莫等闲,白了少年头,空悲切 因学习而成长,因学习而成熟





英 [baɪnd]play美 [baɪnd]play

  • v. 捆绑,系;包扎;使紧密联系;迫使,使负有义务(或责任);(使)凝结,(使)粘合;装订;给……镶边,给……滚边;(量词)适用于(给定的变量);(规则,语法条件)决定(共指名词词组)之间的关系;(食物,药品)使便秘
  • n. 窘境,困境;令人不快的事情;法律约束;连结线;蔓,藤
  • 【名】 (Bind)(德)宾德(人名)

复数 binds 第三人称单数 binds 现在分词 binding 过去式 bound 过去分词 bound

词典扩展 短语搭配 权威例句 实用例句


bind /baɪnd/ CET4 TEM4 [ binding bound binds ]

  • 1.
    及物动词 If something binds people together, it makes them feel as if they are all part of the same group or have something in common. 使结合

    It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.



    ...the social and political ties that bind the U.S. to Britain.


  • 2.
    及物动词 If you are bound by something such as a rule, agreement, or restriction, you are forced or required to act in a certain way. 约束

    All pharmacists are bound by the society's rules of confidentiality.



    The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects.


  • 3.
    形容词 受约束的

    The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking.


  • 4.
    及物动词 If you bind something or someone, you tie rope, string, tape, or other material around them so that they are held firmly. 捆绑

    Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.



    ...the red tape which was used to bind the files.


  • 5.
    及物动词 When a book is bound, the pages are joined together and the cover is put on. 装订

    Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth.



    Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.




  • adj.

    binding 有约束力的;捆绑的

  • n.

    binding 装订;捆绑;粘合物

    binder [胶粘] 粘合剂;活页夹;装订工;捆缚者;用以绑缚之物

    bindery 装订所;装订工场;平构数据库

    bindweed 旋花类的植物

  • v.

    binding 捆绑(bind的ing形式)



tie bind fasten 【导航词义:捆,绑】

tie v. 捆,拴

〔辨析〕 指用绳索等将人或东西绑住、拴牢,有时一端拴在固定的物体上,另一端仍可活动,常含受束缚、不自由之意。

例1: He tied his horse to a tree.


例2: Tie all your letters together with a ribbon.


例3: Many wives felt tied to housework.


bind v. [书] 捆,绑;结合

〔辨析〕 指使用带子、绳索、镣铐等把两个或更多的东西牢牢地捆绑起来,使它们紧靠在一起或成为一体;也指以责任、义务、婚姻、血统、友谊等为纽带使人们形成新的相互依存关系。

例1: They bound the child's hands.


例2: He designed a machine for binding up rice.


例3: John and Mary are bound by marriage.


例4: Their shared experiences helped to bind the two communities together.


fasten v. 系紧,拴牢,使固定

〔辨析〕 指将一端或两端固定住,但另一端或两端中间仍可活动,使用之物除绳、带以外,还可以是夹子、螺钉、钩子等。

例1: He fastened his seat belt.


例2: Why did they fasten the rope to a tree?


例3: Sort out these papers and fasten them together with a clip, please.



