莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟




英 [ˈprəʊses]play美 [ˈprɑːses]play

  • n. 步骤,程序;(自然或偶然的)变化过程;(为达到某目标的)过程,进程;制作方法,加工方法;<法律>传票;(生,剖)端突,突起
  • adj. (印刷)三原色的,三色版的; 经过特殊加工的;照相板的
  • v. (用化学物品或机器)处理,加工;审核,受理(正式文件或请求);(计算机)处理(数据);冲洗(照片);加工(食品);<正式>列队行进;把(头发)弄成直发

复数 processes 第三人称单数 processes 现在分词 processing 过去式 processed 过去分词 processed

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


process /ˈprəʊsɛs/ CET4 TEM4 [ processing processed processes ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A process is a series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result. 过程

    There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible.



    They decided to spread the building process over three years.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A process is a series of things that happen naturally and result in a biological or chemical change. 进程

    It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the aging process.


  • 3.
    及物动词 When raw materials or foods are processed, they are prepared in factories before they are used or sold. 加工

    ...fish which are processed by the best methods: from freezing to canning and smoking.



    The material will be processed into plastic pellets.


  • 4.
    可数名词 Process is also a noun. 过程

    ...the cost of reengineering the production process.


  • 5.
    不可数名词 加工

    America sent cotton to England for processing.


  • 6.
    动词 to subject to a routine procedure; handle 工艺流程; 处理
  • 7.
    及物动词 When people process information, they put it through a system or into a computer in order to deal with it. 处理

    ...facilities to process the data, and the right to publish the results.


  • 8.
    不可数名词 处理

    ...data processing.


  • 9.
    →see also   word processing
  • 10.
    及物动词 When people are processed by officials, their case is dealt with in stages and they pass from one stage of the process to the next. 按程序处理

    Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department.


  • 11.
    动词 to proceed in or as if in a procession 列队行进
  • 12.
    习语 If you are in the process of doing something, you have started to do it and are still doing it. 在…过程中

    The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan.


  • 13.
    习语 If you are doing something and you do something else in the process, you do the second thing as part of doing the first thing. 在此过程中

    You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.






1. process of …的过程

2. in the process of 在…的过程中

3. forming process 成形工序,成形过程;成形法

4. Process Management 计 进程管理 ; 过程管理 ; 流程管理 ; 程管理

5. developing process 发展过程;展开法

6. in process 过程中的;在进行中

7. legal process 法律程序 ; 法律手续 ; 诉讼方法

8. in process of 正在;在…过程中

9. technological process 工艺流程

10. design process 设计过程,设计程序;设计加工

11. working process 工作过程;制作过程

12. process conditions 工艺条件;生产过程条件

13. adiabatic process 热 绝热过程 ; 绝热历程 ; 绝对过程 ; 绝热进程

14. process technology 加工工艺学

15. in the process 在过程中;在进行中

16. welding process 焊接过程;熔接法

17. Bologna Process 波隆纳进程 ; 波洛尼亚进程

18. process flow 工序流程

19. development process 发展进程,显色法;开发流程,开发程序

20. new process 新工艺

21. Process Control Block 计 进程控制块 ; 行程控制表 ; 过程控制块 ; 进程把握块

22. process control 过程控制;程序控制

23. business process 业务流程;业务处理

24. Business Process 业务流程 ; 业务过程 ; 业务处理

25. Due Process 正当法律程序 ; 应循程序

26. manufacturing process 制造过程;制造工艺;生产过程

27. reversible process 热 可逆过程 ; 可逆历程 ; 可逆进程 ; 可逆反应过程

28. production process 生产流程

29. Haber process 哈柏法 ; 哈伯合成氨法 ; 哈伯博斯制氨法 ; 哈伯法




difficult process 艰难的过程

political process 政治进程

complicated process 复杂的过程

gradual process 渐进的过程

long process 漫长的过程

normal process 正常的过程

slow process 缓慢的过程

whole process 整个过程


participate in a process 参与过程

begin a process 启动过程

complete a process 完成过程

control a process 控制过程

describe a process 描述过程

start a process 启动过程


application process 申请过程

approval process 批准过程

decision process 决策过程

learning process 学习过程

planning process 计划过程

process information 处理信息


1. Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination.


2. Participate in new supplier evaluations and survey audits, manage the first article verification process.

参与新供应商的评估和调查审核流程, 管理首件(样品)检验过程.《期刊摘选》

3. It's not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.

对于他们来说,转换思维过程不会像年龄较大的学生(转换思维过程)那样难。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

4. Develop the quality indicators for responsible process and specific practical methods based on the quality requirements.


