莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟

come to the rescue是什么意思_come to the rescue短语搭配_come to the rescue权威例句


come to the rescue

play play

  • 挺身而出,帮助解决问题:在紧急情况下提供帮助或解决问题。

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1. We come to the rescue 前来救援我们

2. to come to the rescue 接应


1. A golden retriever has come to the rescue of a trio of baby white tigers, who were abandoned by their mother.


2. The advancement of technology has, once again come to the rescue of photographers.


3. I told your cousin Henry he must really come to the rescue.


4. Whenever Dick is teased for his clumsiness by other boys, Brown will come to the rescue.

每次狄克因手脚笨拙而受到其他孩子取笑时, 布朗都会来解围.《互联网》

5. Ministers, rather than police, can come to the rescue when problems occur.


6. Fortunately, Martin Fowler has come to the rescue and, in collaboration with several framework builders, named this style of decoupling dependency injection.

幸运的是,Martin Fowler已经站出来解决这个问题,他与多个框架的构建者合作,把这种形式的解耦命名为依赖注入。

7. The time had come, so I carefully put the babies on the floor of the kitchen and held my breath, ready to come to the rescue if necessary.


8. Firefighters in Charleston, West Virginia come to the rescue with water, bottles of it.


9. But he pressed Wall Street not to grow complacent as the economy returns to normal, saying Banks shouldn't expect taxpayers to come to the rescue again.


10. In some cases, particularly in the US, there is also faith that new technology will come to the rescue before the temperature rises turn catastrophic, as the IPCC models now forecast they will.


11. Mr Solca argues that what has come to the rescue of some luxury goods companies is the growing appetite from emerging markets.


12. Perhaps most importantly, the weak dollar should itself come to the rescue of the US.


13. The decline in capital flows that has taken place should be made good by providing adequate resources to the international financial institutions to come to the rescue of the emerging countries and low-income countries.


14. When all else fails, perhaps the oil price will come to the rescue.


15. Is this a crisis, MeiXian ZuLv old bear such as the eight people who come to the rescue, HeiMu Jiao overjoyed, promise as long as this can back alive to MeiXianZu BaiBaZi.


16. By the next day Hank Paulson, then US Treasury secretary, had to reverse himself and come to the rescue of AIG.

次日,时任美国财长汉克•保尔森(Hank Paulson)不得不改变姿态,决定拯救美国国际集团。

17. After more than 20 minutes of the efforts to finally lift the injured man ashore, come to the rescue of 120 medical staff.


18. The failing company is hoping international banks will come to the rescue.

这家即将倒闭的公司希望国际银行给予援助。《provided by jukuu》

19. Fortunately, Martin Fowler has come to the rescue and, in collaboration with several framework builders, named this style of decoupling dependency injection.

幸运的是,Martin Fowler已经站出来解决这个问题,他与多个框架的构建者合作,把这种形式的解耦命名为依赖注入。

20. You have said that if I am really dangerous, you will come to the rescue, I need most to the warmth of mind and love.


21. And yet, despite the pessimistic proclamations of Mr Ehrlich and many other pundits, economic growth and technological progress have come to the rescue over and over again.


22. We immediately come to the rescue if any problems occur.


23. But technology has come to the rescue again.


24. You have said that if I am really dangerous, you will come to the rescue, I need most to the warmth of mind and love.


25. Sometimes ring buffer logging can come to the rescue when other traditional logging methods fail.


26. The bank won't come to the rescue forever-we'll be done for in half a year or so.


27. In the case of the eurozone periphery, it is hard to claim that this will come to the rescue.


28. Again and again, when "global" financial and corporate enterprises have been threatened, good, old-fashioned nation-states have come to the rescue.


29. I told your cousin Henry he must really come to the rescue.


30. While the government will come to the rescue of distressed major banks, it is not clear how long investors will be happy to subsidise public projects.


31. Now your best friends won't have to tell you. Surgeons in Denmark have come to the rescue of people who have serious problems with underarm sweating.


32. Choosing a corsage that matches your date's prom dress can be a major source of anxiety for some young men, but KFC has come to the rescue this prom season with a fried chicken corsage that goes with everything.


33. This is where fractal image compression techniques come to the rescue.


34. This is where flowcharts come to the rescue.


35. But now tough, new rubbers have come to the rescue. Moreover, these rubbers are not being used just as pads.


36. Sometimes ring buffer logging can come to the rescue when other traditional logging methods fail.


37. It is possible, though, that new technology will come to the rescue.

但是, 新技术还是可能拯救人类的.《互联网》

38. Local designers - often one-person brands - have come to the rescue.


39. Now science has come to the rescue, with a move-by-move analysis of what makes a man a good dancer.


40. Function through scientific analysis and reasonable value assumptions to come to the rescue factor analysis studies may examine the feasibility of direction, and after the relief available to analyze data.


