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fictional story是什么意思_fictional story怎么读_fictional story的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


fictional story

fictional story


英 [ˈfɪkʃənl ˈstɔːri]play 美 [ˈfɪkʃənl ˈstɔːri]play

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1. A fictional story 虚构了一个故事 ; 一个虚构的故事

2. fictional story books 最爱书籍


1. Ross tracks down Mike later to explain why Phoebe was so disturbed, but just makes things worse with a fictional story about a six-year relationship she had.


2. I was going through some rough patches in my early twenties, and while reading about Dolores' story, I felt she was truly a character I could relate to and that she wasn't just fictional.


3. It was Asimov's favorite short story of his own authorship, and is one of a loosely connected series of stories concerning a fictional computer called Multivac.


4. Adapted from the John Boyne's bestselling novel The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas is a fictional story told through the eyes of a young boy largely shielded from the reality of World War II.


5. The young director filmed this story in a bittersweet undertone, playing with fictional and documentary codes.


6. Adapted from the John Boyne's bestselling novel the boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a fictional story told through the eyes of a young boy largely shielded from the reality of World War II.


7. Those of you who read "The True Story of a New RUP Manager" in the January 2003 issue of The Rational Edge will recognize the players on our fictional team.

你们中那些读过 Rational Edge 的 2003 年 1 月期中“一个新的RUP经理的真实故事”的人,将会认出我们的虚拟团队的扮演者。

8. Disclaimer: what happen in the Football League including the story plot, players names and the players involved in the image is purely fictional.


9. "Brokeback Mountain" is the story of two men who meet and fall in love on the fictional Brokeback Mountain in Wyoming in 1963 with their complex relationship lasting 20 years.


10. Note: This story is purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual individuals or events is coincidental.


11. Fictional retellings of the story refer to the mask as an "Iron" mask.


12. The story Chronicles the adventures of the fictional Miss Du as she moves up the corporate ladder.


13. This is a fictional story, but seems familiar!


14. Generally speaking, an urban legend is any modern, fictional story, told as truth, that reaches a wide audience by being passed from person to person.


15. Gare Thompson weaves rich factual details and an entertaining fictional story to create a vivid image of life on the missions and ranchos of early California.


16. That escape can do wonders for you. It can help you re-charge your batteries and, by watching a fictional story unfold before you, allow you to sustain your dreams.


17. Last year, she proved herself more than just a bit player by co-writing and starring in Paper Heart, a hybrid documentary/ fictional love story ( with Michael Cera as her awkwardly adorable boyfriend).


18. Statement: The following is a fictional story and disclaims any responsibility in result of any possible coincidence.


19. It can help you re-charge your batteries and, by watching a fictional story unfold before you, allow you to sustain your dreams.


20. It shows a series of financial results for a fictional insurance company and asks the interviewee to describe what they see happening in the Numbers (tell the story).


21. Alas, the text explains that these etched details have been more or less worn away by time. We are left with an odd and possibly fictional story: what we see, after all, is a plain old fruit pit.


22. The King's Woman Premiered in August, the 48-episode TV series is a fictional story, with a plot centering on struggles and romance during the Qin Dynasty ( 221-206 BC).


23. The narration of the story by the narrator in Lu Xun's fiction is always in accordance with that by the implied author, and therefore the fictional texts provide a reliable narration to the reader.


24. Hemingway's legendary life story has already become modern American myth reflected in his fictional creation.



1. Four years later the band provided the soundtrack music and extras for the hit film Brassed Off - the story of the fictional Grimley Colliery Band, which won a national competition days after being told the mine was to close.

BBC: Music teacher to play for Grimethorpe Colliery band

2. Good news is that fictional story died.

FORBES: What the Manti Te'o Hoax Says About Big-Time College Sports

3. This year's star authors are Grange Hill creator Phil Redmond (script), children's novelist Jacqueline Wilson (story), poet and comedian John Hegley (poetry) and Tony Robinson, in his fictional guise as Baldrick (article).

BBC: boy writing

4. And at every fictional story meeting, someone is sure to nominate one of the Disney Princesses, usually Snow White or Ariel.

FORBES: Why so Few Women on the Forbes Fictional 15?

5. Thanks to the director Marco Tullio Giordana, we are granted access to the Caratis, a fictional Roman clan, whose story, starting in 1966, covers more than thirty years and shows in two blocks of three hours.

NEWYORKER: The Best of Youth

6. For some ancient Egyptians, the idea of mixing sex and religion may have been extreme, a problem priests discussed by way of a fictional story.

MSN: This ancient Egyptian priest's writing may make you blush

7. Tolkien's poetry enriches and complements not only the plot of the story but the development of his fictional world.

WSJ: The Grown-Up Pleasures of 'The Hobbit'

8. The speaker is his son, Louis, trying to understand the death of an older friend not a fictional character but the 17-year-old boy to whom the story is dedicated.

