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n. (说明某部分民众应有权利的)宪章;(表明某一组织之宗旨和原则的)宪章,章程;(统治者或政府准许成立新的组织、城镇、大学等并授予某种权利的)特许状,许可证,凭照

v. 包租(飞机、船等);特许设立;给予…特权;发给许可证(或凭照)


英 [ˈtʃɑːtəz]play 美 [ˈtʃɑːrtərz]play

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charter /ˈtʃɑːtə/ CET4 TEM4 [ chartering chartered charters ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A charter is a formal document describing the rights, aims, or principles of an organization or group of people. 宪章

    ...Article 50 of the United Nations Charter.


  • 2.
    形容词 A charter plane or boat is one which is rented for use by a particular person or group and which is not part of a regular service. 包租的

    ...the last charter plane carrying out foreign nationals.


  • 3.
    及物动词 If a person or organization charters a plane, boat, or other vehicle, they rent it for their own use. 包租

    He chartered a jet to fly her home from California to Switzerland.



1. Service Charters 服务章程

2. voyage charter 程租船;计程包船;航程佣船

3. charter flight 包机

4. corporate charter 公司执照;公司注册证


6. deadweight charters 满载租船合同

7. great charter 大宪章(等于Magna Charta)

8. royal charter 皇家宪章(英国法律)

9. International yacht charters 国际游艇租赁

10. charter party 佣船契约;包船契约;租船方

11. atlantic charter n. 大西洋宪章

12. charter school 特许学校,契约学校;委办学校

13. Werrett Charters 查特斯

14. olympic charter 奥林匹克宪章

15. royal charters 特许状

16. Derek Charters 查特斯

17. time charter 定期租船契约

18. CHARTERS TOWERS 查特斯堡 ; 查特斯塔

19. bareboat charter 空船租赁


1. The Charter for Youth enunciates principles and ideals in youth development. 《


2. Catering4 will be available to you as it would be to a regular charter customer.


3. Graham Charters: Yes, there are cost saving to be made and being able to clearly articulate this was one of the goals of the model.

Graham Charters:是的,会节约成本,清楚阐明这一点也是模型的目标之一。

4. We were trying to find our way through the unfamiliar world of air charters.


5. The last charter summarizes the main standpoints of this paper.


6. The first type is like requiring all company charters to be pro- shareholder.


7. If you want your free copy of the Patients' Charter fill this form in


8. Private jet charter firms, realizing that their aircraft have to return to base at some point and often do so without the human cargo1 they have just ferried somewhere swanky, have taken to offering these return "empty" legs for cut-price rates.


9. For taking away our Charters.


10. We need to book another charter to make money.

我们还要再租段时间来赚点钱。《provided by jukuu》

11. ChongSheng's charters about the information society , was approved at the west eight county leaders meeting in 2000.

第三 、 极响应和参与国际组织为缩小和消除数字鸿沟方面的工作,并为建立国际信息新秩序而斗争.《互联网》

12. Other groups are designed in a way that prevents them from leaving the confines of their tightly scoped charters.


13. He has called on states to lift caps on the number of charters.


14. Fishing Guide's and Charters for all 50 States, Canada and many countries.


15. They described the Home Office scheme as a 'charter for cheats'


16. Problems about last voyage usually happen under time charter party.


17. Rotary International will reimburse you for expenses incurred to organize new clubs and present their charters.


18. Never knock charter flights; they are opening up the world for budget-conscious travellers.


19. To use the jargon of economists and lawyers, corporate charters are "incomplete contracts".


20. The private college's charter was granted in 1985.


21. The first type is like requiring all company charters to be pro-shareholder.


22. Charters are awarded weekly as candidates satisfy all requirements.


23. The charter proclaimed that all states would have their own government.


24. Study on School Charter of Modern Universities in China


25. How many people are going to take the Charter flight?

你们有多少人要乘包机?《provided by jukuu》

26. Study on the Application of Contract Law to Voyage Charter Party


27. They condemned the white paper as a charter for centralisation and selective education.


28. Charter 3 analyses status quo of logistics industry in China.


29. This plane is under charter by our company to New York.


30. Cycle Division of Dry Bulk Shipping Market and Opportunity of Time Charter


31. Questions about how to interpret such charters may end up before the courts.


32. The RSD schools (most of which are charters) posted a 20% gain in state achievement tests between 2007 and 2010.


33. It is necessary for corporations to amend charters to acclimatize themselves to business environments.


34. Graham Charters: Generally, organisations will follow through the levels linearly.

Graham Charters:通常来说,组织会线性地去遵循这些级别。

35. Charters are especially popular with groups on vacation since they usually cost much less than scheduled flight on the same routes.