5. Finally fermentation workshop equipment layout and map production process and equipment layout plans.


6. Check the site above, as the case may processed.


7. The whole process started all over again.


8. Applying for jobs can be a long and painful process.


9. Scope: Timber processing and sales Timber processing and sales.

经营范围: 木材加工销售.《期刊摘选》

10. Too much protein in the diet may advance the aging process.


11. The production process is to be streamlined.


12. Blue stone limestone is the best raw material to process the stone carvings and the plate.


13. The process flow, technical norm and points worthy of attention for various processes were introduced.

介绍了鲜花电镀的工艺流程 、 工艺规范以及各工艺注意事项.《期刊摘选》

14. Continuously improve lathe productivity & process yield with specific plan.

有明确的计划去持续提升车床加工生产效率 和 合格率.《期刊摘选》

15. To approve Injection Wking Instruction supervise the right WI to carry out in moulding process.


16. He finished ahead of the Spaniard, and in the process picked up his first time trial win as a pro...


17. The technological process is one straight line production, quick, convenient, and easy to control.

工艺流程为一条线式,生产速度快,可靠性高, 方便操作,管理.《期刊摘选》

18. The government is encouraging all parties to play a constructive role in the reform process.


19. The principle and process of preparing flame retardant Mg ( OH ) 2 from dolomite are introduced.

介绍了以白云石为原料制备阻燃剂用氢氧化 镁 的试验原理及工艺流程.《期刊摘选》

20. Cottonseeds are always processed into livestock feed.


21. History is an interpretive process.


22. In contrast,“night owls” who go to bed between 11 p.m. and 3 a.m. tend to consume more coffee, alcohol, refined sugars and processed meats than early risers.

相比之下,那些在晚上11点到凌晨3点之间上床睡觉的“夜猫子”往往会比早起的人们摄入更多的咖啡、酒精、精制糖和加工肉类。《17年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

23. The structure and machining process of plane diffluent compound die are introduced.


24. Each machine can only handle one time processes.


25. MANI fine - processing technique has created the crosslapped edge, which provides excellent sharpness and consistent quality.

MANI独创的直交研磨精密加工技术制作的刀刃,锋锐均一, 锋利非凡.《期刊摘选》

26. The objective of pyrometallurgical process is to produce anode plates suitable for electrolysis.


27. Losing weight is a slow, gradual process.


28. The processing, main parameters of extruded rice cake were studied in the present paper.


29. The production process is now highly mechanized.


30. ...facilities to process the data, and the right to publish the results...


31. Regulators also need to ensure that prices are tested through an independent verification process.


32. The regularity with which this occurs suggests that the process is genetically determined.


33. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process (= while I was doing it) .


34. Casting various pieces of processing, advanced detection technology, rigorous.

各种铸造件加工 、 检测技术先进 、 严谨.《期刊摘选》

35. Exposure to the sun can accelerate the ageing process.


36. a sewage processing plant


37. He wanted to use computers to automate the process.


38. Review process to ensure bonded material in the factory under control.


39. The supervisors can make a proper judgment according to the layered process audit result.


40. We're in the process of selling our house.


41. In recent years we expanded our activities in cosmetic R & D , processing and Exp.

近几年公司涉足化妆品的 研发 、 加工和内外销业务.《期刊摘选》

42. It takes more upkeep, burns more fuel and is slow off the starting line because it depends on learning — a gradual process — instead of instinct. 

它需要更多的维护,消耗更多的能量,而且起步慢,因为它依靠的是学习——一个循序渐近的过程——而非天分。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

43. In the production technical process, the examination stage holds the very important status.

在生产工艺流程中, 检测阶段占有很重要的地位.《期刊摘选》

44. The process was working perfectly until the manager changed the system and gummed up the works.


45. Many biological processes are controlled by hormones.


46. The information is processed in a random order.


47. Fighting back the tears, he spoke proudly of the fact that he had built their home from the?ground up, and that he had pounded every nail and laid every brick in the process.

