莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈeɪdʒənt]play美 [ˈeɪdʒənt]play

  • n. 代理人,代理商;(艺术界的)经纪人;间谍,特工;原动力,动因;剂;(语法)施动者;(美国某些政府部门的)官员
  • 【名】 (Agent)(罗)阿真特(人名)

复数 agents

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


agent /ˈeɪdʒənt/

  • 1.
    可数名词 An agent is a person who looks after someone else's business affairs or does business on their behalf. 代理商

    You are buying direct, rather than through an agent.


  • 2.
    →see also   travel agent
  • 3.
    可数名词 An agent in the arts world is a person who gets work for an actor or musician, or who sells the work of a writer to publishers. (艺术界的) 经纪人

    My literary agent thinks it is not unreasonable to expect $500,000 in total.


  • 4.
    可数名词 An agent is a person who works for a country's secret service. 间谍

    All these years he's been an agent for the East.


  • 5.
    可数名词 A chemical that has a particular effect or is used for a particular purpose can be referred to as a particular kind of agent. 剂

    ...the bleaching agent in white flour.




  • adj.

    agential 代理人的;施事格的

  • n.

    agency 代理,中介;代理处,经销处



1. emulsifying agent 乳化剂

2. curing agent 固化剂;[化]硬化剂

3. coupling agent [化]偶联剂

4. insurance agent 保险代理人,保险公司

5. foaming agent 发泡剂;泡沫剂

6. business agent 工会代表;业务代表

7. oxidizing agent 助剂 氧化剂 ; 氧化物 ; 有机氧化物 ; 剂

8. sizing agent [化]施胶剂;浆料;上浆剂

9. Purchasing Agent 采购代理 ; 采购员 ; 采购进货员 ; 贸易 采购代理商

10. reducing agent 还原剂

11. general agent 总代理人

12. sole agent n. 总代理商;独家经营商;包销人

13. free agent 无自由约束的职业队员

14. control agent 控制媒体;调节体

15. finishing agent 整理加工试剂

16. sales agent 销售代理商

17. surface active agent 表面活性剂

18. travel agent 旅行社;旅行代理人,旅行代办人

19. active agent 活性剂

20. cleaning agent 清洁剂;净化剂

21. dispersing agent [化]分散剂

22. estate agent 房地产掮客,房地产经纪人

23. Agent Carter 卡特探员 ; 特工卡特 ; 卡特特工 ; 探员卡特

24. Agent Orange 橙剂 ; 脱叶剂橙剂 ; 橙色落叶剂

25. General Agent 总代理商 ; 总代理 ; 贸易 总代理人 ; 代理总行总代理总代理

26. user agent 用户代理 ; 户代理 ; 用户代理程序 ; 客户端


1. An agent, such as a drug, used to treat disease or injury.

药, 药物用来治疗疾病或受伤的试剂(如一种药剂)《期刊摘选》

2. She passed the glass off as diamonds; He passed himself off as a secret agent.

她以玻璃冒充钻石; 他自己冒充特工人员.《期刊摘选》

3. All these years he's been an agent for the East.


4. We're in a position to get good care not of your import business a buying agent.


5. The company is Lenovo's commercial products, a senior agent channels.


6. He's busy touting his client's latest book around London's literary agents.


7. This diabolical agent had the divine permission, for a season, to burrow into the clergyman's intimacy, and plot against his soul.


