莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈbɜːd(ə)n]play美 [ˈbɜːrd(ə)n]play

  • n. 负担,责任;负重,负荷;船的载重量,吨位;(演讲、书或辩论的)主题,主旨(the burden)
  • v. 烦扰,使负重担
  • 【名】 (Burden)(英)伯登(人名)

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


burden /ˈbɜːdən/ CET4 TEM4 [ burdening burdened burdens ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 If you describe a problem or a responsibility as a burden, you mean that it causes someone a lot of difficulty, worry, or hard work. 负担

    The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.



    Her death will be an impossible burden on Paul.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A burden is a heavy load that is difficult to carry. 重负

    ...African women carrying burdens on their heads.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If someone burdens you with something that is likely to worry you, for example, a problem or a difficult decision, they tell you about it. 使烦恼

    We decided not to burden him with the news.


  • 4.
    名词 a line of words recurring at the end of each verse of a ballad or similar song; chorus or refrain 叠句



1. rated burden 电 额定负载 ; 额定负荷 ; 精度等级 ; 额定电压

2. burden of proof 举证责任;提供证据之责任

3. The White Man's Burden 白人的负担 ; 白种人的负担

4. burden of persuasion 说服责任;举证责任

5. tax burden 课税负担

6. disease burden 疾病总量 ; 疾病负担

7. Beasts of burden 牛马 ; 伯顿山野兽 ; 困兽之斗 ; 野兽的负担

8. burden of disease 疾病负担 ; 负担 ; 病负担 ; 对疾病负担

9. economic burden 经济负担

10. financial burden n. 财政负担,经济负担

11. excess burden 税收 超额负担 ; 超额税负

12. beast of burden 驮兽(如马、驴等)

13. heavy burden 重负;重炉料


1. It eased me of the burden.


2. This essay is a preliminary study of burden of proof of the defendant.


3. The main burden of caring for old people falls on the state.


4. "The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals, " says Counihan.


5. The measures will lighten the tax burden on small businesses.


6. I am eager to study in America. However, the cost of living there is really a burden to my parents.


7. The massive debt burden of the Third World has become a crucial issue for many leaders of poorer countries.


8. What complicates the issue is the burden of history


9. Can I ease you of your burden?

我能减轻你的负担 吗 ?《现代英汉综合大词典》

10. He refused to force his friend to marry her and have to endure such a burden.


11. We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.


12. The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt


13. If the action is based on negligence, the plaintiff has the burden.

假如一个诉讼是根据过失理论提起的, 原告就须承担举证责任.《期刊摘选》

14. The heavy burden bore him down.


15. to be burdened by high taxation


16. Often, they feel they bear a burden for having to clean up after their partner.


17. Exams should be a method to test whether students grasp the knowledge or not instead of a burden on them.


18. I don't want to become a burden to my children when I'm old.


19. It will relieve her of a tremendous burden.


20. In case the authorities are faced with the burden of proof allocation problem.


21. The burden of rescuing these irresponsible adults falls on the authorities.


22. Given this understanding, the British people feel little burden in keeping the Corner abuzz with speeches.

英国人有了这个共识, 政治上也就没什么包袱了.《期刊摘选》

23. Third, work was done to reduce the burden on enterprises and free them from historical baggage.


24. He wanted to rid himself of the burden of the secret.


25. Sceptics claim that this burden of responsibility is crushing the spirit of scientific inquiry.


26. There will be a day, the burden and fear will be vanished.


27. Second section is about burden of going forward and burden of persuasion.


28. Another is the energy consumption, high pollution burden also drag the iron and steel industry restructuring.

另一个是高耗能 、 高污染的包袱也拖累着钢铁工业经济转型.《期刊摘选》

29. Nicaragua was burdened with a foreign debt of$ 11 billion


30. I'll bear a hand, too; and take my share of the burden.


31. If M & A side a heavy debt and poor profitability, the acquisition will become a burden.

若被 并购 方债务沉重且盈利能力差, 收购后会成为包袱.《期刊摘选》

32. There was an extraordinary feeling of hope and relief, as if a great burden had been cast off.


33. By the loss of this friendship I found myself relieved from a heavy burden.


34. Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity.


