莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˈtʃeɪmbə(r)]play美 [ˈtʃeɪmbər]play

  • n. 房间,室;会议厅,会所;议院;腔,膛;洞穴;<旧>卧室;法官办公室,律师事务所(chambers)
  • v. 把子弹送入弹膛;把……关在房间里
  • adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的
  • 【名】 (Chamber)(英)钱伯(人名)

复数 chambers 第三人称单数 chambers 现在分词 chambering 过去式 chambered 过去分词 chambered

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


chamber /ˈtʃeɪmbə/

  • 1.
    可数名词 A chamber is a large room, especially one that is used for formal meetings. 会议厅

    We are going to be in the council chamber every time he speaks.


  • 2.
    可数名词 You can refer to a country's legislature or to one section of it as a chamber. 议院

    More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A chamber is a room designed and equipped for a particular purpose. (作特殊用途的) 房间

    For many, the dentist's office remains a torture chamber.




  • adj.

    chambered 有房间的;隔成房间的



1. bridal chamber 新房;洞房

2. mixing chamber 混合室;预燃室;搅拌间

3. chamber music 室内音乐

4. bubble chamber 物 气泡室 ; 泡沫室 ; 计 泡沫箱 ; 泡室

5. chamber pressure 燃烧室压力

6. surge chamber 调压室,调节室

7. vacuum chamber 真空室;压力室

8. combustion chamber [机]燃烧室

9. gas chamber 气室 ; 化工 煤气柜 ; 储气室

10. international chamber of commerce 国际商会;国际工农商会

11. Dream of the Red Chamber 红楼梦 ; 金玉良缘红楼梦 ; 新红楼梦 ; 红楼之梦

12. anterior chamber [医]前房

13. furnace chamber 炉腔

14. magma chamber 地物 岩浆房 ; 岩浆储源 ; 岩浆库 ; 熔岩领地

15. cold chamber 冷却室;冷冻房

16. heating chamber 加热室;高温室

17. inner chamber 内腔,内室

18. cloud chamber 气象 云室 ; 云零室 ; 雾室

19. red chamber (加拿大议会)参议院

20. air chamber 气囊

21. working chamber 池窑的工作部

22. test chamber 试验箱;试验室

23. chamber pot 夜壶;便壶

24. star chamber 星室法庭 ; 星法院 ; 高层资源会议 ; 秘密的

25. chamber of commerce 商会

26. anechoic chamber 消声室,无回音室


1. They entered a chamber where the walls were covered with hog's leather, and printed with gold flowers.


2. Underground movie & music chamber and bar.

地下 影音 室及酒吧.《期刊摘选》

3. The murderer was executed in a gas chamber.


4. Two figures were moving in the chamber.


5. National Real Estate Federation of Industry and Commerce Chamber of Commerce , said Nie Meisheng.


6. Those soft strains ascended to her chamber; they soothed, they subdued her.

柔情的歌声传到她的卧室, 使她感到安慰, 把她征服了.《辞典例句》

7. I will tell you who he is, and what is become of him, but you had better hear the story in your own chamber.


8. He has mastered enough of the complexities of arrangement to write and score a piece for a chamber music ensemble.


9. Having succeeded in obtaining entrance with another key, I ran to unclose the panels, for the chamber was vacant.


10. She could hear the tinny strains of a chamber orchestra.


11. Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June .

室内管弦乐队:该乐团在榆树街1406号纪念馆演出,从3月到6月都有场次。《高考真题- 2016 全国3卷 阅读A》

12. In my perception chamber pot suggests the social economic demarcation.


13. As you move around the chamber, the volume of the sound goes way up and way down, depending on where you are in these standing waves.


14. More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament...


15. the Chamber of Deputies in the Italian parliament


16. By extracting water from the detector's chamber, the detector's surface becomes a concave hemisphere.


17. The chamber was ablaze with light


18. They are discussing in the chamber.


19. Fetch the broom and sweep the chamber.


20. Flit through thy chamber in and out.


21. Several corridors, most of them were half decayed, led finally to a chamber with a heavy iron door.


22. It adopts no chamber and double gas nozzle design and is not limited by vacuum chamber.


23. Indeed, the mere presence of a grape in the other chamber (without an actual monkey to eat it) was enough to induce resentment in a female capuchin.