8. An agent, such as an analgesic drug, that relieves pain.

镇痛剂一种药剂, 如止痛药, 减轻疼痛.《期刊摘选》

9. Results show that GDMP can be used as treatment agent in high temperature cycle water.

结果表明,GDMP有 较好的化学稳定性,且能耐较高温度,可作为高温循环水的处理药剂.《期刊摘选》

10. When the estate agent showed us this house, we knew we wanted it right away.


11. Conclusions It is a more ideal and perfect agent for mouth.


12. An agent, or dealer network, you mean?

你是说代理商, 或经销商网络?《期刊摘选》

13. An agent, as a drug, used to treat disease or injury.


14. The Agent shall procure for and transmitting to the Company proposed students for the said Courses.


15. Our realty agent says the sales contract is valid.


16. Dad was a Railway Express agent and Mom was his clerk.


17. an enemy agent


18. We are look for a shipping agent In china. can you accept this assignment?

我们正在中国境内物色一名运输代理人. 您能担当此任 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

19. The competition for agents will be one of the keystones. What is insurance agent?


20. Can't you tell a spy from a ClA agent?

难道你分不清间谍和特工人员 吗 ?《电影对白》

21. Well, my brother is a real estate agent.


22. We understand that you have no agent in and we would like to offer this service.


23. There is an agent in fast wireless bell call bell Zhejiang Jin Hua City? Where?

迅铃无线呼叫铃浙江金华有代理商 吗 ?在哪里?《期刊摘选》

24. The agent will vote on the rule that has greater value to him.


25. Chapter two is general description of forwarding agent.


26. You didn't have the proper contracts with your agent or distributor in the foreign market.


27. Welding agent is a kind of medicament that is used to help welding, and improve quality.

焊药是帮助焊接, 提高焊接质量的药剂.《期刊摘选》

28. My brother is a real estate agent.


29. An agent bought the rights to his life.


30. An agent bought the rights to his life


31. Bonus notices were issued each year from head office to local agents


32. The relation of principal and agent is ordinarily created by agreement of the parties.


33. We soon found out that he was a secret agent.


34. If you could agree to terms, we would point you as our sole agent.


35. The symptoms of poisoning will depend on the type and amount of ingested agent.


36. To deal with the resource request problem, we propose a middleware realization method based on agent.

针对网格资源管理中资源请求问题, 提出一种基于代理的中间件实现方案.《期刊摘选》

37. He is an agent in Shanghai for a Japanese company.


38. The undercover agent immediately sourced the police when he found out the gangs'meeting place.


39. We are willing to negotiate with you on your proposal to act as our agent.


40. All 3 documents were signed by agent as agent for the named carrier.


41. The house was terribly small and cramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.


42. My literary agent thinks it is not unreasonable to expect $500,000 in total.


43. A person may appoint agent to perform the same acts which he might legally do himself.


44. We know nothing about the firm except for the fact that it is a commission agent.


45. Agreement where a company is appointed sole agent for a product in a market.


46. The agent was authorised to sell manure.


47. Crime cases were something that agents solved, and to him the case was everything


48. an insurance agent


49. I instructed my agent to sell the property.


50. The agent will handle all these matters.


51. At present, purchasing on line is no available, customers have to purchase through the agent.


52. We have two agents on the case.


53. We would like to go into details regarding sole agent.


54. A sales agent, for example, might get you to commit to buying a car certain price.

譬如, 一个销售代理商可能会使你承诺以某一个价格买下一辆车.《期刊摘选》

55. Agent Kellerman thinks she's overacting to the news that she was uninvited to a literacy fundraiser.


56. An agent and a third party collude to cause damage are jointly and severally liable therefore.


57. I rang round all the travel agents in the area.


58. We wish to handle as an exclusive agent in this line.


59. I chose to use an initiation queue per host instead of per agent.


60. Manage a portfolio of Agent customers in a relationship selling approach.


61. The anorosphinx is a proxy , an agent of that power.


62. The work mechanism and implementation techniques of the middleware based on agent are also illuminated.


63. So, what do you do when you're not pretending to be an FBl agent?

那么你平时不装成联邦调查局特工时都做些 什么 ?《电影对白》

64. As an agent, you may have an inside track when good deals become available.


65. Item 1,5, 8,11,12 will be drafted by agent, and finally confirmed by investors.

第1,5, 8,11,12项由代理放起草, 投资放最终确定.《期刊摘选》

66. We should be very pleased if you could consider our offer as agent for your products.


67. Our company is the designated agent for this mobile phone.


68. In many societies young men regard themselves as highly active, the agents of change, shapers of the world.


69. Beeswax acts as an emulsifying agent.


70. Part II should be completed and signed by the election agent.


71. Most travel agents are prepared to tailor travel arrangements to meet individual requirements.


72. We took it as read that he must have been a KGB agent


73. Help the Secret Agent find out what exactly is going on, and stop the secret organisation.

帮助特工查出究竟在发生什么事情, 并要制止秘密组织的行动.《期刊摘选》

74. "I'm sorry," he told the real estate agent, "but we really must go now."