1. Go to Bind Pose 恢复骨头绑定 ; 回到初始绑定姿势 ; 恢复绑定姿势 ; 定位到绑定姿式

2. E-BIND 依拜 ; 渚濇嫓

3. Double Bind 双重束缚 ; 双重约束 ; 双重捆绑 ; 双倍结合

4. Rigid Bind 刚性蒙皮 ; 刚性绑定 ; 刚体绑定 ; 刚体蒙皮命令

5. Bind-Silane 亲和硅烷 ; 合硅烷

6. bind up 包扎;装订

7. in a bind adv. 处于困境

8. BIND VARIABLE 绑定变量 ; 变量绑定 ; 捆绑变量

9. bind on (用绳等)把…绑上

10. Bind Skin 绑定蒙皮 ; 绑定皮肤 ; 也叫皮肤绑定 ; 蒙皮


1. The Act implies certain conditions into consumer contracts that will bind manufacturers.


2. There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced.


3. The miser said, "Bind me fast, bind me fast, for pity's sake."


4. Realize to Bind Dynamic Data with Relation of One to Many on Web


5. The effort to bind states together may lead, instead a huge increase in frictions among them.


6. Guar gum can viscosify, stabilize, and emulsify water systems as well as bind moisture to itself.

瓜尔胶可增粘 、 稳定 、 乳化水体系并能够自身结合水分.《期刊摘选》

7. It is expensive to buy and a bind to carry home.


8. We have no official business to bind us.


9. Like many other agents that affect neuron firing, adenosine must first bind to specific receptors on neuronal membranes.


10. The Luxembourg-based satellite service is not bound by the same strict rules as the BBC...


11. Assist to arrange, bind and record the accounting vouchers.

协助整理 、 装订并登记会计凭证.《期刊摘选》

12. The blankets were bound with satin.


13. Pressure laid paper of crisp, spine of brittle when you plan to bind.

压纹纸性脆, 装订时书脊容易断裂.《期刊摘选》

14. If he chooses Mary it's bound to cause problems.


15. AHL could also bind hyaluronic acid, � � lactoglobulin, and bovine serum albumin by successively decreasing affinity.

AHL与 胃蛋白酶 、 β-乳球蛋白 、 牛血清清蛋白、透明质酸的结合受Me- Gal的强烈竞争抑制,亦受Me- ManD-GalRaf的抑制.《期刊摘选》

16. They bind the polyether ladder brevetoxins and ciguatoxin.


17. To bind into the service of another by indenture.


18. Angiopoietins bind to Tie 2, but only Ang 1 and Ang 4 could activate Tie 2 receptor.

血管生成素均可与Tie-2受体结合, 但只有血管生成素1和4可激活Tie-2受体.《期刊摘选》

19. The event is bound to attract wide press coverage.


20. This might give a clue to why those other atoms bind oxygen at different rates.

这可能使我们找到一条线索,去了解为什么这些铁原子以不同的速率同氧相结合.《英汉非文学 - 科技》

21. Treatment involves giving antidotes that Bind the lead in the tissues.


22. Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together.


23. Common interests bind us together.


24. Love doesn't attempt to bind, ensnare, capture.

爱从不捆绑束缚 、 设置陷阱 、 巧取豪夺.《期刊摘选》

25. Many things bind us ( together ).


26. Add an egg yolk to make the mixture bind.


27. Next you bind your controls.


28. That financial conjuring trick gets the G 20 out of a bind.


29. If he eats the cake, it could kill him; if he refuses it, it will make his wife angry and she will reject him: a double bind.


30. He did not consider himself bind by the agreement which was signed by his predecessor.


31. Each monoclonal antibody is designed to bind to a specific antigen on the cancer cell.


32. The rhizobia bind specifically to the root hair tip, attaching to special plant proteins called lectins.

根瘤菌特异性地结合在根须末端, 粘附在一种叫做凝集素的特殊植物蛋白之后进入根须.《期刊摘选》

33. The rear, however, did not bind or falter at full articulation.

在后方, 但是, 没有约束力或动摇充分阐明.《期刊摘选》

34. His comments were bound to attract criticism.


35. Bind resource references.


36. To bind data service results to properties of user interface controls.


37. Such a slogan will bind our hand and foot.


38. Why then does this enchantment still seem to bind me?'


39. Add an egg yolk to bind the mixture together.


40. It is set out in a legally binding protocol which forms part of the treaty.


41. The takeover of the company is bound to mean more job losses.


42. The different isozymes bind calcium ions with different affinities.


43. These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver.


44. Unlike marriage or the ties that bind parents and children, it is not defined or regulated by law.


45. To utter or bind oneself to ( an oath ).


46. The arbitrament is final and bind both parties.


47. The results suggest that AHL contains a site to bind O glycoside linkage.


48. The authorities will be legally bound to arrest any suspects...


49. Now bind the restless wave.


50. We are not bound by the decision.


51. Commercial real estate loans increased by 0.1 %, although the sector has been in a bind.

商业房地产贷款上升0.1%, 尽管该部门一直处于困境.《期刊摘选》

52. Due to the system, the investment budget bind softens, investment expands, and rate rigidity is unavoidable.

由于体制的原因, 投资的预算约束软化, 投资膨胀和利率刚性无法避免.《期刊摘选》

53. ...the social and political ties that bind the USA to Britain.


