莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈkemɪstri]play美 [ˈkemɪstri]play

  • n. 化学;化学成分,化学反应;(彼此间的)吸引

复数 chemistries

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


chemistry /ˈkɛmɪstrɪ/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Chemistry is the scientific study of the structure of substances and of the way that they react with other substances. 化学
  • 2.
    不可数名词 The chemistry of an organism or a material is the chemical substances that make it up and the chemical reactions that go on inside it. 化学成分; 化学反应

    We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.


  • 3.
    不可数名词 If you say that there is chemistry between two people, you mean that it is obvious they are attracted to each other or like each other very much. (彼此间的) 吸引

    ...the extraordinary chemistry between Ingrid and Bogart.






1. material chemistry 材料化学

2. analytical chemistry [化]分析化学

3. polymer chemistry 高分子化学;聚合物化学

4. department of chemistry 化学系

5. Theoretical Chemistry 物化 理论化学 ; 理论基础

6. organic chemistry 有机化学

7. coordination chemistry 配位化学

8. Inorganic Chemistry 无化 无机化学 ; 生物无机化学 ; 无机

9. applied chemistry 应用化学

10. Environmental Chemistry 环境 环境化学 ; 澳大利亚 ; 环境生物学

11. medicinal chemistry 药物化学;医疗化学

12. Organic Chemistry 有化 有机化学 ; 化学丛书之有机化学 ; 字幕 ; 有机

13. environmental chemistry [化]环境化学

14. food chemistry 食品化学;食物化学

15. fine chemistry 精细化工;精细化学

16. inorganic chemistry 无机化学

17. physical chemistry 物理化学

18. surface chemistry [化]表面化学

19. medical chemistry 医化学

20. analytical chemistry experiment 分析化学实验

21. quantum chemistry 量子化学

22. general chemistry 普通化学

23. Medicinal Chemistry 药 药物化学 ; 医药化学 ; 医学化学 ; 医疗化学

24. atmospheric chemistry 大气化学

25. Atmospheric chemistry 气象 大气化学 ; 大气 ; 年夜气化学

26. Physical Chemistry 物化 物理化学 ; 考试大纲 ; 物理化学B ; 物理化学C

27. pharmaceutical chemistry 药物化学

28. Nuclear Chemistry 核 核化学 ; 核化学化工 ; 原子核化学


1. Professor of science at harvard, he won the1965 Nobel Prize for chemistry.


2. inorganic/organic chemistry

无机 / 有机化学《牛津词典》

3. He wrote a bibliography of chemistry.


4. It is a direct reference to innovation in the field of biotechnology, chemistry and nanotechnology.

“脑细胞”也体现了化学 、 生物科技和纳米技术等领域的进步.《期刊摘选》

5. I missed four chemistry classes.


6. It is the custom of this academy to make an annual award for outstanding researchers in chemistry.


7. the chemistry of copper


8. Our chemistry teacher often reduces a compound to its components in lab.


9. I wasn't too keen on physics and chemistry.


10. Process of the method is based on electro chemistry, reduction, physical adsorption and coagulation, etc.

该方法以电化学作用为主, 兼有还原 、 物理吸附和混凝等多种机制.《期刊摘选》

11. If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is inadequate, this will result in changes in body chemistry.


12. She was always interested in things like chemistry and history.

她一直都对化学和历史之类的东西很感兴趣。《中考真题- 2018 河南 短文填空》

13. My chemistry is so bad.


14. The reduction of acid is an important reaction in organic chemistry.


15. Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.


16. I hope to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry.


17. She's a newcomer to chemistry.


18. a degree in chemistry


19. In chemistry, less is more.


20. He is studying chemistry.


21. Quantum chemistry methods and molecular modeling technology are the main branches of the computational chemistry.


22. Chemistry was her favourite subject at school.


23. It's a matter of chemistry.


24. He began to learn the basic principles of chemistry.


25. He got a 'C' in Chemistry and a 'B' in English.


26. She studied chemistry for three years.


27. She prefers English to chemistry.


28. He has a BSc in Chemistry.


29. We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere


30. The chemistry chelating, electrostatic force , hydrogen bonding and so on all funtion in the adsorption process.

吸附过程存在化学络合 、 静电吸引 、 氢键等作用.《期刊摘选》

31. ...the extraordinary chemistry between Ingrid and Bogart...