75. Travel Agent: He's going to St. Louis today and Dallas tomorrow from St. Louis.

旅行社代理人: 他今天要去圣?路易斯,明天从圣?路易斯出发去达拉斯.《期刊摘选》

76. Our wholesale object includes everyplace wholesale business agent, dealer.

我们的批发对象包括各地批发代理商, 零售商.《期刊摘选》

77. All these years he's been an agent for the Middle East.


78. My agent has pitched the idea to my editor in New York.


79. The agent of change is the entrepreneur; the decision maker in organizations.

变迁的代理人是创业者, 组织中的决策者.《期刊摘选》

80. Helen: Do you want to use our freight forwarding agent?

海伦: 你要用我们的货运代理商 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

81. The agent fills in the AA China Customer Information Form.


82. A commercial agent manages the business affairs of company.


83. The customs agent examined the baggage.


84. An agent appointed should keep abreast of local market conditions and market for operation.


85. The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years.


86. He posts an agent to the Bauer house.


87. a theatrical/literary agent


88. An agent used to kill worms.

杀蠕虫''.'剂'. ''用来杀蠕虫的一种药剂.《期刊摘选》

89. The agent demands that he should get an 8 % commission on all the sales he makes.


90. The agent installed the trigger of the bomb on the door handle.


91. A travel agent must be a member of the TIC before it is licensed.


92. ...fibrinogen, a blood clotting agent.


93. No more sagacious agent could, I suppose, be desired.

我想, 所能想望的, 也不会有更精明强干的代理人了.《辞典例句》

94. Money can be sent to any one of 22,000 agents worldwide for collection.


95. I am not a hired agent for the former president.


96. In the economic society, the corporation value is estimated by how much of wealth it produced.

在追求经济发展的社会中, 人们对企业价值的评价,往往是以它创造财富的多少来衡量的.《期刊摘选》

97. He works in a travel agent's.


98. It were two ages ago those we did them our sole agent.


99. You're familiar with the codes of conduct, Agent Bristow.


100. Helen: OK. Do you want us to use our freight forwarding agent?

海伦: 好的. 你要用我们公司的货运代理商 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

101. The agent priced the car at the right level for the market.


102. The agent was in the employ of a foreign country.


103. CIA ( cia ) is denies flatly White is a agent.

美国中央情报局 ( cia ) 更是一口否认怀特是特工.《期刊摘选》

104. It was a good choice: by the time I was twenty-five, I'd already finished two novels and had an agent.


105. You are buying direct, rather than through an agent.


106. My agent has instructed me that you still owe me £50.


107. The agent pulled out a gun and shot him dead.


108. Tour America acts as an agent for other vendors and cannot be held responsible for any delays.


109. ...the bleaching agent in white flour.


