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  • adj. 退役的
  • v. 使退役(decommission 的过去式)

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decommission /ˌdiːkəˈmɪʃən/ [ decommissioning decommissioned decommissions ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 When something such as a nuclear reactor or a large machine is decommissioned, it is taken out of use and taken apart because it is no longer going to be used. 停止使用

    The ships were to be decommissioned.




1. decommissioned Tsing Yi Power Station 已退役的青衣发电厂

2. Decommissioned reactor 退役反应堆

3. decommissioned uranium mine 退役铀矿山

4. Zhang Yining decommissioned 张怡宁已经退役了


1. Forget the drive-thru, now you can eat your Big Mac and fries at an air-mazing McDonald's restaurant on this decommissioned aircraft.


2. HMS Warspite was decommissioned as part of defence cuts.


3. Service consumers need to update their Web service client applications to use the new version of AccountService before the old version is decommissioned.


4. Permeable reactive barrier technology for remediation of contaminated groundwater from a decommissioned uranium milling tailings site


5. French nuclear experts said earlier that some older nuclear installations in the earthquake-zone that were being decommissioned had been damaged.


6. This is critical since the us will depend on Russian spacecraft to reach the International space Station from 2010 to 2014, when the shuttles are decommissioned.


7. The recovery can make use of the uranium resources to the full and be convenient for the management of decommissioned projects.


8. Practice of land reclamation at the decommissioned uranium mine


9. A decommissioned Australian navy ship sinks to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean after scuttled with its explosives.


10. Many more decommissioned submarines are believed to be in Russian northwest.


11. It is the last port call here for America's oldest active warship before it will be decommissioned.


12. Since nuclear plants only have a lifespan of 50 years, by the time the required amount is built, early plants would have to start being decommissioned.


13. Many of those facilities are going to be decommissioned or converted to different USES.


14. A safety check-up method for decommissioned reactor fuel element cladding


15. The UVF claimed to have decommissioned its weapons in 2009 and has been largely inactive.


16. Have you ever wondered or given a thought to what happens to the retired or decommissioned airliners once their flying days are over?


17. The Hubble community bids farewell to the soon-to-be decommissioned Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope.

哈勃团队即将告别哈勃太空望远镜上要退役的大视场行星照相机2 (WFPC2)。

18. Brief Talk on New Physical Technology of Removing Pollution from Decommissioned Nuclear Installation


19. Around half have already shut down and are being decommissioned.


20. These results are valuable for reasonably determining the radon eduction rate in remedial action on decommissioned uranium mine.


21. Once a new version of the service becomes available, the old version is declared deprecated, indicating that it will be decommissioned after certain period of time.


22. Like any software, they need to be planned, designed, implemented, deployed, maintained, and ultimately, decommissioned.


23. It's a service, it's available, it really runs and really works, and it hasn't been decommissioned yet.


24. The ships were to be decommissioned.


25. A Survey of Environmental Radioactivity around a Decommissioned Uranium Mine


26. The firm has only reefed 12 of the 60 Gulf of Mexico platforms it has decommissioned.


27. The billing for most of these elements is on a per-month basis, where each server is decommissioned and returned within a few minutes as initially provisioned.


28. If the cutover is successful, the old node is decommissioned.


29. While some dams in the United States and Europe are being decommissioned, a dam-building boom is underway in developing countries.


30. They had arrived in San Francisco, where their ship was decommissioned, and Paul bet that he would find himself a wife within two weeks.


31. Since the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant is to be decommissioned, Japan will need new sources of electricity.

由于福岛第一(Dai - ichi)核电站将要退役,日本需要新的电力来源。

32. Should a decommissioned service be removed from the registry?


33. Investigation and research of environmental radioactivity around decommissioned submines of a uranium mine


34. Felicity pulled it up. It's an old map of a decommissioned subway line.


35. When urchin.js is finally decommissioned, will thousands of sites be caught without working statistics?


36. It involves going through the application portfolio and identifying redundant applications that can be decommissioned and replaced by a single service.


37. The decommissioned aircraft was being driven through the city at the weekend when the driver got lost and then abandoned the plane.


38. The designated project shall be decommissioned in accordance with the information and recommendations contained in the project profile and the EIA report.

须依据工程项目简介及环评报告内载资料及建议来解除指定工程项目的运作。《provided by jukuu》

39. Indeed, Britain has recently decommissioned its sole carrier because of budget pressures.


40. She was decommissioned in 1997, and the search for a final resting place has been tortuous.

“克莱蒙梭”号1997年就退役了。 但为她(注1)寻找一个最终安息之地的过程却一波三折。

41. The road was decommissioned in 1985, but it still holds a mythical place in American culture.


42. The monitoring of environmental radioactivity after the treatment of a certain decommissioned uranium mine waste residue site


43. We declare a Web service to be deprecated when it will be decommissioned after a certain period of time.

当要在特定时期后使 Web 服务退役时,我们将声明此 Web 服务已弃用。

44. The eight-tonne lab was launched in 2011 and decommissioned earlier this year.


45. Some scheduled flights are decommissioned due to bad weather.


46. The remediation mechanism, design and effects of PRB in remediation of contaminated groundwater from a decommissioned uranium milling tailings site of China are described.


47. You're scheduled to be decommissioned at the end of this diagnostic.

在这个诊断之后,你会被销毁。《provided by jukuu》

48. The end result is that Nowak always has two production environments operating and another one in flux (with servers being selected, built, demoted or decommissioned).

