莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [kəʊd]play美 [koʊd]play

  • n. 密码,暗码;(邮政)编码,(电话)区号;(计算机)编码;道德准则,行为规范;法典,法规
  • v. 把……编码(或编号);把……译成密码;(给计算机)编写指令
  • 【名】 (Code)(英、法、西)科德(人名)

复数 codes 第三人称单数 codes 现在分词 coding 过去式 coded 过去分词 coded

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


code /kəʊd/ CET4 TEM4 [ coding coded codes ]

  • 1.
    可数名词 A code is a set of rules about how people should behave or about how something must be done. 法典; 法规

    ...Article 159 of the state's penal code.


  • 2.
    可数名词 A code is a system of replacing the words in a message with other words or symbols, so that nobody can understand it unless they know the system. 密码; 代码

    They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters.


  • 3.
    可数名词 A code is a group of numbers or letters which is used to identify something, such as a mailing address or part of a telephone system. 编号

    Callers dialling the wrong area code will not get through.


  • 4.
    可数名词 A code is any system of signs or symbols that has a meaning. 代码

    It will need other chips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals.


  • 5.
    可数名词 The genetic code of a person, animal, or plant is the information contained in DNA which determines the structure and function of cells, and the inherited characteristics of all living things. 遗传密码

    Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature.


  • 6.
    及物动词 To code something means to give it a code or to mark it with its code. 编码

    He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely.


  • 7.
    不可数名词 Computer code is a system or language for expressing information and instructions in a form which can be understood by a computer. (电子计算机的) 编码

    She began writing software code at the age of nine.


  • 8.
    →see also   bar code postcode zip code



  • n.

    coding 译码

    codification 编纂,整理;法典编纂;法律汇编

    coder 编码器;编码员

  • v.

    coding 把…编码(code的ing形式)

  • vt.