24. For many, the dentist's office remains a torture chamber.


25. the chambers of the heart


26. Jericho, I need you to go into that chamber and turn on the purifier.

杰利克, 我需要你进入那个房间打开净水装置.《期刊摘选》

27. At eleven, you're seeing Gianni Riva at Megastar and then you'll have a lunch engagement with Gavin from the Chamber of Commerce at 1 pm.

11点你将在 Megastar 与 Gianni Riva 见面,然后下午1点你将与商会的 Gavin 共进午餐。

28. The east wind visited again my small chamber last night;| I could not bear to look back to my native land in the clear moonlight.


29. Nibs exclaimed, aghast at such insubordination, whereupon Peter went sternly toward the young lady's chamber.


30. To train a rat, the experimenter placed it in an operant conditioning chamber: a small plastic box with a lever at one end.


31. After queuing to see the "Mona Lisa" in its climate-controlled bulletproof box at the Louvre, he came away puzzled : why was it considered so superior to the three other Leonardos in the previous chamber, to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention?

在卢浮宫里排队参观保护在防弹箱里《蒙娜丽莎》之后,他困惑地走了出来:为什么人们认为它比前一个房间里无人问津的其他三个列奥纳多优越呢?《六级真题- 2015年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

32. He thought he saw someone lurking above the chamber during the address.


33. He repaired to her chamber, straight.


34. the rocket's combustion chamber


35. We are going to make sure we are in the council chamber every time he speaks.


36. a burial chamber


37. I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.


38. The members left the council chamber.


39. Your replacement will, by then, need your chamber.


40. These joint undertakings are like, you might think of them analogous to playing chamber music with a string quartet.


41. Under Senate rules, the chamber must vote on the bill by this Friday.


42. Chambers waved his hand. 'Belt up!' he snapped.


43. The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.


44. The stove has a large chamber.


45. The gun chamber was stopped up.


46. People who prefer symphony concerts or chamber music tend to look down their noses at opera.


47. Or I wait at chamber you know my temper better take care your bum.


48. Look at the ads for Chamber of Secrets, and you'll see that the filmmakers are doing all they can to juice up the formula.


49. Chamber compatibility and injector durability involve the control of the combustion environment.


50. Normally the whole is inclosed in a chamber where water flows cooling the granules thus obtained.


51. Is there no groom of the chamber in waiting?


52. He stood silent at the foot of the tree looking across the chamber at his enemy.


53. Signor Amato's government has only a 16-seat majority in the Chamber of Deputies.


54. the Senate/House chamber

参议院 / 众议院会议厅《牛津词典》

55. It required military discipline to get us out of bed in a chamber warmed only by the stovepipe, to draw on icy socks and frosty boots and go to milking cows.


56. The bills in both chambers would create health insurance exchanges on which small businesses and individuals could choose from an array of private plans and possibly a public option.

两院的法案都表示将建立医保交易所,小企业和个人能从其中的一系列私人计划甚至公共项目中进行选择。《六级真题- 2016年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

57. A measured, muffled snore issued from Aunt Polly's chamber.

从波莉姨妈卧室里传来一阵匀称的 、 沉闷的鼾声.《英汉文学 - 汤姆历险》

58. A winding path leads to a hidden spot,| a meditation chamber deep in the flowering trees.


59. Her instructor plugged live bullets into the gun's chamber.


60. Each apartment was designed with an antechamber, a chamber, a cabinet and a cloakroom.


61. Chambers' voice droned, maddening as an insect around his head


62. This contradiction disappears if the usual assumption of uniform chamber properties is removed.


63. John Chambers, chairman of Cisco Systems Inc., a worldwide leader in electronics products, says that "we compete against market transitions, not competitors."