54. The trick is to bind the fiddly immediate business of reform to a bolder vision.


55. It's bound to be sunny again tomorrow.


56. Take him home and bind his wounds.


57. They also bind tightly to some of the TB P 450 enzymes and inactivate them.


58. Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg.


59. For the triad to bind the Mg2+, a pharmacophore bioisostere has to be ionized.

为了使三联体结合 Mg2+,必须电离药效团生物等位体。

60. She felt honour bound to attend as she had promised to.


61. In practice, how to combine incentive and bind mechanism is a difficult problem people care.

在实践中, 激励机制和约束机制如何有机结合,一直是人们关心的难点.《期刊摘选》

62. We need to bind the input to some input data.


63. Tidy, bind up and keep all financial documents in the archives.

对每月的会计档案进行整理 、 装订并归档.《期刊摘选》

64. Because officers are agents of the corporation, they have authority to bind the corporation.

由于高级职员是公司的代理人, 他们有权约束公司.《期刊摘选》

65. I am bound to say I disagree with you on this point.


66. She was bound to a chair.


67. Only press the start button for automatic punch and bind.


68. China's central bank is in a bind.


69. You cannot bind a man and a woman together to make them husband and wife.


70. Bind the mixture with the raw minced liver and cook for 3 minutes more.


71. Antigens provoke immune systems into creating antibodies that bind to them.


72. His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities.


73. I'll advance you the money for it, here and now, just to help you out of a bind.


74. She was bound over to keep the peace for a year.


75. Riboswitches may bind or occlude the Shine-Dalgarno sequence.

核糖开关可能会结合或封闭序列 AGAGG:核糖体结合位点。

76. They can bring us freedom in our relationships or bind us to them.


77. They also designed specific inhibitors ( small molecules ) which bind to the active site of human DDAH.

他们也设计了一个特殊的抑制物 ( 小分子 ),它可以结合在人类DDAH的活性位点上.《期刊摘选》

78. The agreement binds her to repay the debt within six months.


79. They bound his hands together.


80. He is going to bind up wheat stalks with straw rope.


81. Each has receptor molecules on its surface that Bind to a specific antigen.


82. These may bind to receptor molecules on the surfaces of cells.


83. When we started with the entire class, I showed the children how to bind the book by hand.


84. This announcement is bound to shake the confidence of the industry.


85. two volumes bound in leather


86. After completing Accountable Document Status Report monthly, bind up it and keep it in the archives.

每月完成控管文件情况报告后, 装订成册,存档.《期刊摘选》

87. She bound up his wounds.


88. This puts the politicians in a bind as to what course to take...


89. A detectable signal is emitted from the DNA spots where the proteins bind.


90. These changes are bound to have widespread social ramifications.


91. When antibodies encounter the pathogen, they bind to it, rendering it incapable of causing further harm.

抗体遇到病原体后能与之结合, 使其无法进一步危害机体.《期刊摘选》

92. Women are caught in a double bind, marginalized in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.


93. The company is bind by its article of association.


94. Binding connective tissue serves, as its name suggests, to bind body parts together.

粘合结缔组织, 顾名思义, 是用来把身体各部结合起来的.《辞典例句》

95. He was left bound and gagged (= tied up and with a piece of cloth tied over his mouth) .


96. As you can see, bind mounts are extremely powerful and make it easy to make modifications to your filesystem layout without any fuss.