强忍着泪水,他自豪地说道他亲自建造了这座房子,在建造过程中他钉上了每一颗钉子,垒砌了每一块砖。《15年12月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

48. It is an indicator to observe the loss that occurs during the process of energy conversion.


49. Independent audit of vendor and vendor processes of at or on behalf of Flowserve.


50. Gold plating is often the last process a part experiences before assembly or end use.


51. Solvents containing trace of gas into paraffin recovery processes.


52. Conduct process audit to make sure quality control system was implemented effectively.


53. The EU is trying to jumpstart the peace process.


54. Thinking is essentially a process of making connections in the brain.

思考本质上是在大脑中建立连接的过程。 《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

55. The process results in a much fruitier wine.


56. I was moving some furniture and I twisted my ankle in the process.


57. How long does it take ISSA to process my examination and certificate?


58. Casey, an expert in this field, suggests that the cooperation process within teams must be organized, promoted and managed.

这一领域的专 家 Casey 称团队内部的合作过程必须要组织好、促进好和管理好。《15年12月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

59. The process of anodizing lnvolves the deposition of further oxide on the surface.


60. The paper introduces the technological process, principle and characteristic of sewage treatment technique for CSBR.

介绍了CSBR污水处理技术的工艺流程 、 原理及特点.《期刊摘选》

61. The breakdown in talks represents a temporary setback in the peace process.


62. AIDS is to improve the water and chemical properties and processing character.


63. Benny suggested that the boss format the production process, and so forth.


64. Her novel is in the process of being turned into a television series.


65. The government was in the process of dismantling the state-owned industries.


66. This is the credibility process, through which the individual researcher’s me, here, now becomes the community’s anyone, anywhere, anytime.

这就是“取信过程”,通过这个过程,单个研究者的“我”、“现在”和“这里”转变成科学界的“任何人”、“任何地点”和“任何时间”。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

67. Organize travel arrangement and process expenses claims.


68. Presents and analyzes the perfect system of the matching of energy saving Brown Braun ammonia process.


69. Essential calculations and preliminary economical analysis are made for the assumed process.


70. Assist GA process engineers to develop GA process flow.


71. Be responsible for the process qualification and process audit.


72. There's still one more step in the process.


73. Visual recognition, reads the study, is “an automatic psychological process, occurring rapidly and intuitively with little or no apparent conscious deliberation”.

研究表明:视觉识別是“一个无意识的心理过程,它会依靠直觉快速发生,几乎没有或者根本没有明显的刻意思考”。《14年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

74. But this distinction misses the point that it is processing and aggregation, not the mere possession of bits, that gives the data value.

但是,这种区别不得要领,即赋予数据价值的是数据的处理和整合,而非单单拥有数据。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

75. The process is shown schematically in figure 3.


76. The peace process has suffered a serious blow now.


77. The process is simple and effective for recovery of the valuable minerals.


78. processed cheese


79. Review and evaluate supplier quality system and processes for continuous improvement.


80. Characteristics of synthetic aperture processing in radar altimeter show that range correction should be done.


81. What are the mechanics of this new process?


82. The material will be processed into plastic pellets.


83. The administration is in the process of drawing up a peace plan...


84. M: Strategic innovation is the process of ?managing innovation of making sure it ?takes place at all levels of the company, ?and that is related to the company’s ?overall strategy.

男:战略性创新是确保公司各个层级展开创新的创新管理过程,而且与公司的总体战略有关。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

85. This latest incident could derail the peace process.


86. Qualification can concern persons, products, processes or systems. EXAMPLE Auditor qualification process, material qualification process.

鉴定可涉及到人员 、 产品 、 过程或体系. 示例:审核员鉴定过程 、 材料鉴定过程.《期刊摘选》

87. Meanwhile steam consumption can be saved by about 15 % with the cascade SCOT process.


88. ...fish which are processed by freezing, canning or smoking...


89. The mine, along New York’s Cayuga Lake, processes salt used for road treatment.

这座紧邻?纽约Cayuga 湖的岩盐矿?加工着用于路面处理的?盐。《16年12月四级真题(第一套)| 听力》

90. The process flows of water best row transfer printing technology were introduced.


91. Why do so many Americans eat tons of processed food, the stuff that is correctly called junk (垃圾) and should really carry warning labels?

为什么有那么多的美国人在大量食用加工食品?加工食品准确来说应该叫垃圾食品,我们真应该给它们贴上警示标识。《15年12月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

92. Collecting data is a painfully slow process.


93. The technological process has high forging inside quality and facilitates the forging of large extrusion roll.


94. Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product.