41. A study by experts at the University of Leeds has come to the rescue by calculating the exact proportion of the body that should be exposed for optimum allure.


42. The bank won't come to the rescue forever—we'll be done for in six months.


43. Just keep the customer happy until one of us is free to come to the rescue.


44. How weaver ants could come to the rescue of African mango farmers?


45. If the US does slip into recession, can the emerging world come to the rescue, as current prices imply?


46. The move is a milestone in a financial crisis that has forced the US authorities to come to the rescue of some of the largest institutions in the country.


47. As consumers grow more cautious about spending and borrowing, it seems unlikely that other sources of demand will come to the rescue.


48. Thankfully , Flavio Gargiulo has come to the rescue with GPixPod.

幸运的是, FlavioGargiulo已经开发出GPixPod解决了此问题.《互联网》

49. My plea is for richer countries that are more responsible to come to the rescue of countries on the edge.


50. Asia will come to the rescue of America and Europe.


51. Such is the dynamism of the larger emerging market economies that many people appear to think that they could indeed come to the rescue.


52. On this occasion British hopes for the Germans to come to the rescue were disappointed.


53. Now science has come to the rescue, with a move-by-move analysis of what makes a man a good dancer.


54. We can keep our fingers crossed that science will come to the rescue, but if and when it does, it will almost certainly be much too late for most of us.


55. Another great hope is that mobile phones will come to the rescue of conventional retailers.


56. Two different models of this series can be used in relay to open a passage for rescue crew to come to the rescue of stranded victims or endangered objects.


57. The crisis puts strong political pressure on the state government to come to the rescue.


58. The Bakurans sent out a distress call, urging the Empire to come to the rescue.



1. They may have come to the rescue of someone within the organization at a pivotal moment.

FORBES: Men and women handle situations differently.

2. LB, a beleaguered eastern German Landesbank created in 1992, because the local savings banks were too poor to come to the rescue.

ECONOMIST: German public-sector banks: Slow progress | The

3. Whether private companies will be willing to come to the rescue without firm guarantees of control seems doubtful .

ECONOMIST: London Underground

4. So, this was a German bank doing exactly the same thing and it became insolvent and the German Government had to come to its rescue.

德国的这家银行也犯了同样的错误,导致最终破产,德国政府不得不出资援助金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

5. No matter what happens in women's lives divorce, layoffs, illness, ambivalence egg freezing can come to the rescue.

WSJ: Why I Froze My Eggs (And You Should, Too)

6. Which is why we're grateful when super athletes like Mo Farah come to the rescue.

BBC: When is a record not a record?

7. Once again the Fed and global central banks have come to the rescue in a coordinated act to shore up confidence in the global banking system.

FORBES: S&P Bank Downgrades No Match for Bernanke's Bazooka

8. And I've come down to rescue them from the Egyptians, and to bring them out of that land to a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey, the region of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites.

我下来是要救他们脱离埃及人的手,领他们出了那地,到美好,宽阔之地,流奶与蜜之地,就是到迦南人,赫人,亚摩利人之地,比利洗人,希未人,耶布斯人之地。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. The U.S. Tax Court has repeatedly come to the rescue of abused women and relieved their tax debts despite joint returns.

FORBES: IRS To Give Innocent Spouse A Facelift

10. England were caught off-guard at a corner on the half-hour, and it needed goalkeeper James to come to the rescue with a fine diving save from Karhan.

BBC: England 4-0 Slovakia

11. Given a bump in the road, Friedman and Keynes each thought policymakers could come to the rescue.

BBC: Masters of Money: Friedrich Hayek

12. But hopes that Russia could come to the rescue appear to have faded: Cyprus's finance minister returned from talks in Moscow on Friday empty-handed.

BBC: Cyprus crisis: What happens next?

13. New medicines aren't likely to come to the rescue by themselves.

FORBES: Pfizer's New CFO

14. It will be tough for the U.S. consumer to come to the rescue again.

FORBES: Will The Euro Derail The U.S. Recovery?

15. The forth flag is investor complacency over the ability of policy makers to come to the rescue should the economy weaken.

FORBES: 4 Red Flags for Global Markets

16. Shearer may have been the manager when they dropped into the Championship, but the damage was largely done before he attempted to come to the rescue.