32. Their study, published in the journal Analytical Chemistry, suggests it helped to protect against eye disease.

他们的研究结果在化学分析杂志上发表出来, 这表明了它的确有助于防止眼疾.《期刊摘选》

33. Her speciality is maths, earth science, and chemistry.


34. He is knowledgeable about the chemistry of metals.


35. According to the 2008 Guardian university rankings, Sussex has Britain's best chemistry department.

从2008年的排名来看, 萨塞克斯大学的化学专业是全英排名第一的专业.《期刊摘选》

36. I received a BS in chemistry at Dartmouth.


37. She majors in chemistry.


38. Chemistry is my favorite subject.


39. Peter managed quite well in chemistry at school, but when he went to the university he soon got out of his depth.


40. You did well in chemistry.


41. I'm doing physics, biology and chemistry.


42. He taught chemistry at a leading independent school.


43. Sarina Harpet, a 19-year-old student at Virginia Tech, was faced with a tough dilemma when she first started college in 2015 — pay rent or pay to turn in her chemistry homework.

萨日娜·哈珀是弗吉尼亚理工学院的一名19岁的学生,她在2015年刚上大学时面临着进退两难的处境——是付房租还是付钱提交化学作业。《四级真题- 2018年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

44. The soluble giant particles are of especial interest in atmospheric chemistry and rain physics.


45. The chemistry just wasn't right.


46. Introduction to Chemistry aims to cover important topics in organic chemistry.


47. The fundamentals of inorganic chemistry are very important.


48. The student was excellent in chemistry.


49. He is more highly educated, with a PhD in Chemistry.


50. Harper, a poultry science major, is taking chemistry again this year and had to buy a new access code to hand in her homework.

哈珀学的是家禽科学专业,今年要重修化学,她不得不买一个新的访问代码来提交家庭作业。《四级真题- 2018年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

51. Hello! Everyone . My name is desertwind . I am a student majoring in applied chemistry.

大家好, 我的名字是风吹沙地应用化学大二学生.《期刊摘选》

52. As Mr. Sinclair was ill, Mr. Cook substituted as our teacher of chemistry.

由于辛克莱先生病了, 库克先生代任我们的化学老师.《简明英汉词典》

53. I'm hoping to do a chemistry degree.


54. Janis and I became friends but we were never close. The chemistry wasn't there.


55. I'm in Chemistry. Do you have class in Davis?

我在化学系. 你在戴维斯楼上课 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

56. The result indicates that the prevention and removal of incrustation is feasible by sound chemistry.


57. She knew that her chemistry grade may take a dive as a result.

她知道她的化学成绩可能会因此面临一次下滑。《四级真题- 2018年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

58. We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.


59. This hazy phlogiston theory, this erroneous conception of burning, led chemistry along a completely false trail.

这个莫名其妙的 “ 燃素论 ”,对燃烧做了错误的理解, 把化学扯上了一条完全错误道路.《辞典例句》

60. Tom is great at chemistry.


61. We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere...


62. Chemistry was par excellence the laboratory science of the early nineteenth century.


63. The effect on our blood chemistry is such that it produces physical changes in our entire body.


64. He did well in mathematics, but barely scraped through in chemistry.

他数学考得不错, 但化学只是勉强及格.《现代汉英综合大词典》

65. She didn't hand in her first two assignments for chemistry, which started her out in the class with a failing grade.

她没有提交前两次的化学作业,这使她开始这门课时成绩就不合格。《四级真题- 2018年 6月 1卷 信息匹配》

66. The patient's blood chemistry was monitored regularly.


67. Why did you choose chemistry?


68. He is interested in chemistry.


69. There is good chemistry between the two men.


70. He teaches both physics and chemistry.


71. It introduces the principle, apparatuses, characteristics and applications of microwave digestion in analysis chemistry.