95. Review, issue and audit all process control documentation.

回顾, 公布并审核所有的过程控制文件.《期刊摘选》

96. The assistance human resources department processes some personnel service.


97. It's a normal part of the learning process.


98. Work instruction sometimes is associated or linked with process flow chart or control plan.


99. The third part: Service quality and hurl tell a processing.

第三个部分: 服务质量及投诉处理.《期刊摘选》

100. Our sales information is processed by computer.


101. To prepare internal process audit of Plant.


102. Set up and maintain virtual build structure in TcAE, including process flow , mathdata linkage, etc.

搭建并维护虚拟装配的结构, 包括工艺流程, 数模关联等.《期刊摘选》

103. The process was needlessly slow.


104. What follows is a brief summary of the process.


105. Its key processes are smelting and forging.


106. Femtosecond laser processing is an emerging field and has important application prospects.


107. The only question is how fast the process will be.


108. There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible...


109. Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department.


110. This process is akin to piecing together a jigsaw puzzle.


111. Assists and coordinates the internal and external audit process.


112. I think life itself is a learning process.


113. The growth in public money for academic research has speeded the process: federal research grants rose fourfold between 1960 and 1990, but faculty teaching hours fell by half as research took its toll.

用于学术研究的公共资金不断增长,加快了专业化过程:从19660到1990年,联邦研究经费增加了四倍,但教师授课时长减少了一般,因为研究工作产生了负面影响。《11年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

114. Ms. Denham chose to concentrate the blame on the NHS trust, since under existing law it “controlled the data and Deep Mind merely” processed “it.

邓哈姆女士决定将责任归咎于NHS信托基金会,因为根据现行法律,基金会“掌控”着数据,而深度思维公司只是“处理”了数据。《18年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

115. It will take a week for your application to be processed.


116. At present, the design was in the process of check up in patent bureau.


117. The deportations would be a death blow to the peace process.


118. Coming off the drug was a long and painful (= difficult) process for him.


119. Coming off the drug was a long and painful process for him.


120. Molybdenum oxide is the product by mining, mineral processing and roasting etc.

工业氧化钼是经过采矿 、 选矿、焙烧等一系列工序之后的产品.《期刊摘选》

121. The sperm fuses with the egg to begin the process of fertilization.


122. This process flow is simple with less capital cost , speediness of efficacy and higher technical index.

该厂流程简单、投资少 、 见效快、技术指标较高、实现含氰污水全部返回工艺流程.《期刊摘选》

123. The corrosion and its mechanism in Daqing natural gas processing units were fully investigated.


124. The entire manufacturing process has been automated.


125. Clean coal: Coal produced by a cleaning process.

净煤: 经清洗工序生产出来的煤炭.《期刊摘选》

126. The policy will be detrimental to the peace process.


127. to begin the difficult process of reforming the education system


128. The information gathered by the telescopes will be processed by computers.


129. In northern China has the largest trading market of plastic and plastic processing base.


130. The design of process system of mat oil storage is described in this paper as well.


131. The two professors hope to refute that idea, 34 claiming that just as when kids walk themselves through a process, adults can benefit from using language

两位教授希望反驳这种观点, 他们(34) 声称,正如小孩子在任务执行过程中指导自己一样,成年人从语言运用中可以获得的好处也不仅限于交流,还能借此“强化思维”。《17年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

132. The good news is that a process already exists for doing stress tests.


133. At the present time, Two - phase Anaerobic - Aerobic Process is a better process, but it can be improved.

在目前情况下, 两相厌氧好氧工艺是较好的处理工艺但还可改进.《期刊摘选》

134. We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers.


135. Mainly engaged in food production and processing machinery, aquatic products processing machinery, sheet and its products.