35. Her father carried a heavy burden of responsibility.


36. Too much praise is a burden.


37. This could become a big fiscal burden in the future.


38. Measures must be taken to help them shed their mental burden as soon as possible.


39. the heavy tax burden on working people


40. How much of an extra burden local governments will have to bear is still unclear.


41. The burden of guilt weighed heavily on his mind.


42. The burden fell on the eldest son.


43. Why do you burden yourself with your sister's dog?

你何必自找麻烦为你姐姐的狗所累 呢 ?《简明英汉词典》

44. It isn't too heavy a burden for the industry to bear.


45. I strongly agree that overpopulation has placed an enormous burden on each citizen and the environment.


46. Too much spending on rearmament would place an insupportable burden on the nation's productive capacity


47. Three helping one another bear the burden of six.


48. Taxation burden is a most acuity and sensitive problem concerning economy and the peoples livelihood.


49. These five chief executives treated mail processing as a burden to be dispensed with.


50. I'm experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a disappointing morning weigh-in.


51. The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.


52. God has been kind to me, and lifted a burden off my heart.

上帝对我是仁慈的, 他已卸下我心头的包袱.《辞典例句》

53. His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.


54. To protect wealthy people from criticism, the courts reversed Fox's burden of proof.

为了保护富人免受批评, 法院推翻了《福克斯法》的举证责任.《期刊摘选》

55. Secondly, I should like to discuss the policy relating to the financial burden.

其次, 说到我们的负担政策.《期刊摘选》

56. The burden of proof shall be on the master who alleges not at default.


57. It appeared reasonable that they should contribute part of that revenue to ease the shogun's burden of financing the state.


58. In addition to these, more often it is the spirit of responsibility and burden.

除了这些, 更多的时候是精神上的责任和负担.《期刊摘选》

59. In Chapter theory of burden of proof ha ( ? ) been discussed on the base of basic law.


60. This reverses the usual burden of proof.


61. And such cooperation should ensure that no region bears a disproportionate burden of adjustment.


62. You need to throw off your burden.


63. She was glad to be relieved of this burden.


64. I was there to help, not be a burden.

我是来帮忙的, 不是要成为负担的.《期刊摘选》

65. Then how should we face the tuition burden of attending college?

那么,我们应该如何看待上大学带来的收费负担 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

66. Soviet women carry the main burden of shopping, homemaking and child rearing.

苏联的妇女承担的主要义务就是采购, 做家务及抚养孩子.《辞典例句》

67. I would do almost anything not to be a burden, and not require any help from anybody.


68. It sounds as if robots will make many people lose their jobs, but actually they can ease people's burden.


69. Her death will be an impossible burden on Paul.


70. The burden must be carried; the want provided for; the suffering endured; the responsibilty fulfilled.

负担还得背下去; 需要还得满足; 痛苦还得忍受; 责任还得完成.《期刊摘选》

71. Taxes generally impose an excess burden – a cost beyond the tax revenue collected.


72. She got off the bus, burdened with two heavy suitcases.


73. The burden of proof lay on the plaintiff to prove negligence.


74. He was at last shot of the burden.


75. A vastly disproportionate burden falls on women for child care


76. Bookshelves groan under the burden of books on threats to the environment.


77. They have burdened themselves with a high mortgage.


78. A burden was taken off the South by the loss of that Vietnam War.


79. n other words, a few countries are benefiting enormously from the consumption of fossil fuels, while at the same time contributing disproportionately to the global burden of climate change

换句话说,一些国家通过消耗化石燃料获得了巨大利益,而同时它们对全球气候变化所负的责任则不成比例《16年12月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

80. The burden of his complaint was that quality was very poor.


81. We special stress on analyzing the burden of 95 % ceramics, sintering and adhesion of substrates metal.

介绍了95陶瓷散热基片生产过程中应控制的几个质量问题,重点分析了95瓷的配料, 烧结及其基板金属化的附着力等.《期刊摘选》

82. His business empire collapsed under a massive burden of debt


83. The mule's back was hollowed by the weight of its burden.


84. The burden of proof is on the prosecution.


85. Some worry about the burden on authors.


86. The burden of proof rests on the prosecution alone.


87. They don't go around with the burdens of the world on their shoulders the whole time...


88. It mostly come down to distribution of burden of proof in modem law system.


89. The university has thus met its burden of showing that the admissions policy it used was narrowly tailored.


90. The minister has persuaded the banks to lighten the burden of the foreign debt


91. The adoption of this policy would relieve them of a tremendous burden.


92. A part-time bookkeeper will relieve you of the burden of chasing unpaid invoices.


93. We decided not to burden him with the news.


94. I wouldn't call it a burden; I call it a responsibility


95. Maybe after retirement Paul could no longer bear this burden.


96. Having determined the main transport needs, possible solutions were identified which might reduce the time and burden.