110. The agent had roped in several customers.


111. To avoid being cheating, we should look a reputable real estate agent.

为避免受骗, 找房地产代理商时,要注意他们的名声.《期刊摘选》

112. The agent will have a fake life history that he must memorize.


113. Detective Jack Taliente Special Agent, F. B . I. Who are you?

探员, 杰克·塔里安 特工,|来自联邦调查局, 你是谁?《期刊摘选》

114. The government kicked a foreign secret agent out of the country.


115. Is the out of office agent not working for just one person, or for everyone?


116. Those relationships gave the sales agent an edge , provided he could meet the customer's requirements.


117. The agent act solely for the benefit of the principal in all matters connected with agency.


118. Candidate may revoke the appointment of any type of agent at any time.


119. We have appointed you as our sole agent in Italy for a period of five years.


120. I have my doubts about your abi I ity to conti nue as an agent.


121. If you have a rotary phone, wait for an agent to answer your call.

如果你有一个旋转的手机, 等待代理人来回答你的要求.《期刊摘选》

122. This is also the case with agent technology, as it is a form of artificial intelligence.


123. The angry team demands that Agent Self deliver Bellick's body to his mother.


124. The life of an FBI agent wasn't always as glamorous as people thought.


125. Remember, the estate agent is working for the vendor.


126. We can play an important role as an import agent in your overseas trade.


127. The officer inspired the secret agent to murder the president.


128. He is an FBI agent.


129. This former Soviet intelligence agent entered politics in the early 1990 s and rose rapidly.


130. He was examined on ( the ) suspicion of being an enemy agent.


131. This is the product for which our company acts as an agent.

搜索“请帮忙翻译成英文:这是我公司代理的产品. ”《期刊摘选》

132. It was two ago that we made them our sole agent.


133. The secret agent tailed the spy.


134. Freight forwarders and Brokers, Logistics, Clearing and forwarding Agents, Custom House Agent, Cargo Agents.

采购产品货运代理和经纪, 物流管理, 清扫和货运承揽商, 订制的房屋经纪, 商品代理商.《期刊摘选》

135. FBI is on the look out for the agent these days.


136. It was a mark of his unfamiliarity with Hollywood that he didn't understand that an agent was paid out of his client's share.


137. The company is a fully bonded member of the Association of British Travel Agents


138. The purchasing agent rushes around every day to secure materials.


139. What the benefits do we have, when our lab acts as the agent?

作为代理的话, 我们实验室有什么好处?《期刊摘选》

140. You have authorized the agent to sign the agreement on your behalf.


141. The performance of purely ministerial or mechanical acts may be delegated by agent under ordinary circumstances.


142. Complete this letter from Michael to the team agent.


143. We talked to her agent. He's your agent, too, right?


144. It was two years ago that we made them our sole agent.


145. He told me that he was looking for an agent to sell his house.


146. Hollywood agents have been sniffing around him.


147. Cheap flights are available from budget travel agent from £ 240.


148. The search agent was adopted because of the high parallelism and intelligence of the system.


149. As our agent, you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three month.


150. Henry Roth, why didn't you tell me you were a secret agent?

亨利罗斯, 你为什么不早点告诉我你是一个特工?《期刊摘选》

151. The agent pulled out a gun and shot at him.


152. Find the nearest Western Union Agent location ( Opens in a new window )

找到最近的西方联盟代理的位置. ( 在新窗口中打开 )《期刊摘选》

153. Agent Paulson gives them a minute alone, and goes into another room.

特工保罗逊让她们独自一会儿, 他走进另一个房间.《期刊摘选》

154. He worked in a travel agent's.


155. Some countries have infiltrated their agents into the Republic.


156. Soap is not the only cleansing agent.


157. Change Agent character on fly!


158. Its secret weapon may turn out to be Ms Blanchett's Agent Spalko.


159. An agent that destroys bacteria.


160. Briefly, no less than nine of our agents have passed information to us.


161. The charity has been an agent for social change.


162. In any unsafe situation, simply press the button, and a highly trained agent will get you the help you need.


163. My agent told me, 'This'll make your name a household word.'


164. The CIA agents successfully infiltrated into the terrorist organizations.


165. He is the sole agent for Ford Car.


166. The main preventative agent is simply water.


167. A drug or agent that induces the expulsion of gas from the stomach or intestines.

驱风''.'止痛'.''''.'剂'. ''一种药物或药剂,引导气体从胃部或肠子里排出.《期刊摘选》

168. The agent spied for East Germany for more than twenty years


169. This clause is stipulated purely for the benefit of the agent.


170. A method to implement distributed network management agent that supports Q 3 adaptation function is proposed.


171. I be willing to accept your offer to act as your sale agent.


172. Fully understand the definition, recognition and responsibilities of Known Consignor , Regulated Agent and Airline Aircraft Operator.