主要从事食品生产加工机械 、 水产品加工机械 、 片材及其制品.《期刊摘选》

136. So with the exception of the fermentation process, beer and ale are basically the same thing!

除了发酵工序有区别之外, 啤酒和爱尔啤酒其实是一回事!《电影对白》

137. Method study and process improvement, reduce manufacturing cost and improve quality.

不断地改进生产工艺流程与方法, 降低生产成品与改善质量.《期刊摘选》

138. A solution called a mordant is used in the dying process.


139. Transaction process is the necessary basis for constructing enterprise application.


140. They decided to spread the building process over three years...


141. Except positive fuselage noble elegant, is also in back's processing the flavor.

除去正面机身的高贵典雅, 在背部的处理上也是别有一番风味.《期刊摘选》

142. The search begins in the prefrontal cortex, where neurons process the goal find keys .

寻找过程发端于脑额叶前部皮层, 由这里的神经元处理 “ 找钥匙 ” 这个目标.《期刊摘选》

143. a consultation process


144. In this paper, properties of the material and product and its process parameters were explored.

测试了原料和产品的性能,制定了产品方案, 对纺织各工序主要工艺参数进行了探讨.《期刊摘选》

145. Please note that any data will be used exclusively by Starlight and only for request processing.


146. He was in a continual process of rewriting his material.


147. He has direct experience of the process of privatization.


148. The system queues the jobs before they are processed.


149. Be responsible for Engineering quotation of new project and confirming the suitable process.


150. mental processes


151. Qualify new manufacturing lines or process in terms of ESD requirement.


152. Image sensor has special requirement in image processing, which aims to get the optimal visual effect.

其产生的图像作为一种影像产品,对图像处理有其特殊的要求, 并以视觉效果最佳为其主要目的.《期刊摘选》

153. In process control and batch records evaluation.


154. This enables the healing process to continue uninterrupted.


155. A review of a process flow chart is helpful in understanding the various processing stages.


156. Most of the food we buy is processed in some way.


157. When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts, its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing.

在医疗保险业仍然致力于行业改革方面的协同合作的同时,其同业公会已着手设计可以用于自动处理的标准化表格。《16年6月六级真题(第二套)| 阅读》

158. The process is: material, preprocess , extraction, alcohol sediment, watering, cool storing , confection, filter, pouring package, packaging.

工艺流程: 原料 → 预处理 → 提取 → 醇沉→加水→冷藏→配制→过滤 → 灌装 → 包装.《期刊摘选》

159. Deinterlacing removes artifacts and improves the quality of video by processing interlaced fields into separate frames.


160. It becomes a breakdown process where everything ends up accelerating until it’s all gone.

这成了一个瓦解过程,过程中的所有环节最后都会越来越快, 直到一切都消失。《16年6月六级真题(第一套)| 听力》

161. It was important a factory to formulate the production process.


162. Two paradoxes exist throughout this credibility process.

在这个取信过程中存在两个悖论。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

163. I sent three rolls of film away to be processed.


164. What is the name of that process?


165. Experience of process design checking and review.


166. Establish the process and product audit plan and assures its implementation.


167. This paper introduces process technique, design parameter and design characteristics.

介绍了工程的工艺流程 、 设计参数及设计特点.《期刊摘选》

168. The rehearsal process also irked him increasingly.


169. Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination .


170. Processing capability as found in an intelligent terminal.


171. He is more didactic in his approach to the learning process.


172. Compared with traditional sizing process, the new method simplifies sizing process and avoid pollution to environment.

与传统上浆工序相比, 该方法简化了上浆工序,并不产生污染.《期刊摘选》

173. Magnetization This process is very important, but also in the traditional electric perm does not have.

磁化这道工序很重要, 也是传统电烫发中所没有的.《期刊摘选》

174. The invention also discloses a data updating method for the FIFO processing chip.


175. Checking, following and supervising whole process of importation in air port of each air shipment.

在机场审核, 跟踪并监督每次货柜的整个进口操作流程,并督促速度,保证出货.《期刊摘选》

176. For connection between receiver & launcher and pipe refer to pigging process flow diagram.

否则易卡住清管器,收 发球 筒与管线连接形式见清管工艺流程图.《期刊摘选》

177. On video display unit, the process of beam and thus its position on a display surface.

基于组件技术的工程装备集成故障诊断系统,由传感器、中央处理器、显示装置 、 控制装置组成.《期刊摘选》

178. The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity.


179. This is a drawing of the technological process of sewage processing.


180. Employees should have a voice in the decision-making process.


181. This reduces the total processing time by eliminating a handling and cleaning step.


182. Detect and extract characteristic values of attack pulse with digital signal processing technology, melts attack risks.

利用数字信号处理技术对攻击脉冲特征值进行提取及检测, 柔化攻击风险.《期刊摘选》

183. There is clarity of the accounting of equipment, equipment lists, process flow diagram.

有清晰明了的设备台帐 、 设备清单 、 工艺流程图.《期刊摘选》

184. The methods and processing flowsheet of recovery of molybdenum from waste catalyst are studied.


185. He arrived at the solution by a simple process of deduction.


186. I'm afraid getting things changed will be a slow process.


187. Despite this scientific confidence, the process of approving a geologic site remains fraught with difficulties.

尽管科学上根本没有什麽问题, 一个地质处置场的审核过程仍旧困难重重.《期刊摘选》

188. Golden Ball Bonding ( GBB ) process is an important process for Head Gimbal Assembly ( HGA ) production .

金球焊接是生产 磁头臂 悬 架组件 的一道重要工序.《期刊摘选》

189. Main plexiglass ( acrylic ) products, display stand Display stands, picture frames, crystal gifts processing, design, production.