97. This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.


98. Given this understanding, the British people feel little burden.

英国人有了这个共识, 也就没什么包袱了.《期刊摘选》

99. Always bring happiness, but you will put your burden.

总是说把欢乐带给你, 却把你的心情负担加重.《期刊摘选》

100. Except as otherwise by statute the proponent of a rule or the burden of proof.


101. When did you visit the Ocean Park?


102. It can complete some housework in a short time, and alleviates the burden of folk.

它能在一定时间内完成一些家务活, 减轻家人的负担.《期刊摘选》

103. Objective To deal with medical actions in tort, rebuttal burden of proof has been applied widely.

在处理医疗侵权纠纷案件中, 举证责任倒置原则得到了广泛的应用.《期刊摘选》

104. The administrative burden must be lifted from local government.


105. Her death will be an impossible burden on Paul


106. They may be burdened by guilt and regret.


107. The burden of proof shall be on the master who alleges at default.


108. Why should curing sexism be yet another terrible burden on every female scientist?


109. The fifth section discusses the distribution of burden of relation to insurer's explanation obligation.

第五章详细分析了海上保险人免责条款解释说明义务的举证责任 分配问题.《期刊摘选》

110. Their group was targeted to carry the burden of job losses.


111. The beautiful mother river is withstanding the serious burden, is dripping silently the black tears.

美丽的母亲河承受着沉重的负担, 默默地淌着黑色的泪水.《期刊摘选》

112. They have been looking to trust companies in particular to trim their balance sheets and lessen their regulatory burden.


113. The substance of the peasants burden is a fair problem that tax and fee are distributed.


114. If we can help ease their financial burden, we will.


115. These data could be precious resource, and also could become potential burden for an enterprise.

这些数据对于企业来说,既是一种宝贵的资源, 也有可能成为负担.《期刊摘选》

116. The financial burden will be more evenly shared.


117. Fifth, we should lighten the burden on farmers and maintain rural stability.

第五, 减轻农民负担,维护农村稳定.《期刊摘选》

118. to bear/carry/ease/reduce/share the burden

承受 / 担负 / 减轻 / 减少 / 分担重担《牛津词典》

119. They don't go around with the burdens of the world on their shoulders the whole time


120. Every time you can't decide, you burden yourself with alternatives.


121. Decreasing labor burden, urban population and the floating population increase every year.

劳动力负担在逐年减少, 城镇人口和流动人口逐年增加.《期刊摘选》

122. Sometimes, Shawn also felt a burden.

有时候, 肖恩也有思想包袱.《期刊摘选》

123. Article 7 The complainant and respondent shall bear the burden of proof for their own claims.


124. There is no need to burden students terminology for learning cohesion terms in linguistics.


125. After visiting Iraqi CSI : New York star Gary Sinise left with a burden for Iraqi children.


126. A camel can bear burden.


127. The burden of proving the validity of the protest lies with complainant.


128. His invalid father is becoming a burden.


129. He hoped to get rid of the burden.


130. “ The evening meal carries the full burden that used to be spread over two meals, ” says Counihan.

“以前两顿饭的全部负担现在都落到了晚餐上。”Counihan 说。《16年6月四级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

