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英 [rɪˈtɒrɪkli]play美 [rɪˈtɔːrɪkli]play

  • adv. 讲究修辞地;在修辞学上

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1. I Asked Rhetorically 我问道

2. They Ask Rhetorically 他们反问

3. in a rhetorically grandiloquent manner 以讲究修辞的

4. in a rhetorically stylistic manner 以一种修辞学上偏向于形式的方式

5. Henry Asked Rhetorically 亨利问道

6. She Asked Rhetorically 她问道


1. The use of the suffixation of nonsyllabic "r" is rhetorically standardized.


2. Rhetorically, repetition, a kind of redundancy as well as a kind of figure of speech, is widely used in literary works to achieve different effects.


3. In order to construct the rhetoric art of cosmetic advertisements, the article is trying to read cosmetic advertisements rhetorically from both micro and macro levels.


4. He asked rhetorically.


5. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information.


6. He addressed the crowd very rhetorically, Shouting and waving his arms.


7. And despite the rhetorically ubiquitous Polish plumber, migration in Europe is, for obvious cultural and linguistic reasons, far more difficult than in the U.S..


8. What can be done? 'he asked rhetorically.


9. Asks the head of one of the bank's competitors rhetorically.


10. "How about that!" Used rhetorically to express surprise or wonder at or approval for something.


11. The third part analyzes emphatically the social and theoretical grounds of the emerging of the aesthetical trend of advocating "rhetorically beautiful" of the literature of the Six Dynasties.


12. She would ask rhetorically. He could make me feel 22 again.


13. Rhetorically, the novel A Chaste woman written by Guhua gives repeating express, and takes on a distinguishing aesthetics characteristic.


14. But then, who doesn’t love their country?” she asked rhetorically.

但谁不爱自己的国家呢?” 她小心翼翼的问道。

15. His famously asinine question about wives and servants was asked rhetorically and with utter sincerity.


16. How does this introduction function rhetorically?


17. 'Do you think I'm stupid?' she asked rhetorically.


18. It rhetorically exhibits a kind of emphasis in degree, and often indicates the speaker's subjective attitude, and makes us have some associations with a's property.


19. Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes.


20. What is life?" he asks, rhetorically in the introduction.


21. In a rhetorically stylistic manner.


22. Homophonic hypertexts are of a function of puns and rhetorically featured with humor, novelty and brevity.

谐音超文具有双关底文的功能,充满幽默 、 新异和简洁的修辞特点.《互联网》

23. As an important semantic relation, antonymy is often rhetorically used in the practice of language.

作为一种重要的语义关系, 反义关系大量运用于语言实践,往往是为了获得某种修辞效果.《互联网》

24. ` What can be done?' he asked rhetorically.


25. Rhetorically, his speech was excellent.

从修辞学上来说, 他的讲演很出色.《辞典例句》

26. Do these kids know how lucky they are? Jackson asked rhetorically.


27. He addressed the crowd very rhetorically, shouting and waving his arms.


28. And despite the rhetorically ubiquitous Polish plumber, migration in Europe is, for obvious cultural and linguistic reasons, far more difficult than in the U. s.


29. 'is a degree in sociology, English or communications from a' door-opening 'school really going to help with that landscaping job that awaits you?' he asks rhetorically.


30. Traditional studies usually regard metaphor as a rhetoric device, while modern studies view it more cognitively than rhetorically.


31. Suddenly, the narrator speaks in his most rhetorically elevated mode.


32. Rhetorically he pursued elegance and narrated in a feminie discourse of equality and honesty.


33. So what's really going on here, he asks rhetorically?


34. Mr Medvedev asked rhetorically.


35. It rhetorically exhibits a kind of emphasis in degree, and often indicates the speaker's subjective attitude, and makes us have some associations with A's property.


36. Sir Leon asked rhetorically whether these changes could continue and be sustained.


37. ' What have I done?'he demanded rhetorically, throwing his Arras about.

“我做过什么啦?”他故意问道,一面把双臂挥来挥去。《provided by jukuu》

38. Why has he gone to the meeting when there is nothing new to discuss? She asked rhetorically.

他为什么在设有任何新问题要讨论的时候去开会呢?她假惺惺地问道。《provided by jukuu》

39. Rhetorically, Mr Murdoch hit all the right notes.


40. Yet on vision, rhetorically at least, there is little difference between Ukrainian politicians.


41. Washington and Beijing are beginning to squabble about trade, both rhetorically and over specific measures such as the US imposition of tariffs on Chinese tyre imports.


