莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈbɑːskɪtbɔːl]play美 [ˈbæskɪtbɔːl]play

  • n. 篮球;篮球运动

复数 basketballs

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


basketball /ˈbɑːskɪtˌbɔːl, ˈbæs-/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Basketball is a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a circular net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court. 篮球运动
  • 2.
    可数名词 A basketball is a large ball which is used in the game of basketball. 篮球


1. basketball court 篮球场

2. basketball field 篮球场

3. Euroleague Basketball 欧洲篮球联赛 ; 欧洲篮球冠军联赛

4. basketball team 篮球队 ; 篮球校队 ; 篮球队队员 ; 男子篮球队

5. National Basketball Association 国家篮球协会 ; 国家篮球联盟 ; 国度篮球协会 ; 全美篮球协会

6. basketball game 篮球比赛;篮球运动

7. Chinese Basketball Association 中国篮球协会 ; 中国男子篮球职业联赛 ; 中国篮协 ; 中国篮球联赛

8. play basketball 打篮球

9. basketball player n. 篮球选手;篮球球员

10. greece national basketball team 希腊国家男子篮球队 ; 希腊国家篮球队

11. basketball shoe 篮球鞋

12. national basketball association 国家篮球协会(简称NBA)


1. These rules of playing basketball are basic.


2. Development Trend of Basketball and Development Direct of China' Basketball


3. He coaches basketball and soccer.


4. They went on with their basketball match in spite of the rain.


5. Neither volleyball nor basketball is a hundred years old.


6. It's good because we can itbecause it's cheadiv and there are basketball courts all around.


7. He will mould a child into an excellent basketball player.


8. I must have jarred my arm playing basketball.


9. VS: Why do you take another sports like basketball and soccer for the training?

你为什么选择篮球、足球这样的运动来进行训练 呢 ?《期刊摘选》

10. The Whole Family are Basketball.


11. They are sure to win this basketball match.


12. Everybody in our institute goes in for sports and nearly everyone is good at basketball.


13. An operational definition of intelligent characteristic for youth basketball athlete is proposed.


14. The fundamental of basketball includes shooting, passing and catching, rebounding, etc.

篮球运动中最基本的东西包括投篮, 传接球, 篮板球等.《期刊摘选》

15. The most difficult thing in a fast game of basketball is to change course midstream.


16. The bank merged with its major rival.


17. Have you been following the basketball championships?


18. Jen was tasked with running a charity basketball tournament.


19. She can play tennis as well as basketball.


20. I pooped to play basketball, but my friends insisted.

我太累了,打不了篮球, 可我的朋友们坚持(要我打).《期刊摘选》

21. Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn't need to jump?