    codify 编纂;将...编成法典;编成法典


  • n.代码,[遗][通信]密码;[计]编码;[法]法典

    password   /   cryptogram

  • vt.[计]编码;制成法典



1. computer code 电脑编码

2. Code Lyoko 虚幻勇士 ; 至Net奇兵 ; 虚幻勇士专辑 ; 中文字幕版

3. code word 码字;代码字

4. zip code n. 邮政编码

5. Gray code 格雷码 ; 葛莱码 ; 格雷编码 ; 葛雷码

6. error code [计算机]错误代码

7. postal code 邮政编码 ; 邮编 ; 邮递区号 ; 邮政编号

8. Morse code 摩尔斯电码 ; 莫尔斯电码 ; 摩斯密码 ; 摩斯电码

9. object code 目标代码;结果代码

10. genetic code [生]遗传密码;基因序列

11. The Da Vinci Code 达芬奇密码 ; 达·芬奇密码 ; 达文西密码 ; 芬奇密码

12. civil code [法]民事法典

13. penal code 刑法典

14. ZIP CODE 邮 邮政编码 ; 邮编 ; 美国邮区编号 ; 邮递区号

15. code of conduct 行为准则;规范

16. area code n. 电话地区号

17. source code 源代码;源程序

18. code division multiple access 码分多址联接方式

19. code of ethics 道德规范(尤指职业的);道德准则

20. line of code [电]程式编码行;代码行

21. dress code 着装要求

22. bar code 条形码;电脑条码

23. code generation 代码生成

24. QR code 二维码 ; QR码 ; 行动条码

25. binary code 二进制代码

26. code system [计]代码系统,电码制

27. design code 设计规范;设计准则




code of conduct 行为准则

dress code 着装规定

code of ethics 道德规范

code name 代号

code word 暗语


secret code 密码


1. The bar codes on the products are read by lasers.


2. He said the article did not contravene the industry's code of conduct.


3. She was persuaded otherwise, and the code is perhaps the most remarkable object on show.

她最终被说服了, 而这部法典很可能会成为最引人注目的展品.《期刊摘选》

4. AES is a safety code for the use of information encryption standards.


5. SOS is the international Morse code signal rescuers, the acronym is not any word.

但其实,S. O. S. 是国际摩斯电码救难信号, 并非任何单字的缩写.《期刊摘选》

6. Callers dialling the wrong area code will not get through.


7. When selected, formats statements at completion according to the formatting options selected for the Code Editor.

如果选中, 则根据为代码编辑器选择的格式设置选项在完成时对语句进行格式设置.《期刊摘选》

8. You need to enter your pin code to access our database.


9. The introduction of a new code of criminal procedure has also slowed up the system.


10. Although the two signalers lost touch, they never lost their skill at the old code.

尽管两位信号兵失去了联系, 不过使用摩尔斯电码的技巧还是一直没有忘记.《期刊摘选》

11. Manning faces two charges under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


12. As a matter of fact, that's strictly contrary to your code of conduct.

事实上, 那样做是与你的行为准则相抵触的.《期刊摘选》

13. Practical problems: The encoder and decoder share a staggering amount of code.

实现的问题: 编码器和解码器共享了惊人的数量的代码.《期刊摘选》

14. The outer code and code are both BCH codes.


15. A written Yulgang delphi encryption and decryption code.


16. Instead they used Morse code, which was a language of short and long signals.

然而它们用了莫尔斯电码, 是一种短语和长信号.《期刊摘选》

17. To specify the genetic code for an amino acid or polypeptide.

指定遗传密码确定氨基酸或''.'多肽'. ''的遗传密码.《期刊摘选》

18. I'm still no closer to deciphering the code.


19. Tap your code number into the machine.


20. Set file copy, encryption, bubble, minimize tray, backup compression ACCESS database encryption source code.

集文件复制, 加密, 汽泡, 最小化托盘, 备份压缩加密ACCESS数据库的源代码.《期刊摘选》

21. Compiler parser in principle, have to with documentation of the code analysis.

编译解析器在原则上, 必须处理的文件的代码分析.《期刊摘选》

22. Unless we have a valid access code, this isn't gonna work.

除非我们有一个有效的通行密码, 要不这样不行的.《电影对白》

23. It's written in code.


24. This algorithm could be Variable Bit Length Encoding as each code variablelength.


25. California penal code with the strict structure is the important representative of American state criminal law.


26. If you can't remember your number, write it in code in a diary.


27. ...local building codes.


28. The code specifies that the law to be applied equally to all citizens.


29. The sport has a strict code of conduct.


30. the penal code


31. Block Ciphers SourceCode in Pascal complete source code can be directly used by the test.


32. Seismic signals are stored digitally in binary code.


33. ...Article 159 of the Turkish Penal Code.


34. When we are working out Administritive Procedure Code , we must consider the request of WTO principles.


35. The Design of the ICE Encryption Algorithm complete source code, has been tested.

设计完成冰加密算法源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

36. It will need other chips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals.


37. The Navajos created the code in their own language

纳瓦霍人用自己的语言创造了这个代码。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

38. The name of the source code file that is associated with the selected class.


39. Lego Coins: A sound will confirm correct code entry.

塑胶拼图板硬币: 一种声音将会确定正确的密码进入.《期刊摘选》

40. If you can't remember your number, write it in code in an appointment book.


41. Code violation, delay of Game, Warning, Mr. Baker.

贝克先生拖延比赛, 违反了行为准则, 给予警告.《期刊摘选》

42. Code for deciphering encrypted data on a network.


43. Mitochondria do not use the universal genetic code.


44. He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely...


45. One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny.


46. Second, exploring the objective mode and merit tropism of constituting administrative procedures code in our country.

其次, 对制定我国行政程序法典所应采取的目标模式和价值取向进行了探讨.《期刊摘选》

47. Files are colored according to their purpose, such as they are source code or a document.

文件根据种类用不同颜色表示, 比如是源代码还是文档.《期刊摘选》

48. Remeber clearly my date, my shoe size and code and what I fear.

记得我的日期 、 鞋号、密码、最怕的事.《期刊摘选》

49. For more information, see How to: Customize Object - Layer Code Generation ( Entity Data Model Designer ).

有关更多信息, 请参见如何: 自定义对象层代码生成 ( 实体数据模型设计器 ).《期刊摘选》

50. In our code we scramble letters, so words are unrecognisable.

在我们的密码里我们把字母顺序打乱了, 所以里面的单词是无法辨认的.《简明英汉词典》

51. What is your ZIP or postal code + house number?

你家庭的邮政编码和街道号码是 多少 ?《期刊摘选》

52. Only one commodity code is allowed, and It'shall conform to the export approval documents.


53. Elliptic Curve Cryptography ( ECC ) standard complete source code, has been tested.

椭圆曲线加密 ( ECC ) 的标准完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

54. Navajo remained potentially valuable as code even after the war.


55. Part I Supplier Code of Conduct.


56. S . Government Printing Office . The GPO is slow in publishing the Code and in issuing supplements.


57. One very important code was never broken

有一个非常重要的代码从未被破解出来。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

58. At the very least, the court should make itself subject to the code of conduct that applies to the rest of the federal judiciary.