主营有机玻璃 ( 压克力 ) 产品 、 展示架陈列架 、 相框 、 水晶礼品的加工 、 设计 、 制作.《期刊摘选》

190. Be responsible for process audit and management system review, guide improvement.

负责制造部内过程审核和管理体系的审核, 指导改进工作.《期刊摘选》

191. Particularly processed platens are used to directly heat the veneer through contact conduction.


192. the ageing process


193. In this paper , the production process of synthetic ammonia medium pressure was studied.

以中压合成两级分氨流程为研究对象, 给出了合成氨工序的危险性分析方法.《期刊摘选》

194. This article gives a brief overview of prime process of quench oil system.


195. The whole process is wasteful and inefficient.


196. Its characteristic is specific power consumption low, labor productivity is tall, manufacturing process is simple.

其特点是能耗低, 劳动生产率高, 生产工序简单.《期刊摘选》

197. manufacturing processes


198. It occurs in elderly men, apparently as part of the ageing process...


199. Researchers should improve their standards, he wrote in 2012, but journals should also take a tougher line, “engaging reviewers who are statistically literate and editors who can verify the process”.

他在2012年写到,研究人员应该提高自身的水平,但杂志本身也应该采取更加严格的方针,“邀请具备统计学知识的评审专家和能够核实统计过程的编辑参与进来”《15年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

200. Increasing technological application and innovation in manufacturing industries result in more specialisation and distribution of processes on a global scale.


201. Supervise the inspection implement of every process, make up the test and inspection report.

监督各工序质量检验的执行情况, 编写出厂试验、检验报告.《期刊摘选》

202. Organize analysis of measuring system and estimation on process capability.


203. The roughening process of unsaturated polyester resins and its technological criterion were described.


204. Pertaining to a program or job that interrupts regular ( or lower priority ) processing.

用于修饰或描述程序或作业,它中断正常的 ( 或低优先级的 ) 处理过程.《期刊摘选》

205. This means that a DNA database may have a lot of data from some regions and not others,so a person’s test results may differ depending on the company that processes the results.

这就意味着某个DNA数据库可能有某些地区的大量数据而缺乏其他地区的数据,所以,处理数据的公司不同,同一个人得到的基因检测结果也会不同。《09年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

206. You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.


207. Selection of auditors and conduct of audits shall ensure objectivity and impartiality of the audit process.


208. The distribution of passports has been a slow process.


209. The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program.


210. The digital demodulation is realized by use of recent digital signal processing technology.


211. Pretreatment, bluing and post treatment of this process were introduced.

介绍了前处理 、 发蓝及后处理工序.《期刊摘选》

212. The current development , process and technical characters of main smelting reduction technologies direct ironmaking were discussed.


213. The process was controlled automatically.


214. This paper introduce the NC lathe turning operations design in the content, process, means.

介绍数控车削加工工序设计的内容 、 步骤和方法.《期刊摘选》

215. We're in the process of switching over to a new system of invoicing.


216. The main process: from specialty fibers woven, PTFE and silicone rubber to the coating.

主要工艺流程: 从特种纤维的织造, 到PTFE和硅橡胶的涂覆.《期刊摘选》

217. The process of hydrostatic pressure experiment also has diameter deroppilation.


218. [不可数名词]the food processing industry


219. This paper introduces the concept of axial closed die rolling, its production features and processing.

介绍了轴向闭模轧制的概念 、 生产特点,并简要介绍了轴向闭模轧制生产线的组成和工艺流程.《期刊摘选》

220. Please attach the relevant information to facilitate the processing of the refund application.


221. Some women have a terror of losing control in the birth process.


222. Foreign PCB processing, design, copy boards and industrial control software programming, legal declassified.

对外PCB加工 、 设计 、 抄板和工控软件编程 、 合法解密.《期刊摘选》

223. Process engineering and process parameter of formaldehyde tanning of tibet lamb were discussed paper.


224. Monitoring the processing of computer jobs.


225. It's a normal part of the learning process .



1. In too many countries, political leaders manipulate the process to deny their citizens a proper voice.

CNN: Story highlights

2. But the town-by-town franchise licensing process remains the company s last, and most cumbersome, obstacle.

FORBES: Verizon's Big TV Bet Goes Small-Town

3. But Ms.Smith says the voter registration process may be one reason why young people are less likely to vote.

VOA : special.2010.10.28

4. Toxins are produced during the process.


5. Coeur uses conventional means to process the ore, first blasting it from open pits and tunnels.

FORBES: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

6. For him, the process of evolution involved new species gaining ground and others losing out.

BBC: Why such a fuss about extinction?