全面认识已知讬运人 、 管制代理人及航空公司的定义 、 认可及其责任.《期刊摘选》

173. The thesis is study individualized design that KDC act as agent and realize under distributed environment.


174. Business data logic as center agent is usually named Web server.


175. The agent entrusted tothe declaration formalities shall abide by all provisions of applicable to the owner.


176. Why should he have risked all that to become an agent of a foreign power?


177. You know, as a sole agent for China, are to cover a very large area.

你知道, 作为在中国的独家代理人, 你们代理的地区很广.《期刊摘选》

178. Thank y 6255 ou for your proposal of accng as sour agent.


179. Travel Agent: I cannot tell you that. I would have to call TWA.

旅行社代理人: 我不知道, 我得打个电话给TWA查 一查.《期刊摘选》

180. Hannibal Lecter: Why do you think he removes their skins, Agent Starling?

汉尼拔: 你为什么认为他给他们剥了皮, 斯塔琳特工?《期刊摘选》

181. Make a conversation between an agent and seller about commission negotiation.


182. Young Thomas has become a secret agent!


183. My father commissioned a real estate agent to sell our house.


184. Katherine was already in the front seat of the SUV giving the agent directions.


185. My agent arranged the sale of the house.


186. W're in a position to take good care of your import business as a buying agent.


187. An agent met me and wanted me to audition for commercials, modeling, acting jobs.

一位代理人来找我,要我去面试,做商业广告, 当模特儿, 或者从事表演.《期刊摘选》

188. Water treatment agent is necessary for treating industrial water, waste water water for daily use.

水处理剂是工业用水、生活用水 、 废水处理过程中所必需使用的化学药剂.《期刊摘选》

189. Fache flinched, his eyes riveted on the second agent.

法希毫不畏缩, 他的眼睛一动不动地注视着那名特工.《期刊摘选》

190. She was a free agent, answerable to no one for her behaviour.


191. In traditional principal - agent theory, assumptions of client and agent are based on rational - economic man hypothesis.

在传统的委托代理理论中, 对委托人、代理人的假设都是基于经济人假说的.《期刊摘选》

192. cleaning/oxidizing agents


193. Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.


194. ...a written declaration by someone, authorizing another person to act as his agent.


195. We are interested in acting as your sole agent.


196. Candidate or his election agent may appoint not more than 2 counting agents.


197. We have to be interested acting as your sole agent.


198. Grill your travel agent about the facilities for families with children


199. Sample for work with Agent code integrity, and can be used directly.

样本与代理的源代码的完整性, 并可以直接使用.《期刊摘选》


1. He purchased it directly rather than through an agent.


2. Florbetapir is a radioactive coloring agent.

VOA : special.2011.02.08

3. All these years he's been an agent for the East.


4. an enemy agent who had been assassinated


5. Moreover, this self is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an individual to which they are ascribed.

另外,这个self还是对一个个体的,行为和思想负责的代理,这是个实物因此要经受时间。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

6. Before answering, agent Flannery wanted to make sure his report was up-to-date, so he went to the back of the office and looked into the cage.

VOA : special.2010.09.18

7. The licensing agent reads the book and determines whether or not to print it at all or license it to appear in print.

出版管理机构阅读后决定是坚决不许印刷,这本书还是许可它被印刷成册。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Lou Marchetti, local business agent for the Teamsters, says he never thought he would organize medical marijuana providers.

VOA : special.2010.10.11

9. By selling the more expensive home, the agent earns a larger commission, she noted.

FORBES: Where Were The Realtors?

10. Let the agent see your situation, identify with it, and want to help you.

FORBES: The Modern Business Traveler: Top 5 Things That Will Keep Your Travel on Track

11. Bleach is often used as a whitening agent when washing clothes.

VOA : special.2009.10.13

12. Nobody would publish it, but a book agent pushed him to write about his research.

FORBES: Magazine Article

13. He became a "free agent." For months,sports fans had tried to predict where the star would choose to play.

VOA : special.2010.08.06

14. When the agent felt for his badge, Robbins produced it and handed it back.

NEWYORKER: A Pickpockets Tale

15. On July first, after seven years with Cleveland, LeBron James became a free agent.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

16. Usually it's done by taking all or part of the infectious agent, and showing them to your immune system in some way.

通常它会带着全部或部分抗原介质,并以某种方式呈递给你的免疫系统生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Government is an agent of the status quo, and the current status quo is dysfunctional.

