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英 [ˈəʊvəsteɪtmənt]play美 [ˈoʊvərsteɪtmənt]play

  • n. 大话,夸大的叙述

复数 overstatements

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overstatement /ˈəʊvəˌsteɪtmənt/

  • 1.
    有变体名词 If you refer to the way something is described is an overstatement, you mean it is described in a way that makes it seem more important or serious than it really is. 夸大其辞

    This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement.




  • adj.

    overstated 夸张的;过高的

  • v.

    overstated 夸大;夸张;过分强调(overstate的过去分词)

  • vt.

    overstate 夸张;夸大的叙述



1. profit overstatement 利润包装

2. overstatement of liabilities 虚台负责

3. overstatement n 估值过高

4. overstatement of 应计收入的夸大

5. Tectonic Overstatement 极端建构

6. overstatement and understatement 夸张和含蓄

7. overstatement of liability 多计负债

8. make an overstatement 言过其实 ; 夸大其词 ; 说过头话

9. Overstatement of assets 高估资产


1. Cruel would be an overstatement.


2. And the overstatements prevailing in internet language represent a post modern cultural style of "game-like" and "entertaining".


3. It is interesting that many artists almost deal with the sideline every day, but did not realize its role and value, this is not an overstatement.


4. Overstatement will be your downfall.


5. That’s a slightly Utopian overstatement, but there is some truth in it.


6. To say the US is a civilisation divided may strike some as an overstatement.


7. Therefore, the analysis shows that the conventional method of using water vapour content in the atmosphere to estimate cloud water resources is very overstatement.


8. This may have been an improvement, but 'breakthrough' was an overstatement


9. It is no overstatement to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one's career.


10. It is no overstatement to say that Internet has revolutionized the way we live, work, study and play.


11. From the view of the international economic strategy, it is made an overstatement so that we should be vigilant to it as a trick of a few developed countries to seek hegemony.


12. Perhaps it would be a mild overstatement to say this is exciting stuff, but it will get more interesting as we go.


13. But over time the latter has consistently been revised up, suggesting that any overstatement is modest.


14. What's on your mind? - If you'll forgive the overstatement?

你在担心什么? —— 请原谅我问的过分好 吗 ?《互联网》

15. However, even this may be an overstatement of the financial risk facing founders since this percentage includes those who chose not to reveal their income level in their survey response.


16. Americans resist overstatement because we want to reassure ourselves we're a good country at heart. But history has more often proved on this topic that we're not.


17. Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that metadata integration is the brain of an on Demand Business.


18. That's probably an overstatement, but we're going to be moving on a different path than it feels like we've been on for the last five years as an industry.


19. The "friends" was, of course, an overstatement.

“朋友”这个词儿当然有点言过其词。《provided by jukuu》

20. Do you think the overstatement of freedom will cause high crime rate?

你认为对自由的过分强调回引起高犯罪率 吗 ?《互联网》

21. This is not an overstatement, as studies have proven that during times of crisis, humour can provide a vital way of relieving a sense of frustration and powerlessness.


22. On the other hand, the claim that Tangxin is a master amounts to an overstatement when it comes to comparison with Chukochen.


23. Valuation deals with potential overstatement and completeness with unrecorded transactions and files.


24. The film actor has no live audience and therefore does not have to employ the exaggerated movements and overstatements.

电影演员面前没有观众,不需要夸张的动作和语言。《provided by jukuu》

25. That may be an overstatement - but if being good at reading or math or music permits a greater degree of engagement and expressiveness, that would seem to be a very desirable thing.


26. Therefore, it is not an overstatement to say that metadata integration is the brain of an On Demand Business.


27. But over time the national total has consistently been revised up, suggesting that any overstatement is modest.


28. That comment was obviously an overstatement. But each of us dreads the thought of something in particular: financial loss, the death of a child or spouse, cancer, or another loss or hardship.


29. It would not be the slightest bit of an overstatement to say that the study of humanities at its very core is man.


30. It is no overstatement ( exaggeration) to say that learning to cooperate with others is the key factor in one's career.