起码,法院自身应遵守那些适用于其他联邦司法法部门的行为准则。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

59. The following code example creates an encoding for the code page 1252.


60. But faithful to the dress code of the Iranian revolution, he doesn't wear a necktie.

但就在保守的面貌之下,还是可以解读出一些变革的信号 —— 他就没有打领带.《期刊摘选》

61. The Japanese have a rigid code of etiquette, which may seem artificial to foreigners.

日本人有一套严格的礼仪, 这在外国人看来可能是矫揉造作的.《简明英汉词典》

62. They have also a code of conduct to follow, which makes things complicated.

同时他们有骑士法典要遵守 —— 这经常会使事情变得更麻烦.《期刊摘选》

63. One very important code was never broken.


64. In this thesis the Morse telegraph code detection and recognition in noise background is investigated.


65. This danger can be avoided, according to computer science professor Stuart Russell, if we figure out how to turn human values into a programmable code.

计算机科学教授Stuart Russell 认为,如果我们能想出办法将人类的价值观转化成可编程的代码,那么这种危险是可以避免的。《16年6月四级真题(第三套)| 阅读》

66. Faster GPS signal tracking using XOR method complete source code, has been tested.

更快的GPS信号追踪使用异或方法完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

67. This also reduces chances for errors in modification, if the code needs to be changed.


68. Second, we study the effect of noise in information code of HH and FHN neuronal systems.

其次, 我们以FHN和HH模型为例研究了在神经元信号编码过程中噪声的影响.《期刊摘选》

69. The shipping industry promulgated a voluntary code.


70. The value of the output resistance and capacitance depends on the input code to the DAC.


71. Let's form in line.


72. Cornell University offers a course that investigates how language relates to particular cultural codes


73. If they wanted to spell something, they used code words for letters of the Alphabet

如果他们想把某些东西拼写出来,他们会使用代码词来代替字母表中的字母。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

74. This paper designed a function code system of a management system of equipment for substation.


75. The presented absolute optical encoder is based on a serial encoding method with single code detector.


76. In the event of the machine not operating correctly, an error code will appear.


77. She suggested that Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.


78. This makes reflection a useful feature for development and code management tools.


79. Each order is coded separately.


80. Access Code 〞: Refers to the User ID and the Password.

存取代码]: 指用户识别码及密码.《期刊摘选》

81. Digital signal processing the original code!


82. Paid developers are more likely to contribute to critical parts of the code base.


83. She suggested that the Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.


84. Comply with company safety regulations, code of conduct, and other company rules.

遵守公司各项安全规章, 行为准则, 和其他制度.《期刊摘选》

85. They believe that such practices are inconsistent with the Islamic code of conduct.


86. He punched in the security code.


87. The powers and duties are confered on the tribunal by the statutory code.


88. There are two codes for London.


89. a strict code of conduct


90. It was feared they could break the Allies' codes.


91. International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC ) favors a code of conduct that would ban of bribes.