全球电子产品生产巨头思科系统公司的主席约翰·钱伯斯说“我们和市场转型竞争,而不是和对手竟争。”《四级真题- 2017年 6月 2卷 信息匹配》

64. For many, the dentist's surgery remains a torture chamber.


65. the chamber of a gun (= the part that holds the bullets)


66. Despite the modesty of the benefit, the Chamber of Commerce and other business groups fought it bitterly, describing it as "government-run personnel management" and a "dangerous precedent".


67. These air jets create a wall that keeps the air from escaping from the chamber.


68. The members left the Council chamber.


69. In order to ensure the safety of ship chamber, the anticollision measures should be set.

在船进出升船机船厢过程中, 需要设置防撞措施来保证安全.《期刊摘选》

70. The murmur continues asas pressure in the chamber of origin exceeds that in the recipient chamber.


71. Now, to tell us more about Harrogate, I have with me Tom Percival, President of the Chamber of Commerce.


72. Divers transfer from the water to a decompression chamber.


73. the Lower/Upper Chamber (= in Britain, the House of Commons/House of Lords)

下 / 上议院(英国为the House of Commons / House of Lords)《牛津词典》

74. When water is pumped out of a chamber below the plate creating negative pressure, the stretchable sensors are pulled down, producing a concave shape.


75. These structures are called Passage Graves, because the inner chamber, sometimes several chambers in fact, could only be entered from the outside through a narrow passageway.


76. His Majesty requests your presence in the royal chambers


77. You might say, "Well, gee, why don't we just power our cars with hydrogen placed on an internal combustion chamber."


78. The chamber was ablaze with light.


79. Both chambers plan to vote on that policy before January 15th


80. It virtually consists of an empty chamber completely lined with polyethylene.


81. They found themselves in a vast underground chamber.


82. They hate what we see right here in this chamber, a democratically elected government.

他们憎恨我们在这间会议厅里认为正确的东西, 憎恨一个民选的政府.《英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语》

83. She whispered in his ear, "You silly ass," and then, tottering to her chamber, lay down on the bed.


84. This machine's combustion chamber is bad.


85. She went into a lonely forbidden chamber where no one was allowed to come, and poisoned a beautiful apple.



1. The minister agreed to do so either through regular letters or statements in the chamber.

BBC: Social justice questions

2. Phil Thomas,president of the Enterprise Chamber of Commerce, notes proudly that for the past two years, his town has had one of the strongest economies in Alabama.

VOA : standard.2010.08.10

3. When we climbed down a rickety ladder into the dark chamber, the smell of damp was overwhelming.

BBC: The gateway to Kilimanjaro

4. This is Elliott Carter's Double Concerto for Harpsichord,Piano and Two Chamber Orchestras.

VOA : special.2010.07.12

5. The U.S Chamber of Commerce just held its 400th hiring fair since last March for veterans.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

6. Here is his piece "Finding Rothko" which he wrote for the IRIS chamber orchestra in Tennessee.

VOA : special.2010.07.19

7. The AbioCor's motor sits between the two ventricles inside a separate chamber filled with silicone fluid.

FORBES: Lonely Heart

8. At the end of the poem,the man has quite clearly gone mad from grief: And the raven,never flitting,still is sitting still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

VOA : special.2009.02.02

9. He hears a noise at the window. Here is the beginning of the poem: Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered,weak and weary,Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore -- While I nodded,nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping -- rapping at my chamber door.

VOA : special.2010.10.31

10. "It's an opportunity for us, " said Martin Traynor, chief executive of the Leicestershire Chamber of Commerce.

BBC: New rail/road 'inland port' to boost East Mids economy?

11. the smallest chamber in the caves


12. Angie Robinson, chief executive of Greater Manchester Chamber of Commerce, also expressed concern at the announcement.

BBC: City gloomy over axing of casino

13. Article 96 would be changed to a simple majority vote within each Diet chamber.

FORBES: Connect

14. The Chamber of Commerce has backed parking fees for commuters but expressed concerned about charging shoppers.

BBC: Parking

15. There was a ripple of applause in the chamber after the result was announced.

BBC: Gay marriage: Commons passes Cameron's plan

16. Things got a bit raucous in the chamber as the day drew to a close.

BBC: Dogs, ducks and ethics

17. I went to the room which he had called the nuptial chamber.


18. Power is in the Chamber of Deputies,in the Assembly, and the President is a convener; he tries to get people to do the right things, and it's a political club.