7. The process eliminates odour and accelerates decomposition.


8. Anonymous bidders suggest designs, a process that lets companies quickly spot the most talented prospects.

FORBES: Hello brain. Good-bye rules.

9. It provides that no state may "deprive any person of life, liberty or property, without due process of law ."

VOA : special.2010.03.05

10. By contrast, he describes differentiation as a process whereby Israel came to reject its Canaanite roots, and create a separate identity.

相反,他认为保留差异的过程,是因为以色列人拒绝迦南根源,创建独立身份。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. Regulations have been loosened to speed the process up.


12. "I think the process could have sensible reform, " FA general secretary Alex Horne told BBC Radio 5 live.

BBC: World Cup vote - FA's Alex Horne calls for Fifa changes

13. Plants naturally take in carbon dioxide they need for photosynthesis, the process of changing light energy to chemical energy.

VOA : special.2010.01.26

14. And let's get through the primary process and let this week work its course.

CNN: Steady stream of superdelegates pushed Obama over top

15. The revolution is based on the work of scientists who study the movement of the continents a process called plate tectonics.

VOA : special.2010.01.12

16. He says the changes went into effect on May twenty-ninth with the goal to process all requests within two weeks.

VOA : special.2009.06.11

17. It can process images taken by a camera into sensations that could be used by a blind person wearing it.

VOA : special.2010.10.13

18. This is to allow enough time for the peer review process to take place.

UNESCO: Engage

19. This can usually be handled through your broker, and the paperwork will take a few weeks to process.

FORBES: The Global Test

20. There was also a slight undertone of dark porter beer, which Red Apron uses in the emulsion process.

BBC: The mysterious sausage that even presidents cant resist

21. These families can then be fed back into the massive screening process to refine the lead.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

22. It's part of the process of international diplomacy to try to bring others on board.

NPR: U.S. Officials Look for Political Solution to Darfur

23. Both universities state they do not take an applicant's month of birth into account in the admissions process.

BBC: Month of birth affects chance of attending Oxbridge

24. We feel as we process the world around us that we know things for and as what they are.

我们觉得我们认识的事物,都是事物真实的本质。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. So this is not going to be a favorable process, we're going to find that the electron affinity is actually a negative 7 kilojoules per mole for nitrogen.

因此这并不是一个容易发生的过程,我们会发现氮的电子亲和能,应该是负的,7,千焦每摩尔。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

26. So we do both of those as part of the validation process. And we'll talk about all of this as we go along.

因此我们认为这两件事,都包含于验证过程,我们在接下来也会讨论他们。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. What was the process inside Dell that percolated that up as something that was a major strategic initiative for the company?

戴尔经过,何种程序,将它作为公司的战略计划的呢?戴尔CEO-Michael.Dell谈创业和发展课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

28. I--You're just off on a different planet in terms of your capacity to process aural material, but we--I can't do that.

我,大家其实到了另外一个星球,要说咱们对声音材料的处理能力,但是我们,我无法做到那样聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

29. the early dances, films, and process pieces


30. Ok it's not comfortable, but I'm living through this and I've met these people that helped me through that process.

的确,没有舒适的环境,但是我挺过来了,我遇到了这些帮助我的人,和我一同渡过难关。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

31. This process is called self-renewal, so that's one important process of property stem cells, that they're capable of self-renewal.

这种过程称为自我更新,所以这是干细胞的一个重要性质,它们能够自我更新生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. He succeeded in beginning that process, though black Americans did not gain full civil rights until the nineteen sixties.

VOA : special.2009.02.09

33. But the approval process at LeapFrog Enterprises , the Emeryville, Calif. maker of educational toys, comes close.

FORBES: Anything But Child's Play

34. If the soul is immaterial, doesn't it follow automatically, trivially, that the soul can't be destroyed by a material process?