97. It was bound to happen sooner or later.


98. Bind yourself to the mast.


99. Figure 8 shows you that the bind succeeded.


100. Each bead is coated with fluorescently labeled antibodies that bind to a particular microbe.


101. You're bound to be nervous the first time.


102. Hydrophobic lubricants ( eg, magnesium stearate ) may bind to the active drug and reduce its bioavailability.

忌水性润滑剂 ( 如硬脂酸镁 ) 可与活性药物结合而降低其生物利用度.《期刊摘选》

103. She thought that having his child would bind him to her forever.


104. Many studies showed that melanoidins possess significant antioxidant capacity active oxygen, antibacterial and bind flavor activeproperties.

大量的研究显示,食品类黑精具有明显的抗氧化、抗诱变、抗癌 、 抗菌以及结合风味物质等功能.《期刊摘选》

105. Rebuke Your enemy and shame him and bind all the evil spirits.


106. He was in too much of a bind to think of that.


107. Similarly, neither the treasurer nor the secretary can normally bind the corparation.

同样, 在正常情况下,无论财务主管还是秘书都没有约束公司的能力.《期刊摘选》

108. ...the red tape which was used to bind the files...


109. He schooled himself in chemistry and physics from the books he was learning to bind.


110. Nanodroplets of the microemulsion bind with nanoparticles of the nutraceutical or cosmetoceutical.


111. Such a traumatic experience was bound to leave its mark on the children.


112. Freedom is a tone that releases attachment, freeing oneself and others from all ties that bind.

自由是一个释放连接, 将自己或他人从所有束缚的捆绑中解放的音调.《期刊摘选》

113. To wrap or bind ( a rope, for example ) with twine to prevent unraveling or fraying.

包缝为防止脱线或磨损起毛边儿而用细绳包裹或缠绕 ( 如一条绳索 )《期刊摘选》

114. It is the memory and threat of persecution that binds them together.


115. Reasons to be hopeful include the WTO, and the treaties that bind its members.


116. Corporate officers may have apparent authority to bind the corporation.


117. The higher their capacity to bind at the receptors, the higher their ability to stimulate locomotion.


118. Love rules lacking a s express and bind lacking a cord.


119. Rather than merely a sign, it is the root from which we can trace back to our ancestor, the tie that helps bind us to other members of the same clan, the dignity most people hope to live for.


120. These may bind to receptor molecules on the surfaces of cells...


121. You've done so much work ─ you're bound to pass the exam.


122. Your education is bound to shape your world view.


123. PNA probes can bind to either single stranded DNA or RNA, or to double stranded DNA.

PNA探针可与单链RNA 、 DNA或双链的DNA结合.《期刊摘选》

124. He was bound over for trial.


125. Their refusal to sign the contract has put us in a bind.


126. Everyone's opinion is bound to be subjective.


127. Tenderer shall bind and seal the Tender separately.


128. You are bound by the contract to pay before the end of the month.


129. A: Would you bind the copies for me?


130. At present nobody understands why these three quarks which are in the proton are bound together...


131. ...a divine mixture of vegetarian cheeses bound with egg.


132. Planning and feedback processes bind goal and action to each other.


133. He had been bound to secrecy (= made to promise not to tell people about sth) .


134. Bind the ends of the cord together with thread.


135. CTf does not bind with human transferrin receptor on human placenta at physiological pH.


136. He and other biologists studying a wide variety of organisms have found that these particular RNA's direct, in large part, the synthesis of histones, a class of proteins that bind to DNA.