权力在议会院中,在立法议会手中,总统就是个会议召集人,他想办法让人们做正确的事情,这是个政治俱乐部1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. So, you might say, well, gee, why don't we just power our cars with hydrogen, use an internal combustion chamber.

你可能会说,好吧,哎呀,为什么我们不把氢气,放在汽车内部的燃烧室,来给我们的汽车提供动力呢。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

20. And the Raven,never flitting, still is sitting -- still is sitting On the pallid bust of Pallas just above my chamber door;

VOA : special.2010.10.31

21. The researchers described what happened when they placed the coral larvae into the chamber.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

22. The Speaker is preceded by the mace-bearer upon his entry to the chamber.


23. Well, if you get the combustion chamber hot enough, in point of fact, there are some reactions between nitrogen and the oxygen.

如果燃烧室的温度足够高的话,实际上在氮气和氧气之间,会发生一些反应。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

24. The backmost square-shaped chamber of that inner shrine was the inner sanctum or the holy of holies.

神殿最后面的正方形的空间,是内圣所或者说,最神圣的地方。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. Bob Collier, chief executive of Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce, broadly welcomed the plans.

BBC: Warning on Aberdeen Union Street pedestrianisation plan

26. At the wedding itself, many couples hire small chamber groups to play classical music before and at the end of the ceremony.

VOA : special.2010.08.09

27. According to the International Chamber of Commerce, the number of piracy attacks reported this year will far exceed those for 2008.

VOA : standard.2009.10.30

28. Steve Sulley, chairman of Newport Chamber of Commerce, said the plans were "great news for Newport".

BBC: South East Wales

29. Each chamber offered the coral larvae two opposing conditions.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

30. Even the Chamber of Commerce had harsh words for Finra in a report this summer.

FORBES: Magazine Article

31. The presiding judge read from a letter Karadzic sent to the trial chamber,last week.

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

32. The team designed a device it called a choice chamber.

VOA : special.2010.08.10

33. Her instructor plugged live bullets into the gun's chamber.


34. Clive Randall,president of the Australian Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, says the government responded aggressively to take control of the economy.

VOA : standard.2009.10.16

35. Boyle evacuated the chamber of the air pump.


36. "'Tis some visitor," I muttered, "tapping at my chamber door -- Only this and nothing more."

VOA : special.2010.10.31

37. The Big Room is the single largest underground chamber ever found in North America.

VOA : special.2009.12.07

38. The town's chamber of commerce said an alternative supermarket proposal was its preferred option.

BBC: Northampton

39. The Senate is the only chamber of the Pakistani parliament that is still sitting.

WSJ: Pakistan's Judges Score One Against Army

40. The .38-caliber Taurus revolver was recovered by police and had three live rounds in the chamber.

WSJ: Man Charged With Murder as Gay Hate Crime

41. The men are kept in a high-security prison near Livingston,Texas, a short drive from Huntsville, where the execution chamber, known as Ellis Unit One is housed.

VOA : standard.2009.10.21

42. He walked out of the debating chamber while the meeting was still in progress.

BBC: Richard Williams

43. It passed in the upper chamber, 68-31, in late April with bipartisan support.

FORBES: Scott Brown Ads Focus on Being a Great Family Guy

44. The petition was signed by 218 representatives, a majority of the chamber's 435 members.

CNN: Democrats cite Enron to push campaign reform

45. After the beating Tripp has taken in the press, Starr's grand-jury chamber must seem downright inviting.

CNN: Tripp's Turn to Talk

46. Marine Director of the International Chamber of Shipping Peter Hinchcliffe told VOA the number of attacks is increasing.

VOA : standard.2009.10.30

47. Speaking to a packed chamber at Stormont, the Northern Ireland Assembly, Hillary Clinton praised lawmakers for progress made in a long and often arduous peace process.

