridiculously inflated.

FORBES: Bull Sessions

15. All right. Nonetheless, even with this change, what's the order growth for bubble sort?

好的,不管怎么样,尽管这发生了,冒泡排序的增长率是多少呢?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. General Electric ironically was started right after the Great Deleveraging of 1873 that was the bubble before the depression that was just like this one.

通用电气则恰好是在1873年,对冲基金拆仓后产生的,而那正是萧条来临前的泡沫时期。微软CEO-Steve.Ballmer谈科技的未来课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

17. And if I'm already in this habit, let my software, let my computer do that thinking for me and bubble up to the top of my attention what I should address first.

如果我已经有这样的习惯,让我的软件,或者电脑为我考虑这些事情,自动的把这,些邮件放到的最醒目的地方---最上面。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

18. a speculative bubble


19. And Taiwan introduced the world to Bubble Tea, a sweet milky beverage containing little pearls of tapioca.

BBC: Musical destinations: Taipei, Taiwan

20. - Well-- -- I'm-- maybe-- I'm sorry, maybe-- -- No, no, no, no. I-- I think-- -- That's not a-- I-- I think the Bubble Sort would be the wrong way to go.

笑声】,嗯-,我,很抱歉,可能是-,不,不……,我觉得-,那不是-,我觉得冒泡排序应该不是正确的方法。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

21. And it's the windows in the firmament that are opened--those waters are allowed to rush in and dissolve that air bubble.

而在天空上有个口,水可以从中涌入,溶解这些气泡。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. That water is separated, that bubble has opened up so we've got the sky created And we've got the waters collected in certain areas down here, And we've got sky.

水流被分开,形成了水泡,我们便有了天空,在那里某些地方也有一些水流汇集,我们便有了天空。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. Herschel's view of RCW 120, a bubble of gas and dust in space around a massive star.

BBC: Herschel space telescope to go blind

24. Periodically, stories bubble up in the mainstream press that paints these funds in a poor light.

FORBES: The Simple Truth about Hedge Funds

25. And in fact, if we count up all of these silly comparisons I was making verbally I bet I'm gonna be making fewer in the end than I was with bubble or with selection.

事实上,如果将所有的,比较次数加起来,我敢打赌,比起冒泡和选择排序,它最终的比较次数是相对较少的。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

26. Many analysts are confident that the new boom won't explode like the 90s bubble burst.

CNN: Social networking fuels new Web boom

27. See also Henry Blodget, Mary Meeker and Anthony Noto from the dot com bubble.

FORBES: Here's How You'll Spot the Tech Bubble Top

28. Perhaps we will look back on 17 June 2011 as the day that social bubble burst.

BBC: Is the air escaping from the tech bubble?

29. Then lastly, there are things like the Internet bubble, they're not usually called this, but--the lending bubble where--or the subprime mess.

其次,市场上还存在像互联网泡沫,不经常被提及的贷款泡沫,此外还有次贷危机。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Before stocks began falling one year ago, they were not in a bubble, unlike in 1929.

FORBES: Boomers Make The Fear Worse

31. "When he is starting to write a movie, he says he just sits there at the typewriter waiting for a thought bubble to emerge over his head that will finally get his fingers dancing across the keys."

VOA : standard.2010.08.09

32. So Selection Sort, while it might be easier perhaps to think through than Bubble Sort, or maybe it's pretty much equivalent, it's just a different approach to the same problem.

因此,仔细想想,选择排序也许比,冒泡排序更简单,或者这两者都差不多,只是对同一问题的不同方法而已。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

33. That beats the previous record, set in 2000, just as the New Economy bubble was bursting.

FORBES: Year Of The Deal

34. As the dot.com bubble burst, Citigroup was having trouble with its image and stock valuations.

FORBES: Sallie Krawcheck, A Recruiter's Nightmare

35. They say it would take one of the Voyagers weeks to cross just one bubble.

VOA : special.2011.06.22

36. So, quite an interesting situation which allowed for other ideas to bubble up.

这种怪异的状况,让很多其他想法冒了出来。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

37. If it were a real bubble, surely the Fed would have popped it by know.

FORBES: What If This Is As Good As It Gets: Financial Stability Edition

38. First is, as you know, we started at the height of Internet bubble.


39. We were lucky to raise the first round of money before the Internet bubble burst.


40. Maybe living in Silicon Valley we may be in our own little high-tech bubble.

FORBES: Majority Of Adults Not Into E-Readers?