国际商会 ( ICC ) 赞成用一套行为准则来制止行贿索贿.《期刊摘选》

92. Then refactor the code, renaming classes, methods, and modules to conform to the new model.

然后按照新的模型重新进行编码, 并对类 、 方法和模块进行重命名.《期刊摘选》

93. The Morse Code is made up of dots and dashes.


94. Sichuan Code law firm, is directly under the Sichuan Provincial Department of Justice law firm.

四川法典律师事务所, 是四川省司法厅直属律师事务所.《期刊摘选》

95. They are credited for writing the first civil code and the bill of civil rights.


96. BCB 6.0 compile a complete network chat rooms source code.


97. China's future Civil Code should stipulates property principles in a special section.


98. In addition The Phone Code can be used as rotary telephones to phone calls.


99. An error code will be displayed if any invalid information has been entered.


100. Your mom designed the safe, so the code must be something she chose.

你妈设计的保险箱, 密码也应该是她设定的.《电影对白》

101. The powers and duties are conferred on the tribunal by the statutory code.


102. The company has a strict dress code ─ all male employees are expected to wear suits.


103. Lloyd max algorithm using the signal itself complete code, has been tested.

劳埃德最高算法利用信号本身的完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

104. He devised a way of coding every statement uniquely


105. The default volume is collected by SCM identifying TV telecontrol code.


106. You could evolve lines of computer code, or subroutines, or maybe even entire software programs.

你可以演化计算机编码行, 或子程序, 或许甚至可能是完整的软件程序.《期刊摘选》

107. The automatic translation of symbolic code into machine code.


108. He had memorized the many minutiae of the legal code.


109. The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.


110. The Formulation French Civil Code : Napoleon's Code?

民法典的制定历史: 民法典,拿破仑的?《期刊摘选》

111. One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny


112. Can arise accord with the right code signal of the international standard of protocol.


113. As to your extraordinary Code of Laws, cannot but laugh.

至于你的特别法典, 我只能一笑置之.《期刊摘选》

114. The harder the code, the more some people will try to figure it out

代码越难,有些人越会试图把它弄明白。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

115. She began writing software code at the age of nine.


116. A Source code for a combination Lock using a Pic 16 F 84.


117. In this secret code each number stands for a letter of the alphabet.


118. Do you remember your PIN code?

你记得你的密码 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

119. Rules apply for development and are checked during code reviews.


120. She suggested suggested that Liberian lawmakers establish a code of conduct to hold each other accountable.


121. DES encryption utility source code integrity, and can be used directly.

3DES加密工具源代码的完整性, 并可以直接使用.《期刊摘选》

122. The 1950 Constitution aims to secure for all Indians a uniform Civil Code.


123. The operation was code-named Moonlight Sonata.


124. Any problems with hacker is breaking your code?

那黑客能破解你们的密码 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

125. A code is a means of conveying messages, a vehicle of communication.

编码是传播信息的一种方式, 交流的一个载体.《期刊摘选》

126. A special code is needed to override the time lock.


127. They used elaborate secret codes, as when the names of trees stood for letters...


128. The machines were coded so we could tell them apart.


129. HS Code 2905.44 ( sorbitol )

协调制度编码2905.44 ( 山梨醇 )《期刊摘选》

130. AV video signal input into the SDRAM in the PC and then display the code above.


131. It was a spoken code, never written down and it was developed and used by Navajo Indians

它是口述的代码,从来没有被写下来过。它是由纳瓦霍印第安人开发和使用的。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

132. The California Penal Code, for instance, has retained it.

比如, 《加利福尼亚刑法典》就保留了这一点.《期刊摘选》

133. If I want to validate this code in a white box manner, I have to separate UI-specific code from business code, which requires some refactoring.


134. French civil code , one of the famous civil code in the world, has its own characteristics.

《法国民法典》是举世闻名的民法典, 它的制定和内容具有自身独特的特点.《期刊摘选》

135. Its members are bound by a rigid code of ethics which includes confidentiality


136. There was coded criticism of the government from some party members.


137. Multi variable control tool complete source code can be used directly.


138. This MATLAB code simulates the effects of amplitude variation betweenmodulators for the wireless LO.


139. Theirs was the most successful wartime code ever used

他们的代码是有史以来最成功的战时代码。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

140. This code specifies components required for signal to be displayed for GUI representation.


141. Responsibility to support and disseminate the PMP Code of Professional Conduct to other PMI certificates.


142. Cipher Algorithm used in network security integrity of the source code has been tested.


143. Essentially, Article 356 Of Penal Code stipulates special recidivist.


144. Or the division of the district or zip code division, more scientific.

还是按区划分或按邮政编码划分, 比较科学.《期刊摘选》

145. Model is viable jurisdictions specific spaces for the value of all fixed code of the assembly.


146. In addition, the talkers used code words

此外,密语者还使用代码词。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

147. Callers dialing the wrong area code will not get through.


148. Verification Code landing to join the management, database administration password using MD 5 encryption.

管理登陆加入验证码, 数据库管理密码采用MD5加密.《期刊摘选》

149. Hack together some bad code that's functional but hairy and you're building up debt.


150. Was Islam in Turkey a traditional social code or an ethic for living?


151. The whole speech might well be interpreted as a coded message to the Americans


152. American members have the letters US prefixed to their code numbers.


153. A: Have you read the book Da Vinci Code ?

你看了那本《达·芬奇密码 》 了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

154. My first app is The Phone Code.


155. Each point code consists of signaling routes and subsystem numbers.


156. He has always lived his life by a hopelessly quixotic code of honour.


157. Including the coding algorithm and the principles of translation algorithms, processes and code.

包括编码算法和算法的翻译原则, 程序和代码.《期刊摘选》

158. What's the code for Tianjin?


159. Having more than one codon specify the same amino acid. Used of a genetic code.


160. to break/crack a code (= to understand and read the message)


