莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəʊl]play美 [koʊl]play

  • n. 煤;煤炭工业;(尤指燃烧着的)煤块
  • v. 供煤;采煤,提炼煤

复数 coals 第三人称单数 coals 现在分词 coaling 过去式 coaled 过去分词 coaled

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


coal /kəʊl/

  • 1.
    不可数名词 Coal is a hard, black substance that is extracted from the ground and burned as fuel. 煤

    Gas is cheaper than coal.


  • 2.
    复数型名词 Coals are burning pieces of coal. 燃烧着的煤块

    The iron teakettle was hissing splendidly over live coals.




1. coal mining 煤矿开采

2. Coal Harbour 高豪港 ; 水运 煤港 ; 站在这个公园看港湾

3. white coal 水 ; 水力 ; 白炭

4. coal slurry 煤泥

5. coal gangue 煤矸石

6. coal dust 煤尘;煤粉

7. coal bed 煤层;煤床

8. raw coal 原煤

9. coal production 煤产量

10. coal measures [地]煤层

11. coal face n. 煤的采掘现场;因开采而露出的煤面

12. coal gasification 煤的气化

13. coal ash 煤灰

14. coal field 煤田

15. coal gas 煤气;煤炭气

16. bituminous coal 矿物 烟煤 ; 沥青煤 ; 半烟煤 ; 生煤

17. coal preparation 选煤

18. coal mine 煤矿,煤矿坑

19. pulverized coal 煤粉;[机]粉煤

20. coal tar n. [化]煤焦油

21. coal industry 煤炭工业

22. Coal gasification 煤炭气化 ; 化工 煤气化 ; 煤的气化 ; 水煤气法

23. coking coal 焦煤;炼焦煤

24. Coal liquefaction 化工 煤液化 ; 煤的液化 ; 煤炭液化 ; 煤加氢液化

25. coal seam 煤层


1. Henry: What are the whisky and the lumps of coal for?

亨利: 哪威士忌和煤块有甚麽用?《期刊摘选》

2. The region is valued for its coal and vast electricity-generating capacity


3. National Water coal, grain, ore and container transport and so normal.

全国水上煤炭 、 粮食 、 矿石和集装箱等运输正常.《期刊摘选》

4. Coal of all kinds originated from the decay of plants.


5. At one time they used to mine coal in these valleys.


6. Coal piles on the Zinc mine is like an fairyland for children.


7. A vast bulk of coal is still stored in the basement.


8. Raw Cashew Nuts and Kernels, Clove, Coal, Charcoal, Cocoa Beans, Coffee Beans, Pepper.

采购产品生腰果和仁, 丁香, 煤, 木炭, 可可豆, 咖啡豆, 胡椒.《期刊摘选》

9. I heard later that Uncle Jim had been hauled over the coals for not letting anyone know where we were...


10. A diamond is a chunk of coal that made good under pressure.


11. They use mechanical stokers to feed coal into the furnace.


12. Gas is cheaper than coal.


13. Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.


14. The average UK coal seam is one metre thick.


15. There's hardly any coal left.


16. Coal and steel were the region's lifeblood.


17. Hang a stocking with your roommate's name on it. Collect coal and sharp objects in it.

挂一只袜子,在上面写上你室友的名字. 然后收集一些煤块和尖锐的物品放在里面.《期刊摘选》

18. The manufacture of section coal which substituted charcoal sear trade using fine coke, blind coal, charcoal.

用焦粉 、 无烟煤 、 木炭、氧化剂等为原料制成型煤,代替烧烤业燃料木炭,利于节省木炭和保护环境.《期刊摘选》

19. Coal travels south by train.


20. The ship called at Boston to coal.


21. Put some more coal on the fire.


22. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal


23. He was feeding coal to the furnace.


24. Many ships coal at Dalian Port.


25. The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels.


26. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.


