莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l]play美 [ˌbenɪˈfɪʃ(ə)l]play

  • adj. 有益的,有利的;<法律>(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


beneficial /ˌbɛnɪˈfɪʃəl/

  • 1.
    形容词 Something that is beneficial helps people or improves their lives. 有帮助的

    ...vitamins that are beneficial to our health.






beneficial constructive 【导航词义:有益的】

beneficial adj. 有益的,有利的,有帮助的

〔辨析〕 指经济上或身心健康方面有益的,通常后接介词 to。

例1: The newly issued regulations are beneficial to people with lower incomes.


例2: Climbing is beneficial to health.


例3: One or two glasses of wine a day can be beneficial.


constructive adj. 建设性的

〔辨析〕 强调对促进改善或发展有积极作用的。

例1: a constructive suggestion


例2: The discussion was very constructive.


例3: She criticized my writing in a way that was very constructive.


例4: If you don't have anything constructive to say, I'd rather you kept quiet.



1. beneficial use 享用,有权使用

2. country of beneficial ownership 实益拥有国

3. beneficial holding 实益持股量 ; 实益股份

4. beneficial owner 受益所有人

5. mutually beneficial 互利的;双赢的

6. beneficial shareholding 实益股份

7. beneficial ownership 实益所有权 ; 受益所有权 ; 实际所有权

8. beneficial element 植 有益元素 ; 利于元素 ; 无益元素

9. beneficial occupation 实益占用 ; 使用物业作有价值的用途

10. be beneficial to 有利于 ; 对 ; 有益于 ; 利益


1. It is beneficial to explore ways to cope with the challenges facing students entering high school.


2. Physical therapy for joint strengthening exercises may occasionally by warranted, and weight reduction is beneficial.

增强关节的运动等物理疗法,偶然有用, 减轻负重是有利的.《期刊摘选》

3. It is beneficial to the society and the people.


4. We are very to appoint you as our representative and forward to a mutually beneficial association.


5. Dr. Dadvand's study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development, it also adds to the proof that suggests the lasting effects of early life exposure to greenness on our health and the benefits of increasing greenness in cities.

达德万德博士的研究表明了这种结构上的变化如何使绿色空间对认知发展产生有益影响。这也进一步证明了早期接触绿色环境对我们健康的持久影响,以及增加城市绿化的益处。《中考真题- 2018 北京 阅读C》

6. He takes part in beneficial activities and shares the joy with bis partners in the canse.


7. The letter of the law is too cold and formal to a beneficial influence on society.


8. He takes part in beneficial activities and shares the joy with bis partners in the case.


9. China entry into WTO also supplies it with beneficial condition.

同时,入世也为中国企业 “ 走出去 ” 提供了有利的国际环境和条件.《期刊摘选》

10. We believe that this is not only an inevitable trend, but one that will prove beneficial.

我们相信这不仅是不可避免的, 而且也将证明是有利的.《辞典例句》

11. They would see as beneficial to China but without much benefit to the United States.


12. Sunshine is beneficial to plants.


13. Beneficial Right: Personal Right ? Real Right? Or New Right?

信托受益权: 物权? 债权? 抑或新权利?《期刊摘选》

14. ...vitamins which are beneficial to our health...


15. As a whole, the relocation seems to have been beneficial.

整个看来, 这次迁移似乎是有益的.《辞典例句》

16. Relaxation therapy may also be beneficial.


17. However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial

然而,科尔蒂纳说,早点接触(编码课程)是有益的。 《16年12月考研真题 | 阅读》

18. A light application of silicone grease to inlet of body bore is beneficial.


19. Conclusion The matching method is beneficial to equipment management.


20. As soon as any beneficial mutations arise, natural selection will favour its spread.

任何有利的变异一出现, 自然选择就将有助于变异的散布.《期刊摘选》

21. Not all knowledge is beneficial.


22. This of course has beneficial results for the nearby coral reefs.


23. The writer hopes it is beneficial , or at least intriguing.


24. Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial.


25. It is beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.


26. A good diet is beneficial to health.


27. It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.


28. The diet is claimed to promote weight loss and to have several beneficial effects on health.


29. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedy movement of passengers and cargo.