36. The resort to air charters turned out to be a fiasco.


37. Mr Constantacopoulos's shipping company charters container vessels to China's Cosco shipping and ports group.

康斯坦塔科波罗斯的船运公司向 中国远洋运输集团 (Cosco)出租集装箱船只.《互联网》

38. Royal charters bring not only universities but also cities into existence.


39. Don't all Banks have to have charters?


40. The first option are Crewed Charters, where you.


41. This new law amounts to a tax evader's charter.


42. You shall have blank charters.


43. They have yachts available for charter.


44. Beginning in mid - September, charters are awarded and letters are mailed weekly as candidates satisfy all requirements.

在九月中旬, 证书已经发出,邮件也会每周送出.《互联网》

45. Embark on three -, four - and seven-night cruises, or private, customised charters.


46. The price-conscious Brits Discovered it years ago and run daily charters to the island.


47. The universities'autonomy is enshrined in their charters.


48. After the commercial boom beginning in 1793, a large number of Banks were established by special state charters.


49. His Renaissance 2010 initiative has opened 75 new schools, including 67 charters, in some of Chicago's bleakest areas.


50. In the fifth charter, the development process of board support software is introduced.


51. One way of avoiding too much attention is to charter instead of buy.


52. This understanding should be codified in the charters of the internal audit activity and audit committee.


53. The Charter Value and Risk-taking Behavior of Listed Companies in China


54. It was not a natural fit for the Success charters, which are known for discipline and long school days.


55. But did their charters allow them to use such techniques?


56. Flying private is forbidden, whether on charters, fractional s, jet card flights or private jets.

禁止私人飞行, 不论是通过包机 、 分时所有权飞机 、 乘机卡航班还是私人飞机.《互联网》

57. Fishing Guide's and Charters for all50 States, Canada and many countries.


58. A travel agency charters the plane, reserves the hotel rooms and orders the food for the tourists.


59. Several industries have adopted their own BEE charters.


60. Newark's charters are convinced they have a compelling story to tell.


61. They worked on plans such as corporate charters and operational guidelines and signed a GREements on how to manage the cafe.


62. It is time the state began to cherish charters too.


63. Charter 1 introduce the development of electronic jacquard technology.


64. The travel company is one of the major charter operators.

那家旅游公司是主要的包租经营者之一。《provided by jukuu》

65. The new law will be a charter for unscrupulous financial advisers.


66. The third charter is about Hayek'dualistic theory of law.


67. Chicago has reached its legal limit on the number of new charters it may award.


68. The Royal College received its charter as a university in 1967.


69. None of them involves the interpretation of incomplete corporate charters.



1. But even with the OTS gone, banks will be able to shop for friendly charters.

ECONOMIST: Financial reform in America

2. The great thing about American schools is that they are decentralized, and charters make that even more true.

FORBES: The Value of Hopeful Skepticism in the Education Reform Debate

3. Some two-thirds of American pension funds with investment charters limit themselves to buying bonds rated by the industry's triopoly.

ECONOMIST: Credit-rating agencies

4. To the possible chagrin of local French experts, Dr Stephen Charters is British-born and was previously based in Australia.

CNN: Learning to lead in Champagne

5. Members of the group visited 10 charters across the country and eventually opted for Great Hearts.

WSJ: Segregation Fear Sinks Charter School

6. But Tony Lavidis, who runs Hawkesbury Expeditions and Charters, believes the risks are minimal.

BBC: A wild river valley outside of Sydney

7. Today in Michigan, not only can school boards authorize charters but so can state universities and community colleges.