161. Insolvency matters are covered under the Bankruptcy Code.


162. The government digested the entire law into a code.


163. Pictures of road signs are matched with their Highway Code meanings.


164. The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.


165. Hand coded: manually code XHTML and CSS. No software used.

手工编码: 手工代码的XHTML和CSS. 没有软件使用.《期刊摘选》

166. A security exception is generated if the code attempts to access those resources.


167. The ITO was to administer a comprehensive code governing the conduct of world trade.


168. I can't access the file on your company because I've forgotten the code.


169. The signal will be converted into digital code.


170. Java source code file, the main function is encryption and decryption of file and string.

文件中的java源代码, 主要功能是对文件和字符串的加密和解密.《期刊摘选》

171. It will need different microchips to reconvert the digital code back into normal TV signals.


172. In the international network, a full point code routing is used.

在国际网络, 会使用一个完整的点编码路由.《期刊摘选》

173. We have to get requirements for every system; ditto design and code and test.

我们不得不为每个系统去获得需求, 进行设计编码和测试.《期刊摘选》

174. They were called the Navajo code talkers.


175. Neither side wants its code broken by the other

任何一方都不希望自己的代码被对方破解。《18年6月六级真题(第二套)| 听力》

176. The longer the key the more difficult is to break the encryption code.


177. The program required several hundred lines of code.


178. Computer signal processing coding complete source code can be directly used by the test.


179. An good introduction on Scale space theory complete source code, has been tested.

介绍一个很好的尺度空间理论的完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

180. Programmers spend a high percentage of the time debugging rather than writing code.


181. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice.


182. Using the planar search, code start point and carrier frequency were reached at the same time.

采用了二维联合搜索的快速算法, 同时捕获扩频信号的载频和码起点.《期刊摘选》

183. Did you get your code back?

你拿回密码了 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

184. Please insert the code and practice with what you hear.


185. Morse code, and smoke signals.


186. 'Tired and emotional' is a code word for being drunk.


187. The spread spectrum ( SS ) signal modulated by pseudo noise code is typically cyclostationary ( CS ) signal.

扩频信号 是被伪 随机码 调制的周期信号,因此它应被建模为循环平稳随机信号.《期刊摘选》

188. This code is for beaming in signal transmission integrity of the code has been tested.


189. GPS signal Acquisition using circular convolution complete source code, has been tested.

全球定位系统信号采集利用循环卷积完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

190. Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature.


191. Gene is a combination of these genetic code, which is representative of protein amino acid sequence.

基因就是这些遗传密码的组合, 亦即代表蛋白质的胺基酸序列.《期刊摘选》

192. Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.


193. A complete compilation of 100 percent write encryption shell, very streamlined, high quality code.

一个完整的100%汇编写的加密壳, 非常精简的高质量代码.《期刊摘选》

194. You code like a ninja.


195. The area code for western Pennsylvania is 412.


196. Moreover, the Republic of Paraguay decided to apply the Argentine Civil Code until 1986.

另外, 巴拉圭共和国直到1986年都适用阿根廷民法典.《期刊摘选》

197. Criminals live by an honor code.


198. The third phase of the form of intermediate code using easy - to - read type Quaternion.


199. Establishment and use of a code control system.


200. The coincidence of articles is a phenomenon that exists in the current criminal code of P.


201. The operation was given the code name Dynamo.


202. Everyone has a transmitter under mine. Identity code is send out by wireless signal.


203. The civil code demands great numbers of special regulations , unwritten laws and cases.


204. Wavelet Book for Signal Digital Processing complete source code, has been tested.

小波图书数字化处理的信号完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

205. Please expound the significance and function of the General Part of the Internationl Private Law Code.

注:考的是热点问题.中国国际私法法典总则部分的重要功能和意义.黄进教授的一篇论文专门论述国际私法总则部分.大家可以查阅2003年中国国际私法学会年会论文集. 第一篇即是.《期刊摘选》

206. Their code numbers are prefixed with US.


207. It is about time tour operators respected the law and their own code of conduct.


208. The Draft Civil Code of Bolivia, Peru, Rico and the last Argentine draft regulate these rights.

玻利维亚 、 秘鲁 、 波多黎各和新近的阿根廷民法典草案对这些权利作了规定.《期刊摘选》

209. Publishing data and code allows your science to be reproducible.”

公布数据和编码让你的知识具有了可重复性。”《17年6月六级真题(第一套)| 阅读》

210. All members of the association adhere to a strict code of practice


211. By the LED numerical code tube demonstrated the decoder outputs signal.


212. The Universal Product Code symbol, also known as the ‘ bar code ’, is printed on products for sale and contains information that a computer can read.