30. Tristan found that a blanket was extremely beneficial.


31. Passive FTP is beneficial to the client, but detrimental to FTP server admin.

被动FTP对 FTP客户端的管理有利, 但对服务器端的管理不利.《期刊摘选》

32. For this reason, community interventions and government job programs that offer summer and vacation work are not only economically beneficial but also help to stimulate the adolescent's sense of worth.

正因为如此,社区介入和政府提供暑期和假期工作的项目并不只是在经济上对青少年有帮助,同时也激发了青少年的价值观。《六级真题- 2016年 6月 1卷 短文填空》

33. If so, adding high-protein foods like eggs and meat products to your diet can be beneficial.


34. They have seen the change as unquestionably beneficial to the country.


35. I believe that life in the countryside is more beneficial for children.


36. Says Dr. Payam Dadvand, the leading researcher of the study, "Our findings suggest that exposure to green space early in life could result in beneficial structural changes in the brain."

这项研究的首席研究员Payam Dadvand博士说:"我们的发现表明,在生命早期接触绿色的空间可能导致大脑出现有益的结构变化。"《中考真题- 2018 北京 阅读C》

37. Most believed that it wasn't harmful to society and could, in, be beneficial.


38. There's a lot of evidence that oily fish, as distinct from fatty meat, has a beneficial effect.


39. These differences are associated with beneficial effects on cognitive function.

这些差异与认知功能的有益影响有关。《中考真题- 2018 北京 阅读C》

40. Since there is no way for me to avoid exams, I am currently questioning what kind are the most taxing and ultimately beneficial.


41. For one thing, excellent writing ability is beneficial to people's logical think and analytic ability.


42. The agricultural revolution which actually was beneficial; we altered the climate for the better by preventing an Ice Age.


43. Importing capital goods produced in the developed world would close the circle in a beneficial way.


44. The results of computation are analyzed and compared and some beneficial conclusions are gained.


45. If these principles are adhered to, I'm certain that mutually beneficial business will result.

若遵循了这些原则, 我确信能够达成对双方都有利的交易.《期刊摘选》

46. His free thought to the contemporary education development is extremely beneficial.


47. At last we can conclude that deepening and optimizing MSS reform is necessary and beneficial.


48. Some information that you have in your hand too would prove beneficial.


49. It is clear that having green spaces in a city is very beneficial for residents and visitors.


50. All these factors proved to be beneficial for the opposition.


51. Dadvand's study suggests how such structural changes could bring about the beneficial effects of green spaces on cognitive development.

Dadvand 的研究表明,这种结构上的变化如何能带来绿色空间对认知发展的有益影响。

52. This technique is particularly beneficial if a control structure uses a block more than once.


53. This is too bad given the more beneficial gene expression pattern associated with meaningfulness.


54. Generally it is great beneficial for Chinas struggle against corruption with Chinas entry into WTO.


55. Beneficial suggestions are proposed for resources evaluation in the mine and surrounding areas.


56. This study said other forms of sun protection — not sunscreen — seemed most beneficial.

这项研究指出,其他形式的防晒措施——不是防晒霜——似乎最为有益。《四级真题- 2015年 6月 1卷 阅读A》

57. Remember symbiosis, two different organisms that come together for a mutually beneficial partnership?

记得生物学上两种不同的生物为了共同生存而建立起相互有利的伙伴关系 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

58. Walking is extremely beneficial to your body shape.


59. Any presumption those smoking is in anyway beneficial is totally preposterous.


60. Ia biking as beneficial as jogging?

骑脚踏车跟慢跑一样对身体有益 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

61. The achievements of this paper could provide beneficial references for similar oilfield in Middle East.


62. It is beneficial to dental health.


63. However, is the relationship stability always beneficial to channel members?

然而, 关系稳定性对渠道成员来说一定是有利的 吗 ?《期刊摘选》

64. Being exposed to a foreign culture is beneficial for us to learn the local language.


65. Sometimes, avoidance of one particular food will have this beneficial effect, though admittedly rarely.


66. Some beneficial results have been gotten frome the related experiments to MSBS.


67. Climbing is beneficial to health.


68. Kapur has identified three conditions that promote this kind of beneficial struggle.


69. Charcoal can be a beneficial soil amendment as it could be stable for thousands of years.


70. Spasmodic bouts of exercise are not very beneficial.


71. We recognize its potential to rank with the great beneficial landmark developments of our times.


72. To take exercise in doors is less beneficial than in the open air.


73. It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust


74. One or two glasses of wine a day can be beneficial.


75. Attend any courses Management may deem beneficial.


76. I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship.


77. It's a beneficial result to us.


78. They also focus on deeper, more important qualities in the match that are beneficial to society.


79. That's enough to make a connection, and this connection can turn out to be more beneficial than we might suspect.


80. While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you.


81. Surrounding yourself with people who'll provide you with respect support can be very beneficial while working towards reaching health and fitness goals.