WSJ: A Charter Setback in Florida

8. We could allow private preschools to become charters, and we could fund the creation of public preschools as well.

FORBES: The Importance of Early Childhood Intervention on Student Achievement

9. Taking advantage of the rivalries I've mentioned, they obtained charters from the local powers establishing their rights to conduct their own affairs and to govern themselves.

利用我之前提及的抗争,他们获得了地方政府的特权,建立了他们自己的,区域自治制度古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

10. Certainly vouchers remain unpopular across the American electorate, as Jilani points out, whereas charters have gained popularity.

FORBES: The Deep Pockets Behind Education Reform

11. Charters can determine educational approach, so many adopt very specific programs tailored for their small, often at-risk, student body.

FORBES: 01.24.08, 6:38 PM ET

12. He has called on states to lift caps on the number of charters.

ECONOMIST: Education reform in Massachusetts

13. Only 96 new ICBs were chartered from 2008 to 2010, and since 2011, there have been no new ICB charters.

FORBES: The Small Bank-Small Business Cascade

14. In the end corporate charters and corporate boards have to take the lead on this issue.

FORBES: Steering Clear Of The Executive Compensation Bog

15. Day charters of Riva boats are available from Matteri Erio in Lezzeno.

BBC: The spirit of the Italian Lakes

16. Mr. Carl Icahn: Okay, we look at a lot of the companies Obviously, I have a whole group of people here that do that and I have a bunch of lawyers that look at all the covenants in these companies and their bylaws and their charters.

卡尔·伊坎先生:好的,我们考察许多,很明显,我有一个强大的团队来做这些工作,还有一个律师团队,来研究这些公司所签订的契约,以及它们的规章制度和经营许可。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. Failing this, he will push for the state to raise the cap on charters.

ECONOMIST: Education reform in Massachusetts

18. Finally, there is consumer choice, a critical element in society that is nearly absent among public schools, except charters.

FORBES: 01.24.08, 6:38 PM ET

19. But this is also the value that studying charters can bring to the table.

FORBES: Should Public Schools Replicate KIPPs Long Hours?

20. Their corporate charters, cultures, competencies, work activities and compensation models are distinctly different.

FORBES: Six Archetypes of Sales and Marketing

21. Instead of a uniform school system, charters represent an enterprise where education happens better, quicker and more efficiently.

FORBES: 01.24.08, 6:38 PM ET

22. But what charters do is they give an opportunity for experimentation and then duplication of success.

WHITEHOUSE: Online Town Hall

23. Under the new laws, entrepreneurs can set out their social and environmental objectives in corporate charters and bylaws.

WSJ: Can Firms Aim to Do Good if It Hurts Profit?

24. "The plan is that the charters are negotiating with them,".

VOA : standard.2009.11.10

25. One of my charters is to improve the relationship, mil-to-mil, between the United States and the Chinese.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing with Ben Rhodes and Admiral Robert Willard

26. At both universities and non-profits, commercial operations often conflict with non-profit and academic charters.

FORBES: Corporate Venture Capital: Big Business Can Spur Innovation

27. The city is now a living education laboratory, with more charter schools than non-charters.

ECONOMIST: New Orleans is recovering its energy, but not its people

28. Poor pupils, those in urban environments and English-language learners fare better in charters (see article).

ECONOMIST: Education: A 20-year lesson | The

29. Charters and home-schoolers are bound to be on the frontier of digital textbook innovation.

FORBES: Don't Expect Apple's Digital Textbook Innovation To Come From The Top Down

30. While charters are still a part of the public school system, vouchers operate outside the bounds of public education.

FORBES: Radical Expansion of School Choice in Wisconsin Budget

31. As Albert Shanker himself had hoped to do with charters, Matt draws lessons for public schools from these results.

FORBES: The Lessons We Should Learn From KIPP

32. Credo finds that students in poverty and English language learners fare better in charters.

ECONOMIST: Education

33. The hope of air taxis is to bring the price of jet charters down to the executive masses.

FORBES: Private Jet Boom





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