213. Add code manually to handle UI events.


214. It's written in code .


215. The justices must  address doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves accountable to the code of conduct. 

法官必须遵守行为准则,从而解应对人们对司法合法性的质疑。《12年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

216. The histone code will not be easy to crack.


217. Non coherent GPS signal acquistion file in MATLAB complete source code, has been tested.

非相干的GPS信号采集的文件在MATLAB环境中完整的源代码, 已经过测试.《期刊摘选》

218. County People's Government of Chengguan real town, postcode: 748500, telephone area code: 0939.

县人民政府真实的城关镇, 邮政编码: 748500, 电话区号: 0939.《期刊摘选》

219. In some instance you can improve the speed of your code by using an isset trick.


220. Rich? We're talking about a man whose wallet has its own zip code.

有钱? 我们谈论的这个男人的钱包有自己的邮政编码.《期刊摘选》

221. Bluetooth server simulation code integrity, and can be used directly.

蓝牙仿真服务器源代码完整, 并可以直接使用.《期刊摘选》

222. What should this code do?


223. Through the joint efforts of enhancing customer value is our priority and our code of conduct.


224. Where should I write the zip code?


225. We can't help her break the code. It's too elaborate.

我们没办法帮她破那个密码 —— 太复杂了!《期刊摘选》

226. To specify the genetic code for an amino acid or a polypeptide.

指定遗传''.'密码'.''确定氨基酸或多肽的遗传''.'密码'. ''.《期刊摘选》

227. If you believe this is necessary for the applying company, please contact the Uniform Code Council.

如果你认为这对于企业是必要的, 请与美国统一代码委员会联系.《期刊摘选》

228. Brian keyed in his personal code.


229. Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code.


230. The analogue signals from the video tape are converted into digital code.


231. Innovatory code ( trick ) locks are really unmatched.

新型 密码锁,真正独一无二.《期刊摘选》

232. This is your personal code.



1. They took the short code and turned it into a monster of proposed regulations.

FORBES: IRS Should Fix Net Investment Tax Proposed Regulations

2. The code advises against actively recruiting health workers from developing countries that face severe shortages.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

3. The Commission would also overhaul the tax code and cap government revenue at 21% of GDP.

FORBES: Tax Deal Fiscally Irresponsible

4. Once on board, log on to the Gogo system and enter the code DIETCOKEGOGO for a 30-minute trial.

BBC: Readers sound off about in-flight wi-fi

5. The letters of this code tell what qualities the bacterium contains.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

6. Congress sometimes distributes these subsidies through the tax code because it is administratively more convenient.

FORBES: A Compromise Solution On The Deficit: Cap Tax Breaks Along With Direct Spending

7. It will punish those who have worked hard at gaming the tax code for deductions.

FORBES: Lower Taxes, Fewer Deductions: Are Romney and Ryan Dodging the Specifics?

8. "I cannot answer that question because there is a republican code of honour, " he said.

BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Eyewitness: MP's 'code of honour'

9. At an obscure Russian startup, Alexander Yakunin, a theoretical physicist by training, is writing brilliant code.

FORBES: In Silicon Valley Talent War, Zombie Math Rules

10. In 2009, part of the code from the Flame platform was used in Stuxnet.

FORBES: Kaspersky Lab: Same Countries Behind Stuxnet And Flame Malware

11. The code is unusually conspicuous, complex, and enigmatic; it attracts an inordinate amount of attention to itself, and this attention has to acquire the rigor of a method.

这种代码通常很显著,复杂,神秘;,它把大量的注意力都吸引到自己身上,这种注意力得有一种方法的严肃性。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The structural moment of concentration on the code for its own sake cannot be avoided, and literature necessarily breeds its own formalism.

集中在代码上的结构瞬间,因为它本身的原因不可避免,文学必要地导致了它自身的形式主义。文学理论导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

13. I was being a little lazy on Wednesday in the interest of simplifying the code as much as possible.

在周三我在那个网站上尽可能地,简化代码的时候,我有点偷懒。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

14. Suppose I want to do little piece of code that's going to do planar geometry, points in the plane.

好,因此我需要一些,把这些东西收集到,一起的一些方式。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

15. They have womaned the door at Bar Code for eight years and are old hands at diffusing difficult situations.


16. The English Tourist Board has drawn up a new code of practice.


17. I'm still no closer to deciphering the code.


18. Literal punishment: for example, in the Code of Hammurabi, where someone's ox kills a child, then the ox owner's child is killed.

