莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

to look back是什么意思_to look back的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


to look back

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1. Difficult to look back 难回首 ; 难回顾回头

2. not to look back 不要回头

3. To look back and see 回头去看

4. To look back upon 回顾

5. to look back at history 回顾历史

6. to look back on 回溯

7. Preferring To Look Back 情愿回头

8. Difficult t to look back 难回首

9. He stopped to look back 他停下来回头看


1. When I become old, I would like to look back with a great sense of satisfaction that thousands of people have become better persons through my work.

成千上万的人通过我的工作变得更好。当我老去,我想带着这种极大的满足感回顾过去。《中考真题- 2015 河北 阅读C》

2. I like to look back on my high-school days.


3. Yet 2009 is a sobering year from which to look back.


4. The east wind visited again my small chamber last night;| I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight.


5. When you finally do decide to look back.

当你最后终于决定回头的时候。《provided by jukuu》

6. He tried to look back, but the tunnel was too narrow.


7. It's been a rare project in my career where everybody on the team took a little time to look back and identify openly what really stunk.


8. When they were there, they turned to look back.


9. But the banks would be wise to look back on recent history.


10. On and on he ran, never daring to look back.

他直往前跑,怎麽也不敢回头看。《provided by jukuu》

11. She took a deep breath and fixed her eyes on the sky, determined not to look back.


12. What are some possible reasons for Lot's wife to look back?


13. I cannot bear to look back.


14. And not to look back or they'd shoot us.

不许向后看不然就开枪打我们。《provided by jukuu》

15. I did some research to look back at previous major events and the volume of online giving that took place.


16. Would you like to look back in your cell for30 more days for it?

你还想回号子里去再找30天吗?《provided by jukuu》

17. Time really passes by quickly, and do you want to look back on your last 40 years and think: What the HECK have I done?


18. Such a rich chapter it had been, when one came to look back on it all!


19. If you wanted to see bionic arms or legs in action, you used to have to look back to 1970s television shows or Star Wars movies.


20. We may come to look back on 2009 as a vintage year for environmentally themed movies and documentaries.


21. God told them not to look back.

神叫他们不可向后看。《provided by jukuu》

22. It's astonishing to look back on the world I left behind.


23. Do we want to look back 25 years from now and regret not having stayed the course again?


24. Ask me to look back in 2010 or so.


25. Someday we are going to look back on these days.

这种日子总有一天会过去的。《provided by jukuu》

26. He made up his mind to enjoy his guitar and to accumulate as many happy experiences as he could so that when he retired he would be able to look back on his life with satisfaction.


27. For other people, the harvest festival is a time to look back at the past and look forward to the future.


28. He turned to look back, but by then she was out of sight.


29. The end of a year is a good time to look back, reflecting on achievements, and to look forward, to see what we still need to accomplish.


30. I like to look back on my high school days.


31. I need you to look back there again and find the other cable.


32. They like to look back on those unforgettable years in the country.

他们喜欢回顾在农村的那些难忘的岁月。《provided by jukuu》

33. You also need to look back, not just at the people who are running behind you but especially at those who don't run and never will...


34. I refuse to look back thinking days were better


35. The new year is around the corner, so it is time for me to look back on the past days and make plans to improve myself.


36. In order to explain the third life style, I want to look back the first one firstly.


37. So it is a virtual impossibility to look ahead for a potential typo or even to look back at what was just read.


38. It's free and you'll always have something cool to look back on!


39. It's astonishing to look back on the world I left behind.


40. I left his office, walking quickly down the corridor, afraid to look back.


41. It's tempting to look back on these moments and assume that our progress was inevitable -– that America was always destined to succeed.


42. Sometimes it's not good to look back in the past.


43. There, space tourists will be able to look back at the Earth and out to dark space and the sight of millions of stars.


44. I had to look back hard, just once, like he was glass.


45. It is satisfying to look back on what we have achieved so far.

回头看看我们取得的成绩,很让人满意。《provided by jukuu》

46. I want to look back on this year and feel proud of myself.


47. People began to look back on his presidency with a different view.

人们开始从不同的角度重新审视他的总统任期。《provided by jukuu》

48. When markets are booming, however, commentators tend to look back at the performance of stocks and extrapolate an even rosier future.