他和其他研究多种生物的生物学家发现,这些特殊的 RNA 在很大程度上直接影响组蛋白的合成,组蛋白是一类与 DNA 结合的蛋白质。

137. We were homeward bound at last.


138. The antibodies will bind to the glycophorin and cause the blood cells to coagulate.


139. Prepare and bind the SQC file from step 1.


140. Responsible for the daily financial bill's collecting, sort out, record, bind accountant document and so on.

负责财务日常账单的收集, 整理, 录入, 装订会计凭证等工作.《期刊摘选》

141. Set up security and bind security roles.


142. Each volume is bound in bright-coloured cloth...


143. Do not seek to bind other consciences, and do not permit others to bind yours.

不要试图约束别人的良心, 也不让别人来约束自己的.《期刊摘选》

144. The Chinese would bind the feet of their women.


145. More choice often puts consumers in a bind.


146. He's too bound up in his work to have much time for his children.


147. Neatly roll up and bind the open bamboo scroll you were reading.


148. Their business came from a few big publishers, all of whose books they bound.



1. "What is currently being discussed is that you would have a second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol, which doesn't currently include the United States, and then you would have a separate agreement which would bind the U.S.

VOA : standard.2009.11.06

2. Trigger never saves the day, because no congress has the authority to bind a future one.

FORBES: House GOP, You've Been Had

3. One class of them is beta-blockers, they bind to beta-adrenergic receptors, which are receptors that exchange information between your nervous system and the contractile system that beats your heart and that causes the heartbeat.

一类药物是β阻断剂,它们与β肾上腺素受体结合,这种受体能够在神经系统和,控制心跳的心肌收缩系统之间传递信息,从而产生心跳生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

4. Decisions are made through consensus, and the ties that bind people to the group are loose.

NEWYORKER: Small Change

5. The antibodies bind to the CTLA-4, found on a cell's surface, and shut off the brake.

FORBES: Magazine Article

6. This puts the politicians in a bind as to what course to take.


7. Plainly, Mr Assad is in a bind and cannot see how to wriggle out of it.


8. What's variable about them is that they bind to a specific antigen.

它们可变的原因是,它们需要结合不同的抗原生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

9. That would undoubtedly help lots of current borrowers who find themselves in a terrible bind.

FORBES: Entry Level Jobs That Pay $123,000?

10. It says, take this thing on the left and use it as a name to bind to the value on the right.

它意味着,把左边的对象,当做名字绑定到,右边的值上去。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

11. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a symbol on your forehead; inscribe them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.So love and loyalty to God is the foundation of the Torah but Torah is the fulfillment of this love and loyalty: studying it and observing it and teaching it and transmitting it.

也要系在手上为记号,戴在额上为经文,又要写在你房屋的门框上,并你的城门上,那么对上帝的爱和忠诚是律法卷的基础,但律法卷,是这种爱和忠诚的实现:学习它,观察它,教授它,传播它。旧约导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

12. The self-inflicted wound it too deep to bind, the bleeding too profuse to staunch.

FORBES: The Grand Old Republican Party Is Over

13. This puts retirees in a bind as money market rates are too low to live on.

FORBES: Markets Still Sending Warning Signals

14. This is an attempt to isolate and exclude, to sever the ties that bind peoples together.


15. It reveals maybe a little bit of the power and extravagance and glory that you feel in her poems but that she preferred always to restrain and bind and control in extraordinary ways, and not always to hide.

这可能显露出了她诗中所蕴含的,力量,铺张和骄傲,尽管她一直极力压制着,以及非凡的约束和自制,她并不总是隐藏这些。现代诗歌课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

16. So, these are receptors, for example, that bind the ligand and then liberate an enzyme which promotes some sort of reaction inside the cell, often it's kinases but doesn't have to be.

例如,这里是受体,与配体相结合,激活一种酶,这种酶能够催化细胞内的某些反应,这些酶通常都是激酶,但不全是生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

17. The new China-Russia partnership aims to bind the two countries in the energy field.

FORBES: Connect

18. Manufacturers typically dry mix it with other ingredients or loosely bind it to other materials.

FORBES: Salt: A Favorite Ingredient Gets A Molecular Makeover

19. You wrote: I grew up believing that ours was a country that try to stand for good in the world and that upheld the fundamental values that bind us together as a nation.