27. I won't dig coal forever.


28. It is necessary to decrease the amount of coal used.


29. The bulk and weight of coal required in the majority of manufacturing industries is large in comparison with the bulk and weight of other raw matericals.


30. Demand for coal is down and so are prices


31. Coal is mined from underground.


32. A man stands before a vast pile of coal at a mine near Shangmahuangtou, in Shanxi.


33. The first choice for precaution of pressure bump is water injection into coal seams.


34. It is important in the production of coal mine that preparation of gangue from lump coal.


35. They banked out the coal in default of means for removing it.


36. The museum's P.R. man was going to be dragged over the coals for sure.


37. I'm charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine.


38. They are mining for coal.


39. We used 10 tons of coal last winter.


40. The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison


41. This could pose a threat to jobs in the coal industry.


42. It is important to get the coals white-hot before you start cooking.


43. He couldn't add more coal, for Scrooge kept the coal box in his own room.

他不能添加煤炭, 因为史克鲁奇把煤炭箱放在他自己的房间里.《期刊摘选》

44. It has found that wood and charcoal are more reactive than coal.


45. Coal is the main energy.


46. A worker rests after searching coal at a cinder dump site in Changzhi, Shanxi province.


47. The law would encourage companies to switch from coal to cleaner fuels


48. Many ships stopped here to take in coal.


49. It's difficult to ascertain the coal deposits.


50. It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon.


51. The fossil fuels ( coal and oil) are finite resources.


52. The iron teakettle was hissing splendidly over live coals...


53. The ten-year deal is a vote of confidence in coal-fired power stations.


54. He helped to dig for coal.


55. The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region


56. Red-hot coals glowed in the fire.


57. National Water coal, grain, ore and container transport normal.

全国水上煤炭 、 粮食 、 矿石和集装箱运输正常.《期刊摘选》

58. A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet.


59. Adding coal to adjust the heat balance of LD converter is a flexible and convenient technology.


60. They loaded the ship with coal.


61. Coal gave the region industrial supremacy.


62. We ran out of coal, and had to burn wood.

煤烧完了, 只好烧木头.《现代汉英综合大词典》

63. The average coal seam here is three feet thick.


64. Germany, however, insists on restrictions on the import of Polish coal.


65. I think we're being very short sighted in not exploiting our own coal.


66. I put more coal on the fire.


67. Nuclear power is cleaner than coal.


68. Why doesn't your daddy buy coal?


69. This could pose a threat to jobs in the coal industry


70. Coal is actually cheaper than gas


71. The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power.


72. They came and piled on logs and coal.


73. He worked in the notoriously unhealthy environment of a coal mine.


74. It remains lunacy to produce yet more coal to add to power stations' stockpiles.


75. He gives them black coal.


76. I'm in charge of discharging a large amount of charcoal and coal at the coal mine.


77. The treasures are not copper or coal.


78. Highly explosive gas is naturally found in coal mines.


79. No one put any more coal on the fire and it gradually died out.


80. She was unlike him in every way except for her coal black eyes.


81. Coal is actually cheaper than gas.


82. He is feeding the stove with coal.


83. Coal fell out of the fire, and burned the carpet.


84. Please pile these honeycomb coal briquettes in the corner.


85. Nylon is made from air, coal and water.

尼龙是由空气 、 煤和水加工制成.《现代汉英综合大词典》

86. It is less polluting than power stations fuelled by oil, coal and gas.


87. When heat often meant feeding wood or coal into a furnace?


88. Today, oil and natural gas have replaced coal and wood in most areas.


89. a coal fire


90. Many ships coal at Gibraltar.


91. Virtually all cooking was done over coal-fired ranges.


92. a coal mine


93. Fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas will service our needs for some considerable time to come.


94. He introduced Europeans to coal and rice.


95. The ability of coal to release a combustible gas has long been known.


96. The yard is a wilderness of weeds and heaps of coal.


97. Coal and steel were the region's lifeblood.


98. a lump of coal


99. In two years, the British coal industry will be dead and buried.


100. Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal...


