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英 [ˈblændli]play美 [ˈblændli]play

  • adv. 温和地;殷勤地;温柔地

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blandly /ˈblændlɪ/

  • 1.
    副词 If you do something blandly, you do it in a calm and quiet way. 温和地; 平静地

    "It's not important," he said blandly.



    The nurse smiled blandly.




  • adj.

    bland 乏味的;温和的;冷漠的

  • n.

    blandness 爽快;温柔

  • vi.

    bland 变得平淡无奇;丧失特性

  • vt.

    bland 使…变得淡而无味;除掉…的特性



1. announce blandly 平淡地宣布

2. express blandly 乏味地表达

3. report blandly 温和地报告

4. urge blandly 温和地力劝

5. agree blandly 无动于衷似地认可

6. promise blandly 平和地允诺

7. insist blandly 温和地强调

8. nod blandly 温和地点头

9. resume blandly 淡而无味地继续


1. Maybe you could get something in the stage line? he blandly suggested.

“ 也许你能在戏剧这一行里找些事做, " 他和蔼地提议道.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

2. Once blandly homogenous, suburbs are now home to a majority of America's Asian, black and Hispanic populations.


3. I will - I'll look for your mother, 'said he blandly.


4. There is a class of men in Bristol monstrously prejudiced against Blandly.

布里斯托尔有那么一帮人为此恨透了布兰德利.《英汉文学 - 金银岛》

5. When well-meaning people complimented him on his bravery in running the blockade, he blandly replied that he was always frightened when in danger, as frightened as were the brave boys at the front.

当人们善意地称赞他闯封锁线的勇敢行为时,他却漠然地回答说他每次遇到危险都像前线的士兵那样给吓坏了。《provided by jukuu》

6. While his eyes still read blandly he took off his hat quietly inhaling his hairoil and sent his right hand with slow grace over his brow and hair.

他那双眼茫然地继续读着,同时摘下帽子,安详地吸着自己那发油的气味,并且斯文地慢慢伸出右手去抚摩前额和头发。《provided by jukuu》

7. I will-I'll look for your mother,'said he blandly.


8. Now, with a lawyer's blandly worded press statement on Tuesday morning, the love story of Angelina Jolie Pitt and Brad Pitt, who were married in 2014, has come to an unhappy end.

现在,随着一位律师在周二早上发布的一纸措辞乏味的声明,于2014年结婚的安吉丽娜·朱莉·皮特(Angelina Jolie Pitt)与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)的爱情故事,走到了一个不愉快的终点。

9. Yes,'said Hurstwood, lying blandly.

“ 吃过了, "赫斯渥说, 信口撒了谎.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

10. Oh, very well ,'said Mr. Withers, blandly.

“ 哦, 行啊, ” 威瑟斯先生和悦地说.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

11. Seats clicked, ushers bowed while he looked blandly on.

座位发出啪啦啪啦的声响, 领座员朝客人们鞠躬,而他在一边温和殷勤地看着.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

12. The new World Bank-funded, Turkish-built terminal at Cairo International airport is as blandly functional as Cincinnati's or Stockholm's.


13. "It's not important," he said blandly.


14. I told him it was a question not of weeks but of months, that if we were not back by the end of August Blandly was to send to find us, but neither sooner nor later.


15. To return to franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured english readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of niagara .


16. "I've had experience enough," said Hurstwood blandly, but he felt a little diffident about referring to Fitzgerald and Moy.


17. Still, even at its most blandly sentimental, the film is saved by its extraordinary performances.


18. 'It's not important,' he said blandly


19. The latter smiled blandly, but somewhat blankly.

后者虽然笑容可掬, 神色却有些茫然.《辞典例句》

20. She looked blandly at him.


21. No, said Barlow blandly, just my family.

不, 巴洛淡淡地说, “ 只限于我的子女 ”.《互联网》

22. "Maybe you could get something in the stage line?" he blandly suggested.


23. ALL that night we were in a great bustle getting things stowed in their place, and boatfuls of the squire's friends, Mr Blandly and the like, coming off to wish him a good voyage and a safe return.


24. The Buddha smiles blandly and says, "You can't live with each other."


25. His 2009 speech was thin for what was a pre-election pitch, and last year was blandly competent in the way he often is when under no real pressure.


26. The manager smiled most blandly.


27. Market demand increases blandly, but busy season feature is not apparent.

市场需求暖和增长, 但旺季特征并不明显.《互联网》

28. The world economy 2001 will grow blandly, add fast will under 2000.

2001年的世界经济将暖和增长, 增速将低于2000年.《互联网》

29. It was partly documented by a committee under Lord Butler, of which Sir John was a member, though its criticisms were swaddled in blandly conciliatory prose and so derided.


30. ' A castle argent is certainly my crest,'said he blandly.


31. In his 1964 letter he blandly informed Gold, “I destryed [sic] the letters and followed all her instructions after her death.”


32. PS: Blandly found us an excellent man to be captain, and Sil-ver found a man called Arrow to be first officer.


33. I got her through my old friend, Blandly, who, with everyone in Bristol, worked hard to find me a suitable ship when they heard the reason for our voyage-treasure, I mean.