22. Because playing basketball keep me healthy and strong enough to deal with all difficulties.


23. I went swimming while the others played basketball.


24. You're about the right height for a basketball player.


25. He practices playing basketball.


26. He was more than a basketball superstar, he was a celebrity.


27. We played basketball in the gym.


28. Do you play basketball every morning?

你每天早上都练习篮球 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

29. The woman basketball team of our factory is one of the strongest ( teams ) in the city.

本厂的女篮是全市的一支 劲旅.《现代汉英综合大词典》

30. He is by far the best basketball player we have seen.


31. A group of kids started a pickup game of basketball on the street outside.


32. She was too slight to play basketball.


33. Joy likes cycling and basketball.


34. Despite the fact that she is short, she is an excellent basketball player.

尽管她个子矮, 却是个出色的篮球运动员.《简明英汉词典》

35. I prefer playing basketball.


36. There are groups of youths playing basketball over there.


37. In the basketball tournament, out team brought up the rear.

在篮球锦标赛中, 我们的球队排名最后.《期刊摘选》

38. The sport of basketball is a little over a hundred years old.


39. Playing basketball is good for your heath.


40. We often dance and play basketball class.


41. SLAM : That's what you appreciate more about basketball than football?

SLAM: 是什么让你喜欢篮球多于美式足球?《期刊摘选》

42. a basketball game/coach/team

篮球比赛 / 教练 / 球队《牛津词典》

43. Are you going to watch a basketball match?

你们是去看篮球赛 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

44. The children are playing with a basketball.


45. Basketball requires speed, strength, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility and coordination.

篮球运动需要速度 、 力量 、 平衡 、 耐力 、 灵敏 、 柔韧和协同动作的能力.《期刊摘选》

46. They marked the boundaries of the basketball court.


47. A notably short, silver-haired man, he plays basketball with his staff several times a week.


48. We elected her captain of our basketball team.


49. However, my favorite sport is basketball.

然而, 我最喜欢的运动是打篮球.《期刊摘选》

50. Basketball brings us together.


51. The twins like playing basketball.


52. Soccer is way easier to play over there than basketball.


53. I used to play basketball


54. How was basketball invented?


55. This would be last time I cut any classes for a basketball game.


56. I'm throwing the basketball.


57. The basketball players of the two countries got together and compared notes after the match.


58. A great basketball player, but his baggage has lost him amount of money and success.

一个极好的篮球运动员, 但是场外问题使他损失了大量金钱和成功的机会.《期刊摘选》

59. Michael Jordan was an excellent basketball player.


60. I enjoy playing basketball.


61. The NCAA basketball championship was won by North Carolina.


62. CB boys: What makes a good basketball player?

CB的 娃娃们: 怎么样成为一个优秀篮球运动员?《期刊摘选》

63. He's holding a basketball.


64. the National Basketball Association Championship


65. She knows a lot about basketball.


66. To master the skill of playing basketball he is making a great business of it.


67. Recently named the nation's top girls' basketball player, she will be honoured this morning at a school assembly.


68. We play basketball on weekends.


69. Troy is a popular basketball player and Gabriella is a girl Einstein.


70. He made his basketball league debut yesterday.


71. The American squad has pulled out of the four-day basketball tournament.


72. He has no superior as a basketball player.


73. In the basketball game China beat the Japanese by a neck.


74. Current Atlanta Hawks coach Lenny Wilkens has won more basketball games than any other coach.


75. They play basketball in the morning everyday.


76. And, apparently, in basketball some players grow out their fingernails to serve as a weapon.

很明显, 在篮球运动里,有些球员故意养长指甲,成为其场上武器.《期刊摘选》

77. The teacher allows us to play basketball class.


78. When does the basketball season end?


79. He's one of the most respected basketball players in the last decade.


80. Mrs. Bolton : Did we really fly way to play more basketball?


81. Number 8, Because I was tired of people thinking Jordan was just a basketball player.

第8, 因为我厌倦了人们认为约旦(乔丹)只是一个篮球运动员.《期刊摘选》

82. He's practicing basketball.


83. She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day


84. The tall man is a basketball player.


85. We presented him a basketball on his birthday.


86. A basketball player is allowed five personal fouls before fouling out.


87. Tom is a basketball fan. Michael Jordan is his favourite basketball player.

汤姆是个篮球迷. 乔丹是他最喜欢的篮球运动员.《期刊摘选》

88. He's got a basketball autographed by the whole team.


89. The plan has a sting intail: it means we lose one day's holiday.

这个计划是先甜后苦: 它意味着我们少一天的假期.《期刊摘选》

90. Will you play basketball?


91. He will shape into an excellent basketball player.


92. I was hot on playing basketball when I was in college.


93. Shaun McCalister also played for the varsity basketball team.


94. By the way, who is your favourite basketball player?

顺便问一下, 你最喜欢哪个篮球运动员 呢 ?《初三英语口语》