42. Khin Omar Win, one of the trip's organisers, beams and asks rhetorically: "How exciting was that?"

本次旅程的组织者Khin Omar Win也是笑容满面,反问道:“真有那么爽吗?”

43. Beijing, at least rhetorically, is now putting as much emphasis on the quality of growth as on the quantity.


44. We expect Eurocrats to rhetorically smooth over the deposit levy and signal that Cyprus is a unique and extreme case given the inner workings of its corrupt banking system.


45. "Do these kids know how lucky they are?" Jackson asked rhetorically.


46. It's the same dish - it's a grilled-cheese sandwich rhetorically over and over again.


47. Rhetorically, the novel a Chaste woman written by Guhua gives repeating express, and takes on a distinguishing aesthetics characteristic.


48. It does not matter precisely how their ties are rhetorically framed - "new type of major-country relationship" or otherwise.


49. I wish I could read the whole thing because it's rhetorically very powerful.


50. Functional Analysis of Forms in Chinese Thank-Expressing Replies; Sentence with repetitions of the same form: a Rhetorically Interesting Sentence Pattern with Pragmatic Variation


51. Humphrey paced the rug behind his desk and demanded rhetorically.


52. Background contexts request the understanding of language rhetorically modified should be under certain social cultural background;


53. " What if students simply pay more attention to good-looking professors and learn more?" they ask rhetorically. "we would argue that this is a productivity effect."

“如果学生们真的更注意长相漂亮的教授并且能够学到更多的东西,那怎么办呢?”他们反问到。“我们会认为这就是生产效率。”《provided by jukuu》

54. In a rhetorically grandiloquent manner.


55. Rand, on the other hand, was rhetorically shrewd.


56. His favourite animal is the rhinoceros, and rhetorically he charges ahead in much the same way.


57. "Where else?" she asked her colleagues, rhetorically.


58. ' Is a degree in sociology, English or communications from a'door-opening'school really going to help with that landscaping job that awaits you?'he asks rhetorically.


59. These poems particularized about the South with not enough precision, and generalized a little too rhetorically.

这些诗把南方写得不够确实, 而且有一点过于雕琢.《辞典例句》

60. At least rhetorically, he has hasn't ruled out the option of taking military action against Iran's nuclear program.



1. "Europe is very wary about this,". "The United States rhetorically still supports it, but no-one is pushing for it.

VOA : standard.2009.09.04

2. What is a stromatolite? he asks rhetorically, his eyes gleaming.

NEWYORKER: Stone Mattress

3. Rhetorically at least, Russian politicians and President Dmitry Medvedev, in particular seem eager to get the club's certificate of good behaviour.

ECONOMIST: The OECD and corruption

4. What is life?" he asks, rhetorically in the introduction.

什么是生命?“他在介绍部分煞有介事地问。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. He asks rhetorically whether leaders of future generations will think differently.

FORBES: For China, is the intention to be stable enough?

6. The idea of folk games is a dead end, rhetorically: people have knocked balls against walls for many years, but it is possible to have Breakout clones.

FORBES: The system works. Sort of. Sometimes.

7. At a time when politicians are, rhetorically at least, dialing up their criticism of tax expenditures, operating vouchers as refundable credits would create a massive new one.

FORBES: Spending Caps, Medicare Vouchers And Magical Thinking In Washington

8. As long as the Communists remained in their box, the United States did not (except rhetorically) seek to intervene.

NEWYORKER: Getting Real

9. Rhetorically, the Obama team has definitely taken a harsher approach toward Israel compared to its tone during the campaign.

WSJ: Has Obama Turned on Israel?

10. Iran is, however, preparing rhetorically for war with the West.

WSJ: Frederick Kagan and Maseh Zarif: America's Iranian Self-Deception

11. President Obama rhetorically blowtorched the Republicans for forcing him to the wall over the debt limit increase to get those spending cuts, and continues to do so.

FORBES: The Loud and Clear Message In President Obama's Budget

12. In the Armitage-Nye Report, the authors again rhetorically state that their blueprint for a strengthened alliance will apply only if Japan remains committed to being a first tier power.