在努力实现健康和健身目标的同时,与能给你尊重和支持的人在一起对你很有好处。《高考真题- 2015 福建 阅读E》

82. In the observational studies we found that some of the B vitamins were beneficial.

在观察性研究中,我们发现一些维生素 B 是有益的。

83. Beneficial exploration for structure fatigue test techniques are provided in the thesis as well.


84. The design and construction method of the proiect offers beneficial references for similar proiect.


85. Market economy is a kind of beneficial economy.


86. Word of mouth advertising is the most beneficial.


87. It hopes that the text can be beneficial to the other vestibule school.


88. Probiotics has been recognized widely for their beneficial health effect on the host.


89. A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.


90. The following tips will be beneficial to your beauty.


91. I take delight in helping others, which is beneficial to others as well as myself.


92. Correct exertion national political power is beneficial to integration of social human rights.


93. Above all, some beneficial explorations for the scale privately operated enterprise salary management are being made.


94. Fresh air is beneficial to health.


95. Participating in interactive experiences beneficial to all is something that no one should miss.


96. We should critically assimilate whatever is beneficial in literature and arts from other countries.


97. This pair organizes rural disengaged labor force, developing rural economics is very beneficial.

这对组织农村闲散劳力, 发展农村经济是极为有益的.《期刊摘选》

98. Will it also drain out beneficial elements from human body?


99. I discovered that decades of investigation have failed to turn up any evidence that homework is beneficial for students in elementary school.


100. Early resolution of geopolitical issues would be beneficial.


101. It may prove to be beneficial to developing creativity.


102. Geography has given the US extensive and accessible resources, fertile land, and a beneficial climate.

地理位置为美国提供了丰富的可利用资源, 肥沃的土地和有利的气候.《期刊摘选》

103. I think a joint venture would be beneficial to both of us.


104. In many instances, such bed degradation is beneficial.

在许多情况下, 这种河床冲刷是有利的.《辞典例句》

105. Using computers has a beneficial effect on children's learning.


106. As economists, we understand the vital and beneficial role that free trade plays in world economy.

作为经济学家, 我们懂得,自由贸易在全球经济中扮演着极其重要和有利的角色.《期刊摘选》

107. An aptitude for computing is beneficial for students taking this degree.


108. What would the responsible and beneficial development and use of this technology actually look like?


109. To yield value of output of much, crop increases rate fast, and no matter how much throw, it is alleged beg speed not to say beneficial result only.


110. Air bags can be beneficial, but you must know and take account of the dangers.

气囊可能是有益的, 但你必须了解并考虑到其危险性.《期刊摘选》

111. The newly issued regulations are beneficial to people with lower incomes.


112. Sell something that is beneficial to customers rather than sell something that customers are fond of.


113. However, Cortina said, early exposure is beneficial.


114. Research has found that having access to diverse teachers is beneficial for children.


115. I hope your holiday will be beneficial to you.


116. Too much exercise, too much coffee or too much alcohol are bad. In moderation are beneficial.

应该是“过量的运动, 过量的咖啡或过量的酒清都是对人体有害的, 但是适量的这些是对人体有益的.”《期刊摘选》

117. Advertising can be beneficial to the customers if it is true to its claims.


118. This study said other forms of sun protection—not sunscreen—seemed most beneficial.


119. And what would the responsible and beneficial development and use of this technology actually look like?

如果真的负责地对这项技术进行有益的开发和使用,结果又会如何?《六级真题- 2019年 6月 3卷 信息匹配》


1. Its primary commercial source is natural gas, which has more efficient and beneficial uses.

FORBES: Renewable Energy Delusions: Getting A Real Grip On Alternatives

2. It would seem beneficial if there was a concerted effort to increase employment here quickly.

FORBES: From The Great Recession to The Great Stagnation

3. This is why setting up push notifications for e-mail on your phone can be very beneficial.

FORBES: 12 Tips For Increasing Productivity

4. Supporters of the Commonwealth also point out that there are some beneficial cultural links for the former colonies.

ECONOMIST: What’s the Commonwealth for? | The

5. "Even though Clinton's visit was mainly about the release of the two female journalists, in the bigger picture it was beneficial for both parties.