101. the coal industry


102. I think we're being very short-sighted in not exploiting our own coal.


103. The pit is being shut down because it no longer has enough coal that can be mined economically.


104. Taking a gun to the United States would be like taking coals to Newcastle.


105. The engines were fired with coal and needed water to keep the steam up.


106. All coal that enters the yard through the dumping system for storage needs to be crushed.


107. The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison.


108. The air is so black with diesel fumes and coal dust, I can barely see.



1. The cheap natural gas has pulled the price of coal down, though less dramatically.

FORBES: Invest In American Manufacturing? Five Charts For Your Business Decision

2. For marital happiness marry a coal miner, construction worker, oil platform engineer, farmer, etc.

FORBES: Readers Say

3. Human sources come principally from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas.

BBC: Scientists call for action to tackle CO2 levels

4. Burn coal to make it, catalytic decomposition of methane, you get the hydrogen, where does the carbon go?

通过烧煤得到,催化分解甲烷,可以得到氢,碳去哪儿了?固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

5. Railway lines that transport the coal to ports for export have also been flooded.

BBC: Australia floods 'to hit global steelmaking'

6. After several months, President Roosevelt invited coal mine owners and union leaders to a meeting in Washington.

VOA : special.2010.08.12

7. Coal is an ignoble fuel.


8. Justice Brent Benjamin now chief justice voted to overturn a fifty million dollar judgment against the Massey Coal Company.

VOA : special.2009.06.12

9. Mr. Lautenberg's father, Sam, worked in silk mills, sold coal, farmed and once ran a tavern.

WSJ: New Jersey Sen. Frank Lautenberg Dies

10. The company, New England Electric, burns coal to generate power.


11. "We can put up a coal plant and sell the power to industrial estates, " says Babar.

FORBES: Magazine Article

12. The coal miner's wife, Florence Reece, remained inside with her children.

VOA : special.2009.09.07

13. And that year they produced three hundred fifty million tons of coal.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

14. One of Palmer's first actions as Attorney General was to prevent coal miners from going on strike.

VOA : special.2010.12.09

15. They took jobs in the steel factories of Pennsylvania and the coal mines of West Virginia.

VOA : special.2010.05.13

16. In some cases,there was open war between labor activists and coal mine operators.

VOA : special.2009.09.07

17. Yeats counterposes Isaiah's prophetic coal to the blazing body of Section IV, where fire is spontaneous, imminent, something that arises from the body.

叶芝将比赛亚的预言性的煤,和第五节里燃烧的身体相对照,这里火是自燃的,迫在眉睫的,是从人身体里升出的。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. Even coal, the fuel people used to heat their homes, cost twice as much.

VOA : special.2009.01.01

19. Steelmakers, coal mines and electricity generators will receive compensation to ensure they stay in business.

BBC: Australia plans to impose carbon tax on worst polluters

20. These testify to the coal ships that would travel along the Fleet, bringing supplies from Newcastle.

BBC: In search of London's lost rivers

21. The iniquity of his lips must be burned off by a live angelic coal, that the sinfulness of his lips we could think of it as the sinfulness of his voice, his poetic voice -- will have to be purged.

他邪恶的嘴唇必定会被天国燃烧的煤块烧掉,他的嘴唇的罪孽,我们可以认为是他所说的话的罪孽,他的诗句必将被净化。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

22. When he was earnest in discourse, these shone, as it were, a bright- as if a bright live coal within it.

当他认真地在谈话,两只眼睛便闪闪发光,就好像明亮的燃烧着的煤块。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

23. The state governor freed her, but only after the United States Senate ordered an investigation into conditions in the West Virginia coal fields.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

24. Miz Gunnoe works with a coalition to organize neighborhood groups to fight environmentally harmful activities by coal companies.

VOA : special.2009.04.27

25. This is partially being done by switching coal-fired plants to the cleaner-burning natural gas.

FORBES: 2012 Outlook: Natural Gas Prices Likely To Remain Under Pressure, For Now

26. and ideally at some point coal, coal-fire power plants.