这样的最终结果是瓦克永远有两个产品操作环境。 另外还有一个在变化中的,包括选择,搭建,降级,退役服务器。

49. The warship was decommissioned in 1998.


50. Towards the establishment of housing subsidy funds for decommissioned officers


51. The old ESS storage could now be decommissioned and removed from the data centre.


52. This was all to show the USSR that the site was actually decommissioned.


53. Groups including Camp for Climate Action are demanding that coal-fired stations be decommissioned in favour of more environmentally friendly options.


54. Those early power stations became obsolete: Trawsfynydd was decommissioned in 1991.



1. In a pleasant, uncrowded public school in a prosperous suburb -- actually a decommissioned building in Portland, Ore.

WSJ: Bloated 'Beyond Borders' Sinks Saintly Characters

2. It appears likely the decommissioned craft came down between 03:23 and 05:09 GMT - with a best estimate of 04:16.

BBC: Nasa's UARS satellite falls off west coast of US

3. Since the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant is to be decommissioned, Japan will need new sources of electricity.

ECONOMIST: Japan's disaster and business reform

4. The find provides more evidence that not all of the Provisional IRA's weapons were decommissioned.

BBC: Worn and rusting rocket launcher still capable of killing

5. Since being decommissioned in 2006, the base has been largely unused and a new owner is being sought.

BBC: Ex-RAF radar base in Norfolk up for sale on eBay

6. Since being decommissioned in 1960 it has been used to tow vehicles and runs on special tours.

BBC: Steam train to return to London Underground

7. Mr Abe said the process of dismantling the plant, which was decommissioned after the disaster, was an "unprecedented challenge".

BBC: Japan PM Abe praises Fukushima nuclear work during visit

8. And one of the newer and more unique opportunities is leasing inside the decommissioned military base, the Presidio.

BBC: Living in: San Francisco

9. The lobby floor is made from Philippine Apitong wood salvaged from decommissioned railroad boxcars.

CNN: Catalog company going lean and green

10. She was decommissioned in 1997, and the search for a final resting place has been tortuous.

ECONOMIST: Shipbreaking

11. Orfordness lighthouse is being decommissioned because Southwold lighthouse, further up the Suffolk coast, has been fitted with a stronger beam.

BBC: Thomas Dolby's film commemorates Orfordness Lighthouse

12. Have you ever had any creative thoughts on how to make good use out of decommissioned oil rigs?

FORBES: Audacious New Concept Turns Oil Rigs Into Luxury Homes

13. Its prepared foods facility at Cayton will be decommissioned and a new production site built in its place.

BBC: Scarborough McCain jobs at risk over pizza sales decline

14. IRA's political wing, also sat in the belief that terrorist guns and bombs would soon be decommissioned.

ECONOMIST: More bad news for moderates

15. Even if the enthusiasts have the money, putting a decommissioned plane back in the skies takes more than just capital.

CNN: Can plan to fly Concorde again get off the ground?

16. But the stricken reactors have yet to be stabilised and decommissioned, and the surrounding area decontaminated.


17. The decommissioned Type 22 frigates HMS Cumberland, HMS Campbeltown, HMS Chatham and HMS Cornwall are currently moored in Portsmouth Harbour.

BBC: Navy frigates in Portsmouth 'to be sunk or scrapped'

18. The decommissioned Moto Vessel Emsstrom, which caused the damage, sank off Torbay in Devon on Monday.

BBC: Stricken diesel tug reaches Portland for repairs

19. Four decommissioned Royal Navy ships have been put up for sale by the Ministry of Defence.

BBC: Four Royal Navy frigates in Portsmouth Harbour for sale

20. The government announced last December that four frigates were to be decommissioned under the strategic defence and security review.

BBC: HMS Cornwall: Devonport ceremony marks end of frigate

21. The Ark Royal has been docked at Portsmouth Naval Base since it was decommissioned.

BBC: HMS Ark Royal sold for scrap by Ministry of Defence

22. Their research involved carrying out a controlled explosion on a decommissioned Tube carriage.

BBC: Newcastle engineers research bomb-proof train carriages

23. Devonport is home to the Royal Navy's seven Trafalgar-class nuclear-powered submarines and has four decommissioned nuclear submarines awaiting dismantling.

BBC: Tritium is released from submarine reactors

24. St Clair Armitage, executive director of Addenbrooke's, said building the centre would mean its existing facility could be decommissioned.

BBC: Addenbrooke's Hospital plans ?36m energy centre

25. The tug was holed by the decommissioned Moto Vessel Emsstrom, off Hope's Nose, Torbay in Devon.

BBC: Boat sinks after stricken tug crew rescued off Devon coast

26. The war's main aircraft carrier, HMS Hermes, was about to be decommissioned as unsuitable for fighting Soviet submarines.

ECONOMIST: Britain's military power

27. Hinkley A, which is now being decommissioned, began generating in 1965 and was closed down in 1999.

BBC: New nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point C is approved

28. Officers searched the teacher's home and a decommissioned antique weapon was surrendered for further inspection.

BBC: Suffolk education centre in 'gun threat' inquiry shut down

29. The first was China's deliberate destruction of a decommissioned weather satellite using a missile in 2007.

BBC: UK design to 'harpoon' old satellites

30. Around 240 of Sellafield's 1, 400 buildings are nuclear facilities and so far 55 buildings on the site have been decommissioned.

BBC: Sellafield inspection after 'intolerable risk' report




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bulk的意思是:n. 主体,大部分;庞大的身躯,肥硕的体形;(巨大的)容积,体积 adj. 大批的,大宗的 v. 使(产品)数量显得很大;结合(待售的股票或商品) 【名】 (Bulk)(土)布尔克(人名)。学考宝为您提供bulk是什么意思,bulk的翻译,bulk的用法,bulk的短语搭配,bulk的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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