FORBES: Dave Logan Explains Where History And Miraculous Innovations Are Made

18. It said the likely cause of infection was a contaminated agent used to cut the heroin.

BBC: 'Anthrax heroin' kills drug user in Kent

19. You may struggle to find an agent adept at handling both sales and rentals.


20. Both firms had one project coordinator overseeing a calling agent selling customer-relations software to medium-size businesses.

FORBES: Silicon Valley's Prison Call Center

21. Mike Flannery,the agent of the Interurban Express Company leaned over the desk in the company's office in Westcote and shook his fist.

VOA : special.2010.09.18

22. About 80% of them, he said, came to him directly rather than through an agent.

FORBES: Magazine Article

23. Methanol is used as a blending agent for gasoline fuel according to Rigdon.

FORBES: Synthesis Energy Systems Will Turn China's Dirty Coal Into Clean Natural Gas

24. A wrong body was dug up. A shipping agent was accused of wrongdoing.

VOA : special.2010.07.23

25. One clue comes from ATF agent Charles Houser, head of their National Tracing Center Division.

FORBES: Why 3D-Printed Untraceable Guns Could Be Good For America

26. These are people who come into the FBI first and foremost to be an FBI agent.

NPR: FBI: Agents Fell To Deaths Training Off Va. Coast

27. Barbara Fick is an extension agent at Oregon State University in the northwestern United States.

VOA : special.2011.06.28

28. Several people on the ground seem to believe that it was a chemical agent.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

29. Each agent is going to choose her effort level to put into this firm.

每个股东都要选择为公司投入多少精力博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

30. Only a minority of buyers hire a "buyer's agent" whose primary responsibility is to them.

FORBES: Knowledge @Wharton

31. In his model, a program called a management agent is installed in each device.

CNN: Virus protection coming for wireless users

32. Soon to be a free agent, Collins discussed his motivation to keep on playing.

WSJ: Jason Collins's Slam Dunk

33. And they now call the delivery agent who can now come and meet them at a particular place and do the vaccination for them."

VOA : special.2009.11.03

34. Does he play a Washington police officer, a federal agent, a private investigator?

VOA : special.2009.04.20

35. The CPA did, however, allow an IRS agent to interview the taxpayer at length.

FORBES: Representation Before the IRS

36. She finally was able to get an actors' agent to help her.

VOA : special.2009.12.06

37. As we move into December and then quickly into 2012, resolve to be a change agent.

FORBES: Don't Market the Leftovers: Three Key Take-Aways From Black Friday 2011

38. This device was used in the spy movie "Thunderball" about British secret agent James Bond.

VOA : special.2009.01.14

39. He is more likely to think like an actuary or a CPA or an insurance agent, always calculating the odds and finding ways to cover the damages.

他们更可能做保险员,注册会计师,或是保险代理人,因为这样的人更容易把握事情胜负的几率,以及时有效地找到补救之法。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. In the criminal complaint, an FBI agent said Hsu had confessed to making "phony" deals.

NPR: Federal Prosecutors Unseal Hsu Complaint

41. Nicks' agent, Peter Schaffer, did not immediately return an email by The Associated Press seeking comment.

WSJ: Giants kick off OTA without WRs Cruz and Nicks

42. But even those admirers would not be able to call him an agent of change.

CNN: Candidates claim to be agents of change

43. If they then resort to an estate agent, they will have spent more money, not less.

BBC: Selling your own house: Could it save you a fortune?

44. Usually it involves pieces of the infectious agent itself, to cause that engagement.

通常疫苗自身也包含部分传染性介质,以便达成匹配生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. So, it first infects you because you breathe in some of the infectious agent.

所以,只要吸入病原体,你就会被感染生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

46. Now at 17, she has recently been appointed as an agent in the Covert Operations Division.

CNN: Where are the black superheroes?

47. Finally they see the agent, Mickey Rockford, and appeal to him for a break -- a chance to become stars.

VOA : special.2009.03.09

48. is an agent in Los Angeles for a voice casting agency.