31. The characters in the film adopt the strategies like overstatement or repetition to express their real intentions.


32. We believe it is an overstatement to consider that raising pigeons in public squares expresses an increase people's environmental awareness.


33. In Chapter Five, the deep-structure deviation has been studied from the aspect of contradiction, transference and overstatement.


34. That may be a bit of an overstatement.


35. It is not an overstatement to say a crisis is imminent.


36. It would be an overstatement to say that Lewis deserved to win the race.

说刘易斯该赢得这次比赛是言过其实。《provided by jukuu》

37. The friends was, of course, an overstatement.

“ 朋友 ” 这个词儿当然有点言过其词.《辞典例句》

38. Chapter one explores the classification and semantic features of overstatement.


39. The growth is definite to happen, and the above said thing is not any overstatement.


40. Elementary Analysis of the Motives and Main Means of Profit Overstatement by the Listed Enterprises of Our Country


41. He is aware of such a small percentage of matter and energy about him that to say that he comprehends 1% of what the universe is composed of would be an overstatement.


42. It is not an overstatement to say that the biggest culprit is the fact that her character seems to have no direction.


43. Even assuming that a goal is truly worthy, it is an extremely broad overstatement to say that just because a certain goal is worthy, then whatever it takes to reach that goal is justifiable.


44. Secondly, the romantic way of expression includes elaboration, fiction, overstatement, imagination and advocating odd deceitful.


45. This may have been an improvement, but "breakthrough" was an overstatement.


46. What's on your mind, if you will allow the overstatement?


47. The mixture of overstatement, banter, humorous joking, imitation and irony makes Dong Xis creation of novels a superficial phenomenon of amusement.


48. There has been a grotesque overstatement of the evidence that males and females are born with different brains, as Cordelia Fine has documented in her book Delusions of Gender.

如Cordelia Fine在《社会性别的错觉》一书所说的,一些荒诞的论调夸大了男性和女性的大脑天生不同。

49. Of course, we don't accept the unrealistic overstatement about reverse merger.


50. To say that everybody had a blast is a gross overstatement, I know at least three people left early because of boredom.


51. True emotion ought not to require overstatement.



1. We also observe that the fears about 7-10 year Treasuries imploding might be a bit of an overstatement, at least from a historical perspective.

FORBES: Gold's Twelve Month March To $3,800

2. Her claim that the mixture could cure colds may have been an overstatement.

BBC: Magazine

3. Although at least one senior intelligence officer complained about overstatement (and then about the government's assertion that there was no discontent) the top spooks seem to have swallowed any doubts.

ECONOMIST: The Hutton inquiry

4. To say that it will have a major effect on our psychological well-being would be overstatement.

FORBES: Starbucks' Power Over Us Is Bigger Than Coffee: It's Personal.

5. United States reversed the Court of Federal Claims, ruling that an overstatement of basis gives the IRS six years.

FORBES: IRS Wins Big In Six Year Audit Push

6. Avoiding overstatement also helped reverse some of the fears people had about globalization.

FORBES: How Your Lack Of Foreign Facebook Friends Points To The Truth About Globalization

7. Even that may be an overstatement: actual votes for a rupture might fall short of bravura responses to pollsters.


8. If the loss reserve or marketing expense is accurately calculated, the mischief does not lead to an overstatement of net income.

FORBES: Magazine Article

9. In light of Europe's continuing and growing economic difficulties, such assessment would seem an overstatement, to put it mildly.


10. "Shock would not be an (overstatement), " Tim Rogers, vice chancellor of student life, told reporters Wednesday.

CNN: Tennessee fraternity suspended after alcohol enemas

11. But Henry Blaxland QC, for Ahmed, said it was an "overstatement" to say there had been any planning for an attack.

BBC: Four Luton men posed 'no imminent terror threat'

12. They said it was an overstatement to suggest the men had made genuine plans and the toy car idea had gone nowhere.

BBC: Terror threat: Four jailed in homemade bomb plot case

13. Consequently, it is alleged that Elles caused the understating of expenses in some quarters and the subsequent overstatement of income in the corresponding quarters.