95. He will shape up into an excellent basketball player.


96. He is giving the commentary on the basketball game.


97. I joined the basketball club.


98. She was taking all three of her daughters to basketball practice every day.


99. He traded his watch for Ade's basketball.


100. Basketball is his consuming passion.


101. In the Olympic Games Americans exceeded in basketball.


102. He is carrying a basketball.


103. In the basketball game China won against the Philippines by the heavy score of 108 to 71.


104. The basketball player fouled again.


105. She should be satisfied with you, because she give birth to a world's greatest basketball player.

她应该对你感到满意, 因为她生出了一个世界上最伟大的篮球运动员.《期刊摘选》

106. He is a born basketball player.


107. Shanghai basketball team won the CBA champion and he was rewarded the best member award.


108. The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium.


109. The basketball nets hung down from the ceiling at either end of the gymnasium


110. Changes of China Men's Basketball Technique Level Under New Competitive System


111. the world basketball champions


112. He marks the score in the basketball match.


113. Itsaid that she used to be a basketball player.


114. Jeff played intramural basketball in high school.


115. Basketball is his consuming passion.


116. People were gaping at the tall basketball player, Yao Ming.


117. In the basketball game we won against them by the heavy score of 48 to 22.


118. There's a basketball practice every Friday evening.


119. I used to play basketball.


120. It's well – known that MichaelJordan is an outstanding basketball player.


121. “The football team, the basketball team—that’s our competition for resources, student time, attention, school dollars, parent efforts, school enthusiasm.”

“橄榄球队、篮球队——这些会和我们抢生源,挤占学生时间,分散学生注意力,争夺学校的资金、父母的努力和学校的热情。”《17年6月六级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

122. The boys played basketball in the afternoon.


123. He isn't a very good basketball player in spite of his height.


124. Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.


125. The paper studies how the development of basketball courts promotes and affects the progress of basketball.


126. The girl blinked at the height of the basketball player.


127. He plays basketball badly.



1. Pat Summitt became head coach of the women's basketball team at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville in nineteen seventy-four.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

2. In women's basketball, on Tuesday night the University of Connecticut beat Stanford by six points for the national championship.

VOA : special.2010.04.10

3. Colangelo described casino magnate Steve Wynn's eponymous hotel on the Strip as USA Basketball's home.

WSJ: Menu

4. I bet there are people in this room who know the lyrics to over 1,000 songs, NBA know the number of every individual in the National Basketball Association, so I think that learning some subset of elements is not unreasonable.

我敢打赌这个房间里有那么些人,他们能记得住超过1000首歌的歌词,记得住,每个人的号码,因此我认为,能记住这些元素也不是不可能的。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. Famous people and star athletes came to see him play and many of his high school basketball games were televised.

VOA : special.2010.08.06

6. The famous former basketball player Michael Jordan is considered to be one of the best "slam dunkers" of all time.

VOA : special.2011.03.25

7. In some sports you expect coaches to overshadow players: College basketball and football come to mind.

WSJ: Soccer's Borussa Dortmund Faces Uphill Battle to Maintain Success

8. The Jordan Brand commands a 56% market share in basketball, while the Nike brand has 37%.

FORBES: LeBron James Is The NBA's Leading Shoe Salesman

9. Over the last four years, the Wichita State Shockers have risen in basketball success.

FORBES: A Final Four Berth Means Big Money For Wichita State Basketball

10. Four years later, North Carolina State University hired her as the school's first full-time women's basketball coach and athletics coordinator.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

11. Can you imagine a basketball game without the law of gravity?

你能想象没有万有引力情况下的篮球赛吗?幸福课课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

12. In nineteen sixty-four Abe Pollin bought a failing basketball team from Baltimore,Maryland and brought it to his hometown.

VOA : special.2009.12.27

13. Butler lost by just two points to Duke, which for years has had one of the country's most successful basketball programs.

VOA : special.2010.04.10

14. "I looked into bringing either a basketball team or a hockey team to Nashville, " Leipold explains.

FORBES: Mario Lemieux, Value Investor

15. And he would take me when I was a kid to basketball games at Madison Square Garden.

他总会带着我这个小朋友去麦迪逊广场花园看比赛。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 精彩音乐会

16. "If my brother played basketball, he'd have five fouls in the first quarter, " Toney Douglas said.