34. With blandly those who maintain wet function wash grandma, use next keep wet product.


35. Mr Jones blandly dismissed their arguments as irrelevant.

琼斯先生不温不火地驳斥他们的论点,认为不切题。《provided by jukuu》

36. I got her through my old friend, Blandly, who has proved himself throughout the most surprising trump.


37. When he finished venting, I didn't respond to his remarks, other than blandly telling him I would convey his message to my superiors (which I never did), before moving on to the business at hand.


38. 'a castle argent is certainly my crest,' said he blandly.


39. The authors of the survey blandly conclude that it is all a matter of leadership.


40. To return to Franklin, this didactically waggish man blandly assured English readers that it was grand to see the whales leap like salmon up the falls of Niagara.


41. Actually, economy hotel encircles the ground in the horse race outside the island, the look is more than wanting to be gotten blandly inside the island.


42. It's not important, he said blandly.


43. He met them all blandly, becoming deft in excuse.

他和气地对付所有的这些人, 在找借口推托上变得很熟练了.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

44. " well, that is an odd name," said cowperwood, blandly.


45. There is a class of men in Bristol monstrously prejudiced against Blandly.


46. The Countess replied blandly that embroidery was a very charming way to pass the time, and husbands were generally a good thing, and their death much to be regretted.


47. The Lieutenant in his dazzling uniform smiled and talked blandly.


48. Little surprise, then, that when Valerie Jarrett was asked about a military draft she ducked the issue, just blandly noting that "community service should be expected, because it makes you feel part of something bigger than yourself".


49. I got her through my old friend, Blandly, who has proved himself throughout the most surprising trump.


50. But rather than volubly objecting to the plan, which is backed by a vocal emigre lobby in Germany, Mr Tusk blandly defused the row.


51. Our first course is taken away, and two more identical plates appear with blandly inoffensive piles of sea bream, beans and rice.


52. The nurse smiled blandly.


53. It refused to condemn them even for the sinking of the Cheonan, and this week issued blandly even-handed calls for restraint.



1. In fact, Mr Johnson's real beliefs, often concealed behind a smokescreen of jokes, are not so much blandly centrist as nicely balanced between swashbuckling extremes.


2. But the lead characters and the story are too blandly, wholesomely retro.

NEWYORKER: The Rocketeer

3. Ailes takes his work seriously, but he knows success doesn't go to those who blandly do what everyone else does.

FORBES: Fact and Comment

4. It would be utterly inadequate for us to account for this institutional and surreal institutional power that Milton holds over us by stating blandly that Milton is the greatest English poet.

要解释弥尔顿为什么能对我们施加,这样硬性的甚至荒诞的控制,仅仅说弥尔顿是最伟大的英国诗人是远远不足的。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. With a blandly dismissive anti-romanticism, the director sees through the pretenses of civility to the mediocrity, disappointment, venality, gullibility, duplicity, and boredom that pass for daily life.

NEWYORKER: The Prowler

6. The young Spanish director Oliver Laxe stars in this tender and witty metafiction, as Oliver, a Spanish director who arrives in Tangiers to work with children in a social-services school on a blandly educational film.

NEWYORKER: You All Are Captains

7. The movie flits by blandly, like a genre novel for teens imprinted directly onscreen.

NEWYORKER: Jennifer's Body

8. Kennedy gabbled and shrieked and spouted inside jokes, while I wrung my hands nervously, smirked blandly and tried to keep up with Kennedy's patter.

NPR: MTV, Kennedy and Me: Let's Begin to Heal

9. Blandly to assert that Russia needs a simpler tax system, and that less red tape would mean less corruption, ignores the vested interests that sustain the current system.

ECONOMIST: Russias economy

10. When a blandly handsome Wasp named Ian (John Corbett) enters the scene and begins dating Toula, the family goes haywire.

NEWYORKER: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

11. Carey Hoffman, a spokesman for the mayor, equally blandly explains that Mr Herenton's aims will become clearer as the election draws closer.

ECONOMIST: The Memphis mayors race

12. He is just blandly reciting his modest list of accomplishments during the past eight years.

ECONOMIST: The Memphis mayors race

13. She herself blandly expressed some wonderment that others did not like getting the "medicine they dished out".

BBC: Iron Lady on the world stage

14. The only real potential problem stems from Hollywood's seemingly unending ability to make blandly predictable films in pursuit of awards.

NPR: Make 'Em Laugh: Why No Oscar for Best Comedy?

15. Japanese journalists assigned to cover the prime minister round the clock were blandly told that Obuchi had awakened at 6 a.m. on Sunday and was reading the newspapers and monitoring the threatening eruption of Mt.

CNN: Taking Over

16. Waverers cannot have found it normal that a bidder should sell shares in the company it is trying to buy, as Olivetti did just before it announced its increased offer at the end of March (the firm later said blandly that it had made a mistake).

ECONOMIST: Telecom Italia

17. Parsons blandly adopted a few of Icahn's proposals, and the corporate raider eventually went away.

FORBES: Magazine Article

18. It refused to condemn them even for the sinking of the Cheonan, and this week issued blandly even-handed calls for restraint.

ECONOMIST: Coping with North Korea





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