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kill out是什么意思_kill out怎么读_kill out的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


kill out

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  • 使烟草干燥:通过高温暴晒烟草,使其干燥并停止进一步的化学变化。

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1. Out where they'll kill ya 远离那杀戳的地方

2. Out for a Kill 破茧杀机 ; 破茧杀戮 ; 破茧战士

3. Is out to kill 你感觉怎样

4. kill wipe out 剪除 ; 诛灭

5. Out where they'll kill you 他们真的会杀了你

6. Fill out the kill sheet 填写压井记录表

7. Out or a Kill 破茧杀机

8. Out where theywoulll kill you 他们真的会杀了你


1. They say that Mark's instruction to scouts to kill poachers was taken out of context.


2. A hundred and fifty years ago, a plainsman could kill an American bison, cut out only the tongue for his dinner.


3. The possibility of using extracts from plants to kill out SRB and to inhibit the corrosion of carbon steel in oilfield waste water was investigated.


4. You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of righteouness...


5. Just a few months ago, Askin threatened to kill herself if her family carried out their wish to keep her home from school in the city of Diyarbakir, in the south east of Turkey.


6. He warned that if he was sent to jail, he would kill Ayesha when he got out.


7. Similarly, it is no longer necessary to kill whales to work out what they have been eating, as this can be determined from DNA in samples of faeces.


8. To be honest, we used to spin our work out and try to kill time in the old society.


9. When we venture out onto local streets, I find myself yelling "Kill car!


10. I had to kill him to get out of there.


11. An encouraging word to those who are down can help them out but a discouraging word can kill them.


12. So the only recourse has been to figure out how to best kill the mosquitoes themselves.


13. Michael: You won' t.You kill him, you kill our express ticket out of here.


14. I go out with my gun almost every day to kill animals and birds for food.


15. He's saying," kill me and cut out my heart."

他说“杀死我,把我的心剖出来”《provided by jukuu》

16. I mean, technically, if I want to personally go out and kill someone because he offends me, that is self-possession.


17. It's a level where you have a small squad and are required to infiltrate a base, kill some dudes, knock out an enemy helicopter, and then escape in a stolen vehicle.


18. You never forgot for a moment that, given the chance, they'd kill you to get out.


19. The result indicated that magnetization can either kill algae ( 16 out of 17 kinds are killed), or help towards their ( functional microorganism) growth.


20. Hamlet grabbed her by the wrist so roughly that she was frightened and cried out, "Are you going to kill me?"


21. I wanted to kill him, but instead I just threw him out of the house.


22. The bursts of speed needed to catch their prey tire them out - meaning they need to rest after a kill.


23. Chestnut blight was one of the most notable diseases of forest on the world, which almost kill out the American chestnut tree only as an example for pathogen attacking its host.

栗疫病(Chestnut blight)是世界上最著名的森林病害之一,19世纪末20世纪初,该病使美洲板栗遭到全面灭种的威胁,成为植物病害摧毁自然物种的唯一例子。

24. They'll either kill us or wipe out our memories.

当我们出去的时候,将会失去记忆或是被杀。《provided by jukuu》

25. It's pretty easy to kill a savage out to scalp you.

杀死一个想要你头皮的野人很容易。《provided by jukuu》

26. Heart disease will kill one out of three Americans.


27. The janitor, that had the apartment during the depression, had some stocks, the market crashed, and he was wiped out, he tried to kill himself by jumping out the window and UP unto street level.


28. There's nothing out there-or maybe they'll get lucky and kill a camel.


29. They will kill each other out there, they will hurt each other.


30. Not only will that destroy our homes and potentially kill people, but it will wipe out the jewel in the crown of Nepal's tourism industry, " he says.

它不仅将摧毁我们的家园,可能杀死我们的人民,而且会抹掉尼泊尔旅游业王冠上的明珠。” 他说。

31. You won't kill me out of some misplaced sense of righteouness


32. For now, she tells whoever asks that she's prepared to go out and kill the enemy; but if she were to start saying that she no longer would do that, I imagine she would be released quite quickly.