本文综述了微波溶样技术的原理 、 特点 、 装置及该技术在分析化学中的应用.《期刊摘选》

72. WILLY ( Dealing ) They build up your bones. Chemistry.

威利 ( 发牌 ) :长骨头的. 化学作用.《期刊摘选》

73. I want to go on studying chemistry.


74. Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry , Marcel Dekker, Inc. 1997.

胶体与表面化学, 沈钟、王国庭编著,化学工业出版社, 1997年.《期刊摘选》

75. Research workers in physics, chemistry, law, and many other subjects use similar arrangement.

物理 、 化学 、 法律和其它许多学科的研究工作者都使用类似的方法.《辞典例句》

76. I lost my chemistry book just now.


77. She instructs a class in chemistry.


78. Ester is one of the most important compounds in Organic Chemistry.


79. He is reading a text in chemistry.


80. the university's chemistry department


81. What's your chemistry teacher like?


82. The new chemistry lab was paid for by friends of the college.


83. What is the chemistry here?


84. Chemistry To bring ( an equation ) into balance.

[化学]使 ( 反应式 ) 平衡.《期刊摘选》

85. sexual chemistry


86. The Oxford Chemistry Primers aim to cover important topics in organic chemistry


87. He specializes in chemistry and has made a number of new discoveries.


88. He is more highly educated, with a Ph.D. in chemistry.


89. Junior Chemistry Teaching is the enlightenment of chemical education and basic stage.


90. Ultravioletspectrumspectrum and flotation solution chemistry were studied of scheelite and benzoylhydroxamic acid.


91. At present he has become a Professor of Chemistry at Oxford.


92. Chemistry Metallurgy A substance that aids, or otherwise actively in fusing or flowing, as.

一种帮助催化或以其它方式活跃地参加熔化或回流的助熔剂, 例如.《期刊摘选》

93. Besides chemistry we like to study physics.


94. Tom specializes in chemistry.


95. JB : I think it's chemistry, probably too.

我想那是化学作用, 应该是吧.《期刊摘选》

96. Kinetics This is an integrated experiment comprising topics from inorganic, organic, analytical, physical, and computational chemistry.

动力学这是一个把无机 、 有机 、 分析 、 物理和计算化学结合在一起的实验.《期刊摘选》


1. - Now they're writing a more abbreviated form, which you'll probably get to if you take organic chemistry, but really it's the exact same idea.

尽管他们现在会写成更简略的形式,如果你选择了有机化学,你以后很可能也会这样,但本质上并没有任何区别。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

2. He's trying to drag the secretive world of drug-discovery chemistry into the computer age.

FORBES: Merck's Free Radical

3. This year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry awards Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz and Ada E.


4. But then I got to college and they said, "Well, if you're thinking about anything bio biopsychology, biology -- you have to take chemistry."

但我去了大学后别人都说:,“如果你要学关于生物的课程,生物心理学,生物医学,你就必须学化学“化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. Later,she studied chemistry and other sciences at a Pennsylvania college now known as Carnegie Mellon University.

VOA : special.2011.03.01

6. If the supply of vitamins and minerals in the diet is inadequate, this will result in changes in body chemistry.


7. He is a professor of biology and chemistry at the University of Cincinnati's Clermont College.

VOA : special.2011.08.01

8. Now I don't know, I may be different than other people, but I think organic chemistry is really interesting.

但我不确定,也许我和他人不太一样呢,我认为有机化学很有趣金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. But Turin and Sanchez understand that chemistry alone does not determine the success of a perfume.

FORBES: Magazine Article

10. Team chemistry is an imprecise composition, and rules by themselves cannot ensure an atmosphere.

WSJ: Jason Gay: Red Sox Now Order Shirley Temples

11. What I want to do is get you to appreciate the unique perspective that you will get from studying solid-state chemistry.