理想情况下,在某个时间点可能还会关闭煤炭以及燃煤电厂。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 全球变暖与国力

27. Mining for iron, copper, gold and coal is the keystone of the Western Australia economy.

FORBES: Magazine Article

28. This vast Central Asian nation of 15.3 million also has coal, gold and uranium.

FORBES: Power Putsch

29. Now Hanson has an even trickier task: cashing in on the surging coal market.

FORBES: The big dig

30. The drill also went through a coal seam at 660m that nobody knew existed.

BBC: Newcastle University borehole project strikes hot water

31. Wood and coal for fuel. Technology solved many of the problems.

VOA : special.2010.04.15

32. Automobiles create it. Any device that burns fuels like coal,gasoline,kerosene, oil or wood will produce carbon monoxide.

VOA : special.2010.02.02

33. Mining of coal and logging of the forests became major industries as transportation improved on the rivers and railroads were built.

VOA : special.2009.07.20

34. Shell aims to combine coal gasification with gas-to-diesel technology in an alliance with coal miner Anglo American.

FORBES: Shell Shocked

35. In a separate incident, a gas explosion at a coal mine in Jilin has killed 28.

BBC: Search for Tibet miners after landslide buries huts

36. Want to explore a working coal mine and a World War Two submarine?

VOA : special.2009.01.12

37. Mother Jones believed that unions represented the best hope for coal miners and other workers to improve their lives.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

38. Their target: the Maikuben coal mine in northern Kazakhstan, owned by the American firm AES Corp.

FORBES: Power Putsch

39. Now customers want to watch over coal mines, construction sites, private yachts, neighborhood bars, even forests.

FORBES: Spotting Evil

40. German sources attribute a 400, 000-tonne drop in coal production in May 1943 to the damage caused.

BBC: The Dambusters raid: How effective was it?

41. In January 1993, John Major's government enacted the British Coal and British Rail (Transfer Proposals) Act 1993.

BBC: Have train fares gone up or down since British Rail?

42. Under the building, a boat is delivering coal that will help power the city of New York.

VOA : special.2009.03.23

43. coal-producing


44. In other words, by regulatory fiat, the EPA is flirting with shutting down coal-fired plants completely.

FORBES: The EPA: The Worst of Many Rogue Federal Agencies, Part II

45. Coal miners in Pennsylvania protested against a law drafting men into the Union army.

VOA : special.2009.10.29

46. Gas, coal, and oil are all fossil fuels.


47. Many of the coal miners in America were men from the British mines in Wales.

VOA : special.2010.05.13

48. And they came by the hundreds of thousands to take jobs in steel factories in Pennsylvania and the coal mines of West Virginia.

VOA : special.2010.05.20

49. Spiking natural gas prices and uncertainty about its supply have pushed U.S. coal production up 6.5% this year.

FORBES: The big dig

50. President Roosevelt won even more public support for his actions during a labor crisis in the coal industry.

VOA : special.2010.08.12

51. The Soul. Isaiah's coal, what more can man desire?

灵魂:你看这比赛亚的煤,人们还能期望什么东西?现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

52. Adding to the company's problems now is something unrelated to pollution: the size of coal seams.

FORBES: Magazine Article

53. Its existing coal capacity is fully used, and most of the gas-fired capacity is as well.

FORBES: Post Fukushima-- burn more coal and oil, and hire more engineers not regulators

54. Fifty years ago, Japanese electricity was generated by smaller, discrete coal- and oil-fired plants.

FORBES: The New Uncertainty

55. Ninety percent of electric power is fueled by nonrenewable coal, natural gas or nuclear power.

FORBES: Brownout

56. Coal was produced mostly in six states: Pennsylvania,Ohio,Indiana,Illinois, West Virginia and Colorado.

VOA : special.2009.03.16

57. In alluding to the prophet Isaiah in the prelude, Milton suggested that the iniquity of his lips had to be purged off -- burned off, with the live coal supplied by one of the seraphim.

