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英 [dɪˈlɪb(ə)rətɪv]play美 [dɪˈlɪbəˌreɪtɪv]play

  • adj. 审议的;慎重的

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deliberative /dɪˈlɪbərətɪv, -əreɪtɪv/

  • 1.
    形容词 A deliberative institution or procedure has the power or the right to make important decisions. 审议的

    ...a deliberative body such as the U.S. Senate.






1. Deliberative teaching 研讨式教学

2. Deliberative Architecture 式体系结构 ; 审慎式结构

3. Deliberative Reflection 缜密性反思模式

4. deliberative poll 民意调查 ; 审慎思辩民调 ; 商议式民意调查

5. deliberative assembly 协商会议 ; 审议会议 ; 审议会

6. deliberative rationality 审慎的合理性 ; 慎思的理性

7. Deliberative Polling 协商民意测验 ; 商议式民调 ; 协商性民意调查

8. Deliberative agent 慎思主体 ; 慎思式艾真体 ; 型智能体

9. deliberative democracy 协商民主;审议民主;商议性民主


1. Now there are many new deliberative systems in rural and cities around the world, they've done special contributions to the career of human fights protection.


2. Bathsheba's was an impulsive nature under a deliberative aspect.


3. This kind of knowledge entails judgment and deliberation the deliberative skill or the deliberative art.


4. "System 2", by contrast, is slow, deliberative and less prone to error.


5. A rule for ending debate in a deliberative body.


6. Therefore, on the basis of affirming successful experience, we should make further perfection on deliberative mechanism as to bring the structural advantages into full exertion.


7. Public Citizen and CAS argued the documents were not deliberative, but consisted of factual accounts, statements and summaries on cell use and driving.


8. Of course, there are still some issues about the deliberation in civil society in dispute. The relationship between the deliberative groups in civil society and the state comes to the first.


9. There are different deliberative areas in civil society chiefly get public sphere, everyday talk and workshop areas.


10. The president is known to be deliberative.


11. A hybrid strategy combined the reactive control and deliberative planning for the mobile robot navigation is researched.


12. Introduction to the application and progression of the technology abroad paves the way for the further development of this technology through deliberative investigation.


13. This architecture contains common capability modules which can support the reactive and deliberative behavior modes.


14. The Senate likes to think of itself as the world's greatest deliberative body.


15. Deliberative layer and control layer are implemented by heterogeneous and distributed control system with two low power-( consuming) industrial control computers.


16. Their research also indicates that other higher areas of the brain that are involved in deliberative thought processes can moderate the amygdala activity.


17. Such mental models survive because they are reproduced socially and become part of the automatic rather than the deliberative system.


18. On The Construction of Social Deliberative Political System& Regarding the process of the Political Institutionalization as an angle of the view


19. The Application of Deliberative Pedagogy in Anthropology Teaching


20. One is intuitive and spontaneous; the other is deliberative and reasoned.


21. Essentially, deliberative teaching is the practice of Constructionism study theory in Chinese classroom teaching.


22. A formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote.


23. Advantages include: first, Deliberative consultation; second, religious tolerance and separation of Church and State.


24. Far from exhausting the available information, these examples represent only a small portion of the material provided by the speeches concerning deliberations and the deliberative circumstances.


25. We should advocate deliberative teaching methods, be good at applying classical cases and the modern information technology.


26. Congress needs to apply a more targeted and deliberative approach requiring more than a few days of work, DeFazio said, adding the world will wait for a thoughtful plan.


27. The general practice of this deliberative governance in Wenling has brought much profound change to the transformation of rural public order which started in 1980s.


28. Two members of a deliberative body with opposing opinions on a given issue who agree to abstain from voting on the issue, thereby offsetting each other.


29. With the above analysis, the last two chapters talked about the value and limitation of deliberative governance model in the reconstruction of rural public order.


30. Now there are many new deliberative systems in rural and cities around the world, they've done special contributions to the career of human rights protection.


31. In these procedures, it is a very important way to adjust structure of deliberative organization.


32. The Committee plans to meet in January 2011 in closed, deliberative sessions.


33. The Deliberative Five-Step Teaching Methodology by Prof. GUO Han-min has produced a positive effect on the undergraduate students and it has got a universal good appraise.