VOA : standard.2009.12.30

6. I have mentioned a number of times the beneficial effects of music played to the unborn child.


7. It's a common bacterium and most strains of E. Coli are not harmful to people, in fact, they provide us with some beneficial properties.

它是常见菌,且大多数种类的菌株对人类无害,实际上还给了我们颇多裨益生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

8. Given a more beneficial position than Eastmond, Richards made no mistake with his conversion.

BBC: St Helens 14-10 Wigan

9. Sure. So I guess I would say like it's already been beneficial,

是的,我想说的是的确有很多益处,SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 来自爱荷华

10. U.S.Attorney General Eric Holder has voiced support for reinstating the assault weapons ban, which expired in 2004, saying it would be beneficial to both the United States and Mexico.

VOA : standard.2009.04.12

11. Patients began to feel better within two hours and the beneficial effects lasted about a week.

WSJ: Drugs to Relieve Depression in Hours Not Weeks

12. Many experts believe that colonoscopy (fiber-optic examination of the entire colon) every 10 years is beneficial.

CNN: Are colonoscopies really necessary for people over 50?

13. "We continue to look for ways to engage with Russia on missile defense in a way that is mutually beneficial and protective of countries' security against these new threats we face in the world."

VOA : standard.2010.03.26

14. But one argument that can be made is that things things were so terrible and so out of control in the earlier period that the strengthening of the state is something that people saw as beneficial.

然而有这样一个观点,在动荡不定的战争年代,一个极权国家是有利于国家的发展的欧洲文明课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

15. Could he not bear the thought that his business practices themselves might be socially beneficial?

FORBES: The Moral Limits of Wealth

16. Thinking of it as having a linear evolution, she says, is less beneficial, and less accurate.

FORBES: The Great Yoga Debate: Has Yoga Sold Its Soul?

17. then hopefully that should have a beneficial effect for those who have lower incomes.

希望这些对低收入的人有好处。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 扶贫政策

18. Just two small changes in them will have enormous beneficial consequences down the road.

FORBES: Butterflies, Trains And The National Debt

19. And I think all of that will be beneficial for folks over the next many months.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

20. Is this change going to be beneficial for theindividuals like you and me.


21. Prado is a valuable player whose ability to play several positions has already proved beneficial.

WSJ: D-Backs Get Down and Dirty

22. He had a beneficial influence on the children.


23. The involvement of villagers living around the park in the conservation effort has been mutually beneficial.

BBC: Nepal's rhino hunters become the hunted

24. Mr Tawah hopes this will prove mutually beneficial to his firm and the government.

BBC: Housing Cameroon's diaspora

25. He is interested in resolving this in a way that's beneficial for the American people.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

26. The PPL plant also markets all of its ash for beneficial reuse, spokesman George Lewis said.

CNN: Turning toxic coal ash into bridges, buildings

27. That's one of the most beneficial things, too.

那也是最受益的事情之一了。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 英语学习技巧

28. but they also focus on deeper, more important qualities that are beneficial to society.

但他们也关注比赛中所体现的更深层次,更重要的特质,那些有利于社会的特质。SpeakingMax英语口语达人 : 选美大会,很不错

29. A half-hour daily walk can be more beneficial than one hard bout of exercise a week.


30. Read All About Asset Allocation for beneficial information on how to divide you portfolio.

FORBES: Is Cosmo Directing Your Portfolio?

31. We estimate that over 70 of the buildings on the register are capable of beneficial re-use.

BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Listed buildings off 'risk' list

32. Getting back to the concept that there are good and bad fats, if we look at the left hand side here, is a table or a graphic showing the fats that tend to have beneficial impacts on health.