WSJ: Saints' Tight End Jimmy Graham, a Basketball Dud, Turned to Football

17. I just want to exercise or something I'll go and play soccer, basketball, dodge ball, things like that.

我想锻炼的时候我就去踢足球、打篮球、打躲避球,这一类的。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 我喜欢运动

18. Today we tell about two women who helped change the world of sports, golfer Betty Jameson and basketball coach Kay Yow.

VOA : special.2009.03.29

19. So people would get in on a scholarship for, you know, to play football or basketball,

所以有人能拿到奖学金,来打橄榄球或者篮球,而被大学录取,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对于赞助入学的看法

20. Joining the ACC will do nothing but further fortify the value of the Louisville basketball program.

FORBES: Louisville Athletics Scores Financial Touchdown, Big East's Relevancy Fumbles Away

21. In fact, Montana went to Notre Dame with the hope of playing both basketball and football.

FORBES: Bill Walsh, Maverick Football Coach

22. Most of my time was spent on the south side of Chicago playing basketball.

FORBES: The SSAC Interview of Chris Anderson & David Sally

23. So, which sport do you prefer---basketball or baseball?


24. I then left,taught one year at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee,and then I taught eleven years at Duke and got in love with their basketball team.

后赴田纳西州孟菲斯市的罗德学院,任教1年,之后于杜克大学工作了11年,期间迷上校篮球队。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. At the basketball-court forum, he patted shoulders and grabbed forearms--physical gestures once uncomfortable to him.

CNN: Can Tony Williams Save D.C.?

26. In college basketball, a small school with a young coach nearly defeated a longtime powerhouse team for the national championship.

VOA : special.2010.04.10

27. She is the first National Collegiate Athletic Association Division One coach in men's or women's basketball to win one thousand games.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

28. Love him or hate him, LeBron James matters in the world of basketball.

FORBES: Kobe Bryant and the NBA's Biggest Global Brands

29. He started working out at Accelerate Basketball Training, a gym in his hometown of Charlotte, N.

WSJ: Two Things Stephen Curry Does Better Than You

30. Next to the courts, there is a basketball court, a jungle gym and a giant trampoline.

WSJ: One Kid's Personal Tennis Academy

31. Yes. We just had a basketball match with Class Two.


32. The biggest villain of the negotiations thus far is basketball related income, or BRI.

FORBES: 1. Basketball Related Income (BRI)

33. Louis, have proven that basketball programs can compete at a high level without football revenue.

FORBES: Georgetown Carries The Weight Of New Big East Into Tournament

34. Everything else is across the ground. In basketball you go up a little bit, but not anywhere near as cool.

VOA : special.2009.12.09

35. I've only been to one basketball game, and I think it was a New York Knicks against someone -

我仅仅看过一场篮球赛,当时好像是纽约尼克斯队和某个队的比赛。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 麦迪逊广场花园

36. But we understand that what happens in the church part of the Catholic Church might be different from what happens in the basketball gem that the Catholic church builds.

但我们知道,在天主教的教堂中所发生的,可能不同于,在天主教会建造的,篮球场上发生的事情。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

37. This plan is similar to how the NCAA men's and women's basketball tournaments are created.

CNN: BCS panel approves college football playoff plan

38. and we would cover Columbia's athletics, football team, our basketball team, baseball team,

而我们会报道哥伦比亚大学的赛事,关于橄榄球队,篮球队,棒球队,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 广播人员怎么样?