33. Maybe you kill them out of anger once.

第一次谋杀也许出于愤怒。《provided by jukuu》

34. Not only did thefireball kill him, but it also blew his shoes apart, knocked out his assistantand tore a nearby door off its hinges.


35. Refusing to learn from your mistakes, whether out of stubbornness or arrogance, is a quick way to kill your career.


36. He set out to kill it by finding "the one best way" to do any job, and a system for telling managers how to find that way for every segment of their operations.


37. It would come out at night and kill people, as well as kill their chickens and cows.


38. The lyrics are all about who the drug lords will kill next, their guns made out of gold and decorated with diamonds, their drugs, and how many women they have.


39. Have Green Man come down, Have they ever kill one out of the air, Those are the things that I am interested in.

Green Man有没有来过外星人有没有杀过人这些是我感兴趣的地方

40. Their natural impulse is to kill 'em all and let God sort' em out.


41. Did you just kill a hero, but are completely out of mana?


42. If I had known my life was going to turn out like this, I would have let them kill me.


43. Consequently, Kirilov must kill himself out of love for humanity.



1. In the book, the orcs absolutely chase our protagonists, but in this film, Azog is out to kill Thorin as a personal vendetta.

FORBES: Review: The Hobbit: An Unexpected, But Very Welcome, Journey

2. The way, in the simplest terms that cyanide can kill you, is it basically out-competes your oxygen for the heme in your blood.

氰化物可以杀掉你的最简单的一种方式基本上就是,将氧从你血液中,的血红素中挤出去。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

3. Good's second biggest worry centers on what happens to hunters when they haul their kill out of the woods.

CNN: Biggest danger for hunters? Heart attack, not stray bullet

4. He denied that he's out to kill the measure or slow it down.

NPR: GOP: Stronger Borders Or Immigration Bill Will Die

5. He said Moussaoui's belief that his own attorneys were out to kill him was partly rooted in strategic differences.

CNN: Shoe bomber denies role in 9/11 attacks

6. In July 2010, Mexico's attorney general's office alleged that inmates from the prison were let out to kill rival drug gang members.


7. But he also argued that traditional angiograms, in which a catheter is used to inject contrast dye before an X-ray is taken, actually kill one out of 1, 000 patients.

FORBES: Magazine Article

8. But we can't kill our way out of this mess.

WHITEHOUSE: The White House

9. And you could never imagine that he would be somebody that people would listen to on the radio, hour after hour, because that's how long he talked; or that when Stauffenberg tries to kill him in 1944 the Germans would pour out of the-- into the street to thank god for saving the Fuhrer.

你根本就无法想像人们会在,收音机上听他讲话,听好几个小时,因为他讲话就讲那么长时间,或者在1944年,史陶芬博格想要刺杀他的时候德国人会冲到,到大街上感谢上帝拯救他们的元首1871年后的法国课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. It got a boost in 2003 when Uma Thurman appeared in the movie Kill Bill decked out in Tiger wear -- a yellow sweatsuit and a pair of gold-colored Onitsuka Taichi sneakers with black stripes.

FORBES: Magazine Article

11. According to Eirik Eiglad, protesters who participated in anti-Israel demonstrations - and even a supposedly pro-peace demonstration - called out "Kill the Jews" and attacked policemen who tried to prevent them from rioting.


12. That makes it tougher to target, separate out and kill viruses without also killing the cells they have infiltrated.

FORBES: The Golden Age of Antiviral Drugs

13. Every now and then, Henry gets a sort of funny look in his eyes and goes out to kill somebody.

NEWYORKER: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

14. Men were walking along it, tourists on a Time safari, out to kill dinosaurs.

ECONOMIST: Ray Bradbury

15. He regularly clowns for the gallery: He nods vigorously in assent when his defense team says Moussaoui believes they are out to kill him, then shakes his head just as vigorously when the defense describes how they've been trying to save him from the death penalty.

NPR: Moussaoui Courts Death, and the Media, at Trial

16. During an argument over whether he could wear blue pants to school, he had threatened to kill himself by jumping out of the car.