ECONOMIST: Shorter fiction

9. "Always, whether you're playing a fictional character or someone who lived, it is an active invention, because you have to tell the story, play the character that's been described in the script, and try to feed as much detail as you can, " she has said.

BBC: Cate Blanchett in I'm Not There

10. One is haunted by the story as if the characters are not fictional.

BBC: Oscars panel: Trevor Martin

11. Andrew Miller won last year for his fictional story Pure, about an engineer named Jean-Baptiste Baratte working in a Parisian cemetery in the run-up to the French Revolution.

BBC: Costa Book Awards: 2012 shortlists announced

12. It tells the fictional story of a woman from Cardiff whose love of boxing helps her cope with the troubles of her life.

BBC: South East Wales - Boxing clever for writing project

13. With judicious use of a fictional narrative he then draws the story forward, bringing in some startling new evidence for how HIV was able to spread so widely.

ECONOMIST: Where and when will the next pandemic emerge?

14. Set in a fictional Ainu village (the Ainu are the bearded, lighter-skinned indigenous people of Japan) the story revolves around The Order of Akane, a group of demon hunters tasked with ridding the village of demons.

FORBES: Connect

15. At the end of the year he and his girlfriend Eireann Harper mounted thousands of these images in a room and wrote a fictional story to accompany them.

CNN: Cuarn's son makes picture perfect film

16. Unlike the real-life story, in my fictional story, the Rajaratnam character would have to take the stand, believing that if he could just speak to the jury he could convince them that he is innocent.

FORBES: If The Galleon Trial Were A Law And Order Episode, Who Would Star?

17. At Hermans has also tossed in some creative story telling building up a fictional universe about the couple Edward and Lily Herman and their design choices.

FORBES: At Hermans Goes Old School Online

18. Now with burgeoning covert and in-person exchange opportunities plus a variety of reliable exchanges operating outside of the U.S., the Bitcoin of our fictional story is far from fading into obscurity.

FORBES: Government Ban On Bitcoin Would Fail Miserably

19. Her work raises the interesting question of how much a fictional story about a fictional self can shed, and still remain a story about a vivid self.

NEWYORKER: Songs Of Myself

20. Of course, the story is fictional A.O.

FORBES: Writer's Block: How to Break Through

21. Of course, there is a difference between your friends being paid to endorse products (as in the story of the fictional vodka) and marketing campaigns that successfully target your friends (as coconut water apparently has with mine).

FORBES: Now That Everyone's A Celebrity, Can We All Get Endorsement Deals?

22. This fictional story, purportedly based on fact, seems straight out of the 19th century, or before.

WSJ: Smiling Through the Pain

23. " John Updike told a fuller story about characters from "Hamlet" (and other fictional sources) in his superb novel, "Gertrude and Claudius.

WSJ: The Fine Points of Fan Fiction, from 'Fifty Shades' to 'Lavinia' | Dear Book Lover

fictional story是什么意思_fictional story怎么读_fictional story的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




lifelines的意思是:n. 生命线;命脉;(水上救援的)救生索;(深海潜水员的)信号绳。lifeline的复数。学考宝为您提供lifelines是什么意思,lifelines的音标,lifelines怎么读,lifelines的翻译,lifelines的用法,lifelines的短语搭配,lifelines的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


compose的意思是:v. 组成,构成;作曲;撰写(信、诗或演讲稿);使镇静,使平静;为(照片、图像)构图;排版,排稿。学考宝为您提供compose是什么意思,compose的翻译,compose的用法,compose的短语搭配,compose的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficiaries的意思是:n. 受益者;受惠人;遗产继承人。beneficiary的复数。学考宝为您提供beneficiaries是什么意思,beneficiaries的音标,beneficiaries怎么读,beneficiaries的翻译,beneficiaries的用法,beneficiaries的短语搭配,beneficiaries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


component的意思是:n. 组成部分,成分,部件 adj. 组成的,构成的。学考宝为您提供component是什么意思,component的翻译,component的用法,component的短语搭配,component的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

ocean liner是什么意思_ocean liner怎么读_ocean liner的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句

ocean liner的意思是:n. 远洋班轮;远洋(客)班轮,定期远洋船。学考宝为您提供ocean liner是什么意思,ocean liner的音标,ocean liner怎么读,ocean liner的翻译,ocean liner的用法,ocean liner的短语搭配,ocean liner的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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complicated的意思是:adj. 复杂的,难处理的 v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症(complicate 的过去式和过去分词形式)。学考宝为您提供complicated是什么意思,complicated的翻译,complicated的用法,complicated的短语搭配,complicated的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


complicate的意思是:v. 使复杂化,使难以理解;引起并发症;使卷入,使陷入。学考宝为您提供complicate是什么意思,complicate的翻译,complicate的用法,complicate的短语搭配,complicate的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


complaint的意思是:n. 抱怨,投诉;不满的缘由,抱怨的问题;疾病,不适。学考宝为您提供complaint是什么意思,complaint的翻译,complaint的用法,complaint的短语搭配,complaint的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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