FORBES: The U.S.-Japan Alliance is on the Wrong Side of History

13. " the official asked rhetorically, adding that Diskin's attack seemed more "personal than policy.

CNN: Former Israeli security chief slams handling of Iran

14. Most papers (recycling an exclusive in yesterday's Australian) note that China has stayed rhetorically hawkish and refuses to rule out its right to use force.

CNN: A Dream Deferred

15. So, I don't know what can be worse than flipping and flopping, but I guess they found at least the way to rhetorically take it over the top.

NPR: Political Ads May Not Tell Whole Story

16. A mobile army of metaphors, metonymies, anthropomorphisms in short, a sum of human relations which became poetically and rhetorically intensified," "and are now no longer of account as coins but are debased."

一支由暗喻,转喻,拟人组成的机动部队,简单来说,人们之间的关系,诗意般地在修辞上加强了“,人们之间的关系不再值钱,而被贬低了“文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. But other economically beleaguered governments are either less effectively repressive, or have proved less nimble at aligning themselves, rhetorically at least, with Iraq's resistance.

ECONOMIST: Arab protest

18. Most of the Arab world's leaders would welcome Israel solving the Iran nuclear problem, although they certainly won't say so publicly and will rhetorically embrace Iran if Israel strikes.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: What if Israel strikes Iran?

19. Rhetorically, it veered from high-class boilerplate to strong and simple sentences, but it was not pedestrian.

WSJ: Way Too Much God

20. Soon thereafter, Mr. Earle's hometown newspaper ran a biting editorial about his investigation, rhetorically asking what the point had been, after all, if I wasn't to be indicted.

NPR: Text of DeLay Press Statement

21. Nobody can possibly miss in reading Eikhenbaum's rhetorically rather bizarre essay his obsession with struggle, with the fight, and with doing battle.

读完艾肯鲍姆,那篇修辞古怪的文章后,没有人会注意不到他对斗争和挣扎的热衷。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. The author asks rhetorically, who are the disadvantaged and weak?

FORBES: Crushing Burden being Passed to the Next Generation

23. What family ever agrees about anything, asked one consultant rhetorically.

BBC: Real life and law making collide

24. Nor is tax reform likely to get anywhere this year or next despite Mr. Obama's support, at least rhetorically, for the idea.

WSJ: Fred Barnes: The Decline of the Obama Presidency

25. By the end of the debate, Abou El Fadl felt that he'd been mocked, ignored, and rhetorically run over.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: How the Saudis control the voice of Islam in America

26. It is a pity that an important topic like contemporary food mores, which deserves serious study, is treated so rhetorically.

WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: Taking a Bite Out of Foodie Culture

27. But a fundamental proposition here, which at least rhetorically has been addressed but not in any substantive way, is that revenues have to be a part of this.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

28. His favourite animal is the rhinoceros, and rhetorically he charges ahead in much the same way.

ECONOMIST: Germanys parliamentary election: Charging at Merkel | The

29. President Ahmadinejad has only been in office for less than a year and has worked hard, at least rhetorically, to cement his position.

NPR: U.S., Iran Deadlocked on Iran's Nuclear Program

30. You know what I mean?" He was slouched rhetorically forward toward Franny, his receptive audience, a supporting forearm on either side of his martini.

你们知道我意思吗,他夸张的无精打采地,向弗兰尼走去,弗兰尼是他的忠实观众,他双臂撑在马提尼的两边。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

31. But a key difference is that Reagan rhetorically always tried to find common ground between Americans and could be loved even by those who disagreed with him.

CNN: Why Thatcher made so many enemies

32. He's actually enacting, and he's enacting it rhetorically, the fragmentation of religious culture in seventeenth-century England.

他实际上在演绎,用他的修辞在演绎,17世纪英格兰破碎的宗教文化。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. Fear of the impending election seems to be pushing the SPD further to the left, at least rhetorically.

ECONOMIST: If not now, when? | The

34. British leaders know they need to engage rhetorically to sustain public support during a war that promises to be long -- and, at least occasionally, unsuccessful.

CNN: Britain's war of words

35. Besides, when they interview him, even if they could slice him up rhetorically into itty-bitty pieces -- and I'm not sure they could -- why would they want to?

CNN: Why Limbaugh is gushing over Marco Rubio





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