49. We are looking ahead, but we also need to look back to events and lessons from 2010.


50. Mr. Nelson liked to look back on the time he spent with his daughter.


51. The aged people like to look back upon the old days.

上了年纪的人喜欢回顾过去的日子。《provided by jukuu》

52. I never want to look back, but let's make an exception this time.


53. "I want to find these stars because I want to look back in time," says Frebel, now at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.


54. Carry on till tomorrow, there's no reason to look back


55. I like to look back on my high school days, which were among the happiest in my life.


56. This vantage point seemed like a good place to look back up the evolutionary road that led from Ardi to us.


57. I don't want you to look back and regret not taking action.'


58. Make the best use of your time today and in 6 months or a year you'll be able to look back and see how much you've learned.



1. In other words: No matter what, you always need to look back to look forward.

WSJ: The Message From D10: Keep What Worksand Change Everything Else

2. Both sons look back with pride at their fathers. Both are also working to overcome suspicions that stand in the way of renewed U.S.-Russian cooperation to meet challenges that could confront their children.

VOA : standard.2010.05.07

3. In order for their children to leave one day without ever having to look back, the Doriens had to stay.


4. Whether it is or not is something that those who survive to look back at history will be able to decide.

FORBES: Gold Prices: Are They Set for a Fall?

5. So I promised a while ago now, that we were going to come back and look at this game under some other possible payoffs.

我保证,我们以后还会讨论这些在,其它博弈下的收益情况博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. Seems lost on the author to look back on history, a history in which Andrew Witty was a member of the Corporate Executive Team.

FORBES: Why Forbes' Glaxo Story Was Totally Naive

7. Spitz: Use of data in branding has been used more to look back, not to do real-time branding.

FORBES: As The Cookie Crumbles, Is Armageddon Coming For Online Advertising?

8. I'd like to invite people to go back and look at the work of Luther Martin King, Jr.

我想请大家回首,关注小马丁·路德·金的成就。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

9. And you get back to your office and look at the business card and you say 'Who was that again?

VOA : special.2009.09.14

10. The elephants look up and watch as your boat turns away and you head back to camp at the end of another day on safari in Africa.

VOA : special.2009.08.19

11. To fully understand Gearbox, however, we need to look back further.

FORBES: From 'CodeHunters' To 'Aliens: Colonial Marines': Gearbox Is One Of The Most Controversial Studios In The Business

12. He gave Smiley a look that said he was sorry for fighting a dog that did not have any back legs for him to hold, which he needed to win a fight.

VOA : special.2009.08.29

13. Another good thing to do when you're really stuck is walk away. Take a break. Come back and look at it with fresh eyes of your own.

当你卡住的时候另外一件有益的事,就是走开休息一会儿,再回来看代码的时候你的眼睛就清醒多了。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

14. He throws his high prophetic talents into the construction ; of the Saint Peter speech; and in 1645, historical circumstances being what they were, he was able to look back at this passage and actually claim that it had been a genuinely prophetic utterance.

他把自己预示的才能投入在,圣彼得的演说之中;,在164年,历史背景如此复杂,他能够重新回顾这段,并且做出一段真诚的预知性的论调。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. We need to look back nearly 850 years to find the last - and only - English Pope, Adrian IV.

BBC: Nicholas Breakspear: The only English Pope

16. MS. PSAKI: Well, I'd have to look back and remember what we did four years ago.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

17. One only needs to look back on the past to note that such predictions are made every time but have yet to materialize.

WSJ: Why Mega-Events May Not Mean Mega-Bucks

18. This led people to go back and look at the places that were manufacturing the vaccine to make sure that they were all producing vaccine of the proper quality.

这现象让人们回溯并且审视,制作疫苗的地方,以确认他们生产的疫苗,质量都合格生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. So, hopefully, if you were to go back and look you could see that this is, in fact, copper.

因此,我希望大家如果回去再看一遍,这个题目的话,能够知道这是铜原子。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. We're going to use this time to look back over the past three years and talk about what has been achieved and what has not.

NPR: Reflections on Three Years of War in Iraq

21. It is hard not to look back on the mood in 2008 without shaking your head slightly.

BBC: Is Obama doomed in 2012?