BBC: Aston Villa 1-0 Newcastle

17. Even if sonic hedgehog cannot come to the rescue, another molecule might.

ECONOMIST: Something new in mind

18. Some have questioned why it took so long to come to the rescue.

FORBES: Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

19. Fortunately a Canadian man might have come to the rescue, claiming to have solved the riddle in just 17 minutes.

ENGADGET: Alt-week 12.22.12: strange skulls, solar portraits and 17-minute code cracking

20. Now that the U.K. prime minister has come to the rescue of the country's labor market, expect the praise to be put on hold.

FORBES: Market Scan

21. Once again, however, biology has come to the rescue of chemistry.

ECONOMIST: Evanescent or evergreen?

22. Another dictator, the Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, has come to the rescue and paid the Belarusian debt to Gazprom.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Chavez comes to the aid of Lukashenko

23. But this time spendthrift Americans, reeling from multiple blows, may not be able to come to the rescue.

FORBES: Not This Time

24. Hopes that its parent company, the Carlyle Group would come to the rescue have also failed to materialize.

FORBES: Magazine Article

25. Rebranding may also come to the rescue of the Leprosy Elimination Programme.

ECONOMIST: How not to abolish leprosy

26. And I think there's no doubt the Chinese have come to the rescue to some extent in that they have provided a strong market.

BBC: Chinese connoisseurs buy up Bordeaux's wines

27. So there was a big bank run and Northern Rock would have failed if the Bank of England hadn't come by to rescue them.

从而出现挤兑狂潮,若非英格兰银行施以援手,北岩银行恐怕早就倒闭了金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

28. But the finance side has more tiptoeing to do before auto sales come to the rescue.

FORBES: Magazine Article

29. Ironically it is perhaps America that will come to the rescue of Europe, says Errol Damelin, CEO of payday loans provider Wonga.

WSJ: Ben Rooney: Should European Startups Change Funding Programs?

30. And the market was previously rallying short-term on hopes that the Fed will come to the rescue with some form of stimulus package.

FORBES: Stock Up On Inverse ETFs, Bernanke May Not Able To Avoid Recession, Bear Market !

31. Perhaps foreign buyers will come to the rescue, but the just-released numbers for Q4 are not encouraging.

FORBES: North Asia Is Following The Eurozone Down

32. But if nature or science cannot come to the rescue, what other courses are open to prevent the imperial line from dying out?


33. It's not easy to admit that you can't just come to the rescue for your little sister.

CNN: When a friend won't walk away from abuse

come to the rescue是什么意思_come to the rescue短语搭配_come to the rescue权威例句




melees的意思是:n. 混战,冲突;混乱的人群或事物。学考宝为您提供melees是什么意思,melees的翻译,melees的用法,melees的短语搭配,melees的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bust-up的意思是:n. 爆裂,破裂;分手;争吵;分离。学考宝为您提供bust-up是什么意思,bust-up的翻译,bust-up的用法,bust-up的短语搭配,bust-up的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beer的意思是:n. 啤酒;一杯(或一瓶,一罐)啤酒;根汁啤酒 【名】 (Beer)(法、德、俄、罗、捷、瑞典)贝尔,(英、西、南非)比尔(人名)。学考宝为您提供beer是什么意思,beer的翻译,beer的用法,beer的短语搭配,beer的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


blow-out的意思是:n. 爆裂;吹出;熄火。学考宝为您提供blow-out是什么意思,blow-out的翻译,blow-out的用法,blow-out的短语搭配,blow-out的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


blundered的意思是:v. 犯愚蠢的(或粗心的)错误。blunder的过去分词和过去式。学考宝为您提供blundered是什么意思,blundered的音标,blundered怎么读,blundered的翻译,blundered的用法,blundered的短语搭配,blundered的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


bee的意思是:n. 蜜蜂;<美>聚会,联谊赛;工作忙碌的人(busy bee) 【名】 (Bee)(英)比,(赤几)贝埃(人名)。学考宝为您提供bee是什么意思,bee的翻译,bee的用法,bee的短语搭配,bee的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


flame-out的意思是:n. 熄灭;(发动机)熄火;疲劳过度。学考宝为您提供flame-out是什么意思,flame-out的翻译,flame-out的用法,flame-out的短语搭配,flame-out的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


dousing的意思是:v. 浇灭(火);向……泼液体;急降(桅帆)(douse 的现在分词)。学考宝为您提供dousing是什么意思,dousing的翻译,dousing的用法,dousing的短语搭配,dousing的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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