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one way or the other是什么意思_one way or the other怎么读_one way or the other的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句


one way or the other

one way or the other

网络 不管怎样;总要有一个办法

英 [wʌn weɪ ɔː(r) ðə ˈʌðə(r)]play 美 [wʌn weɪ ɔːr ðə ˈʌðər]play

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1. A General Election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other.


2. Determine when your trend is changing one way or the other.


3. Most sites aren't an extreme of one way or the other, with 90% information or interaction and only 10% the converse.


4. Dante: It doesn't matter to me one way or the other.


5. All pieces, classical or pop, one way or the other, end on the tonic.


6. You don't seem to care one way or the other about this guy.

你看上去根本不关心这个人的任何东西。《provided by jukuu》

7. "It may be skewed one way or the other, based on their advertisements," he said.


8. I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.


9. They needed to be aroused one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad .

他们需要以这样或那样的方式被鼓动,但他们更愿意听到好消息而非坏消息。《高考真题- 2016 全国3卷 阅读D》

10. So we're just making things up, one way or the other, to relieve the tension.


11. They needed to be aroused one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad ones.


12. They'll tell me to check one way or the other.


13. She felt as if she would like this thing to be settled one way or the other.


14. There is a question which finally has to be answered, one way or the other.


15. I don't care one way or the other.

你留不留胡须我都无所谓。《provided by jukuu》

16. You know pretty well everyone here, one way or the other.


17. We'll let you know one way or the other next week.

我们一定下星期给你答复。《provided by jukuu》

18. A clear sign one way or the other.

一个清楚的标示去这边还是那边。《provided by jukuu》

19. We've got to make our decision one way or the other.


20. They'll tell me to check one way or the other.


21. Marriage is a decision that will change your life, one way or the other.


22. I-I really don't care one way or the other.


23. B: I don't mind one way or the other. A: I know.


24. It makes no difference to me one way or the other.


25. We will never know one way or the other which exact moment landed us in the one we live.


26. If it breaks the rules, it will feed suspicions in China that, one way or the other, its rise will be denied.


27. She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.


28. You have to be motivated all the time by one way or the other.


29. B: I don't mind one way or the other. A: I know.


30. Life has been in one way or the other a roller-coaster ride for everyone.


31. If the answer turns out to be no, it's going to take some sustained argument to settle it one way or the other.


32. Her personal appearance did not affect him one way or the other.

她的来到既不使他高兴也不让他恼火.《英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹》

33. And CAT did not care one way or the other.


34. Temperament loads the evidence for him one way or the other.


35. We've got to make our decision one way or the other.


36. I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other.


37. I don't give the guy a thought one way or the other.

我对那家伙完全没想法。《provided by jukuu》

38. It was the accumulation of these small choices that seemed to gradually tip their lives one way or the other.


39. And we earned it, one way or the other.


40. One way or the other, here in houston.

不管怎样,就在休斯顿的这里。《provided by jukuu》

41. I have no information one way or the other, but I would rather he do it than not do it


42. I want it, one way or the other.

我想要回来,不管怎么样。《provided by jukuu》

43. It would be hard to find a person who is neutral, or simply doesn't care one way or the other.

很难找到一个中立的人,或者对两种看法都不在乎的人。《中考真题- 2015 沈阳 阅读D》

44. So far, there is little proof one way or the other.


45. But one way or the other, it's not bothering me.

但是不管怎样, 这不会叫我为难的.《互联网》

46. Then whatever else was in the drip wore off, and I didn’t feel much about the garden one way or the other.

接着点滴里的其他药劲儿也都过去了。 于是那个花园在我眼里再也没什么感觉了。

47. Eg. We all face peer pressure one way or the other.


48. The concubine has to die one way or the other.


49. We've got to make our decision one way or the other


50. A general election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other.


51. You're gonna play ball one way or the other.

你在这儿就得遵守这边的规矩。《provided by jukuu》

52. Most of us have a little of both in us, but lean one way or the other.


53. That'll make people open their mouths and say something one way or the other.


54. You know pretty well everyone here, one way or the other.


55. A General Election will be held which will seal his destiny one way or the other


56. We all face peer pressure one way or the other.


57. One way or the other, this crazy journey would be over.


58. I think he maybe got him out of the picture , one way or the other.

我想他可能用什么办法使路加在当前的斗争中置之度外了. ”《教父部分》

59. Many more of them are about money, in one way or the other, than about love.


60. Either kill the tiger or be killed by him& one way or the other.


61. We could meet today or tomorrow—I don't mind one way or the other.


62. There are shy extraverts and outgoing introverts. Most of us have a little of both in us, but lean one way or the other.