34. Deliberative democracy after decision-making& responsibility based on validity.


35. In accord with rules and customs of a legislative or deliberative assembly.


36. A navigation control strategy for mobile robot is designed by the tight integration of reflecting behavior, reactive behavior and deliberative module based on distributed system.


37. The Church of England holds the annual meeting of its deliberative council in London.


38. The deliberative character of Mr Obama's strategy acknowledges the uncomfortable realities.


39. Thus it can be seen plotting the school of ancient writers must deliberative.


40. A committee is a deliberative assembly, an organization comprising members who use parliamentary procedure for making decisions.


41. The techniques commonly adopted internationally to resolve engineering claims include deliberative assembly for dispute, mediation, and arbitration with constraint force.


42. A motion calling for an immediate vote on the main question under discussion by a deliberative assembly.


43. The supreme deliberative assembly of the United Nations.


44. The Exploration on the Aims, Methods and Effects of Increasing Deliberative Material in Comparative Literature Teaching and Learning


45. Thus the simple deliberative and reactive architecture can not meet the development and application needs of the robot.


46. The Basic Architecture of Deliberative Agent


47. Negotiation is known as deliberative decision-making. It aims to conflict resolving and reaching an agreement.


48. Warship Combat Capability Deliberative Evaluating Software Design


49. I wish you productive deliberative sessions and look forward to reading your final report.


50. A layered hybrid architecture for single robot is presented and it blends the advantage of reactive structure and deliberative structure.


51. Because the system between society and government still not perfect, mass medium build a platform for deliberative discussion public environmental affairs.


52. In fact, the process that adjusts deliberative organization and relevant structure is the process of structural changing of deliberation organization.



1. But some hot-headed revolutionaries on the street interpret the NTC's deliberative style as weakness.

ECONOMIST: War in Libya

2. From the smallest city government to the so-called "greatest deliberative body in the world, " the first impulse of elected officials always seems the same: Let's work this out in private.

CNN: Analysis: Senate vote shows a contempt for public

3. Because the congressional process is more akin to sausage making than it is to deliberative governance.

FORBES: The Dangers Of Letting Congress Solve The Performance Royalties Dispute

4. These were deliberative documents that all attorney generals have held close and not released.

CNN: Contempt vote inflames Fast and Furious debate

5. On May 10th the Central Party School, a hatchery for Beijing's top cadres, will start a pow-wow on the theory and practice of deliberative democracy.

ECONOMIST: Democracy is about discussion, not just voting

6. So this was part of a very deliberative policy process that, quite frankly, just got done more quickly than the original timeline.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

7. For nominees that fell in the middle, a deliberative process worthy of Twelve Angry Men followed.

FORBES: 30 Under 30: Food & Wine

8. And that means focusing our deliberative energies towards what we must do now have a national conversation about gun control.

FORBES: Senator Rockefeller Quotes Experience, Believes That Evidence Proves Violent Movies and Games Cause Aggressive Behavior in Kids

9. Our destiny must remain subject to American sovereign will and be determined by time-tested deliberative processes.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Karen Lugo: How Much For A Piece Of The First Amendment?

10. He writes "The nations in cold locations particularly in Europe are filled with spiritedness." There is that platonic word again Thumos thumos are filled with thumos " "but lacking in discursive thought " lacking in the deliberative element in other words.

生存在寒冷地区的民族,特别是在欧洲,都充满了意志“,等同柏拉图的用词,“Thumos,他们都充满了,但缺乏推论的思考能力“,即缺乏商议的要素。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

11. It is important for an executor to pay close attention to detail and engage in a careful, deliberative process.

FORBES: Understanding the Role and Responsibilities of an Executor

12. And politics in the world's greatest deliberative body may not be any prettier than it was 119 years ago.

CNN: Two-Headed Senate

13. In a country where rulers are edgy about the masses getting too much power, the carefully channelled discussions of a deliberative poll could prove a useful safety valve.

ECONOMIST: Democracy is about discussion, not just voting

14. But in Montevideo it was granted observer status on all the group's deliberative bodies.


15. These positions are neoliberalism, egalitarian liberalism, communitarianism and deliberative democracy.

UNESCO: Social and Human Sciences

16. However, when it comes to downturns, investors almost always have plenty of warning because of the deliberative fashion in which the federal budgeting process works.