她是洛杉矶一家配音公司的代理人。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 想成为配音演员

49. The other person receives a text message with a code to take to the local M-Pesa agent to get the money.

VOA : special.2009.11.02

50. But unlike the Cowpox virus, vaccinea, that we talked about before, this is the real disease causing agent.

但是同我们之前曾讨论过的,牛痘病毒疫苗的不同之处在于,这是可以直接致病的病毒生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. In nineteen fifty, on Jack Benny's radio program, they did a skit about an early visit to their talent agent.

VOA : special.2009.03.09

52. "Another way of looking at it is that a free agent in a sports league is the same thing as anybody else in the United States labor market.

VOA : special.2010.07.26

53. The agent fired a few rounds, but Todashev kept on coming, the official said.


54. Every broker, financial advisor and insurance agent wants a piece of the doctor market.

FORBES: Investing Tips for Doctors

55. "A story has to become personal, " says Kenny Goodman , a William Morris motion picture agent.

FORBES: Enron--The Movie--And The Movie Business

56. Soon,however,her agent got her a job at Columbia Pictures.

VOA : special.2009.12.06

57. Sure, there are times when splurging to reel in a big fish free agent makes sense.

FORBES: Magazine Article

58. Once you find a company or agent that you are comfortable with, ask questions.

FORBES: How To Choose The Right Life Insurance Policy

59. And you take photos. You talk to an agent.

你拍过很多照片。你跟一个经纪人洽谈。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : If I were 课堂

60. It says it was capable of carrying up to 60 litres of chemical nerve agent.

BBC: Syria's chemical weapons stockpile

61. an infective agent


62. "But you stupid idiot!" shouted Mister Morehouse, madly shaking a thin book beneath the agent's nose.

VOA : special.2010.09.18

63. Tebow is currently a free agent and hasn't garnered interest from NFL teams since being cut.

WSJ: Jaworski serious about Tebow in AFL

64. She's a travel agent.


65. They're going to release a viral agent that will kill half of this country.

他们会释放出一种病毒,让这个国家一半的人丧命。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : There is 实战





defectives的意思是:n. 次品;身心残障者;不完全变化字(defective 的复数)。学考宝为您提供defectives是什么意思,defectives的翻译,defectives的用法,defectives的短语搭配,defectives的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


agent的意思是:n. 代理人,代理商;(艺术界的)经纪人;间谍,特工;原动力,动因;剂;(语法)施动者;(美国某些政府部门的)官员 【名】 (Agent)(罗)阿真特(人名)。学考宝为您提供agent是什么意思,agent的翻译,agent的用法,agent的短语搭配,agent的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


nonconfidence的意思是:n. 不信任。学考宝为您提供nonconfidence是什么意思,nonconfidence的翻译,nonconfidence的用法,nonconfidence的短语搭配,nonconfidence的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


abridgements的意思是:n. 节略,删节;缩减,缩短;精简;减少;(书等的)节本,缩略本;(文章等的)摘要。abridgement的复数。学考宝为您提供abridgements是什么意思,abridgements的音标,abridgements怎么读,abridgements的翻译,abridgements的用法,abridgements的短语搭配,abridgements的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


agency的意思是:n. 代理行,经销处;政府专门机构,政府内的局,部,处;(尤指产生某效果的)作用;起作用的事物(或人);社会行为者独立选择的能力。学考宝为您提供agency是什么意思,agency的翻译,agency的用法,agency的短语搭配,agency的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


affection的意思是:n. 喜爱,关爱;爱恋,爱慕之情;精神状况,感情;疾患,病;影响。学考宝为您提供affection是什么意思,affection的翻译,affection的用法,affection的短语搭配,affection的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


affect的意思是:v. 影响;(疾病)侵袭,感染;(在感情上)深深打动,震撼;<正式> 假装,佯装 n. (尤指影响行为或行动的)情感,感情。学考宝为您提供affect是什么意思,affect的翻译,affect的用法,affect的短语搭配,affect的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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neon light的意思是:n. 霓虹灯;氖灯。学考宝为您提供neon light是什么意思,neon light的音标,neon light怎么读,neon light的翻译,neon light的用法,neon light的短语搭配,neon light的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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