131. I wouldn't call it a burden; I call it a responsibility.


132. It keeps them comfortably distanced from the burden of interpretation and responsibility.


133. They do not want to add to the government's burden.


134. The suitable one belongs to the responsibility principle and burden of proof to set up.


135. The adoption of this policy will relieve the unions of a tremendous burden.


136. Slowly the burden I had carried for many months lifted somewhat.


137. If many people carry the burden can not be done well.


138. I hate being a burden to my friends, and I do not expect to be one much longer.


139. I don't want to burden you with my worries.


140. The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt...


141. Some would argue this was no burden in fact, and that she should count her blessings.


142. I carried a secret criminal burden about with me each day.


143. Emmy straightened, hefting her burden.


144. This will achieve greater security without unduly burdening the consumers or the economy


145. Instead, VLIW chips shift more of that burden onto compilers.

相反, VLIW芯片将此负担的大部分转交给了编译器.《期刊摘选》

146. The second question is that of the burden of proof.


147. In sharing this secret you lighten your burden


148. Is there anything you consider a burden rather than a privilege?


149. He staggered underneath a burden.


150. The burden grew heavier in her heart and she lost her appetite, and got paler and paler.



1. He said,"...Living with AIDS is not the greatest burden I've had in my life.

VOA : special.2010.02.07

2. But all that really matters is that the burden of federal spending grew very slowly.

FORBES: Connect

3. But Howard touched only briefly on the burden the new basis requirement imposes on estate executors.

FORBES: A Paperwork Headache On Inheritances

4. So It's on television all the time, but television used to be almost 100% of the marketing and its share of the overall marketing burden if you call it that has--is going down, but other things have taken its place.

它不停地在电视上播放,营销中,电视过去占有份额是100%,如今它占整体营销开支的份额在下降,还会发生其它事情关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. Many of us would find that was, as I say, a burden-- something hanging constantly over us interfering with our ability to enjoy life.

我们许多人都会发现那是,像我说的那样,一种负担-,它一直笼罩着我们,影响着我们享受生活的能力。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

6. It's practically impossible to begin a reading of Milton without the burden of innumerable prejudices and preconceptions.

想要不带大量的偏见或成见的解读米尔顿,几乎是不可能的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

7. I decided not to burden him with too much knowledge.


8. The hiring process, training, and supervising of personnel are an enormous financial burden on a company.

FORBES: Relationships: The Key Component to Building a Financial Empire

9. The WFP also aids home owners faced with the added burden of providing food for refugees from the fighting.

VOA : standard.2009.06.19

10. The burden of proof is on the prosecution.


11. Wealthy and poorer nations are likely to argue over sharing the burden of cutting carbon emissions.

CNN: Can Rio +20 solve world's environmental problems?

12. It also eases the burden on police and security forces as a first line of security.

VOA : standard.2009.08.31

13. International donors and lenders continue to be concerned about the quality of fiscal management and Gambia's debt burden.

FORBES: Gambia

14. That would imply that the soldier would be a burden to their family and society.

FORBES: Operation: Supply Drop: Fighting PTSD And Bolstering Troop Morale, One Video Game Care Package At A Time

15. because we have another handicap like language is like burden that people from here don't really have, so

因为我们也有语言上的障碍,这里的人就没有这个负担。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自西班牙的留学生

16. She says they will have great difficulty coping with the increased burden of disease and other health problems.

VOA : standard.2010.01.02

17. Delaying the funding of benefits and pensions now will make the burden much heavier later.

ECONOMIST: States face a looming pensions crisis

18. But there is no similar escape from the crushing future burden of government debt.

FORBES: Sustainability -- I Do Not Think That Word Means What You Think It Means

19. We need to reduce the burden of taxes that impoverish the economy.


20. "We are prepared to put more troops into Afghanistan, there must be burden-sharing among the alliance,".

VOA : standard.2009.11.13

21. As I said the other day if that Confederate flag would just go away, just vanish, just stick it in the basement of museums and no one would ever care about it anymore, maybe, maybe the South's burden would go away.

正如我前段时间说过的,除非南北战争的邦联旗能够消失,被放进博物馆的地下室,再也没有任何人去关注它,那南方历史的阴影可能就真的不复存在了美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. She says lower costs have eased her family's financial burden because they used to spend much more on water.

VOA : standard.2010.08.04

23. "And with regard to the burden of disease it more than doubled,it increased over that 16 year period of time about 127 percent."

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

24. My bill also excludes rules that would reduce the regulatory burden on the private sector.

WSJ: Susan Collins: The Economy Needs a Regulation Time-Out

25. s not the burden of your argument that markets work only flawlessly if the government were get out of the way.

所以就算你没说,Ok,so,it’,市场只能在,政府不干预的情况下运转良好。经济学课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

26. And will this also add more debt or more of a burden on the federal government?

NPR: Congress to Lift Student Loans?