例如,在汉穆拉比法典里,如果某人的牛,杀死了一个小孩,那么这头牛的主人的小孩也应处死。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

19. In game console terms, DRM is a code that allows users to access a game's content.

CNN: Fans air concerns about new PlayStation, Xbox

20. Companies are implanting bar code scanners in pens, key fobs, cell phones and pagers.

FORBES: Scanned Goods

21. The purpose of the bill is simple: flatten, simplify, and reform the federal tax code.

FORBES: Death Is Much Less Complicated Than The U.S. Tax Code

22. Congress wrote the 501(c) code to provide tax-exempt status to a broad range of groups.

WSJ: Review & Outlook: A Tax-Exempt IRS Primer

23. He asked managers to colour-code their progress reports ranging from green for good to red for trouble.

ECONOMIST: Schumpeter

24. In the code of conduct, professional conduct, that we embody by this code here is comparable to what you are expected to adhere to in your professional lives.

在行为准则中,专业准则,这个准则所体现的相当于,你所期待去追求的,在你的专业生活中。固态化学导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. All you do is type in an address and a zip code and there it is?

NPR: Web Site Offers One Stop for Real Estate Data

26. I will be posting code that you can play with, and I suggest you go through exactly this kind of exercise.

我给你一些你用的上的代码,我建议你们,多进行一些这种实验。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

27. The code-name was the Manhattan Project.

VOA : special.2011.06.23

28. So at this point, now the code's getting a little more interesting, but it's also getting a little bloated.

所以在这里,现在代码变得更有趣了,但是它也显得有点臃肿。计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

29. The Convention helps to ensure the effectiveness of the World Anti-Doping Code (the Code).

UNESCO: UK National Commission for UNESCO - UNESCO Conventions, Recommendations & Declarations in the UK

30. And notice because I have just one line of code inside of each of these branches, what have I clearly omitted?

请注意因为我在每个分支中只有一行代码,显然地我省略了什么?计算机科学课程节选 : 哈佛公开课

31. The problem is endemic in our political system, and it reaches far beyond the tax code.

FORBES: Tax Doctors

32. I'm not going to do it for you, but what would I think about doing when I change the code?

要改变代码应该做什么呢?,我不会帮你们做这些,但是我在改编代码的时候会想什么呢?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

33. It can color-code by education, income, single-family homes or whatever specifications an advertiser wants.

FORBES: Magazine Article

34. I think it's really, really important to write it out or to draw it out or to code it.

我觉得将点子写出来,画出来,编制出来,真的很重要。Twitter之父Jack.Dorsey演讲:好奇和灵感的力量课程节选 : 斯坦福公开课

35. I'm going to start somewhere near the middle of the code. Again, a lot of times, people don't do that.

我会在代码中间的某个位置开始,再说一次,很多时候人们不会这么做。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

36. Mayday is an emergency code word.

VOA : special.2010.04.18

37. As a young man, Sarnoff had taught himself Morse code.

VOA : special.2010.01.31

38. They aim to build a business on bar code registration fees and a pay-per-swipe from retailers.

FORBES: Scanned Goods

39. Turns out receptors work together in an amazingly sophisticated "combinatorial code" to identify particular odors.

FORBES: Magazine Article

40. It can be done. (Applause.) The tax code is full of loopholes.

WHITEHOUSE: Rural Tour Day 3: Atkinson, Ill Town Hall

41. Another famous ancient piece is the "Law Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon."

VOA : special.2010.06.23

42. So I'm going to comment those out, and let's go down to this piece of code, and uncomment it.

那么我会把这些注释上,让我们看看这段代码,取消注释。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

43. No one acknowledged the main reason why the U.S. tax code is so completely broken.

WSJ: Barely Biting the Apple

44. In May,the World Health Assembly approved a global code of practice on the international recruitment of health workers.

VOA : special.2010.06.07

45. Cognitive Code was a bet that AI would eventually become essential to computing and daily life.

FORBES: Riding the Wave of Artificial Intelligence

46. And the robot or the computer or what have you is just automatically, mechanically following the code commands of the program.

那些机器人,或叫做计算机等等,只是自动地,机械地执行程序的命令代码死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. "Cracking the Ocean Code" is about the work of scientist J.Craig Venter.

VOA : special.2009.03.25

48. Islamic leaders said the new code contains provisions that are an affront to the country's traditional values and religious beliefs.