你写到:,在我的成长过程中,我一直都相信,“,我们的国家,在世界上是一个象征美好的国家,我们主张基本的价值观,这些价值将我们凝结成一个民族。国际座谈会课程节选 : 普林斯顿公开课

20. The biggest loser is of course women, who are caught in a double bind.

FORBES: The David Petraeus-Paula Broadwell Affair: The Danger Of Male Mentors?

21. the red tape which was used to bind the files


22. But I want you to see now what happens if I use this. Let's bind x to the value of 3.

但是我想你看看如果我这么用的话,会发生什么。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

23. RNA. It also has a part that likes to bind chemically to the appropriate amino acid.

ECONOMIST: Chemists are trying to synthesise new varieties of life

24. When we started with the entire class, I showed the children how to bind the book by hand.

这门课最开始的时候,我向孩子们展示了如何把书用绳子缝起来。媒体、教育、市场课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

25. Most cells in your body have insulin receptors so insulin is starting to bind to insulin receptors on those cells.

体内大多数细胞中都有胰岛素受体,胰岛素就开始与细胞上的胰岛素受体结合生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

26. Consider just the following passage from chapter 30, section 21. Hobbes writes: "For the use of laws, which are but rules authorized," he says, "is not to bind the people from all voluntary actions.

请大家想想30章第21部分,霍布斯的这段话:,法律的妙用,也即那些经君主授权的规章制度的用途,不是要约束人民,做那些他们本该做的事。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

27. Clinton and his team emphasize that WTO membership will bind Beijing to international rules of commerce.

CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | WTO: Anatomy of a WTO Deal

28. South Africa is ready." (OMITTED) "This World Cup is beginning to plant the seeds, serving as a glue to bind the nation."

VOA : standard.2010.06.07

29. Once the arsenic is in contact with the sulphur, it will bind to it.

FORBES: "Plastic Bottle" Filters Can Help Millions Poisoned by Arsenic-Contaminated Water

30. We could not bind the future even if we had a unity of vision today.

FORBES: U.S. Government: Too Big To Succeed?

31. They bind sometimes better than the natural ligand does, but they don't create the right biological reaction.

结合的比天然配体和受体的的结合更紧密,但不能产生相同的生物效应生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

32. In principle, most democratic nations have constitutions that bind the behavior of government officials.

FORBES: Four Reasons Bitcoin Is Worth Studying

33. Each Nobel Prize winner showed how ribosomes tie or bind with antibiotics.

VOA : special.2009.12.08

34. His fortune may have been made in the Gulf, but roots in Yilan still bind him.

FORBES: Arabia-Asia: Gulf Royal's Long-Distance Takeout

35. These plans will have little practical impact beyond leaving the Tories in a bind.

ECONOMIST: Gordon Brown's next six months

36. These compounds bind with genetic material in the liver.


37. It's part of what I want, because I'm going to bind those values out.

这是我想做的一部分,因为我想将这些值进行绑定。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

38. David Wasserman,an expert with the Cook Political Report in Washington, says the health care debate has put the president in a classic political bind.

VOA : standard.2009.09.28

39. But what Alexander and his successors did was they made sort of a conscious, propagandistic decision to use religious syncretism to bind together their kingdoms.

但是亚历山大和他的继业者所做的,是决定通过有意的政治宣传,用宗教融合,来维系他们的王国。新约课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

40. which I just did there, -mystring in fact, let me type it in-- mystring, with an equal sign, which is saying, assign or bind to that name the value of the following expression.

也就是这里我做的,实际上,让我输入,然后是个蹬好,意思就是说,把这个名字绑定到,后面表达式的值上去。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

41. Cultural groups that found effective ways to bind non-kin together out-competed groups that were less cohesive.

CNN: Why we love to lose ourselves in religion

42. the political ties that bind the USA to Britain


43. In many ways, this award is a symbol of the broader ties that bind our nations.

WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at 2012 AIPAC Policy Conference

44. Many steroid hormones act because they bind to cellulars - to receptors that are deep within the cell, often inside the nucleus.