27. Uncertainty about the growing regulatory burden is an important contributing factor to this uncertainty.

FORBES: Obama, ATMs And Rage Against The Rise Of Machines

28. What complicates the issue is the burden of history.


29. This is all really a very unfortunate and heavy burden to place on this fascinating little library of writings from late antiquity.

这就将不幸的重担强加给了这个,收藏近古时期作品的迷人的小文库。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. The regulatory and compliance burden alone will cost more money than they can afford.

FORBES: How Democrats Learned to Love the Health Insurance Mandate

31. It would have few qualms about pushing the burden of bad loans on to the taxpayer.

ECONOMIST: A curious proposal by one of Japan's biggest banks

32. A high burden of infectious diseases. Lack of provision of family planning allowing a women to decide when to start and end having children and how to space her children.

VOA : special.2009.10.19

33. And once we rid ourselves of the burden of historicity, we're free to appreciate the stories for what they are: powerful, powerful narratives that must be read against the literary conventions of their time, and whose truths are social, political, moral and existential.

曾经我们将自己从史实性的负担中解放出来,我们,以故事原本的样子自由地欣赏它们:强大的,强大的叙事,必须能冲破那个时代的文学惯例和社会、政治、,道德及实存的真实而被解读。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. If so, by 2010, Europe's tax burden would be back to its level of the mid-1970s.

ECONOMIST: Stumbling yet again?

35. As you can see, part of the reason why the dividend-earnings ratio-- especially in more recent years, since 1990-- has been declining is that corporations were trying to somewhat ease the tax burden on their shareholders by doing repurchase instead of dividend.

可以看出,股利收益比降低的部分原因,尤其是在近些年,从1990年起,有所降低的原因是,公司想通过将分红,改为股票回购的方法,多少减轻股东的税负金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

36. In his famous book of essays, The Burden of Southern History.

南方历史的重担》,是他一本著名的书美国内战与重建课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

37. "We can say that 50 percent of the burden of obesitycan be contributed by having no leisure time physical activity."

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

38. If the economy grows faster than the debt, the burden becomes lighter over time.

FORBES: The Real Danger Of Raging Debt Loads And Slow Growth

39. Diplomats said the postponement is to avoid putting a burden on New York's exhausted security forces.

CNN: Bush signs bills to fund recovery and punish terrorists

40. And Moses said to the Lord, "Why have You dealt ill with Your servant , and why have I not enjoyed Your favor, that You have laid the burden of all this people upon me?

摩西对上帝说,您为何苦待你的仆人,为什么我得不到您的恩典呢?,您把所有人的重担都给了我一个人?旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

41. The burden should be distributed broadly, mainly through an increase in the consumption tax.

FORBES: Of Sumo and Japanese Government Finances

42. The collective Burden wealth is equally split among hedge funds, small-business investment companies and real estate.

FORBES: Achieving immortality via the family office

43. The burden is put on you.

负担在你身上。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

44. And any initiative to boost the tax burden would lead to the same result.

FORBES: Based on Where the Top 1 Percent Lives, the Occupy Crowd Should Be Protesting Against Big Government

45. "The problem will be with smaller builders, it's an added financial burden, " he said.

BBC: Builders fear waste plans will backfire and harm industry

46. The developing countries bear the burden of an enormous external debt.


47. For years, tech executives have labored under a self-imposed burden of trying to imitate his showmanship.

FORBES: As Samsung Eclipses Apple, What Would Jobs Do?

48. It's also related to Ezra Pound's Cantos, but I'm not going to burden you with that right now.

这也同时和庞德的《诗章》有关系,但我不准备现在就让你们回答。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. These economies are now struggling with aging populations and the burden of fiscal over-indulgence.

FORBES: As China Sheds Central Planning, Obama Seeks To Adopt It

50. and instead of looking down on them and seeing them as a burden,

而不是瞧不起我们,或者把我们当成是一种负担,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 美国的移民政策

51. But Mr.Singh made it clear that the richest nations have to bear the brunt of the financial burden since they created the mess.