1. Next time it should jump one way or the other, though preferably forwards.

ECONOMIST: The making of a president

2. All of us have been waiting to hear one way or the other what was going to happen.

WSJ: Ryan Braun, Milwaukee Brewers Slugger, Says 'Truth Prevailed' - MLB

3. We -- no significance one way or the other to draw from that.

CNN: Transcript: Spokesman Bakaly on delivery of Starr report

4. She said she didn't feel strongly one way or the other about the Supreme Court ruling.

WSJ: Conn. court: Lawyers can't be sued for fraud

5. But people, in general, are not systematically biased one way or the other about the future.

FORBES: My Lord Skidelsky Doesn't Seem To Know His Economics

6. It turns out everything around us moves energy around in one way or the other If you're a biological system, you're burning calories, burning ATP.

我们周围的一切物质,都以这样那样的方式传递着能量,如果你是一个生物系统,你会燃烧卡路里,燃烧。热力学与动力学课程节选 : 麻省理工公开课

7. One way or the other, the IRS seems likely to get all its money eventually.

FORBES: IRS Drafts News Corp. And Mets To Collect Darryl Strawberry's Tax Debts

8. Regardless, it would seem that the IRS should have known one way or the other.

FORBES: Your Money Or Your Life - Which Can You Deduct ?

9. Quite, nothing very much ethical one way or the other about it at all.

FORBES: Has Apple Become More Ethical Since Steve Jobs' Death A Year Ago?

10. That environment, that universe, of applications will help to swing some buyers one way or the other.

FORBES: Kindle Fire Exciting Interest in Android Developers

11. What makes the decision one way or the other is the relative expense of each method.

FORBES: Links 7 Dec: Apple's Mac Manufacturing Returns: But What About The Jobs?

12. But he sounds like he plans to get there eventually, one way or the other.

WSJ: Eyeing a Stunning Milestone

13. In a close election, this could help turn the tide one way or the other.

FORBES: Keep An Eye On Seniors

14. But outside Scotland, constitutional reform arouses little excitement one way or the other.

ECONOMIST: Things will have to get better

15. Under Mr Assad, Syria is unlikely to commit itself one way or the other.


16. Ms Livni says she wants a quick decision one way or the other by her prospective partners.


17. We do not overreact, one way or the other, to any specific piece of economic data.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jay Carney,

18. There are a lot of different things that they could find one way or the other.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing by Deputy Press Secretary Josh Earnest

19. So if I did reason that way, and chose Beta, I'm not going to affect your choice one way or the other.

所以就算我这么推理了我选了β,但这些不会影响你的选择和你的推理博弈论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

20. But this can be enough at the margin to tip the balance one way or the other.

ECONOMIST: Further to fall? | The

21. Mr. LEE: Well, I'm not sure if I think it's one way or the other.

NPR: Folk-Soul Singer Amos Lee in Concert

22. Addendum: In case anyone asks, I have no personal interest in Arena one way or the other.

FORBES: Arena's Obesity Drug Will Never Be A Blockbuster No Matter What The FDA Does

23. One way or the other it doesn't-- it all comes out to the same thing.

不管是哪种方式,最终结果都是一样的金融市场课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

24. Well, the other guy has got people -- I should have mentioned on the sidelines, one way or another, shooting arrows at you, throwing javelins at you, things like that.