22. "A lot of victims' families want to look back -- would have, should have, could have, " she said.

CNN: Families of 9/11 dead upset that clues may have been missed

23. So, I wanted to look back after several weeks of use and see whether the iPhone 5 holds up after longer scrutiny.

ENGADGET: IRL: ColcaSac's Hanakapiai sleeves, the iPhone 5 and the Galaxy S III on MetroPCS

24. Meanwhile, after starring for England in Australia, Swann allowed himself to look back on a remarkable year.

BBC: Ashes: Graeme Swann questions Australia selection

25. To look back where I've come from, to where I've come, is to see God's grace at work.

BBC: Ex-armed robber Matt Martinson's path to priesthood

26. Senator Mitchell will be going back to the region, and we look forward to the meeting of the Arab follow-up committee in Cairo tomorrow night to support the commitment by President Abbas to move forward with these talks."

VOA : standard.2010.04.30

27. Addicts tend to look back with fondness at that one friend who told them, at the very least, to slow down.

FORBES: Apple Fine Without Jobs? Think Different

28. To understand the dynamics of the price increase, we need to look back, past even the start of the drought.

FORBES: Chicken

29. If you just look back when they were created it's most likely to be in the 1930s.

如果你回想起,你会发现那些衍生品,大多都是上个世纪30年代出现的。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. And instead of this continual anticipation of writing something great, Milton's able to look back and find closure in something already written.

他并没有继续着写一些伟大的作品,而是追溯了过去,并在已完成的作品中寻找着终结。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. But I am now able to look back and see how they destroyed my ability to function.

ECONOMIST: Legalising drugs

32. We will be able to look back and see the difference.

FORBES: Egypt Is the Next Tunisia. What Is the Next Egypt?

33. Now he's returned to look back at a lifetime of looking forward.

CNN: Review: David Bowie's first new album in 10 years

34. Yet people want to go to space, to look back at Earth, to experience weightlessness.

NPR: Vacation In Space? It's Possible ... For The Rich

35. Hank walked out, paused at the door to look back, then left.

WSJ: Book Review: Hank Greenberg

36. Ancic had no complaints afterwards and instead preferred to look back on his run in the tournament.

BBC: Ruthless Federer races past Ancic

37. And I want to just highlight it for you because we're going to come back and look at it.

我想强调下这一点因为我们即将,回过头去再去看看这些东西。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. The chairs tilt back so that it is easy to look up and watch a movie projected on the ceiling.

VOA : special.2009.03.11

39. The take-away for now is really to look back at some of the examples we've seen in lecture, some of the examples that you've now seen in the super sections and in the future sections really, for guidance.

抛开那个,我们回头看看,我们在演讲中看到的例子,其中一些,你们在超级课程中看到的例子,在以后的课程中,作为指导。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

40. The man took the box again, and took another long look, and gave it back to Smiley,and says, "Well,I don't see anything about that frog that is any better than any other frog."

VOA : special.2009.08.29

41. "So I urged these institutions here today to go back and take a third and fourth look about how they are operating when it comes to small business and medium sized business lending,"

VOA : standard.2009.12.20

42. "He was able to look back on his life and make sense of a lot of things, " Bush said.

CNN: With autism, no longer invisible

43. What America do we see? I'm going to look back to a passage I talked about in a different vein last time, on 26 and 27, just for one quick example.

看到什么了呢?,我们看到了什么样的美国?,我想回到,上一次讲另一个脉络时讲到的段落,在26到27页。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

44. As Andrew Johnson prepared to leave the White House a few months after Grant's election, he would look back on some successes during his time as president.

VOA : special.2010.02.11

45. Fortunately, we don't have to look back too many years to see how their agenda turns out.

WHITEHOUSE: Moving Forward on a New Foundation

46. Today look back at the first flights of the Apollo program designed to land humans on the moon.

VOA : special.2009.07.08

47. Those lenders are able to look back at consumer behaviour over several economic cycles for a reference point.

ECONOMIST: What isn't known about bad debts

48. We'd step back and look at the calendar and say are we living up to that, mandate to us to put the president to focus on these things.