我要做的是,让你们,欣赏领会到它独特的远景,在学习固体化学的过程中。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

12. He praises the show for its writing which skillfully sets off the chemistry among the three main characters.

VOA : special.2009.06.05

13. People who want to become doctors often study a lot of biology, chemistry or other science.

VOA : special.2010.07.13

14. So, these are all the things that Tim Jamison needs Tim Jamison to know to do organic chemistry.

也许要用一个过渡金属来优化它,这些都是。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. So, normally at this point, we do actually start class with a little bit of history from alchemy to modern chemistry, but I decided to skip that this year.

通常在这个时候,我们要从一些从炼金术,到现代化学的历史出发正式开始我们的课程。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

16. Depending on what kind of chemistry you go in to, you might accidentally memorize parts of the table, which is fine, but what you really want to know how to do is know how to use the periodic table.

取决于你今后从事哪个方向的化学研究,你可能会不经意地记住周期表的某一部分,这就够了,但是要注意,你真正需要知道的是如何使用元素周期表。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

17. From 2008 it plans to allow the brightest pupils to study biology, chemistry and physics separately.

ECONOMIST: How to stop physicists opting for media studies

18. the extraordinary chemistry between Ingrid and Bogart


19. They were awarded the the prize for chemistry in 1935 for their discovery of artificial radioactivity.

FORBES: Innovation, Medicine and a Healthy Dose of Compassion

20. The team's solution was not to return to school to study chemistry for four years.


21. the chemistry of humour


22. The company decided to send him to study proteins at Osaka University's chemistry department.

FORBES: The Secret Sage

23. And what better way to have this body chemistry dilemma solved then cellular feedback inhibition?

FORBES: Crestor Fails To Beat Lipitor In Imaging Study

24. You pick up fragments about team chemistry, shaking things up, and better using your talents.

FORBES: 8 Ways To Rebound From A Demotion

25. Science, particularly more advanced sciences like physics or chemistry, are all about unobservables.

科学,尤其是像物理,或者化学这样较为尖端的科学,研究的都是不可观测的事物。心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. So she decided -- get this -- she decided to teach herself chemistry over the summer.

WHITEHOUSE: Education, Innovation & The Economy

27. The researcher said that before the body begins to freeze, cold can cause changes in brain chemistry which lead to hallucinations.

VOA : special.2010.02.24

28. These include most of physics and chemistry, as well as a few specialties in molecular biology.

WSJ: Great Scientists Don't Need Math

29. It embraces elements of chemistry, physics, and engineering.


30. You are immersed in team chemistry, the creative process, praise and adrenaline all at once.

FORBES: Join In The Band

31. I love chemistry now. Be very careful what you say. Have any of you made that statement about hating a subject?

我现在很喜欢化学,所以你们说话的时候,可要小心咯?化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

32. Storing large quantities of electricity has long been the domain of 150-year-old lead-acid chemistry.

FORBES: The Automobile Shifts Gears

33. These experts use chemistry, physics,anthropology, biology and other sciences to study the clues surrounding a crime.

VOA : special.2010.05.05

34. Over dinner Schreibershared with Adams his disdain for combinatorial chemistry, the high-speed fabrication of synthetic molecules.

FORBES: Magazine Article

35. Dr Richard Pike, the CEO of the Royal Society of Chemistry has died of cancer.

FORBES: Dr Richard Pike (1950-2011) and Peak Oil

36. She studied chemistry at Oxford University and spent her early career in research laboratories.

WSJ: Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher Dies

37. Probably never, but so many kids are struggling with basic algebra and chemistry every day.

FORBES: Rethinking Education: Why Our Education System Is Ripe For Disruption

38. The report was published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

VOA : special.2011.03.29

39. So, all you will have the opportunity to solve differential equations in your math courses here. We won't do it in this chemistry course. In later chemistry courses, you'll also get to solve differential equations.