回到之前的观点,脂肪有坏有好,看向左边,这是个表格或者说图表,上面展示了对我们身体有益的脂肪关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

33. The future is online, so print editions are becoming archaic and far less beneficial.

FORBES: 3 Reasons Your Company's PR Strategy Needs A Revamp

34. So flash, you know, is going to be an incredibly beneficial architecture in the enterprise.

FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

35. Critical reviews probably anger some local businesses but are hugely beneficial to others in the community.

FORBES: The Greatest of All Internet Laws Turns 15

36. But if a farmer is given the opportunity to access and then makes a decision to buy, I think that's the real proof that this is something that's beneficial to them."

VOA : standard.2010.08.09

37. Stopping growth in tumors can be a very beneficial thing.

阻断肿瘤的生长是一件十分有益的事生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Brazilian firms need to realize that international partnerships are beneficial and help mitigate risks, he added.

WSJ: World Cup 2014, Brazil, Maracan? Stadium: Brazil's Rush to Get Ready for the World Cup

39. "In the observational studies we found that some of the B vitamins, like folic acid,were beneficial."

VOA : standard.2010.06.17

40. In terms of myself individually I can honestly say on the month of Ramadan, it's an experience on an individual level, it's very beneficial.

对于我自己,老实说,赖买丹月是一次,非常个人的经历,也非常的有益。人性课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

41. However, within that context, a minimum wage can serve a useful and beneficial role.

FORBES: Though Income Can't Be Legislated, Obama's Minimum Wage Hike Is Not A Bad Idea

42. Their primitive bombs may actually prove beneficial in preventing new wars on the Subcontinent.

CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Center for Security Policy | A New Skepticism on Arms Control, By James T. HackettThe Washington Times, 18 October 1999

43. According to Dr Vrtiska this has had a hugely beneficial impact on the birds.

BBC: Just quackers: Hunting decline lands ducks in the soup

44. In his article, Mr. Adkisson offers some beneficial advice for how to avoid a similar outcome.

FORBES: New Case Law on Asset Protection

45. In the right circumstances, debt and steroids in the right amounts can be beneficial.

FORBES: Weaning Ourselves from Economic Steroids - Excess Debt

46. Additionally, he says, the real world experience has been beneficial in taking the course.

CNN: The MBA entrepreneurs

47. This is beneficial, first of all, for Russians because they can sell their natural resource.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and President Lee Press Availability

48. H.K.Suh from the group Korean Americans for Peace said he believes a drawdown of U.S.troops everywhere, including on the dividing line between the two Koreas, would be beneficial to the United States.

VOA : standard.2010.03.20

49. The paper entitled "Is Crying Beneficial?"

VOA : special.2009.01.28

50. So when somebody is going to develop a healthy eating plan you can draw from a number of potentially beneficial structures.

如果有人想制定一个健康饮食计划,那么可以借鉴很多可能的有益饮食结构关于食物的心理学、生物学和政治学课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

51. Walking is extremely beneficial to your body shape.


52. That makes sense and it seems like getting rid of some of this division of regulatory agencies is very beneficial.

这样就变得更合理,也有利于解决两个不同的,监管机构的领域相相争问题。金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

53. Serving is beneficial to your community, but you get a lot out of volunteering, as well.

FORBES: LinkedIn Report: Claim Your Volunteer Hours on Your Profile




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miscarries的意思是:v. 流产;失败。miscarry的第三人称单数。学考宝为您提供miscarries是什么意思,miscarries的音标,miscarries怎么读,miscarries的翻译,miscarries的用法,miscarries的短语搭配,miscarries的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


beneficial的意思是:adj. 有益的,有利的;<法律>(与)权益(有关)的,有财产使用权的。学考宝为您提供beneficial是什么意思,beneficial的翻译,beneficial的用法,beneficial的短语搭配,beneficial的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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beneath的意思是:prep. 在……下方;在……表面之下,隐藏在……之下;(对某人来说)不够好,不相称;低于,次于 adv. 在下面,在底下。学考宝为您提供beneath是什么意思,beneath的翻译,beneath的用法,beneath的短语搭配,beneath的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


unbolting的意思是:v. 打开;取下(卸下)螺栓。unbolt的现在分词。学考宝为您提供unbolting是什么意思,unbolting的音标,unbolting怎么读,unbolting的翻译,unbolting的用法,unbolting的短语搭配,unbolting的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


compilatory的意思是:adj. 编纂的;编辑的。学考宝为您提供compilatory是什么意思,compilatory的翻译,compilatory的用法,compilatory的短语搭配,compilatory的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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