我们会纵观整个日历,看看我们是不是做到了,是不是让总统,都集中处理这些事。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

49. They walked slowly to the back of the barn to look at Maudie.

VOA : special.2010.01.09

50. Now 68, Mr. Clapton finds it easy to look back on his career.

WSJ: The Last Tour? | A Cultural Conversation With Eric Clapton | By Jim Fusilli

51. But yet when you look back from the nineteenth century, these factors do count in explaining how countries turn out to be the way they are.

不过当你从十九世纪开始回顾历史,这些因素的确能解释,国家是如何转变成现在这样的欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Suppose somebody said, "Look, I spent 20 years living in France, and then I came back to the United States.

假设某人说,我在法国住了二十年,之后我回到美国死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. As he headed back into the Capitol after the swearing-in, the president pivoted and planted himself to look back at the scene.

NPR: The Inaugural Do-Over: Chomping Gum, Savoring View

54. So, this unfolding of the plot and the epic story has been very, very interesting to watch, especially if you look back to that time when he came back to the company.

苹果的情节展开,和史诗般的叙事,都非常有趣,特别是回首他刚回公司的时候,这两点更为有趣。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

55. now let's go back to each of our individual steps and look, based on what we know about how to evaluate the thermodynamic changes that take place here, let's look at each one of the steps and see what happens.

让我们回到循环中的每一步,然后看看,基于我们已有的知识,来估计一下,发生的热力学变化,让我们看,循环中的每一步发生了什么。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

56. So if we go back to the Cheetos and the cockroach and we look at our different criteria, and we ask ourselves, is it found in nature?

我们回头再看奇多和蟑螂,我们参照不同的标准,回答如下问题,它是存在于自然界的吗关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. I'm not someone to look back on the what the referee did.

CNN: Spain celebrates Iniesta, World Cup

58. "I do appeal to the candidates and to their campaigns and also to the voters to demonstrate the patience and calm that is required for the ECC to carry out its work in order to make sure that when we look back at the entire election process that we can say that it had the credibility that is required,"

VOA : standard.2009.08.24

59. They come so instinctively and easily it's difficult, and sort of unnatural, to step back and explore them scientifically but if we're going to be scientists and look at the mind from a scientific perspective we have to get a sort of distance from ourselves and ask questions that other people would not normally think to ask.

他们来得如此本能,容易,这是困难的,有某种超自然韵味,退后,从科学角度研究他们,但如果我们打算成为科学家,从科学角度,看待心理,我们需同我们自身保持某种距离,问问题,问其他人通常不想问的。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

60. Enjoy the pictures below, so you have something to look back on.

ENGADGET: Hitachi's MEMS display: big aspirations in a little prototype

to look back是什么意思_to look back的音标_用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句



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annual的意思是:adj. 一年一度的;年度的;(植物)一年生的 n. 一年生植物;年刊,年鉴。学考宝为您提供annual是什么意思,annual的翻译,annual的用法,annual的短语搭配,annual的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Yanqui的意思是:n. (西)美国人 adj. 美国的;美国人的。学考宝为您提供Yanqui是什么意思,Yanqui的翻译,Yanqui的用法,Yanqui的短语搭配,Yanqui的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


annoy的意思是:v. 使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰;<古>侵扰。学考宝为您提供annoy是什么意思,annoy的翻译,annoy的用法,annoy的短语搭配,annoy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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announce的意思是:v. 宣布,公布;声称,郑重地说;(尤指通过广播)通知;播报,讲解(体育赛事);通报……的到来;显示;告知;宣布竞选公职。学考宝为您提供announce是什么意思,announce的翻译,announce的用法,announce的短语搭配,announce的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


open-mouthed的意思是:adj. 惊愕得张大嘴的;目瞪口呆的。学考宝为您提供open-mouthed是什么意思,open-mouthed的翻译,open-mouthed的用法,open-mouthed的短语搭配,open-mouthed的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


angle的意思是:n. 角;倾斜,斜角;角度;视角,立场;<美>不可告人的动机;<美>诡计,狡猾的手段;角铁,角钢;<古>鱼钩 v. 斜移,斜置;向(特定人群)提供资讯,定位于;博取,谋取;垂钓,钓鱼;(使)朝向,(使)转向。学考宝为您提供angle是什么意思,angle的翻译,angle的用法,angle的短语搭配,angle的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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