VOA : standard.2009.11.08

52. But it is certain that this mortality burden will not be equally distributed around the world.

CNN: Highlights from the world's press

53. For this reason, the middle class will bear much of the burden of rising taxes.

FORBES: Taxes Are Low--For Now

54. We think the burden of proof should certainly be on those who want to regulate them.

FORBES: Apple's iCloud and the Dilemma of the Walled Garden

55. I will come down and speak with you there, ; and I will draw upon the spirit that is on you and put it upon them; they shall share the burden of the people with you, and you shall not bear it alone.

我将在那里降临,与你说话,也要把降于你身上的灵份赐予他们;,他们就和你同样当这管理百姓的重任,免得你独自担当。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. But,strong opposition came from many countries, especially Germany and France in fear of increasing the debt burden.

VOA : standard.2009.04.02

57. "Today,about 85 percent of the burden of chronic diseases is concentrated in low and middle income countries,".

VOA : standard.2009.05.18

58. Nearly three-quarters (74 percent) of respondents put the burden on bankers to protect them from fraud.

FORBES: Enlisting Customers in Managing Cyber Fraud Risks

59. Anders says the Space Shuttle program and the International Space Station have been a burden on taxpayers.

VOA : standard.2010.04.15

60. Dodging the burden of new roadways and sewer systems is a fresh survival path.

FORBES: Wiring Your Brand To Infrastructure Hotspots

61. We want to take that burden off of people and help them optimize their current situation.

FORBES: About Those Student Loans: A Platform To Make You Worry-Free

62. Every day, many in this audience help bear that burden with professionalism, courage, and grace.

WHITEHOUSE: VP Biden: The Path to Nuclear Security

63. "If we are asked to bear the burden, we should also be given the chance to engage effective dialogue with Iran.

VOA : standard.2010.07.26

64. "We're not trying to burden tanning salons, " said Dr. Jeffrey Shuren, FDA's director for medical devices.

CNN: Indoor tanning industry under scrutiny

65. It can be used as a publishing medium and something that you can interact with, instead of something that is a burden to receive.

它可以用作一个发行媒介,成为你可以与之互动的东西,而不再是一个负担。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课





cabin的意思是:n. 小木屋;船舱;机舱,客舱 v. <旧>使身居斗室。学考宝为您提供cabin是什么意思,cabin的翻译,cabin的用法,cabin的短语搭配,cabin的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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verbal noun的意思是:动名词。学考宝为您提供verbal noun是什么意思,verbal noun的音标,verbal noun怎么读,verbal noun的翻译,verbal noun的用法,verbal noun的短语搭配,verbal noun的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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butcher的意思是:n. 屠夫;肉店;刽子手;笨蛋,莽夫;(火车或剧院的)小贩 v. 屠宰;弄砸;残杀,杀戮 【名】 (Butcher)(英、美、爱)布彻(人名)。学考宝为您提供butcher是什么意思,butcher的翻译,butcher的用法,butcher的短语搭配,butcher的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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diesel motors的意思是:网络 柴油发动机。学考宝为您提供diesel motors是什么意思,diesel motors的音标,diesel motors怎么读,diesel motors的翻译,diesel motors的用法,diesel motors的短语搭配,diesel motors的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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petrol motor是什么意思_petrol motor怎么读_petrol motor的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

petrol motor的意思是:汽油发动机。学考宝为您提供petrol motor是什么意思,petrol motor的音标,petrol motor怎么读,petrol motor的翻译,petrol motor的用法,petrol motor的短语搭配,petrol motor的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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bury的意思是:v. 埋,埋葬;埋藏,隐藏;掩藏情感;把头/脸埋进……;嵌入,插入;埋头于,专心于(bury oneself in);证明……是错的;<非正式>轻松战胜,击败 【名】 (Bury)(英、西)伯里,(法)比里,(德、意、罗、波、捷、匈)布里,(俄)布雷(人名)。学考宝为您提供bury是什么意思,bury的翻译,bury的用法,bury的短语搭配,bury的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


tribesmen的意思是:n. 部落男子;部落成员。学考宝为您提供tribesmen是什么意思,tribesmen的翻译,tribesmen的用法,tribesmen的短语搭配,tribesmen的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


gazel的意思是:n. 瞪羚(等于 gazelle) n. (Gazel)人名;(法)加泽尔。学考宝为您提供gazel是什么意思,gazel的翻译,gazel的用法,gazel的短语搭配,gazel的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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