如果灵魂是无形的,是否可以顺理成章地得出,灵魂无法被实体过程所摧毁呢死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

35. The family undergoes screening, the best second-generation candidate is chosen and the process is repeated.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

36. Being digital, you won't be surprised to hear the process doesn't stop with merely showing you an image.

BBC: Digital product placement creates adverts out of thin air

37. The decision process is neither easy nor quick, but that is not an excuse for shortcuts.

FORBES: Unlocking China's Consumer Power

38. Uploading (or designing) files can be daunting for the technologically challenged, and the process is not instantaneous.

BBC: How 3D printing will change travel

39. So that we take very quickly the tedium out of-- what is otherwise-- could be a very repetitive process.

它可以让我们从这些重复乏味的工作中-,解脱出来。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

40. In order to be awarded the Carbon Trust Water standard, Mr Delay said the process was "relatively straightforward".

BBC: Carbon Trust launches scheme to tackle water waste

41. I've got film to process.


42. If a corporation is legally a person, then states cannot limit corporate rights without due process of law either.

VOA : special.2010.03.05

43. The online registration process is simple and free, although the number of seats is limited to 100.

BBC: A Bollywood rendezvous in Mumbai

44. Well, Mario Molina, who was a faculty member here at MIT, won a Nobel prize for describing this process.

马里奥,莫丽娜,一个麻州理工学院的教员,凭借描述这一过程获得了诺贝尔物理学奖。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

45. Homogenization is a process that reduces the size of the fat particles and mixes the fat all through the milk.

VOA : special.2009.07.21

46. Sutter is a firm believer in involving readers and viewers in the storytelling process.

CNN: Featured Stories

47. And robotic submarines are being used to try to stop the leak -- a process that could take weeks.

VOA : special.2010.05.01

48. The process was repeated every day and night until the escaped slave was safe in New England or even Canada.

VOA : special.2009.04.16

49. Construction crews are hauling in heavy equipments to start the long and tedious clean-up process.

NPR: Cleanup Begins at Minneapolis' Collapsed Bridge

50. Nutrition is considered the process, the behavioral process by which people require--acquire nutrients, and use them to promote vital activities.

营养作用就是营养的供给和摄取,也就是人们摄取营养,并将其转化为生命力的行为过程关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. There is no limit to this process other than the impending end of the Parliamentary year.

BBC: That most mysterious of Westminster rituals

52. And it's always going to come down to calculating the appropriate free energy, and how it changes in the process.

这总是涉及到计算,适当的自由能,以及这些自由能在过程中如何变化。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

53. The entire human genetic blueprint is in the process of collection, in the Human Genome Project.

FORBES: A hail of silver bullets

54. Others who have tried to break the records have lost their lives in the process.

BBC: Skydiver Felix Baumgartner breaks sound barrier

55. They had claimed there were failures in the consultation process and in assessing the high-speed link's environmental impact.

BBC: HS2 ruling 'a victory' despite unlawful compensation move

56. The civilization of the West, however, was not the result of some inevitable process through which other cultures will automatically pass.

然而,西方文明的发展之路,并非经历了其他文明必经之途中,一些不可避免的发展过程古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

57. Packard believes that process control begins with employees making decisions quickly and at the lowest levels.

FORBES: The sweet smell of oil

58. Levi Strauss partnered with a clothing maker named Jacob Davis, who had invented a process for making rivets for jeans.

VOA : special.2009.12.18

59. In that process, three leaks were identified, the most recent coming just last Wednesday evening.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on NYC Incident and BP Oil Spill in Louisiana | The White House

60. It's also going to be the process of watching an artistic form unfold over a very exciting period of time.

更是一个观察某种艺术形式在一段,刺激的时间里展现的过程。1945年后的美国小说课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. The international community needs to do more to support countries through this often difficult process.

CNN: Story highlights

62. A long process of transmission, interweaving, literary embellishment has gone into the creation of this account in Exodus 14 and 15.

经过长期的流传,混杂以及润色,就有了《出埃及记》14和15中的故事。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

63. More important, it might start to create conditions that would make it possible to normalize the budget process.

CNN: After Trump, will GOP accept higher taxes?

64. And,it means that transgenic marmosets can be produced from breeding instead of by the lengthy process of injecting fertilized eggs.

VOA : special.2009.06.23

65. They are being honored for their work in the nineteen eighties about the health of cells and the aging process.

VOA : special.2009.10.07




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