41. the housing bubble


42. What was clear to most researchers before the housing bubble burst is now ambiguous at least.

FORBES: This May Be The Ideal Time To Reform The Mortgage Interest Deduction

43. If touching sign, display this little cartoon bubble.

如果触摸那个符号,就会显示那些卡通小泡泡。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

44. At these levels, if Hong Kong is not a housing bubble, then nothing is.

FORBES: If Hong Kong Isn't A Housing Bubble, Then Nothing Is

45. OK? Because what am I doing? It's called bubble sort because it's literally bubbling along, right?

明白了么?你要知道我在做什么,冒泡排序真的就像冒泡,对么?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

46. And so this is his way of deflating that bond bubble that was there.

FORBES: Get Briefed: Lehmann Says Government Is Hiding True Motives

47. I don't know how he could not think there was a bubble, but he didn't see it.

我不知道他为何认为不存在泡沫,但是他没有看出来金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. "We thought we put this kind of mistake behind us with the tech bubble, " Galvin said.

FORBES: Overblown Fears In Subprime Land?

49. There are several things investors should consider when determining if social media will become a bubble.

FORBES: Is Social Media A Bubble?

50. But innovation rarely happens in a bubble wrapped world where all risk has been carefully extracted.

FORBES: Unexpected Intersections and the Secret to Greatness

51. He elaborated on the carry trade bond bubble, and why the Fed may have interfered.

FORBES: Get Briefed: Lehmann Says Government Is Hiding True Motives

52. But, then the dot com bubble burst and they were forced to make money.

FORBES: What's Craig Mundie Been Smoking?

53. Probably a more important test of the portfolio was what happened around the collapse of the Internet bubble in 2000.

对这个组合更严峻的考验可能是,2000年那场互联网泡沫的破裂金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

54. Meanwhile, Malaysia seems intent on reflating the bubble pricked by last year's regional crisis.

ECONOMIST: Dead Ostrich Bounce

55. We sell bubble baths, soaps and shampoos.


56. a bubble of gas


57. All right, I've got to do one pass to bubble the last element to the end. I've got to do another pass to bubble the second last element to the end.

好的,我要冒一次泡来,把最大的元素冒到最后去,我还得再冒一次泡来吧第二大的元素。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

58. Like bubble teams, they lose them in the weeks and months preceding the big moment.

FORBES: March Madness: A Lesson from Teams on the Bubble

59. Take away the housing bubble and our economy and jobs barely grew under Bush.

FORBES: How the Demand-Siders Ruined the U.S. Economy

60. But in souvenir photos of those days, more than a few metal flasks, no doubt containing something stronger than Bubble-Up, can be seen on the floor beneath the tables.

VOA : standard.2010.02.25

61. In some ways Google feels like the giddy dot-coms of the stock-market bubble, circa 1999.

FORBES: All Eyes on Google

62. Decades from now there will be another bubble, and the accounting scandals will come back to life.

FORBES: Bubbles and Scandals

63. This speedy proliferation is part of the reason why the cupcake bubble has now burst.

FORBES: RIP Cupcakes, Long Live Juice Cleanses? Inside The Fickle Food Trend Bubble

64. OK. The next largest element has to end up in the second last spot. Et cetera. All right, so it's called bubble sort because it does this bubbling up until it gets there.

好的,下一个最大元素又,能跑到倒数第二的位置,等等如此,好的,这称为冒泡排序,因为这个泡泡一直冒到他自己的位置。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. Baily is an author and former adviser in the Clinton administration, says after the failure of Lehman Brothers towards the end of 2008, many of the world's largest banks feared the worst as the collapse of the housing bubble exposed investments in risky subprime loans.

VOA : standard.2009.12.20





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bulk的意思是:n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积 adj. 大批的,大宗的 v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品) 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bulk是什么意思,bulk的翻译,bulk的用法,bulk的短语搭配,bulk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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