VOA : standard.2009.10.12

48. Each year,on the first Sunday of December, the Stockbridge Chamber of Commerce mobilizes the entire community to recreate the scene from "Stockbridge Main Street at Christmas,"

VOA : standard.2009.12.25

49. The bathyscaphe is over 16 meters long, and its gasoline-filled flotation chamber's deck,rails, and conning tower make it look a bit like a submarine.

VOA : standard.2010.06.21

50. Motown's first recording studio included an echo chamber.

VOA : special.2009.05.11

51. And the width of the chamber looks like it could fit a football field.

FORBES: Slovenian Landscapes: Above and Below

52. The Diet's less powerful upper chamber has sometimes been a bellwether of popular opinion.


53. He said Mr. Smith's gun had one round in the chamber and one in the magazine.

WSJ: Police Officer Accidentally Shot Hofstra Student

54. Alan Piggot, president of Wellingborough Chamber of Commerce, said he was "absolutely delighted" with the decision.

BBC: Northampton

55. In the packed chamber, the GM and Chrysler executives sat side by side with dealers.

VOA : standard.2009.06.04

56. that nitrogen goes through the combustion chamber.

氮气会经过燃烧室。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

57. "He also says, as soon as I am prepared, I will be happy to inform the trial chamber and OTP a few weeks in advance.

VOA : standard.2009.10.26

58. "This includes whether we request a referral of the case to the Court's Grand Chamber".

BBC: Haroon Aswat US extradition rejected by court

59. These good citizens are saving American lives, and everyone in this chamber owes them our thanks.

NPR: Text of Bush's State of the Union Address

60. Obi was ordered by Fifa's Dispute Resolution Chamber to return, after Lyn complained to Fifa.

BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Obi's agent fined for smuggling

61. Now, Tom, it is good to be here today at the Chamber of Commerce.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Addresses U.S. Chamber of Commerce

62. These joint undertakings are like,well, you might think of them analogous to playing chamber music with a string quartet.

这种共同行为,就像是用弦乐四重奏演奏室内乐。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. Drake took a loaded magazine from the handgun and ejected a round from the chamber.

WSJ: SC soldier gets nearly 12 years in fatal shooting

64. "She has written chamber music, orchestral works and operas, " it said in a statement.

NPR: N'Dour, Saariaho Share Sweden's Polar Music Prize

65. The president of U.S.Chamber of Commerce says his group is supporting the efforts of some U.S.lawmakers to end the trade embargo on Cuba.

VOA : standard.2009.05.06





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champion的意思是:n. 冠军,第一名;拥护者,斗士 v. 捍卫,拥护,支持 adj. <英,非正式>极好的;冠军的,得一等奖的 【名】 (Champion)(英)钱皮恩,(法)尚皮翁(人名)。学考宝为您提供champion是什么意思,champion的翻译,champion的用法,champion的短语搭配,champion的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


out-of-doors的意思是:adv. 在户外,在露天 n. 野外。学考宝为您提供out-of-doors是什么意思,out-of-doors的翻译,out-of-doors的用法,out-of-doors的短语搭配,out-of-doors的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chambered的意思是:adj. 有房间的;隔成房间的。学考宝为您提供chambered是什么意思,chambered的翻译,chambered的用法,chambered的短语搭配,chambered的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


chamber的意思是:n. 房间,室;会议厅,会所;议院;腔,膛;洞穴;<旧>卧室;法官办公室,律师事务所(chambers) v. 把子弹送入弹膛;把……关在房间里 adj. 室内的;私人的,秘密的 【名】 (Chamber)(英)钱伯(人名)。学考宝为您提供chamber是什么意思,chamber的翻译,chamber的用法,chamber的短语搭配,chamber的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


agglutinates的意思是:v. 烧结;粘结;凝集;附着;使成胶状。agglutinate的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供agglutinates是什么意思,agglutinates的音标,agglutinates怎么读,agglutinates的翻译,agglutinates的用法,agglutinates的短语搭配,agglutinates的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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