弥尔顿在序曲中提到预言家艾赛亚,就是要表示他唇齿的邪恶,应该被净化,被其中一个,六翼天使用炭火烧掉。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

58. There were no plans, he said, to extend the life of old coal power stations.

BBC: Cheap coal 'threatens UK pollution targets'

59. Any device that burns fuels such as coal,oil or wood can create the gas.

VOA : special.2010.02.02

60. Operations at the open coal pit continued, and the company got slapped with a tax fine.

FORBES: Power Putsch

61. Coal exporters are downcast, as they also face low global prices for the black stuff.

ECONOMIST: From a royalties bill, the strong rand and lawsuits

62. In this country, most of the coal comes from Wyoming, West Virginia and Kentucky.

FORBES: Coal Country Losing Luster

63. The fire at the deep coal mine, which forced its early closure, was extinguished earlier this month.

BBC: Daw Mill miners wait to hear about benefits

64. Max Arthur Cohn's painting "Coal Tower" shows the dark form of a coal tower against a light sky.

VOA : special.2009.03.23

65. Delivering coal was very dirty work.






collar的意思是:n. 衣领,领口;颈圈;(动物颈部颜色异样的)色圈,颈锁形条纹;箍,套管;(股票交易的)项圈策略;<英>肉卷;猪颈部的熏肉块;(植物的)根颈 v. <非正式>抓住,逮捕;<非正式>拦住(以便与之谈话) 【名】 (Collar)(英)科勒,(法)科拉尔,(西)科利亚尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供collar是什么意思,collar的翻译,collar的用法,collar的短语搭配,collar的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


collapse的意思是:v. 倒塌,塌下;崩溃,瓦解;突然倒下,昏倒;瘫倒;突然贬值,暴跌;萎陷,瘪掉;折叠 n. 倒塌,塌陷;突然失败,崩溃;病倒,垮掉;突然贬值,暴跌。学考宝为您提供collapse是什么意思,collapse的翻译,collapse的用法,collapse的短语搭配,collapse的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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chimney place的意思是:(美)火炉;壁炉。学考宝为您提供chimney place是什么意思,chimney place的翻译,chimney place的用法,chimney place的短语搭配,chimney place的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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codification的意思是:n. 编纂,整理;法典编纂;法律汇编。学考宝为您提供codification是什么意思,codification的翻译,codification的用法,codification的短语搭配,codification的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


code的意思是:n. 密码,暗码;(邮政)编码,(电话)区号;(计算机)编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规 v. 把……编码(或编号);把……译成密码;(给计算机)编写指令 【名】 (Code)(英、法、西)科德(人名)。学考宝为您提供code是什么意思,code的翻译,code的用法,code的短语搭配,code的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


firedog的意思是:n. 炭架;柴架。学考宝为您提供firedog是什么意思,firedog的翻译,firedog的用法,firedog的短语搭配,firedog的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


andiron的意思是:n. (壁炉内支木柴的)柴架;壁炉。学考宝为您提供andiron是什么意思,andiron的翻译,andiron的用法,andiron的短语搭配,andiron的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


cock的意思是:n. 公鸡;雄禽;<英>老兄,伙计;<英>雄龙虾,雄螃蟹,雄鲑鱼;<英,非正式>胡说,废话;阴茎;龙头,阀门;(枪的)击铁,撞针;头目 v. 竖起,歪着;扣(或扳)上扳机准备射击;<英,非正式>把……搞糟,破坏(~ sth. up);歪戴(帽子);弯曲(臂、腿或关节);(公狗)翘起(一条后腿)撒尿;大摇大摆 【名】 (Cock)(英、西、瑞典)科克(人名)。学考宝为您提供cock是什么意思,cock的翻译,cock的用法,cock的短语搭配,cock的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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