FORBES: Five Reasons The Defense Industry Is Still A Better Investment Than Other Sectors

17. This kind of knowledge entails judgment and deliberation the deliberative skill or the deliberative art.

这类知识,需要判断力与商议能力,商议技能或商议艺术。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

18. The deliberative process argument is invalidated by even a legitimate suspicion of government wrongdoing.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

19. Mr Fishkin recalls that the first America-wide deliberative poll, in 1996, required airline sponsorship to fly participants to the venue in Austin, Texas.

ECONOMIST: Democracy is about discussion, not just voting

20. Trademarking the methodology of a deliberative poll (as Mr Fishkin has done) may be a form of quality control.

ECONOMIST: Democracy is about discussion, not just voting

21. The process has taken a long time because of Obama's deliberative nature.


22. Carney said on Friday there was a "deliberative process" around the talking points involving several agencies.


23. Neither is deliberative democracy likely to have the egalitarian effects that Habermas claims.

FORBES: Mark Pennington on Hayek and Habermas

24. Fortunately, when an informed, thorough debate on the CTBT was conducted by the Senate, fully half of the "world's greatest deliberative body" refused to consent to the treaty's ratification.


25. Mr. Malloy congratulated Mr. Cuomo on Tuesday, but said he would take a more deliberative approach.

WSJ: Cuomo Signs New York Gun Laws

26. My strongest impression was of it being a deliberative body, drawing each other out sometimes pedantically.

NEWYORKER: The Empty Chamber

27. Rather, I believe in a deliberative legislative process guided by strict constitutional limitations, as well as a careful division of power between the federal government and state governments.

FORBES: I Defy You To Label Me Pro- Or Anti-Abortion

28. The discussions were characterized by a degree of ability that would do credit to any deliberative body.


29. The FDA's deliberative approach to tackling the hip implant issue is in some ways a necessity.

MSN: FDA probes safety issues with metal hip replacements

30. Influential though Habermas has been, his case for deliberative democracy is undermined by its complete failure to address a point that Hayek made on numerous occasions.

FORBES: Mark Pennington on Hayek and Habermas

31. He said that his faith had been renewed in the deliberative process, and that his faith had been renewed in the Congress.


32. Information Commissioner Richard Thomas's counsel, Timothy Pitt-Payne, said the minutes were the "most important record" that existed "to understand the deliberative process" behind the discussion of Lord Goldsmith's legal advice.

BBC: Iraq advice 'should stay secret'

33. In 2007 the Panhellenic Socialist Movement (Pasok), then in opposition, used deliberative polling to select its mayoral candidate for the Athenian district of Marousi (in the real election, he lost).

ECONOMIST: Democracy is about discussion, not just voting

34. So in spite of his cautious and deliberative manner, Mr. Obama is nearly certain to act more forcefully in the year ahead.

FORBES: U.S. Headed For Cyberwar Showdown With China In 2012





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boot的意思是:n. 靴子;猛踢;(汽车的)行李箱,后备箱;车轮固定夹;解雇;再者,除此之外(to boot) v. 猛踢;锁住(非法停车的轮子);启动(电脑);在车轮上装制动装置;解雇;(使)穿靴 【名】 (Boot)(英、美、荷、加、德、意、俄)布特(人名)。学考宝为您提供boot是什么意思,boot的翻译,boot的用法,boot的短语搭配,boot的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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bone的意思是:n. 骨,骨头;骨质;基本结构,基本(bones) v. 挑刺,剔骨头;施骨肥于;(与某人)性交;(为应付考试)临时突击 adv. 非常,完全地 【名】 (Bone)(英)博恩,(法、西、罗、塞)博内,(老)奔(人名)。学考宝为您提供bone是什么意思,bone的翻译,bone的用法,bone的短语搭配,bone的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。

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bond的意思是:n. 纽带,联系;公债,债券;结合,黏合;承诺,契约;枷锁,桎梏 v. (使)建立亲密关系;与……黏合(或连接) 【名】 (Bond)(英、德、西、瑞典)邦德(人名)。学考宝为您提供bond是什么意思,bond的翻译,bond的用法,bond的短语搭配,bond的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。



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