VOA : standard.2009.08.27

49. This curious beast combines commodity speculation with a wild bet on the Internal Revenue Code.

FORBES: Magazine Article

50. If my code is correct, what should the average price be, after say, 100 days, if there's no bias. Pardon?

如果我的代码没写错的话,如果没有偏向值那平均价格会是多少呢,如果没有偏向值,请说?计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

51. Faith Lapidus has more. Dan Brown's earlier novel, "The Da Vinci Code,"

VOA : special.2009.10.09

52. This extremely specialized career option is brought to you by our wonderfully complicated tax code.

FORBES: Tax Doctors

53. "And we also built in a website address so that if somebody decodes the code within the code, they can send an e-mail to that address.

VOA : special.2010.07.20

54. Have you ever actually gone into reading the Internal Revenue Code (Title 26 USC et seq.)?

FORBES: Tax Simplification Proposal

55. The instructions are translated into binary code, a form that computers can easily handle.


56. The tax code has now become the tool of choice to give away goodies.

FORBES: Why the Tax Code is a Mess, Graphically

57. All in all, "The Da Vinci Code" made Dan Brown a very successful writer.

VOA : special.2009.10.09

58. The last literate person in the Western World has finally read The Da Vinci Code.

NPR: He Could've Waited for the Movie

59. And that code is specific to the type of wind and water that hurricanes present.

NPR: Cost of Levee Repairs Rises in New Orleans

60. People could send a text message with the code and get a message back confirming that what they bought is listed in a database.

VOA : special.2010.03.01

61. "We are here today to announce the first synthetic cell -- a cell made by starting with the digital code in the computer, building the chromosome from four bottles of chemicals, assembling that chromosome in yeast, transplanting it into a recipient bacterial cell and transforming that cell into a new bacterial species."

VOA : special.2010.07.20

62. The federal tax code with its attendant regulations is 8 million words and growing.

FORBES: America's 12-Step Program

63. On top of that, the popup code can introduce problems with the display of a page.

FORBES: Cox Inserts User Notification Popups By Hijacking Web Pages, Doesn't Tell Support, Invites Problems

64. Chapters 17 through 26 then are a block of material that's referred to as the "Holiness code" because of its special emphasis on holiness.

7章到26章是一块,被称为“神圣的代码“的内容“,因为它侧重于神圣。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

65. The auctioneers are violating a code of practice by dealing in stolen goods.






colony的意思是:n. 殖民地;殖民团,移民队;聚集人群,聚居地(区);群体,群落;(统称)英属殖民地;(美国独立前的)北美十三州。学考宝为您提供colony是什么意思,colony的翻译,colony的用法,colony的短语搭配,colony的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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dead hole的意思是:(爆炸后的)炮眼;残眼;不通(死;盲)孔;孔洞。学考宝为您提供dead hole是什么意思,dead hole的音标,dead hole怎么读,dead hole的翻译,dead hole的用法,dead hole的短语搭配,dead hole的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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collective的意思是:adj. 集体的,共同的;总的,集合的 n. 集体农庄,集体企业;集合名词。学考宝为您提供collective是什么意思,collective的翻译,collective的用法,collective的短语搭配,collective的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


colleague的意思是:n. 同事,同僚。学考宝为您提供colleague是什么意思,colleague的翻译,colleague的用法,colleague的短语搭配,colleague的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


collar的意思是:n. 衣领,领口;颈圈;(动物颈部颜色异样的)色圈,颈锁形条纹;箍,套管;(股票交易的)项圈策略;<英>肉卷;猪颈部的熏肉块;(植物的)根颈 v. <非正式>抓住,逮捕;<非正式>拦住(以便与之谈话) 【名】 (Collar)(英)科勒,(法)科拉尔,(西)科利亚尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供collar是什么意思,collar的翻译,collar的用法,collar的短语搭配,collar的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


collapse的意思是:v. 倒塌,塌下;崩溃,瓦解;突然倒下,昏倒;瘫倒;突然贬值,暴跌;萎陷,瘪掉;折叠 n. 倒塌,塌陷;突然失败,崩溃;病倒,垮掉;突然贬值,暴跌。学考宝为您提供collapse是什么意思,collapse的翻译,collapse的用法,collapse的短语搭配,collapse的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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chimney place的意思是:(美)火炉;壁炉。学考宝为您提供chimney place是什么意思,chimney place的翻译,chimney place的用法,chimney place的短语搭配,chimney place的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。
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codification的意思是:n. 编纂,整理;法典编纂;法律汇编。学考宝为您提供codification是什么意思,codification的翻译,codification的用法,codification的短语搭配,codification的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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