FORBES: Oshkosh Omigosh! As Feds Expand Charges Against Former Carter's Executives

14. This is why they say it is not an overstatement to call it 'a housing crisis'.

BBC: 'Housing crisis' poses challenge for political parties

15. That, of course, is a bit of an overstatement.

FORBES: Discover And PayPal Join Forces In The War Against Paper Money, Banks

16. Bogle, a class act, reminds shareholders that the 15% annualized return over ten years for Windsor I is an overstatement because 1987's Black Monday got dropped at year-end.

FORBES: The Wal-Mart of mutual funds

17. The first internal warning of a possible overstatement came in 2000 two years earlier than Shell had acknowledged in its own investigation.

ECONOMIST: A damning verdict | The

18. `Vast' proved to be something of an overstatement.


19. Yet overstatement, like inconsistency, is a diarist's privilege.


20. But that's an overstatement: It's still fine for wrapping fish.

FORBES: Magazine Article

21. As the increasingly diminishing effect of analogies to Hitler suggests, over time overstatement usually undermines rather than advances argument.

WSJ: McGurn: Bill Maher's 'Fatwa'

22. Any claim that CTR has encouraged good behavior in the former Soviet Union is an overstatement, if not an irony.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Inflating the electoral process

23. Harold Degenhardt, administrator of the commission's Fort Worth office, said the next stage would focus on the individuals responsible for the overstatement.

ECONOMIST: A damning verdict | The

24. It was the Cuban missile crisis of the 19th century, Mr Stahr writes, with a touch of overstatement.

ECONOMIST: Out of the shadow

25. This may have been an improvement, but `breakthrough' was an overstatement.


26. That may be an overstatement, but the change has been stunning.

CNN: Congress cooperating in wake of attacks

27. Some fans of the approach say it helps investors buy low, because a given dollar amount buys more shares when prices are low than when they are high, but that might be an overstatement.

WSJ: Upside: Signs of Hope for Stock Investors

28. There, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit ruled that a basis overstatement gives the IRS six years.

FORBES: Taxpayer Wins Latest 6 Year Audit Fight

29. Perhaps it is an overstatement to see these calls for more evidence as the cause of recent efforts by cyberwar proponents and lawmakers to increase the level of transparency surrounding cybersecurity.

FORBES: Cyberwar Hype Comes Under Increasing Scrutiny

30. United States ruled that a basis overstatement gives the IRS its coveted six years.

FORBES: More IRS 6 Year Audit Pushback

31. He explained the inaccuracy arose "not on an overstatement of spending in 2012-13 but on an understatement of spending in 2011-12".

BBC: Education Secretary Mike Russell sorry for college claim

32. True emotion ought not to require overstatement.


33. That may have been the case, and the hardcore squalor of "Boogie Nights" may have been an overstatement in the other direction.

WSJ: 'Bettie Page' Is a Beauty With Not Much Underneath





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blossom的意思是:n. (树木的)花,花簇;开花,花期 v. 开花;成长,繁盛,兴旺 【名】 (Blossom)布洛瑟姆(人名)。学考宝为您提供blossom是什么意思,blossom的翻译,blossom的用法,blossom的短语搭配,blossom的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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nightingales的意思是:n. 夜莺 n. (Nightingale)人名;(英)奈廷格尔。学考宝为您提供nightingales是什么意思,nightingales的翻译,nightingales的用法,nightingales的短语搭配,nightingales的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bloom的意思是:n. 花,花朵;花期;青春焕发,风华正茂;(肤色的)红润;(一些水果和植物的)粉衣,粉霜;(尤指音乐录音中)饱满响亮的声音;方坯 v. 开花,绽放;繁荣,兴旺;精神焕发;给(透镜)敷膜;把(铸块)铸成方坯 【名】 (Bloom)(英)布卢姆,(瑞典、西)布洛姆(人名)。学考宝为您提供bloom是什么意思,bloom的翻译,bloom的用法,bloom的短语搭配,bloom的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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