许多类固醇激素能够起效是因为,其与存在于细胞内部的受体相结合,这类受体通常在细胞核内生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

45. Central banks are gearing up to fight the fight, but they're in a real bind.

FORBES: Magazine Article

46. So, it doesn't need to bind to a receptor on the surface of the cell in order to work because the molecule can actually enter the cell directly.

所以无需与细胞表面受体相结合来起效,因为这些分子能直接进入细胞生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

47. Even 100, 000 is nothing more than a small bind to get into the smartphone game.

FORBES: Is The Only Way To Beat Android To Use Android?

48. From a technological perspective, antibodies are incredible tools because antibodies are molecules that are specifically designed to bind to a particular antigen or a particular chemical.

从技术角度上来说,抗体是一种令人难以置信的分子,它们被设计来,特异性地结合抗原,或者某种化学物质生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

49. Where were the chains and ropes that police say were used to bind those three women?

CNN: Inside Cleveland's haunted house

50. The ties that bind them together are loosening.


51. Andress-Tobiasson said the evidence was enough to bind Drayton over to state court for trial.

NPR: Flavor Flav Felony Case Headed For Trial In Vegas

52. Governments need to bind themselves to credible fiscal rules that provide incentives for good behaviour.

ECONOMIST: Britain had a bad summit, but the euro zone had a worse one

53. Deloitte's best hope for getting out of its bind lies in a rapprochement between policymakers.

ECONOMIST: A dreadful choice: whether to annoy America or China

54. There are proteins, for example, on the surface of some cells that bind insulin and respond to the presence of insulin.

比如说蛋白,有些细胞表面上的蛋白,捕获胰岛素并且对胰岛素进行应答生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

55. Takes a start and an end point, just going to bind local variable names start and end to those pieces.

有一个开始和结束点,就是去把局部的变量的名字,和这些点进行绑定。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

56. "It's going to turn around and bind to other RNAs, physically bind to them, in a way that will then determine whether those other RNAs get made into protein or not."

VOA : standard.2010.04.05

57. Sports bind us to each other and to places in time like few events can.

FORBES: Bin Laden's Death Puts NFL Labor Talks In Proper Perspective

58. So, they bind to the receptor - they occupy the receptor so now the natural ligand can't enter it but they don't create the same sequence of biochemical events.

因此,它们与受体结合,它们占据了受体,这样配体就进不来了,但这种结合无法诱发,真正的配体所能诱发的生化反应生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

59. Iron bars embedded in the masonry would bind the two together, like hoops around a barrel.

FORBES: Dome of the Brave

60. It's just this double bind of vocation that's the subject of Sonnet VII, "How soon hath Time." That's the sonnet in which Milton laments the fact that he has turned twenty-three years old and has yet produced nothing that would indicate a shining poetic future.

第七篇十四行诗的主题就是这种职业窘境,“时间过得多快啊,“弥尔顿在这首诗里表达了,对自己都快23岁却没创作出什么,可以显示出他卓越天赋的诗的哀伤。弥尔顿课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

61. You then denature again, each one of these strands gets separated, primers bind, turn on the polymerase, a new strand is made.

然后你可以再次使产物链变性,使各链解旋,再结合引物,激活聚合酶,再生成新链生物医学工程探索课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

62. This double bind creates a barrier that keeps many women from the top.

FORBES: Do Women Fear Power and Success?

63. solve1 I'm going to use solve 1 as before, but now I'm going to bind out three variables.

我还是用以前的,但是现在我要绑定三个变量。计算机科学及编程导论课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

64. And if we think about the six hydrogens, now each of those are going to bind by combining one of the carbon hybrid orbitals to a 1 s orbital of hydrogen.

如果我们考虑有六个氢原子,每个都会合起来,碳杂化轨道成键,每个氢的1s轨道。化学原理课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

65. Its people's shared detestation of Arab northerners will no longer be enough to bind them together.

ECONOMIST: South Sudan





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