39. Maybe at work there's a colleague that continues to talk about the latest basketball game.

假设你上班的时候你有个同事喋喋不休地说着最近的篮球赛的细节。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : I have 课堂

40. The AAU has also fortified its position within the culture of its primary sport basketball.

FORBES: AAU President Bobby Dodd: The Next Alleged High-Profile Youth Sports Pedophile

41. American basketball's dream team


42. These days, Las Vegas is to USA Basketball what Colorado Springs is for many Olympians.

WSJ: Menu

43. But first we go to a sports bar in Washington for the final game of this year's National Basketball Association championship.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

44. We have basketball courts. There are a lot of stuffs you can do here. It's very nice.

我们有篮球场。在这里你可以做很多事情。这儿非常不错。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 在梅可姆公园

45. There would be mass jubilation at one of basketball's greatest franchises returning to basketball's biggest stage.

WSJ: Jason Gay: The Completely Awesome San Antonio Spurs

46. Meantime, the Sprint Center plays host to concerts and college basketball tournaments, with no anchor tenant.

FORBES: Here Come The Super-Stadiums

47. So he's really, really short for a basketball player.

所以作为篮球运动员,他又很矮很矮死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

48. For a banker, Robert Sarver's having too much fun running the Phoenix Suns basketball team.

FORBES: Magazine Article

49. His shirt was from a summer basketball camp sponsored by former Memphis Grizzlies star O.

CNN: Ex-NBA star coaches middle school, transforms his 'hood

50. One of his greatest memories in coaching was with the Foothill-SLAM National Junior Basketball Chapter.

FORBES: CIO Coaches Kids To Success

51. What if a kid goes down to the park board and wants to play basketball?

FORBES: Money, power, and a culture clash in Minnesota youth hockey

52. COM, the NBA, Major League Baseball, the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament, professional golf, PGATOUR.

ENGADGET: 92nd PGA Championship loads up with HD, online, mobile and 3D video this weekend

53. A faith life at home, in the mosque, and a public life in school and in the YMCA and in playing basketball, etc.

在家里,清真寺内,他拥有宗教生活,有社会生活,比如在基督教青年会,打篮球,等等,他拥有社会生活。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

54. England and Singapore will be genuine challengers in the women's basketball.


55. Truly a sizable payment for the luxury of loading your basketball team with studs.

FORBES: The Financial and Public Relations Fallout from Dwight Howard's Less Than Magical Antics in Orlando

56. Students, basketball is wonderful, and seeing your team in the Big Dance is great.

CNN: Students, rise up against education costs

57. So I would say, even though basketball can be somewhat fun to watch on a big screen.

所以我说,尽管在大屏幕上看篮球比赛也有它的乐趣,(现场看更好)。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 现场观看篮球赛

58. A lot of people like to do a lot of different things. There's basketball.

很多人喜欢做许多不同的事。这里有篮球。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 对体育项目的热爱

59. They were celebrating the Los Angeles Lakers' victory over the Boston Celtics in the National Basketball Association championship game.

VOA : special.2010.06.25

60. In basketball, the gridiron, baseball, soccer, countless examples of the power of cohesion between players exist.

FORBES: No European Renaissance In Sight For Italy's Deteriorating Serie A

61. One of the most famous examples is that of the basketball superstar Michael Jordan.

FORBES: When Managing Talent, Don't Let Michael Jordan's Failure Become Your Failure

62. Valerie earned letters in three sports: volleyball, basketball, and field hockey.


63. Many people believe Pat Summitt's winning record will not be reached by another college basketball coach for a long time.

VOA : special.2009.03.20

64. And then there is no ocean there. A lot, a lot of basketball there.

那里没有海。比较多打篮球。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 沙漠之城-菲尼克斯

65. Sabina on a Thursday night for a fifth grade girls basketball game in August by herself.

FORBES: How youth sports taught me the PR genius of Rev. Michael Pfleger





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congees的意思是:v. 告别;鞠躬告辞。congee的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供congees是什么意思,congees的音标,congees怎么读,congees的翻译,congees的用法,congees的短语搭配,congees的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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appearance的意思是:n. 露面,演出;出庭,到场;外表,外观;表面现象,假象;出现;起源,问世;表现;出版,广播。学考宝为您提供appearance是什么意思,appearance的翻译,appearance的用法,appearance的短语搭配,appearance的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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