CNN: 'Anarchist Soccer Mom' cries out for help

17. I mean, technically, if I want to personally go out and kill someone because they offend me, that is self possession.

我是说,理论上讲,如果因为别人冒犯我,我就要亲自动手杀了他,这也算自主权。公正课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Well,rip out the heart,it's going to kill me,right?

取出我的心脏我就会死,对吧?死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. The institute also has some prepared phage solutions that it has worked out will kill the bacteria that cause common diseases, such as E.coli, which causes stomach upsets.

BBC: Phages may be key in bacteria battle

20. Antibodies are remarkably specific in their ability to pick out and kill culprits from a sea of molecules without producing side effects elsewhere.

FORBES: Scar Wars

21. We tend to forget about North Korea until the Kim family reminds us of its ability to reach out and kill people.

FORBES: Magazine Article

22. The two deputies were "on the edge, " they said, monitoring the police radio and the latest news about the rogue ex-cop who has pledged to kill officers in and out of uniform.


23. "And I went out of the tent, and I said to Antarctica, 'Look,don't kill us.

VOA : standard.2009.12.10

24. Grenfell denied he had "set out" to kill the pensioner that evening.

BBC: Christopher Grenfell and James Simpson

25. Look out, laptop users -- your machines are out to kill you in more ways than one.

ENGADGET: Laptops are dangerous / not dangerous: back pain edition

26. Check out Kill Screen's full contest rules at the source link below.

ENGADGET: OUYA and Kill Screen announce CREATE Game Jam, bait developers with $45,000 in prizes

27. Being "One Unknown" also told me that on that morning Jermaine Lindsay didn't set out to kill or maim me, Gill Hicks.


28. They don't have -- those men in Lincoln green with the enormous long bows, made out of good English composite whatever, who can fire the thing thousands of yards and penetrate and kill the French nobility.

忘掉阿金库尔战役吧 那时候没有穿着林肯绿,拿着英国式优质长弓的弓手,百步穿杨,千里追风,取法国贵族性命于无形古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. In the long term, chemicals wear out the land, kill animals and cause skin irritations in humans.

VOA : standard.2010.04.01

30. Exeter Crown Court was told the 48-year-old, of Venny Bridge, Exeter, believed aliens "were out to kill him".

BBC: Exeter car chase driver was 'escaping aliens'

31. The latency stage is they've gone through this huge thing with Mom and Dad, "fell in love with Mom, wanted to kill my father, dad was going to castrate me, " fell out of love with Mom, out of the sex business."

在潜伏期阶段,儿童不再纠缠于恋父或恋母情结,从“爱上母亲,想要弑父,父亲要阉割我“,过渡到,“不再恋母,不再对性感兴趣“心理学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. In this episode, the gunslinger was out to kill an alien Doctor, just not ours.

FORBES: Doctor Who: 7.03: The Quality of Mercy Is Strained

33. "The issue for the court was whether it should be inferred that there was a common enterprise to which the appellant agreed prior to the attack to carry out a shooting attack with intent to kill, " Sir Declan pointed out.

BBC: Northern Ireland

34. Inglourious Basterds had plenty of gun play but its fable-like story about a bunch of American Jews out to kill Hitler could have easily alienated audiences.

FORBES: George Clooney Could Do Better

35. The judge said she was prepared to accept that McLaughlin did not set out to kill Mr Brown, and acted under provocation.

BBC: Glasgow & West Scotland

36. He set out to kill people not for what they did but for who they were.

CNN: The necessary evil?

37. For too long, those horses depended, like Blanche DuBois, on the kindness of strangers: strangers to bail them out of kill pens, strangers to write checks to organizations like the Akindale Thoroughbred Rescue, the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, Old Friends, CANTER, and ReRun, strangers to find an extra stall on their farms to take in a horse that nobody wants any more.

FORBES: Progress in Racehorse Retirement

38. Not everything is out to kill you and, indeed, some creatures you come across will actually help you battle your foes.


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