好,对方会有人 --,我应该讲过,在侧面,从各种不同的角度,向你射箭,向你投标枪,等等古希腊历史简介课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

25. We're gonna get it done in three days, one way or the other we're gonna get it done.

CNN: The story

26. It is fair to argue whether the balance should be tilted a touch one way or the other.

ECONOMIST: Liberty v security

27. There are problems and we'll have to get around them one way or the other.

BBC: Funding worries for boxer Barnes

28. "So there's a big question mark,". "Who is responsible for such a heavy increase of production and export of the narcotics, because all of the areas where this cultivation is underway are controlled by NATO forces in one way or other?" Akhonzadeh said this reality cannot be ignored and called for new ideas,strategies and methods to tackle the problems of Afghanistan.

VOA : standard.2009.03.27

29. All this has left investors unwilling to make heavy bets one way or the other.

WSJ: Investors Seek Clarity From People's Bank of China

30. It will decide one way or the other on antidumping policy toward China.

FORBES: Soured U.S.-China Relationship Approaches Inflection Point

31. Of course, a greatly improved economic performance doesn't necessarily steer the votes one way or the other.

BBC: Growing pains and Scotland's future

32. It was natural for terms of daily life, or of government, to pass one way or the other.

ECONOMIST: A plain mans appeal for finds

33. All pieces, classical or pop, one way or the other, end on the tonic.

所有乐曲,无论是古典或流行,无论用什么办法,都终止在主音上聆听音乐课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

34. One way or the other, Speaker of the House Denny Hastert will be voted out of power tomorrow.

FORBES: Go, Hastert, Go!

35. One way or the other, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be brought to justice by these decisions.

WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing

36. And in two remaining areas, progress was too mixed to be characterized one way or the other.

NPR: White House Releases Iraq Report

37. If the answer turns out to be no, it's going to take some sustained argument to settle it one way or the other.

如果答案是否定的,它将需要更有力的论据,去证明出个所以然死亡课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

38. Plato seems to believe that each of us must choose somehow, must choose between one or the other of these two contenders for the most serious and worthwhile way of life.

柏拉图似乎相信,我们每个人都应选择,必需在这两种竞争概念中,做出选择,以求得严谨及值得过的人生。政治哲学导论课程节选 : 耶鲁公开课

one way or the other是什么意思_one way or the other怎么读_one way or the other的用法_翻译_短语搭配_权威例句




breast的意思是:n. 乳房;胸部,胸脯;心情,内心 v. 登上……的顶部;挺胸顶着……;与……搏斗,迎……而上。学考宝为您提供breast是什么意思,breast的翻译,breast的用法,breast的短语搭配,breast的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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rhetorician的意思是:n. 雄辩家;修辞学者。学考宝为您提供rhetorician是什么意思,rhetorician的翻译,rhetorician的用法,rhetorician的短语搭配,rhetorician的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


Brazil的意思是:n. 巴西(拉丁美洲国家)。学考宝为您提供Brazil是什么意思,Brazil的翻译,Brazil的用法,Brazil的短语搭配,Brazil的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


rhetorically的意思是:adv. 讲究修辞地;在修辞学上。学考宝为您提供rhetorically是什么意思,rhetorically的翻译,rhetorically的用法,rhetorically的短语搭配,rhetorically的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


judiciousness的意思是:n. 明智。学考宝为您提供judiciousness是什么意思,judiciousness的翻译,judiciousness的用法,judiciousness的短语搭配,judiciousness的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


brand的意思是:n. 品牌,商标;(独特的)一种,一类;(动物身上标明所属的)烙印,火印;独特的个性,自成一格的形象;燃烧的木头,烧焦的木头;<古>(打印用的)烙铁;火炬,剑 v. 打烙印于(牲畜,以标明所属);给……冠以恶名,谴责;给……设计品牌,加商标于;铭刻,铭记 【名】 (Brand)(英、美、德、瑞)布兰德(人名)。学考宝为您提供brand是什么意思,brand的翻译,brand的用法,brand的短语搭配,brand的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


branchy的意思是:adj. 枝繁的;多枝的。学考宝为您提供branchy是什么意思,branchy的翻译,branchy的用法,branchy的短语搭配,branchy的权威例句等查询,让您轻松学单词。


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