你们在数学课中有机会,遇到解微分方程,我们在这化学课里就不解了,在今后的化学课程里,你们也会遇到解微分方程的时候。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

40. Study instead the DNA chemistry that makes both you and successful competing brands thrive.

FORBES: The Beatles: The Brand Behind The Band

41. They understand that their job is more than teaching subjects like reading or chemistry.

WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

42. He then earned his Masters Degree in chemistry from the University of Buenos Aries.

FORBES: Pope Francis, Scientist

43. People who remember the periodic table of the elements from chemistry class might recognize them.

VOA : special.2010.10.08

44. Not long afterward, Lanier began taking classes in math and chemistry at New Mexico State University.

NEWYORKER: The Visionary

45. CFLs produce and are essentially stuck, for physical chemistry reasons, in the CRI 70 range.

FORBES: The LED Illumination Revolution

46. The Academy says new medicines could result from the work of the Nobel Prize winners in chemistry.

VOA : special.2009.12.08

47. It turns out we won't really using it, needing to identify it on the graph so much in chemistry.

结果是我们不会实际运用它,那样我们在化学中,将要在图中识别它很久。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

48. We've got a chemistry practical on Tuesday morning.


49. Today she says she loved her long career in chemistry.

VOA : special.2010.02.09

50. High-intensity X-ray studies described in Analytical Chemistry found compounds called oxalates were responsible.

BBC: Van Gogh's Flowers In A Blue Vase damage seen in X-rays

51. Modern innovation springs from a deep understanding of physics, electronics, math, chemistry and biology--not Proust.

FORBES: Where To Get Rich

52. When they finally ran out, they started creating new material together, and the chemistry proved potent.

NPR: The Bird and the Bee, Getting Buzz

53. David Johnson is a chemistry professor in the State University of New York's College of Environmental Science and Forestry.

VOA : special.2009.06.09

54. Stefanie, who took maths, chemistry and physics, is to study maths at Cardiff University.

BBC: Twin sisters land six straight As

55. Chapters 2 and 4 are really reviews of things that you probably already know something about, so they're reviews of basic chemistry.

第二章和第四章是对,一些你可能已经知道的,基础化学,蛋白质及生物化学知识的复习生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

56. Bacteria evolved the necessary chemistry to "fix" nitrogen from the air, about two billion years ago.

BBC: Leaving our mark: Fossils of the future

57. Hardin of the Department of Chemistry and Faculty of Engineering, University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia.

FORBES: New Antibacterial Clothing: Secret Ingredient Revealed

58. I lose my interest in philosophy and take up an interest in, I don't know,something that completely doesn't-- organic chemistry holds no interest to me whatsoever.

我失去了对哲学的兴趣,对一个完全不相干的东西-,比如以前完全不感兴趣的有机化学。死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Mister Shubin was educated in chemistry.

VOA : special.2011.03.01

60. If you're going into any science that uses mathematics, chemistry, or engineering, or even economics -- you should find the contents of that useful.

如果你要进入任何要使用数学的理工科专业,比如化学,工程,甚至是经济学,你会发现书上的内容很有用基础物理课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. Professor Stone says the emotional patterns could be linked to changes in how people see the world, or maybe even changes in brain chemistry.

VOA : special.2010.08.03

62. Well, I have to say, I did not like chemistry in high school, so I did not think about going to college to study chemistry.

我在高中时一点都不喜欢化学,所以我去大学,更本就没考虑过学化学。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

63. Medal winner Esther Conwell is a chemistry and atomic physics expert at the University of Rochester in New York.

VOA : special.2010.11.09

64. .091 has a syllabus that is unlike general chemistry taught anywhere else on the planet.

。091的课程大纲与这个地球,其他地方的化学概论课不一样。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. The January issue of Chemistry World includes a warning on impending shortages of certain elements.

FORBES: Endangered Elements Pose Threat To Green Energy





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    as的意思是“正当……时候(justas,atthesamemoment that)”“随着……(while,when)”,它既可表示一个具体的时间点,也可以表示一段时间。while的意思是“在……同时(atthesame timethat)”。
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